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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 Jul 1911, p. 2

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{31 “Mason, Nugent 78! Co; r‘onxrrm - WIRING for trust funds A leggl 6% Investment Full particulars on mortgages and valuations and detailed inform- A man can't so heartily rejoice ation on properties can be obtained from Messrs. McLaughlin. P.0d. when the merry springtime comes Wton and Stinson. Barristers, Lindsay and Fonelon Falls, local ro- when he has half an acre of 18"!) to presentatives. mow. . CLDTHIERS and ENTERS. Then we have all sorts of summer toggery and headwear to complete the outfit and make this the most cOmfortable sum- mer you ever experienced, Let the weatherman do his very worst. We’vehot weather clothes that defy the Thermometer. Cool airy suits in two and three pieces Its a difficult matter to tailor light weight fabrics well, and we turned the tailoring of our summer suits over to expert tailors “who know”. lehlgan Aw. Ind Griswold Sin Wt. Mich. All km @9363 am Ragweed mamas? ESEBBQfJEBEE e : m-mmw am; ,~. iyeua ta r ‘ 19m, {em Betmgaswess 3mm; 9 ea: Mar "ES 16% 39 Egg ' a husmzra 9m»; Adams 311 laggs We“? DRE: KENNEDY KENNEDY; Windlfih The Trustee Act of Ontario‘places so many restrictions. and very wisely too, on the investment of trust funds that trustees often ex- perience difficulty in obtaining a sale, legal investment paying a high rate of interest. This difiiculty can be overcome by buying First Mortgages on improved Saskatchewan Farms. We have a list of the best obtainable in Saskatchewan. We guarantee the safety of your investment, and undertake to collect and remit the payments of interest and principal without charge. If you have trust funds to invest send for booklet, “A (Safe Investment." PAGE "0. ATIONAL INANCE 26 Wellington 8:. I, Tomato, On t. 1m to» “magma: J. HOUZER ML!» “.0009“... 2mm MAS- m.” mm m nuns. om mm 26 Wellington 8:. I, 1' Toronto, Ont. Hood 0500: Vacant. 3.0. DEBILIT'A'I'ED MEI \ w unmamim One Door West of Post Office r tcaseinmistéJSeHThesuit case, be‘ 0. w h Contained considerable cloth- ~ ,was' iound inhisposssssion whsn find [G m Anal-hearing the case,th teCiu-klerthimsowm u’u Wm .:‘.!L.L. A young- Cam-bray man was charged at Orillia on Monday, before Mags? trate Clark with ~stealing a suit case. About two weeks ago the Canibhay ‘iii‘sn. who, it is alleged, was some- «that under the influence of liquor, took a, suit case from flolmes ' and ff?” 3 livery stable, which had left there an hour or so earlier by another young man. ‘ Constable George Reeves met him coming 08 the train. and when notified of the missing valise, suspected him and aimed him to Toronto, where he was‘ ed by a qetective on Fridg.1n meantime the yang leliow‘ wrote t Messrs. Holmes a; church on ,the day Before he “7'5 ar- ,telling them he had tam the 'I‘he aeroplane may be a glowing success, but it hasn't yet ‘got' old Dobbin beaten as a family favor- ite. ' WAS IN TROUBLE. It is always a. shock to a. woman when she finds that sonny played they were rabbit's eggs just to pleaSe There are plenty of people who give advice, but few who have ‘sufii- cient confidence in"it to take their Time is valuable, but the man who figures on spending nothing else while on his vacation probably won't have much fun. You didn't accomplish much to- day, probably; yet to-dqv is u. part of the future you once expected so much of. When will the people cease their useless talk of a ” higher lite.“ and seriously consider the importance or the lower life ‘P Taken altogether, however, the Young Buflalos give a, most credit- able Derformance, and large crowds were delighted on bath occaslions. A feature of the whole’show is the presence of a large number of genu- ine Sioux Indians, One of the chiefs gives a very interesting exhibition of how and arrow shooting. It must be said that the band mu- sic hardly came up to the standard of the rest 0! the show. To a. girl hair the fun of getting muried is in keeping her lrimdn guessing when it will be. You can't tell how much money a. man will contribute to a cause by the way he shou‘ts for it. Miss Julie» Allan and her dancing brawlw “Teddy” 881% an excellent [-eflomance. her horse‘ which is (my tour years old and which was taught in two months, dancing the latest- dunces in a very clqver manner. fin- lshing up with a buck and wing Many a. man who wouldn’t have a. titled son-in-law at any price would like to be able to afford one. Most men quit the reform move- ment when it. reaches their own bu- sincss. A mmmleug mnemmaa is mag Amt; QQHQ‘: like meme mama! awmm tram "to 19m “dim Mm Mm 989 Fine aim she Wake Mg dim thmwn mg the air at 0999-. Miami Jung. Allen and Mm Bwhngk gave 59% splendid mm: mm of Image mm apart» mm. ‘ J. C. Roy. more popnlu'ly kmn .- V "lontm Jack." of Billings. Mont, performed some truly won- derm feats in broncho busting. The Mango! the Western saddle." ms tho title given Mouton; Jack by Col- onel 'I‘heo‘dore Roosevelt. The ”cham- riot: rough rider or the West." is an. other of Montana Jock‘s aspen..- Hons. He rode the moat fiery bron- cho with use. Most people we con- 'teht to sit upon the but: at UN“!!â€" ui-y horses; while they are going at run speed; but momma Jack Wch- Ed and $de an We? and and» them. Not less Madam! was his exhim‘m at Fm» shouting; m in- some how By their heads; legs‘ and was by HM? tills‘: ms was a my mamm per-z tamanem bui his 6931mm smiling and Making w aaplum gamma tie: weml mm the mm at the m. “'5' .1 ~ ' . Tim perior'me'h m m exhiutfons 61 wild West lite number 160 cowboys. cth and 11mm. tilde:- the a. rotting! Col. Vanna C. Saver. of Peon-mm ., I. Md :‘Buflalo‘Bill. " Agenuineportnydotthelilo o! the Weston: plains we the Young Buflulos’ led Went. Show tt, Surat“. field Frida‘y’ “tax-noon and ever] rch' s livery stable, which had water! being diverted st Balsam left there an hour or so earlier WOT the Kirkfleld lift lock mother young mu: ‘ Constable Recognizing the value of ell this rge Reeves met him coming at! the Lindsay town council hove decid- train. and when notified or the ed to request the Hydro-Electric :ing valise, suspected him and Commission to send 3'8”" to ad him to Tex-onto, where he was Lindsay for the purpose of going tur- sted by a detective on Friday. In ther into the power mw- “'0 t9 meantime the young fellow wrote ascermn the amount 0! Dow “‘11" losers. Holmes a Church on ahle back Medea township. ‘ , . 13118-3. the day betore he was ar- “First come, first served? is e, -d, telling themhehadta‘kenthe mottoobeervedbymury; andifthls, casemmistsxeu'l‘hesmt cue, be trueinthisceu. the m m boonumed considerable cloth- canewhum'fll'lhhp and mionndinhispossesmonwm and horse]; .1: the melt!” rtcd After hearing the ease. MhWMth_Mfg eh: mtg Clerklethlmgoonsul» mmaumwnm- PERT PAR lGRAPIIS being conserved that n WWW” flow may be assured down “10 Gull River. the height of land {W to the Trent Valley anal. 30'“ 01 the water. being diverted at W of those at. Red Stone Lake. Half! Luke and Buck's Slide. Behind these valuable waxes power- aresomeofthalu'geutlakv in the county. where the mm are already MINDY-2N WATER POWER. linden Rho : It is evident that the Lindsay people, with plenty of ! power for light and manufacturing ‘purposes. haw their eyes on the we.- terfalls of Gull River and tributary streams, where an abundance of Wa- ftgr may be held in store and so con- ”trolled that a. steady flow would be Behind these valuable water powers power at Minder: Mills. considered one of the best in the north country. and are making mqniriee about the excellent waterfalls farther “P. where within one and a half miles from Min- den Mills one o: the best and most ecoeesnble water powers in this die- trict lies undeveloped, tb Say nothing It is possible, though. that. an al- together novel experiment will be made. 0! bringing from seven to ten thousand men from British Colum- bia points. mainly from Vancouver. It has been pointed out to Sir Wil- lliam Whyte that owing to the excep- tional labor conditions prevailing at Vancouver 3. large number of men are out of work. The Canadian Pacific Railway has been asked to grant the same cheap harvesters' {ares from the coast as are altered from eastern Canadian points. There is little doubt that these will be conceded. and that the prairie west in its hour of need will thus get help from the Pacific coast. Rates will be ex- tended to Seattle and all points in that territory. reached by the Ca- nadian Pacific. ~ u» v.-- -V . 139m. sens «me mus. mama these an! n Miami. are said 19 have 19!! use hm very much. he! so is; 99 «mm mm m mom: Veterinary emeeml upon a me use! of mm mam meme mm ‘tma man: One wmimy mm The Warm that the mm. which in are mu; 0! m inflame“: Mum. appears every meson meant young "'01“. m We number Meow! am 5'8" is not above the were“. while ‘anothu' veterinary expleeeed the 09- ilioII-thet the maxim o! cue- We! in excess of previous yum. But so {er there had been no fete! results. Many farmers. said one horse doctor. treet these cases themselves. and it is pomelble that deem my have oc- curred g! which the veterinarian mve LaborerSHare . Winnipeg, July 8.â€"The Canadian Pacific Railway is rousing to a sense of its responsibilities in harvesting what at the present time pgomisea to be the two-hundred-million-and- over bushel crop of the Canadian prairie west. It was stated yester- day at the company’s office that a number of eoquiries had been tele- graphed to large employers all over eastern Canada, asking whether they could spare men. Answers received to date show that the labor situa- tion is not encouraging. lnatead 0! being .vle to spare men. employer: say they have not enough to meet their normal requirements. 8m «mum in LEM ad an: met up is date seem to have but; am mm 19 punters. mu: L? 39ng shim. “mum at which 9% meme to bus died a the e: mm at we assume hen; 0" m‘ifl in: bone 'ttl comm. “0‘: WM tho nuns-l was W 0‘“ lid cm {tom tb 8.3.. To WOW-cotwwhom shout. and until: met-cum mou- tor the 900' dim-J. It suddenly ton to in feet and "um: on u. m and sun- ion. 'lho’bu-n was 2111.me m. “1- together with . stock at old)“; m Emile‘tew loads of nevi, . bin at oats, fanning mill, vugon and tuck. etc. The building mu recently erect- ed. aid in: msumi for 8400. and $300 oh contents. which «m Hm Killed off and net are to a, ban 3'", . Flaunt. ownod’b‘y 1“" Jon-9h 1‘" A colt. mat a» my: maid. har- wu-tmdnalay July 7,â€"Abont 5 0.6100“ morning ”(m-lb! m Scarce“ in West Many Chickens Impurities of the Blood ‘Dathdvofite Can ‘1‘“?! 89.", t nkeofl by getting favors for the rest 0! the (may. 1 Mr. .F. Ayl?sworth, D.L.S!, died at Bellefllle. Delta. Anglicans celebrated the hun- dredth anniversary 0! the church building. ., i The Toronto Construction Co. are getting the work well in hand on the new C.P.R.. line now and it is being pushed on rapidly. They have about 140 men laying the ralls to- ward Cambray end the steam shovel is working on the cut. The work at the comp north of town is also being pushed on rapidly and the rails will be laid in a few days. The Hamilton Bridge Co. have all their materlal at hand for starting on the bridge across the river. but work will not be but-ted for a few days. Francis J. Sabine, the well known, poet, was found dead in bed at. T0- ronto. Laying Rails on Section Near Cambray (From Fridgy's Daily) Two young: boys were brought. to the county 1.11 this morning by Coun- ty Constable 'I‘hornbury, from Bob- ceygeon. It eppeere that then. two young lads had broken into e stable at Boboeygeon. belonging to Ir. Ic- Donald, and taken two horses and the saddle. They then rode the uni- mds for about ten miles. end it is said were returning with than when arrested. but the horee’e hoof: were cut from the herd roule. onetime. am“ new 62:" The heme! was this gem in the when in iii) men.” we the emu-meat made up 9mm». of “elem. in: may: “ L‘limtie WMNHUM are fee the meet pen the “use at the sheet: age: The flow mu Hyena! ear: lier than it has in ten genre and the hlmm some at the time when the bees were not emu nu Menu en: push to tnke advantage at me news Who wind at Noon on «u plum. ‘tm and 8m was very short. iWwom came out on Jun 86- 'l‘hio we: much too early. on the clover and basswood Me up the mainstay oi the been. They did not set the proper nourishment. Honey this year will he a quarter of the crop it should hgve been. In Lomb- ton the mount of honey produced is somewhat better than it in in Essex and Kent.” The boye. it is thought. took the house merely for o ride. but. they were weed and will oppeu‘ for trial. when they will perhaps lean am they cannot uke whet. they Will Likely . Pay Dear For Stolen Ride Smallest Crops on M .W‘Vo m “m volt-mt I” m d W' a. mm; was tum sud rent. ”of rt!!! “3381138. m [rum sand 0! Ihdnlu'ial‘uhibmon tn the film burned “It moming’l " 'r' In Mntflo‘m D. CINNAMON. - Lindsay. - "I II â€" b I “a ”9mm Hahh" an. m on Q but Vithoul g“ h w I 4 b0. 0 (at the sauna heat from a M 0 ‘3 MI of coal-us you cur got *3. “am. Wm. for it (0-43,, m *0 Mflwufimukfwu’ ho “ll-Iv b at u but. luau bawdymm m CW 8368. 0 co.. Luann». . PRESTON. 0.. SumW 60065 at Cinnamog’f "You'v «panama; ,9 $9, furnace unlm _i_t i: ,fl 5 "I '9 installed. A first quality Rubber hose, guaranteed u oellent service for city pressure. 50 ftAlepgths, with muzzle and couplings g A_ -- Lawn Hose and Accessories hose, Our reels are; all: icel drums, and are everiasting‘ Good. value for $2.50; , J .G.Edwards Co. most ufisfsctory opt-inner manufactured for 75¢ each During July and August all Shoe Stores will 21 um. daily, except Sam”; R. NEILL J. J. WALSH FOX SHOE STORE FELIX FORB HELD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. All communications regarding the business of the Company in this District should be addressed 103111 Agnew at Lindsay. J. K. PlCKEl'l‘, Manager Mr. Agnew will continue to make his headquarters e: Lindsey, where he has been representing the Cmnpany for some fimput in a local capacity. hsve pleasure in announcing the nppointment of MR. W E. AGNEW as the Company’s District Agent for the Counties of Durham and Victoria. Imp erial Life Assurance Company of Canada Fountain Lawn _ Sprinklers": Early Closing made (if-brass and Wm not rust. The Itlill psy‘yon to see our Ii THE 1 “you have - hating when u “Vt-HM!“ banding or (ddâ€"QM utmhdmm urynmmnamg, lining the human of dam m We»; Q We hm hm i a Mt g“. Wm mm. lad them new affirm on every m Reel. WY. J (my 13 J. .1. WALSH FELIX FORBERT the life of your lawn HMO to give ex- close at "mod valet 3W. You Lindsay Bran ch. 'Y'on’ ve probably «uess ladies! expenses In; 3m to eat" is one (.. You’ve " Pr E Great Hrilam Them! oftbeoe drafts n ma ah“: that isthevm drawn u. ads. muen. em, as the raw r naive the nctual amount mend. THE CAP OF ( CARITAL $10,” ofiArts on rm 3“” AWN”? mm M It-is brilliantly white tempd on the tabl abolu y pure sug: the test of 23m mama: Pa (1 Ellest l Evadivided w [Bank ; OH“ Hon "1 w d u‘c-lm-h Italian 90 H: a s9 transactm Savi: Branch. \ Branch Provmce of“ 8W EDMUND cities in the in Cm gum: [kn-lurk 0"! mm Finland Piano: Fr'd) Coc IUND WAL ALEXANDE s I0,0()U,1 It is t0

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