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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Jul 1911, p. 10

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(W CitiL'rbN ON 1111117. ’1‘1ie iiew 011181 01 bo11ce, 101111 131111- 11,bf1n'g‘e'rso11, ‘arr1ve(1 1 town {on Sa1111‘A m, A on 1118.1 n1§ E1? ”119533., 113 11ie ma, my $11111? 1131-3911 “11113 M 031111;. ’111é (311191 1:55 I l gs1ro11i,111151Q "13. 1111141 911}; The Dominion Gmernment is send- ing militia tents and blankets imo }'orcupine. with a. detachment. to dis- tribute them. Parliament will be asked for a. vote to aid the sufierers. 39???? 1-9?” mm. Whig! was 99;» we: we Ms 913 9; um um made the jourpey all right, my dia- appeared sogn pixel: rggchipg We {90; of the Xalls. é ronxit Hm: SUMMER GOMPLAINT In on. of tho most tronbluoma troubles of the not 83mm“ 5:33. i'l'ho Old and the Young. the Strong and tho__Woa.k are Extract of Wild Strawberry DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CHIPS, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOL- BRA INFANTUM, AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. This sterling remedy has been on the market 101' over 65 years and has yet “fled to do what we claim fer it. Be sure and ask for Dr. teeters and be Insist on being given What yee ask lei: Mme. C E Mms Tealeb Mae-.- Mites- “Eat,” :1 Me be her yet: “6ng be“ “me Me hwyeefe eie deem“! ee “53% We?“ e! be: eenmeeeb e was: the Meme? ("bier 115%?in em W‘efimgek é; . ””Efisenfiiae “m...- n 3%“ “mam .;-. - %m 88 a: young daughter of Mr. and mrs. ano. Uriflis, William-sh, drank catholic acid.’1‘he poison had been left standing in a. window, and when it yen to the fiber, the yenng‘ cane; aged one and 9. half years, mekee it up we m a eeeeeiei m a bee} ‘. Mate we at ehee semen“. we eeeeeeeee me; We after e we ii {eeay eei e? W: v..- EMF, Afi Ame ea A? the meetings! leis ewes; elm emA “use: an new! name en "es mm Al was new e3: steps. Mr. LePage was an empIOye of the Baker Lumber Co.. and was an ex- eenent workman but bed but been working fei- a week ei- so. He Wee ”9‘2 years e! we ieayee te meet-e em eee see; e m: me new thee genie nine age. the fame; enamels yeeegm Jememmmnaaea we we, we the 9mm 11am:§£-.,ei§ meme; ee'mg in Wei“: w 31% use leaves ea new; we eieexee me ewe em: in. Seen em, a! ifemaee; In. Ham imam eHevmzA Aim, 8! Qt. Game-(ass an AM a enema W ntioh on-properties can be obtained from Messrs. Mcufiglmh. Phil. Fulton and Stlnson, Barristers, Lin dsay and anelon Fahd, loan f6- prmntativeo. “13 at We 36 kt yt m: “9ng me years fig“ 335ka its: 5. . , $333233 3.: 3 Invest Your Money in Guaranteed 6 per cent. Mot sndmiddlmedmmmmnyn'optbcm vo through I‘m-I. . pawns”... Hmmnmdthfiol- Wmmefl-W amine», Anyonmnndwuk.duponv that gloomy, thoeyamthdukmlunnderm'nkh-ck. dmhwummndmmsmdmwmcmuflm. oaths oz“ mnken. hollow cheeks careworn expreuao’ a, poor memorf. mudmengmurequmings. nights, a moods. vat many, bone puns, hair loose. sore etc. All letters from Canada must be addressed 'lO‘lcE to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us Personally all at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no pm in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY a; KENNEDY, Winds“, Ont. >erb£or mmm Full particulars on mortgages and valuations 71nd detdled inform- _- - Lib, Cm... Follow the example of the lead- ing Loan and Insurance Companies, and invest in first mortgages on improved Saskatchewan farms. Get 6 per cent. interest. Buy the mort- gages from us. We are finan- cially responsible, and guarantee the payment of principal and interest. We collect and remit the money without charge. You have 26 WELLINGTON STREET EAST. TORONTO Had OI": Vacuum. 3.0. mam emu, run-m 0min. 0001.007... 3mm m mu. 0'” “00,000.00 10 National Finance 00., Limited Is the most efl'ective remedy known for the cure of u-vvâ€" â€"â€" _‘ ,7 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit Mich. all'afleotod alike. FOWLER’S PAGE THREE FirSt Mortgages _ un'u no n-~- â€".â€"._.... m. the making 8! Has 1393339365 3mm mm 33933399 ham 133039338 a gem}!!! _‘;sg_ ifigfilgg 333533 333M333 Bus 333 3%“. “33%” Heavens nanny“: _____ _ __L Quafiiw'rm . TAKE ALL Fm g m. Rev. . ‘ “a tam 81 f-‘am- 8! 3881 I88 !8§8 8! m $888888 8! H? g flaws“ 888898;! Successful Barn BE; 1* EEE Eggs; EMEEEEE EEEEL§EEE1J E {E ‘0’ amfig‘a trot: £3§é_ E0: ‘él‘; HE'S/d it U . Jan: LIE mm 00' 9 “fl" lU XXI: “k .112)! SEEK O 119 OR a Z”? \ . 2E gIIEII mnI rLI'a .I Em II cflggg gcw ‘r(a fin" 9 PW E221 IIII2 I222 I III; IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII ‘I‘I‘I’IF 2 22II_I “3 an “CC II II" IQI II'tnI'} 'f‘nc‘ f- Iure, fine. Is 5;! )1 5g“ \\ €12 :i‘aigg Pa Nfiflf‘RY 13:96:: alefi “as (no 0‘81!" .Hn‘. \\. It: 1 I]! H amnuq “3ng new??? ““1" i“ raise in su‘ch 31‘9“. orqe '1“ II In ml. om §¢¢N¢nj '99}? ’.5‘.*Â¥5‘.§¥5?¥‘.‘.?W H5??? ME mm (H: réiéycfi 1.? SW. Show 9m 9.9.9 \YM‘.‘ 01?} 30°19??? we!” “’98 WW?” 4’39 WW {9% 17mm nu sstcuvras W??? 99899.?» 511.9 the ladies We 8459 9% i9. W9 numbers which addeq 3,9 WP swag??? ance of the affair. At the 99991135- ion of the raising a, WNW-“9H8. {9- paSt was served on the lawn by W5- Davidson and her lady “fiends 994 mm _"fiT"V|[W ‘ Th'w am if in-annm B‘s-5.523% gm 5% ‘3“ .921? ,9. $13.9 its f m 9.9.? gm Fflfififlfifififi'fiifi i? 1% $319 Hm W9. 939$??? W??? Wléflhsws‘q $91!. PM WW $9 {9' $999.9 #0 m? 9911- The W3“? 91% H199. wem t9 sfi % 99%". W99. how‘s”, did 99$ 89 to, sq: W9 Cu. 3“" jured man. smins that h? WW b9 alright. Mr. MPase was cared for in ”A -_ -..LA the many good things were appre- eluted by the large gathering. It will be remembered that Mr. Davidâ€" son’s barn was blown down by the terrific wind storm a. month ago. A number of Lindsay citizens were present at the raising, including: Mr. and Mrs. A. M I'ult-c-n, Mr. and H. A. Holmes, J. B03311, A. Gamble W. Galbraith, R. Butler, Ross Jones, Mrs. J. A. Williamson, John Carew, {' and others. your choice of the best class of first mortgages in Saskatchewan â€"an excellent and legal investment for “Trust” funds. You an in- vest with us any sum from $500.00 to 810,000.00 or more. Send for booklet ”A Safe Investment,” which gives list of directors and explains the advantages of investing through our company. FRANK CARBOLIC ACID. What might have been a. fatal pois- oning accident was averted just in time Sunday afternoon, When the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Grims, William-sh, dram: catholic mir- 8% 39 “Mai 85 9! sum “it!!! 58mg! lia'ismg Friday {he (I “h _()“'g 33H; A very sad accident occurred last night by which Mr. Wm. LePage met his death by falling down the steps of the Grand Union Hotel. Deceased had not been feeling well and it is stated had been warned by Acting Chief Short to go home. Last Thursday night LePnge was beaten by a. gang of toughs and on account of his injuries was in a somewhat weakened Condition. SUDDEN DEATH OF WM. unmet on Wednesday about 8 pm. thp deceased went. into the Grand Union hotel and remained there for some time 1mm he was ordered out by the wine derk, a yodfig 'mah wfib was {ath H19 Mam of Hie régméi' c‘e’rk, Mr ‘09 Juckq 119 “ho whs m feneihn tans a“ (My. oniy aH-hih'g “EH9 {Ms iiiivjr'tflnp. Micr- ($119th 91:9} (‘ei‘e‘usb‘t ()u “*0 ‘n‘r Free” “Meg ‘ci‘é‘rL 63!; NH $0 W ‘i‘é‘o' ‘0'} H: a; “wax m; a‘iu‘a "ri‘d an! H ”U (“Mk h nit: Erik 3 i n llulltltfi ‘H1dlllt‘ on: m alum, ‘10?an me" men Mb ‘10:: mveg‘cu am ‘0 5‘8 ave 9n nm Mr. LePage was cared for in the sitting-room by a young man who did e\‘el‘ything that he could for him although he did not know that Le Page’s injuries were serious. A short time after ten o'clock the hostler n‘oticed him sitting on the steps in the rear hall. but thinking he was sleeping did not disturb him. This morning shortly after third- clock the hostler in passing that way and noticing him still apparent- ly sleeping, decided to wake him up. but was horrified to find him dead. This nrnnrinfnr was called and the The proprietor was called a coroner communicated with. After examining the afiair Coron- er Blanchard came to the conclusion that no inquest was necessary, death being caused by falling down the steps. Menuhin: e is 3* mm R mg!” may mu (To the Watchman-Warden Dear Sinâ€"As I have been reading the home psper. looking for news from our Ontario friends, it reminds me that perhaps some of the home friends might like to hear a little of this new country. We arrived in Tis- dale four years ago on the 2nd of April. The snow was gone around Lindsay when we started for the West, put when we arrived here we were met with sleighs, and used sleighs for two weeks after that time. During the summer of that year we entered on homestead land some twehty miles from here, and in order to rehch our hm'nestead irom here we hid t6 swl'm our horses he‘r'oss the rivers and stredm where how we bah hiss over withotit get- n‘n‘g our feet it‘et, so iiiUbh or the Mala ms M arbm‘ov‘u‘l and the mm m 1mm calm-3mm, mm m E‘Bfirse II‘Ii‘e‘éftis 1‘0: {\‘Mv‘r nix less whirl»? at H3014. -_ I ..~1r..l l. ut 1 159%"? SW? PS. 1.1.1. S ' San there V1115 so tight ‘0 he seen ‘91" chs put shrub anq just a trail with no road “owner. 1 “‘19)?“ the do) and dinner and ice cream on the grounds Some came with their men and “1130113 and manv‘ .Vith horses. and one motor car a: riVed well loaded All seemed tuj haVe enjoyed themselVes, and the man with the oxen looked just as happx as the man in the car. 3 The crops in this part are looking well, eould not look much better, and if nothing comes to damage them be- fore hen-Vest, the people of this part will reap a. heavy harvest. The coun- ‘fl'y has opened up very fast, and though most peeple have many able at first, in passing oVer new roads. or no roads, and many other dim- culties which only the one who does it cu: quite understand. this .11 is soon a, thing of the pqst, and things begin to look like civilization. know we hope to have good crops. md mean to send some samples 0! our grain to our home town if the results are what we look tor. Yours respbctlully. manna) WARREN. 22"}? \ “A“ 18 \‘(tWi 'fi ‘1 mm t w Wm“; 19-, 2: .fi :x'as m fif- zfitfifit mm? mm" mmaufiam .3: ofi ymm- 2‘; M Yaw mm m. We: m §9 W w. Pf. ma 5?; mflfia, w swan: w km a mu m 9.9. was» fianfifir'} mam w W w New m ‘99. mm 91* W9 munds- 59m 9%? WM! Crops Good In West Says Ex-Resident Tisdale, Sank, July 7, 1911. Sir Thomas BMMQW ”- hawtheawulmbmct, Murrum- i hum-my on m ”. mg ‘em am in mm mamas wanflw embed in warm! ; m m tit-{18M mhw KB um ta m as mm m *8 “maximum. L %{R \‘éi 33313333} 3:331:33133‘33 3 .' 77% *3?“ In: W Storm friday Sturgeon Point, July 15. â€" Miss Helen Scholes. of Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. Jac‘k Scholes, also of that city. Mrs. (Capt) Pearson, of Peter- boro, is again spending a few days at the Point. The Misses Rita and Kathleen Miller are the guests of Mrs. Jack Scholes. Mrs. Morley and child are guests 0! firs. Fen-an. 0! Toronto. Mr. Smith, of Toronto. arrived this morning to spend Ma vaca- Hon. Miss Gertrude Vrooman. daughter of Dr. Vrooman, of town, is down now for the summer. 777M195 Efln flogah, o! Petefbofo, is {be gdesk of ”a. SAM”; llrnlun l‘iillltlfi‘, u. u...‘.. .. .."V-~ , ”r Max; man's: ”at w:- 'ml; Mm fits 3min; _ mu £1.11“ at!” T 1. Nurk 1r11m1- 11‘ 1111;111:132. :11. 1131111111111 ‘11:“ “3111110111 1111‘ 11‘ mm fig: fig“ 1‘\\85 11 1-111. 11-1 §:111111P111.111.11131111 “131 .1111? 9311.1- ”1‘. 111.2 8‘? 1111.111 1. “1.111. .2111 11111 111.19 1111 119.110.1111 1111 1111111 1. .. 11111111 19%?111111111 131111111? ...1.1 111.119 11.9 1111.11.11.15 111% 1911' “.1111 T1111 111 11.9. 11. S1ewar1' 3 111119911 was (oupq op 1, e 1.81.91. 191119911 1111198199111 1111 11: Claws 198110.11“ 11191 11 is wry grqxeuy n, was PY‘WNMW 99111101981 T119 911998111 91 1119 wind had broken the Chain that M tened the buoy to the cement w- chor and beth buoy and boat Md blown on shore. Their cunt” bed a number 0! holes punched in It. THE UNDSAY MARKETS ed Saturday. Butter cold at and 21c. and eggs at 18c. 11 berries sold nt 15¢. per box. Buckwhect. 16c bu). Hmongmmbu. 32.80. Rolled Outs. retail. $9.50. Shorts. null, $1.26. Bun. per «:11... 01.90. Lug. pun We hos. Green Peas. 25¢ quart. 8mm p0“. 16c bu. The market. was (any well “tend Oath 40c bus. M We Mi. m1 “fimgn. W V i; '. “I. am M Ht: m; an“ m “s; M .1 W; 1!“! WflWAfl 9 hhrvb‘ Last" at Sturgeon 53% RM éfii‘n‘? $8 3 W33 12mg : sag mm H 15. â€" Miss lflut. 5° bunch- lec hog! 87 cwt. Little Hogs $5 to 36- Veal 6 to 18¢ In. Spring lunb 20 to 80¢: l‘b. Sirloin suck. 18c. Lamb 200 to 250 lb. H-y. old per ton $9 to 812. and 313.00. and In, 814. much... Winch-I. mm «W 1%. m 19:. Manama ice but. mm Abbtbm. A shocking wash; shew an: max-ms It wants m m Emu 115485 a?“ manually mm at that! £1qu am nu ma mam um; .Me; as 8!! U“! l m in mm mm 0.8% m poutoeu, 75c _to ‘1 W- Lawn Hose and Accessories A first quality Rubber hose, guaranteed to g} cellent service for city pressure. 50 ft lengths, with muzzle and cot-pliugs gud A base reel means years to the life (f war lawn hose. Our reels are 5113 tcel drums, and ac WurlasIELJg Good value for $2.50. J.G.Edwards Co. K Vuuuw-uâ€"k â€"'vâ€"â€"â€"â€" V- l, These are made of brass and mil not mm. The most satisfactory epnn er manufactured for 750 r-ach J: K: M63877. Manager HEM? OFFICE». TQBQNTO. ONT. 4 Fountainzkv'Lawn .Sprinklersq,‘ ia gii'aa 1 n u igmyg if?“ wgsaufi Lib iiiifiu Rimimm “ii m an xiii w W“ mi ““iiizii‘iiii‘mii‘i‘fi‘ii ‘iéiiiui 59m “ii? M“ iii if“ $89M *‘i{““““iii§“ii’“%ii€‘iigi Miami“ m Am 91% lm Mal Life Assurance ompaW CW9“. 1! Emma in! {wait Hose Reel. THE ‘3! Wm mint! § ‘ amt m n‘ph! Piles Epilepgy gEczems' Asthma Sy phIlis 'Dyepepsib Datum-h Btricture Rheumatism. ; tum Emisn' ons Lost \ itality ‘ Yu'icoceie Skin Di One visit advisable. lilo Iend histmy and t . . rtorfreereply Co as!!!“ “m" 3 Hours: 10m 1 and 2 “any: 10 n m. to 1 P” as” W? km! addxs The fonovmfd‘P‘” WWW guaranteed to give ex- M3 11 (‘H 1N“? hihht value. Lindsay Marble W “ 0|. prices and Non purchasing. #liu doipg imim» 5 m but put in 111151; finance with m. 11m W (10 better w We, new 3:". u WWO“ and [In Wm up-m-date M ‘30 Wake in this In; W and WW! WEED THREE YEA m-“ fig.-- .- .‘O‘.:. Q- o Shop lid show Poul“: “80 8‘" immediau-ly I‘EE UNDERSIme loan money on far-w WUGmN. PEEL 1'” BTINSON, Barristers, r and Notaries. Money to 1' an: attention given to im m: Dominion Bank. ('4 'flliam and Kentâ€"51s . I»! J. Icuug‘hlin. K. P. x honey to Loan I. B. WELDOX, Mar-mum . cm- OIkWOOd. Fm) I W. issuer of marriano WWO” in an it: fur ITEWART a- “E! NOWF. 1" Ebbrmnc A Mm“: Lou WW NEELAND: when of Dental Mus: m attentio om's. ¢ g! E32! ”DATE NWN 1 f1, COBONER FOR CO VICTORIA. _ Ridout-st., come mats. Phone 4585. on W a‘ 1 flee William street I". D. Moore. K. C York It!" Lindsay my lowest: firms AND anxxx m. SOliCiLOTS, Notary 11 Solicitors for Bank of [any to low on terms Wwer. Ofla‘cesâ€"a “.21 until. Lindsay. Om. G. M morWl's mu». etc, Mun -, HEELANDS 4: HIV} ‘3, when of the ‘g of Dental Surgeons .3; the latest methods of M1 attentiou will Wallis. Crown m lie successful ex W continue to be d WI cake. Oifice near 1“ Simpson house. in under an: (Vinahz 1b insertion of the be CHLHBERS. Pro; d thug! . § B. A.. James JACKSON solicitors for '1‘ PAGE TWO m alw ' ()‘CONNOI etc. Mom: Barristers. etc MW

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