When Parliament was in sessiOn a number of ‘very useful papers on‘Agri- .cultutal topics were read by promin- ent authorities before the standing committee of the Senate on Agri- culture and Forestry. One of these by W. Saxby Blair. Professor of .Horticulture. Macdonald College. deals with the growing of. vegetables. After pointing out cerr tain important details more or less; common in their application to all vegetable crops. the author follows with more speciï¬c information rel- atiVe to the growing of many of the principal vegetable crops grown in this country. Among other impor- tant points taken up are the con- struction and management of hot .When possible the grass or what- eVer herbage is found to be effected shoum be cut, thus depriving the «1:25 or youngvof sustenance caus- ing them to dry up and die. thus retarding propogation. and passed through its alimentar} canal- The object of this ulceration its to nrovide a means of protection for both 'the eggs and the young, The mntinuously wet weather of the past_ r-epring we believe is responsible for the very apparent increase of these insects ; but even though very abund- ant they do not seem to be .suï¬i- ciently injurious to be of economic inxportance. am; sprm‘u: BI «2. Mr. Benson of the Department of Agriculture at Whitby writes: Num< reruns inquiries have come to thisï¬'of- Lice seeking information relative to the presence of white masses pi froth 0pm: grass, Ran-ticularly in loW-lying fields {these white massesrare due to an insect. communly called the rapittle bug or Hob-hopper. The 2'21th is supposed to consist of sap which the parent, imp-ct has pumped from the plant by mean;- 01‘ its heal; T'HE VEGETABLE GARDEN -me hnnmcnmb radiator, Sm?! trim- rm'mgs and running board tool box, while the engine is entirely of al- uminum. except the cylinrlers_ Mr. Jones has made a number m†'ga‘md sales during the season. ‘M" ('in namon I'nrmerly mvned an ()w-rland. :u' the torpedo Variety. which was In Ina Lorpeflu Variety. Whl‘t'h was :00 smali, and in buying a new uu' 'le' Midefl on Mother Overland. [Wetland automobiles. hu': SIICCPeded in making another good sale, having sold a large sixfpassengrer Overland In Mr. D. Cinnamon. The new car :43 One' of ‘the best models in the lung-land make, and is up-to-date in arm respect. being equipped with a As the result of the work of a 5p0tter who has been living in Smith's gains for some weeks. a number of CR“. employes are now out; 01' nork. Some of the men laid SPOTTEH U.\ THE SPH'I mss Hamilton who for several mans assisted Miss Berry, of Bob- «cnygeun in her millinery, 1eft to upen business at ('obden, and having decided to remove from ('obden her Sunday school‘ class presented her with a beautiful book of poems, a. bouquet and an address expressive of their aflecu'on and regard. The yresentation was made at a picuic held by the St. Andrew’s Sunday, «shoal, on Friday last. : 3’RESEN’1‘.\TI()\' Toronto Raprecentatives ii. 3. Smulpéeco. 82 Church-It. Any at tho recognized adrenalin; m in cm. are authorized to hunt-pt mines. for The Warden one during the you. A XEW CHURCH. PM ‘0 U111“ 30““ â€W l’eterboro's growth has necessitat- NI, 0' '“HV. 50'5- PN’ ’0‘!†ed the ’buirding of another Anglican 5“ [church at Lhe sou’h and 9f the Toronto Rapmentativea 11mm. Rev. Mr.'~'Pryce. has beep £1?! 1‘. E. Suzanna-co. 82 Church-n. on chargevof th‘e new'parish.“ Mr. My at tho recognized tarsal-in; Pryce had temporary charge of Bob- I‘cta in Can-xi; u. authorized to caygetm for a flaw months. ‘ 119 but, Wmler - on. out par copy. 8, mail to points outside of (May, $2.00 per var. ALI A N GlLLlEh. Pr: pnetcr Watchman-Wade: WEEKLY EDITION fAGE TELEPHONE 9T Subscription Rates Rem Mr. Garbutt, of Cobain-g, oc- "church 'on Sunday and was greeted with a large audience of his old friends in this vicinity. Our L.O;_L'. Order visited the Peter- boro celebration on‘ July 12 and were followed by a. large crowd of citizens. They report the day spent Netty ï¬ery MM. W amended the mush: v... Mutant“? :for a. few Hays Miss Hazel ffhompson u! Uxbridge, is x‘ï¬itmg he'r friend: Miss \ iolette The Steamer Stoney Lake brought a very large excursion to the burg on Tuesday under the auspices of; the Dr. H. Graham, Mr. Grattan Gra~ ham. Mr. Hugh Sharpe and Thos. Graham ’ï¬lotox‘e‘d ito ’Por't‘AHbï¬evlast Sunday. SOD. Mr. Charley Heard, of Toronto, was in town over Sunday. . Mrs. Reanr visited Peterboro rel- atives last week. Mr. Bruce McDougall, of Ingersoll, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. ’1‘. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. James Lord and baby of Detroit. and Mr. Aleck. Lord. of Vancouver, 8.0, are guests of Rev, C. S. and Mrs. Lord at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Burgenhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Suwtter Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matthews and Mrs. Harry Matthexxs and family left on Friday for their home in Toronto, after spending a month at D. E. Merriam's cottage on Cameron Lake. 3118; Chas. Graham called on Lind- say friends Mondayv Mrs. W. McCarty and Mast'er Bill l_e_ft on Wednesday for Wiarton where they win spend the summer. Miss Mann. of Peterboro. - visited Fenelon Falls on Tuesday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Less Cliff. of Can! nimnon. motored to town on " Sun- day and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1‘}. W121“. 111'. Walters. of Belle-ville, is vis- iting Mrs. Austin. Summer Visitor Master Moore White, received the second highest number of marks at the entrance examinations held in town. The young student also made a remarkable showing in composi: tion, reCeiving' the full 100 per cent. gin-n. He is the son of Dr. White, Lindsay. H-nelon Falls. July 17. â€" Miss 1.. Warren returned home from Peter- boro on ’l‘uesday_after spending sev- eral weeks vacation. Messrs. .-\.. W. Hem»: and w. Dunn of Cameron, were in town for a few hours On Saturday evening. Mr. W. Scott of Toronto ospent the week end in tow.n \ ('LEVHR S'I‘L'Dl-ZN’I Mr. Hickson, of Bobcayge(_)n, was iri Guelph 'lastKVeek at the agricul- itux-ail college attending a meeting "of the judges appointed for the licld crop competitions. The objci‘t of the meeting is to have the points an which thr‘ judging is made. thorâ€" oughly explained by the prql‘essoi‘s and discussed by the judges, 86 as. to 05min a linifnrmity of deéision. MEETING OF. Jl'mn-zs' l Preparations have been begun to rebuild Mr. Lakins ta.“ mill at Hali- burton which was burnt down last week. The mill is to be .up-to-date in all respects. In the meantime MaIIOy and Bryans haVe taken over the cutting of Lakins logs. Mallobw and BM ans intend running their mill dax and night and hue engaged n‘arly an Lakins men. It was at ï¬rst feared that Lakins men _w0uld be out of work but. they were only idle a day or two, just enough for a little holiday HE BUILDING ’MILL. 'beds and cold flames, kinds and ! application of manure}, tillage, sucj’ cessional sowings. etc. Among the crops'dealt‘withkare tomatoes, on- ions, cauliflower, .celery, omelons, paranips, beets. salsify, egg plants. 1‘ ‘spinach, sweet herbs, asparagus, etc. 1 Of all these, and. others desirable i Varieties ai'e named. This paper is ‘ issued as a pamphlet of seVenteen pages and is being distributed free by the Publication Branch of the I Department of Agriculture at ()t‘- tawa.' I ' at Penelon Fans Vera. visited Cameron friends Sun- 111-: W; McFarlane. of Buflalo, ar- rived in town on Fridéy accompan- ied by his mdther, and will be‘ the guats 'of Mrs. 1!. Warren. Mrs. D. Nugeut and children. of Toronto, are'spending a. few days in this vicinity. ' Mr. Geo. A. Jordan, of Lindsay, was in town. Mr. Jordan has just recently‘ returned from a. pleasant trip in the West. The Monica band came up to the village on Saturday eVening and treated our citizens to a. the open air concert which was highly ap- preciated by the large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Warren were guests of Mrs. Thompson, of Peter- boro last week. Miss Flora Maguire, of Toronto, called on 'town friends Monday. The S. A. silver band of Peterborc are to be in Fenelon Falls on Sat- urday and Sunday and will hold open air concerts on both evenings. Misses Violet and Bella Rutherford are spending a few weeks vacation in \‘erulam. held in Orillia. and Uxbridge. 3 The object of the conference is to quicken religious spirit, to awaken and stimulate interest in missions, and to aid in the forming of the lifeâ€"plans of those who are yet un- decided. Some features of each day were song services, Bible exposition by Dr. Ma‘cTavish, of Toronto ; plat- form meetings at which addresses were given by returned missionaries and eminent divines; mission study classes, where a. careful study was made of certain text backs dealing The Lindsay delegation comprised the following: Mrs. Marsh, 'Miss Marsh, and- Miss Victoria. Marsh, Miss F. Currie, Miss Balfour. Miss 'M. Sutcliï¬â€˜e. Miss E. Matchctt, Miss M. Smith. Mr. H. G. Manning, Mr.‘ ‘Roy Weldon. Mr. Watson Kirkcon- nail, and Mr. Arthur Allin. All en- joyed themselves immensely and re- port a splendid' time. The greatest seven days of mg: with various phases of missions, and verdict an open parliament for the discusâ€" sion of important practical problems . _ in Sunday school and mission» study the missmnary conference held . at work. Ev“? department was. on Whitby this last weekS- The Pro- education in' itself and the vision gram of the missionary education gained of the world-wide need and conferenCe or summer school opened .necessity of mission work had an at " Trafalgar Castle," the Ontario incalculable broadening influence. Ladies' College, Whitby, on the mor- The delegates heard addresses from ning of July 3rd. and closed on the such men as Dr. McGillvray. of‘ evening of July 9th. All' present China; Rev. Canon Hague, ths'well; declared it a tremendous success. known Episcopal; Mr. Woodsworth. This year is the tenth anniversary of of Winnipeg, the author of " Strang- it's institution and its splendid de- ers Within Our Gates," and Mr. V‘e‘lopm'ent was clearly seen in " the John Kolesnikoï¬, the conductor of a character of this session; " 7 lfamiliar Slavic mission in To- cxperience." Such was the of each of the Lindsay delegates to At the Whitby Missionary Conference - Several From Lindsay A ï¬ne quality 01 350 value is now sell ing for per yard ;' SEND us YOUR ,3] - M511. ORDERS 35c to 31'00. We h‘av'e these in One and two_ p‘ece styies, in all sizes. A popuiaor suit is one at 60¢ in single piece style bun giving the effect of a two-piece suit. Men’s and Boys’ Bathing Suits compriqe 3‘! the neweat modfls an'l materials, including tweeds and'womteds of line quality. We dnn’t StCCk Wythiflll ShOd'lY, and )et Our prices‘are as low as those asked for. these poorer materials, in a great [Ir-any case-*- Our domes ire well built and ï¬t exceptionally uell. Where a good ï¬t cannot be had we haw: the Semi-Ready Tailoring Co make the suit especially. We guarantee anti-fac- tion. Suits, according to muerial, from......L.................... . . . . . . ...... 38,00 t. $22.50 Our Range of Men’s Suits We wish to announce that starting With Friday morning, July 15m. we wu} issuea coupon of 5 cent value with every $1.00 purchase. These are good in trade for their .face value at our Premium Counter, ï¬rst floor. See 'the npcciai line of (â€mix are that We have gathered {or t .53 Annual Summer event ‘ Our Annual Premium Sale Yoile eHE WAICHMAN- WAREER LINDSAY QNI'A r: J. SUTCLIFFE SONS Mr. I; McDonald is at ‘pment rvis- iting at Mr. 'A. Newson of'thié vill- Miss Mabel Parks. of Head Lake. is visiting with her cousin Miss M. Murra3. Our general merchants. Le me Bros. . are doihg a. big busihess. They have two delivery wagons on the road. Miss Eva, Hpnter is at present vis- iting with Miss Annie Murray of this village. ' Norland, July 15. â€"- The 12th of J uly which was celebrated in the village and was a. great success. There was a. nice sized crowd and ’every one seemed to have a good time. ,The Orangemen of this place willrcelebrate the 12th here again next year. The dances which were held at. night were well attended and everything was a big success. cohn menu... Eldon Station, on J uJy 7. .1912 u 801:. The number of delegates and visit- ors at the conference this year to- talled 285, an unprecedented ï¬gure. There were sixteen returned mission- aries present from all parts of the world and their talks were most in- teresting. Everyone came away highly enthusiastic and with a. deep- er consciousness of personal re« sponsibility. The Whitby summer school this year has been a rousing success. A NOr were sports neglected. EVery afternoon was devoted to relaxation of some-sort. A tenis- tournament, COV’ering several days. displayed much expert playing, while a. sport's day and a. hay-rack picnic to Cor- bett's Point on Lake Ontario, were also enjoyed. ' I The delegates heard addresses from {such men as Dr. McGillvvay. of China; Rev. Canon Hague, thaws-ll; known Episcopal; Mr. Woodaworth, of Winnipeg, the author of “ Strang- ers Within Our Gates," and Mr. John Kolesnikon‘, the conductor of a familiar Slavic mission in To- ronto. Everything was of the high- est order. Nothing could have been more magniï¬cent. .RRR [sum-mm ï¬ï¬mmm sf’onsl NORLA‘ND. This Is anice Pty'e with Baghn sleeves, in good quality ThéSe are full length semi fitting? Jo‘ats in 4 .\( C1 .vn silk Hniah, colors brow?) xiavy and gr :just arrived from covert clptbs. Just the thing for driving 0r boati-n , Thev England. Special.) ............................... IL. 6 90 are‘ twmiar 8-. 50 f0 TIM coats now reduced to 033' 5 00 A Ladies’ Imported Rain Coats “.00 They all run‘ theeopposite way to the thermometer thig hot weather. _It is hot b.ut we have every thing i wearing apparel to. keep you cool and at. such clean cut prices 8,81th utmost satisfactory to purchase here, READ ABOUT THESE SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES ed at. in regard to, the catching of learp, eels, suckers and: catï¬sh 'with nets at all seasonal The arguments adduced in support of netting the scavenger ï¬sh were that while a ï¬sherman might Vamiabh catch a bass or lungs; in- doing so the loss would be fully sustained bv the de- atructiOn of those pistiï¬rous para- sites. A motion. was passed to let the matter stand over to the No? of»::~~:~:~:~:»:~:~:~ 2«2«2 .«:«2«2«2«2 $2122me52 «2+~:-m«292«2«>.w»«xw2 At the last session or the- county \ember session ‘ quite an authoriti .on an;- thing per council a motion was brought in by As to‘ \‘éntilat1ng the- lakes and tsi'riing to angling and the prop-)- Coun. A. Morrison of Somenilie. ri\ers mucky _ha,s been said and gation “of the ï¬sh species, (being and seconded by ('oun. A. Soutb- opinions. are as numerous as the president of the ï¬sh and cam» pro- ;eru, of Laxton that a petition be ipdtg’ 051 a leopard, and ace as var- tectixe ‘association. for man; ears; rforwnrded to the Government for. the ied as the colors of the chamelion. 1a of the opinion that most 01 1h» {preservation or ï¬sh from. suï¬omion So one would feel like“ permitting ï¬sh found dead in the Spring time ‘in our lskes'during the winter sea- nature to take its course {and let the die of some particular (11913880 9»- ‘30“ and to 3110" the netting, 0" rivers and lakes pro'vide ii): the sup- culiar to their species. H21 1m catching of suckers, eels catï¬sh. and ply of air as it did pr‘exious to the same. principal as malsdh’fl 3‘1"?! dif- corp at anv time, giving as a; reason advent of the white- man on the ferent kind of animals and no: a]: that the latter 68h are SCOVWGI‘S American continent: ‘ ' ‘ ‘ with the same disease at the some and “"9 in the 8PM"! beds, deVbllr- 'lhe idea. of ï¬sh receiving air from time. One year Mr. Mom-.- said inf: the 9883- openings cut in the‘ im- a'p‘pearr's to the 'lunge are aflected and othvr The members a" 100“ 11 hi»!!! in be about as great 1111- absurditv as years. bass. sunï¬sh or perch He the debate. which Wm inteuesting. ever prewiled,‘ minutiae who {ivor‘clsims the {allusions theory m‘ cut- but no deï¬nite conclusion was arriv- such an erroneous 111m show .hnm 12:50 MAIM :_ AL- :A- A- .4 1 -1- ,5---,_V, v---v-7v-vvv'vvvvv-vovovivoO.""".>£"¢,’.'." Some Erroneous Ideas re F (shmg Through ' Holes 111 Ice Explodedr Ant Theory Faulty 0:. .0 3: DUN DES FL‘KYELL'ES, Limited They eraâ€"Fabriw, Pattern, Color, Size, 'uid Style. ‘ Any bkimping in any one of these items means dissatisfactionm ’ You may rest assured that you. will. receigeJul! measure in all _thcse important detail when you buy, your. Summer Shirts at this etere. LINDSAY We hme a full mugs of these Summer Shirts. Plain white, plain cream, fancy stripes, etc. ’ Men’s Summa Outing Sims We have these in the populur shades at 15c or 2for ........ 5 ............ 25¢: ‘ These are in good qual- ity, u adc in good peg top flmpe with cuffs on bot- tom. Price 81. 1.25 1,50 Men’s White and Khaki duck Soft Collars A Magniï¬cent Rang’ef‘Ft-bm 50c to $3.50 'lhe idea of ï¬sh reeewing air from openings cut in the‘ me appears to be about as great an absurdity as ever prevailed, ‘andiï¬thoae 'uirho {évor such an erroneous theory show about as much sense as." Bill Thompson's colt. who swam across the river to .get a’drink. Oxygen cannot peneâ€" trate water any more than it could 1moo-l or stone, and ï¬sh cannot live! by-oxygen exhumed from air. as any- ï¬sherman is fully aware, as dwellers of the deep die on being taken from the water, so the ventil- ation of the lakes is a myth. . Mr. F. Du Moom. K.C., who is So one would‘feel like' pénnitting Ladies’ Byrom and Dutch Collars These can be had In gither plain or twi '1 each......... cocoon-av oovuoca-otuuunnut 1...... - bacon-o Lidies' £0313 now $5.00 , .‘Thase'are in ï¬ne-pure silk, 18 inches long. d:)l)h'.g ï¬nger tips, ‘2 domes very special per pair ............. .75‘; This 18 a carefaily m-vie nose with 41011! ‘e hp. 3 Wm; toe, wide hem and string top. A regular 5 )c b: u- k- g g; line hose for hOW ......................... “325‘: Ladies’ Long White Silk Gloves These indude: mudins, voile and crepon.‘ e; g:- neat designs; Many patterns and colors, inciuu‘in; 7 navy, hlgck an! white...etc. , 'lhcse sofd previ4>:;\ These are in ginrrhams, prints ani nz~u A \ariety of colors. Many pretty stylee "l ) n. :11 -. s; m l4years 159 Ladies’ Film. Mty Black Silk Hose . Wash Goods Special Children’s Dresses Specially Priced A W Sheet Special Thié is (food quality sheet In douhfe White with pink or bhze borders. Special mine 4-0 inches wide, coiors of black, navy mauve, etc. Beautiful 30“ finish. Special pg: 25c,- 135;:de 40c. Now ciearing per yard, :4: u::L_, Winn ‘ Store Closes at 5 o’clock Daily Except Saturdays lm ï¬rst propounded ha a cnrmin [quack docmr; new deceased “hose \business was injured bv th» non- -al- lowance 0f poaching and .‘mh n: throngh the ice in winter tin». and is of the opinion that naturn will provide a ways and means of SUP- Plying the produce. of our waters with sufl‘icient air now as it did when the red man liVed on the banks rat the Scugog. time. One year Mr. Moor» said th£"lt1nge are affected and other NB. b338, sunï¬sh or perch. HP Claims the flilhcious theory of cut- tihg holes in the ice to admit air THURSDAY, .1:er Lg. , std! white bristles; finic‘hod in mahogany Hair Brushes '19:: ............ 15c 39" Sims a spgcial $1.25 9-1 a M Geo. W. Shephard’s “Hum St. North Fm Post. Building, Lind. I I“? a Hercules Birth-k9? an yo Wok this Season. Lawn Mu mun! Horse Clippers sharpen! general Machine Repairs 3' 0f Bicvcle Supplies, [mm-q: T1 .02 TuhesLMiL-helm Tire.» Ready Mixed Pa? MC.LBNNAN C citizons are “n next, Sum the ordination 01’ Lindsay_ In {aka plam church. '11 menu: “ o Prism Bran Ordination C St. Mm ruinous w as p'ilat The m-cm mg good touchcrx is Mlng ex idenï¬ 4‘3 results of .1119 4 nir- I! it is negesmrx * a‘i‘ié in'briier Yo : teachers. schnul im quibble (Wor NW N be it mama-rod l serious matter in : boy'or girl, espu-jzl be "pluck [9 another year-‘01" hm lmpfl “Comes «12k Value of ‘a gem! ma "OLmizuI 'L-g.‘ cur; It is not whe'ré pup; ure. 1th t 51113 from the requirgd to deï¬nitely not. prevent their own 0: teaChers. :- mam bright other nine 1 on the ¢ ure once mu Whezher i “'C uckle u lPAmT co's Lzorw possible '1‘} NEW STOCK .: fret-.14“. In"! -.. |.\ 31.1.!- l .r‘lut. I. .1 1i. ' f. O’HIA {it-1"... at 1“ u'vh Norman» 5' LAGE r04 l’ho rm THE EN 3 \V C ‘MMPJQ â€I