N, Avenue. Sc-pmw Schoox. 1d. Geo. Rea. send Vinres.-â€"A 3rd Vice-Pres.â€"J. E. Knight. ARRIVALS . 19 Frotn Peterboro ...... 82 Haliburton ................. 21 From Port Hope ....... 30 From Coboconk ...... 22 From Toronto ........... 85 From Port Hope ...... .. 42 From I. B. 0. Jet. 28 From Port Hope ....... 54 me Whitby ............. _. ‘__.A 18 From 11 From 51 For 10 For 21 For 82 For 43 For 55 For 27 For 88 For 28 For 81 For 18 For 19 For zâ€"f ______,..â€"-_ Grand Trunk Railway r'nme Table 9' Bumell . " Lindsay t‘ Clabo . !‘ J anctvf :- Nest late I- Burk eto ï¬rth. Toronb Arrive Lindsay [new Lindsay society, Lindsay i Victoria CountY RAGE TWO. I“. {I Mind to 3'07“ l Iv. Bobcaygwn .u w .4 Anwm ?°mt no. ll a CO TIE-TABLE. DAILY TRAIN SERVICEa breed. but. consxaerea My 9.... a horsemen in the country where was bred to be an improvement, ' Mt famous breed. Will stand name. in Lindsay during ;the sex at 1908. An . the season is well advan and the horse has been a. long ‘ on the voyage to Canadaâ€"six“! â€"-Ie :will serve only a. limited nu: at mate. The price this year he very cheap as he is new in (Wet. To ensure $12. He be seen at any time in my ham, 8 Melbourne-st... south ward. weighed | On his 8.1?in at. Mon 1.570. “ Salzburg †is a. hand lay, with black points, stands lands high; Very muscular; h4 hard flat. bone. with clean bone hiry legged, the beat of feet 1 He in a. straight mover, with Won, and in no way resemble - 7~ tr- hag a 1 Port Hope ...... .- 1 Whitby ............ .â€" 1 Toronto ............ 1 Whitby ...... ......... x Toronto ...... m...- n Belleville ......... 1 1 V EPA RTURES. ' Port Hope ...... .. Toronto .. ............ Belleville ...... ......... Toronto ................ Port Hope ......... ‘ Bobcaygognr: ....... Dundord ...... Janetvillo ...... ....... 25. a Nestlcton ............... 8. 4 Burketon "...â€"... .... 8. 5 Toronto .............. 10. 2 Express from Toronto. Toronto ..... .. ..... ..... 5 Burkoton ... ...... Nettleton ... ... . .7. Janetville .. .7 H Whitby ..... Toronto Haliburton Toronto ... (‘oboconk - Pcterboro Toronto lhéoria' Point School. wio toâ€"day. There 18 no u\ will prove a very beneï¬cial : the farmers of this district. This horse has come a 11 W and has cost me a. lot gay. I invite the farmers action to call and see him. approve of him I will be plea any business they may see fr an“ horse. believing used: to be one 0‘ a d W in the world. m property of . :w. A. man, and while in Austria bought “‘ ‘-â€"~‘ hang-vim: the Austrian cum ......... cum .1: 0-. non 0" PAC [Fl .1 The Imported 3 From Austria. a... ,...â€"-.-. ..o-o â€". .... 908.501! â€"... .c- __, ..-â€"..- .oU- ., Principal 01 ...o -c the world. ooooo [é in Austria believing the one of the 1X . 7.10 3.111. 9.15 mm. 10. 53 mm - 11. 00 mum 11.05 am 12. 05 P m. u, unv u. _-- ;he farmers of This [d see him, If they will be pleased “'m‘ o ........ 550751 mmmeAzsgsm 6117733778 RA! LW A3 6.00 3.!!!- mmm... p88 025 3.35. 69.7 imported b v v nnnmgmmm PPPPPPPP “HMMflmmu 4AA4J66 0’ iers mm “mm.“ 7.40 nun ler. Some tw 7.48 3.1! ithus decorated 7.58 mm ‘ The graves 8.03 mm {un- as follows 8.15 mm . George Lyt 8.27 3.1! 9, Ag«d 52 year 8.82 mm : P. S. . Ma; 8.40 3.111 1899. A5311 , 8.50 3.2! 'I‘hos. Nesi 10.25 um â€5,. 137;; . l Thos. ‘5‘ W mo. ‘s 1392. Aged ' .lc . 500 9.111" R. h. . 6.52 pm 1131:â€. ï¬ged ...7.01 .m â€z, ev. n . . ...7.10 3.“; .1885. Aged . 715 pm; W. H. Dru) . - ° .‘ 0“,. Amt! 2 40 p.1n. WEESE an of Lind- The solemn a of decorating ‘ brethren was 9' ternoor: by the oddfellows at teruuuu u, u“. ----, _ oddi'ellows at the Riverside (acmeâ€" tery. The custom is an annual one with the I.0.0.F. and many others who have departed loved ones inter- red in the Riverside cemeten join with the Oddx‘ellowt. in showing re- spect for the dead. The afternoon was a. pleasant one and the city of the dead wrapped in a mantle of green verdurc, with ‘L- lav-ace“ mnunds spect 10: um uw... The afternoon was a. pleasant one and the city of the dead wrapped in a mantle of green verdurc, with flowers resting on the grassy mounds of the departed, presented a beautiâ€" ful appearance. Throngs of people had gathered there and there were few graves that, ,were not. rememered in some Way» , 5-...“ “n fhfl river lu Dvn..v .. w Many came from town up the me: in launches, while many others walk- drove. The crowd gathered around and listened quietly to the ixuprwsive Ceremony prcccding the dc- coration of the graves. At ï¬ve o'clock about. seventy Odd- ...-...‘.. a? the common 01 Luv 5“..-“ At the o'clock about. seventy Odd- fellowt. formed in a procwswn at the lodgeroom and, headed by me 5) 1- Vester band, wm’ch played appro-i prime music, marched in a body to1 the cemetery. When the cemetery was reached 1110 members of the order formed in a circle around a slight mound. Lead by the band they sang “ Nearer My rGod to Thee." u Many Spectators 'ioined in the simple, yet, impressive I Ema Some twenty-low t thus decorated. f The graves which { are as follows : i George Lytle, died 1, Agni 52 years. : P. S. A Martin die 31898. Aged 51. ' Thos. Nes’oitt. jr., 125. 18733. Aged 28. 1 Thos. s. Williams, {1892. Aged 49. ‘ R. N. Johnst'on I 11894. Aged 36. ‘ 120v IJ. Weldon. When ti members circle a.“ by the b joined air. 1111‘. Prayer Was then affered by the brethrvn and the decorati lhl- graves was proceeded wit each grave was placed beautii ers and wreaths symbolic of t A- ._..‘1-t Rev. | J. weluuu, w 1885. Aged 49. W. H. Drummond died 1895'. Aged 28. W. A. Helm died De 1897. Agcfd 24. 11" -L- Aunt. Aged 50. 1 John McMan 1906. Aged 69- - vv “:1 1905. 1885. - John after which pray-e the ceremony Was the thirtieth annu mony observed by fellows. add decoration. ‘ The following sent from outside Birchard. district 8.1 decoration the Lindsay brethren Were points: Mr. deputy grand ter. of Beaverton; Mr. D. Ha‘ Peterboro lodge. who always a! LindSay: Mr ithe decorations in ieph Thompson. of Sunderland IPieroe, Manilla; R. Crossin. Z From Friday's Daily. lemn and beautiful ceremony] Lting the graves of departed was performed yesterday ai- by the Independent Order of avs at the Riverside comeâ€" The custom is an annual one ‘“. and many others .,. rlnvxarifld loved ones inter- OI 511105111}; a. vnbvoâ€" ,,,,, Hon. Mr. Scott thought-the age of 18 years should .be adhered to. The law Mad been asked for by thou- sands of parents in Canada. miter much talk, Senator Power’s amend- ment‘wx'as carried by 33 to ‘13. Do people who kill time CXpeCt dead past bury its dead '3 ll an“ -â€"â€"- was proceeded with. 011 was placed beautiful flow- .anu: gvmbolic of the ord- D. 'Vlllhv _V The next speaker, .Mr. Flm’eue.i â€"..... pointed out that only a large 0m- on a contract u Dir. Sylvester i town )W‘Ste‘dfly. of men suCh as could hold a band together. ilc-l â€"1\Irs, 1,, and --cker SUV-"dily morning in May 1~1,'ferring to the grant the. Sp ed that the present year had been an iw‘ largO'i â€"-Mrs. J. Jae iorge .Whyte died April 18. red 26. ’oolhouse died August 25. 27 years. . Bradshaw died pl uyer 22 White died October 12, exceptionally hard one on manufacturers like Mr. Sylvester andfhns be.“ visit hello“! Mr. 83'" home this morn .ged 42. ribbon dixd April 25, 1903. said that he didn't. vester .would haVe asked for the 0.1-; -â€"â€"Mrs. Making 05 died February 15, tra amount had the year been a Pros“'ing in town for perous one. As thei matter “owiturned home 1c stands the assistance is deserved. ‘morning “We have a. respectable. g°°d CH â€"â€"Mr ï¬ne in tizen in Bandmaster Roeniek." add-z ositidn é'f ed the speaker, “ and I understand I}: t t' 3‘ if; that he has received an offer from“ 1' 15‘ mn' “ Fort William. . If we lose him “'0 :1) (â€Mrs“); 0:; RBev lged 39. MCLaug . Aged 29. Woods died March 17, 1901. hlin died February l McLean died October 24. Aged 69. . Hamill dled January ‘16,1109¢ a good “1an Aged 40. . l \' . onto, who ha! Sutherland died February 3, DR“\ROOB “- ~ 1Mrst. (‘. Syer, Dr. Vrooman recalled how ihe same mome- ‘ (liscussionl â€"Ma.ster Ri had come up fox . Pomt, Was in Aged 30. the council haul grant-l. »his Way home 1". Jqlibitt died April 11, matter Aged 39. last year and Williamson died June 26. ed the extra. $200. ‘ “ 1 did not hear a single Word of‘hc had been \ ~Ml‘. and M a .L. mnnnuvcrï¬' Black Watch . July 10.â€"The senate day to deduce the age mcco is forbidden to to boys magma-u. WilliamSOn diCd l died June 9. 1906 lexoeptionauy [lulu manufacturers like ' 25. 1903. said that he didn't. vester .would have died February 15, tra amount. had the permls one. As t] stands the assistan " We have a r951 tizen in Bandmast‘ ed the speaker, “ that he has receiw 1: died October 12, .dixd April ? ighlin died February 11 29. died March 17, 1901. _ 4:“: October 24,‘ Jour ngCS were Ju , ...- :. who aivéayï¬ attends in LindSay : Mr. J o:- of Sunderland: L. decoration 0i ltion ceremonies u rand, addressed the ren. The hymn was than . sung. yer was oflered and at an end. This is ual decoration cere- ,- the Lindsay Odd. were deco rated December died Xovcmhm' died Sept died April xovembcr 5 '1‘ U! u n .-.._ 1 January ‘16. loss a go (1 man." DR. - \‘ROOMAN. ed February 3, Dr. Vrooman recalled how had come up fur ( died April 11, matter the council 11‘ last, year and 26. ed the extra. $200. “ 1 did not, hear a. singlt 'On died Wm- dissent, from any of the I ' regarding the Council's acti' died April 4,\mactcr," said Mr. Vroor Would be sorry to bc 3 mm council," he added, ‘-' who tion as would make the died June n ceremonies R. 1, addressed the ac The hymn iunct." He stated that. the grant as then . sung. -_,.__‘A with safety and WW Men should look for this Feerary the rch“ November THE BAND» WILL RECEIVE $500 on. v v- grant. was not. forthcoming, maue mu citizens .conSider the matter deeply. What would Lindsay be without. a band ’ Was the question the people asked .themselves. Evidently the - “Ana-kl» in debt. $200 on did not. feel like bill and appealed twice refused to speCial meebing W afteran at. the L'nder the ing of the will have a the instru \Vlll llu‘v u -â€".( - the instruments and the town, Lindsay, w gold letters on the h under the name Syh will also he lettered â€"- anhi'o Maybr Begg, Re RecVe Eyres, Alde: W. Jordan and M‘ members of the were present at t! absentees were Alt son and Campbell who laid the case the council was (' ‘lowing prominem {Fluvcllm Dr. A. J (,‘ul'cW , J “5 or. . 'l‘lll“. DEPITTATION SPEAKS. | “You and your colleagum. Mun! Mayor," said Mr. Cal-cw, who spoke! ï¬rst, “ must, think than the members‘ of this deputation have a, good car fur music." Mr. (.‘arew citizens were pleased cil practice monomy, was an «‘sscntiality i this. | Mr. Sylvester had not making money, but had been willing to do his share and more to make a successful band. n then stated that. the L0 5w the counâ€" hm. Said a. bum! n a town like been Mr. (jarew citizens Were “1 for one “w band over under the Sylvester has been :- Carew concluded. pointed 0‘“ p‘l)‘ 01‘ Ol I could hold fcrring t0 fl in..- : present at the meet“ ntees were Aldermen S and Campbell. The laid the caSc oi the I council was composed up; prominent, citize -..lln ‘h‘. :X. *2. \71‘001 Dr. Vrooman recalled how ihc some :1 ) for (liscussiun‘ nutter had come ui , last, year and the council had gram-l. ad the extra. $200. i “ 1 did not hear a. single Word of! dissent, from any of the ratepayers! regarding the council's action On the} matter," said Mr. V'rooxnan. " I i would be sorry to bc ‘ a mt'mber of a; council," he added, who took such action as wou 1d make the band dc- funct." He stated that. the grant, could be and with the apâ€" made with safety prov-al of the majority of the rate- waycrs. '-r‘ Iln"“"‘r Mr. Jas. Boxall was the m: an to spew:l one for the toun looking at. it. the standpoint of dollars and c If we are to 1050 Mr. Roenigk would be hard to replace him, “ ould said. DUE bvuuvg. U..- >mize in every way they the citizen's wishes in 01 the band gram. Mr. Lion. , THE MAYOR. Mayor Bog-g then expressed his op- ' tor and put forward .“Lion which was ï¬n- ally adopted. the eldermen had taken stand had bee on the position lhoyi in the matter. Their n taken without pre- judice and solely, as they thought, in the interests of the toWn. He then hat the grant be made un- mith 1. der . the conditions that the town should have a lean on the uniforms and instruments, and that, the name Lindsay he. placed on .the caps of the ,bandsmen. , _ â€A- .. .niendid one." mci “ I think the idea a Splt'nulu w... said Mr. Car-cw. “First class! " commented Mr. Flavelle. otion to Reeve Jordan made a m this effect. and this was seconded by Ald. Rae. 0n the ï¬rst vote Ald. Calvert and McGeough did not. vote yea J usï¬.’ Boxall , and I “. DEP I ‘T.\TION 5d Ald. Calvert. 11m reply was that the town would tthem. In {fact new they are i owing to their lease 0 and instruments than . Ald. McGeough â€"“ 1 don't believ‘e in the band coming here from year to year and getting additional .grants. I think it. is a. shame for Mr. Syl- vester to ask us to give him more ie in' town money. There are peOP n...-_ 5n!†And they who ‘cannét pay their deserve help ï¬rst. 1 of the counciiors are‘ vester to 351; u? w 5-7- 7 money. There are people in town who cannot pay their taxes and they deserve help ï¬rst. But, is the nest of the councilors are satisï¬ed." - he added, “ I won't. block the resolution going through.†The motion being put a. second time “nub...†_ rs on the bandsmen's caps name Sylvester. Lindsay he lettered on the drum. , Reeve Jordan. Dept- .Rao, ‘eS. Aldermen Calvert, n and McGeough were the of the tOWn council who The ; an at. the meeting. were Aldermen Smulc, Dob- L‘ampbell. The dcpu\a.tion of the hand before the caSc til was composed of the £0}- n'ominent, citizens :3 J. I). Dr. A. E. V'romnun. John nnYnH, and \Valtcl‘ 1{CK‘S‘ The -,v.._- . , extra amount. the re would be less troubie ever «7d â€NW “iv; IXLIOHS u; ll-V U V, ‘ amount. the towul§ on the uniforms and} a and the name of‘ 1y, “ill be placed in the bandsmens caps S31veswr.1:indsa_v wALTER 12325011. | J AS. BOXALL ï¬shes in the ant. Mr. Syl‘ 11'. he “‘OUId the additional minfl‘g. made the matter deeply- ‘11! ’uld not. take the 9 conditions Mr. running it," Mr. d be 'morning. the grant, coul and with the filr‘ â€".\Irs. v ' 1"“..-u‘.‘ AVELIAE- 1â€" Mr. l‘oenlgn ‘ . replace him, be his morning. -â€"Mr. Geo. Hoilson. tl ER REESOR. ‘ R. M. Real Imbher Co Mr. Henson travels all or was in favor of , . and It is 0 IV 1011 I. good deal more! ~t‘: home n . occas and should pay the‘ 9‘3 0‘ the organiza-lIOatSâ€"l‘t. vv..‘_ 1th vâ€"Mrâ€"s. L. and 1a. now m. ,W- w _ _, . ". In what service was the for a month's vacation .â€" d Strntford. engaged on the lst. of July, mate who Dominion Day 1’ nu . . .1 get-her. sp --ekcr sat-M- ‘ day morning n éwith friends in Berlin on had been a ne on “ITEM â€"-Mrs. J. Jackson. of Ottawa, s‘ylvcster andfhas hem visiting in town. returmd: 3. Does the Government or its l cers ever lease or hire out. this stel 0V8 Mr. SB'l-‘homo this morning. I! for the 031 -â€"-Mrs. Making. “ho has bevn visit- ? 1390“ a Pros":ng in town for sunn‘ time past. reâ€" - ‘ _ _ . matter “owlturned home to Smith's Falls this “33‘ («a-W B‘s-‘I’P and priests ; deserved. 'morning. l‘etcrboro locahty on the lat 1:19,. gogd “‘l â€"Mr. hm lloran has rosignod hileuly: dunng the greater part. or oemgk.’ addâ€"‘position as ticket agent at the G.1~_lconsxderab)e part 0‘ the day 7 I I understandiu' station. where he has Down mn- atEWboee cost? :1 offer from‘ ' , o. Is the boat placed at the . . played for the past ten years. lose hlm “0; -â€"Mrs‘ H H hues and «on 0' Tor- poea} oi. .the clergy of all other " ' ° ‘ ‘ ' nommatxons for picnics or other who have been the guests Other-hi ate? onto, MAN.‘ Mrs. C‘. SSer, town. haw: returned 6. If so, will the Governmt home good enough to order it .up to L038 .toria County waters for the 01 L how Ihc Same; - for discussion! â€".-Ma.ster R089 MFigrs. of «oil had gram-{Pmnt- “'5“ m WW“ “mine-radar}! 0“ ‘ tainmcnt of the clergy o! thnt ¢ - :7. ...__. knmfl from Cavannllo, who're '. ty for picnic 9mm? the next. mem- to speuk- He ion “as a good im at. it. from ars and cents. . Roenigk i‘ place him. he L0 “Au..- __ ‘ï¬-ns, town. tt, take thell â€"MiSS Mac I! itions Blr.isl’enf Wednesday the gmcst of ' , ,Jean Graham. card. of Fenclom Falls. Miss trout at" Point after spend- 2 of weeks there. . J. J. Miller. who is working a contract at. Janetville. was in large 0111- on . -1‘ _._ “A‘Ldorng. do not get they "mi“ 5?" inquir- A and faced little (allow sits done in M WWI-5v. There's a lump :rising in his throiit and WI stream down his hoe He wandered from his pigymntes. (or he doesn't wont to heu- Their shouts o! merry laughter since the world has lost it: 911007;: He has sipped the cup of son-ow, he has drained the bitter glam. And his heart is fairly braking; he's the boy who didn't pass. In the apple tree the Robin sings a cheery little m. But he doesn't seem to hear it. shoving pldinly something’. .wrons: Comes his faithful spaniel for a romp and bit of 910'. l But the troubled little fellow steml .v bids him so any. All alone he sits in sorrow, with his hair a tangled mus, And his eyes are red with weeping ; he's the boy who didn't pass. How he hates himselt for failing. he can'hc-u' his pluymates jeer, For they'Ve left him with the dullardsâ€"gone ahmd a hall a year: And he tried so hard to conquer, 0, he tried to do his best, i But now he knows he's weaker, yes. and duller than the rest. He's ashamed to tell his mother. for he thinks she'll hate him too- The little boy who didn’t pass, .who failed of getting through. A ".1... huge! (I laughink son and Speak of him 88 bright. Oh, you who boast a laughing son am at And you who love a. little girl who come With smiling eyes and dancing feet. with Turn to 1hat lonely little boy «he thin! And take him kindly by the hand, the d1 He is one who most, needs loveâ€"the boy â€"Mr. Ed. Saundvrs. of Kcaouw, was a. visitor in Lovm toâ€"day. R. Mark. of Kinmoum, estcrday and 10-day. â€")lr. John K. Powell. of Linden Valley, was in town yesterday. â€"Mr. Taylor Parkin, Reeve 0‘ chlon, was in «own 10â€"day. -â€"Mr. Sam. Fox. M.l’.l’.. went to Toronto this morning on the C.P.R. â€")lr. llorh. Middleton and Mr. H. Fowler left, this morning for Lotus, to enjoy a day's trout. ï¬ghing. \ -â€"Miss Mayo K. C. Foley has re- Hun-ml iroln a pleasant vacation was in tOWn y â€")ll'. Herb. Middleton Fowler left, this morni to enjoy a day's trout. -â€"Miss Muye K. C. F turned from a plea spun. at. Pelee Island. â€"Mrs. Jus. Birchard. ‘ . . . ivxsxtcd m toun 5'1 friends. ' I ‘lago have rl'uu "v.1. i a‘up their residence uch -â€"Mr. 'I‘hos. Man deâ€"luhas been in town ‘ lot weeks, returned be |morning. 8D- } â€"Mrs. Mason 1 â€"-Miss Edith Hooper, loft yesterday to Visit. J Gallagher. Westmount, ~ r Hulk visiting his father. 3 ï¬ns, 10‘â€!!- ' kick- :with friends ; â€"-MrS Jo “ has 1‘0"“ "i home this I!“ ‘ .__Mrs Mu“ :ing in 10““ ‘turned home ‘morning. '\ _Mr. Jas. ' innan inn as for the past COW†vroronto this morning. . and Miss Vern Sproulc went. to Janetville this morn- ing MrS. Ma. - . ‘ the home of Mr and Mrs. bprouic. town. . "-n-.. at mvm-ton- Collegiate lnstitut just completed his t tux-nod torhis home in {own this morning. â€"Miss Roby E. in town mus [nu-“um. â€"Miss Roby E. Whimide. lady principal of Bruzxion Medical Collvgu. is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Vrooman. -â€"Mrs. \Middleton, and daughter Mr-ta. of Buflalo, are visiting town fri‘ nds. â€"â€"Msiss G ladys From Friday's Daily. â€"Mr. nun Lula. v. _-v who have been visiting friends in the] west, have returned home. â€"Mr. Norman Brown, of the Bank. of Montreal. Pctedboro, arrived in town last night. for a. short visit. | â€"Mrs. William Fitzmtrick and Misal Fitzpatrick are visiting friends inv Douro and Norland. I | â€"Mrs. William Swain an phmv. Mgsmor Lloyd Taylor, are lidaying in Huntsville. â€"Miss do Nat-erode. 0 has been visiting at the home of Mr. A. H. Ross. returned home this monk, (1 her neâ€" hu- by her two sans, “cum“ 198, left yesterday on a. Woodstock. ' -Mr. T. McEnchern. an old L.C.I. boy. and now a. medical student .at. LMcGill, has been very successful in his examinations this year. â€"Mrs. Billingsley and «mm " Mi!†Wait. to n-nxc- uu_v . L. and E. Rowe left. 31-3er h's Vacation d Strntfm'd. ttawa, who remand ‘orning for a mom riends in Berlin on s. J. Jackson. of 0 helm visiting in town. this morning. '8. Makins. “ho town for sumo â€"Mr. Herb. McG-ill, of Jam-u ha in town today. â€"Mr. (has. Ivory, of Omemec. visitor in town toâ€"day. _.nr. Mason. of Fe Ion Falls. a delightful time . hires. Both an mm’w'vc .M , .o, f Lnirs. John Mche. 9 her two sons. George left yesterday on J_ Collins. From prod BICRM.‘ been attending Institute. 111 . and M"- 100per, Comm-nest... , Visit. Mrs. J. llarry mount. Montreal. of liclleVillc. who has {eilsnm traveler l’or tho anther Co.. is in town. raw-ls all over Canada ' occasionally mm In: {Thursday's Dniiy d. of Beaverton. )‘c-‘t “day \" ith mid 1330‘? 0‘ bum 1 a - .â€" ’0.1‘.. went to left nthe C. P. R W“ m I‘and Mr. H» wve ting W 1‘0â€" win ï¬shing. in! L‘n‘nv has re" of Rcaborov examinatinnfl. 79' 3 for the holidays meothy 00" of Beaver-ton . the Lindsay Ind who has J‘.â€"- ' dullardsâ€"gOne m a mm a ner, 0, he tried to do his best. , yes. and duller than the rest. 191‘. {or he thinks she'Ll hate him too-â€" , .(who failed of getting through. son and Speak of him as bright. I who comes to you to-night feet, with honprs from her school. 7 “ho thinks he is a fool, and, the dullest. in the class, ‘nâ€"Ahe boy who didn't. pass. J anctville, McNeillie. deep ding?!â€- whd her home in town. l â€"ROV. W. 1!. Vance and 3111.; Vance, at Toronto. and {ornierly all town, have returned home from Em:- land. where Mr. Vance ha! been at- â€"â€"Mr. Fwd. Peake. of Canpbellfoml, Warden of the Counties of Norlhum- bl‘l'land and Dunham. and traveler for the George White 6:. Sons, Ltd.. 00 Iondon. Was in town yesterday on a business trip. â€"Mim Emily and I .izzio 11 augh left. this morning for Berlin. Tho young ladies will spend almt five Wicks away on their vacation and will visit among other Weflu‘n 0‘"- Win towns and cities Guelph. Pres- Col. Sam M Some Important Questions at Ottawa Col. Sam. Hughes brought. up | a matter of muon‘ interest. to the 900" ple 0! Victoria; County, in the House‘ on July 3. In the House cl Comâ€" mons pamphl'ct, “ Orders of the Day ‘and Routine Proceedings," Col. Sun. is reported as having askcfl .the fol- low ing- questions : L--. A... Charles Quibe“ Mr. (has, Quibeli. an employe at I Carew’s new mill, was seriously hurt,‘ this morning. Mr. Quibell wma working, along with 3 number 0!; other men, erecting the huge tramei work. and lat it'for .just a few 30‘ condo, when the weight proved too heavy and it wabbled “id fell. u A large piece of timber about. ten {cot long fell directly‘aon Mn? Qnibq ell'a shoulder. causing serious injury. ‘ The injured man was removed Ho Dr. McAlpino's ofï¬ce, where it «.9 found that Mr. Quliï¬ll's shoulder had been dislocated in the accident, and his ankle very badly sprained. Lotu- he Was removed home. and it will be some time before he will recover sul- '11» injured man “'3 Dr. McAlpim'S oflice. ' found that Mr. Qu““ been dislocated in the ï¬cient. to mum A Very Successful Bobcay geon Student mm [uwnugxuw y. -me the Actuary examinations. Mr.‘ Lithgow wrote on this examination \on Mayl and 2. but the paper: had to be sent to England to be marked by examiners: of the English Instiâ€"‘ tute of Actuaries. This examinaâ€"‘ tion is but the ï¬rst of three which must bd taken .beiore the candidate ILithgow is now an madame weather of the Actuary Institute and is at present acting as assistant in the |head oflice oi the Manufacturer's Due Insurance Co. 0 - ,_ aL- n...â€" «in do A“ Mr. Hector Lithgow. the 17â€"year- old son of Mr. James Lithgow, li- cense inspector for East Victoria. has received intcliigenoe of his success in the Actuary examinations. Mr. Lilhgow wrote on this examination on May 1 and 2. but the paper: had â€" ,‘-_J ._ in marked Actuaries ore thve men who do all the mathematical work (or. insur- ance companies. Mr. Lithgow attended Trinity Col- lege School, Port. Hope. He is to be congratulated on his success gs only one out. of every (out o! the candidates Stamford. D. Eathl‘Oy B'A" Instituev. Rosina. sutheri holiday. oi the 3t wds on .- ROW ‘ wly moguizod this for a 10" 0“ the V“! only difï¬culty was ,,_- “an all! --‘-v,.,â€"- 7 - for a job on the Valentin team. The only dimculty was that Herb. does in Mariposa but he has mov- ll be clvigihie .in future. GOod-byve to me \Videawakeï¬ ! 350w. tho“! am .3110 teams Who THE Babbit, Solder, Etc. lb â€dyad-manta! MsWuKWmspp all other washing pow dc! combinod. Looks raided morit. data" it? 601.!) DUST a, lot of would do (W to player CANADA METAL COMPANY of “8149055 do anything to M their '1". Hopkins and 39913111 \Nilliam St, Toronto. that. VICTORIA LAUNDRY cl~herc Wm LWU Ivicmity 0‘ Dun“ . week. Fridï¬.v ‘03 the barn of l I. new barn Of M was raised on W times were spent BARN «RAISING s. THOS. TROTTER, Russell-st west Manager. magma JULY 16, 1903. If you want your launâ€" dry done an a ï¬rst-class manner. you will do well to give us your work. Competent and careful hands. Work called for and delivered. went two barn raising-s in um of Dunsford during the past. Friday a frame was raised yarn of Mr. Jas. Brion. and am of Mr. Tom. V. Thurston led on Wednesday last. Jolly vu. 7 which contains shamans. thing in r rtmcnsgood iflca‘r. revolvers. (atftflu) mica. at both raising's CORO Lindsay GRAUI‘ATE TORON SITY, CORONER TY OF VIC’] Oflce.â€"RidouL-st., cl Dndmy-sts. Phone4 DR. GROSS, Dentist bet Royal College] Out. All nrodern 1| dmerent deparUm-u successfully practid: pas. NEELANDS STEWART , O' (‘0 Notaries etc. MC lowest currel very W, ()mw-‘CO York sts., Lin'dsa.‘ LEIGH R. KNIGH‘ Moor. NOWY 1 kg‘ Waterloo Mut‘ 00,, of Waterloo : gumce 00.. of E Accident and SUV ItcLAL'GrrLIN. PT Barristers, Sol omoeâ€"oorner K31 uoomc JACK Physici R. J. McALPINE. nod Colborne sts.. bl attention paid nose, throat, and hours : 10 mm. to U. B. WELDON, 1 Clerk, Oakwood. Agent, Issuer of conveyancing in .3. POGl'E. Demi. 1y opposite the p0 attention given ‘0 Howard V. Poguc. University and } Dentistry. All th‘ proved branches 0! oossfully perforate? ante. Ofï¬ce 0“er 4 fly, Honur g‘rwi‘la Score. 00‘ "‘3’ streets. ï¬sts, members of logs of Dental S“ all the latest met! Special attention orthodonia. Cr work. The sucoes teeth under 835 U the insertion 0‘ 1 dentures continue of this ofï¬ce. posite _ H, HOPKINS. Solicitor. Notary [minor for Bank 0‘ ey to loan on te‘ rower. omegaâ€"6 south. Lindsay. 0 Ontario Marble etc†solicitors {0 Bank of Commer «J York 515-. l '1‘. Stewart. w mortgages Gt ï¬oe William Stm F. D. Moore. K-C THURSDAY, J I Kent St" 1.3â€)qu W. H. CRES‘ Fomm-x-Iy (Tl-v! don, Out. 01 Knight, Milne Bl Voill's Shoe Stnr Dealer in all km ulestic Mm-hlv :4 menus. (’U'.. Hf th: workmanship. still HE UNDERSIGN m money on I Villaga Property "we of interest.- private funds. I to buy good M mmx, Solicit Block. Lindsay whey on real 06‘ the lowest curmm an. is done in 0 the princxpa! and u. without any t hing. We also p‘ .m] deimturos. _w. in V981 monI mortgages. also ‘ (sutures, invest bonds. MrLAI' Barristers, mc.. U Vtctoriu. 1" other sales Pm Intendinz PIN“ r W \\ J:l!'t‘.t 3. JAMES, ('1 .30 anctionoo‘ Dr. nonmwnns J une, July 9.! into our Pal any break. 1 New Catalog for it today nos: College large-t. mom kind. WJI. Yong. and 1 Ton-(into. in Lhc' lmsin A. WA LTERI . F. BLA the 8121195 A. Peel. A (‘ALI Money to Bal'riste! over Money Denti: Anew