#1 Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES Manager â€"-r_ Accounts may be opened in the names of two or operated by any one of the number or by the surviv of this kind saves expense in establishing the owne after death, and is especially useful when a man de: his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the e of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits of $1 and upwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is no delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Small deposits are welcomed. , A234 Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, to be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor. A joint account of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money after death, and is especially useful when a man desires to provide for L2- ...:r. A. a... nthnrc denendine‘ upon him, in the event of his death. CAPITAL. - $10,000,000 REST. - $8,000,000 THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Advertise in «1 Wu’ve Probably Guessed so much better 63m ordinary physics. gripe. purge or céusc nausea. best of the NA-DRU-CO lige. villmxdthcm. WWMMaIComJMW - You've probably guessed that the people wno nap lest medical expenses have taken some pains to fl] grocery stores. “What to eat†is one of the big questions of life; \to buy it†takes on a relative importance. This st‘ the “correct answers†to the question. \ Buy 1') m 3 o'clock. Bsturdays 10 to 1 o'clock. Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business transacted. Savings Department at every Branch. Bank of Montreal Capital Pa d Up Rest Undivided Proï¬ts Every good hou means poor Preserves. The anxiety as to whether J Preserves and Pickles are going entirely dispelled by using S -_ - ‘vu 'I In“ THURSDAY. JULY 20. 1911. SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O.. LL.D.. D.C.L.. PREsIoEN'r ALEXANDER LAIRD. GENERAL MANAGER Ofï¬ce Hours : H. B. Black,- ‘0 AVnâ€"UA\V vv ..... a box If your druggist has not yet stocked them. Where You are Sure to Get the Best; True Name and Wit! Gumteetl The Sl. hmnce Sugar Reï¬ning (:0. limited I ESTABLISHED 1817 Your Seed Corn Remember to order ST. LAWRENCE SUGARâ€"either in barrels,zo pound bags or bythe pound. guessed that the people who have the smalâ€" ses have taken some pains to ï¬nd the right a. While thoroughly effectlve. they never never lose their effectiveness One of the whether Jams, Marmalades, are going to keep, can be an? §T. LAWRENCE -the best known to modern medicine ,1, the active principle which makes 5E$27,47o,735 Manager Lindsay Branch $14,400,000 $12,000,000 $1,070,735 of life; and “where This store is one of sendZSc.andv9 â€"Neglect Is I Incipient Murder and counted every match that was used, is looked upon by the farmer or tu-doy as n "tight-wad" ot the moat despicable Lind. Unfortunately many heads of householdswho think themselves generous are guilty 01 things quite as bad as the meanness of e. former generation. Many a farmer lives in a house poorly ventilated, poorly heated. and most unhandy in every particular. The pump and cistern are outside and away from the house. The out- buildings require a very strong con- stitution m the cold and stormy days. Hundreds of extra steps have ‘to be taken »y the wife in her daily duties. while her sleeping apartment is not as well regarded in the matâ€" ter of fresh air. as the box stalls‘ for the cows and colts. . A_'new silo has to be built; the‘ barn foundation must be put up; a ram or gasoline operated pump must be installed to get the water to the well-cared-for stock. No expense for the pigs is considered too much. The orchard has its barrels of lime sul- phur and fertilizers regularly ap- plied. The rotation of crops takes time and money. Machinery x‘or ev- ery operation must be purchased at once. The wagon. whose crea.kin;,r \\ heels annoy. must be replaced by a new one. Only the patient wife, whose wheels never groan. and the growing family whose limbs are tire- less in the treadmill of useless labor about the houseâ€"only these can wait. These are only human blood and bones and realize no immediate dol- lars to buy more land or swell the bank account, perchance to be gal-.- bled up some ï¬ne day by a mining scheme of a hog-us cold storage tfo- tation. Even the social side at life must In built up at. the expense of the ph,\- sical. The seven-yeaxâ€"old daughter must. have her piano and take music lessons. Like the southern boy in the story, if she has not the capacity therefor. it must be acquired or pur- chased. The new top buggy and showy driver seem a necessity. All this is done at. a. cost much in excess of what a. well equipped water ser- I LINDSAY FRIENDS ARE ANXIOUS (From the Farmers’ Magazine) The Women's Institute of Ontario are calling the attention of the {more to the discouraging condi- tions under which the majority of women do their work. The farmer of former days who stinted his table Vice in the house would demand for its installation. Happily. signs are not \x‘anting‘ that these matters will be improved} Many farmers are awakening to the fact that money is not everything. Life is more than meat, said the Wise man. How Can life bc'ministered to bet- ter 111an in preventing disease which are now largely caused by neglect. overnork and exposure. The matter of frerh air, properly prepared food and c menient water, heat and light convznences on the farm are receiv- ing- proper consideration. ane the women and children in Save 12} thu farm The many friends of Mr. Dave. Mulcahey, of town, son of Mr. Wm. Mulcahey, who resides on the corner of Queen and St. Patrick-sts., are becoming anxious as to his safety, he ha\‘ing been mining in South Porcupine, the district where the ï¬re was at its worst. Dave has been mining in that district for the past two or three years, leaving this year about April, and as no word has Fbeen received from him since the ï¬re his relations are anxious. All the telegraph ofï¬ces in that district are \piled high with messag- es, but the wires are badly choked and it may be days before the anx- ious friends know the fate of their people. There are no Wires into Porcupine and all is still doubt and confusion. It will probably be days before an authoritative list 0! the dead can be prepared. Refugees coming out from South Porcupine, the district in which Mr. Mulcahey was working. tell a hor- rible story of being forced into the water of the lake by ï¬re and wait- ing hours for suecor. A terriï¬c stood chin deep in the water at Por- cupine {or ï¬ve hours and survived the terrible heat and smoke. but many sank beneeth the wevee. Hund- reds at people were brought to Gold- genCltyinbooteueoonutheflre enCityinboateaseoonutheflreed‘tdmmkmu'm.â€T 0".wa "- "t‘md- b“ m 3°†PM†“ “Flor. winch man an: in m .- “flan mp lowing by Grand Trunk wu not ï¬fteen minutes from the out- and the r“, I n . ‘ many ;or C0 00d. 'here bred: before the whole town we: 11,. Fowler um in mm “a they 'm ‘m' a “he â€mute†mp“! out“ 3°“ 0‘ went. t° Mine two month! ‘0’- in the putty north than route mentooktothewuterwhero MMithï¬ouï¬tmmmm" WON W‘ “P ‘° “‘9" â€d“ '“P "‘ W “- m M an mmâ€w1cm ~"“‘ a. and???“ THE DAILY WA .0 Wm»: :3} Mr. and Mrs. .135. Dickson opened house not. long ago. Miss A. I. Dickson has recently returned from China. where she has been for sit years connected with the Preemie!â€- ian mission at. Kongmdoon; she has a. collection of Chinese curios well worth seeing. Dr. Petty. of T.C.S.. Port Ham. with Mrs. Perry and children, also Mr. Henry Howard, of Quebec, are occupying their cottage at Point aux Roches. Balsam Lave. Mr. rnd Mrs. Fox. Toronto, motor- ed out to their collage on Saturday last. Mrs W. J. Harriers and family, of 'l‘orono, are occupying Mrs. H. Macdongall‘s house. mothen has taken the Reynolds house for th(- smnmer months, and will be hero shortly. also Mrs. W. R. Macdonald. are 00- cup) 1113 â€Kawdrtha Lodge" the same as last year. Mr. Jas. G. Burns was with them fox- , :ew davs this week before sailing for England and the continent. . Rev. Wm. McKay with his wife and two children, ur;'i\'ed on Monday from Milton. and are as 1mm! 00- cupying H. J. Lytle's summer place. Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Lytle and child- ren. of Oakwood, have had their cos}- home open {or some time. Miss Eva Bonnet! came from caygcnn Wednesday. and is at Dxcksou‘s. 'We understand that from two years in British have their usual summer abode. Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Macleod have Mrs. Sutherland’s house. They have had Miss B. Galloway. Beaverton. and Mrs. Vernon Lawson, Ottawa. thh them for some time. Rev. Dr. R.‘ N. and Mrs. Burns. with Misses Hilda, Elsie and Gladys. Columbh. The‘ St. Andrew's College “C'amp‘ Kagawnngï¬â€™ has about 95 or 30 toys at presmt. and more zre com- ing ea‘lh week. Mr. Chapman is look- ing afu-r them the same as last year; We regret to hear that Mr. Thos. Imac.‘ had two ribs broken. and was badly bruised by failing from a beam in the burn while putting in- hay. Dr'. Johnston was called. and at time 0‘ writing Mr. Isaac is resting some- uhat easier. ‘ Mr. .139. Poulson has taken up ms ‘duties as bridgetender. Rev. Mr. Gandier has the English church service here every two weeks. He is greatly liked by all who haw- heard him.» The church is being im- proved by a bell and tower. Rev. Mr. Terry will hold â€nice {on Sunday as usual. Owing to we 'tra Cotoconk senices, we have been without any for the past two 83‘- ! baths. Mrs. J. R. Hugh-:3, of Grill‘in. nrâ€"l rived on. Saturday for a: visit withl Mzss Smith. She “as accommm'ed‘ by Miss Belle Brooks. who has been with. her since the winter. Mr. R. M. Perdue. ol Trail, B.(‘..\ has been renewing acquaintances here during th- past few woeks. and «rm leave shortly for his western home. Miss Zillah Suggitt. of Baddew. visited with Miss V. McIntosh. at "May \‘illa" this week. and went on to Lindsay on Tuesday. A number from here took in the 12th of July celebration at Fenelon Falls. Among them were Messrs. Burnett. Arkwright. Swift and Isaac, and Misses Irvine and Isaac; Warder and the Weekly Watchmen- Warder. Mrs. S. J. Fox. wife 0! the late S. J. Fox. M.P.P.. wishes to express her heartfelt appreciation and thankfulness to the large host of the friends in town and country {or sympathy to her and members of the family in the time of her deep trouble. Mrs. Fox wishes to thank CARD OF THANKS. trouble. Mrs. Fox wishes to thank the Iriebds in town and country {or the many manifestations of sym- pathy. and is grotelul to the super- intendent and sum of the Ross Mo- morial Hospital for the excellent and very ancient aid rendered to her late husband during his stay in that institution. Such expansions of sympathy and kindness tend in u Mr. William Fowler; of Lindsay. I. prospector at Porcupine. in are. Ind LINDSAY PROSPECTOR SAFE. may measure to ulevmu'tha row in the hour of berenvmt- only . tow burbd'md m. In. Through the columns of The Daily has taken up his Bob “GO NORTH, YOUNG MAN†(".‘A‘Sgtlht, COL'NI‘RY 0F FUTURE} SAYS WANAMAKHR. ‘ New York. July 15.â€"Inberviewed on his return from a. three-months‘ trip to Europe and the coronation. John Wanamaker said regarding reci- procity the English people seemed to lit-"or the iden in she obstruct. but. that they had many diï¬ercnces of op- inion as to the uncles of .greement. Mr. Wanamaker held . pamphlet on (hand; in his hlhd, 30d pointing to it, said 2 - “('amds is a great country. It is 1; (inc ï¬eld for -\mericans. There is no longer any need {or our young men to go west. They should go north anil settle in the country of the north at future.‘ ' SMI'I‘Hâ€"STENTUN. A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday, uly 11. nt 8 p.m.. at the residence of llr. :eorgo Stanton. corner Hunter and water-sun Peterlmro. when his eldest. daughter, Mary Ada. was united in. marriage to William .1. Smith. of Napinka, Man. The Rev. John/ Fee. of Bethany Tabenmqle. ofï¬ciated. After a. dainty dinner and congratu- lations. they left an the 5.30 G.’I‘.R. train for Lindsay, where they will' in- future reside. McARTH U Râ€"CAMERON.. ! A quiet home wedding took phee‘ at the home of Mr. and Lime John Cameron, Eldon. on the afternoon of July 12th, when their daughter An-i nie Euphenia was united in mar-s riage to Mr. Archie Macsrthur. 0!: Milestone. Sask. The bride who ! was given awn-y by her father Was. attired in cream satin de chine, trimmed with. lace and pearls and: Mod a shed 0! pink carnation and 1in of the Valhy. Miss Sallie Campbell. of Woodee. was brides- maid and wore pole striped voile over-silk udcuriedosheal olpink amnion: cud lily of the valley Mr. Alex. Cameron. brother of the bride, assisted the groom. The ceremony was performed by Re\'. 1‘. Young. After 3 dainty supper the hoppy couple idt for Toronto and later for" their home in Milestone. Salk. the bride veering navy blue with lut_to mutt. The bride re- ceived’muw beautiful and costly gifts. The groom'- gift .to the bride m a. piano and to the bride- mid gold col! links and jewel- cue. .m. gnd In. Thou. sun-on The Bell Telephone Company’s \ I \V; haw: mlugc assortment 0‘ Hand Sewn Boots and Shun :0 select from. all of hcatmatcrial and. workmaship. If we have nor um :22 snack to ï¬t you let us tuuc your measure for a pair. Good Pit. Comtortable ud- Lbsoluuly Want-pro“. Discs-a no object. DO If you need a , repairing done 01 ï¬ll your chUirct..-:nts while you wait J. HUGHES A FURNACE THAT WILL GIVE: YOU A: MUCH HEAT mom TONS or COAL. As YOU EVER GOT F ROM SEVEN. [5 ONE wm CANNOT AFFORD 1‘0 OVERLOOIL 8m mun nu: POT mm“! to av. l‘uol gives thoï¬rbeuumtothe mcfhmaathuthchcuis mdudodunyfromtbocodu npidlynitinautodaodwith- '. ONLY FIRST OLA: 8 [36818108 EM PLOYED AND VERY.BE8T LEATHER USED. Ya'illï¬adtho‘Q-hdn'bbd-m dud-unc- yum-3v. You viliï¬ed Mitï¬mmmmdwâ€" “that b no“ andfnoï¬c-guoc Yuwilhdh“flo‘t!mmy :0 run. Ono tint do. not “an mutant-khan You-I “Almu'hmaw The Standard Bank of (Selmaa bu removed to its now ï¬nd Oï¬oe Building my St. West. coma ol Jordon 81'... Town†'nie 3mg. Bunk Wummlocation will b‘ m ml. a. mean! he.» it‘d-a Bank’s busixmEl N’T fORGET thé 'Firo or tubbcr heels ï¬xed. call Ii: cod-saving future is the Steel Rubbed Fire Pot. By adding Steel Ribs to the Fine Po! the surface which .ndiates heat it Every Furnace has flanges. or projection ofaome sort on the ï¬re put to get mom To call on J. Bughcs‘ Han Made Beat 21 ( : hot Store YOU in and we vii] ‘ Heck†9'. ,1 w the“ m. Hick“! Van-or. :1 Mt. Wing a mom†MW†of the counu (2 causing an death of m..- ('ul! RM Hm wanted aanuth amt to help comtrlete 1h.- “ 1;: “Us; Mr. Nell an: M were three Culxvr‘ in; una- on to hi» farm a: 00!. 4, him. and “am. council to assist him m n this trouble; Mr. Honard “.1 waned m for a sprmg L'ui M fallen into municipal an“ whit: under construction. maï¬- Council procnc “3- Jul: 10, 1911. n m ‘11 present. Mr. Am 4 m' . a, communion 13b eon-ecu that Mr 11 “I. Ibout to place if Love Mariposa Womens’ wh; roidcry and (snake neck in all sizes 1 Tea aprons, ï¬x mï¬'le of ï¬ne embro Womens' Blo u the M QUOWHMD I. 3: Ir. John â€am y b Ind placed 1 3 diameter to C031 six inch tile dn ‘~ rods. and the dil Muslins. Giug! Holland. puper pun. etc. price 12.: no Wash Goods that are éoi This bein the freshest are to be $61 especially if for her pers« Cash muntenu n resolution bridge labor-tor OHS {V