[16 11" 01' 3i.“ mam“- Leed to give ex- not rust. The I'm 750 each [0020: re )0 usiness of the ldressed to Mr. mt of MR. WM Imamt for the 999? uh: more inklers. Co. trance ada SSOI‘IBS of year lawn re everlasting. e adquartefl c Company : 1090 got (1 value. Lindsay Marble Works R. CHAMBERS. Prop E131] duh g ilxxsiness in I} 2 game Old â€and but not, in thesame old way. We mace with the times and are in a. Position :0 do better work than ever. New designs. new granites, new and myroved tools and methods, in fact the most np-Lo-date Marble and Gg- ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our de-signs‘ before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 13 Cam- bridge SL. immediately north of“ Fife aux. DP- MOI-«'3 Incl-n M 'I- cum his Kidney mun Marble and dranite Monuments SUFFERED THREE YEARS I'HE UNDERSIGN'ED is prepared to 10m mrmcy on farm. to“, grad v11- Iggg proporty. nt. very lowest, ram huney t0 Loan 0. B. WELDON, Mariposo. township Clerk. nakwood. Fire Insurance .gent, issuer of marriage licensee. (V‘onveynnclng in all Its foals. IcLAI'GHLIN, PEEL. FULTON 8:. sTIxsox, Barristers. Solicitors, nnd Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- cial attention given to investments. Ofï¬ces: IMminion Bank. comer of William and Kent-Sta. Lindsay. R. J. McLaughlin. K. 0.. A. M. FIJI-T ton. B. A., James A. Peei, '1'. FL: Btinmn. (EEGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor. Notary Public, solicitor for Farmers Bank. representing Water- 100 Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Waterloo: Federal Life Assurance Co.. 0! Hamilton, Empire Acci- dent and Surety Co., of London. Ont Ofï¬ce over Farmers Bank, op- posite post ofï¬ce. ‘ of Interest. (.‘omphby or private funds. I am “an3 ready to buy good mortgage». 1. E. WEIUDON. solicitor, etc, mm Mock. Undsn-y. [DORE JACKSON, Barristers, om, solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages at ï¬ve per cent. 0!- gce William street. Lindsay. F. D. Moore, K. 0.. Alex. Jackson 'TEWART 6: O’CONNOR, Barristers. Notaries. etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best, terms. Ofï¬ceâ€"corner Kent ind York st9., Lindsay ’1'. Stewart. L. “O'Connor, B. A. IOPKLVS AND norms, Ban-1.- m. Solicitors, Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on terms to_ suit, borrower. Ofï¬cesâ€"6 William street, gouth, Llndsay. Ont. G. H. Hop. kins, K. C.. F. H. Hopkins, 3. A. '-. INCH " aniAer 'nonom'o um 1v. comma P91; com or 1 an insertion oi the mm «natures continue to be a. Specialty of this omcc. 015cc non-1y 0M“ the Simpson hauls. m. NEELANDS c IRVINE. n... m. mmgssd the no“: ll(i01- of Des urgom. o v. .11. the bust. methods 0! dating. epoch] attention will b. 34m to ogthodom'a. Crow! and bridge 'ork. The unusual extraction of mm undeaj an: IV!“ d!) um .. Ridout-u., corner PAGE TWO. )PKINS. Em >tu'y Public, etc. wk of Montreal. terms to_ suit 6 William street I. G. H. Hop. oer. andltn. Milo-.3113“! who resided st om Word h beenroceivadflntn'.30uhido DR. ROSS Is SAFE. Another Lindsay boy who went through the horror- ot the are. in New Ontario w Dr. Jack Boar-m Michele was mated by one: Con- stable Miller of Nillhrook, ad in- cmeruted in the local jail. lcamp on Tulv 13t,Domenica. Feats. lost, the grc zter portion of his need organ, which, he claims, wu bitten on by Paulo Mdgiere. He also in- criminatedv Paulo’e brother. Michelo. as one who very ably undated in this unusual surg‘icu stunt. Paulo skipped for parts unknown, however. and has not been heard of since. A warrant is at present out tor his ar- A row in the C.P.R. construction camp at Bethany was responsible for the appearance in the Millbrook po- lice court of Michele Mugiere. It. appears that during a‘scuflle in the l' Scatterï¬is enemies, Make wars to cease. Keep us from plague and dearth, Turn Thou our woes to mirth, And over all the earth Let there be peace.†The alteration has been sanctioned by King George, and ‘ ped dead of heart. failure The residents of the town and sur- rounding vicinity were shocked Friday morning to hear of the sudden death ,0: Mr. Thomas Hartley. who drop- at Mr. Wilford’s C.P.R. construction camp, one mile south of Beaboro. Deceased specially was a. blacksmith at that camp, and is this morning rose and was eating his therefore of national importance, see lireakfast about six o'clock when he ing that it is now likely to be uni- suddenly dropped, and we! 1cm versally followed. LOST NASAL ORGAN. when picked up. Coroner Blanchard was summoned. A row in the C.P.R. construction and after examining the body decided 031110 at Bethany was responsible for that he had died from heart failure. the appearance in the Millbrook po- lice court of Mlchelo Malgiere. It appears that during a scuflle in the camp on July lat, Dozhenica Pasta lost the grutter portion of his nasal organ, which, he claims, was bitten oil by Paulo Malgiere. He also in- :riminated Paula's brother. Michele. u: an. mhn van-u Ahlv All!“ in Mr. Hartley had been complaining of feeling unwell. and had in fact consulted a doctor in town, and a short time ago quit wotk, returning to the camp on Tu ay. ,Thedeeeasedgen emanwas well known and highly respected by all who lmew. him. and sincere sympathy in extended to his family ad relativ- That verse has now been replaced by the fo'l‘lowing, written by Dean Holt, and breathing a, more peace- ful spirit : } London, July 13.â€"A change has ‘been made in the national anthem. In these days, when the main thought throughout the civilized world is peace, one of the old verses of the anthem is said to have struck the king as sounding a somewhat discordant note. It runs: Cï¬anges in the T'he receipts from the hotels of the Province computed on ï¬ve per cent. of the bar receipts over $50 a, day, amounted tor the month M June to something .over $20,000. This is ; little above the average monthly re- “ 0 Lord our God arisb, Scatterï¬is enemies, Make wars to cease. Keep us from plague and dearth, Turn Thou our woes to mirth, And over a]! the earth Let there be peace.†SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via. Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round trip [tickets on sale from all points in ICanada to Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco, Portland rand numerous other Paciï¬c coast points, during July, August and September. Excellent train service. For illustrated fold- ers, time tables. and full particulars address B. 'H. Bennett, general agent C. N. W. Ry., 46 Yongeâ€"st.. Toronto, Ont. $20,000 FROM BARS. '0 Lord our God arise, Scatter His enemies, And make them fall ; Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, 0n Him our hopes we ï¬x, 0 save us all.†help a woman in many ways. Beware of the dealer wllo asks you to take an inferior pill on whichï¬is proï¬t is larger than on Dr. Hamilton’s. Sold in yellow boxes, 25¢ per box, all dealers, or the Catarrhozone 00., Kingston, Ont. "‘U in the echooluto teach children how to 0 keep well.†writes Ilse Nannie E. ’- Haydon, a well-known and highly 0W resident of Bristol. "Ig- noraneeoithelaweolheelth andthei use oi improper remedies destroyed Inexvisor and led me to.the verge ’ _o! invalidism. I was as a "girl ' ruddy and strong. Nothing seemed to aflect me until I was about‘ thirty. Then gas began to rom‘ in the stomach. I suflered with bloating and a. general failure in strength set in. l! I went upstairs my breath hurt. My system was very irregular and until I grew pretty bad I didn't pay much heed to my condition. Then I got blue, worried all the .time, wakened in ’the night and couldn't get to sleep again. None of the medicine I took helped me. One day I was reading of a gory interesting case like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. I wok the same treatment. It was ‘ just rightâ€"didn’t physio me to death ‘ but took hold of the weak, sick parts of my system and set things right. It seems as if Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills have made me young again and all my color, spirits, vigâ€" or and health of former days have returned to stay.†Every girl and woman should use A YOUNG WOMAN â€" SC‘ THIRTY '- SEEKED DYING ON-HER FEET‘ a DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS NationaLAnthem it should be the duty of WOMAN â€" SCARCELY 3 Woman should use Pills regularly. They """ ’- VI of health and the“ remedies destroyed me to the verge I was as a. ’girl Nothing seemed until I was about 3 began to form DONATED FINE CUP. ‘ The Home Bank 01 Canada have donated a handsome sllver cup mounwd on an ebony pedestal, to the Lindsay Central Fair. and will be contested in whatever event de- cided on by the, directors. The cup in being manutactured by the Toron- to' Silver Cup 00.. and in a Uplan- dld donation which is greatly appre- ms. wn “MAN-gunman, LINDSAY. CASTO Mrs. E. E. Cassan, sister of the wide, held a. receptioa at the “Home- ‘-stea:d," after which Mr. and Mrs. Pratt left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for Toronto and other points. HR. THOS. HARTLEY. John Hicks, aged 70. of , Arthur township. hanged himself in his barn. Mr. Keith Cumberland acted as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Geoffrey Hilliard and 'Beresford Ham- jflmon, of Fenelan Falls. The groom's ‘gift to the bride was a, gold cross and chain, and to the bridesmaid a. pearl cecscent. After the ceremony gem. The bride, who was brought in and given away by her father, wus gown-d in white Duchesse “till. trim- med with exquisite old lace. Her veil was held in place by a. coronet of orange blossom. and she carried a. shower bouquet. of white roses. Mia-s Dorothy Hilliard, assisted as brides- maid, and wore ., gown of blue or- gwndie. with u, large white mushroom hat and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses. A very pretty wedding took place at St. John Baptist church. lakeâ€" ï¬cld, at two o'clock on Tues- day dternoon. when the wringe was solemnized of Miss Edith Roper Strickland. second daughter at Mr. R. C. Strickland. to Rev. C. E. Pram, «or Minden. Ont. The Rev. H. A. Ben Uliel performed ehe ceremony and Miss Atwood presided at the or- ricture a prospector overtaken by] He throws away everything then a bush‘ fire driven by a ï¬erce gale. ‘and prepares for the death battle. The Woods are as dry as tinder. The heat warms his back. and al- Woeks of burning sun have dried up ready burning‘ birch bark falls sail- muskegs, the foliage, and the moose- ing about him. The advance guard moss underneath. He hears the of the ï¬re is now at his heels., and ominous cackle in the distance. and he knows it travels faster than a realizes its import, Tired though horse can run, .and that the blazing he may be, and perhaps at night, he white hot furnace which follows af- knows he has to ï¬ght for it. and he ter licking up everything from top racks his brain to think of the near- to bottom will soon be upon him. est water. A LAST EFFORT. He snatches a bit of food to take' Sweat breaks out on his forehead along, and makes all speed towards â€"the sweat of fear, as he realizes he his only safetyâ€"water. He may cannot escape, and panic stricken heJ reach it, and in that case he may begins to run. He makes a des- escape. He may be miles from any, perute en‘ort, climbing over logs. . and the country he has to traverse .stumbling and falling and rising! He snatches a bit of food to take along, and makes all speed towards his only safetyâ€"water. He may reach it, and 'in that case he may The woods are full of prospectors. claim workers and. miners, and what the death total will be will not be known for weeks, for in that coun- try news travels slowly and no man’s movements are known for a certainty in the bush. PROSPEC’I‘ORS NO CHANCE. Picture a prospector overtaken by a. bush‘ ï¬re driven by a ï¬erce gale. The woods are as dry as tinder. Weeks of burning sun have dried up muskegs, the foliage, and the moose- 1moss underneath. He hears the ominous cackle in the distance, and realizes its import. Tired though he may be, and perhaps at night, he knows he has to ï¬ght for it, and he racks his brain to think of the near- est water. fuge from the ï¬re is problematicel. unless they are good sized rivers and good sized rivers are none too numâ€" erous even in the Porcupine couno try. They lakes ofler safety if the men only started in time. A pros- pector who is only a mile or two miles from the safety that water af- fords might be hemmed in and cut off before he could escape. mu pine his faith to the resource- !ulnees o! the minor: and prospect- ors and does not believe that may of the men would leave themselves to be hemmed in by the ï¬re when they have the stream and lakes to fly to. b One More Unknown Not Aocounted Forâ€"The Prospec ‘, fl I‘RA Wâ€"S'I‘ICI CKLAN D. value of the stmms as HYMENEAL. 'I‘HROWN FROM HAY RAKE, The many Lindsay friends will be Her sentence will be commuted to however, hold out very little 1m“ Damon and 0e renew it heelth by Lydia E. Pinkhszn's Vege- [could have been done. He could, tehleOempound. Thousandshsveheen ' lows. hope Very sorry to hear of the bed eccl- life imprisonment and she will Prob- for g restoretlon of sight. After re- restored!» heelth by its nee. dent which betel Mr. Wm. Chennon, ably be released on parole within s mining at home for ; time, he of Mariposa, on the 8th concession. very reasoneble period. last Wednesday alternoon. when he was thrown oil a hay rake and somewhat badly injured. It appears that Mr. Chennon, who was working the hay rake. wu driv- ing a young horse. which became frightened at a. horse tad buggy dï¬v. lug down the road. The equine got beyond all Control end Mr. Chennan wee thrown“ to the ground. but fortunstely ion otthe rake. He we: quickly WING?“ to the house 'snd Dr. Jade-'8. of WritetoMnPinkh Lynn, [mtummumm is spin in the Peter-bore hospitel. GristMill and Two Saw Mills at Mount Pleasant Wrecked by the Swollen Waters putvdmdnwmmm thenuntoreeovermbooks tron madmru‘edoewwerds the mm.mmdmmsm memorizing.†As soon as the blaze passed by the party began their long hot march to Pottsvllle, Fowler's eyes wax-9 un- able to stud the heat. and he went temporarily blind. having to be led; by his fellows. Thursdsy wu the‘ ï¬rst day since the are thst he wu able to see at ell clearly. “We had hardly gor ï¬xed when the ‘flames blew through the tops of the itrees, and the ï¬re all around us be- came hotter and hotter. We took turns in throwing water on each of)» ‘ er from the well. and in (halting era-i ter up against the blanket. Several times sparks came through the flaps of the blanket, but we were able to put them out wnth water. We lay there for four hours." I â€We dropped everything but ., tew grips. containing iood, and ran for our lives. The flames were hemming us in. and just when things looked hopeless we ran across an old camp where a trench had been dug. We piled into the trench, which was‘ about ï¬ve feet deep, and found that there was a. well of water in one end. We rigged up a blanket over the top of the trench, and soaked it with wa- ter, while we all kept low. Williun' Fowler. ; Toronto proaâ€" .pector. living at 58 Howard-eta. son of Mr. and In. John Fowler, of 17 Sussex-st... Lindsey, and brother of Mrs. 'I‘hoe. Connoll, Glen- elg-nt.. he.- returaed to Toronto {from Deloro Township. where he was with c prospecting perty oi eight. After two ï¬re scores, which drove them back etch time to Potteville. they were caught by the raging flun- eu, too far out to reach the town. "We had all ï¬nished out midday meal on 'l‘uesdey." said Mr. Fowler. to . reporter. "when I head 3, wer- ing in the distance. I told the oth- ers. and we watched, while in . few minutes g big cloud of smoke blew up. A wild wind was blowing. and one of our party. an old Denver min- er, warned us that it Would truvel a mile a minute in that. breeu. UNSDAYITE GOT He cannot run in a panic or he is tripped and loses time ; he must pick his footsteps. Already he hears the roar of the oncoming furnace closer. His face blanches, and he calculates his chances with gripping fear at his heart. 'pump. In the mungemente for re- 'moving people from Porcupine, the lwomen and children were given ï¬rst place. The men formed lines and through their ranks the Women pm- ed to the boats. Even in the lakes |no one was safe from danger. The waves rose high, and now wd then a. sheet of scorching flune leaped ac- ross the surface, fron‘ side to side, destroying everything in its path.†is unbroken, no trails beaten. underâ€" growth impeding every footstep, windfalls blocking his path at. every turn. INTO A TRENCH !onday‘l tut-rib]. downpour at run. condition. Imported by W m- sflpofldxmtm'ucuon mhporflonoldulmuon. The tromltoutMt; Oath-W mt vanadium-trauma. «warmth-mm vu-umdunrugbdmmud- the Her sentence will be commuted to llle imprisonment and she will prob- ebly be releeeed on perole wlthln e very reuoneble period. Ottawa, Ont., July 14. â€" Angelina. Neapolotano will not hang, The 'omcial announcement of the cabin- et's recommendation to the deputy governor-general will probably not be made until the order-in-council is a gned by Sir Louis Davies some days hence. but the decision oi the cabinet was reached this morning, on the advice at the minister of jus- tice, end so the woman of the Cs? nedisn Soo. who killed her husband while esleep is ssved train the gel. lows. . ESCAPES THE GALLOWS. doing well. past weekâ€"a. bouncing baby girl ar- riVed at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspell, while twins. a. boy and girl, arrived to brim the home of A couple of home in this vicinity have been made exceeding happy the Yours most. inithlully, THE YOUNG PEOPLE o! Powles’ Corner. His. Parker nude 5. very suitable reply. The remainder of the evening was taken up with an impromptu program consisting of music, vocal and instrumental recitation, Speedh es and club swinging. This Corner possesses excellent talent. and is very rarely beaten even on short no- tice. ‘ Trusting that. you may be spared to a long an! happy life and that we shall often see you among is again, Though your say among us has not ban l'mgthy. the kindly spirit ‘with which you hove entered into the ‘aocid life of the neighborhood, your hearty co-operetion in the lengue and 8mm school on well on your faith- iul fulï¬lling of your dolly duties. hove endeared you to us all. We ice! that we contact hue you leu-e us without some token 0! our apprecinw tion. and beg that you will accept these little gifts as ‘ reminder of the happy deys we have enjoyed with you. ‘ To Miss Pattenâ€"It. in with feelings 0: deep regret we realize that the arming \mtion metal 3 separation of more than the usud two months. I On the evening of June 30th the people of this neighborhood gathered ’together in large numbers in the 1beautiful school grounds here to bid adieu and present Miss Parker. our estimable school teacher, with an ad- dress and a. smash token of remem- brance. as she intends attending the Normal school in Peterboro alter the holidays. The address was read by Miss Leon. Parrish, while Miss Ruby Powles presented Kiss Puker with a watch fob. ' Mr. Morton .and family, of Toronâ€" to, are also summer-mg in their cot- tage: :uljurem '9 Dr. Cavan's. This ,is certainly an ideal spot. for tourâ€" ‘ists. Our baseball team have been Very [may this season .naylng with or against all the neighboring- teams of the township. and we are glad to be able to report. very favorable results in nearly all the games. Dr. Gavan and !nmily, of Toronto. have once more taken possession of their beautiful little summer cottage and are enjoying the cool and invig- orating breezes of Sturgeon Lake to their fullest extent. Kiss Leta, Copper is home again a!- ter a lengthy visit with Zion friends. The many friends of Miss Clara his. Geewmglndtoseeheroutngun after being conï¬ned to the house since early spring, owing to the a!- ter eflocts of lagrippe. Mr. N. C. Ban. 0! Argyle. isholl «laying- at Mr; J. B. Powleo'. Mm been Pen-12h was up to Lind- ugy . couple of w last week view in; her brother, 311-. Bert Parrish. taut 3m. 1m.» rum. 0! mm Finn. mus-nod to her home My morn- ing uur 39.41113 a plenum vaca- tion wï¬th her aunt, In. J. S. In. Ju. Hhrdy and Ian Gordon, 0! Opt. united their «augmen- bore tut In. H. 'lcNeu and her two child~ In. of pads-y. spent a. law dsyn at week with Mr. and In. John Powha' Corner, July 18.-Ilr. and Powles’ Corner «Presentation gold-headed umbrella and . A. Willock. All are a‘wa. m brother, lost one eye entirely, end is otherwise scarred for life, but life, but William's case was quite dif- i‘erent. ior. besides sun'ering severe cuts and bruises the marks of which will be carried to his grave. the shock to his nervous system was very greet. and his eyesight did not reo‘ turn. .slthough he was trested by his locsl physician till his strength returned sufllciently {or him to be taken to s. Peterborougwh hospital. Deter. he was taken to Toronto. where ‘ specislist wss Consulted, who ssys the best has been done thst could has been done. He could. however. hold out very little hope for . restoration a! sight. Alter re miningsthomeiorstime.he is sgein in the Peterboro hospital. 1 The friends of Mr. Wm. Eastman. of Ingoldsby, have been anxiously waiting to:- some word that would Mr. Edmund Hurtnett. . St. Outh- u'inea hotelkeeper. dropped dead on the street. Young. Man May :Awaysgfle Blind The tussock math is doing much damage to trees in Montreal. The Bank of Montreal bu decided to Increase its comm to 816.000,- Price 250. per vinl or 5 Vida for 81.00. m I." denier-I or mu'iod direct on reeeip t of price The'l‘. Milbum 00., Limited Toronto. Mr. Bury Revby. Shmick. ()nL. writeuâ€"“lhving been trouHed for you: with constipation and trytrrg many medics without um. I finall- pumbuod Milhurn'n bun-Liver Pin sud found them most beneï¬cial; they as indeed splendid pills and I can heartily recommend them.†. Act on the bowels tad promote their free And regular action. mun curing Constipa- uon md all diseases arising from il. Is The Cause of More Sick- ness Than Anything Else. MILBURN’S LAXA-LIVER PILLS If You Wish To Be Well You Must Keep The Bowels Open. If You Don't, Constipation II Sure To Followp. Constipation I Summer Goods at Cinnamon’s Cinnamon’s Hardware Store We Inn 5 few high-grain Hammocks which we offer at wholesale pn'ee. We no headquarters for the high-grade «1)--..1-..» n---l:_ - “Peerless" Gasoline. outc- uw log- mun. ’orfocflon" 0i] Stoves. loo 0mm Freezers. Befrigor- flora. Screen Doors. Window Screens, Fishing Tackle, Electric Irons, Etc. It will pcy you to see our _-. â€"Jâ€"wâ€"-â€"_ hm's V to Compound m we. ommend and after taki three hot- ‘Jesshe has regained her hea th, thank} to your medium. I can recommend 1t for all female troubles."â€"Mrs. L. A. Com. 1103 Butland Street, Bulï¬- more. Md. Hundreds of such letters from moth- ers expressi their gratitude for m Lydia E. 121': Vegetable Can. and hummglsied 011';- then M†n reoei y e ydla Pinkhm Medicine Company. Lynn, Man. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. hula: L E. Pi khsm’e V hbleOobgpoï¬ Thou-lindenâ€; thedthbyluuee. By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound DAUGHTER WAS CURED Ask any Agn} to Arrange Reserva- Mal: and Berth on Boat Included THE COOL WAY TO THE WEST Great Lakes Route! Connecting train lenws Tmonlo ' 1 p. In. sailing days Port Arthur, Fort William FIVE SAILINSS WEEKLY me OWEN F'mxn Fox lmnwdince connection In \Vinnipeg and W'nt-L ‘SUURSDAY, JULY 90, 1911 health by L E. Pinkham' s esca- ble Compound. 8b was palepo with duh rcles under but yes, weak and 1rd. ble. Two diï¬eremt doctors treated her and called it Green Sickness. but sh. grew worse all the me. LyQia Em