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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Jul 1910, p. 9

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5c and .id 10y 5c 'OU My $475. Coal I Pianos, Organs and1 Sew3ng Machines Special Inc Baker lumber (0., limitea Fly Killers A. Higinbotham, Druggist MU IERM OPlNS AUG. 29 l‘his tht' ! [but is dav and work 0f beta-x k1 ily get (7 Lumber, Shingles, Etc Cement and Sash Factory Goods pkofioi; J .71“? The Cornwall canal M8 m ’9 pairec and tame reamed.- In addition to our complece stock of high-grade new goods, we have, just now some splendid vulm-s in second-hand organs and sc-Wing machines to clear out fur lack of space to carry. 0m lmlies’ bicycle new, very cheap. :omer VIA Homeseekets Excursnons GOING DATES April 5, 19. June 14. 28, Aug. 9, 23, May 3, 17, 31. July 12, 23, Sept. 6, 20. ThTOUgh Special Trains Toronto to \Vinnipeg and West. Leave Toronto 2.00 pan. on above days Throuxh First and Second cuss Coach- 93‘ "Mania: and Tourist S Apply to nearest C. R: or n n n- Apply to nearest write R L. Thompson. ’1'. C. Hatchett. “ant, ison Terms to:suit'purcha.ser. 1 kn Wu. Ju. a. .. At 1 hoice positions. Askffér Honaukas’ TORONTO, UNT. is a. reason for it. Day by ml year by year the superior nt‘ this school is becoming - known. ’)ur_ graduates read- Catalogue is free. w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal mas and Alexander-abs. .ZSDAY, JULY 23. 1910. ELLIOTT groum Pads, Sticky, Coils, Pyramids, Etc. William-std St. Andrew’s Church P. O. Box 217 ‘ Ketchemalive 4â€" for Se tho attendance h ‘1. in the hisml'y PHONE 7 7 to our complete ‘wssmu ,CANADA Round Trip Rates T0 has been v of the Ont. iThinks Minden a a two weeks holiday at Gull Lake. He think» thin in the most. beautiiu'. spot. he has ever seen and intends buying land at the head of the lake for a summer cottage. â€"Mr. G E. Scrogkie returned to hss hn:.e in Toronto. this morning arter- Minden, July 23.â€"Dr. Clarke and wife of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. Wm. McLellen, Gull Lake. Mr. and Mrs George Barton and family of Peterboro,‘ arrived in town to night to visit Mrs. Barton'sunoth- or. Mrs. K. Pcnroso, who is carious- LV Ill. ~Mr. an! Mrs Johnstone Pmose. of 'l‘emelcr. T‘alls are the guests of bin parental-x919; . __ -- - ,A,AA_,_A__ j ”in? run! Mrs. mlirhave een hol- idaying at, Mr. John Bones returned to the city this week. VEzva-Qt‘l Miss Wilson, of Oakwood. visited in our neighborhqqd _late1y._ v “511%; ‘\V'V‘ ‘Janstune. who has had a pnsiticn in the drug store here. left Thursday for the west. J II'I'I“I‘I~V -- -â€" Messrs. “Brickman and Krugel. of Toronto. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull over Sunday. PENIELJ (Too late for last week) PEniel, July 18â€"Miss Loretta. Os- borne is spending a. short vwation with her aunt, Mrs. D. McPherson, Oakwood. Meggg.‘ A. 5an R.'Bagshaw visited recently in Brock,where they attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Bag- a wry“. â€"â€" v ”â€" uitlr. and MrszT E. Webster, of Oakwood, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright. , Shaw. "'MF‘V’uhu Mrs. F. c. Noice returned tn the city this week. Mr. L. Budd, of Balsover, visited with his uncle, Mr. Wm. Wilson. Mr. Arthur Horton, of Toronto, is-holidaying with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Russell, Wood- ville, visited friends here recently. Miss Etta Wright, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright. Mr. Wilirid G. White, of Souris, Man, is spending a few days, the guest of Mr. George Hardy. Mr. Geo. Hardy wishes through the col 3 of this paper to convey his heartfelt thanks to his many kind friends and neighbors who so kindly gave assistance in removing the contents of his dwelling house when it was destroyed by fire on Sunday, July 10. â€"Mr. Allen Gillies, proprietor of The Warder, Mrs. Gillies and daugh- ter Miss Lily returned last evening from Huntsville, where they enjoyed a pleasant two weeks vacation. -Mr. Earl Hutchinson, town, has accepted a position as bookkeeper with Mr. D. Hogan, of Webwood, for the firm of Tait 00., of Oril- lia. Mr. Henderson is one of the many successful graduates of the LindSayj‘ederal Business College. 6 “AM\IU|~J - Vâ€"vâ€" "â€" â€"\h. H. W. Kearns, general :igent for the Lindsay marble works. starts to-day for the north-west provinces on a business trip. He will also visi: friends in different parts of the west. Mr. Kearns will be absent about six weeks. â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, of Toronto, are spending the summer months with the farmer’s brother Edward Quinn, at Aberdeen, S.D. EdWard Quinn has been a. resident of South Dakota for the past twenty- seven years and is enjoying very much the first visit of his brother. (WM There are few people who have nearer experienced a sick headache, and those who have not may be considered very lucky, as it is one of the most aggravat- ing headaches a. person can have. There is only one way to prevent these horrible headaches and that is, to get rid of the NEARLY MAD WITH SICK HEADACHE cloeq my Beautiful Resort Fenelon Falls, July 21.-â€"Messrs. Frank Carew, Herb. Wood and R- Butler, 0! Lindsay, came to town on the Arrahwwna. on Sunday. Mrs. Waite, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Gould for a few daysn, A - it,â€" Mr. and Mrs. Less Cliff and Mas- ter Bertram, of Cannington, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wagar this week. Miss Rilla. Bryson. of Lindsay. passed through town on Monday. Miss Eva. Brokenshire. of Toron- to, is spending a. fewiholidays in town the guest of Mrs. J. Palmer. - v 9.. Aid-.- uvn- '--v =7- Mr. George Preston, of Lindsay. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MacKendry. Mr. Sam. Swanton, of Port Perry, is spending his vacation in town. Mr. Jas. Stauntou has been do- ing extensive repairs to his photo- graph parlors on Colborne-st.. and when all completed will be very at- tractive. Personal Items FrOm w. vv-- Mrs. Thos. Stewart, of Lindsay. spent a few hours in town on Tues- 'day. Miss Leonie Calder. of St. John’s hospital, Toronto. is spending her vacatiOn the guest of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. of Toron- ‘to, are visiting at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chambers. Miss Bertha. Austin. or Haiiburton, is the guest of Miss Horsely, of town. Mrs. Jackson and Miss Bessie Jackson, 0! Lindsay, were in town on Tuesday the guest 0! Mrs. Sad- ler. , Miss K. Sargeant, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Brokenshire this week. Mr. Thos. Robson and Miss Annie Robson were in Lindsay last week attending- the Robson-StinSOn nup- tials. - Mr. McNaught, of Sudbury, is in town this week the guest of Mrs. Thos. Sadler. Miss Anglin, B.A., of Kingston, is the guest of Rev. C. S. and Mrs. Lord, and at the W.F.M.S. meeting held last week. Miss Anglin gave a splendid address on missions. Mr. J. Gillogly, of Lindsay. called in town on Monday. Mr. Fred Vale and daughter Miss Blanche Vale, of Boston, is in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruth- erford. # 7 -c. VAAv- \â€" Mr. Geo. A. J ordan, of Lindsay, is in town the guest of friends. Mrs. W. Barclay and baby left on Tuesday morning to visit relatives in Meaford. - 1- . A W .I..---.'_ 1n mcau.“ u. Rev. C. S. Lord, of St. Andrew's church, gave a, splendid address on moral and social reform. At the close of the service Mr. Thos. Guy sang a. solo manner. “l“ully‘ - On July 31 the congregation have secured the services of the Y.M.C.A. gospel team for Sunday and in the evening during the following week. Revival services will be conducted and a cordial invitation is extended to the citizens of Fenelon Falls. Mrs. B. Maybee and her friend Miss Maggie Jordan left on Tuesday for to visit friends in Winnipeg. Mr. Archie Clarke arrived in town on Saturday. Mr. Clarke came tram his home in Oklahoma in his touring.car and reports the trip one of the very best. Mr. and Mrs. A. Trudell and baby, left on TUesday morning for Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Que. 7..-“- vuvo ."v Miss Lillian Warren returned home from Peterboro on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barclay, of Toronto, ,are visiting town friends. A number of our citizens were at the depot to welcome in the new train assistants on their first ap- pearance through Fenelon Falls, July 27.â€"Mr. Alex. 11ch left on‘ Monday morning to spend a. law weeks in Peterboro. Misseslnttie and‘Della Copp spent Monday in Lindsay, the guest of Mrs. PurVis. Mrs. Conlin, of Lonhon, is a. visi- tor at the home of Mr. qnh Mrs. George Martin. Messrs. Thos. Graham and Archie Clarke spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. Moore and Miss Moore, of Lindsay, are visiting at the home AL}.- 87m. and Mrs. win. Moore this week. Mr. Geo. Magee, of the Lindsay Hana-cal Bank stafi, spent. Sunday in the burg. - L, __ II"- Miss Ethel Robson is visiting T0- ronto relatives this week. , Mr. and Mrs. MacKmdry, of ma- say, are in town for a. few daysf Mr. Wm. Junkin, of Winnipeg. was renewing old acquaintances at the Falls for a. few_ dayg. ‘ Lindsay, are visiting at the 1101 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh new mm W" l” THE WATCHMANWARDER. in" ii; usual pleasing the Cataract Village ' Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 0! Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Mr. and the guest 0! Onshore. spent. ten and wife, Boston; R. Williams, St. Louis; Arthur T. Gibbs, Ithica, New York; F. C. Young, Buffalo; J. A. Bucknell, New York. Guests at the Brooks' House: A. v ‘wv-I _ E. Eckles and Florence R. Eckles. Pittsburg, B.C.; Shepherd W. P. Ladle. Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wynn. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hon. man and children, Pitcairn. Pa.; Geo. Hartley, John Hartley. A. N. Ridley and Robert Pourie, Peter- the guest of her sister Mrs. F. Var- coe. Mrs. E. A. McArthur left on Fri- day morning for Toronto to attend the Magwood-McLean nuptials. The regular meeting of the W0- man’s Institute will be held in Dick- son’s Hall on Friday, July 29, and the ladies of FeneIOn Falls are in- vited to be present. boro. 7 vv wv r-v-v__,_ Dr. M. T. McEachern leit on Sn.- turday morning to resume work in the Royal Victoria -Hospital in Mon- treal. His many friends in this town wish him every success in his new position. The Knox 'College team will con- duct services in St. Andrew's church on Sunday and in the evenings dur- ing the week. These young men are very anxious to meet. especially the young people of this vicinity and everybody will be made welcome at these meetings. yum Câ€"vv . Professorâ€"(Eébrge A. Powlea. 0! Chicago, was in town on Tuesday for a. few hours. . The Union Sunday School excur- siou will be held on Thursday, Au-' gust 4th, per Str. Otonabee, and will visit at Chemong Park and Bobcaygeon. _ . va‘w-J a..-. Mr. Williams, a guest at the Hotel Kawartha, caught ten tine bass on Monday. Mr. Foy, another guest also made a splendid catch. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist churCh held their annual moon- light excursion to Lindsay on Mon- day eVening. - and notwithstanding the lateness oi the hour a large number attended and report a splen- did time and a very pleasant sail. The party arrived home about three o’clock in the morning. ReV. Carl Smith. of New York, conducted the service in St. James’ church on Sunday evening and gave an excellent discourse. Miss B. Smith sang a solo at the close of the service which was highly appreâ€" ciated by all present. ' ~_ __A Friday in Lindsay. Mr. C. W. Burgoyne took a. boot load of passengers to visit the pret- ty .town of Beaverton on Thursday. About fifty took advantage of the trip and report a most enjoyable vii-s. Robert Spiers and child rer turned to Toronto on Friday. child who have been SEMI-s. Joe. Nugent for the put tew weeks left on Friday for their homejn Alberta. student for PM church 1t Cmfl‘ay, called on Win Linden Valley. Thursday dtgrnogn. - Linden VaJley, Ju_ly 26.41. _Best_. mas Eva, J. Paterson, at Chicago. J as. Minors, of ancogvef: is LINDEN VALLEY Elbow. of Peterboro. is Mr. and Mrs. Thomas UN DSAY. UNTARIO and accompanied by her [other and bro- ther. Mr. L. L. Patterson and Has- ter Neal, of Toronto are visiting with friends here this week. 6 Mrs. Bert Jewell returned home on Thursday lest am:- spending o. week's CAN’T STOP THEM. Seems to be impossible to stop those Canadian Exhibition people. The Guard: band were forbidden to leave England. The Grenadier Guards band is coming to the Cana- dian National. The Royal Cane.- dian Dragoons were ordered to give no ‘more musical rides and yet they will give their musical ride at the Canadian National. ‘nmrsday altar- tothemeetlngnut noon at the home of Mrs. A. Camp- aid {Jaw mowed on' Tamas or" 31' AND UPwms, The Great Mid-Summer Alteration Sale now going on is prov1ng a grand success. These are days when it pays to consider future needs. 'Seasonable merch- andise IS now offered during this ”Special Alteration Sale” at very unusual prices, but, the time of oppor- SALE ENDS Mammoth Alterationgqlg in which to profit, but though the time is short, the values we mention Wlll suggest what a wealth of good buying is here. You should surely share in the won- derful bargains that we are offering for the closing days. Surprising values await you in every section of the store. , For Price List, Etc., get Large Bill TERRILL BROS. her father and bro- 0NLY8 DAYS MORE EERRILL'S FOR BEST VALUES WATEEEFAIB. ‘wtdu-ingwomuu go through that: birdliko performance. All that NWO" an under. way that” M u can]; '“M, For m vmglnpcm-dthecmdmmulhatamm the Nada-1 :m In OWW aeronaut- qmil More g «magma-t uk-nhipandthobgulkhg airship. wm‘Lm Mu; an- -u-p-oc ‘- CLOVER SEED and SEED GRAIN Governmentstandard bushel only inall varieties. Seed corn that will give you good results. Spratt Killen IQindsay It Paysto Sow the Best WE HAVE IT. Ontario PAGE

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