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Watchman Warder (1899), 10 Jul 1913, p. 11

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#- girl knows enough Iold hands. ferguson, living near scale, and the Km 19!: for the front. , unis of Northampton :to Daisy MOSS. thG II tent of a. bremh of pt. How sex- Wnom I adore: . dear sir, I mm: new bachelor. Ewe-lung day to} me? ‘5 3w rich I'n crave the hand £4 0A PAIN? Frontenac, had to 'd a. 8". (I do" 1810'. -London Tana-953‘ as selfish be and b11118 her to me to deride aided bliss. e matter over on‘s this: d can to see 1 her pretty rs are selfish m bachelor crobe of love “0‘ of suspicion. s intheBM selfish. fit "Eh? sumac Au. co'ifiW SORTS N F ONTARIO ~mists. but still- s mule fox-wan) rx never temper- INN" for making mpper doe-3 not that will enablb :y process What- c hun'. 1;»: X contrm ‘n :1 general be- am! not a few w-n written de- rm: period just - ”5m! to mine prm‘rw tempe: knives and oth- will it. It was ‘ states one e35 12;: publication. bm-u tempered us it does no. amorties. COD. 1 a number of to plunge the Men antimony ‘.; :moy formed my.” hard and ‘ in Mexico has we supposed h were made by Clipper, nickel m; alloy was these old 820013 :0 those which x York Ameri° burst. curslons October 28 n ......$35.00 'n......-$43.00 Imnry prog- ts are each hat is. they 53s lung p09 hm! by man. ul old clam) ‘v to temper ; to other 0 months’ ntllt Was Made H:cx:e ll Paint ? Co C Vl‘ {wan vitk‘ s we h ~â€"â€"â€"~ Fire rius‘m‘x‘er mar. (.nz-mlic caxsxg a loss A #333 rain did L-on>iri.-rab1 County 3-vsterdz A fire Sunday d“: r03m1 freigh {0:1, Grimsby Dm‘d «I’d Lufon the emplo ' of iCom Fran». died . lfallinz across Brann‘ord hrit ters complain ti m"- a: are unsafe Chas. Hole V Aylmer “a: 0‘ 4 Sunday morning in HamiltOn I Wirom freight sheds of the Hamil- to: ' 2‘ ztmbv Beamsville RailwaY~ Ar.»- , infantaine, a lineman in “2.23.0;- of the Ottawa Electric “â€"4.11 dLg-d from burns received g Across a live Wire. "I'D-“(i brikklavers and carpen t9“- “Implai n that several new build- ] . “as murdered on his m . 808 Claim in CaIifornia. ‘ I" bane.“ P are reports that the sex-vim 1; ve lost 6000 men in battle and "L" . Bulgarians even more. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Wm ~ m Benson House. Lindsay, Iver; first and third Wednesday of the 1110:2111. from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.. (or sanitation in Eye, Ear. Nose The STORE with the STOCK J05. Maunder' Son fl MES ARTY’S STORE CLOSES 1 O’CLOOK 0N THURSDAYS Dr ,nd by Notice to Visitors ! ”.I P. McCullough “Spencer was one aCCOsted by a youth in a hit-tel and invited to play a game of billiards. The philosopher complied and the young man defeated . n - him with the utmost. ease. Spencer BlSCHlt Bakln with groving impatience stood first on one f1.11t,t,he11 on the other. Finally the 311411;.’ man ran out. his hundred always :1 success when ouriwithout permitting his erudite rival .i11 \\'i1i111 Hour ,\ uqed Light a siizge shot. Spencer regmded him f ! grav eiy as he put up his cue and then :111-11::1,-2.r.l113 biscmts or am ‘isahl: ‘3 Y-111ng man, while a celtain ~ 11111111,- lmt from the Oven. 'l‘hey pro ‘111i111111y in games of skill is indi- ,,; !le' ~meil good they catiw of a \V'ell-haianccd mental ‘ " quuip 11101.11. such proficiency as V'ou "" 4“ "; UM” . from your have 111.31) 'aVed is strong presumptive 11 . {:1)‘ and enjoy Its sat~ evidez 1.1111 of llli~$p€it 31.111tl1’ With C- which 1. 1e 11.11 ‘ke1l cut of the room With- [out paying for the tahle.” .1 P. DAVIS, D.C. Ladies’ and Gentleman's Tailor. W. G. BLAIR SON In one of our stylish tailored suits. 'I‘lwsc suits are well tailored and fitted w your measure. Suits to suit the Malt: and nifty forSummer attire. 'I-'i‘r‘0‘\ed the St. Charles RO‘ ( lef'UAiC (‘hurch in Montreal. q a loss of $200,000. 3.2;.- min and thunder storm timid-raffle damage in Kent 3* yrsterday. FITTING YOU 0UT! silth‘ring from Acute or lwwusu investigate "Chiro- ' :n.~ sviom‘e of removing the .’ unuust‘ by spinal adjust.- \u mmiiCim'. N0 knife Con nmi «\xnminntion free. Or Hig‘inhnthmn's drug store. :.V .3 lu.“l., and 6 t0 8 p.m.. «.z pmntmvnt. ’Pbon. N0. 484, )at :- Feed. (Tool! and 1 fine line of Sterling nir‘ Spoons ; aIso a. very n‘tzuont pf Hand~Paint- :1 Enamel Bar Pins at your friends We would Take Great Pleasure in ifts tor your 0 1‘ 1;. Any little gift purâ€" 10wn is always I “L? 13‘ 19‘”: nd many little The Steamer Athabasca went aground in Georgian Bay owing to the hazy atmosphere. Hiawatha. chief of the Iroquois, died in a hospital at the $00. An earthquake shock was experienc- ed by the citizens of Morrisburg. If at first you don’t succeed some of your relations will tell why you never will succeed. Canada‘s Revenue. The revenue «if the Domininn for the nine months I‘IJIOil Doc. 31 vi the current fiscal year. shuws an increase of $25.09!.6UJ. having tumlh-ii $124.- 577.556. us against $99,452,917 for the mrresgmnding period of 191142. The ordinary exiwnditnres for the nine months totaled $67.1N)1.575. as against $51,313,871, an increuw of $12.697.7 . There was, an increase in capital ex- penditure of $.‘1‘688.7~19. namely, from $18,983,354 to $22,670.103. The revenue fur the munth of De- cember animinted to $14,142.80. an increase of Sis-16.171 over the revenue for Deeeinber. 1911. Ordinary expen- diture shows a comparative increase of $1,028,527, and capital expenditure an increase of $311,797. The total net debt of‘the Dominion on Dee. 31 was $304,194,456, an appar- ent decrease for the month of $3.317,- 555, as compared with the figures for 1911, the public debt shows a decrease in the year of $9,192,195. Mr. “hue balanced his friunds by two sets of scahs; Those whu laugh- ed at Spencer‘s rebuke and those “ho waited to hour that the young man had been‘ stuck" tor the price of the guzmu-Star chkly. p'sfitfiteswhichmm Helpful Relatives. Kent-5L. Linduy Pgint public. She makes two trips sons, Norman and mxuunm. my “a“, settled in their summer cottage here. Mr. F. C. Taylor and niece have moved into Mr. Taylor’s cottage 0n the lake shore. ‘ i The Str. Lintonia. with _ her very ancient owner. Capt. Gray, is eaten- in: m the Lindsay and Sturgeon Mr. Harry Reed, qt Lindsay, spent his holidays at Ple§sant Point. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scott, of Ad- miral Road, Toronto, are occupying the same cottage they had last year. Miss Nora. Scatt, Miss Madeline and Miss Margaret will join them in a few days. Dr. and Mrs. Ryerson, of Toronto, and son George, have moved into their summer home here. Mr. Ryer- ghy with him. SOD Prof. and Mrs. Day, of the Guelph Agricultural College, ar‘e again set- tled in their cottage on the Ball Point shore. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parrish, of Lind- say, spent several days of last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. D. Morton, of Toron- to; Miss Jean Morton. Miss Margaret and Mr. Reginald Mentor), are again occupying their beautiful cottage on the Ball POint shore of the law. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. A- Fisher, of Lind- say, are settled once more in their summer home. Mr. Higgins and family, of Toron- to, arc occupying cm: of Dr. Non-lands cottages this summer. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. (.‘avon, Miss RUth L‘a\'c~n. and Mr. Billie Ca\‘en. of Toronto, are settled again 'm thvir Leautiful summer home. "Nahum Hall. on the Ball Point side of the iaktf Miss Agni-s McGillvray, of Toronto. is the guest of Miss Ruth Cavcn at. “Nahum, Hall, Ball Point. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Grace. of To- ronto, have settled in their large ‘house for the summer. Miss Mary j.(:race, who is attending school in England, will join them later, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood, of To- ronto, and Mr. Lloyd Wood, Jr., are again occupying their summer homu. Mr. and Mrs. A. McIntyre and son Lorne, of Lindsay, are again settled in their summer cottag', on Fourth- l'rof. and Mrs. Milner, of Toronto. and son. Arthur, are again occupying their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown. of Lindsay. have opened up their sum- mer cottage, and will move down for the summer soon. Miss Jessie McIoan. of Uxbridge, hus hu-n spvnding several days, the mu-st of Mrs. A. B. McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs. James Barr, of Ala- bama, 13.8., are occupying their cot- tage here, and Mr. Barr has just brOUg-ht down a. new launch, which is one. of the prettiest craft 0n the water. Mrs. Clerk, Miss Ruth Clerk and Mr. Hartland Clerk. 0: Toronto, are again summer-mg here at their large cottage. . Dr. Bruce Hopkins. of New York, is spending a. few weeks here at_ the cot- tage of his father, Mr. G. H. Hopâ€" k ns. Mr. Pilkey and family, of Toronto, are occupying the cottage they re- cently purchased on the lake shore. Mr. C. D. Barr, or Lindsay, and fa- mily are settled in their summer cot- tage here. say. are occupying Mr. Jos. Brown's coatage, on Third-st. Dr. and Mrs. Noe-lands, of Lindsay, and Miss Flossie Neelands. of St. Margaret's College, Toronto, have moved into their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flavclle. Miss Clara. Flnvelle and Mr. Ellsworth Flavcllc are occupying their beautiful summer home, ”Swanannoa Lodge." ‘ Nrs. Harry Brown and Masters lh‘l- ton. Bert, Joseph and A’lex., of Lind- Mr. James Graham and Mr, Rom. Graham are again very busy movmg in the diflorent families. Mr. John Dixon's boarding-house is again filled this yau. and his rooms are taken till the middlu of Septcxw bvr. Sturgeon Point. July 1â€"105. Wu!- koy bu returned from the Wat to occupy her ”are no bonding home at Sturgeon Point. and although early in thv season. her house is com- Nutoly filled. THE PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER spams brought a. oew Ackroyd din- mmnuua. Boulton R. Kean, aged 30, Vancou- ver business man. sent his wife a {message stating that his tody would be found in the park near the beach. It was. We have never yet seen a man so loyal to party that he would refuse votes from the other side. " Language was made to conceal thought.” Some people are keeping a lot of things to themselves. An iaeal hubby is one who never breaks] any of the promises made be- fore marriage. The British Government will make a new contract with the Marconi company for the empire wireless ser- Arthur Shaw has been appointed general Wt agent for the C. P. B. at Winnipeg. succeeding C. B. Foster, (who goes to neutral, while B. G. HeN’eillie, district W agent at Calgary. who succeed! Hr. 91mm mnkm way (or Baht. Dawson. Dir. Bain, of Toronto, spent the 1101- idays with friends at Islay. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Spenc . 01mm- itoba, are visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Dougald Spence, of Bar- tley. - Mr. Currins, of Islay post office. is having the 'phone placed in his home. This will be a. convenience to the neighborhood. ing at. the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Best. 0! Hartley. Mr. Robbie Sinvlair and his sister, Miss Christie, of Glennrm, spent. the holiday at. the home of their brother at Barrie. Mr. Wilfred Knowlson, of the Bank of CommerCe, 'I‘oxomu spent the IS-t Eof Julx with his parcntw,Mr.1nd IMrs. J. M. Kn0\\lson. Islay. July 7.â€".\lr. and.Mrs. Duncan Jamieson, 01 Islny. Alta... are visit- Mr. and Mrs. John McCrL-a haw opened their cottage for the summer. and brought down a number of their frimds in the "F10 Mac” lgst week. Rev. Dr. Shorey arrived by auto at thu Point yesterday, and had charge of the Sun-ice in file afternoon. acme straw Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwin. of Lindsay, have moved into their sum- mer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. rims. Reeves. of Lind- say, are spending ihe sumxm-r at their homo at Sturgeon Point. Mr. and Mrs. Wright M. Goodwin, of Lindsay. have been settli-d for >ome time in their cottage on Third- Mr. and Mm. Edgar Campbell, Toronto, an- oncg more scttk-d their summer .vottagc here. Mr. Arthur Martin, of Lindsay, is spending the summur with hié grandâ€" father, Mr. J. B. Knowlson, at. San- dy Point. The Rev. R. M. Burns and family, of Toronto, have rvnted the beautiful cottage of Rev. A. I“. Barr, of To- ronto. for the summer Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Knowlson and Miss Grace Knowlson are occupying their summer home here. Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Knowlson and Mrs. Martin are settled once more in their beautiful summer home at, San- dy Point. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brown. and Mr, and Mrs. Will Brown and Miss Ida, of Lindsay, are once more settled in their summer home on Third-st. Mr. Ellsworth I-‘laVelle has brought, with him an AykrOyd sloop. which will doubtless take the cup this year for the open sailing race. Mr. and Mm. Norman and daugh- ter. of Toronto. are settled in their summer home here, which they pur- chased last year. Mr. J. O'Neil, of Lindsay, has been spending some days here, the guest. of Mr. Morton, of Lindsay. Mr. Geoffrey Edwards, Mr. Wilfrid Stratton. of I’cwrboru; Mr. Coch- rune. of Toronto. and Mr. Wilkes, of Motor), passed through here on ‘ ca. noe trip to the Northern Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. S. Flack. of Lindsay, have been {or some time settled in their cottage here on Third-st. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shelly, of Cal- guy, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Sandy" Flack for the sammer. Mr. 1%. Stlnlon. of Linduy. ha been spending suwrul any: at. Stur- izoon Point. W m 95 mm. 1: m m MM? i W». W “M. 9! ”manta, spent 'tho wok-end tho [mu 01 Hr Lloyd Wood Mr. and Mn. Fred Shomoy ond Mr. Wilfrid McAdanm. of Toronto, an» spundlng ‘ few days here. uy. at once more named In thou- cotpgo M. Plenum l'olnt. Mr. lluuoll 6. New“. at Toronto. is upcndlng Iomo holldayu at Stur- geon l’olm. Mu. R. Adml and IOII. Dr. Rob- IN. 0! Mutiny. an unit: occupying choir Iumum' comm on the w. more. Mn. Dr. can. gnd cum. tram I'orumouth. ONO. no min occupy. In: their putty umo bungalow on l‘ourthmt. Mr. 8. 3mm and funny. at 1'0- torboro. m occupying Olen Comm The luau CNN." and um Bul- l. umuu. 0' Mummy. hum beta lpcndmg gov-ml du- st awrpon Point. ' Kean, aged 30. Vancou- ISLAY. of In It is stated [that at the Cabinet Council meeting in Ottawa on Satur- day ,1 fifteen days' reprieve for Chas. Gibson was granted. A Johannesburg strike was omcinl- 1y ended alter twenty riotcrs were killed by the soldiers, but the trouble is by no means ova. Nation hna developed over the se- lection of a Chairman for the British Columbia. Better Terms Commission. Negotiations are being c0mpleted for ‘ new central military training If. GeOrge Howard. one of Guelph': most prominent citizens. paced “my. ”all Charter“. eldest son of Dr. When meeting a woman these days with " Mrs." affixed to her name. it. is the part. of wisdom to learn 1! it is present or past. tense wore inquiring too phrticularly about her hubby. me for gawnynuibre years. and Goa alone knows when or whether I shall ever see it again.” "Is'it lonesome ’w‘iy'fi'f) there? Well, perhaps iou would think so, but the north is home to me now and I am 2133 to be getting back to it. I have had enough of civiliution to 2331.1st The Hardings came east and sailed for England late in November last. and remained there until a few weeks ago. crowding into less than four months the delight: of civilization from which they had been cut off for more than a dozen years. Mr. Hard- ing is of middle age and save for his bronzed face. bears more the appear- ance of a comfortable. contented man of business than one accustomed to Arctic rigors. He was. strangely enough. born in India and reared in England. at the village of Wimbledon. near London. He is well educated and has kept in touch with the world‘s doings through the medium of news- papers six months to a year old when d livered at hi§ post by the Canadian ov'ef-"nment’s northeeraijuLierg. At Winnipeg lhn two mon visited the Hudson Bay offices and-drew their savings of years. or what portion they waniod. Money is a useless commod- ity in the far northern fur country: indeed it is rarely seen there. the in- QEQEQging paid in supplies (at the furs they turn in. Same Hudson Bay n‘ficials have small fortune; awaiting them whm they get out where money .v. is useful. «may; ; -~. 9...: At Edmonton the experiences of the party been in earnost. (‘mudet saw his first locomotive and tho Harding's their first automobile. Neither knows which was tho more nwo-striokon. but norhans it Wile (:au‘ivt. who stared wide-eyed at the iron horse. "Well. that heats a do: train, doesn't it?" he gasped. The Hurdings ohm-tend an mmunohilo and sun-Ht a whole day in it. Electric bolls. elevators and tele- phones Gaudet cave a wide berth. Fort McPherson is near the mmith 0f the great Mackenzie river. within the Arctic circle. between 6? and 65 decrees north la‘Itudo. K journey of more than a thcusand m; its by canoe and portaze.u pthe Mackenzie river Great Slave Lake. Slave River. and Athabasca River brought him and his wife. a former Winnipeg girl. to Atha. basca Landing. whence they pro- ooedod overland tn Edmonton. Alta. Edmonton was the first city they had seen in thirteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Harding were accom- panied by Fred Gaudet. on employe of the company who had not been "outside" in 2% yours. Gaudet travel- ed only as far as Quebec, his boyhood homo. where he has spent several months. and t0 H take north with him a pretty French-Canadian girl as his bride. \Hudaon Pay Factor Sou Civilization 1 A." l3 Yr i In North. To spend thirteen years in the tar north of Canada. completely i.-olated lrom civilization and its wonder-u then to be granted a year‘s lurloueh and visit the world’s lamest city. see~ ing the automobile. the aeroplane. the submarine. wireless telegraph and other creations of science. undreamed of or in their infancy when last he mingled with civilizationâ€"such is the unique experience of Christopher Harding. Hudson Bay Co. lactor of the Great Slave Lake and Mackenzie River district. in chargu of that hia toric fur company's posts in a vast extent of territory away up at the top nf (‘anada When Harding reaches Fort Mc- Pherson. the most northerly Hudson Bay Co. trading post. where he ex- pects to arrive in July. he will hava completed a years" travel and won- derment at the strides of s~‘--nce. for it was in July of last year that he re- ceived the official document from headquarters in London containing news of the reward of his lairhful ser- vices. in the form of a year’s holiday as the mmnany's guest. But we")... aslbo. who. Cartons 51b... : ibu. 3 [mt denim can :quya. 8!. lam mm W I“ â€"buy 8!. Lawrence 3m. Gn- numed by the bug. You get the choicest, pure one aunt. untouched by my hand from Refinery to you: kitchenâ€"«u! FULL WHO" cum For] Preserving OUT AT THE ARCTICS. that my home t‘rveatmegxt is a safe and sure cure {Jr 1 or ”a. “Wt.lflccmdon.ols M of Fm of the Womb. Profuse. Sanity MWW:.WOYOVIMTu-orsor W. “ID “I. In the head; back and bowels. w down W. menus. creeping Icel- km the Dom-Wmdeflre to cryJIot that“. weal-bus. kldney and budder trouble. .wherc mud by rm peculiar to our sex. Inn! to’send'youva W10 clays' W M? tree to prove to you that you an: cure ml: f at home. easily, quickly and surely. ember, that n will“ you nothing to “w: the Wt a 00111mean if you should wish to continue. it will cost you only a ut x2 wil‘ not interfere with 'our work or occupation. . It Inc how you suffer. ifyou ' , and I will send you the Wt «yours-c.5139! freak lainwn r.b're1urumil. lwfllglsosend you free ‘ m vls R" with explain? lllustrations show- whywomenflk,“hov they” easilycure themselves at home. very woman should by: It,“ learn to y m when the doctoe saysâ€""You mun. havean operm 509,",mmdedder 11:.on women have cured gums-elves with my home my. It cuts ‘. c To ”other. of W l mu explain a simple home W '3“. “a cum What. :1: sickness not} Painful o: I in Y Luna. Plum and health Always result from m use. may!“ «fig We! your own loamy w_ho know And will gladly I“ thmnymnu'omm‘sdxmaudmkesm ." “.mdthcfrecleu ‘ ' .‘W “u?“mmh I “It.” truism“ . m- "u”‘.- 7 .7 . Winsome-L. Rev. L. Des Brisay. late incumbent of the Anglican church at Ste. Agatha, Quebec, died at. Montreal at the age of. 60. FREE T0. YOU-MY SISTER The body of Jessie Phillips, of Thorold. was found in the old Wel- land canal. verifying the theory that she had ended her life there through remorse over her sister's suicide af- ter 0. quarrel. Lady Sackville proved an animated witness in testifying at the hearing of the Scott will case in London. The Duke of Connaugut. at the D0- minion Day dinner in London, 13:13., expresud his gladness at we prospect of returning to Canada. Ald. ’1‘. 1“. Harrison of Kingston. with the International Sunday School Commission on a. tour of foreign lands, was the first Canadian to enter the forbidden city of Pe- lung. Wall-st. men have been ordered to appear to testify before the " lobby" Investigating committee in Washing- ton. Charity may cover a multitude of sins, but all the big ones show through. g 25 Kent-st. Phone 159K. Lindsay g Wma MW 'Pull vii-ac- V'l’ufi’lmrvadonu on Steamer-7bii‘il'rdiiiiivlw'bc obwned on small- cation to mud 1‘an Agents. or wrlu: y W. R Wlddou. Phono 11. A. Inlahb. Phone 81. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Other points in proportion. Return limit two months. Homeseekew' Train leaves To- ronto 2.00 pan. each Tuesday, umil Aug. 26 inclusive. Best train. A Cpoeld Tali VIII run the «were wayâ€"«om Sarah w ham to Toronto. commenc- tufluny "I: at} out: Toad-y. Frldu and Mad" tbs-run”. class coaches. A Service Perfectod By Studied Efl’ort and Yuan of Experience Good icing June 80 and July 1 Good going June 28. 29. 30 and Return limit July 2 July 1. Return limit July 3 MINIMUM CHARGE 2.5 CENTS LOW RATES F OR DOMINION DAY Between all stations in Canada, Fort William and But, also to Sault Ste. Marie. Detroit, Mich” Buflalo and Niagara Falls. N. Y CANADIAN PACIFIC Each Tuesday until October % Winnipeg and Return .........$35.00 Edmonton and Return ....... $43.00 II"... TORONTO. Il‘Ill. “UL“! ITI. llflll. II'I'KUI. IOR'I' WILLIAI. WINK!!! ’0" Full Particulars trom any C. P. R. Agent or T. C. Matchett, Kent-st. GRIND TRUNK SYSTEM ' 57 HOURS 10301! [0 To wmmpna Leavmg TuesdayS, Saturdays. Room Furniture at Reduced Prices for This Week ‘4' mm a. To an" m "on uuu u :0“ .m " “on . Wu!" 8‘}. H “Olin“. .. am on It." noun" ".16” Mill. "' .. .. ”do“. .. HIIOH'HHIO O .18 p. m. â€" .. .‘ M " SIN“. WW. Nor. NIP. 00.. .... C. 18 p. m â€"â€" u M o " 8.8. Huh. OIkNor. Nu.Co.. .Ll 80.. m; Thur Sun 8.0) p. m. Tue- Ar Port Arthur. Nor. N“. 00... .. 7. 80.. m. -Moa.. Fri. “ Fort Willi... 80!. M 00.." ..... am“ ...--Mon 13%|..sz Wed ‘0 W‘nnlm. a. To P. M'.’ nnnnnn 7 ‘5‘ moâ€" I‘ll". u Thu,“ 8“. Dining Room and Bed WE SELL THE HAMMO-COUCH- JUST \ WHAT YOU NEED. GREAT LAKES SERVICE Otber Luxurious Steamers, Mondays, Wednesdays, 'and Thursdays. STEAMSHIP E0133 Leaves Toronto daily, except Friday and Sunday 12 45 noon and arrives at ship's side 3.55 p.m. Parlor Cm. First,- STEAMBOAT SPECIAL SINGLE FARE E. TANGNEY? mwssm ”MW NEW SERVICE Phone 159K. Lindsay g - I an: a woman. . I know woman‘s said-Inga. 3 I have found the cure. I will mail. Inc of any chargt, my I... m. m with full inatmctwns to any suflcrcr from women‘s ailments. I want to tell .- women about this cute â€" you. my reader. for yourself. r daughter. your mother. or your sister. I wamo tell how to cure vcs at home without the l ofadoctor. ncan-otundcrsund won:- el't 'nga. What we. women know from eg. W‘we know‘bettcfthan gay doctor. | 3.9. A nation-wide campaign of temper- ance education is planned in the Uni- ted States. Patient-Doctor, have you ever treat- ed a patient for loss of memory? Thé Doctorâ€"Oh. yes! I employ a mu collector quite often-Chicago News A militant Suflragette threw 1 document into the Royal carriage during King George's visit to Bris- tol. .NFIU'J.‘ I.ZU§O’ 30% 02“ g. CUF..O >CU>U a: 30> OP 00KB MUSKOKA LAKES SERVICE Toronto and Bala. Best Train Leave Bola. 8.00 p.m. arrive Toronto 11.50 p.m. Not Sunday Northbound Not Saturday Southbound CONNECTION T0 LAKES Directly made at Bola for and from all ports of call. PARLOR CAR. CAFE CAR. Improved facilities at Bala Falls Wharf for transfer of passengers and baggage. POINT AU BLRIL ASK FOR FOLDER AND TRAIN SERVICE. Leavo Toronto 11.50 mm. Arnve Bah 8.40 9.111. O. I. Hot-1mm. nun. Union [tuttom Toronto EFFECTIVE JUNE 28. 3 Tnius Northbound 4 Tnino Southbound Common Complaint. Inc!" Jun m Westbound

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