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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Jul 1908, p. 11

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.Y 116, 19” : Suddenly El at Peterboro p'ts or “In: uni-ID Pin their possession. must, make an his luisitions upon the da\s and in de- ed to hgxe accept- 7 HOPKINS ‘mlor's Solicito Lindsay, 1P! -ndé-r and H‘J FCC? Ian folk “11! be recei‘ed (kn-r panel se- ALE Mikael in Emily pdl-r necas’ :- Cf‘nt. must. Italy upon :dwr and the The purchas- :- usual priv- i‘hurn V'VQI prim)? (t5 1909. t - bound to it);- deeds zmvnsth Victoria. :5 acres ('43 about, the vil- YD. Jr. y .to [M _ Rus- church nusual rd day 1;. , for valu- .5 the '11 l?“ SUUA urn. .t-nlv )ndl- suds that fall- ,art'n mily, acres um WU iel ()n UK the Mrs. Mr. F on Daggett landed pound 'lungf: Friday. -5 who recently purchased a new gaso- line launch, named Laflalot, launched it. at Lindsay Thursday, and it. made its initial appearance at the Point to-day. Mr. Percy Menzies, the skilled gasoline man, brought it down from Lindsay in one hour and ten minutes. The party on board comprised Mr. Geo. Goodwin, of Lindsay; Miss Nellie Mills, of Quin- cy, 111., and Miss Blewett. of Lind- Sturgeon Point. people Hush“: w get the Warder as soon as it arrives. (m the night when the standing of the candidates was published, every- body here was more than surprised to see the jump Miss Martha. Parker had takenisince the last count. Miss Parker certainly is a. hustler. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford were guests at the Walkey house Sunday. M r. Ford intends leaving Lindsay for the west in about three weeks time. Messrs. Artie Parkin and Jack Ross were visitors at the Point on Sunday. . . I, _ A 1' say .1 en... Mr. .\l!an Gartlan, of the A. J. Ford staff. Lindsay, was the guest of Mr. George Bigelow over Sunday. lessrs. W. Oke. Montreal, and J. H. Baker, Oshawa, registered at the Walkey house over Sunday. 7 n-A:A Mr. Louis Slater and Miss same Sinciair. of Toronto, enjoyed the af- ternoon trip on the Esturion Satur- day. The intense heat of Saturday en- ticed people into the lake. and out A.rnn€n n ”(7 “I: run» "v..- ticed people into the lake. and out on ma water, and towards evening crowds thronged the restaurant in search of We cream sodas. etc. ‘ ‘19-- Anni; searcu u; nu; .n”. Miss Rhoda Slight and Miss Annie White. af Lindsay. were guests of Mrs. R. A. Miller over Sunday. A large crowd wended their way to the Union church Sunday, and listened to a very able sermon deliV- crud by Rev. Mr. Collier. curate of St. Paul's church, Lindsay. Mr. W. H. Simpson. who recently rumxmed from the west. spent Sun- Mr. W. H. Simpson. wno recenuy rammed from the west. spent Sun- day with Mrs. Simpson in their airy cottage on the lake shore. Mrs. and Miss Carey. who have boon guests at. the Dixon house, have left, here for Milwaukee, where they expect to enjoy a few days before rvturning to their home in Cleveâ€" -..A â€"m land Ohio. Mr. Carey nos 8. fevling for the Point. ’Ihe Toronto Evening News .1 1‘“ou u Capt. Daggett. of the Roaring Gimlet, is still landing large 'lunge, and says he intends to get his own share. Miss Grace Mitchell. of Lindsaly, was the guest of Miss Gertrude Vroo- man over Sunday. in: uke hot cakes here. Mr. W. Barrett, of Toronto. the guest at Swannanoa Lodge Sunday. . .. , 1x- nun-‘1; v . ‘ . - .___ The “Betta" vgrbught down a. jolly crowd Saturday night. Also the “Sammy T." Miss Mary Brady. who was a guest at the Dixon house. has returned to town. Mr. E. C. Ruther’ford. who has been fishing down at Buckhorn for the past few days, returned to the Point to-day. Mr. Rutherford thinks Mr. Aitken. of the Williams loun- dry, Lindsay, was a guest here over Sunday. Miss Norah Edwards, of Lindsay, is the guest at Miss Mary Grace. Sturgeon Point, July Mrs. Zeigler. of Toront at the Dixon house.‘ there is tar all. The steamer Manita conveyed the people from Lindsay to the Point toâ€"day, as the Esturion was engaged to take the Bobcaygeon Orangemen to Fenelon Falls. Mr. Fred Wilford. of Lindsay, ar- riVed from Bobcaygeon this morn- ing and enjoyed the day golfing. Mr. J. W. and Wm. Flavelle and families, accompanied by Miss Zeigâ€" Ier, of Toronto, and Mrs. Milner and Arthur. left this morning. each taking: their own launch, on a. fishing tour to Burnt River, and hauled in seven fine bass. THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1908. Point. people hustle to Mr. Carey has a warm Goodwin. of London, place like the Point 8.!- of the Williams foun- was a guest here over L, July 13.â€"Dr. and Toronto. are guests ifiss Sadie oved the at- an eight is sell- over Gown auuu. Miss Dolly and Miss Martha Parker were guests at the Pqigt: on Sunday. Mr. Harold Dixon returned from Buckhorn this moming,,where he was running a. launch for a. party of tourists. Harold says fishing ~ was great. over a uuuuy . Mrs. and Miss Ethel Neelanda. of Lindsay, are enjoying a. short stay‘ in their cottage. . Mr. Arthur Simpson. of Lindsay. was a guest of Mr. M. Bates at J acob’s Island over Sunday. Mr. W. Widdess. of The Lindsay Mr. Joe Eyres' cottage on Second- G'.,N.W. telegraph office, has rented st... and eXpects to mOVe his family down soon. , Quite a. number of visitors spent Sunday here and many of them re- marked on the beauty and quietness of our popular summer resort. Master Arthur Bean, of Lindsay, was a' guest of Mr. Gardiner Eyres over Sunday. Gardiner was a little unfortunate in missing the morning boat. ° Mrs. and Miss O’Boyle, of Lindsay, enjoyed a trip on t1}e Manita to-day. “his; Lottie Fox, of Lindsay, spent Sunday at Mr. A. B. Terry's cot- tage. Many regrets are expressed by the citizens on account of the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Carey, who have been guests at the Dixon house for the past couple of weeks. Mr. Carey says he is going to try and come back in August for another short stay, and we all hope he win. Mr. Jimmie Marshall. of the res- taurant stafl‘. is a. hustler. He has painted everything on the premises. and is now building a new whan for the accommodation of Mrs. Wal- key's customers. ifiss Violet Currie. of Lindsay. is a guest at Ald. Smale's for a few days. 511-. George Terry spent Monday night here. Fem-Ion Falls. July 10.â€"The East and West Victoria Woman's Institute held a. union picnic on the lawn of W. T. Robson on Thursday afternoon. The Str. Kathleen brought. up about: 150. Long tables were spread on the lawn and about 300 member: and guests had dinner. At 2.30 p.m. a, good program given in Dickson’s hall, when dresses were given by Mr. Pu! provincial superintendent. and M Si-élih'cial sun'erintendeâ€"nt and Mr. F. with Mrs. mx’s mower. Mrs. nroau. H. Reed B.S.A. Miss Thompson. of Mrs. Robert Henderson has return- 0 E ’ f vored the audience with 9. ed from Cannington. after sp'nding n a. shcrt visit with her daughter, Mrs. solo. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gould were pre- (Din) Henderson. sented with a fine baby boy on 'I‘ues- Mrs. R. S. Robertson arrived home day. from. Buffalo, where she spent. sever- Mrs. I“. Crevior, of Lindsay and a1 weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Miss Crandell, attended the picnic on Gibson- ‘ Hiram Brown of Toronto. former- 'I‘hursd8y- . . . . . Miss Annie Nugent and Mr. R. ly of Lntle Brx. In, paid thls burg ghinrfi, of.'1‘oront,o. are in town vis- a. flying visit ,ast week. “Mrs. F. Crevior, of Lindsay and Miss Crandell‘, attended the picnic on Thursday. Miss Annie Nugent and Mr. R. Spicrs. of .Toronto, are in town vis- iting friends. Miss Wanda. Moore attended the In- stitute picnic in town on Thursday. Mr. J. H. Carnegie. of Indian Point, spent Thursday in townfi ‘ Miss Mabel Clifford, of Cohoconk, fis the guest 0f Mrs. John Cook. ‘ Mr. Geo. Jordan, of Lindsay.call- ed on town friends on Thursday. ‘ Mr. Morley Reeves, who has been ‘for several years one oflour popular Mr. R. M. H Bob. Hamilton 5: Lindsay. ‘ Mrs. D. Argue igue, of Parry S< guests of Mrs. G 1home on Friday. } A large numsbel {or several years one of our popular B. N. A. bank clerks, has been re- moved to the Toronto Junction branch. The lads and lassies will miss Morley very much. .-- A Bob. Hamilton spent Thursday in Lindsay. Mrs. D. Argue and Miss Edith Ar- gue, of Parry Sound, who have been guests of Mrs. Geo. Martin, returned aâ€"vâ€"v v_ _ , A large number of tourists are dai- ly arriving in our town and Fenclon is getting to be a. busy spot. Mr. and Mrs. Gould, of Toronto, are visiting in town, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Gould. Miss Nellie Heard, of Chicago, is spending: her vacation in town. Masts. Terrill and wim, of Linden Valley, attended the Union picnic on Thursday and were guests of. Mr. and_ Mrs. Terrill, of town. Mr. J. H. Graham, of Lindsay, spent Thursday in to“- Mr. Webster, of Oakwood, is in it kills the pain instantly. 11 your bottle is empty get another toâ€"day. Nerviline ;keeps the doctor bill small because it cures little ills before they grow big. Nothing for indigestion, heart-burn and cramps like Polson's Nerv'iline. - Large bottles for 25¢. Stomach Jeels like an infernal ma- chine and you want relief mighty quick. Nothing does the work half So soon as Polson's Nerviline. Why it kills the pain instantly. If your DOUBLED UP WITH CRAM'PS. M. fiamiltorn and Mastgr THE WATCHMAN- an. July 13.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delury and young; son, of Minneapolis and the Misses Abegail, of St. Anne's; also Minnie, 0! Chicago, are sojourning for a time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel De- 7 Ailarge crowd of tourists havebeen daily arriving in town. Guests at the .Brooks' House: W. -,â€"r_rV' , rM-rs. (Dr. ) Sims len Tuesday in at- tend the funeral at her brother in Owen Sound. . Boynton, J. F. Sex-gum, au 01 p.10- ronto; J. B. Hagny. of Balin; John Challen, Port. Perry; J. . E. Stonehouse, Hamil-ton; Mrs. J. Can- nnkhael, of StratYord; Mrs. E. Swain, of Lindsay. Miss Annie McFadyen, of Hamilton, is a visitor under the parental roof. Mr. John J" Carter, of Ottawa. is the guest of his parents during the summer vacation. The Misses Helen and Catherine St. John, of Toronto, are holidaying with their aunt, Mrs. Henry Glen- On Saturday afternoon next an in- teresting game of baseball is to. be played here between Manilla. and Valentin. A lively time is expected. The annual Sunday school anni- yersary held here last Tuesday was a decided success. Despite the rainy afternoon. there was a good attend- ance. Much praise is due the young lady waiters, whose tables were so tastefully and beautifully arranged Mr._ Charlie Harper and Bride, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon, jr. The young people of this section held their yearly picnic on Friday, to Washburn Island. and it: was very largely attended. Boating. etc.. was freely indulged in, and everybody had a good old time. i The final games of the )laripoe.‘ League are now scheduled, and will be played between Manllla and Val- entiaâ€"the first game to-morrow at Valentin, and second at Manilla on :Saturday, July 18. Dick Butler. 0! ,Lindsay. the popular umpire. is en- July 10.-â€"Will Dix and‘wife, of Chi- cago, are spending their noliduys with Mrs. Dix's mother. Mrs. Broad. Mrs. Robert Henderson has return- ed from Cannington. after sp'nding n shcrt visit with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Barrowclough has entirely re- covered from her severe illness, and is now visiting with her mother. who liVee at Port Hope. She expects to spend some time there. renewing old acquaintances. The Oddfellows of Lodge 316. L. T. 3.. had their annual sermon preached last Sunday by Rev. Hainer, in the Christian church. There was a very small attendmce, no doubt on account a! the extreme hot weather. The date should be changed to a. cooler time of the year. . gaged _to umpire both games. and will certainly give satislaction to both teams. Rev. Mr. Moore spent a short time last week visiting friends in U:- bridge. July 13.â€"â€"Mr. C. E. Weeks and family are camping at 'Lunge Point, Balsam Lake, where they will stay for some time. Mrs. A. Good is at pment visiting with her parents on Manitoulin Is- land. Our band boys went to Fenclon Falls to play at the Orange cele- bration at that place. Our band is the best in the county this iyear. They have had more calls that: they could attend to. Miss Bertha Heppenstall, of Toron- to, is here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heppenstall. Dr. Galloway, Postmaster A. E. Stabback, and Capt. Patterson spent last week fishing at Birch Point. Balsam Lake. They had very good luck in catching many fine bass. M. J. Murchison, our dry goods merchant, spent a. day last week fishing at Balsam Lake, where he got the legal number of fine bass. Letters received last week from Miss Winnie Ferguson and Miss Alice Campbell, nurm-imtraining in Wes- ley hospital,’ Chicago. tell us theft those ladies are well pleased with their position» so far. - preached here in the Presbyterian church last Smday, Mr.” Morris is a very able preacher, and the congre- gation can make no mistake by giv- ing them a. can. . .‘ J M133 mggig Campbell, of mm. onnor. J. E. match. F. LI'I'I‘LE BRITA IN. '. Morris, of Bond Head. MANILLA. WOO DVILLE. mMiss Mattie Mcbachern is spending her \‘qc‘tion with friends in “ood- ville and vicinity. News was received here last. week of the marriage of Thomas Holden Barnes. or Winnipeg. to a lady of that placa. Mr. Barnes is well known thntj nl'acc. Mr. Ramos is well known here. he having conducted a pump factory hvro for many years. is home here {or her vacation. Mr. Hector Ferguson is visiting with h.s mother. Mrs. Hugh Fer- guson. I!» Miss Mamie Beccroft. is now visit.- ing with her brother, Alvrey, in ls- lay, Alberta. . ‘10 “,_-E_ A: Ana-J . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Miss McCallum and Miss Davis. of Schomberg, are spending their sum- mer holidays here with their uncle, Mr. Anthony McKinnon. The baseball match played here last Friday evening between the Eden and Woodrule clubs. resulted in a. victory for the latter by a score of 8 to 3. -- . 7 i.___ from Torv Hill, aid Miss Anna Campbell Halihurton. are home for the holidays. J _...._...‘ Vuv Miss Jennie Grant, trained nurse (ram Gait hospital. is home for the summer holidays. Mrs. Harry Robertson and her mother, Mrs. Tom Morrison. left here last Saturday on a visit to the farmer's sisters, Mrs. Dickson. of Detroit. and Miss Dates. of Cleve- land, Ohio. They will be absent three weeks. ‘ -‘ ' 7â€" -_2J No. 9. Not good am- 5.80 o‘clock pm. July 24th,!908 , Alberta. occasion Janetville, July 14.-â€"The annual convention of the Sunday School Association of the Township of Man- vers. was held in the Methodist church here on Tuesday. 7th inst. The weather was not very (avar- able, and not so may were present, as otherwise would have been. but both afternoon and evening meetings seemed to be permeated with an at- mosphere of enthusiasm and good cheer. The good cheer could hardly be absent in Hr. Snowdons church. as he always is enjoying life, and intakes it his business that others shall do likewise. MANVERS S.S Annual Convention Held at Janetville a Success “it; :Julheman President of the As- aociation. was present. Dr. Marsh and Rev. Mr. Adams unfortunnmly The first. item taken up was general discussion of Sunday school dimculties. Mr. Snowdon mentioned that at one of his appointments (Mt. Hex-eh) he had three sex-Vices in sut- oeseion in the afternoon. and the could not come. with the S. 8. Mr. Richardson 'thought his greet.- est difficulty was in the irregular st- tendnnce of the: teachers. , Mr. J skemnn suggested reserve teachers as s. remedy {or this aim- culty, and mentioned his own exper- ience as e. We teacher. In 27 Sundays out 0! 28 he never wanted It was thankfully acknowledged that a good proportion of the child- ren of Munvera were receiving S. S. instruction, and, that good work was being done. - __--.- n n 7-J_“A -v-w Mr. Clark, of Millbrook, President of the Provlncinl Association. was present. and made some remarks or what an. ideal teacher shoulduhe. He should be called of God. diVinely cal- led to the 'work, not. entirn-‘V upon it haphazard. He should be present 52 Sundays in a year. not 51. ‘ A mere headache or toothache or something else was no exms: for being absent, he must be sick in bed. He’ might as well split wood on Sunday as be absent from his class without a legitimate excuse. "fr: Jakemin thought it, would be very difficult to get- Mr. Clark's type of whet: _ w'i‘lie other subject discussed was a course of study for teachers. It was decided to invite the_ proviqcml or- ganizer of teacher training classes to visit the schools of the township. Mr. 'Snowdon severely denounced Sunday visiting. Mr. Clark's round table conference then was held, and the urgency “ of observlng and prepsring (or it 'by nrayer ind persons! interest ‘ wu strongly dwelt upon. In the evening vary interesting m m {iv For County .‘ District No. WhuMlynlhdoutudrnslvd “MW-momma mall or “Mile on or baton cxpirmou 0! fine churn goon. NOT GOOD AFTER THAT DATE. Void U um. voud {of has not. been properly nominated. No mm. will be altar-0 In an Way. 1:: transferred. slur bah; mm by Tb. Wad-t. Trip to Quebec Ballot Iii-nnie Campbell. teacher, services somewhat interfered THIS BALLOT GOOD FOR 1 VOTE ASSOCIATON eeti takings. g m 1185 Signed on behnl! of the school,â€" "m “n ”' Ernie Sluggetc, non. Coulter. 3“ KW“. Hr. O'Neill undo I. very suitable uld herdly reply, thanking the children for their n'e church. present. life. end. A very eocieble evening we: spent. t. others A good program. counting of read- ]nge, recitation: and speechesl was of the Ae- given, after which ice cream and Dr. Hersh cake were served by the young peo- tortunnwly ‘ple. Address . Mr. Stimson. of the Sherwin-Wil- liams Pair (‘0.. Toronto, in visiting his brother Albert, and other friends en by Mr. Gomm. Mr. Chapman. Hr Snowdon and Mr. Clark. The Methodist. garden party on Friday evening was quite a. success. About. 8107 was taken in. staying with her son Hilliard. Mrs. C. Armstrong has been very in with a cold. but is recovering. Blackstock baseball team- wns pent- en again by Jmetville on Friday. Mr. James Nmythe. pnymuter onaaectionoithaGMTR. is in Janetville for his holidays. A rather peculinr accident. happened on Sunday when Mrs. Bradburn’s little daughter Veleta was walking home from Sunday school. she fell and broke her arm. Rev. Mr. Gomm proposes taking up work at Knox College. Toronto. this coming academic year. He will still hoveVer. continue his work at Ponty- pool and J anetville on Sundays. Rev. Thos. and Mrs. Snowdon are spending a couple of weeks with {ri- cnds at. Mental-d. - Mr. C. Argue has improved hisre- sidcnce by a new coat of paint. Ht .Iloreb, July 11,â€"0n Satur- day, June 27. a very pleasant even- ing was spent at the school. when the pupils assembled to present theirl esteemed teacher, Mr. Morgan O'Neill with a handsome and costly gold‘ ring, set with an opal. The follow. ng address was read : 1 Dear teacher.â€"I have been request-i ed by the pupils of 3.8. No. 12 to‘ offer you this ring as a slight token‘ of our aflection and regard. I can- not tell you how delighted I am to be the means of conveying to you the expression of our united love. What we ofler you is a poor symbol of our feelings. but we know you will re- ceive it kindly as a simple indication of the attachment which each of us cherishes for him in your hearts. p‘nu have made our lessons pleasant to .us. so pleasant that it would be un- grateful to call them tasks. You have dealt gently with us in our waywardness. teaching us by exam- ple as well as precept. and wheneVer memory recalls our school days our hearts will warm towards you as they do to-dny. I have been request- ed by my schoolmates not to address you formally. but as a beloved and respected friend. Please accept with our little present. our earnest good ' wishes. May you always be as happy Mt. floreb Teacher Remembered by Pupils ” yoh end33§rored to mks your pupils. and we all join in wishing you every success in 1“ your under- CASE DISMISSED. “" '33 ifm’” “cit '63" do my. yeu. Ir. '1‘. Stewart for the defend- ent. and It. I. E. Weldon for the proeecution. A- ROSEDALE EVENT. Henry Corey. the young mu who charged his employer. Mr. Robert Sanderson. of stealing his clothes and gmmaphono. on Saturday at the police court. was dismissed on Mon- day, by ._Magjstratb Hooro. .1110 The bachelors and benedicta, o! Roaednle, have issued invitation- to several young people in town. ro- questing their attendance at. their as- sembly, which is to be held at. the summer house. of Mrs. John Word- robe on Thursday. July 16. The patronage: nre: Mrs. .J. Wu-drobo Mrs. A. W. 8 cc. Hrs. Johnston. Mrs. Wullnee.‘ . James Hamilton and Mrs. P. 'J. Goodman. Baby Carnage 0!‘ an Express Town L MORGAN McGill is at present GO TO Fora Wagon 0099.09.996. . 099900 Clothiers and Furnishers to men who knows Pcterboro and Lindsay. East Benson House, 00696090090009.6609...0.0606999000000 9900 9 Our man so you Wdtham or Elgin ...................... '. ................... Ont-14.1!) ”yen-Walthmorlflgin .......................................... Outlaw my“: WalohunorElgin .......................................... Our 18.00 Special 25 you Waithnm or Elgin ............. , ................ ‘ aux-22m Speciqfiyurdehnm orElgin .............................. k If so. don't miss this chance. Are you wanting a watch? as you have not seen bother bargains in the watch line. Jeweler Our J ulkr Watch Specials SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Twice a year we do hand. We’re going to cases more. we will name firices on all our Summer Clothing. Hats and Toggery that will make the dollars in your pocket very uneasy. All Our Light Weight Goods Must Vacate! Our Fall and Winter Wearables will soon be wanting the room. We’ve the same excellent Tailored Clothesâ€"with the same trice tags on themâ€"the same fresh new styles that we have been telling you about since early in the season. Coats well tailored, well cut Trousers with turn-ups and belt straps. smgle and double breasted. light and medium colors in sizes from 35 to 44. worth up to $12.00. Your choice for ......... 8.50 Plenty of time to wear Straw Hats, but short time to sell them. So here goes. This the season of year when all pro- fits go to you : 81.00 huoa any than: llat, rag. pdoa up to 8350. 81.50 huya any Itraw llat. rag. prloa up to $2.00. 81.15 buya any Straw Ilat. rag. pdoa up to 82.50. The sooner you come the better you'll fare. The best goes first. LANG MAHER, Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDY TWO-PIECE we lab-i 063 we!" III-Illu- THE DAYLIGHT STORE SUITS STRAW HATS 99 Kent-St. out. fidlmlmduringhly it. The discount season is now at rub out the profit, and in some gv’ - 5’ Formortomn on. u. a x. 9m. Mod with tho grotto“ cocoons all II! dlmm 0! men and women. 'l If you have any secret disease that is s [I -m and a menace to your health consult. old established physicians who do not have to equal-lament. on you. We gmateeho cure NERVOUS DEBILITY. m DISEASES. STRICTUIE. VARIOOCELE. (It!!! an aunt!!! DISEASES. Comb. “Fm. Rumba-n. wrlmtor n , mmmmw Maul W m the m doom sorrow and wanton; thuu pll other due-nu oombfined We use me new“ of vtcioulhsbluonevmhnnd'tbosulow. moled (we dark cu'clod eyes. «coping 0111;. “noted develom onshtul. melon» choke oountenanoo and an“) bearing no- chlmtoalltboworld watchman: to blight “existence. Ouruutmentposmvo- Iv cures all went men by oven-0mm: and moving the efleeuot 'ormer maturation: sud em Batons .u drains and quickly 'mwm “3?.” ‘° “h“wW‘Lfi‘; o y ppymw - an and nerve power complete. _ .. .._,,- All neat new patterns, ranging in sizes from 35â€"46 Lou, m 82.00. 2.25 2.50. now $1.15. lot 2. m 81.25 to “05°. 00' “.00. DIS. KEIIEDY KEIBAI WASH VESTS NERVOUS DEBILITY CU RED PAGE ELEVEN. Optician 10.00

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