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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 Jul 1908, p. 11

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’OR g0 goods. 18 PES . W8 m) ()0 pre- u'ufly nr Whizkvy all Quart rates. 91:12., 1 agents or agency for 'oronto. l9 Steamer- ance) ‘vn t I try ’oronto FIED INE LSONI ‘ Vellihgton I making is not our md cheap. buses. but rices. glasses. BS I. than rat'uud re} Lind“, its replaced madv .S'I‘ Mr. John Kelly. .3 old M60!“ 0! this town. is another 0min who has been such {or W m. yesterday's celobmflon m the Wm score hi In: I "My 12- Mr. Kony cu: County of Down. Itch!!! w. wnuma' rink rm- Im not! by all medicine (I aim or“ hymn“ Miss Eva Dennis, Amhersts. N.S., Says : "Dr. Will‘i'ams' Pink Pills have done meaworld of good. I was rompletely run down, was very pale, (‘usily tired and sufl‘ered from fire- q'uvnt severe headaches. Thong}? I trial many medicipes I got. nothing m dome theleaat good until I be- H'un using: Dr. Williama’mnk Pills. l-lxon the first box of these seemed to hvlp mo. and after taking a. half (108-; on home I mm min a strong. hmlthy gh‘l. I have not. MW ill- nvss since. but would 1 min '9“ run down Dr. Wllea’ Pink PM)! “ill hn my only medicine. and I utmmfly nscommond than to every math and ailing cm. “MK MN mung flfl. Unhealthy girlhood is bound to lead to unhealthy womanhood and a. life, of misery. Nothing by the blood- building qualities of -Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills can save a, girl when she undertakes the trials and tasks of womanhood. That .is the time when nature makes new demands .upon the blood supply. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually makes new, rich 'buood: which meets those new demands with ease. In this simple sden-tific way Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills fill a girl with overflowing health and stmg'bh. Healthy glrlhaod is .the only path to heal-tiny womanhood. The. merging at girlhood into womuhoed lays a new tax upon the blood. It is the» overtaxing of the scanty blood sup: ply that. makes 31-0me girls :3qu from all those headaches. backachea and launches-411 that. palaces. languor, ‘deepondeacy and constant. it! health. ‘I‘HFI nwon SUITE? MUST BE KEPT RICH. BED AND PURE- “LOUD MEANS GOOD HEALTH. flow Weak Girls May Grow Into Strong Women Mr. George Graham rs building a: large kitchen and woodshed to his Mr. Richmond Hog-g returned from British Columbia last Tuesday. Mrs. Cully and son, of 'Gooderham, passed through Minden must week. Mr. Soward with his wife and fam- ily are spending a. couple :of weeks at Killarney cottage on Gull Lake. The citizens and Orangemen of Mn. had] den turned out in large numbers on put Monday to celebrate the day at Kim M, mount. Although the morning was . attea 110‘ xery promising the afternoon stitt was everything to be deSired, and an i day. appeared to have a jolly time. Mr Miss Ida Noice has been holidayâ€" dang ing at Gull Lake. the : On Sunday evening the Omgemen Mi: marched to the Methodist church. acco; The evening being wet prevented Beas many from going, but there Was in lady’ the neighborhood of thirty :in the Mr parade. dang Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grazelle, of Hall’s Lake, were in town “last Mon- day. .-.- -vw -\I“. 1V. “to N'I orday a celebration «swam aurd score he has mm on P 12 Mr Kouy cum from the fly 0: Down. Ireland. Mrs. H. McLellan arrived last week to spend the summer gt her summa cottage on Gull Lake. . Hidden, July 13.â€"’Miss Mabel Steinkrauss is the guest of her sis- ter, Maggie. Mr. Robt. Ranson, of Lindsay, has been visiting in this vicinity. Summet Visitors at Mmde; ~Accident' in Sa“ Mrs. M. Loucks, of Donald, awom‘ panied by her five children, is Visit- ing at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sawyer. THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1909 lightning. Mr. '1‘. J. mm. load manor of the Bell Mphou 00.. M Io:- Wr- tle sumo tu- nominc to viowtho mult. u tbs «mono ~mm1 was located in the atom Mr Baacock is ‘ brown-hwy of Col. ‘ 1mm AMTLE. A curious an ooournd M. We station cuiy thin morning whntho atom Mancini to En'Ju. Smooch: wall tohiiy dutroyvd hy am Now nutieuim m to had. but. it‘ is believed am the building. which was t m cm. m which by hem. young.» dough“:- ot Mr. and Mn. John Vanctono, of Hart- 10y. to Neil MoKinnon, of Inky. DAVIDSONâ€"BALDWIN.â€"In Lind- my. Jun; 1‘. by 30v. 0. E. Hush at the homo or the own. Rabat 1x. mwdnou. at Toronto. no Stol- la. Baldwin. 0! mm. «name-ES" MILLERâ€"GRAHAMâ€"At the Queen- st. parsonhge, by Rev. J. R. Real, on Wednesday, July 7th, 1909.1 Mr. Henry Miller, of the township of Emily, to Miss Nettie Graham,| of the township of Gavan. ‘ McKINNONâ€"V'ANSNNDâ€" At the! Methodist parsonage, Woodflllorozx Wednesday. July 7, Elizabeth A!- MARSHALL.â€"In Lindsay, on July 12. 1909., to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Marshall, Wifl'iam-st. north, 3 son. MANNINGrâ€"On July 4, to Mr. am Mrs. J.. E. Manning, Detroit, Mich IIRTHS GREENEâ€"In Lindsay. on July '9, to Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe, William-st, south, a son. Mr. Waiter Travis is with *us again after being in the west. People an over this part rnaam to be coming the mining lbwr pretty bonus}. Depams 91’ gold. silver and mica. are ng fuund in all directing; We predict big things and mm “times fer Equip!" and vielnm in the near future. RICH F‘I‘NES HAVE BEEN “BOAT- (ED N EAR HOTSPUR. Birthsafiro Mr. and Mn. Jumes MeNue, a, daughter. a 8011. Mr. A. Pritchard, who has ban in British Columbia, for the last year, returned to Minden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hartle, of Fame- lon Falls, are the guests of his un- cle, Mr. D. J. Hartle this week, The two MiSS Waltons, of Toronto. are visiting with their sister, firs. Wm. Bate. friends in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hartle and daughter, Gertrude, returned from Toronto on Saturday evening. Miss Annie Gostling, of .Toronto, accompanied by her friend, Miss Beasley, are visiting at the former lady’s parents at Buskong Mrs. Taylor and her son and daughter, of Oakville, are spending the summer in linden. A very painful accident happened } yesterday in Mr. St-inson’s mill here. {Mn 1). Stevens, one of the mill 1 hands, was down below putting on a belt and in some manner his hand slipped and was caught in a. pulley. lie was immediately taker} .to the doctor’s oflice, but the doctog being absent, Mrs.'Boyce, his sister. dress- ed the cut. His hand was tom so badly that ten stitches had to be; put in it. 1 Mr. Mark Rogers, who has been‘ attending the Lindsay Collegiate In-‘ stitute, returned home on Satur-l MILL-AN. â€"-In Lindsay. on July ,to Br and Mrs. J W McMillan dwelling which is making qujta an improvement. MINING FEVER Sawyer is visiting with choeee waa encased 19 a. shoot ircn covering! quite a numbor within; a much n 3200 pounda. but. this m the law- utonoitomuckhd. 1th».- a tank which in km mom to m- mn a hit-ton about. but to-dn the monster damn w W out- side tho tut by emu pouring the molten liquid over it. After the airtight liquid had cooled. the Utlco. N.Y.. July 8.â€"A locu cold atoms! mom comm -to-dny shippod to Oblooco mt la bollovod to ho. tho lot-soot choooo ovu- made. It- might .m 1.950 pounds. It took obout tII': tom 0! null: to pro- duoo lt. no it no pro-0d lhto‘ alum by u Inch": constructed press by h Lowlllo ohoooo " footory. whom it won bought by tho Ohlmo am through tho cold otorm com I I The many Lindsay friends of Miss ‘Bruce will be pleased to know that the Lindsay Board of EduCation has secured her to teach in Lindsay on the Public school staff. Miss Bruce will commence her duties at the commencement of the next term. LARGEST CHEESE EVER MADE. men. Mr. Bruce is well known in Lindsay, having attended the Col- legiate Institute. Principal Scott, of’ the Toronto Normal School, announced Thurs- day that Miss Amy I. Bruce, of Valentin, Ont, wins this year’s Governor-General’s medal for the Toronto Normal school. The class numbered 215, of whom 12 were WON M EDAL. The mperties are owned by a. syndicate, which ‘haa employed Mr. Tamblin to supervise the mining o! Mr. Tamblin ways he has met with splendid success and made some very encouraging and: rot mica. and iron. and also acid and copper to some extent. LINDSAY STUDENTS AT NORMAL The names of the saucmful Limb any and Victoria county students at» mum}; the Peterbom Normal school who have obtained Minutes. are as follows : Mis- fiargaret Mes Geough. Miss My BMth. Miss Mary Pepper. and Misses Int-y L. McCon~ non, Omunee: Elk H. Mucdonald. Lornewnle: Mia B. Nukes. Oakwood and Lily J. Wannabe, Woodvule. The young: ladies are a» be eomtuluw on their success. MIOA IN HALIBIID‘R‘PON. Mr. Robert Tmmm. Petnrboro. mu turned yesterday Itrom Haliburton. where he has bun prospecting tor the past two Mn in the vicinity or Gaoderhm. The bookkeeper is also minus her purse, which was in the till end which contained a small amount of change. It 'is supposed that some person acquainted gith the layout and the surrounding of the building committed the burglary. It appears that the burglars. gainâ€" ed entrance through one of the sec- ond storey windows. A lady living next door stated that this morning about four o'clock she heard some unusual noise in the store, and also outside the store, but thought no- thing more about it until she was told that the post office had been robbed . ome 103m: been tampered 'with, but evidently the burglars wene amateurs at the business, as the safe Was untouched. Mr. Pascoe entered his store this morning he was very much sur. prised to diséover that some person .or persons had been there before him "and on further investigation he found out that the post oflice till had been robbed, and seven or eight dollars in loose change, andalange number of stamps missing. He quick- ly inspected the safe to see if it had wood, which is situated in Pascoe Bros.’ store, was entered by burg- lars Monday or early this morn- ing, the till being rifled and a large quantity of stamps purloined. Robbery at Oakwoe Th comm bu supp“! post office department at Oak- Postoffice 1 Them In: no look 0! decorations. From ohnoot ovary hon-o Md hust- neu plooo on tho mun «not were am and sadly colored hunting din. ployod. and the Union Jock or the Royal Standard were 651118 from various flagpolos. The crowd won a happy one and thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings of the day.- ' day opened with violent thunder- etorme,,but thle did not dampen the Orange epirit in the least. and every epeciel trein bore ite quote. The rein did not last long end on the whole the day wee e perfect one for the 219th eehbretlon oi the Battle of the Beyne. end it ie the gonorel eoneeneue oi opinion thet the Orange perede will real: u one of the moat eueeeeeiul in the hietery oi eimiler prooueione in the eurrounding die- triete. From the moment the bre- thren oi the crease end blue'ewunc into line et 1.80 o'clock. \mtll tho eloelng oi the eelehretieh. there wee not en untewerd incident to met the eelehretlea. kg in by special trains from various points. They brought their friends with them and “it is estimated that. fully 15,000 people took in the “Glofiou: Twelfth." and in spite of somewhat unfavorable weather con~ ditions earlier in the day. Port Hope had what will long be remem- bered as a record “ Twelfth." ' The d'ULY 12 AT PORT HOPE. Port Hope, July 12.-â€"A force of 8.000 Orangemen. Young Britons. Loyal Tf-ue‘ Blues, Prentice Boys and other branches of those orders ‘in- vaded the town this morning. com- SELLING KINRAD’E HOUSE. Negotiations are under way for the sale of the Kim'ade home at 105 Kahuna-at” Hamilton. The price is believed '00 be 865000. ‘ JULY 12 AT PORT HOPE. More 3mm has naurod in many wobra'tioua in thin country as wall find has whom the Oman» principles as falflzfu‘lfly betwou: the Twelfth m: on that glorious day itself. “the veteran Gunman can mol- loot celebration: la tho good old days 06 he put. 'l‘ho bum ol‘ Dolly's Buys ml hush: wlfllln a. low mllu of whore he lormerly llvod ln Im- laml. He was a. small boy at. that. time but «ill dlnblnctly remunbon m oocurmce. Euler Martin and three of his sons were In the church panda. Three you were in a. parade at Port Hope Monday. and three more can: out welt. mm In dm‘mt procu- flom. ‘ "The best turnout I ever saw in Lindsay." .said the Major this morn- ing to the Warder, "Was on Sunday last when the load lodge paraded to the church. It was splendid." and was a. mere boy when first he joined the Orange colors. His moth- er lodge was Lower Iveigh and was the banner lodge in the banner Or- ange county. There are forty-seven lodges in that district and 253 in the county. any mounted horseman or vehicle, it shall be the duty of the engine driver to stop the engine, and in SERGT.-MAJOR MARTIN. every reasonable way to assist such _ mounted horseman or the person in One of the 01d Stalwartsâ€"GO Years charge of such vehicle, to pass the An Orangeman. engine. The judge of the county Saga-Major Martin has been for court of the county within which the sixty years an Orangi'man. Monâ€" municipality is situated may make day was the;sixtieth anniversary of (when the municipal corporation ap- his first Orange march, and very few pm“ to him)‘ 0“ refuse an order tO‘ share the distinction with the (rm-[Prevent 0' regulate the running 0‘ (ngines upon certain streets." The chief constable is suggesting to the town council that no trac- mean veteran. He was born in the heart of Or- angeism, in County Down, Ireland, not day. a bloodwesue! burst in in mm. .Hefeutothemd.‘ul One of the Orllliu heavy stickers al- aooocunduhomoroIDidxy Gray. In the evening a dainty reput was served by Mrs. McGuhey and the la- dloa present. At the conclusion of the repnt dancing wu indulged in by the young people pment. VALENTIA BEAT ORILLIA. The Valenti: Nichol! mm. what am 0! the Hulpon meall League. nought honorn abroad “Im- day and phyod : some at Oril. m. They won by the Icon 019% 6. ad land 5 good um Into the burg-la. on well u a good time. The m w not Matty Vdcntla plum- m. u m Vic. swam Md to pick out phyon not balancing to we Van“: bun. ow to thohct tint alljoHIiu Mmfiuoouldnot got any. The lecture at the cam The framework of a commodious barn was erected Tuesday afternoon on the farm of Mr. Jas. McGahey, four miles north of DOWneyville. The new structure. which is 45 x 60 feet in dimension will, when com- pleted, be one of the most modern burns in the county. Over 200 la- dies and gentlemen, from all parts of the county were present, includ- ‘ing n number from Lindsay. The contmtor. Mr. J. W. Han- cock. come in for considerable praise for the masterly manner in which he conducted the raising. the huge structure being erected without 0. hitch. The Moihodint church which vm burned at Hniihurton some time no will not be rebuilt this your. Rev. G. H. Manning. oi Petal-hora, necro- tery or the Minionnry Society of the Methodist church. hnd Rev. J. P. Wilson. of the Cambridge-at. Metho- dist church. were in that village on ‘Thurldny and considered ndviaibil- ity of rovhuilding the church. At present those of the Methodist de- nomination in that vicinity are wor. shipping at the Pretbyterien church (or which there is no minister at present. Both denominations will worship at the same church {or the balance of the year. DOWNEYVILLE BARN RAISING. WILL NOT REBUILD. Thu town steam roller is included In the utmry of traction engine and the chm wlll we to It um n man with a red flag or light goes ahead of the roller whoa it in in operation. Another regulation states. that no traction engine at any time must travel at a greater speed than six miles an hour end the speed limit in going through a city, town or village in three miles an hour. The chief constable is suggesting to the town council that no trac- tion engines ,be allowed to pass along Kent-st. in future, the numb- er of business houses having their rigs tethered on the streets war- rants such action. The chief will do his utmost to see that the law is respected, and can. upon the county constables to report any in- fractions of this act. In View of the large number of traction engines With threshing out- fits passing around the country, the Chief of Police would call the atten- tion of owners to the following clauses and regulate tlie use of trac- tion engines on highWays . " No en- gine shall be run through a city“ 1town or village unless a messenger is sent at least fifteen and not more than thirty rods in advance, carry-6' ing a red flag by day and a bright red light by night. In case of any difliculty, or the prospect of any difficulty in the meeting or passing of an engine upon the highway ~by Traction Engines on ‘ the Public'flighways tho donated pitch“ not being 0.: his beat-1n the gum. ‘11:. mm m u follows: 0mm. Rolioi-uon. Junet mu Concord; hum. any ad Hicks. nag innings wet‘e plo- ed. The Vdenti; Diw- ”comm- lod the SW Ichoolplcnic from Lindsay Bicycle Gen- enl Reptir Work: Hug Poo: puma; Wedn all kind: of repairing on Farm Mmhinoryâ€"creun captu- tou. binder knotten. horse clip- per: shut-pence! equal to new. Imp in magma Bicycle. Farmers Attention Very low rates. fast time. via attrac- tive routes. Daily until Sop t. Nth. 1909. Return limit? Oct. 318$. 1909. Full information and tickets from Including Mmkoh. Lake at Bayl. 'l‘onmgaml. Soot-glam Bu . Mnemo- tawan Riva»: anarum ken. Etc Full hummer mice now in enact. Excursion ticket; on sale daily. Alaska. - Yukon - Pacific Exposition, Seattle The Po ulor Route to all Princioo Tourist Resorts Phone l4 JOHN CAREW Lumber. Shingles, Sash, Frames and Doors; and all kinds of Building Material, Wood,Etc.,a.t the right price W. F. MCCARTY Bplendid scenery through Canadian Rockies. Stop-overs nny point west. of Winnipeg going and returning. we show many exquisite novelties es- pecially designed for June wedding gifts. These articles have the rare “harm of combining the beautiful with practical utility. 0n" PEPA [RING department is equipped to do all work pronmtly, at verv moderate prices. Wedding Rings 14]: an d18k Marriage Licenses Issued NOTICE Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- ic Exposition, Seattle 630d going daily until September 30th. uT SILVER AND CUT GLASS Return limit Oct. But. W. R. WIDDESS. l‘ownA'eut A. McNABB. Dep at Axon The Popular J ewelrv Store lindsay

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