. 8. Ryan. ow residing in Nome, fly a member 0! the Parliament, and Sec- rish patriot, Charla His “’ashington 3d. std fiotet, Washxngo es: “1 have used Peo mend your remedy a cure for colds sad [to nsmifit so chooses. km by so doing it will goodyâ€"“Rn. Bailey. 3 L. Patten. ITLY 16, 1903. Fm; 'm MIT CUT- L: about 500 cords i-‘mzr milws, good muitn’Lz-EV. JOhlI 1 complaints .nto HS is 13129“) St†N. 1). C. He writes: “I :ommend Peruna as I Ledy to: cough: In! FI.--â€"LOT 16, CON. ing 9‘.) urn-S. more nperty of Wm. H. on the Little Bri- ‘huw h RI 'dit. jsay. ~ All cleared; us» with ï¬rst-class mdshml, good log _ gum! irume drive )2 pvn. Land I. I'vnvvd ; good well, ‘urthvr particulm “Luv-s, 1103! Estate rs of auras Cale. e, elected moons" H known on the Pa» he has resided. Ell By Tender t3.†miles from ing r. and a ThirtY’ {2:03 85 {0110'33 1, and dvsire to 1y 3.4 an invigorb ,:.n.- n! the M â€yd fur conghl, rists {ms mum in the ‘rganization invtifln who up to 20th 4- lots. arm-pt the rvxnc P.“ annship xnntain- .vill u! shed .u‘n and wNi 0f 1‘." irnnL mi “PX- hv-ro‘ are HP .V n at supply ( 4011!! of Interâ€" n the Cor- Past said OBITUARY w. BRUCE CARR. The death occurred in New York on July 13, at. Bellevue hospital, of William Bruce Carr, a former Lind- say boy. and brother of Messrs. 4‘harlie, George, John and Norman Carr. Charlie Carr, just recently of Mr. T. C. Matchett’s employ. is one of the brothers. When residing in Lindsay, the boys, along with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, who are still living, resided on Wil- liam-st., in Skitch’s terrace. The de- ceasad young man was well known. having been born in Lindsay. He was educated in the Union school, and later in the Collegiate I titute, Fe went into the boot ian "Shoe business as clerk, and left ten years ago for New York, where he accept- ed a. position with a. large shoe ï¬rm uuu yvuyu, â€"__- V7,, The second charge was for selling liquor on the. 27th day of June. Malcolm McEachern was called by the prosecution, but did not. put in an appearance, and the case was dismissed. Mr. Hopkins stated that McEach- ‘em had circulated the report that the liquor had been sold on the premises, and that Mr. Thornbury had failed to act, but when summon- ed he had failed to put in an appear- ance. Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, are well known in town, having left here seven years ago for their present home in Minden. The sad intelligence of their son’s demise has cast a she.- dow of gloom over the entire house'- hold. From Tuesday's Daily. .\ Womlville hotel-keeper appeared before Magistrate Moore this morn- ing charged with two breaches of the liquor law. The ï¬rst was for keep- ing for sale intoxicating liquor ; the second for selling it. The informat- ion was laid against the accused by license inspector Thornbury. He pleaded guilty to the first offence, and Mr. O’Connor explained that the â€Visa of the liquor being found on the premises was that it had. been a. licensed hotel up to May 1, and the case of liquor that was found was in the cellar unknown to the prop- rietor. However. he was ï¬ned $50 and costs, amounting in all to $57. A3 salesman. He was making good progress. and was held in high es- teem by his employers; His parents, The temperance hotel is doing 8. "(MW business and it ha's been de- 3111m<vrated that a temperance hotel. mnviucted along the right lines is a pili'inq proposition. We. now ï¬nd trnvullers so arranging their trips. that they will remain in ()akwood 41Vu-r night The assertion is fully {mm/3d that the pubhc 11% prepared to pm: for proper accommodation, and 1' lines not require “red ey'e' to .nmm the trade in the town. 9'! '\V- ’\ new foundation has been erected mulnr the Presbyterian church. It adds greatly to the appearance of Lhn property. \ number of local sports drOVe to Valentia last Saturday to witness ii»,- game between Valentia and Man- illa who were battling for honors of Hi.- ï¬rst of the home and hmne gum m for the championship af the Mari- ;maa league. It was a good game. and greatly enjoyed by the I'uns.’1‘he into-rest was keen. and there was lots of excitement. The silVer cup at. the end of the journey adds as an :nm-mix'e. This will be a perpet- ual trophy and some good players are being developed in the league. The ï¬nal game will be played on Saturday at Manilla. and ther pro- miSes to be a large crowd on hand. Mr. Dick Butler, the popular official. will hold {he indicator. which means that there will be another return of the square deal. Mr (I arm-Id Falls the voung‘ who v «5‘ hurt in a recent game .nw 'na‘l is getting along nicely a: Fined $50 for Selling Liquor in Local Option Town law. Mr. Elliott. formerly of Stir- ling, but now stationed at the nuvhndist parsonage at Oakwood. wux given a hearty reception the whnr (awning by the adht-rents of m.- mmzregation and other friends. 'I‘hn rr-voption was held in the church prova to be a wry enjoyable 21ml zu‘zmr _\ de-lightful program con- »:smnq nx‘ music and speeches was rvnu lv-r'c-d. and refreshments were 1mg, mu: now Sulhxuu ll .4 hodist parsonage was given a hearty <)’h"l‘ ew-ning by the 8 1hu mmgrogation and 'l'hd rmwiption was held Mr. A. 0. Hogg. who has just. re- c-v-nuy returned from a pleasant Imp through western Canada, has )rmvcd his family down to Sturgeon l'nmt. when: they will spend the summer holidays. Mariposa, July 155â€"11: is some time Since your correspondent has iotwarded budgets to The Warder, but fortunately to-day he has a few spare moments. The crops are coming along ï¬ne. and are looking exceedingly well. Cutting has commenced in many sec- tions. While it is not anticipated that the output will be as large as last year, an aVerage crop is looked for. Red clover is now in its second bloom, and a better output than has been reported for seme years is ex- pectod. During the past few years red clover has hardly been paying the fanners in this section, but it is now hoped that )lariposa will return to its old standard and bring the out- put up to former years. !'l‘ho: Oakwood Telephone Co. has cimiplcted the erection oi their lines. and they now extend from ()akwood to the residence of Mr. Herb. Gra- ham in Ups. This new metallic line is constructed on the latest princip- Ins and when completed should give t-xrullcnt satisfaction. Arrangements have been made to connect the sys- tum with the Bell Telephone Co.'s sustain at (kikwood, thus giving sub- N-rzlwrs the advantage of having sunnnr'tion with the long distance tub-phone. A tvlephone is no longer «Junsldttrvd a luxury and at present is installed in nearly every farm home in the district. A full list of HM subscribers will be placed in the lit-ll ’l‘o-lephone Co.'s directory. Mar-l iposa farmers are always up to the tmws. and show their progressive- nvss by the instal,ing of these mach-l int-s. M r. (,1 co rife (Black well was m the village last week looking up lb‘lwlnl‘SS. .~.. ['VU THURSDAY, JULY 16, MARI POSA is some lent has : Warden has a few ong ï¬ne. ugly well. many sec- 5.. -.._,_ _. -VV She was attended _by Miss Nettie O'Boyle, who was daintily gowned in white organdie muslin. The groom was supported by Mr. David J. O’- Brien, of Peterboro‘. .. Aftef'the ceremony the guests par- took‘ of a dainty wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents on Russell-st. The dining-room and tables were tastefully decorated with smilax, 'ferns and white cal-nations and Marguerite. Among the guests .from a distance were Ir. endure. J. Percells, 01 Havelock, ,msvlchimount, of To- ronto, Land IrKBa. , of Port Huronq ,, #A‘ shSQved the. high them“ in . 'which the .young couple are held by their many friends, The young couple left. wuu. 0 5111:, w: -5..__.â€"â€" r._ nes lace and baby Irish point. The traditional bride’s veil and orange blossoms completed the picture of girlish beauty. - u ‘ ‘rg__ \Y-LL:- HYMENEAL g HARRISâ€"MCKAY. A very pretty wedding was cele- brated atf..St. Mary's church, when Miss Efï¬e MacKay, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. MacKay, of town, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Wm. Gordon, Harris. Rev. Mr. Collins omciated. The girlish bride was charmingly at- tired in-‘wh-ite point d’esprit ovex white silk, with trimming _va.lenc_ie_n- ruvv, â€"_ The numerous (ind qostly presents [Owed the high affection in - which -Referring to the new movement in agriclilture in Ontario and the work ,being carried on by the branch 'oflices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, the Canadian Dairymnn land Farming journal the follow- mg to say about the kidney branch rooms. One contained a. large table 2m) and numerous chairs. It was at the to disposal of the ofï¬cers tot-ï¬che local lo: ugwiculturpl 1 qocietyQW hath he tute or my 0M agricultural org'ém bb; An lnstructive Agricultural School “Recently a. representative of the Canadian Dairyman and Farming World called at the omce of F. . H. Reed, B.S.A., the representative of the Department stationed at Lind- say. . The omce c‘onsisted of twp on the 1170'clock train for Peterbo- to, where they take the C.P.R. train for Toronto, visiting Niagara. Falls and other points before their return to Lindsay. where they will reside. The Warder joins with the friends of the young couple in wishing them success and happiness. THE WATCI-MAN-WARDER, LINDSAY; ONTARIO. some short courses in agriculture. Ming several days. that were at- tendod by several hundred farmers [and that proved extremely success- ' ul. When we left him be we. shoot "to hurryofltothehi-ghochoth‘-~tg their tatms could be drained to the best advantage. Not-long beloroom- visit I Mr. Reed had been consulted by another former I! to haw his or- chard should be pruned. “Last winta' Hr. Reed arranged “While we were .there a farmer called at. the omce and arranged to have Mr. Reed visit his plane that. day lto give him same advice as to how a portion of his term should be cultivnted to obtain certain results. On the following day Mr. Reed was to visit a. section neu- Lindsay to show several farmers how pnmiof byjlr. Reed as his private pace and {Lindsey has been the organizatlon of contained his library of books re- a olub composed of the breeders of lating to agricultural subjects. Cop. pure bred stock who live in that nec- ies of the leading agricultural papers tion. and of the bulletins issued by the "The foregoing will give some idea - of the nature of the work that: in various departments of agriculture carried on by I branch 0mm 0! and agricultural experiment station- [the “mt of agriculture and were on ï¬le and available {or use “one: to .1â€. how mm“. they by any farmer who might visit thegmfy begomcto thegarm near , _,A _,1_ lav I. ll‘lIIIV-I' arranged mien-i whenever __.‘.“ -l-Ia 2‘ Carl Forsyth in" manually pus- ad the June examination- _-q¢ Results of Some Music Examinations tum bit with this dimer-once: than ismchu‘gelorthoaenic’ {. uvu-v. eri whehover their live stock bo-l I)â€; come: sick it in desk-«d that the... representatives of the department,l J“; shall be consulted by tanner- whm- ' Balm ever they denim expert intonation Pri: whém they are located. An veterin- ary surgeons mrcogaulted by (agn- "The foregoing will give some idea. or the nature of the work then is carried on by these branch 0mm of the depertmmt of agriculture and nerve: to show how valuable § they WWI- . Inna-mediate Voice -â€" In. mold The followmg pupils of If. ~Cocil mu Piano â€" mu Carri. School 01 ï¬nale, To- m mmwnmm 7m: home this momne- He i° [at sum Moon. III. a recovering nicolyg ' Junior Harmony â€" Inn Currie ,Ballour. 0mm. with ï¬rst-clans Italian Chased Man ’Wifll Revolver J unlor Pianoâ€"Mica Gertrude Gm ham. Fenclon Falls, with ï¬rst-clue honors; Hm (Petr! Howson, Keene, (pupil of Miss lube] Harrison) with ï¬rst-clue honors; mu Joy Rich- ardson. with second-close honors; } mg. Ethol Matchett, pus. oond-clnu honors; mu Ethel Vint- chew. pu- ; Hill by“ Williams. honors. Primary Voice â€" Miss Bessie Rose, Hgvolpck. 33th nut-char honors. 1 Junior Voiceâ€"Hui Gertrude Gra- ham. Pension Fulln, with ï¬rst-elm honors. honors ; Miss Ruby .Austin, Feuelon Falls, pus. Howson, Norwood, with ï¬rst-class There was excitement More st {0,1 Pqterporo 0!} Febmry Examinations. Theoryâ€"mu Joy, new ‘00- J unlor Primary Piano â€"- Smut Flavelle, with Ir. Joseph Thorn. the young Lind- †man who wag_takon quddenly in HAS RECOVERED. hit but that individual had taken French leave and took refuge in the He immedime went to his but, secured a long revolver and | gave dine after the white men. For a there In: interesting doings. l ortunltely several of the other - wF'oz-tunniioly several of the other working men managed to get .the weapon from theenraged Italian, and he was paciï¬ed. The 1 constable from Penelon Full: boa: seen since. went to Rooodnle to arrest the Ital- ald was teased and jibed at' bylone o! the whitened employes. This the Italian resented in a. most .vocifer- one manner. Words led to blowa. and the white man got the .best of the son from Italy. The revengeml spirit of ,the Italian at. once showed itself. The facts of the story ,are as fol- lows: It. appears that one of the Italian employee working oh .the canal work for Contractor McDon- was voiced abroad that, there was 3 wild mu, _a.n Italian, running about. and chasing the inhabitants around with a revolver. Livâ€""W“ ' PAGlm