£3in Wanted ENT E Unsalted: one centf'por nd more than market arice will be pawl. irlixu WiHmm and Peel-st; Telaphone 837 L‘ t for gen- 1 can make. v‘s“““‘ s silo, KINDS. HIGHEST RICES PAID. FARHER 0m 00 mu 913, the Lindsay, APPLEBAUM 01‘ W )IA‘I' R. Butler, Wardrobe. § \ Q, \“‘~“\‘“\ I night, 706. BIRTITS DETE 7": l sh prices paid. J ULY 1Q),~ Mrs. Hill. of son, on June tion have been 1‘ of the Col- on the re-open- 6* summer holi- umplcte staf! o! for the farm- all kinds of 3. horse hair. A? Z; Llnusay At Travel When Omemee Branch 11 ND OPTICIAN RIGGS OLD STAND FOR SALE We have about 50 pair of gold filled spec- tacles, ï¬tted with good lenses, we will clear out ' ved Your eyes tested free by the most tmpro methods. While they last at $1.99 a pair complete. . 'APITAL AN?) RESERVED FUNDS '1 °°mpetiti BRANCHI-ZS 1N ONTARIO, QUEBEC AND THE WEST. MONTREAL Inccrporated byflct 0f Parliament F11 new side aid on n. (ANADIAN BANK m? COMMERCE 1‘ , :51 3.000 00,0 REST. $12,500:,000 “mg: . \NKING BY MAIL npetitive system it i. :1 unless the other fal- 0.7.17; up Capital ............ 816,00 0,000 fl , t .................. $16,000,000 m- sirtewalks will 1191166- on the local im'pï¬iï¬ granch, H. A. HOLMES Manager ication of wiivided 'Proflts my be opened at every branch of The Canadian inure to be operated by mail. and will reCeive the ;.:tcntion as is given to all other departments of the 3.5. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this nmfly as by a personal visit to the Bank. a. Take money with you in the form of Bank of Toron- tn ’l‘ravellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit. These are absolutely safe and sufï¬cient, and are a. protec- :Eon against loss by theft, ï¬re or other misadventure. ’l‘hnre cost is inconsiderable. Obtainable from any Munch of the Bank of Toronto. ntiou of ma may“ cadache {ES Hid“; R. L. MORGAN "‘4'" “ï¬ikï¬ï¬â€: gig-.9“ khan 319.19. mm‘ x \triu MN A‘RB w. x. Mww Asgmm Gent-a! Mam .1 FLY 10. 1913. :isay Branch establishéd A D. 1858 m to i o'cloek; 9 Hours : hes in may leince 0‘ 41:6 Do: _ cvu'y important city in the Domin- ’wi'oumlland. London, England, New flu-age €52: Apples and plums PM?“ geura crop, is the mm mm mt pita bf MiG-1'13; V Hamiltdï¬ W; 6; ‘f‘. 9,85%‘533921 too much making 19 9%? sold his license for $65300. James Kneller, foreman o! the Gov- ernment-stone quarry at Verona. has been ofl'ered the positioï¬ o! Chic! 0! Police at Fort William. L‘st week a. Toronto hotelkeeper C. Hodgetts. Mgr H. B. Black, $32.802,ooo flaflagéf Lindsay Branch 802,CCO Esmablished l. D. 1817 $11,176,578 Tm; WATCHMA’N-WARDER, IJINDSAY, ONTARIO. m5 {5! m am. WAiTâ€"Ufl “13 £8â€! ahiné; 1h W; wmiw thing“; we D. R. Hay, all of Buffalo, N‘.Y. Two sisters survive her. Miss Catherine Naylor and Mrs. (Dr.) Fair. both of Lindsay. N.Y., Mrs. Elgin LOgie, Widow of the late Alexander M. Logie, who predeceased her eleven years ago, and eldest daughter of the late John Naylor, an, of Lindsay, at the age or 80 years. She leaves to mourn her loss one son and one daughter, namely, Alexander M. Logie and Mrs. MSRS. ELGIN LOGIE. Died on June 21, 1313, at her late residence, 151 Auburn-aver. Buffalo, Mrs. R. A. Levia returned last [for goodness knows ho“, long, Mr. A. Friday after a pleasant visit with Eappears (having had his Iorty winks friends in Michigan. [at the barn). "Now, lad, get your Miss Rolsom, oi Verulam. accomâ€" item and out, they h axe been in long panied Miss Mary Oswald, teacher at 'enough," and Nobby hurries of! an d Fen" t° h" “0"‘9 here and is Spend' ‘away to the ï¬elds. Mrs. A. in the ing a. few days with Mrs. Oswald. .meantime has not been able to make The high tea and concert given by ’her butter, as the churn was unat- the ladies of the English church initended. Evening mm. arrives. on. Hopkins' grove, was a success; them-hat “ change! No pie, no cakes, evening was a nice One and every- no fruit. Why all this ? Well, it one present enjoyed themselves. Nobby is not going to help me in my Miss Rae Chessell leaves an Wednes-lwork. 1-“ cut the luxuries, and . so it day morning to attend the summer goes on free; bad to worse. Mr. A. school for teachers at Bracebridge. wants Nobby to put in his ten hours We are pleased to note that M“ R' .in the ï¬elds. Mrs. 'A. wants him to 0. Frost was among the successful assist her in his spare moments, and ‘0395 in the ï¬nal examination before NODby, the slave, Well 3 he's getting the medical council and he can now “hat they call fed tipâ€"with work- add M. D. to his name. not with the neceSSaries of life. The Two marriages were celebrated in {next week Nobby seeks the barn as the R. C. church here lately by the lgoon as mea‘s are over. and ï¬nds Rev. M. Galvin on Wednesday last ; i solace there, in the few minutes which Mr. M. Curtin to Miss Maggie Grain- ihe may call his own, and Mrs. A. ey, danbhter of Mr. Chris. Grainey ; noticing the turn in the tide, kindly: 'to-day Mr. Joe Byrne to Miss Ger- informs Mr. A. that he bed better get; he’s noti tie Allen. May their future be plea- Ind of the hired man. as sant. their joys many and sorrows lmuch good. He smokes near the few. â€' Ibex-n1 He jerks the horses in the Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wellstood andilï¬eld l He does not milk the cows family spent Dominion Day with clean! And as time goes on more friends in Minden. Ii'aults are laid at his feet. Mr. A.. Mrs. J as. Morrison and Miss Min- [feeling the strain of the continued re- lports, just tells Nobby that he's not nie Moore spent a. pleasant week visiting Peterboro friends. Idoing: work as he should do, and real- ‘ - - - .u e )4 , ,-_A.. \TALM Miss McKay, 0f Woodville, is visit.- ing at Mr. John Austin’s. Mrs. Alex. Morrison spent several days in LindSay last week. She was a delegate from the IOCal branch of the Women's Institute to a meet- ing of the order in Lindsay. She reports a good time there. Miss Amy White is spendipg a. few holidays with Fenelon Falls friends. Mr. James Wilson pool: a. trip to Lindsay to-day. Mrs. T. B. Robertsoa and her two little girls are visiting for a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. N. F. MacEnch- emf Our Soldier lads are back again from Barrieï¬eld, where they had a. pleasant and proï¬table time. Mr. and Mrs. Quibell and family left last week to take up their resi- dence in Fcnelon Falls. Dr. White visited Lindsay on busi- ness last week. Mr. Jack Askey left last week for uhe Muskoka hospital. We trust he may soon return fully recovered. Miss IVy ‘Gilmour, who has been a. teacherâ€"inâ€"training at l‘etcrboro Normal is home again. Tourists and going ters. KINMOUNT. Kinmount. J uua 80.â€"\\’cather cun- tinues dry and very Warm. {ain is badly needed as the pasture ï¬elds are nearly bare. Hay will be a short crop in this neighborhood. I “W 3 HWK‘KW? NF “933399 “‘ 33.93% 'r‘m's: H 3333 3‘ 393993913? W9 339999339333, 39%? 9" 3333 3993: 99333939 99393 9' 3% 3 3* 99%" 9 99 39 94.393 93 mum; 9339 993.399 993 $993 33- 93333333333- 33333:“; W333 '6399 “-3399 49333 999933 9.9-. ma Hawmahsmm wwumma gas! 8m mm Man m1!» mmiaixxï¬ use wk mm an he “we “F mm: 9 m» ï¬aewï¬ mm M mm w. “MEN gusmm WWW meaz m; ifs 3;: A“‘ mm m 86%! m m allay mixing u hmmld 31m mm :1 Masts and d3 my?“ Imam: u them Medium» is 1 ‘ahd Qwflumiml ~. U‘n ‘3‘ | “with! '3" MW“! 3“ “593*: “WWWQ 31;!qu M!) § 11593an in 3' “HM ha'r’u'vs‘éi a The Best Treatment forltchinoScalps,Dan~ druE anchalling Hat} ure once more moving in un to their summer quarâ€" my: and mnwm or the «nth :13 â€â€œ1032 m: WW! HHH. WM HEEQ 9: Miih flmh i‘nut ! 5?! mg inï¬m- Nb sink Cum {am hair; ham \‘9 mmm me the WWW inf. WME Mm M [1y he's not worth his money. Nobby 10! course, who has been trying to give full satisfaction, is sorely tron. bled over such remarks; from that time onward he is a. changed man, and takes no real interest in the work allotted to him, and ï¬nally looks for pastures new. Can you wonder at it? Farmers, do not expect you: hired man to be working from 6 mm. till 8 or 9 pan. day inand day out. It is unreasonable. :guod feast it the (laimios which can the certainly put up on a farmer's tuhle. and at the sight of which Mr. Illiredman cannot but think that he's l'in real clover at last. The prelim- ['inu'ies all settled, the outdoor work islarts and progresses faVorably for a. Hwek or twp, end thun suddenly- “lat has happened !-_â€"\\'ell, it's j“$t :lhis: Mrs. A. could not churn, there Huts nobody to assist her, and the “ashing want so hard, and she could not do her usual large baking of pics, etc., as there was no wood carried in, and for the ï¬rst time Mr. lliredman sees a change in the temperament of inmates, and the meagre display on; the table. just the day he was so hun- l gry, too. Mr. and Mrs. A. talk mat- ters over that night. Of course the hired man can assist her, and he shall to-morrow. The next morning sees the hired man out with the team at 'the usual time, and the midday meal time arrives, and in they go, and lo and behold, there is the churn, water pails, and what not, right at your very feet. What are you to (10?: “by, carry in water 0! course, bring in some wood and carry out the wash tub and empty this swill. At last they feast. and hurriedly too, far Mr. A. just remembers that he has got to ï¬x the harness. or something of the kind. Nobby, the hired man. is at once deputed to turn the churn, it will onlv take ï¬ve minutw, so says Mrs. A. After turning and turning‘ for goodness knoxss how long, Mr. A. 1 appears (having had his forty winksl at the barn)."1\’ow, led. get \ouri PM WM g mm ms mm «1!»:szth 1“?“ he {am my am a MW: id“ (w: BMW and mm is Am A: aw. ha has «a tan Mm. A: ui the tum mm hay- Mom‘s nq munch in WW house: hum-Mun Mr. Whoa Mrs. A, mnâ€" uidly assems um if m: A. is gain; :to gut hum! she will see that the man ‘alsu assists in the domestic duties. 0: course Mr. A. cow-ms to smooth matters over ! Walk the day comes, and Mr. Hiredman duly â€rings and his ï¬rst initiation is probably to a good feast it the daintics whiéh can he certainly put up on a farmer's table. and at the sight of which Mr. You say you do it yourself. Let mmmamw.) Sir ~Withtefmtotheum tax-problem, towhichcttention mmmm retain. inhuot . your valuable paper, by the public-.- tion of the Views of several of your correspondents thereon. and which ' gives out the old, old story that there is' a. scarcity of hired help ad. mitted on all sides. but they nrely‘ point out a remedy for the evn. I‘ do not. think, from my close obser-‘ vation for a. period 0! nearly“ ï¬ve1 years that the bald roads or the lack! of supply or antashy the BmpIOyel-s] is any detriment in the cause. I Nolv let‘us ail comé' out of our she 13 and face the music. and argue on p1alnfmts.1‘he {armEr knows that it is nlmusf nuxt to an impos- sibility to get hw‘p from (‘ahmlmn Wands, because marl} all with "“913! few nxcemmm) haw thw‘h mm (mum ‘1!) look mtx‘r, MM in 5mm“ um m hm MM haw Ha h immrsic plmeui m1 Mm his thWMH-c ihhh‘hné p. k ‘le amt: “Mm. mu Waning: mm H“: (mums?) w W» mmmm 1a. Um! Mu 'mwm-M mm m m um um“ Um um: ';==w~§ 19-!“ ““9 MI; ' Wu. ~\-_ “mm w my uwmvav Nn‘i'fld MP: ~3\-. WWW m {m “MW. he mwim 5 mm and NM My um- g mm has hm wk mu he sum 9.9 2mm {A mm» lighted and mm is Am A: has «a mu Mrs. A“. ui the 1 Yéi'mmbdreflefh the Edit With 'tef prdblcm, 2n called Wï¬ï¬ mm 161555. muting be called amongst ‘u to show that mph 3, remedy‘ua b0 mental a to 13th Ana's! g9}- $395ng an: miter. If!!! M t z‘gmabtwmqï¬wï¬a L .L,K.. Ime, I've got work for you," While the intending hired help, with his thou- ghts also with: proverb. â€Look be- pore you leap," is getting wiser to Lthe palm oil thrown out at random. 1 There would be no dilï¬culty in get- ting hands from the Old Country, and brought to Victoria County, to an all the vacancies that'aist, but it must be your own county represen- tative who you should said ; he could then in . certain way be responsible tor.thooe_he brought oVer, and would also ho hawn to yourself nnd your hired help, My being copsble of correcting nny errors 61‘ mlmndor- stnndingn which any arise. Mun aomuuholthonlury, solllnthe Mtofm.thlngoccumnguthg M mt m worth autumn; ho Juan... ll and we are not tied down for want of speech, but let us not hide our- selves behind barred doors, so that those who may be able to assist in the matter in question may meet you in ._ right way., tn ‘ .‘Bu' "â€"4.. The farmers have unhealtatingly takon the proverb, “A man that hesi- tutes is lost," and says, “ Come to Now, cannot those who have ex- pressed their Views, and who are in- teresting themselves in the labour problem, just make it their business to assemble themseIVee together, try and adjust matters in such a way as to prevent any cause for complaint in the years to come. Speedy action is required. Any who may so feel dis- posed to air their grievances in the public press or in private correspOnd- ence may do so. The world is large. I They say thirc is rmson in all ‘things. but (an a good and reliable .explanaliou be gin-n as to “by a fur- mer prefers to get nc“ hired help each year. In “hat light. do they look at. éit. ! If they retain the old hand they "xiould ham to advance his wages to {a higher standard. Well. if so. is ‘it 1 not more Proï¬table to him to do so. |rather than have to devote his time lin shOWing the new hand the ins and [outs and the working of the farm as fhe did in the previous year. Retain ‘your man; raise his salary, and save your own time, With regard t'o “greenhorna†(cheap labor) do not. expect that by taking eVery ounce out of him he will prove a cxtackerjack for you, becauSe such action is likely to wow disastrous. It will only cause nervousness and irritableness on his part. which may probably lay him low with prostrap tlon, thereby making him incapable 61' carrying out even the lightest. du- tieS. cos (knowing the ropes) would hum- ble themselves to such a. degree. This fact would require 3, lot or consider- ntion. There is little doubt but that a. far- not hiring by the year would really be paying very little more, if any. than he would i! engaging {or the 52mm or eight months at so much per month. But then. again. there is a. drawback in the fact amt some men who are excellent in ï¬eld and outdoor work generally. but who would not undertake to do winter chores. Can we boom the idea of Engaging married men ? It scunds very feasi- ble. but is it the intention to also engage the wife as a helpmate in the house, and milking. etc.. and would any remuneration be paid for such sen'ioes, or would it be expected â€39‘ the board and lodging would be a sufï¬cient reward ? I doubt l! we married in Canada whether our spou- “w. mm mm»? mum w mash: um km». m «m (mm-q- uw 1mm u mime in hm! “wk mm m M NSF: ‘ "Wm ma Minx mm»: “Wis-mm which “mm M 961mm! «M and “mm mm! M MMML mu m flu: gum such “mm "M “9 mo mwh Sijx Bx advamtim it is manned desir- mu that («an and New tun-mam with 100 auras and upxxards should have hulm â€cause time duos not permit 0mg person to she the land the util- ity it dcflarvcs and requires. It is simply scurried owr to ï¬nish as soon as the next neighbor. Result. bad crop. The better result would amply have made the amount required to pay hired help and a, surplus for the“ owner. ‘ "in hit; w M? l not get as r mm mm as 3 .jt-Bu ted â€my“ day mt how at mmmmmmmum flungeon-atoresoneogvoekuhy totownnowgndthm, udvkit to friends occasional}: gmflyrelievea the monotony of the flu-m work; noï¬ â€with thehired mwhoin all probability gets Sunday afternoon away {or church once or» “Vice 5 month. Then. again, nhy is it out theI 11 red man is not expected to get the rmxard for his labors betore he has but in his full time? Is it right that. you should be drawing the bank interest on money which rightly be- longs to another ? I should say put so much in the bank for your labor- er, "tam“!!! 5113' $5 a month for any charges “hich _\'ou may have to put! forward. This in itself “ould prove; 1 (n'ourameum m n man to remain in] i Also tho teams supp] heard romm torwu-d. This in itself en'vuragement to a man ynur DENIM. CM mem mm mnthnds NM do MHWRB m 'thnds in regard to to hired men; I ham passed that um umâ€" uc'h \‘vo‘rk Gut DI the N do yu‘iht‘"; 'WML weer atmr‘ your mm Hum. You have a “was m 20:31! m‘ï¬ei“; 9mm in 6mm H3 ' GINUlNI CASTOBIA ALWAYS ‘I-ErEEBono CHEESE BOARD. m high price at the Peterboro Cheese Board Wednesday was 13 8'16 cuts. The board totalled 2.411. and the opening bid we: 12 9-16. The price was increased seva'al times and ï¬nally Hr. Gillespie got. ï¬rst selection st 18 8-16. The painting of the Armouries in Norwood has been awarded this con- tractor; the Carnegie library in Whitr by; six new school house. which haVe lately been erected; a church and sev- eral other buildings, all of which must. be completed before the cold weather. With ‘ gang of paint artists Mr. Geo. McFadden. the contractor. will adorn the bridges in Lindsay which span the Scugog with a cent of oil and load. The lighthouses will also receive a touehing up iron the mas- ter hand of those skilled artisans. 0n the completion of the Armour- lea, Mr. McFadden will turn his at- tention to that building. and put all the ï¬nishing touches upon the wood- work, inside and out. Several out of town contracts have been taken also, which will require the services c! more painters. constituents ? RECEIVES CONTRACTS. Trusting that the foregoing may be taken in the light. in which it is in- ‘lcnded ; I anticipate that it will only be guilty individuals who will take it in any other Sense. Should anyone be desirous of writing me a line, I should be most pleased to receive same, and reply in friendship. Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUH upon the capital stock of this Bank ha beeh declued for the quarter ending Blst Juiy, 1913, and that the same will be payabie ut the Head Oï¬ice in this city and it: Branche- on and titer Fridgy, the’ï¬nt day of August, 1913, to shareholdeu 6f heard of 25th July. 1913. hydrant m m . ‘ “an n shunt L‘Yh‘f fl Cmbray, Ont. The Kind You Have Aways Bought Low prices, I have no mi 3232,1233: 33:32:23: PUMP M AK P R RUSSELL-ST. LINDSAY ON 1‘. NEXT T0 CREAMERY JOHN DENNIS Incorporated 1895. Capital and Reserve Fund $430,000.00 THE VICTORIA LOAN ‘ SAVINGS CO. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30. yum, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- ' W aonal supervision since its infancy. ' . Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitauuns and “Just-as-guod †are but Ewperimonts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. The Stock Transfer Ledger will be closed from June July 2nd inclusive. 15) order of the Board, Notice is hereby given that a Di\'idend at the rate of Seven Per Cent. per annum has this day been declared on the Paid-Up Capital Stock of the Victoria Loan Savings Co. for the quarter ending June 30th, 1913, and the same will be payable at the omce Of the Company on and alter Wednesday, July 2nd, 1913. Ontario, la n harmless substitute for Castor- 0!]. Pure. [0110.me and Booming Syrups. It: {a ploassvfl. It: contains neither Opium, Juwl-me nm- mhvr Nnrmflc substance. Its a . In its gunmutvo. It. destrm-s “‘0er ml nunss Few» shimâ€. Fur more than thirty 31mm it M 1mm In «mm-hm: use fur um MM or (‘onmpaum humane“ Wind 0qu. an Tpoumag- Tmnmps and mwhmm It Wï¬ï¬‚lflh‘! thn Emanuel; amt hams. mimilnwu the Fun. g mm. ' lwnlm)‘ Mud natural sleep. he Mum’s humanâ€"'1‘ m mama amend. Tatum. 1M Me. 1913‘ Lindsay, June 10th, 1913. OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 What is CASTORIA Chlldren Cry for Fletcher’s \ In Use For Over 30 Var: W. H. WARWICK. TH‘ C‘NT‘ufl DIVIDEND N0. 44 ddlemen‘s commission to pay COMING TO LINDSAY. PeterbOro Review :â€"Mr. McConnell, who during the past year has been Assistant Principal 01 the Central Normal Training School, has accept- ed a much more lucrative position on the stat! of the Lindsay Collegiate Institute. Mr. McConnell has been in Peterboro one year. 'orphme nor onwr Narmtic mmfoe. It destmys Worms or More than thirty years It 986. P. SCHOLFIELD. Gwen! Mm â€"Mrs. J. S. Momcs, William-st. north, left. Wednesday afternoon vi. C.P.R., for an extended trip through the Canadian West. Mrs. Moyneo will visit several towns and cities in the weet, and before returning will spend some ï¬ve weeks with her son, Mr. P. M. Moynes. Elbow. Sask. weeks. â€"Miss Gwen. Rea. of Reaboro. spent Wednesday in tom: the guest of Mrs. John Cobum, Caroline-st., and left Thursday for Wectmount, Montreal, where she will spend a month with friends. Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines C. E. WEEKS. Manager. FAG!