f! om r! ATlOI :ager ES â€tints: £20“ 3% have bean ‘ 2- ml. A. x. or'cumfï¬dv. w. «us n.. gamma win: was. 6038 etc no“ is in '5‘ damn 09 be had '9' tmmadine m A ‘9 t 6, Know. Beam t. lamâ€"Proceed to his own game, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. memes. mm mm. cam ML. mum mm icon. thence to Coboconk {or night. judoâ€"Proceed to Goran's Sid- .-. nor noon. thence to Victoria toad for the night. [Mayâ€"Proceed to Gleam for the property of John Aldous, will make the following route : Mondayâ€"Will leave his own stable, [cArthur House, r‘enelon Falls. and W to Geo. Gopdhnnd’a for Pine-Apples, se- cure your wants quickly, they will soon be done, we have some excel- lent stock yet. And many other excellent 'lines have just come to hand with ourimâ€" port order the property or John Aldous, will and for mares during the season of 1910 at, his own stable at the Me, mar House, Fenelon Falls. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. A New Biscuit “Golf†BLACK PETE Our Goods are Always Fresh Our Assortment isZthe Largest :, THE FAMOUS FRENCH-BRED COACH STALLION 1‘. property of Messrs. John A]. “fluid John Sykes, will make m .0011 a! 1910 as Iollows: Wednesday-Will leave m. on â€his. McArthur House, Fusion Fans, and proceed to John Jug. “'5, Fenelon, thence to Glennrm ‘0: the night. Thursdayâ€"Proceed to his own stab- 1e. where he will remain until tin (oilowing Wednesday morning. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. JOHN SYKES. A. L. Campbell Dan Finister, 2.19;E T35; WELL KNOWN momma STALLION J AMES JONES. Manager. DEPUTY {42754 (11678), Vol. xxv Phone No. 10 Imported Typical C THURSDAY. JULY 28, 1910:“ *Zydesdale as out. was in town and tuned tor BE“ in; â€â€œ111-th int c! “y tho home some time in the waning. and ram mm ‘1 “a? mu. mtw v in luppoud to have [gnu from the Won» 8 t tho tho I“ a: win. can with tho mm. m. M NV?“ an hp"- ‘95 LKWZREE' "‘ mm mac-mm vii on 013i. my: to‘wndund W tour“; 1 TEACHER WANTEDâ€"FOR S. 8,. No. 3, Monmount. Duties to com- mence after midsummer vacation. Apply, stating qualiï¬cations, to W. J. Somerville, Essonville P.O. 'w. u. anssWEff ' €13,932†LINDSAY .MONUMENTS. ‘Sï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜t‘if. , Yeterinary Surgeon Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College. Post-Grad uate Royal Veterinary College, also of the Lond- on SchOol of Tropical Medicine Opposite R. Lindsay’s Livery Cambridge-st" Lindsay Ofl‘ice Phone 187M Residence 1871 Residence Cor. Russell and Cambridg Streets Den tristry a. pecialtv.’ Calls promtly attended to dav or night. Charges moderate. :lflmlll‘l flan-mun. “M ' _.vu;* '- W? Kï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ m Wt? WWW DUN CON ’5 Send {or this bookâ€"get the informa- tion that will enable you to answer your own questionings on the telephone sub- jectâ€"learn about our newly designed No. 1317 Type Telephone Setâ€"ï¬nd out its Id- vantages over ’phones of other makes-â€" and have at your ï¬nger ends every detail in the organization of a turd telephone company. _ It doesn't cost you anything to know- merely the one single cent a post card costs on. 1921‘!“ mm}: that? Send us the ta loâ€"dnyâ€"tel us youwant Bulletin 0.31 42 mdyuu' jet lt by return null. and supplies has grown enormous- ly during the past. year. Being of the highest quality and workman» ship they are without a. superior in the world and besides have some advanta es the other kinds have not. e supply you with every- thihg in the ine. Also attend to developing of ï¬lms, etc. we want to place FREEâ€"into the hands of evcry farmerâ€"every dwel- ler in small towns and villages. W111 YOU scnd for your copy? HERE is a book that ought to beâ€"that Photographic Quality Estimates cheerfully furnished . J. M. RICE Drug Store } Miss Burnstein’s parents objected lto their daughter holding communi- l'cation with Woltlrg. andendeavored .to stop the same, the result being ithat it is alleged that Wolberg re- berg received several deceiving tele- grams from friends of Miss Burn- stein in New York. and these wor- ried him considerably. TELEGRAM CORRESPONDENCE. Five telegrams were found on Web berg’s person, but they are hard to decipher because of the fact that all parties concerned appeared to have numbers. These they used instead of their signatures. On July 8 Wol~; berg received the following telegram‘ from New York: “Leave immediately, leaving wire when you 158 Seventh-ave.†-Sa.rah Burnstein. On July 9, the following telegram was received, supposedly from Miss Burnstein’s father or brother : “You write letter how you will act in the future. Will send mon- ey by mail."-â€"Bumstein. Another telegram was received from ibis-sweetheart on the 13th, which ‘reads as follows : / ! “Do not doubt me 28, still l want letter, am angry at your ‘ reticence. B. left for Newfound- land. If dubious do not answer. Am fully worried andsick.†- Sarah Burnstein. " It is stated that “'0le while in conversation with some 0 bill tel: low-countrymen in Lindsay Reported rt of my trouble to them and was card to remark at dlï¬ereat times that he would and his life by ï¬rm: mg. and it is also stated that - he sent: a telegram away is man Burn: ; Stein‘s friends in New York mm that he would drawn himself “they 4 persisted in interfering. Os .Betur- 1 any. July 16, Wellle$flmeim the 1 lei owing telegram. eh we! link ed by We number“ ' A SWEET 9mm. 7 ‘ “I see leis mum on only 1 393?.“ 9. en m 3:: ‘ near-aural! ' m, Rm“ and meal! are up ‘ and comfortable $939M to: PARENTS OBJECTED. Miss Burnstein's parents and other friends were strongly opposed to Wolberg, .but not in the least daunt- ed he pursued his attentions to his lady love. He failed in his store bus- iness and left for Toronto, where he lived for a. time. He then went to Peterboro, where he resided for a short time. and/about two weeks ago he came to Lindsas. and he has been selling note paper and other articles, hoarding at. the home of‘Mr. Frank Pearson. Melbourne-st. Some time ago Wolberg was the owner of a. store in Newfoundland. and it was while there that he met iMiss Sarah Burnstein, of New York who along with her brother was vis- iting in the place where Wolberg‘ kept store. It was acase of love at ï¬rst sight and the two became inâ€" fatuated with each other. The bro~ ther noticed the attention that young Wolberg was paying to his‘ sister and resented it, but the two beCame almost inseparable, and when Miss Burnstein returned to New SYork the two lovers were constantly in communication with each other. HE COULD SWIM. He went in for ,a swim with sever- al companions Sunday morning in the vicinity of the iron bridge. There were others in swimming as well, twenty or twenty-ï¬ve all told. Wol~ berg could swim and his friends did not pay any attention to him. Shortly after entering the water he was noticed to swim out into the {middle of the river into deep water: hold his hands up above his head, and to disappear beneath the sur- face. When it was noticed that he failed to appear again, his friends became anxious and immediately‘ went out to rescue him, but it was too late, the heart having ceased its action when examined by the doc- tor. had some eleven hundred ,dBllars in his pocket when taken from the wa- WAS IN LOVE. Briefly Wolberg was badly in 10% with a. pretty young lady living in New York. whose pareots were hit- terly opposed to her having anything! to do with Wolberg. letters and telegrams were interrupted. and 0n the receipt of a. telegram a. meek age Saturday, Wolberg ï¬ecame despond- eat and decided to visit New York and sift out matters for himself. It will probably never be known why he‘ did not go as he intended. certainly not on account of ï¬nances. as it was reported this morning that he » Mystery surrounds the death of [Philip Wot-berg, a. Hem-cw resident of Lindsay. about twenty-six years of age, who ended his life in the Scu- {gag river Sunday morning about ï¬f- item minutes after eleven o'clock. While the death was sad and WC. nevertheless there is 4m interesting romance connected with the same. Two Drownings in the Scugog River HOW THEY MET. Msaufnomund only by Thu ‘1‘. “bull Q" Limflcd. Talon». 0|}. De am weep. my of we may lub- Imum far this uni-ling medicine, hm not (or Dr‘ Fowler‘s and ind“ on «mac that you “I; luv. Print 38 can“. Dr. Fowler’s Exam 1» Wild an“. hwhuboeaonthe mnrkabrem IMrflve yearn. so you m an!» on H- umming whee you an mil old ad £ tamed,» “My two little boy: got 3 bod an of diarrhoea and two doses 1nd. I. wonder- ful change ond they won completely cured 6160. I would not be without ml: o grand medicine a Dr. Fowler'n Extract of Wlld Strawberry “it wen Mes the pace, as I consider it a wonder- M mediums, And I «one: reeommeud h too highly.†Mrs. Chu. Farrell, Oakland, Mam, writerâ€"“My dear baby was taken nick Int fall, and we got the doctor and he aid the had dyaentery. She nearly died with it, but. two or three doses of Dr. Fowler’s Extnct of Wild Strawberry completely cured her. On Monday a sad drowning ac- cident occurred at nine-thirty o' - clock, when little Harold Walker, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Walker, William~st.. north fell into the river, losing his life. Just how it happened no one ap- pears to know. but it seems that the little fellow was playing near the river below Horn Bros. Woollen mills when he slipped in beyond his Idepth. The water is deep at this point and no one who could not swim could salely gos in at this par~.‘ ticular place. ATTRACTED BY CRIBS The cries of the little fellow at- tracted the attention of a number of men working in Kennedy’s mill yards. who in turn shouted to Mr. R. L. Morgan and Mr. T. A. Fisher who happened to be working in a boathouse nearby. They hurried to the scene. but as neither one could swim they were unable to reach the yOung lad, and they in turn called for help. Mr. Alex Horn and a number of others were soon on hand HerBahyNearlyDied. WAS TAKEN SIGK WITH . Dysentery. NO INQUEST. There were a. number of youngmen on the shore. but only one, Mr. Bert. Johnston, made any attempt to save the drowning man. The body was soon recovered by Mr. Hadley. who happened to be passing in a boat, and by stirring around the spot with a large ï¬shing pole, sue- ceeded in raising it to the surface. Several attempts to revive him were made, but to no avail. Coroner Blanchard was immediately summon- ed, but deemed an inquest unneces- ' DID NOT G0. Stating that he would go to New York and ï¬nd out who sent the above telegram, the local G. N. W. operator gave Wol-berg a telegram of introduction to the manager of the G.N.W. ofllce in New York. A WARNING. . Another telegram found on Wol- berg’s person was dated in Peter- 3 bore, June 15. It read as follows : . “Have mmers. Your telegram caused trouble. Don't telegraph or write until informed. Regina tered letter overtook by Burn- stein.â€â€"J.M.H. Wolberg was well liked by his com- panions. and they are sorry that he committed such a rash deed. The body was removed this morn- ing to Toronto, where Wolberg has friends. future. Mrs. Pianang has joined us, and we are going to leave your desire incurable. For tuit- ors drowning is a. sweet death. " -88-21. After receiving the above telegram it is stated that Wolberz wee visibly worried and heartbroken. He decid-‘ ed to leave for New York and ï¬ndl out who sent the telegram and all about it. believing that messages he had sent had not been delivered to Miss Burnstein. He did not go, and the matter apparently weighed on his mind with the result that he carried out his threat Sunday morn- ing. m Macaw Mm Dr. I“ W m wm and 533:...“ ell mild“. Peu-rboro, July flaw-About two o'clock this morning the jewelry “0’. 0’ “I. W. A: BMW Com. W m out“ and about 08.500 worth 0! W m boon mun. An untrue. m nan. thro h the m door N on... lo- cal cm pol In mug mow W9. .* Am“. EN paw-w J9- c.0099â€. O- , tad intend 31‘0"er on emits of .1 AND UPWARDB Every day a number of little boys ranging irom five years up can be seen sitting on the banks of the river with their feet dangling over or they are perhepe tooling around in punts. or playing on the eeowe. This and drowning accident should be a warning to those who cannot swim to keep away from the river. The grieI-stricken father arrived as Mr. J. McGil‘livary was carrying the young lad to his home on Wil- liam-st, across from McCrea's foun- For over twenty minutes they dragged the water without avail. but finally the body was recovered about twelve feet from the shore in about eight feet of water-.133 Mr. Horn. who had dived down into the water on his arrival. LAD WAS DEAD Dr. Blanchard arrived as the body was being taken out of the water and he immediately set to work to revive the lad, but after a few min- utes all efforts to restore life were given up. and the doctor pronounced that. the heart had stopped beating. Mr. Walker. who is a G. T. R. yardman. was standing at the cor- ner of William and Kent-sts.. when he was first made acquainted with the account of the sad death, and he at once hurried to theme or the drowning. dud the willing workers began to drag the water for the body. M1 QM ka These are only a few items, remember, all summer stocks are greatly reduc- ed in price to clear. Be sure and get your sharem’hile they last. We are hurrying out at price reductions all that is left of our Summer Garm- ents and merchandise of all kinds, Prices on these have been greatly r'eiluced without consideration of values. THEY SlMPtY MUST GO ! COME! Help yourself to these savings. Here are some prices which should make this store hum like a bee hive and clear every vestoge of Summer Stock. Sweeping Sale of All Summer Stocks - MID=SUMMER CLEAN=UP SALE 15.00 Ladies’ wash suits for ........................ - ..... 8.50 Ladies’ wash suits for ......................... 3.50 Ladies’ Princess Wash Dresses for .................... 7.00 Ladies’ Pi'incess wash dresses for ..... . ............... 8. 50 Ladies' Princess wash dresses for... 5. 00 Ladies" wash†suits for. ............................ 3.00 Ladies’ cotton house sksrts for ........................ Advertige in the Ward» J. '6 Edwards 81 Co. WWW THC NAVAL IIWIW AT IPITHIAD .A'l'fl-I II‘I'WCIN DRIADNOUGHT AND AIRIHIP I“. â€I um: “II Alb Hem It! as W mu luau. J. a. on. City lull. bronco, Ganadian National Exhibition TORONTO AUGUST 21th In SEPTEMBER IZIII, IOIO BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS A Splendid assortment of screen doors in all sizes, at the fol- lowing prices, complete with hinges etc. Unvarnished Doors, grained from $1. to $1.35 Varnished doors, grained from $1.65 to 32. Palmer Hammocks assorted colors $2.25 to $4.50 Also Lawn hose, hose reels, sprinklers etc. lowest prices Agents for Portland Cement, Glazed Silver Pipe Screen Doors and Windows MOM, 1!an Intonation! LIV- MM. hitch-nth. Proï¬le». Want Art Lou mm IV PIIIIOOION 0' HI. HUI." 1.98 3.98 4.98 3. 98 4. 98 9. 98 1.19 m “on." HOUIIHOLD um: 1.25 Fine white cotton und erskirt for ....................... 1.25 Fine nainsook night gowns for ...... . ............... . for ton 25c and 35c was}: fabrics in all weaves, for per yard ........ . 3.00 Ladies' white repp skirts for ........................ 25c Lownsdale corset covers not... 0 O IOIOCOIOQ 0.0010000... 0k night 988 lston “TIE:â€" 98c PF? 2.25 if? 19c 19c