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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Jul 1908, p. 3

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’TTER, , V. Thurston 3y last. Jolly th ransings- raisinfls in “'0 ping the past. 1r laun- do well work. I careful Alled for 1% Wicca In get: cu exmmnatm, :s max}: by txpefl gm: maker‘. CV?” It! and ”unforced so ky. “you: rlgld ’m. nth the use °‘ .Ltc'vt mrxo'fd to, :e-bouu'lmx hamm- ry 3"”; works exit. “gain? walnuts“ g,“- bnt: plate. In! 11:13.31" waulux. be: but: 1313", {m “than“! .. marathon and I!!!) was I s. Brien. 16, 1908. 133119 53"" 0-11! {13:23Itvm’dc'eu' COMPANY Cement Cutters, meanders .gv.-- â€"' nth/:9. TC"°1V°”' «£4 at factory M LE, Anni stant faction combined. Lacks ? GOLD DUST Manager. BEEN NDRY tho m :03 £069- 5 of FAIRY $01?- ICES. Macmnes . ‘- e buSiness KNOW N. $5.00 TWIN! raised Lindsay ”L‘- A u â€" .___, GRADUATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- SIT‘Y, CORONER FOR COUN. TY OF VICTORIA. Office.â€"Ridout-st., corner Kent and unduly-eta. Phone 45-35 DR. STEWART a; O'CONNOR, : Notaries, etc. Money to very lowest current rates LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public, represent- ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Waterloo ; Federal Life As- surance 00.. of Hamilton. Empire Accident and Surety 00., of Lon- don, Ont. omce of Weldon Knight, Milne Block. opposite R. Veill’s Shoe Store. HcLAUGHLIN. PEEL an FUL'IUN. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. Officeâ€"corner Kent and William streets, over Dominion Bank. _--‘ THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on Farm, Town and Village Property gt very lowest rates of interest. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy good Aportgageo. I. E. m BORROWERS.â€"We are loaning money on real estate mortgages at the lowest current rates. The busi- naeo is done in our own omce and the principal and interest repaid to us without. any expense of remit- ting. We also purchase mortgages KOORE JACKSON. Barristers, otc.. solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mnnmm at five per cent! 01- Ontario Marble 8: Granite Work; Dealer in all kinds of Foreign and Do- IlletiC Marble and Granite, Monu- ments. etc.. of the latest designs and workmanship. hours Kent St.. Lindsay, Opp. the Library W. H. CRESSWELL Prop. Formerly Cresswell Jordan different. departments successfully practiced. R. POGUE. Dentist. Onlce near- ly opposite the post ofi’lce. SpCCial attention given to children's teeth. Howud V. Pogue, D.D.S., L.D;S. still in the business. Store, corner streets. R. GROSS, Dentist, Lindsay. Mom- ber Royal College Dental Surgeons. Ont. All modern methods iin the memo“ danartments of dentistry Orti . H. HOPKINS, K.C.. Barneter. Solicitor, Notary Public. kc. So- licitor for Bank of Montreal. Mon- ey to 10a? on terms to suit bor- - mun , A- QOoanO UV 6; ..... , rower. Officesâ€"6 William Street. south. Lindsay, Ont. York sts.. Avoâ€" --_. 'r. Stewaét. L. V. O’Connor. B.A. on mortgages at av. per cent: u:- fiee William Street. Lindsay. F. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. Money to Loan . B. WELDON. Mnriposa township Clerk, Oakwood. Fire Insurance Agent. Issuer 0! Marriage Homes. Conveyancing in all its forms. the principal and interest repaid to us without any expense 0! remit- ting. We also purchase mortgages and debentures. TO INVESTORS â€"We invest money for clients on mortgages, also upon municipal de- bentures, investment stocks and bonds. McLAUGHLIN a; PEEL. Barrister-m etc., Lindsay. vv V-mv WELDON, -So)lcitor, vets" Kiln. Block, Lindsay- Auctioneers ’. R. JAMES, CAMBRAY, Ont... Li- .” auctioneer for the County 0! Victoria. Farm stock apd‘ all M'éfié‘ promptly attended Charges moderate.-â€"29. THURSDAY. JULY 15. Intending purchasers can interview r. W'. \V'. J ardan, whose good will is Summer SUN)!“ DR. F. BLANCHARD 4-_"'“‘ June, July and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to-day. Central Busi- ness College, Toronto. The largest, meet reliable of its kind. W. H. Shaw. Principal gouge and Gerrard Streets, throat and lungs. '5: 10 a..m.t08 P-m»: BORROWERS.â€"We are loaning may on real estate mortgages at Dr. Burrows CORONER A CALL SOLICITED . Money to loan on real R. J. McLaughlin, K.C., A. Peel. A. M. Fulton. B. bfficeâ€"comer Kent. Barristers. etc Dentistry in our own omce and Kent K.Cu n Emistier’ Ontario. FULTON. William .' So- 81 curt. must be chemically dry butter fat, should be deemed below the standard required when the same is intended for human consumption. The following resolution were made early in the year to Local Boards of Health governing milk supplies ofiered for sale for domeStic use, as approved of by the Provin- cial Board of Health of Ontario: STANDARD OF M. 1. All milk containing less than thirteen per. cent. of tot-a1 solids, of which .three and threejguariters per BUILDINGS. 2. All 'buildi-ng‘s for stabling cows should be so located that they will have good I drainage; the moors should be water tight and of some nomabsorbing material, and prOpely graded and drained. I 3. No building uted for dairy pur- poses should be within 100 feet of the building used for keeping; or handling milk. 4. The surroundings of all lbuild- ings must be kept clean and in good order. Manuner dirt or decaying matter must not be allowed to acâ€" cumulate in the barnyard, and should not be at ,any t me in contact with the stable or milk house. or at least within fifty feet of the Same. 1' Re- moval thereof at frequent intervals is required 5. The stablegurd should be well drained so as to he usually dry and y-w-vv _- , or as -a Waggon or toolhquse. 7. The buildings should be well lighted and so ventilated (preferably from the top) that no disagreeable or strong odor shall be noticeable. 8. The stable in which cows are kept continuously (as in stormy “'98P ther) should be cleaned often enough to be kept reasonably free .from the odor of manure. 9. Each cow should be allowed at. least 500 cubic feet of air space. 10. The cows' stalls should be at least three feet wide and the floor- man- ing short enough so that all we ,will be dropped into the gutter and not upon the floor. 11. The gutters behind the cows ,‘_‘L‘_ 1‘, A auu luv u. “‘1‘”- 11. The gutte behind the cows should be opon and .of a. depth of 6 0r 8 inches. with sufficient incline to insure good ,drainage. They thould be kept free from manx're. 12. The walls and ceilings should be kept. clean and whitewashed at. last tw ce 8. year. ‘ “‘ LA LLA, lL'abl. Lw ~g u. v\â€"â€". tho- 13. The I stables should‘ be roughly cleaned at, least an hour before milking t,me, and all manure removed therefrom. or .not until afâ€" ter milking. Dry fodder should be fed to cows either during or just. be- fore unilking. 14. The herd from which the milk is sold shall not include any sick cows, and eSpecially none showing signs of tuberculosis, contagious abortion or any other trouble as- mammitis, mammary abscess, or oth- sociated with parturition, or with er udder disease, or one that is with- in tyty days of calving. 15. Any cow showing evidence of at once removed from the main cow ill-health or being off feed should be stable and the milk of such cow should not be isold. 16. The employment of the tuber- culin test. is recommended for the de- tection of tuberculosie. l Mrs. Williams Removed by Son 17.1134: cows should at all be kept. in a. healthy co_ndition. Elizabeth Williams, led by her son Edwin, .appeared before Magistrate Jackson this morning and was dis~ charged on condition that she be tab- en proper care of in _future. They were a. strange-looking coup- le as they trudged along to the train. g The old lady held the Don firmly by the arm and lagged a step or two behind, while he with his mother's little bundle of belongings tucked safely under his arm, set a. suitable pace for “A steps aged and ‘___L slow." fight-£1 tithe -tq t'ime kept assuring his mother: that they wouzd soon be home again. Carlton Warner has made his marl: as a walker. Last. evening he walk- ed from Sturgeon Point to Fenclon Falls in one hour and twenty-five minutes. The distanm is said to be eight miles and thus good time was made. While he does not want peO-ple to believe that he is a professional or anything like that at the game. yet “Bill" is ,a speedy walker-and thinks ‘he can clean up a. few at the Point. Walking is a good. healthy recreation and gives plenty of scope for the de- |velopment of muscle and grit. " â€"~.I LLAO For} Walked Eight There is a. marked decrease in the mom-mom, customs for the month 0‘ June this mtlsaoerw year 33 carapamd with the receipts - ' mummiforthegamemonthinlgq7. Tinte- every form of tal receipts for June 1907 amounted ‘pnea. geotesthnonmsinthepresud [your 81151.56, snowinggdecxeue of ‘younexshboummit. You can use than! nearly 50» per cent. Tin mkabfi *' mon 'backfinotnmod. we.“ kafimymmgcmmm falling on is Qwibutcd to an prea- lnn. BHASB’B mm. _m M Wen- Vulupuuaav v- .â€".._ - _- It might be mentionedv that Carl was too tired to walk back and he secured a boat and paddled. According to reports were am a number of spurious twenty-five cent pieces in circulation in town. Citi- zens shank! take notice and scrutinizgl CO UNTERFEIT QUARTER S . g1- â€"°hange carefully. From Friday’s nail?- THE COWS. to Her Home at all times b: Luv lun|--. 29. Milkcrs should avoid handling the cows more than is necessary. 30. Only onelpail should be allowed each milkcr.oand each pail shall have as small an opening at the top as can {be used in milking. ‘ 31. If the milk is bloody, stringy or thick, if it has an unnatural ap- pearance, or if manure gets into .it, it; should be discarded and the pail scalded before it is used again. CARE AND ;DELIVERY OF MILK. 32. The milk house should be se- parately partitioned from any part. of the dairy buildings, and far on- ough away from the cow stablv that, no odor therefrom can be noticed .in the milk house. 33. Immediately after each cow ,is milked the milk should be taken to “as-nu nun u- -v... 26. Just, before milking the udder and surrounding parts of every cow should be brushed and then wiped with . a. cloth clean and damp (not. dripping). 27. The milkcr's hands should not. come in contact with 1he,milk. ~28. The first few erPamS from each teat should be rejected, athey .con- tain more bacteria. than the rest. of the milk. , c .. ‘ ,JI:_.. pearance, or if manure 8013 ““0 ‘“;" . s. H. J. the". 00”1 it should be discarded and the W11|2{05r{2:2f1 Mr scalded before it is used again. 3 . CARE AND DELIVERY OF MILKJ wm. snou‘nnrcrz. u 32. The utilk house should be se- A pioneer of the township of Mari- parately partitioned from any part pm passed away on Monday last, of the dairy buildings, and far en'lJuly 6, atahe homestead in Valen- ough away from the COW 5‘3““ that ma, in the person of Mr. William no odor therefrom can be noticed ,in EShouldire. It was In the year 1826 the milk house- itha't the late Wm. Shouldice first 33. Immediately after each cow ,is‘sa'W the light of day, thus making milked the milk should be taken to him 82 yearsof Mm The deceased the milk house, promptly strainedhus been ailing for the last. year or ”"0th .a ”fine wire gauze and cheeselso' but despite this fact was always cloth, and cooled to the temperature:cheerml and happy. He was in n). 01‘ 55 degrees Fahrenheit within two-ligion a Methodist, although he was hours after being drawu. ‘ lnot an active worker in the church. 34. Ice should be used in cooling. 'He was exceedingly we" known and 35. Cooling tanks should be tightr a very popular resident or that m. 1y constructed, of non-absorbent maâ€" “(3n of the township in which he liv- torival and lirequently cleaned, and ed 2 when cold water is used the water‘ 'i‘he deceased gentleman M.“ born should be changed often enough ‘ to iin Ireland in the township 0‘ Limerâ€" p'b‘mt’ its having an unpleasant Holt and immigrated to Toronto with smell or appearance. [his parents when flbOUt three years 36. No preservatives or other sub-got “a At that time Toronto was 3‘8““? 51‘0““ be added ‘0 ““1“ forlcalled Little York. Aftcr living in and ,purpose. and no part of the milk-.5“1e Queen City for five years the should be removed. The delivery of g fumilv moved to Mariposa township milk of such a character snould belat Valentin, where the late Mr. sufficient cause for the ,excluston OflShouklice lived all his life. the same from the municipality. At the age of twentyâ€"two years he 37. While awaiting delivery milk mnied Miss Elizabeth Irwin, dough. 'should 'be kept in a clean room “0" ter of the late John Irwin. of Emily. “30d ‘0’ domestic purpOSee. and six sons and {our daughten are -_J am and Miss Madeline Adams, of Windsor, arrived in town last. .night to.spend the meat on with their siS- ter, Mrs. F. Rutherford. Mrs. £011th and daughter. from in Lindsay. Don't. forget the twelfth of July celebration on Monday. A large crowd is expecteq in_ town. q ‘ 4- . A,A Brandon. St. Andrews’ Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting On Wednesday evening. It mlaxgo- 1y attended. 3 -L ___.- -l ‘2..- -J w-~-â€"- -7 - The meeting was in ‘Wge of lira. - C. S. Lord and Mrs. J‘. J. Lee. the , topic being “ Life in Jndia." Very ILL “1m interesting papers were read by Miss 1136 m Violet McKendry. C. Ecllingham. IWhite Will Miss Cochrane and Miss E. Robson. thus been t Miss E. Bryans and Lillian Brooks fever and‘ favosnd the members with a. duet, pital to-da “ Labor 0n," accompanied by Miss for Flavel‘ McKendry on the piano. The momâ€" W of U bers are very pleased to have such 3 His rapid a. large number of our young ladiesl taking a part in this most important 'â€" work. Rev. Mr. I Lord will pmach on Orangism next Sunday, The choir ‘ will assist with music. The brethren of the L.O.L. attend- ed by the Woodville .band. will at- tend the Baptist church am Sunday evening. 1ne ucwetnmem. empwyes nave commenced moVing the boathonse 0n the river bank below the railroad bruidge. Tingâ€"will dad very much to .the charm of Fenelon Falls. MADE FIRE ESTIMATES. loss at. the FeneIOn Falls, July 9.â€"Miss (From our own correspondent.) ygeon. are’ guests or Mrs. w. on. John Northey spent Wednmday FENELON FALLS Word was received in town on. Wed- nesday of the sudden death oi James Lewis. of BobcaygBOn. from hemorr- hage of the bowels. Mr. Lewis was gknown to many people of Lindsay [and has been for years a respected at. her and demise. The maiden name or the deceased was Caroline Miller. and she was born in lbvonnhire. England. At on early age she cum to Canaan with her parents and eettled near New- castle. Later aha moved to this vicâ€" inity and was afterwards married to Mr. John Arnold. Her married life was a very happy one. udJix child- ren were born. They are as follows: Sons. Tom, Stephen and William. 0! this vicinity. Dwghtefl. Mrs. W. Helson. of this vicinity; nary. at home. and Mrs. Shier. of Cundifl. Mnnitobn. A mourning husband 3180 survives. In. John Arnold. north of the 10"“). Wed away quieuy on July 8th, . gner a long illness. Decea- ed was 69 yeanotagostthotimoof he, dam. and has been ill sine: Jul- uu-y last. Her loving nature «used her to be respected throughbut. the district. and deep, regret it “PM“! DeéeIat-ad was a faithlul .dhcrent. of the Methodist church and “:33 a mem- b; of ti; Cambridge-st. church. The funeral will be held on Friday bathe Riverside cemetery. Rev. Mr. Wilson will cruciate. resident of liobcayfion- The six months' old son. Daniel Joseph. of Mr. Michael Conway,_ En- nismore. passed away on the night 0‘ July 7. The funeral was held Wed- nesday afternoon at three o'clock to St. Martin's ounctery, Ennismorc. Mr. J. C. Hal-stone. principal got (hq Lindsay Collegiate Institute left this morning for St. Thomas. be having received word that his sister. Mrs. N. Qua-nee. had died. Mrs. Quance Mrs. ,(Ald.) Harry l’holan divd at Petcrboro on Wedmsduy. The dc- oeased was the second daughter of the late Richard Xuglc, lumber-man. of Ottawa. She was thirty-seven years of age, and would have been married twanty years on the 8th of September, but. .shc is survived by her husband and one son, Nagle, ag- ed 14, and two sisters, Mrs. M. J. ‘,,‘I. LLB "uâ€"c ‘â€"â€" --_,_ a .very popular mth of that secâ€" tion of the township in which he liv- ed. 2 The deceased gentleman .was born in Ireland in the toWnShip of Limaâ€" ick and immigrated to Toronto with his parents when about three years of age. At that time Toronto was called Little York. After living in the Queen City for five years the family moved to Mariposa. township at Valentin. where the late Mr. virus the wife of the principal of the St. Thomas High School. Shouldice lived all his life. At. the age of twentyâ€"two years he married Miss Elizabeth Irwin, daugh. ter of the late John Irwin, of Emily, and six sons and {our daughters are resultant. of the happy union, and they are all living at. the ° present. time. They are: Messrs. David. Ab- rah'xm and chry, of Saskatchewan. N.W.'l‘.: two daughters are also liv- ing in the same country ; William. 0! u-u‘. .. - ‘vw The deeeased was a life-long and staunch adherent. of the Conservative party. and was always square in all his dealings with his fello‘y men. Aâ€". the American Abel Machine Co., To- ronto; ,Thomas at home and Char- lotte at. homa: Mrs. George Thomp- son. of the north ward. Lindsay. The tuna-n1 on Tuesday Was very largely attended, the agenda being conductcd_by the ReV. Mr. Moore, of Little mm n. 1110 pull-bearers wen: Messrs. Richard Suggitt, W. R. Swain. Jos. Pollock. Jas. Stoke. Burk Swain, and Joe. Marks. 0'. Val- son. of the north ward, Mrs. Shouldice, wife of the has been taken very ill with typhoid fever and was taken to the Ross Hos- pital today. Mr. White is traveler for Flavellw, Ltd. and is alsn man- am of the Banker-3' baseball team. '1. WIN! TYPHOID. I The mam! (fiends for Hf. DANIEL JOSEPH CONWAY. MRS. JOHN ARNOLD. . QUEX‘CE. MRS. H. I’HELAX. JAMES LEWIS. to hear that he Wilsonl Hr. 14w, of his Idem § Owing to {are having Hrs. Wail n- Wd‘lon business Jame!!! Mrs. G. 'Ihwghtthemnge WasDeadand It Got Away Hr. law. oi Toronto. is the gust of his lriend, Alderman Jones. Owing to such uiui winds the fish are thlng a. not {or a. few dnyBu. Mrs. Walkey was in Lindsay to-day on business 0 Mrs. G. H. Wilson and daughter. Jenn. are spending a few days here. Mr. Yoris .Ryerson returned to the city today. The Gaodwin family. 0! London, are again settled in their cottage on Firth-st. Mr. and Mrs. Stalker. of Toronto, have moved into Mr. .Wnrren Wors- ley's cottage on Third-at. Mr. Jack Simpson is holidaying with his auntie. Mm. Archie llcln- tyre. Mr. and Mrs. Hatchett and son Fred, of Lindsay, are spending a few Justice and Nu. m. 0! To. roam. .who hove been guests 01 L9.!- dermn and Mrs. Jones. for the past. few duo. have returned to the city. ms. Johnston. or Lindsuy. u 3 guests: 14:. R. J. mungmm'. eon- use. c In. Hopkins, 0! Lindsay, has re- turned to her cottage on Fifth-st. The Toronto News office sent. an agent. to the Point to-day in search 01 subscriptions and he was fortun- ate in securing quite an number. ‘ (From our own ”mom“, Sturgeon Point, .JuLy 8.â€")l_r. Mus she conflict 3! an job. mas Olive knowlson. o! town. is . gym-t. other-firm, I!“ Haleaka- Launn. c Mr. Ens-worth Humans and friend. Hr. Mm nub s trip .10 town Mr. Frank Hill, of Buflalo, spent Wednesday here, .and took the night boat to DWI: to visit. her cou- sin, Mr. Benjamin Nichols. Prof. W. S. Milner and family. of Toronto. mOVed into their cottage near the store to-day. One of our lady friends went fish- ing recently and landed an elght- pound lunge. 0n pulling it in her husband refused to kill it telling her to go ahead and complete the job. which she undertook to do with the heel of her snow. and she laid it quietly awgv in the atom of the bout. Suddenly a. great splash was heard and on turning to note .the luv-v nu nu: r"r" ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Woren Worsley who have been visiting in Midland for the past month, are spending a few days hem before leaving for Inga-soil on another 2101 day trip. Mr. Bingny. of Montreal Bank, Lindsay, who is boarding with Mrs. Walkey, sailed down in his canoe twig-ht. Hrs. Frank Beecroft was a Ivisitor in LindSay to-dw. .s‘ .â€" w.._ mase of itishe {ouna that Mr. had jumped .overboard and was more in his progqr 12191133111... Sturgeon Point, July 9.-â€"Mr. A. O.‘ Hogg and family, of Oakwood, are again q settled in their cottage onI Lakeeve. Mr. Jim Cinmmon, of Toronto, spent Thursday here. has to-day. 1 llany of the Star-mu Point resid- ents joined with the Omemee Wo- mens‘ Institute excursion per Sun] Kathleen, and enjoyed a day's OUV‘ ing at the amact village. ‘ Hrs. J. F. Carmichael. of Berlin,‘ who has been the guest of Miss An- nie Walkey, recurned to Lindsay .to- day. Miss nary Simpson, of " Wuhan- osa ” cottage. ppent Thursday in Lindsay. Mr. Joe. Flavelle, ovmer of Swan- nenoa Lodge. headmthe list-jor hav- ing the most up-to-date cottege and boat nouse here. Mr. Don. ‘Oinnm- man, Lindsay, hardware mt. has just completed putting in a 3‘80- line tank with .undu'g'round pipe. leading to the boat house, to be usâ€" #.- L on. In _ ....I In'. Iwulus w â€" v â€" - ed in connection with Mr. Flavelle'a lunch. This no doubt will add coo- aidorably to Mr. Flu'elie'n numerous conveniences. Mrs. Robert Niller enjoyed o. trip to Pension Falls on Str. Kathleen to-dny. Mrs. John and Archie Glenney, of Little Britain. took in the Fencion Falls trip todw. Man .Winnio Mn. oi Undsny, is visiting her aunt, In. Raney. on First-ct. A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frempton, . or Lindsey. were visitors here so-dsY. Miss Hicks. of Toronto. is spending a tew deys here the guest at lire. J. P. Ryley. Reeve Anderson moved into his cot- tage show: the upper when to-day. Mr. E. C. Rutherford spent Thurs- day at the Fens. u Mr. Joe. “evens end tsmfly. of Townto, arrived st. Anson; Point by C.P.R. tonight. and were_met by An -1â€" Swannnnoa. ordinary thing occurred here. A large oak tree. ”potently in the best of health, {ell cruhlng to the ground in front of Ir. J. W. Flavelle'e re- eidenoe.. Fortunately no bad relultn beyond the lou of the tree occurred. A party comprising of Glenn. J. 0. Grace, A. P. Burke, and Mr. 1-1.0. Rutherford, took Friday mor- ning's boat to enjoy e, (or dayI‘ fibh- ing at Buddgh Falls. A meeting or the Sturgeon Point Regatta. Committee will be held nt the rain shelter ut the upper wharf Tuesday (Waning at. eight o'clock (or the purpose 0! arranging for our an- nual regatta. Embodv is invited to attend: ' __.. . j---.4.b‘. U.1’.n. 10-11131“. nuu "WV m-â€" Mr. new“ gnd coqvqu_ao_ hadertook to do with the ? MOW. and she laid it The ray in the stern of the McDoa ddenly a. great splash was Md_ 1 Bt‘nja on turning to note .the L she tound that Mr. fish 8010"“ d overboard and Was omlyfl'n evening a. ! V017 ”m‘ “ occurred here. - A neat. an [East‘ tn watch 10.- ‘ as tortunâ€" w” amber. ‘ that the m whicl uvv â€"_ Under- 'éréésmmlnatlon witness ’nan that the was confident that. pink Jens said Elsworth promised to m- His Worship thought as the case hall been enlarged thnee times already it would be unfair to the accused and was aboxv to dismiss the case. Coun- sel for the pmsecmion. however. would not let the case go and hur- riodly explained that. he was ready to' go on with the case. Mr. Lithgow. license inspector for East Victoria. was the first witness for the pro-ocutlon. His evidence was the substance of a conversation that he had held with Lawless in which accused stated that he gave Geo. Elsworth a flask o! whiskey af- ter hours on Saturday night. How- ever, Elaworth had ordered the liq- uor earlier in the day and Lawless considered the selling legal. He was not sum of the exact date. IA ,-_ Irv-W.~vâ€"â€", mu loot-e this morning for illegal- 1y calling liquor to mm of n bout aw. Kr. I. E. Weldon .ppenred for the prosecution and Mr. 'I‘hos. smart for the defendant. gout witnesses. whom the WW' “on had been enduvoring to sum- mon. bod dumped and could not be found. On this amount the prosecu- (Jon naked for an adiom 0‘ “‘9 o'clock. Mr. Weidon, after the examination of Mr Lithgow. asked leave to umnd the intonnation so as to in- clude every Saturday 'botwom May 15 and June 13. Thia was objected to by Mr. Stewart. 9n th_e ground that a» law says that the information must be laid within 80 days of the commission of the oflence. The in- {ormation being amended 10-day made a new information and the court could not go back further than 30 dnya. flom Friday's Daily. m». A. a. Lanes. 110le at Babe-yucca. V‘PWM_ “9‘?“ W’ I.I-_..I At St. Joseph's church, Douro, a pretty wedd’ was solemnizcd on July 8. at 9. 0 o'clock. the prin- ‘cipals being. Miss Loretta Mober. daughter of William lobar, of Dou- ro, and Mr. Michael J. Leahy. son of the late iJamca baahy, also of Douro. The many was perform- ed by Rev. Father Reilly in the presence 0! a few guests. The bridesmaid was Miss Anastasia Mo- lha‘. sister of the bride, while Mr. {Bart Law. a brother, assisted the '¢room. The wedding breakfast was [punch-n of after the ceremony ' at It!» home of the bride, where there was also a handsome array of pro- aenta. Mr. and Mrs. lpahy will re- side in Douro and the M51 wishes of their numeroua friends will attend them through their wedded life. I-vmv' ronto. The Rev. Dr. Pigeon, of Victor a Presbyterian church, con- ducted the ceremony. The bride, wearing a very becoming cneam eo- lienne dress with embroidered silk chifl‘on trimmings, and carrying a shower bouquet of cmam roses, was given: away by her father. I Miss ’l‘urah McDougvall was bridesmaid and wore pink organdio, carrying pink macs. Mr. Seth M. Stephens assist,- q-d the groom. After a tasty sup- per the bride and groom left for De- troit, j London. Chemham and Lind- say. the bride traveling in a blue stripped suit and white plumed hat. 0!! their return Mr. and Mrs. Bul- lick will reside at 133 bullock-av?” West, Toronto. The groom's gift to the bride was o gold watch and fob. to the bddestnaid a sapphire ‘ and pearl ring and to the groomsman a, la. pearl pear! pimâ€"Communicated. The magistrate adjourned the case for argument at his office on Monday and Mrs. John McDougall. to Mr. Benjamin A. Bullick. of Lindsay, was solpmnimd at 4 o'clock Wodnesday af- uzrnoon. June 137. at the bride's home. 87 (:lcndenan-aVc.. West To: The marriage of Miss Eva M. A. McDougall, eldest daugh-tfr of Mr. .éIt. Will Damion H++++ - BULLICKâ€"MCDOUG ALL. {or the bottle before seven LEAHYâ€"MOHBR. HYIENEAI. Again Adioumed JOHN DENNIS Give him m Baker lumber (11.. um §““ Stanley L.Gilson Lumber, Shingles, E Cement and Sash Factory Goods nonun- Vetinary Slirgeon sud JANETVILLE ONT. Makes the best Pumps in the world at the LOWEST PRICES. Votes-inn Surgeon and Wood PHONE 77

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