IROKBRS wum if those who may a [e with US by mil to¢ks as may be a as in Totonto. ughou: sanadï¬- [hm f! u‘ the amounts of each month you, With your mm: PROP :uSST PURCHA its both Clean! 6W5 flag, at W booklet on rntelor in Canal!. in I’DRCUPINE ‘ the very law he truth, 33“ E bout 0" phon- H" w ho every W. cud; Evermung Mammals PETER MORRISON Arygle, Ont. "t‘vmm Maud “ "mm Mimi Hm Mumman M30 Arzhttr Graham, : L. LZTYJOOD P.O. perenaono BWNESSCQMGB gm trainerq Upen WW Mm" 5A ,__ [m it)? ' “13. $15.00 WHY“? 0 Con EH! WNW; mam White Bronze Eldon SUMMER SESSION jut-cunt: Howkm’a. lot 1. Ill Wv'v to 1!. F. McElchorn. (IL 1:, :ur night. \r In lucas' . Argyle. {or “1 lLH'ie lot 2, con. 8. mm x». .1. cuder'n. lot. “0 ’l‘Luruh. {or noon. J- 0- wt 3. con. 3. Thor“- 1147941540), v property of \t Lnrnovme [or noon- u Howl. Woodvillc. lo:- 010 1.1m may-enter any day, â€mm year. Now ii I timv t0 enter. Largest 'u in Uflnï¬da. 0" pnitions. Thousands n: at home. Exclusivd 4‘ the “Famous Bli‘ss 4“»?ng System†f0? Oh- Amm! Business from , Finish." {or rite [Hit-U) JULY 90. 1911. m. for noon. , Mondayâ€"At hi. w shepherd Mp. at MEN‘S 8H“?! . ._ 1‘ 1‘ i numeélflw he season as follows \rch. Campbell’s, lot Eldon Station, for nument Brorze C0. Ivzr. ( unn. f. ~,r particnlhï¬. \"H,~'li(' Effects of Slutv, sandstone. . hrmvuauue and L‘ marble have all pr wed failures. ‘ Granite i~' going u Stone-("In conpare uu-m in Siumsun. :‘uylm- ï¬mmty, W. \'.t.. that. ;s mx-x' thinly years mi and as nice maul [)t-lfuct as the an“ it was set". (1“. Nu, Fair- Iunuut. \V. Va. u-w- P1 ( 2: Ear Clydesd l timl yu“ hit" UNIV 9 u u- s‘!‘n\z'fl:fl'ï¬ mum Ema (IT! ‘ 633. on ‘ ! The Continued dry weather is caus- 1 mg the farmers in this sectiou “f the chuntry considerable worry. and it 1! staged that unleu rein comes anon many or the crops will be e 'eil IN. On Sunday black clouds hovered over Ixncmag, and vicinity for hours, and it armored u if the promised and has; looked for run we. 5: 05nd. am! that the punched Ind would be soaked. However. dthough it rata- cd for he." a: hour or more in the ucirny of Plenum Point. 3 more cpl-inkling was .11 an the town or Mutiny and would“ m ro- cm-ad. The country II W h I.“ 9’ thin. u it in mad “9% “I. "OP m Min. row in M 3"“hv ad the Max-um IP- PEARL MARK. Miss Pearl Mark died Sunday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. John Elliott, who resides near Belle- Ville in Thurlow township. Death was the result of appendicitis. Miss Mark, who was 27 years of age, was the youngest daughter of Mr. Gideon Mark, ‘of Dorset, Muskoka district. She had been ill but a. few days. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church. In addi- tion to the father. two brothers and four sisters survive. LROPS NEED RAIN. FOR SALEâ€"FOX BOUND PUP- pies. best blood in the country. Last litter hunted foxes at six months and deer when 74} months old. For particulars and prices address Dr. N. H. Sutton, Ome- STRA YE'D.â€"()NTO THE PREMIS- TEACHER WAN'I‘ED.â€"FOR S. S. No. 3 Monmouth. Duties to com- mence after midsummer vacation. Apply stating qualiï¬cations to W. J. Somerville, Essum‘ille I’.0. MEN "N “NTâ€"3W WNW 9W NMW Wm mm. M Hw- mm mm mm 9? mwxmm. am am- w miles @293} at Musiw- 9941mm- iug 4 “19%?“ MM haw-*9 MM mm: «mam hams. incmmns w wim- mm and Mr {mm weHS- V95- sessinn March 1. 1913. with mm- lege of fall ploughing. For M- the-r particulars apply to W- W Scul'ly. lbowneyviue, or at The Warden I» MN MN MW es of the undersigned, lot 14, con. 9. Ups, 3 yearlings and one 3-year. old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Wm. Smith, Reaboro. WWII IIIII HII Ii IIII ‘III IIIIIIIII‘I- « IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII a INN III III :II‘I'IIiIIHII" IIIIIIIII III III WIN» III IIIIIII IIIIII IIIII III III IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII III†II: IIIII IIIIII III I IIII. "III II III IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII III‘I IIIIII. W III IIIIIIII IIIIII.4. IIIIII IIIIII III IIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIII III-III IIII-II II II IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII-II‘IIIIII III II» IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIrI “III“ IIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIiI IIIIIII IIII HIIII IIIII-III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III II’IIIIIIII IIIIII-I IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII FOR SALE.â€"OANOPY TOP PHAR- ton for sale. Very chap. smu- 1y nice for ma pooplu. Mao tub- MM! Hm Hsm‘lhï¬ Mum“! emu M1: 18! 8E! mm ma sAI EAâ€" Etna mm at hot 21.nwA.mmua. at mm}; mm hum um BM. Als‘d am 2 am; Agave. A5515: Mm†x mm Mu’mt rm mnnmmm Hmnm a mm; “m a m a Hm Wm M WNW 0‘sz W Hanan: Hu' 2H1: mu Hi" MN m {m Mm WW in M Ma WNW! HM Mm mum um mm hm \a: M Ma humtmmtm Hm um am: 1 ii: MW M W “a xx ta mums m m mum ur- mum smnwum WW. “:8“ h . mm mm: Wash“ u Hm hm: “Wm M hm;~ “an“, m x'a'r' ‘m awfliiï¬tsl " MN WWW R- 4- “mm- mmm: Rm- STATION mmrr's counsm aim â€no and mung-sud in New Book- WANTED.â€"XAID FOR GENERAL housework. Hindu-tl wagon. Ap- ply to Mu. J. M. Squlor. nuduy. ‘MBHMH H HBHHEIF: HM £8 558885-55 585455535; “UM. bask 3 HM; 855154 Hum entry rug 9 x 9â€"“ u in»? prié. Appiy mm» omen. m. mm for 1:. 0mm 311.}; mob Ind maroon School, You- no Gerard-Ito†Toronto. W“. 11m Shaw. Prudent. 1‘" Bart mum loft Istiimdemm CIITUARY there’d ho a Mom: hand dealt. but wuhlnsm’tcmlt. ltmtho uhuflothatutfldluoum“ u- :,,h Agn_n_ .1â€" A‘AA _-_I_‘ _-u you. I don’t know why Lind-alum thohandlhold. Anlmwhl'n mttoplaytbocammmttomo. Samoan. l'vo round that mighty. a. untagged and smiled. “Lit. moku some pretty qnoer ohnfllen. Min Rnndnll. and you can't tool much with tho deck youmit." in said. aomowint irrelevantâ€. [31¢ng up the cud: and neon-clonal: beginning to till. then. “it you don‘t plny the nine scum lt’l only a qnoouon or time till you at con‘cht. 1nd then nobody will plu with eyes. her chin reposlngdalntuy on the crux ot arched hands. “You must nuke 1t clearer to me than that. Whnt are you afraid of my ï¬nding out?†’twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow; you shall and me a grave man.‘ The bad prince ought not to stay too long. you know.†She seated herself nt the table and scrutinised him with grave. troubled fall from his hand one by one to the table. “Yes: there is another rec-on. You nemember what Mercado mid of his woundâ€"‘ ’Tla neither as deep as a well no:- as wide as a church door. but "Why? How do you think of me?†suddemy facing him. her eyes half timid. half daring. demanding a sin- (‘PI'Q answer. "Whyâ€"just as you. Miss Adeleâ€"and I ought not to think of you at all." "Do you mean because this unjust charge 13 hanging over you? Do you think I can» for that? Is there any other reason?†“Do you think you have a right to say that you have only one friend?" she asked gently. “lâ€"l hadn't thought of you as a friend. Miss Randau." She turned away. evincing sudden and vital interest in a book she had read twice over and knew by heart. “Miss Randall. I‘ve got only one friend in the world. and he‘s out there on the balcony swearing cuss words at me because I don‘t go." “But you can‘t do that." she expos- tulated. nodding wisely. “Your friends would"â€" now. I haven't any right. And. then. I ought to be hunting the man who stole a silver mounted pistol at the oaks this morning." do know all the time. underneath. what you ought to do. For Instance. I know that I ought not to be hem BR 018me KlBBY sum AT 12" CARD TABLE. He nodded. oermittiuz the cards to “E‘E k THE WATCHMAN-WALKDER, LINDSAY ONTARIO. Cochran poop“ “WM to the {rack st tint Phu- “0 regu- lu' Human-ton trdl WNOII mm. hero ouch min: than 6 pm. wu V E. Gregory and W. G. Duncan .pg. cial agents and wholeulo dimibut. This preparation is amazed to the public at ï¬fty cents a bottle. and in recommended and sold by all drug. use~ product, skilfully compounded in perfectly equipped laboratories. The Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put up an ideal remedy of this sort. called Wyeth’s Sage and Sul- phur Hair Remedy. and anthoriu druggists to sell it under guarantee that the money will be relunded u it fails to do exactly as represent- In olden times the only way to get a. hair tonic of this sort was to brew it in the home ï¬replace, 3. me- thod which was troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowadays al- most every up-to-date druggist can supply his patrons With a. ready-to- From time immemorial. sage and sulphur have been used for the hair and scalp. Almost everyone knows of the value of such a. combination for darkening the hair. for curing dandruff and falling hair, and {or making the hair grow. OLD-TIME REMEDY Astunlsuvd at her owu daring. sht gave a little gasp. tut-u int-outiuently fled. while Kirby stood staring after her. fearim: tu Interpret her words. He turned with at start as Buuce strode c-I - . -‘ t!1_;,qu___.1 (ml-alga; “ tqdnw. ." “8m mimuu't n he petuaps-permna with we wanna.“ stw whispeted. â€he cwldu‘t he Waxeu H‘eu men?" 'Su'sé we. mm m 6cm «hum mar shuqum Mm Mum! mum-m W m? $19M DARKENS THE "AIR To o- Cantu-.1. can buying Jolt. W. a “and. tuctor mom corn, wum Ina callous quickly and Woody. Sold by drunk". price 25c. Bro h the Charlton block a A!!- In. and a» to. at about 895.000- BUNIONS NO JOKE. End to get rid of them. too. TWO or three applicntlons of Putnun' I Paulet- Corn Extractor norms the thicket.“ than and remove. it. pun- leuly. Putnam's Punks: Corn Ex- wOuld be safeguarded against in- quiry. This feature 0! the prairie homestead laws. according to -the 19331 informant, had provided certain Farmer-3' Bank shnreholders with ., refuge that would be {ound impreg- table. Several instances of ‘uoe "Imwell" W by those who fear ruin through remaining. were actuatedI lveated, it was asserted, the investor out. “a M more as sum to be pinned for the near future- Upon this point, it was stated this morning by a. legal authority that the homestead laws of the two prov- inces mentioned were proof against any interference on the put of a claimant, such as the bunk curator would be. Once the money was in- Infew, ifany. mesmthe“ex- its" being made to United States or other foreign territory, where inter- national lavm would .pply.1nstead, the money acquired from the sale of their Eastern terms is being placed in Alberta and Saskatchewan home- steads where, the investors were ud- vised, no proceedings of the curator could reach them. A cleverly-conceived and well-exe- cuted attempt to eVade the double liability demands of the bank's cura- ‘lor has been made in Halton county, (with the result that easily a dozen simmers are now on their way to the Northwest, having sold out their property in Ontario. Against this property was the claim of the bank for the double lisbility, but in an investigation of the movement. it was learned that the parties in ques- tion were acting under skilled ud- vice, ud had no leu- o! the .conse- quences. A suwrise has been Sprung in the b‘urmws‘ Bank waits. Farmers Escap a Double Liabflity By Fleeing nnny gou- I ï¬thnni nf lining LEARN .A TRADE The Kind You Have Always Bought GENUINE CASTORI A ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought; and which has been in use for our :10 yvags, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per. m 802. :21 supen ision since its iniam 5'. Allow no one to deceive \ ou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitatiuns and “ J manna-good †are but Experiments that trifle “ith and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. lt destroys \Vorms and alleys Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. What is CASTORIA HE Printm‘ Trade in peyinz higher wages for shorter hours then any other in the province. Equip your boy with a. trade, and he becomes independent for life. The Herder he: mole- tor apprentices from time to time. children Cry for Flotahor's In Use For Over 30 Vears M MAUI many. 7" DUIâ€? mum I" 70" CITY. PAGE SEVEN.