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Watchman Warder (1899), 10 Jul 1913, p. 6

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fall: midi ”ovary night. WI a. sure “an mucm the quhm ‘1"- :‘~ ' x "to. um i I” ‘ ‘ . L I.“ ’l‘hc fishing So‘ason is now in full sxfinu. and a number of gund catches hzuc ln‘rn rvportul. Mr. and Mrs. lk-rt Wood returned last \\'n--k from their honeymoon, and will rusillo hero. The Muthmlist Sunday School held their annual pivnic Io [lattey's Grove, there lv-ing a numlm‘ of aquatlc spurtc. nlsn a ball game lwh‘een Sor- land and ('nlmcnnk. the rnslult. being an mus-.- \icmrv for the (‘oby team, war! chui Mias Nous" l‘evl. bur sebum wacner. 1““ fur hw‘ home in Mndsay just am: Q‘It‘dafi. Mr. mmm mummy. of Nashua, 01“.. .apunf Huhday hm; with his] torothur. Mr} W: ‘t‘= Railway and fa: Hi”): U116 UUUL‘ Juneau UL UUIIAIIIAVII awn-an, ‘-““""'d :l [-5 555555555555555555555555 splendid pu tuned and 9995918“: went $0 I A tum mm M lulu m1 Gaming dawn Imm u»; umw 1am. going to in» mm th'ur mm mm» (’IWHH Maw": has returned "on Mr sh umme' aw in mm Gambia, an. 'I’uull’n, uf ”Mum OI mm“ It” daughtuv. MM. WNW! Growing. Alisa hwdia um we“ the MM” mm an mun“. and rammed $0 Wuhan 3m» 1 The n fly: (Mai; $555$5555§5555555555 PAGE SIX (\ \V'hlk‘h \\ 2w mun) Khulna on Mrs \ in Dry for All reported Hours: of the Ladies‘ Insfitute Lindsay last work for the muting nf the Matrich man real. bur schonl teacher. hw' home in Lindsay Ins! 8a: a mama man so“ “0'“ One Door East of Dominion Bank, Lindsay UHIQ‘ H'Og‘l‘flln \\ ll "l0 (‘nmN'l ~.\‘l~.‘ s: pflnl mom IQ imw mm: M” men he open for ul‘ hvr aunt. Mrs (‘lu l‘oronm. is \‘isitin h} the In! having a u “'H xi Hun» 1hr “cu guru Ion In pale blue,bi':qne, white. cream, makes a pretty dross, fast Colors, 27 inches wide, wide cord. per yd... 25c ................................................................. 10 dozen of the nicest da- mask tuwpls you have 4. everseen for per pair c 10 dozen manufacturers samples and travellers samples up to 4.00 per Dozen. Selling per each .................... 1 56 Redford Cords Table Napkins Fine Damask Towels 10 DOZen of pure linen glass towels worth in the regular way like each, clearing 3 25 towels for” c Fine Glass Towels ml) Just to hand 4 prices in white ra- tine, 27inches wide clearing at per yd. 25c, 220, 200 and \\ m 18c. White Ratine ago-.0-0oo0-on-Ivuvoono-uu '50! it 11“" J vrrxn ‘3'»!va ‘ Y‘m‘. Janina .'\lucl'2\\'vn. up "..‘... u mis‘x-Imu’y Hf ‘timm! (,‘ln'rch in Brazil wry» )H‘ mm? un a mu 'cnmitl‘)’ in Brazil. UH -\- Bahia. having his wife hu ' drou bvhiwL Duriu‘z‘ h ' \x‘ifu was strivkvn with 1 gc| . v . Hmd dun]. Ram-o rum 0 ll tiniml (‘ln ruix in llru'nil. Tm» mmiilis .‘l‘ln ln' wi-m wn :i t-mr in tlu- hack (‘4-llill'y in lli'uzil. 1M)“ miles from l‘nhiiL lmn‘in: l~i< wife and live chil- dren ln-hin'l. l‘nx‘iui: his nh-‘Nim‘ hii \xiii- was sirfrkwi with trnpic'al plague and diml. Nutiw runners were sent. nitvr Mr; anliwvn with the sad tid- inrs. and lw mmlv a hurried trip back to Bahia. \th hu arrived he found tWU of tin» (‘lllL‘r children asleep on tlwir mntlwr's :rave. Mr. Muvl'lwon left. for home at. once. trawling in the stoorage of the boat. On the trip to New York the cabin passmicors inadv up a collection of $250 for him. The immigration auth- oritius at Ellis Island detained him be- nnus» twn of tlH' children were ill. but permission to land was obtained from Washington. and special transit privi- leaos were urnntml. enabling him to continue his journey to Maxville. Shakeopanro’o Gloves. Among the stage rellcs left by Dr. Furuess. the Shakespearean authority. la a worn pair of Shakespeare‘s stage gloves with an unusually definite pedi- gree. They were presented to John Ward when he played Othello at Strnt‘ ford m N46 for the benefit of :1 fund for repairing Shekeupeare'a monument tn the Clllll‘ull by Wllllnm Shakespeare. a new wm'lmmu "whose father and our poet Wel‘e llmtheru' children" John Ward mwe these gloves to Duvld (lur- l‘lek’ ln lfllfi. who bequeathed them to his wlduw. wllu left them to Mrs, Illa: done: She left them to her daughter ljeeella. and Ml.“ Hidden; presented them to Fanny liemnle. whunvethem t» Dr. Fumes: lu l§i4.=New rm ant), Hauler. :, Mahatma. In charge at M as. Thomas. mm mm; Ma taghmbmmgwamm who Md 4 and him (m m hem. . A mun who got. rich 1!: the poultry basins-I. uyl NI haul hid the (onw- d‘tlon 0! his tortw. I Fawr mum an Icon PMMINO than Mm: awake w: m Its!“ planning how to fit. oven with the otvw (at: low. Manitoba. mpg on data: well mar three am e! "In. WM» Dior! !n His :l.\)s*nce ‘Y‘ivlv'v has lwfrlllml l-Zm-n. nf Mnxvme. \‘ Hf Um \"UHL'TI‘L"' 2mm. Tm» mnmhs l tulll‘ t0 thl‘ \nlu‘k l I . . a»... oooOulIoooo'oooooo McEALL PATTERNS \â€". 5379, Waist 5381, Skirt ‘ t Price, 15 cents each ’4 It's as and to see a. rich man with a. poor appetite as it is to see 5 poor man who can‘t get to the lunch counter. gin-n by Messrs. A. and S. Nordhoi- mop, Toronto. for highest. standing in her course. Geo. Mclleun, of Strathburn, was killed whtle unlowling hay. a rope breaking. causing him to fall back- wards and break his neck. â€"MI~.~‘ Amy Christian. lem'hur of p'unu at tho ()nturio Ladies" (‘ullogm “hitby. mm SUCI'l‘SSful in passing all lwr pupils at, the recent examination 0: the Cmmvrvmory pf MUSE, ‘P‘m'un- to, one of the pupils receiving a. prim- â€".\lr. John Alton, room of Garden, was in town on Saturday last. The “‘Ul‘lhy rww repurts the rapid build- ing of the approaches to Mud Lake narrows bridge and expects to have the cement portion o! the structure under construction on the arrival of material required. thought Noehln: In Death Would Ind Hot Misery. Mllhm'n Han and mm Hm DIM flu. Mas J h stau'r. 1770 8rd Ave. East. Owen 80mm «mm :“1 have been a rent sum; 6mm heart dismiss and M in: vulva. I have had rs saures tn svsfv kmd uf "satmsm I enum think might help ms. hummus the skill at ssvsml aware I sufl‘ersd 99 fer years shut at “most 3 have felt my Hath: m: but mm (mum and my miss was advised by a friend . whu had nu ém amend pain dud glimmhj justfi‘stm and had boon {mums Ms“ sun am 1*: by»; 3 vs ml dsd w ism, lam as: Ii udwim the mu! t. as I m mm mm- fiymndwm‘t amnesty“! 0199le mvsynat dam to! man, You mu Had Loaklng Valves 0! The Heart. b- an The noun”! crops in she: Prnvinoc 0! Hannah» m lmer this you mm mm. ”cam in tho an 9! am and flu. which I aw a mm. «cram. 0mm arms a aw “WNW! the law an bum am a! but». 1‘ e ammo Serg t Welland's tale is a thrillimz one. g'I‘hirty- {he year_s_ ago. while he and his wife Were iivin in Egypt. he enlisted under the Tur fish banner. He was at. Plevnn and was taken pris- oner by the Russians. He was con- fined to a dungeon for a year nnd 3 half; when it was over he found his wife had left. Enpt for some foreign oountty. The business of attracting immi- grants to Canada has heretofore been a combinatinn propaganda on ti... put of the Government sndihe rsiiysys. A new arrannement la about to be el- fected whereby the rallnn will con- fine their eflom to the tom-lat traffic. the more profitable and of lhe bugle neu, and the Gnvernment will alone Mandala lmmlnutlon prppupundn. A drunmtiv ruunmn of an new! hus- band and wifv tuuk place at 840 St. Dominique street. Mnntn-al. recently. when St-rnt. Welland. who had been mnurned hy his wife as dead for 35 years. suddenly appeared at her kit- chen door. Welland had not the sliuhtest idea in the world when he knocked that hie long lost wife lived within. Mrs. Welland was washing the tea dishes when the knock came. She opened the door. a weary old man without hegced fur a bite to eat. ()ne glance was sufficient for each to re- cognize in the other the long lost partner in life. To-day it is the hap- piest home in M_9ntre_al._ It wlll augment ltd work. “went. to include. not nnly homemaker: but Notary men ,nnd meelmnlesl fines tome the railways have particularly leakéd alter this latter clue. _ The Hallway; by eanglve advert“: in and (Mlél'WIQG wlll naw oonoenlralp lhelr eflarla ln inducing lllulwlm European and American loan“ mm Mr. A. Cameron. of Toronto, spvm the hol (1113' Visiting friends hvrv. Mr. and Mrs. Airey are spending Un-ir holidays at tho honu- of Mr. John xushitt. Mrs. John lmllamyno has rcturm-d to ’l'ormxtu utter spending n-couplo of “Md-s in this burg. Mrs. John lmrm-tt is spvncling hm- \'nmth in 'l'urpnm. 'l‘lu- ”mum. Lmlm- from how inn-ml cvlohrming th'! “Glorious ’l‘\\-olfth°' in Port “mm. Mi.“ Min Visit, m lh GLENARM. ‘ Glenarm, J uly 7.â€"'lhc Glenarm an- nual picnic was held on July lst. but was not, quite as great. a success as usual, owing to a couple of the base- ball trams not, puuimz in their up- peurunce. The I'lartley Invinciblcs won without any trouble. MRS. MARGARET HARTLEY Another pioneer died in the town- ship of Ops in the person of Mrs. Margaret Hartley, relict of the late Chas. Peel. at the ripe old age of 85 years. The late Mrs. Peel was a 'resident. of Ops since childhood, a. consistent Methodist in religion and was predeceased by her husband about five years ago. Mrs. Peel's death came suddenly, having only been sick since the 131; of J uly last, the end coming on Monday. July 7th at her late home. b'he is sur\'i\'ed by the following children: Messrs. John H. and (‘harlcs Feel, of Ups; Abraham, of Whitby; Mrs. Jas. Mc- Gill, Mann-rs; Mrs. .135. l'attun. Ops; Mrs. Wm. Huggin, Ops; and Mrs. .1115. Graham. Dakota. The funeral will take placo to Riv- erside cemetery on Wednesday, J uly 9, at 2.30 p.m. ' His body was scratched quite bad- ly by the briars and other under- growth. The boy; Meyers by name, was found along the shore of the .lake, his clothing of! and carried on a stick. He was‘ .wandering about quite unconcerned. and stated upon inquiry that he had berries to eat. The town is quite joyous this morning over his recmery, none the worse for his experience â€" {our full days and nights in the wilderness with most intense heat :1 the day- time and a couple of rain storms. vaenhumt, July 6.â€"â€"A most re- markable incident oe’curred in the vicinity or Gravenhurst. 0n Mohday morning, June 30. a. little lad, scarcely {our years old, wandered in- to the woods and had been wander- ing about for four days and (our nights. Search parties were orgmized- find the neighborhOOd thoroughly in- spected. For the last two days it was expected that he had perished in the swamps or drowned in the lakes. and that probably even his body would never be recovered. Friday; morning a. large party was organized and search was made in the vicinity of Leg Lake. Boy Lived for Manitoba Onp Mango. New Immigration Plan. OBITUARY Found Wife at Last. (‘nmpl'oll paid s tuwn. Days on Berries 115' mg The rosidom'o of Mrs. J. \\‘huhn. 25 ltidout-bt.. was ante-rod by some unknown person between Friday and this morning. abstracting {row a trunk a. box containing several docu- moms and one $5 bill. At what time the thief ontxrcd the house Mrs. Whulon does not know. She hwd been up street. on Friday afternoon. Previous to Waving her house she locked the money in n trunk which was in the front. room. sud locked the doors. (in Sunday the lady openod‘the trunk. leaving the keys therein. after taking out some all- venture. She was not sure wheth- er the box was in tho trunk then or ‘Hw hnum M M”. Minn nu (Ht!~ nalwutx. nvm' lelnay wan emmfl by a sneak mm! an WMuy thmtm und .7. whom was In a gum-e tutu,“ from Umnvugh the amum on the bed. MM. SM and Mr «mumm- wure “when“ me than domum an: um in the culinary department. “on a mm mm hand In me wanna; Dom-com. an atom; um am In: a pm o! It» WWI-In through the MI! upmw widow. wm war mm by a new. N‘Mhomflwtthumw mm.» «a Mom «and. This mornlm: as she had occuion to use the many lira. Whulen was much nurm‘lned to and It had my» tel-musty (unwound. fieverul oth- er ulnuhle "News including Ibo gold watch mm In the trunk. but were nm disturbed. nut rourt house Monday. 'l‘lu-rv “ow present: Warden A. E. Houum. Reeves .hw. Howrusun. A. J. \ur- coa and county clerk. Mr.“ J. R. .\lc~ heilliu. As this was the regular meeting day for the commuu-o busi- ness matters of a roatiue order were dealt with. MANAGERS Ml-Zl‘t’l‘. The board of munugomom of County huusc or n-fugn met at. {Hm Two Houses Entered lby Daring Thievesis..;§ Sept. 8. \\ 00m ll no Bancroft ltlucLMm‘k Lowlnn Mmloc Peterhoro Port. Hope Port I’orr)’ Sundorland Sutton Toronto I Barrie ........... ....h‘ Beaverton ..... ...Sept- Belleville .................. SCI Bobcaygeon Sept Bowmam‘ille ............ Sept (‘obourg ............Sep1 Cobourg Horsa Show . P‘enelon Falls .................. 5 Haliburton .................. . Kinmount .................. Sel’ Luke-field Sept LINDSAY ..................... 5 Markham ....................... Midland Sem Millbrook ......... ............U Minden Newmnrkct ..................... Oakwoud ................. Sept ()shaWa . . (Juana (Central (‘anuda); u "u nlwl lfm‘d ans'roL, N. 11., JULY 2511:. 1911. "I am unable to say enough in favor 01 “Fruit-a-tives” as it saved my life and restored me to health, when I had given up all hope and when the doctors had failed to do anything more for me. I hada stroke of Paralysis in March. 1910. and this left me unable to wall: or help myself, and the Constipation of the bowels was terrible. Nothing did me any good and I was wretched in every way. Finally, I took “Fruit-n-tivcs” for the Constipation, and it not only cured me of that trouble but gradually this fruit gedigine toned up the times and actual! y cured the paralysis. Under the 115:: of ‘ ‘Fruit-a-tives”, I grew stronger and stronger until all the palsy and weal: ness left me. I am now well admin and attend my store every day sad all day.” ALVA PHILLIPS. “Fruit-a-tives" is the only remedy in the world that is made of fruit juices and tonics. isoe; a hex, 6 for $2.5oâ€"trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of pace by Fruit-a-tiva Limited, Ottawa. PARAlYSEfl AND Bfl‘llll] N01 WAlK “min-fives" completely Restated lei Bmswick Herolaut To Health. FA Ll. l-‘AIRS. II. ALVA PNILUPI (In Supt. 11 ............ Oct. 7 4 ...... Sept. 11 ........ Supt. HS ........ Sept. 2.”) National) Aug. Sept. 25 ”Sum. 16 ...... firm. 5 UN Uct So} It 1‘7 Sci! Sept. 30 Oct. 7-9 0-) K- 9:! 00-9, l he 1 lh‘ 13 13 John Wilkinson. of Miuto town- ship, died suddenly of heart para- ‘lghia. in. his fifty-fourth ymu‘. I A general revolt. against. the army 1mm ice proposal has been organized by the Socialists in France. WET --ON SATURDAY EVENING bath/eon lulpon. Sutton and fir. M Gnhuu' I, p mall grip mu. dc will be suitably rewarded by Infill. an n “t. It". armm. WAN'mlLâ€" A 'rmmmu mm a. H. No. A. Vorulam. lmMmu a was and-clam: Nurmu out-Human at. a salary 0! MM) nor war. human to comm mm. H. 1MB. Au: ply am as mm and Memos “ “I 5MB”. MH‘WI. 1‘: “I ".0 .3 MW”. Dfl‘u Rom-m AND WJMR HMJI} IN the thw o! Urn-welt, The MIMI" M M! Illa tar n bunluhu Mud and warm in mm on ”mantle mm mm. Apply a: the mm 0000. 0mm. FARM l-‘OR SALEâ€"THE EAS'I' half of Lot 2, in the 4th (‘on. of the Township of Eldon, containing 100 acres. There is a good irune - house in good rep“: and well painted and woodshod ntuvhed. A good bun on . stone, wall with good gambling undernmth. The born he . new roof und in good repair ; also pig pen. hen Muse uni impin- mi-ni. house and a large «not uhk. Also an urn oi orchui‘d with . good Mar Mm 0n the West. side. Ap- ply on the premises or Woodviiie. P. O. W. W. mam-m. «LUS'l‘aâ€"A YEARLING HIGH-‘13.“. half Holstein and hail Jersey; white logs-and star in {cram-ad. Lost about flu- lust of May. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning same to .l. R. (.‘owiuson. lulny. Fur n Hum hn lay unconscious on thv ruudnidv. lwing pick“! up by Mr. .\. '1‘. .lnhnulun. of l'vtvrhoro. whu mu un his “33' home with his fam- ily. Mr. Johnston nsvuee‘lniuod that Mr. (‘urr was from Lindsay. and wry kindly hmughi him hack to his hmuo. At the prawns, time Mr. fan is quite smart, with the c-ch-mion of a few bruises clrout the fun- and body. liv made the dirum‘o bow-om Holla- \'illo and Gamma: (87 mums) in 11 hours. Mr. Hurry Farr. an t-nmioyc of the R. M. Heal [anther Company, who last \u-ek vovvred tiw distance be- nna-n Lindsay and his old home in HullMillu on his bicyciu, met with a painful auridrnt whilu on the home trip. He is at a law m know just Law the «evident happened, but. claims that he “as oiHu-r mruck by a. motor car “Mic Cunning down a hill, nl‘ he may have [nib-n “n" his Ml‘l’l‘ WITH 3 Mr. Hurry ( R. M. ”UM I lust \u-e'n cow (mm-n Lindsay " I have heard more nun“! nuru times in the wast, here in ' Ontario than I hfl\0 heard in the west. In fact the hard times story is exagger- ated. 'l‘ho wvst is a gloriaus cuun- try and just thu plum- fur thv go- uhoud 1vruu'rm:~i\o young man." HEAR MORE ABOI’T HARD TIMES IX UXTARIU. Monday morning The Wardvr had a call from a former townsman, now a resident. of Calgary. Alta.. in the per- son of Mr. h. l-LagicsOn, former town auditor of Lindsay. Mr. Eagleson. who has been engaged on a large auditing contract in the )luskoka district for several days past, arriv- ed in town Saturday. night and re- newed amuaintuncxzs with a number of old friends and vauaintanws, leaning: this mornim,r for his home in the west Down by the tranquil Scugog There is sweet pence and rest. Calmly it basics in the sunshine, By Mother Suture caressed. There in its beauty and fragrance It lies secluded and lone. And there. 'neath the heavens of azure, There lies old Home. Sweet Home ! â€"K. J. M. (Toronto). green 11-3qu with the dew. As; queen adorned in emeralds, With diaimonds glistening through. There eoquettish little cloudlets While the happy hours away, Drifting about with the sunbeams In their dmling gold array. There the birds are ever trilling ' In their soft, sweet tremolo ; There the loveliest of flawers In the fragrant woodlands grow; There the sky seems always brightest, And. it sometimes 0\'erca.st. Bursts into more radiant beauty When the reinbow shines at last. There Springtime trails her mantle Down by Scugog’l shining shores. Where the rippling oneleu roll. Playing 'mongst in. use: lilies- Gently lapping little knolls Capped by dark, sweet-scented violets Curt'sying to the wooing breeze, Playing weird and touching music Through the green leaves of the trees. LIKES THE WEST MlSH\l' PAM mu MM: I “M Mum: hm m... ”'0. ham.» MW in! Gavan mwuuoat... .. ”M 0' land, “mun s. wmmmu. Hm n... WWW M muud H ”Mutual. A trauma 1. OI “WM 'oumiutum, ‘ “Mar-awn; drtu’ug b‘l won-o 19st n. .4 M ““0” “3 “nod «‘ .11 up“ dwhard luau Io trans. MD“. and will not ref: I“. 0". Apply to I ‘ FOR SALEâ€"221v \« miles from Limb") 6 in 4th (‘on. nf (q VALUAHIJC I‘RUI'I l I“ D'I‘I'IS'I‘A N ’l I'ICAFHI'ZR \‘ALI'.\|H.I son, Owing ‘ 3; miles 1 farm with â€"-The Executors of Into Thus. Snmh n V‘Nlblo pl‘npurl .\ . wont half of In! amnion Mut‘ipnsa. non-I. 0n (he prm {Mo homw. hm awn. foundatiun. Md henhouw. mu! Convenient, {0 mm mu“ tram “'nmlu‘ from l‘ummmnn. m MOM! "I H tum-er mmmmrn Hmkh (anhilh' museum A. Mm” sold Very clump : meats. For {n write or 'phonc H (30.. Oshawa. FARM FOR 5“.“ E â€" 50 acres of land, a about, two acres. 10m. First-class 26 x 20; a kitchen cistern. Frame hum log stable, pig and situated. *2 of a mi and schoolhouse. situated in the to“ being lot. 3 in (my- ticulars apply on t Alex. McMillan. FARM FORE ALF. more or 103$, 17- acres tillahlc. > bush; small your) well fenr'ml and u. “ens and Selma; along the east c-nd house with kitchur LOSEâ€"BETWEEN LINDSAY Glenarm, a. wallet comainm er: and doz‘uments. .\'o u, finder. Reward gin'n by 1 at this office. WE'WILL PAY YOU $121 tribute religiOus literati); community. Sixty (11.- Experience not r(-quirmi_ woman. Opportunity :1 tion. Spare time may iLhe International liihlv 180 Spadina, AVG” T01“): menu- Svmvm fly ‘0 J. .J. l'.()., Ont. for and 191ml I_\ u‘le wamu S'qur ‘hv umb lfilh .Iulj Michael 1 lm I“. nvw Imvl Home No ufiflcid teeth. Studxea “I. tution of gas with me 0,. It. Canon. of New ‘0": :Goi hit”. Crown and bridge Work it -nened. Olfice. nearly om Simpson House, LmdSay, UN 3 Ul‘ .‘l ll_\ Lindsau Sc-nlvd and crcaulery. cw. particulars apply to Lindsay. or Hugh MC ville. hm‘n Lots 4 and 5. 150 acres. kno Farm," situau lion, whcro th‘ ARM FOR SALE.- possession at, 011v.- farm with plow lean the benefit is owr. make terms suit, 1m! all in ; and there wi corn and 4 of rnoxs. be 501d cheap to n..- Apply to owner uh I to Elias Bowr‘s. run Lindsay. Gun, at on \‘lmi air furnace. Fruuu wall : stables Inn-d head cattle, 11 hm root house; cemvnt out, barn newly shi silo; the property roam, stairs and five txxiromus alum H‘I THURSDAY, JULY 10 second prukun RU "I sw‘nn Appl) $31 In )arlur .\u :Ood \\.\.\ from to“ n known crop and ate at I thol'c is “pl"!!! ('(m hair IVI” CU" l H to R03" hu all ,(H'I ll n pl *N'X‘AININQ U )l 1913‘ area :, Eldon; Mclm yro M in!“ UM RCTC‘S Wow n 5mm A CHE? ; farm h three running frm «H “I nd give rdwoOd UV 0‘ m Hel‘ further “ 0038, Wood- l.\N'[ 100‘ 08, or meat. alone sale AN!) M" mu wm mo 0F many 0! Neeland- (2 1r» all Dentistry pracmcud W, ct. Moderate . OFFICE IN NEW mm; Sir Sandford Not a V\-' a! Smdford Fleminr ‘ h 0‘ The Ottaxsa J H: .- Ms greatest men 1 n» \ ”In olocuon onlv m i; “even this occuriun x r . notwithstand ' " ' Iixfeen month: new- Im not a poldicmn h ‘9 internew. " ‘1 New" I! lib-n0. thlts xw V‘L. ' m“ ““1: but gem-m w ‘mw l levr ~ r “to not. seen sinw 1 “in II I had 11' :H‘ " Dr. H. Irvine. D Dentiau‘y a BI" mptly attend< the Landon Donn“.- U. due. Woo and Residence veterinary ” naval Veterina uni Cambridg W0 Phone 387-1. Lumbeh In Me: lum'se PHON Uppoaiw library UNDER 94" Com at or Monuments ‘Be . “than. Kenn“ 1: hi- mm Hi.“ pp?" vemur Honor J. 6. Edwards C- HARDWAR E wifliam-St. Forth '3“ m? Buitdiné L ”â€" That-a what y itn't it? Our l'ul‘is strictiy Pure and stock. In packu; lows: A Pure Paris Gree plies- sewing Wuinifie Mr ondon School ' turnout. of Cad M. ' " mu! bill is I vllfllmtq 1 lb. Papers at 3 Special 10c pack In 5 lb. lots at L’ Sprayers for up]: Green 50C In -‘. “b Veterinary 5 TOBOR TO Shingles. Etc Cament and s Grad Fine“ mssey Bi' and St: WOO D CHESS Â¥ mm at SHEPHAR‘ Lindsa icycle the Sme9 or drowned in thelakes. I A-srurkle with the dewg tum“ .\. and that probably even his body As a. queen adorned in emeralds, Glenarm, a wallul l-umazn-mg ' ‘9 would never be recovered. With diamonds glistening through. ers and do unit-ms. _\., “New" prim morning 8. large party was There ooquettish little cloudlets finder. l{t‘\\'l‘(l git. n by “Him organized and search was made in While the happy hours away, at this ofh‘cc. “‘3 the vicinity of Leg Lake. . Drifting about with the sunbeams -â€"â€"â€"- x The boy. Meyers by name, was ' In their dazzling gold army. FARM FOR SAlJ'. _ ( “Vl'Al'x'm . found along the shore of the lake, ‘7 .,: _ 50 acres of lam, a!” “mm. 1.9 prices in white ra. his clothing oil and carried on a 'I':-“u "w: There the birds ue ever trilling about two .ach.5_ \ mud at: . . . stick. He was” wandering about In ther soft. sweet tremolo; loam. l-‘irsi-i-lu» ;‘:-..l.,.. hou ‘ tlne, 27 Inches Wlde quite unconcerned, and stated upon “I amfitxslfioral; B°'JU£§ railing“, There the loveliest of flowers 26 x 20; a lint-lien W aft. I . ‘ inquiry that he had berries to eat. «Fmipaévén ,5 £22323 m1; 1335,33. In the “381‘“ “'OOdlandS Sm“ : CiStC‘rn. Fruim- mm :: .\.-,l, ‘50 Cl Barlng at per \Yd. The town is quite joyous t'iis restored metohealill,wlienIlladgiven The” the sky seems always brightest, log S‘vablt’. W: and mum .\.. t“ 25c 226 200 and morn‘ngr over his recmery, none the gglfilgofizzdsilgg Effectors hail l And, if sometimes overcast. situated, r; of .. lli‘n' (m: , , worse 50!. his experience _ {our full hadastrokeoflz'arnl'2isin fluthC-w IBersts into more radium: beauty and sf'hnt)lliwl.\‘o'. 'l‘r . , .m, m 180 ldays and nights in the wilderness and tlzisleft me unnlile to wall; 0:12:11; When the rainbow shines at last. Situated in ”“‘ “”9 lilrlo ' with most intense heat n the day- mysesf, and the Constipation of ”1° i being 1‘” 3 m "" n In: time and a couple of rain storms. I Egyéiogazgénl‘il‘ieg “icigixtiiigfvgs fig? by the tranquil Scugog liCulzu‘s alilll) (ill m. - N1, u; a His ho'lv was scr tche u‘ . d- .- ‘ . l. : - -. i. ' ere is Sweet peace and “’5‘- Alex. ll l-tll‘l‘u . fine Glass 5115' by the‘briars an: otl‘lic;l "Entity! Etylhenczzligipgtiofikamll riIiui-lt-liAl‘insly {(731me it basks in the sunshine, --- â€"â€"'1â€"â€"-: â€"m- we- h lgrowth. cured me of tliat_trouble but gradually l By Mother Nature caressed. pARM 1:0“ >- \l,l-1 ._, T?“ * T l l o 1 933, if?“ Ema-35‘“? toned “P ”3° l'l‘hcre in its beauty and fragrance more m. 1,.\“ 1â€"; (I‘m )1 owe S ' 5 nelw'esaixdartuu117ic:i_rul tlleparalySis. ] It lies secluded and 10m. . w _ . ' 1, 1.30 l UndertllCIiScof”l'ruit-mtives”,Igrew , _ ., mm“ “”4”” *1: = l ll'llll'mtd - , . l l strongerand strongerunlil alltlic palsy Mn” tl1‘â€"""‘- "03th the heavens 0‘ ”me. i bush : small \ n .M H t . f 10 Dozen of pure linen glass l OBITUARY : and‘wcakness left me. I am now well ' 'l‘herc lies old Home. S\\(}CL Home ! i we“ ft'll""(l w.” u “I. A mm 5 l towels worth in the regular way 2 1 again and ethnic! my store every day â€"K. J_ M. (Toronto). “9]“ .m! \“w ' _ ' llll‘ue 1292c eat-b, clearing 3 , ' ‘nd‘uday' , 0â€"..- “ “7 ' ‘ w“ l" ’ “51ml; towels for...... 25c \ ALMA PHILLIPS' “1"”; ”f" “"5 "“"’~ Hume ' MRS. MARGARET HARTLEY . “Fruit-a-tivcs"_is the only remedy , [IKES THE WEST “O“S" “‘“h “M” ”Jung 5' Another pioneer died in the town- ‘ :‘él’tgg‘zgd that ‘5 mad” 0‘ {“1“ JInca l room. lull‘lm‘. lwww: " x .ms 1:" D k ism“ 0‘ “P5 i“ “‘9 W's“ 0‘ M's-i 50c.abox,6for$2.5o-â€"trialsize,25c. Ill-JAR Mum-z .-\lllll"l ll.\l:il 'l‘IMl'IS find. 1"," WWW” "5* ‘ lne amas m’margaret Hartley. relict of the Intel At dealersor sentonreceiptofpricc by l.\' llh’l‘AIllll. “f”?- F'““’“ “""““"' hut [Chas. PW}, at 1m. ripe old age ”f 35 I Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Monday “mmmg 'l'ht- “am”. had “i sl'l.rl‘ll-lln.ll.l‘],. lit-m,” :. l'l. w m i Towels Slycal‘a. ’lllerlate .Mrs. P001 was 8 "â€"â€"_°â€"â€" lt‘ull from u fm'lilel‘ l()\\ll.\nlllll, no“ a‘ 1‘1 " #2le .H‘ H Hi 48‘ resxdent 02 (ms since childhood, u. . . . , . . . . , . . , , 'lrcsident ”f ('ulgmzx'. film. in thcpvr- “‘“1‘ ’c"'::: '1 l""“" “"5 'e'OHC u 10 dozen of the nicest da- ' iconSlSLem Nahum“ in rehmon and l' FALL l-‘Allls. ' ‘bun of \lr. ll. laugh-Sun. {owner 10““ “if: um.“ '.(7‘1.”|f!ixv‘.l ”nough- ' mask tUWPlS you have 4. McCALL PATTERNS \‘ Vi“? l"r':“icc£“‘s.‘:d b." hl,-r.liusllan‘ll a. e I e e \- o e e I e e e Olaulli‘tor of Lindsay. Mr. l'liiulcbun. :illl.'kl'lillililiy':‘l]l\.-x‘1‘~i‘m,-”\‘r‘.-;;Uid everseen for per pair c 5379’ ”Waist 5381, Skirt in lout inc )tjtllh ago. Mrs. 1.3915 Illurrie ...... Supt. 223,4 lwlio has “W“ “Warn.“ (m a large w" “Li,” 71 M \ [,3 .. u....-i.. o. ‘ ' Price, 15 cents 93011 ,‘d 5 death Fume. mmdmfl‘v' having “my'lleui'erton “fiellt. 29 (let. 1 iammmg ('Uml‘m'l in tho Mlls'nukt‘. ‘ .g: l: fl» . ( M, ”Hi. I" 01.5, bet-n Sick $111”) the. lst of July last, illellcville .................. Sept. 9 IOidisU‘iCl for 5mm.“ (l1l)"~' lllir‘l, urriv‘ ;§r "ll 1‘” 10‘“ liliill . l evil the n 5‘ theiendllcomking on M:)n:lu_\:,' '1‘“?melllobcalgeon ............ Sept. 25 26 :(‘d in tlmn Saturday night and re. ‘::)::W‘;:M: (‘5‘;W‘113: TV‘”:'.1|“‘:.‘;;9 Table “a klns lat 1” Me “in“. ' in mfmvffil lBoumamille ............ Sept. 10 17inuwcll “("lllullllglllCUS wizh a murmur farm with ’1‘)“. l- ,. ‘f 5 p lb“, the mum‘mg Children ' MPhfls' i(‘0l:0urg ..................... Sept. ‘21 25i0f old l‘l'iviials illlll ul'llllllllllun‘l‘b, K 11 ‘ l' \ «I » 1 it... Mn. as n» ‘ John ll. and (‘hm‘lt‘s l't‘t‘l. 0f UPS ; l('ohuurg ”01-5c Show .......\llg. lg-lililt‘a\lll£‘ this ”milling for his homol n mr f" If fwd“... ‘ t. “3. to- l 1 dozen manufacturers samples and travellers samples up Abraham. m‘ Whitby; Mrs. Jas. )[c'il’enelon Falls Sum 10-11 in the “Mt I malt“ “"“L‘ N” EM” «» ‘ ‘rov 5 to 4.00 per Dozen. Selling per each ..... . ..... . .. 1 5 Elm”. Mann-r.»- ; Mrs.- Jus. l‘attun, EHulibumm ...................... 5:0“. 25 Spwkim ”f ”W “N h“ mm.” ”m all in; aim” lhl'l‘i' THE. “will """"”""""”'""""""’°"”"""""" "'”'"”’ c lups; MW' “‘m' Huggin, ()ps; and‘Kinmounl. .................. Sept. 15 16 the (‘mliill‘y “11> l‘onlinuin: ll) Ill" lc‘:":0‘;?( 14:2“ :30“. Ail-ii .“lm 5 fiimrs J'us' fill-“hill". ll'al‘Ul“: |' 'Luhclll'lll """""""" SH,“ 16 17 1‘0“)" MM (”4'qu ill 8” dirflqinnk' :llllv lifllixli'ill‘i‘ l-lln‘lti...‘ :-~:":‘i:.:d(r i {he mnmul “I“ take “1"“. to h“- i LINDSAY ..................... Sl‘lil. 18-201" 1 huh! hoard ilmi’i' ailmul llill'll 1,}. . l’ ‘ ' 1 g .V U 5 _ ‘ lersxde ociiit-tt-ry on Wednesday, July Markham ........................... Ui‘l- 1-1;,1iiul-s in ”h. “.1,” hm... m “marmi to Lime I()\\l.\. .ws ..- .ilarlt, Redford cords 5‘9, at 2‘30 fun. ‘ . . .- . . . . . . . ~ _ _ . Linden), 0111., .‘ll “mm. Midland .................. 50m. .3.) A J‘I'Hlllll l lld\l hunt] in ll“ “at. In. i "-â€"'°â€"â€"" mum-col. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (lot 2 31mm m.- halrd null-s slum is l-\;i;_'-t-r~ ‘ " ‘_ ”m‘w‘w 1:. In pale blue, lli'zqne, white. cream, makes a pretty dress, 5 (.lemrm ,fl'lll'pfiifitj ('1 u an Illimlen .............................. Supt. 3n filled. The \ll'sl is a trim-mus mu“. ‘FARM FOR- S‘.\I.l-I..â€"?"\ I >1 ‘Hl‘. “it! fast colors, 27 inches wide, wide CONL per Vd... ..... . nuill . " ‘\ ‘l' k ' e'nurl ',.\'c\\'mul‘act . ...... Hl‘l. 7-1! v lily and just Ill" Inlul'l- l‘ur lhl‘ 1:0- ‘ 1'1”" 'l all" "' ‘ ""“:“I"'."' l‘“‘”"' 7" ; m ' ' 25c “CH“ THIS leld (m JUI" 15" hm’inul‘iumll ................ Sept. 32 Qflililil'ull primrosflu- 5mm;- man." I 1"” “HT" kn‘m“ “‘ " M'Vlm‘m .............. .......... ................. ..... .......... ...... [was not lew us great a .\lel'l'l‘fis “sinsliuWa ......................... 5”“. 3.1.10: - 1'0””... hilllllll' ail UNI“ 1" Jilm‘r lusufll' 0\\'in|: l” 0 “OPP": (ll U}?- h“sw-Wllllnili, ((‘t'ntrul (‘itnudu)...h'l‘ll. 5.1:!!Ml'.'l‘ “41TH “15‘1“" i Hm]. “hm.“ ”W” F u QM: “hm“ ‘ ’ 5’1”,“ “an“ 20" ”Hum“ m ”w“. _ "p-i l’l‘tl-rhoro ................. Sept. ”-12” Mr. lluri‘y l'iim‘. an mimic).- ul‘ in“; null (‘Y‘I'Hrm‘ry l-lc. l~ mulwr ipj:um::‘:.}., utlho ‘Ihfrtllei‘: ln‘llm‘lmvs‘il‘ort Ilnl-l) .................... (lot. 7 .\ Sill. M. “will leilllllfl' ('oliipuiiy, who: lmrl'VM‘H‘S uI‘l’1.\‘ l” ' ‘ “Win". I 5 “ m 0‘ “I.“ ‘1‘).1.’.‘. Il'ol'l l’l‘l'r} ............... Sl'l'l. ll lk lgililrl “wok i'nxw-l‘l'll ‘llll‘ «lislunt‘u lw-l l‘lm‘ls‘U- 0" ””Kh M“'“"““" “W‘j' ME “' (amt-run. u! .loruntu, Swim .» Sundvl‘lnml ................ Sum. lll .\ 17 Him-n Linden) and his old homo in; ”‘1'" 5 5!“:fihm du-V‘IIH‘SHS‘S .fnmfl“. hf“: l' Isn‘t”) .......... U‘.\(‘Ilt_ 2.3 .\ 2"lll'o'll-Hllu on his lllc.\l‘ll', llll'l “fill a; â€"-â€"-'-“’-â€"‘""" ’“”' " “" l " _"' ml“! ‘ ‘8 ' “0" me ”In" mg ’l'ui'onlo (Cain hiilimiul) Aug. :33, pillnl‘izl lll‘I‘llllnl \\'l‘lll' on tho limne}\,\l.l‘\lll.l-‘ l‘\l:\l .' l. ‘\11 - q a“?! T'-ll‘f|l‘\th at ”m mm". of M"! 51ml. 3. 'll‘ill. “l‘ iS ill ii In» in lulu". J‘lsli .\‘l-iilml lu'mlle will . ,...5 M a .1212: ~ ‘12:! i n . .. . ‘ 5“(lulhilit‘ ........................... Sl‘l'l' ‘2 [1 O‘V ”1“ "minim” l“'l'l“‘lN"l. llllt ‘ lhl- lllllll‘l“ IJl'vl w -',\. ' "n “u “m5"? mm “hum“ [lunl'l‘ot'l ....................... .lli‘t. Billi‘lillnis l!.lil lll‘ “m l-illu-i' illrm'k by| 15H, .l.;|\_ ;‘ .e v ‘3‘." 5 5"” Pmifl‘m” MW" “1“")de "would“ ”f ltlucl._\inl~l\ Supt. 25 t\ 2H lli llinlur l'nl~ \illill- ruining illmn ut .\livlmd lim'u g. ;. hull “Nuns m ””3 mil-K: , . _ .l'iinulln-lll‘ni‘ll ............... Sol-l. lll .\ 17 UL”, nr lll- “my llll\l' lull-'ll lvll hisI lm 1n .. ,l . I 5 '“rs' "Him,“mm‘l I“ smuthnu lwrilnlillun ....................... Fug-l 5 iii i\'llli‘~l, ! nv“ lllu'l‘ lm-w All“ nit-lilamr Ill lumlnln. . H ‘lllmlm‘ ................ ”cl. 7 A 3‘ For H Um.- h:- ll|_\‘ ”mumwmm‘ (ml hm“ ‘ H K . . ‘ I I I . ._ . . . il'url Illiu- i '\‘ ’l‘ ‘h‘hn‘l‘n- ”l l"“"""“"“- “hill Hl‘ .llll Tilllll” i.~ one Door EaSt Of Domlnlon Bank, Lindsay l \llm \llllll‘lllll llv‘l Ian-ll ll\inviM.-\.\'.\(ll'3ll.\' {\ll'llvf‘l‘. “i“ ”ll lll‘ \llh lmml' \‘llll his fame? “0.1.... \.,.-~. 5 ' 5' Visit h; ”h‘ l'nlfll.‘ ‘ ll ‘ kl 'l'lll‘ Illull‘ll ul' llllilmgl‘llll'lll uf lhv 'l‘- M"- JU'H‘MUH llh“""'l1‘l““‘l ”ml: \ livixv I' ll‘.ll\l! I 1-,- . 'cuunl)‘ himsn ui xa-l'iiirv mm ill tlw "'1 i‘ul‘l‘ wus lrmu l.l|HlN|.\'. and “T.“ i l unlmx. $555$$$5555555555$55 O ' """' .lmlrt hulls" .\Inllllu). 11“.“. “m.“ hint“) lllqlllulll him luwlt ll) lil.\ mm o , . ”a“ __ a I ‘Pl‘l‘fill'llli “mull-ll A. ll. l'ulllllll.' H 11“" "WW": “m" M," (“W ”:1 l‘(l'l‘|".\"l‘\\l 'l ' Ill ...._..____._.â€" “M _ iul‘l'Vl‘h JH“. lil).l(‘l‘l.\llll. .\. .l. \;ii'- 91m“ smart, \\llh ‘lli' "\C'W‘llml “l u l‘”. ' \‘H‘HH . . _ A _ _ . ..-_..t..... __ .'-.'.-_'_ ._ ' il‘O.‘ “n“ l‘lllllll_‘~ (“Tin Mr. J. ”_ \h. l““‘ llrllisl‘h lll Olll llll‘ luv.- illLl hull) ' “J" tn‘n‘w“ "W . ' ”'5 c- H)lun.‘_\lx ‘ Wilt‘ Din! !“ H33 Absence. _3n‘.5 .\my ("lll'lstilllh ‘clu‘!".r (if Found Wild at Last. 'Nt'illlla .\s ”n“. ““5 L“. “Elm”. lll‘ mullu illc lli>tulllc lll‘l\\1‘l’ll-Hl‘lll"‘ “ml l“liiil\ ‘\ I ‘ , .. x” l - n , ‘ g. l Iii i‘.l‘ll ”0|le .-\ ”mm” “y WEMVH“ has lll‘l'lllml I’ an” all Lllll llnluriu Lullius' (‘lllllfimu A (ll‘llllllllll“ “mum“ of an Hui-ll hug. “10‘4““: ll:\_\ rm. uh, Culllllllltl-c l-Hsiv \llll- and “menu” (37 llllll'fi) Hi 11 : “ n‘ ‘ “4|“ ‘ . Lg“ 1- "~' -‘ -| ‘- 1' ' V“ H” l"‘l|'i.\.' llmx. .lfllll w Knit-Hum). ul Muxvilig, ‘\"'lll."- ““5 NWWSNDH 1" passing all 31ml 'il‘d‘\\tlff‘\‘:”"{‘li "law“ M 840 5“ .ill-ss llllllll‘l‘fi of u roJliiic nrm‘r \u-i't- "mm" 'l.(;.”'_ \.U ., li‘ .1 I i :i' ~ ‘ : l‘li'l!‘ UH Ill;~ bt‘ll' ilk'. . .‘l‘ llllu‘lnl rill ll llll' i'xlll'Jl'l'L'R. lll‘l‘ llllllllh‘ ul the recent l‘xullllllltlloll Wllil‘lingi'lll‘L'“allllllll’ll‘nullullllitigellig‘y; don]! Will). Y : ' ‘ ‘ ‘ I .., ‘ ; N'IL W: i “Shall f ll" 1 lil‘n'fill. 1““ “"‘HHL‘ ‘ 0! (lie (‘HllHt'l‘VulOr‘V ,Of Music, "'l\l‘(lii-1 "llllll'lll‘ll 1);. his w”... "s ‘dl'lld for 3'5 ‘ , W». Ahfi‘ 7 'l; l‘ . ’ Hill-.1. !. ll! ;l mu- ‘l‘n it: fly “iii 11:13.3”? will?” “milk“: a“: £10, one of the pupils receiving a prizl- years. Sll'lllt‘llly appeal-ml at 1,0,- km. â€"â€"â€"’>-â€"â€"-â€"- 4 John “likinwn. ul‘ Minn) lll\\n~ i‘l‘l~‘..\l‘lllll: \\ \\ l l :1. l “1 l‘il‘l) H“ “‘5. *‘l “"5 I ‘.l\\H ~\ l‘wllili.‘ll‘:l\‘iu.:'ul'i<.\viiu llllll lite Ollil. itiwn by Messrs. A. and .S. Nordlici- cllell door. Wt‘llnnd had not the Two Houses Entered Phil'- "h'd ““M‘ml.‘ "‘â€" h““” l’“”"l m" "-“- \”- I" " i“ splv‘lJ‘. ll pmgi'itiii um yam-:1 lll.‘ lll'i‘ll ll.‘lllll‘!‘. Purity: his llll-‘l‘l‘l'l‘ llil liner. 'l‘ormim, for night-st. standing lnl all‘lhfit‘fl lill'fl 'lll‘ tlhl‘wwnrld .\.l'llen. he] ”Asia. Ill his lil‘l_\ l‘mlrlll .\l'lll‘. a sound lld‘.‘ \l '- ‘ t'llllll‘. ulmh \\iL5 i-llflllx'll l.) [lll‘ 1mg“: v.3.» “3‘“ .\Iru‘li‘u'x with lrnplt‘lll plague her course. “28;; iii? afl‘lillnlllll(:;%‘\“fvea~tll‘i‘i:d b D ' Th' ! A irvnvi‘ul rumll- ugmiust the army! Fulllr‘y stun» . l- "1‘“ “'0‘”! fiii‘t‘f-rdilil. “$393.11llr‘fil'l'ilrihr'°$d953” _M"- ""hn Altim- l‘t‘m'o ol‘ Carden. the toil dislilis when the knock cameg. I y aflng Ieves.s"r\i"" "mm“! "“5 ln'vn “"Rimlu‘d “MW" SW" “" " W ‘3, \l.>~ \l‘.l_\ln'l‘. u; 'l'mlmln. is \l\lllllg lugs. {HM 1;..‘nl.;‘l‘. “ hurried trlp back was in town on Saturday lust. 'l‘he She opened thl‘ door. a_weary Old man ' â€"0â€" ;ll.\' thi- Sui-lullsls in France. |l_\' to .l. .1. ll. . . . - r. ‘ ~10 1 5' ll!“ 5mm.- ul‘ lll'l' aunt. .\ll's. “Ill. ‘ to l‘mlliii. \\'li.-n he arrived he found worth). rune reports the rapid build- Without “91’0”!“ a b”? l" 93‘ ”"9 The rt‘siill-ill'i- of Mrs. J. “liulln, ~-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-'â€"-'--â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l'.U.. Ulll. 13:1.11. ““1 “f “I“ a‘l'lvr Children asleep on ing of the approaches to Mud Luke 53,32333: ifigwfifltrf‘fh "f“ “I”; 25 indent-ht... wus vntl-rml by some vl.().<'l‘.r-l\ \‘i-zAililxu lllill~‘l-‘.ll.; t.” ’7 "lln; llrhmu Si'n-‘Un l?“ ”m" i" full ”Iii: '§,‘;:}.‘,13f‘.i,{thf‘ff‘. l t “M'POWS bl'idiro and exnects to have partner in life. Tooduv iteis 211:: has). unknown person l)t‘l\\t‘(‘n Friday and; half “018101" and half Jeremy; u-hil..‘l"()ll S.\l.l-).â€"-'.’:u \. . l‘ “V sum-J lllltl u mumm- ui‘ guild calcllt‘s twirl-line iii {m :tm_r(ar£e":?0t:e (1:23. the cement portion of the structure piest home in Montrelll. this morning. abstracting lioui a legs-am! star in forum-ml. 1AM miles {rum 1.1mm H" V‘- I 12.12.: inn-n l"‘p()rlt"l. 0n the trip to New York the cabin under construction on the arrival of Sergt. Welland's tale is l thrillinlz trunk a lmx (‘llnlflllllllg‘ suwrnl domi- about ”in last ol‘ May. Finder “ill ll in 4th l‘mi ni‘ Hi" ”31”” \lr. ”ml Mrs. lll'l‘l “and returned g‘::‘;';l:llll‘> "‘33:“; ‘UP it 00119050" 01 material required. 223' 1.35m$3}?‘fiefgafifizgo'i:héty:: mums and one $5 hill. .-\t “hut be suitably i-l-wurded by returning sold wry (‘llwlllr m: l”':' ,2 1"“ “'" "i" “m” ”m" h‘mmmo‘m' and iwr‘ilil-x‘ irit lilllllie lSillflllilngplllflr:fsg‘:lsnag: -â€"-â€"O*-â€"â€"- he enlisted under the Tur lsh banner: time the ”‘M “MW“! m" "“"setmr’" sun” to '1‘ R' “Ni“mm' hm)" mom" FM m ‘ H . I'm: . 8 “ill " “'3“ “0”“ “flu.“t' twn ni thu l-liilrlrt‘n were ill. but It's as and to see a rich man with He was 3" Plevnn .‘md "9 taken 9118- “hull“! does not kmm. She hull ‘ __.._.__.__---.:_ . “Tm. or “mm". ”it" IL. L bx“ e - _,; 'lhe .\lo'lhullist Snmluy Scllnul held permission to land wu‘s obtained from a. pour appetite as it is to Sec epoor 32:1 lg U13 R0931”!!!- He was con- [bt‘l'n "D street on Friday afternuun. I'ARM Hm bALla.â€"'l Ill". EAS'I‘ C0,, (lshliua. / "l. . l‘m-ir annual pirniv In llaliuy's Grove, lei?!lii'itrlinlvi-iliiiliviiiwi‘itililtlximmlt'pnvti'. man Who can't. get to the lunch half; whgn alliance; “hayelxlnfi‘dhl: Previous to leaving her house llhei liall'ol' Lot 2, in ‘the 4th (‘on. of .. â€"â€"-â€" . ' . -\ll“ " ”w!"- “”ng ‘1 “mm“. M “might elnitiiitle hisâ€" journev to! llllifvillllelil J counter. Wile hld left Burt for lam. foreign locked the money in a trunk which! the “’rvn“hll"°l ltldon, containing \‘AIJ'AlllJ-Z l‘lllll'llll": "‘l- who Sillll‘ln, nlsu it “an gullli‘ hi'il‘Bt‘n ‘\"‘-_ .H. (‘00. MCHPIID, of Strathblfl‘ll, was country. was “I the front room. and lOth‘d 100 ‘0108. ’lhere 18 a “00d [MIAMI] .â€"']‘h(' lixuulmx in "m '.l "' ’." l m \; '1 lzllili ull'l ' UlllN-Hllk. the wall“ lil'inlI’ _ ___ - -.... killi‘d While unloading- hay. 8 rope the do?“ “ll Sunday the lady - house in good repair and “1‘” law Thus. Smilll I]... n‘w “21,21: :52" r- ' i i “Hun-5". \imm-y lnr the (llll~\"‘l('alll,l Shakespeare’s on”... breaking. causing him to fall back- New lmmlsrntlon Plan. opened the trunk. [paving the keys pointed nod woodnhod atlavhed. A \‘nlunhlp lll'ul'l'l‘H. . "if! "m- ,: ‘ l. ...â€"â€".'l. .\ll [‘(‘lllll-lC'l as haung Among the sillge relics left by Dr. wards and break his neck. T17 {Jolllclfleflfld 0L attracting “Dini- therein. nflt’l‘ taking 0‘“, some a". gnod burn on I. stone wall Wllh Wi-st half (if In! ‘. m "' ‘ 1U” i h “ sphum “W" Furuess. the Shakespearean authority. grggmeblnallgg‘ :0 "llndte‘cilfll'l.'bug Verwlire. She Was not sure wlieth. 30"“ shilling “fldemt‘uh- 'l‘h‘.‘ barn melon Maripmn. ‘ 1' W ul ,' my. li'lll'ln'u u? the Lalllea’ Institute In a worn pair of Shakespeare‘s smile a V ‘- of the Govetnlgeng‘gnd :11: “ 9" the box was ll: the trunk then or h“ I "9" “'0‘ and 111 £00“ rt‘lmlr; acrus. 0n the i-mm H'“ H “m .’-- * “aw in llimlani Hut \uwk for the gloves Willi llll unusually definite pad]. H d L kl v I ‘new arrangement is Ibolll. to be Ole not. 5150 p1“ poll. hen hon” and mill!“ {rune hump. lmw 1.45”». on ' in yr‘m‘l' inn-4mg of line district. greet They were presented to John ‘ .' n‘ a V" fueled whereby the "MINI” will con. This mm'nlng as she had occulon mint house and a large water tank. stone imimlnlmn. I~..a~u'~'" ""M - .“ up: View l'pvl.'_lnlr ,arhnnl teacher, fthé‘d wing-full: plll‘yed Othello at Strut; of Th. "Cart- 12h“: 31:? eflroattil g? thedtoufrisg traffic. w use me mm”. Mrs. Mum.“ w“ Also an Inert of orl‘htrd with a lzuml ml lwnlmuw. mu: ”'1. l ,. MM; ‘ If i I f' *‘"" "”’ """"‘ 1" "mam" “m N' is: regaining :l'illllfipgedti'le‘gtlggflnuglifil‘: ‘ ness. an?! ll: anvgrriglen: Jill 333‘; much surprised to lllld it had mya- "9"" ““39 0" We '0'“- “ldt‘. M'- l'onwmmn in e. l.....l w 1""""'l‘q ‘ ' : iwr'lez. . . it] the Clllll‘l‘ll lW “‘lllllllfllshllkélbéfll’e. M” N“"'". l“ Ml. “lend to lmn‘Illflthfl propl Ifldi. terlouuly disappeared. Nevernl (”'1‘ p” on the pl‘lflllhen Ol‘ Woodvllle, mill! ”0'" “"mhl” “W 1 "Help . .. . . 319' mm: llllllllley. vl lll-liokllh. a your Mm...“ "Wm,” father and Would Ind Her mum ‘ ll will nugment its work. gowever. er Valuable articles lnvlmllng lilo P. 0' w' w' “MW“ ll-mn l‘amllnm'm Iv" "‘ "'m ‘ ‘ 5 will. =lu-M S'Ill'lm' WW “”1 ll” our [metWFl‘Qlll‘otllél‘ll't‘blldl‘éllzu John ml. "Mild Immmml. flaggudnfi'wmgn?'fi'g‘ififiggh'hab“ gold wetvh Well In the trunk. but w NW.” ""T"T‘",T“T- “W “9‘" "’ ""' """N ‘u ' 2 mum-l. m, ll; 'r. llolllllay ml M: Ward gllye these gloves to David (lur- ._.== lelore the railways have pullouldr'le; We not llllllllrhed, A 'l Jh- 9 Tim m." um l-l. mm” ”WWW” “1,... lllll ' :‘ii. WV" . m“ m ""9' “6 bequeathed them to Mill! 1 D TALE!” mo 3rd Ave looked after this lulla- olm. The home «at film. lllm on (lie: "' M" “‘ ""“h‘m' “mm“ " 5“” llmlm (ll-mam!“ w ‘ "”""" ". f 31» Mr ‘llI:l\ ‘n mull room it: iinw Mum his widow. Wlm l9“ them ill I"! Sid: EB“ bwléfl ' lid .Wfllfl‘fl”! hull The railwayg. by Swill“! “99”“. m“ 1‘ l‘ M ‘ 92M "ml-clam: Mug-mu 59""..th Ill ll l‘illfllwlll A. Mm!“ I.“ H”. "mm " 3’5; plate-l ml will mum l... men llll‘ “099: She left them to liar flnurhlei beéfl‘, mtmflifi (mm gm an“; lginnd olherwlla wl now concentrate "' g; "”1“ m “y "i“ m "" mm 0! MM) M Mr. hull»- m ‘ ‘ .:} ' tillnlllm: “999”“: “"5 W,“ 3'59“! presented and lea in; valves, have ' re: ‘9" 990"! in in was Ill h‘h‘llfl! " one; ‘ 9“ Wk” “mm“ to llemlilulm mill, ll. llllll. All: ' Me -= I , ; ' .Q , . m. h, H,- w. .d (mm-m them is Willi“! humble. wholillvetlleul g leewevery klndeltmlmentleaulll “raglan Mid Alsatian hurl! mm. and .7. which wall la a MOM alien ill “m “I ”Hm“ m, M m "'"5 N M, . ,m I will _' '“W W p “ .“eumnmummwamiflhmmwammmnmmn MMMMMMMMMM m ” .- .° “”“'"“" Awww , , llllwll [Him Hm llllllul Mime. gnm‘ ll) pm 6‘ ”nail H. x WHOM I9 ‘9! W M QM Old Ml‘ GEM“! W "l Shannen. ”film” N. "n Ilfllod (More lllu l... mm 1“ ’5 the Hull “Hull um“ that at times Mk“ ”II! m: "IRWIII 0 AU '91:. “mi.“ “ their damn“. GM .89- '0 WWW. 0M. Mlle. “3“", half 1 m l m N" W" .1: 1 Min: ral'ltm :lnllill: he“ Fulllfllad XQEUQNG “in” "9 gm“. W9“ may "Id 0 a ."P‘ 3“?” m ‘- Q,” “n.” M‘ WM; "_â€"_ “â€"-â€"--â€"â€" (MVM‘ HlWllhhlll. .. n.” .rll-E M tram her llh llllllllllh' .1le ill W’lllfi'h ”if” a“! g! gala, WW“ '9'.” . "m V “a.” my“) AND WIN“ HALE 3” pm of lull“, ulm'll m: .ulm H" . . a or ll nu lli a mill. we: had In no walling men-u“ tallmlllle. J30. 3991”,... Mullen“. is Mrs, M "new l . u “:3 the Vllllfl! of 0mm". '1‘” cultivation, Hm luil- n ‘M Nu. 'l‘unlm. uf Hmlm‘. ll “3m“ ad all“. Thom with will" ll?! 4' V - 3 “my mum ll ”H M lol' u, hunlntu growth at umml mm» "“n h.' ddu‘lllllli, 5“!!- watt“. UPQW‘ny ‘3 Q mm ‘6 Q “an“ Wm “ W m m '“' h. I.“ GI WM! lmlldim. A "Willi“ llullu :,'J|.Ml"" ”I“ ”mm UM “w.“ the hollow h“ m H!!! "cull! hem: ‘ ‘-' * ' " ‘\ ' M” ’ “k W' W‘.‘ the Pout 03 8mm lullnllullllll, H""' Twit. wllh liar petunia. and returned to r" “I". m Ill-mull“. 2M “’ i ' " w W underneath; mm” b...“ 22v“ ' ”mm" mm" 1min tulle lull 'lllio um um. """""""""""""" "' ._...~ mom men n. A ““"cnho W “9', lo I“ M!” ‘1‘. ll! “.3" m. EVENING, “a kitchen in “no.1 mwumlmw m a ram mm am down low. . . 7:." g 3 , _ ,M Ir. null app). 0"th (”tuna w "I: «our elm it's a. mm M A my)» Mrlmihth W M Wt 30 m“ 1 “"‘ Mr...» .. M ”Mod m m '“vb m m I." ‘ . . a“. w I'll! not will” “LJO‘ ‘ able oust. Arm ‘0 “m” $5555555fi$3§f* nights. . . , . . Search parties were org-.nlnd- find the neighborhood thoroughly in- spected. For the last two guys it was expected that he hail perished in , Studlea tretion of gas With we or 1'. Cohen, of New Yum . lL Gog Work om. nearly 0 h _ Simpson House, Linda); M Gently lapping little knoll: 1 Capped by dark, sweetrooented violets tribute religious “lei-211‘”? ‘0 “13 Curt'sying to “I. mills breeze, community. 51“}. “km Four Playing weird nod touching music mpeflena: not rhmiiru‘i a work. Through the green leaves of the woman. ()ppm-tunm in). Mm 0’ “9"- tion. Spare time in”... 3:33 iLhe International llil...‘ 130 Spadina Aux, 'lor-mto ~. ._____1__..._- I LOST.â€"Bl£'l‘\'l'l£l£.\' There Springtime trails her mantle green -\ ‘ ‘ 0m. Franklin v.0. * '1 l , M t Qicyclel m’ nlop Trafili0n T Ms. etc. liepiiirs‘ U. the My. (‘IQVPlunli W Bicycm. Horse 1 “Pl Knives slinrgw "Sam Hachiner, lina, “ ' . SHEPHAR am'wgiam-Sc. rotâ€"m ’r‘ I.“ Mr Building Linl »‘\/ l‘l‘l lit} WOOD Shingles. Err ‘ Lumber. Cement 2» " 1-3. ,1 "I” '. l V I ' . lL4.£ Veterinai y Grillin; ‘ Cu. Honor Veterinary Ravel \"etvi'inurg. the LOiidon Sch/m; . ; ‘ cine. ‘ once and Residence . and Cambridge.:; Omr'o Phone 397.. Dentistry 3 slim-“1A promptly anemia? ‘ l V n. l " (Ip,'ll.‘ll" Lilli‘fll} Monuments C mill-z. .( _â€"-â€"_._â€"â€"-â€" W Dr. H. Irvine. \‘l l " " â€"-( Merly of Seclud- Cla- Dentistry practici-l hitches, at Modflrflll- OFFICE IN NEW iii A. That a “'I]:It :\" isn’t ll.’ ()lll‘ l';ll'l~ (.r.. l strictly l’urc :l l .ll Stork. lows : é lb. i).‘llll‘|‘\ g” l“ 1 lb. l’upvh .‘l'. n Special 100 }:.‘ll’l\ .4 In lllll‘l\‘l'_‘l ., In 5 ll). lulh .‘ll ‘.’.l S‘prayeis for :l; l Green Sm- u. >, J. 6. Edwards Co HKRDWARE Phone 27. Liming l Sir Sandford Not a V ‘v' BhSandlord Floyilim" ._ I has °‘, The One“ ., . « . 8 greatest lllt‘ll. 5:» l . 1 ”he election oniy U. - 1 Illdeven this OCClirlL'll l. . 1 ”if-D. notwithslmiut' ; ”teen months agv h ND not a Ix'llllCJTll'l.‘ I1! Interview. "1 lltfl'“ I, l“0â€"110. that's iw‘ v, m a “19 Int pulwlu‘ mic! I man 1 mm: '0 not seen slut ; pl“. “ I had lz' ir M. He 15 ll“ w“'; m“ F . n?lii| llllll n H v I 1" Y W- Pp Veil l .' illpp; that Wu 1' I MV.“'"‘ ‘hf Mini” n: ' ' 9". 3- Morley wulw', “linen from \\:.v 0 “M the loll-Mun; « a”? $0! In: 1 ln: vb' . I V0 (‘hlllll-‘il"'- “mg u‘u’ll “Inn. .‘ . l “V. W!) I‘ullixlzli ‘ ,. law ml mull... . , , “95,390!!! fl"ll\'l‘ - - A" “a he onllhiliwl “'V‘ 7 ‘ 'IGNI- ill lll\‘ lzlw ‘ w h“ “all lllcll. ll. -' l w. l 1! C E ’ “DOD. mill H . . d , ill“ ll. I .mptuhg‘ “Hull. 1 .l u l bull it.” . M,“ .‘Ollll “, Macaw" ‘ 5%. O young 1‘“. mm ' .‘I Ottawa “l he Mother. “V0 chucked till: {1 “i ll \‘l alpha I turnout of the Sme9 or drowned in thelakes. I A-srurkle with the dewg tum“ .\. and that probably even his body As a. queen adorned in emeralds, Glenarm, a wallul l-umazn-mg ' ‘9 would never be recovered. With diamonds glistening through. ers and do unit-ms. _\., “New" prim morning 8. large party was There ooquettish little cloudlets finder. l{t‘\\'l‘(l git. n by “Him organized and search was made in While the happy hours away, at this ofh‘cc. “‘3 the vicinity of Leg Lake. . Drifting about with the sunbeams -â€"â€"â€"- x The boy. Meyers by name, was ' In their dazzling gold army. FARM FOR SAlJ'. _ ( “Vl'Al'x'm . found along the shore of the lake, ‘7 .,: _ 50 acres of lam, a!” “mm. 1.9 prices in white ra. his clothing oil and carried on a 'I':-“u "w: There the birds ue ever trilling about two .ach.5_ \ mud at: . . . stick. He was” wandering about In ther soft. sweet tremolo; loam. l-‘irsi-i-lu» ;‘:-..l.,.. hou ‘ tlne, 27 Inches Wlde quite unconcerned, and stated upon “I amfitxslfioral; B°'JU£§ railing“, There the loveliest of flowers 26 x 20; a lint-lien W aft. I . ‘ inquiry that he had berries to eat. «Fmipaévén ,5 £22323 m1; 1335,33. In the “381‘“ “'OOdlandS Sm“ : CiStC‘rn. Fruim- mm :: .\.-,l, ‘50 Cl Barlng at per \Yd. The town is quite joyous t'iis restored metohealill,wlienIlladgiven The” the sky seems always brightest, log S‘vablt’. W: and mum .\.. t“ 25c 226 200 and morn‘ngr over his recmery, none the gglfilgofizzdsilgg Effectors hail l And, if sometimes overcast. situated, r; of .. lli‘n' (m: , , worse 50!. his experience _ {our full hadastrokeoflz'arnl'2isin fluthC-w IBersts into more radium: beauty and sf'hnt)lliwl.\‘o'. 'l‘r . , .m, m 180 ldays and nights in the wilderness and tlzisleft me unnlile to wall; 0:12:11; When the rainbow shines at last. Situated in ”“‘ “”9 lilrlo ' with most intense heat n the day- mysesf, and the Constipation of ”1° i being 1‘” 3 m "" n In: time and a couple of rain storms. I Egyéiogazgénl‘il‘ieg “icigixtiiigfvgs fig? by the tranquil Scugog liCulzu‘s alilll) (ill m. - N1, u; a His ho'lv was scr tche u‘ . d- .- ‘ . l. : - -. i. ' ere is Sweet peace and “’5‘- Alex. ll l-tll‘l‘u . fine Glass 5115' by the‘briars an: otl‘lic;l "Entity! Etylhenczzligipgtiofikamll riIiui-lt-liAl‘insly {(731me it basks in the sunshine, --- â€"â€"'1â€"â€"-: â€"m- we- h lgrowth. cured me of tliat_trouble but gradually l By Mother Nature caressed. pARM 1:0“ >- \l,l-1 ._, T?“ * T l l o 1 933, if?“ Ema-35‘“? toned “P ”3° l'l‘hcre in its beauty and fragrance more m. 1,.\“ 1â€"; (I‘m )1 owe S ' 5 nelw'esaixdartuu117ic:i_rul tlleparalySis. ] It lies secluded and 10m. . w _ . ' 1, 1.30 l UndertllCIiScof”l'ruit-mtives”,Igrew , _ ., mm“ “”4”” *1: = l ll'llll'mtd - , . l l strongerand strongerunlil alltlic palsy Mn” tl1‘â€"""‘- "03th the heavens 0‘ ”me. i bush : small \ n .M H t . f 10 Dozen of pure linen glass l OBITUARY : and‘wcakness left me. I am now well ' 'l‘herc lies old Home. S\\(}CL Home ! i we“ ft'll""(l w.” u “I. A mm 5 l towels worth in the regular way 2 1 again and ethnic! my store every day â€"K. J_ M. (Toronto). “9]“ .m! \“w ' _ ' llll‘ue 1292c eat-b, clearing 3 , ' ‘nd‘uday' , 0â€"..- “ “7 ' ‘ w“ l" ’ “51ml; towels for...... 25c \ ALMA PHILLIPS' “1"”; ”f" “"5 "“"’~ Hume ' MRS. MARGARET HARTLEY . “Fruit-a-tivcs"_is the only remedy , [IKES THE WEST “O“S" “‘“h “M” ”Jung 5' Another pioneer died in the town- ‘ :‘él’tgg‘zgd that ‘5 mad” 0‘ {“1“ JInca l room. lull‘lm‘. lwww: " x .ms 1:" D k ism“ 0‘ “P5 i“ “‘9 W's“ 0‘ M's-i 50c.abox,6for$2.5o-â€"trialsize,25c. Ill-JAR Mum-z .-\lllll"l ll.\l:il 'l‘IMl'IS find. 1"," WWW” "5* ‘ lne amas m’margaret Hartley. relict of the Intel At dealersor sentonreceiptofpricc by l.\' llh’l‘AIllll. “f”?- F'““’“ “""““"' hut [Chas. PW}, at 1m. ripe old age ”f 35 I Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Monday “mmmg 'l'ht- “am”. had “i sl'l.rl‘ll-lln.ll.l‘],. lit-m,” :. l'l. w m i Towels Slycal‘a. ’lllerlate .Mrs. P001 was 8 "â€"â€"_°â€"â€" lt‘ull from u fm'lilel‘ l()\\ll.\nlllll, no“ a‘ 1‘1 " #2le .H‘ H Hi 48‘ resxdent 02 (ms since childhood, u. . . . , . . . . , . . , , 'lrcsident ”f ('ulgmzx'. film. in thcpvr- “‘“1‘ ’c"'::: '1 l""“" “"5 'e'OHC u 10 dozen of the nicest da- ' iconSlSLem Nahum“ in rehmon and l' FALL l-‘Allls. ' ‘bun of \lr. ll. laugh-Sun. {owner 10““ “if: um.“ '.(7‘1.”|f!ixv‘.l ”nough- ' mask tUWPlS you have 4. McCALL PATTERNS \‘ Vi“? l"r':“icc£“‘s.‘:d b." hl,-r.liusllan‘ll a. e I e e \- o e e I e e e Olaulli‘tor of Lindsay. Mr. l'liiulcbun. :illl.'kl'lillililiy':‘l]l\.-x‘1‘~i‘m,-”\‘r‘.-;;Uid everseen for per pair c 5379’ ”Waist 5381, Skirt in lout inc )tjtllh ago. Mrs. 1.3915 Illurrie ...... Supt. 223,4 lwlio has “W“ “Warn.“ (m a large w" “Li,” 71 M \ [,3 .. u....-i.. o. ‘ ' Price, 15 cents 93011 ,‘d 5 death Fume. mmdmfl‘v' having “my'lleui'erton “fiellt. 29 (let. 1 iammmg ('Uml‘m'l in tho Mlls'nukt‘. ‘ .g: l: fl» . ( M, ”Hi. I" 01.5, bet-n Sick $111”) the. lst of July last, illellcville .................. Sept. 9 IOidisU‘iCl for 5mm.“ (l1l)"~' lllir‘l, urriv‘ ;§r "ll 1‘” 10‘“ liliill . l evil the n 5‘ theiendllcomking on M:)n:lu_\:,' '1‘“?melllobcalgeon ............ Sept. 25 26 :(‘d in tlmn Saturday night and re. ‘::)::W‘;:M: (‘5‘;W‘113: TV‘”:'.1|“‘:.‘;;9 Table “a klns lat 1” Me “in“. ' in mfmvffil lBoumamille ............ Sept. 10 17inuwcll “("lllullllglllCUS wizh a murmur farm with ’1‘)“. l- ,. ‘f 5 p lb“, the mum‘mg Children ' MPhfls' i(‘0l:0urg ..................... Sept. ‘21 25i0f old l‘l'iviials illlll ul'llllllllllun‘l‘b, K 11 ‘ l' \ «I » 1 it... Mn. as n» ‘ John ll. and (‘hm‘lt‘s l't‘t‘l. 0f UPS ; l('ohuurg ”01-5c Show .......\llg. lg-lililt‘a\lll£‘ this ”milling for his homol n mr f" If fwd“... ‘ t. “3. to- l 1 dozen manufacturers samples and travellers samples up Abraham. m‘ Whitby; Mrs. Jas. )[c'il’enelon Falls Sum 10-11 in the “Mt I malt“ “"“L‘ N” EM” «» ‘ ‘rov 5 to 4.00 per Dozen. Selling per each ..... . ..... . .. 1 5 Elm”. Mann-r.»- ; Mrs.- Jus. l‘attun, EHulibumm ...................... 5:0“. 25 Spwkim ”f ”W “N h“ mm.” ”m all in; aim” lhl'l‘i' THE. “will """"”""""”'""""""’°"”"""""" "'”'"”’ c lups; MW' “‘m' Huggin, ()ps; and‘Kinmounl. .................. Sept. 15 16 the (‘mliill‘y “11> l‘onlinuin: ll) Ill" lc‘:":0‘;?( 14:2“ :30“. Ail-ii .“lm 5 fiimrs J'us' fill-“hill". ll'al‘Ul“: |' 'Luhclll'lll """""""" SH,“ 16 17 1‘0“)" MM (”4'qu ill 8” dirflqinnk' :llllv lifllixli'ill‘i‘ l-lln‘lti...‘ :-~:":‘i:.:d(r i {he mnmul “I“ take “1"“. to h“- i LINDSAY ..................... Sl‘lil. 18-201" 1 huh! hoard ilmi’i' ailmul llill'll 1,}. . l’ ‘ ' 1 g .V U 5 _ ‘ lersxde ociiit-tt-ry on Wednesday, July Markham ........................... Ui‘l- 1-1;,1iiul-s in ”h. “.1,” hm... m “marmi to Lime I()\\l.\. .ws ..- .ilarlt, Redford cords 5‘9, at 2‘30 fun. ‘ . . .- . . . . . . . ~ _ _ . Linden), 0111., .‘ll “mm. Midland .................. 50m. .3.) A J‘I'Hlllll l lld\l hunt] in ll“ “at. In. i "-â€"'°â€"â€"" mum-col. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (lot 2 31mm m.- halrd null-s slum is l-\;i;_'-t-r~ ‘ " ‘_ ”m‘w‘w 1:. In pale blue, lli'zqne, white. cream, makes a pretty dress, 5 (.lemrm ,fl'lll'pfiifitj ('1 u an Illimlen .............................. Supt. 3n filled. The \ll'sl is a trim-mus mu“. ‘FARM FOR- S‘.\I.l-I..â€"?"\ I >1 ‘Hl‘. “it! fast colors, 27 inches wide, wide CONL per Vd... ..... . nuill . " ‘\ ‘l' k ' e'nurl ',.\'c\\'mul‘act . ...... Hl‘l. 7-1! v lily and just Ill" Inlul'l- l‘ur lhl‘ 1:0- ‘ 1'1”" 'l all" "' ‘ ""“:“I"'."' l‘“‘”"' 7" ; m ' ' 25c “CH“ THIS leld (m JUI" 15" hm’inul‘iumll ................ Sept. 32 Qflililil'ull primrosflu- 5mm;- man." I 1"” “HT" kn‘m“ “‘ " M'Vlm‘m .............. .......... ................. ..... .......... ...... [was not lew us great a .\lel'l'l‘fis “sinsliuWa ......................... 5”“. 3.1.10: - 1'0””... hilllllll' ail UNI“ 1" Jilm‘r lusufll' 0\\'in|: l” 0 “OPP": (ll U}?- h“sw-Wllllnili, ((‘t'ntrul (‘itnudu)...h'l‘ll. 5.1:!!Ml'.'l‘ “41TH “15‘1“" i Hm]. “hm.“ ”W” F u QM: “hm“ ‘ ’ 5’1”,“ “an“ 20" ”Hum“ m ”w“. _ "p-i l’l‘tl-rhoro ................. Sept. ”-12” Mr. lluri‘y l'iim‘. an mimic).- ul‘ in“; null (‘Y‘I'Hrm‘ry l-lc. l~ mulwr ipj:um::‘:.}., utlho ‘Ihfrtllei‘: ln‘llm‘lmvs‘il‘ort Ilnl-l) .................... (lot. 7 .\ Sill. M. “will leilllllfl' ('oliipuiiy, who: lmrl'VM‘H‘S uI‘l’1.\‘ l” ' ‘ “Win". I 5 “ m 0‘ “I.“ ‘1‘).1.’.‘. Il'ol'l l’l‘l'r} ............... Sl'l'l. ll lk lgililrl “wok i'nxw-l‘l'll ‘llll‘ «lislunt‘u lw-l l‘lm‘ls‘U- 0" ””Kh M“'“"““" “W‘j' ME “' (amt-run. u! .loruntu, Swim .» Sundvl‘lnml ................ Sum. lll .\ 17 Him-n Linden) and his old homo in; ”‘1'" 5 5!“:fihm du-V‘IIH‘SHS‘S .fnmfl“. hf“: l' Isn‘t”) .......... U‘.\(‘Ilt_ 2.3 .\ 2"lll'o'll-Hllu on his lllc.\l‘ll', llll'l “fill a; â€"-â€"-'-“’-â€"‘""" ’“”' " “" l " _"' ml“! ‘ ‘8 ' “0" me ”In" mg ’l'ui'onlo (Cain hiilimiul) Aug. :33, pillnl‘izl lll‘I‘llllnl \\'l‘lll' on tho limne}\,\l.l‘\lll.l-‘ l‘\l:\l .' l. ‘\11 - q a“?! T'-ll‘f|l‘\th at ”m mm". of M"! 51ml. 3. 'll‘ill. “l‘ iS ill ii In» in lulu". J‘lsli .\‘l-iilml lu'mlle will . ,...5 M a .1212: ~ ‘12:! i n . .. . ‘ 5“(lulhilit‘ ........................... Sl‘l'l' ‘2 [1 O‘V ”1“ "minim” l“'l'l“‘lN"l. llllt ‘ lhl- lllllll‘l“ IJl'vl w -',\. ' "n “u “m5"? mm “hum“ [lunl'l‘ot'l ....................... .lli‘t. Billi‘lillnis l!.lil lll‘ “m l-illu-i' illrm'k by| 15H, .l.;|\_ ;‘ .e v ‘3‘." 5 5"” Pmifl‘m” MW" “1“")de "would“ ”f ltlucl._\inl~l\ Supt. 25 t\ 2H lli llinlur l'nl~ \illill- ruining illmn ut .\livlmd lim'u g. ;. hull “Nuns m ””3 mil-K: , . _ .l'iinulln-lll‘ni‘ll ............... Sol-l. lll .\ 17 UL”, nr lll- “my llll\l' lull-'ll lvll hisI lm 1n .. ,l . I 5 '“rs' "Him,“mm‘l I“ smuthnu lwrilnlillun ....................... Fug-l 5 iii i\'llli‘~l, ! nv“ lllu'l‘ lm-w All“ nit-lilamr Ill lumlnln. . H ‘lllmlm‘ ................ ”cl. 7 A 3‘ For H Um.- h:- ll|_\‘ ”mumwmm‘ (ml hm“ ‘ H K . . ‘ I I I . ._ . . . il'url Illiu- i '\‘ ’l‘ ‘h‘hn‘l‘n- ”l l"“"""“"“- “hill Hl‘ .llll Tilllll” i.~ one Door EaSt Of Domlnlon Bank, Lindsay l \llm \llllll‘lllll llv‘l Ian-ll ll\inviM.-\.\'.\(ll'3ll.\' {\ll'llvf‘l‘. “i“ ”ll lll‘ \llh lmml' \‘llll his fame? “0.1.... \.,.-~. 5 ' 5' Visit h; ”h‘ l'nlfll.‘ ‘ ll ‘ kl 'l'lll‘ Illull‘ll ul' llllilmgl‘llll'lll uf lhv 'l‘- M"- JU'H‘MUH llh“""'l1‘l““‘l ”ml: \ livixv I' ll‘.ll\l! I 1-,- . 'cuunl)‘ himsn ui xa-l'iiirv mm ill tlw "'1 i‘ul‘l‘ wus lrmu l.l|HlN|.\'. and “T.“ i l unlmx. $555$$$5555555555$55 O ' """' .lmlrt hulls" .\Inllllu). 11“.“. “m.“ hint“) lllqlllulll him luwlt ll) lil.\ mm o , . ”a“ __ a I ‘Pl‘l‘fill'llli “mull-ll A. ll. l'ulllllll.' H 11“" "WW": “m" M," (“W ”:1 l‘(l'l‘|".\"l‘\\l 'l ' Ill ...._..____._.â€" “M _ iul‘l'Vl‘h JH“. lil).l(‘l‘l.\llll. .\. .l. \;ii'- 91m“ smart, \\llh ‘lli' "\C'W‘llml “l u l‘”. ' \‘H‘HH . . _ A _ _ . ..-_..t..... __ .'-.'.-_'_ ._ ' il‘O.‘ “n“ l‘lllllll_‘~ (“Tin Mr. J. ”_ \h. l““‘ llrllisl‘h lll Olll llll‘ luv.- illLl hull) ' “J" tn‘n‘w“ "W . ' ”'5 c- H)lun.‘_\lx ‘ Wilt‘ Din! !“ H33 Absence. _3n‘.5 .\my ("lll'lstilllh ‘clu‘!".r (if Found Wild at Last. 'Nt'illlla .\s ”n“. ““5 L“. “Elm”. lll‘ mullu illc lli>tulllc lll‘l\\1‘l’ll-Hl‘lll"‘ “ml l“liiil\ ‘\ I ‘ , .. x” l - n , ‘ g. l Iii i‘.l‘ll ”0|le .-\ ”mm” “y WEMVH“ has lll‘l'lllml I’ an” all Lllll llnluriu Lullius' (‘lllllfimu A (ll‘llllllllll“ “mum“ of an Hui-ll hug. “10‘4““: ll:\_\ rm. uh, Culllllllltl-c l-Hsiv \llll- and “menu” (37 llllll'fi) Hi 11 : “ n‘ ‘ “4|“ ‘ . Lg“ 1- "~' -‘ -| ‘- 1' ' V“ H” l"‘l|'i.\.' llmx. .lfllll w Knit-Hum). ul Muxvilig, ‘\"'lll."- ““5 NWWSNDH 1" passing all 31ml 'il‘d‘\\tlff‘\‘:”"{‘li "law“ M 840 5“ .ill-ss llllllll‘l‘fi of u roJliiic nrm‘r \u-i't- "mm" 'l.(;.”'_ \.U ., li‘ .1 I i :i' ~ ‘ : l‘li'l!‘ UH Ill;~ bt‘ll' ilk'. . .‘l‘ llllu‘lnl rill ll llll' i'xlll'Jl'l'L'R. lll‘l‘ llllllllh‘ ul the recent l‘xullllllltlloll Wllil‘lingi'lll‘L'“allllllll’ll‘nullullllitigellig‘y; don]! Will). Y : ' ‘ ‘ ‘ I .., ‘ ; N'IL W: i “Shall f ll" 1 lil‘n'fill. 1““ “"‘HHL‘ ‘ 0! (lie (‘HllHt'l‘VulOr‘V ,Of Music, "'l\l‘(lii-1 "llllll'lll‘ll 1);. his w”... "s ‘dl'lld for 3'5 ‘ , W». Ahfi‘ 7 'l; l‘ . ’ Hill-.1. !. ll! ;l mu- ‘l‘n it: fly “iii 11:13.3”? will?” “milk“: a“: £10, one of the pupils receiving a prizl- years. Sll'lllt‘llly appeal-ml at 1,0,- km. â€"â€"â€"’>-â€"â€"-â€"- 4 John “likinwn. ul‘ Minn) lll\\n~ i‘l‘l~‘..\l‘lllll: \\ \\ l l :1. l “1 l‘il‘l) H“ “‘5. *‘l “"5 I ‘.l\\H ~\ l‘wllili.‘ll‘:l\‘iu.:'ul'i<.\viiu llllll lite Ollil. itiwn by Messrs. A. and .S. Nordlici- cllell door. Wt‘llnnd had not the Two Houses Entered Phil'- "h'd ““M‘ml.‘ "‘â€" h““” l’“”"l m" "-“- \”- I" " i“ splv‘lJ‘. ll pmgi'itiii um yam-:1 lll.‘ lll'i‘ll ll.‘lllll‘!‘. Purity: his llll-‘l‘l‘l'l‘ llil liner. 'l‘ormim, for night-st. standing lnl all‘lhfit‘fl lill'fl 'lll‘ tlhl‘wwnrld .\.l'llen. he] ”Asia. Ill his lil‘l_\ l‘mlrlll .\l'lll‘. a sound lld‘.‘ \l '- ‘ t'llllll‘. ulmh \\iL5 i-llflllx'll l.) [lll‘ 1mg“: v.3.» “3‘“ .\Iru‘li‘u'x with lrnplt‘lll plague her course. “28;; iii? afl‘lillnlllll(:;%‘\“fvea~tll‘i‘i:d b D ' Th' ! A irvnvi‘ul rumll- ugmiust the army! Fulllr‘y stun» . l- "1‘“ “'0‘”! fiii‘t‘f-rdilil. “$393.11llr‘fil'l'ilrihr'°$d953” _M"- ""hn Altim- l‘t‘m'o ol‘ Carden. the toil dislilis when the knock cameg. I y aflng Ieves.s"r\i"" "mm“! "“5 ln'vn “"Rimlu‘d “MW" SW" “" " W ‘3, \l.>~ \l‘.l_\ln'l‘. u; 'l'mlmln. is \l\lllllg lugs. {HM 1;..‘nl.;‘l‘. “ hurried trlp back was in town on Saturday lust. 'l‘he She opened thl‘ door. a_weary Old man ' â€"0â€" ;ll.\' thi- Sui-lullsls in France. |l_\' to .l. .1. ll. . . . - r. ‘ ~10 1 5' ll!“ 5mm.- ul‘ lll'l' aunt. .\ll's. “Ill. ‘ to l‘mlliii. \\'li.-n he arrived he found worth). rune reports the rapid build- Without “91’0”!“ a b”? l" 93‘ ”"9 The rt‘siill-ill'i- of Mrs. J. “liulln, ~-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-'â€"-'--â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l'.U.. Ulll. 13:1.11. ““1 “f “I“ a‘l'lvr Children asleep on ing of the approaches to Mud Luke 53,32333: ifigwfifltrf‘fh "f“ “I”; 25 indent-ht... wus vntl-rml by some vl.().<'l‘.r-l\ \‘i-zAililxu lllill~‘l-‘.ll.; t.” ’7 "lln; llrhmu Si'n-‘Un l?“ ”m" i" full ”Iii: '§,‘;:}.‘,13f‘.i,{thf‘ff‘. l t “M'POWS bl'idiro and exnects to have partner in life. Tooduv iteis 211:: has). unknown person l)t‘l\\t‘(‘n Friday and; half “018101" and half Jeremy; u-hil..‘l"()ll S.\l.l-).â€"-'.’:u \. . l‘ “V sum-J lllltl u mumm- ui‘ guild calcllt‘s twirl-line iii {m :tm_r(ar£e":?0t:e (1:23. the cement portion of the structure piest home in Montrelll. this morning. abstracting lioui a legs-am! star in forum-ml. 1AM miles {rum 1.1mm H" V‘- I 12.12.: inn-n l"‘p()rlt"l. 0n the trip to New York the cabin under construction on the arrival of Sergt. Welland's tale is l thrillinlz trunk a lmx (‘llnlflllllllg‘ suwrnl domi- about ”in last ol‘ May. Finder “ill ll in 4th l‘mi ni‘ Hi" ”31”” \lr. ”ml Mrs. lll'l‘l “and returned g‘::‘;';l:llll‘> "‘33:“; ‘UP it 00119050" 01 material required. 223' 1.35m$3}?‘fiefgafifizgo'i:héty:: mums and one $5 hill. .-\t “hut be suitably i-l-wurded by returning sold wry (‘llwlllr m: l”':' ,2 1"“ “'" "i" “m” ”m" h‘mmmo‘m' and iwr‘ilil-x‘ irit lilllllie lSillflllilngplllflr:fsg‘:lsnag: -â€"-â€"O*-â€"â€"- he enlisted under the Tur lsh banner: time the ”‘M “MW“! m" "“"setmr’" sun” to '1‘ R' “Ni“mm' hm)" mom" FM m ‘ H . I'm: . 8 “ill " “'3“ “0”“ “flu.“t' twn ni thu l-liilrlrt‘n were ill. but It's as and to see a rich man with He was 3" Plevnn .‘md "9 taken 9118- “hull“! does not kmm. She hull ‘ __.._.__.__---.:_ . “Tm. or “mm". ”it" IL. L bx“ e - _,; 'lhe .\lo'lhullist Snmluy Scllnul held permission to land wu‘s obtained from a. pour appetite as it is to Sec epoor 32:1 lg U13 R0931”!!!- He was con- [bt‘l'n "D street on Friday afternuun. I'ARM Hm bALla.â€"'l Ill". EAS'I‘ C0,, (lshliua. / "l. . l‘m-ir annual pirniv In llaliuy's Grove, lei?!lii'itrlinlvi-iliiiliviiiwi‘itililtlximmlt'pnvti'. man Who can't. get to the lunch half; whgn alliance; “hayelxlnfi‘dhl: Previous to leaving her house llhei liall'ol' Lot 2, in ‘the 4th (‘on. of .. â€"â€"-â€" . ' . -\ll“ " ”w!"- “”ng ‘1 “mm“. M “might elnitiiitle hisâ€" journev to! llllifvillllelil J counter. Wile hld left Burt for lam. foreign locked the money in a trunk which! the “’rvn“hll"°l ltldon, containing \‘AIJ'AlllJ-Z l‘lllll'llll": "‘l- who Sillll‘ln, nlsu it “an gullli‘ hi'il‘Bt‘n ‘\"‘-_ .H. (‘00. MCHPIID, of Strathblfl‘ll, was country. was “I the front room. and lOth‘d 100 ‘0108. ’lhere 18 a “00d [MIAMI] .â€"']‘h(' lixuulmx in "m '.l "' ’." l m \; '1 lzllili ull'l ' UlllN-Hllk. the wall“ lil'inlI’ _ ___ - -.... killi‘d While unloading- hay. 8 rope the do?“ “ll Sunday the lady - house in good repair and “1‘” law Thus. Smilll I]... n‘w “21,21: :52" r- ' i i “Hun-5". \imm-y lnr the (llll~\"‘l('alll,l Shakespeare’s on”... breaking. causing him to fall back- New lmmlsrntlon Plan. opened the trunk. [paving the keys pointed nod woodnhod atlavhed. A \‘nlunhlp lll'ul'l'l‘H. . "if! "m- ,: ‘ l. ...â€"â€".'l. .\ll [‘(‘lllll-lC'l as haung Among the sillge relics left by Dr. wards and break his neck. T17 {Jolllclfleflfld 0L attracting “Dini- therein. nflt’l‘ taking 0‘“, some a". gnod burn on I. stone wall Wllh Wi-st half (if In! ‘. m "' ‘ 1U” i h “ sphum “W" Furuess. the Shakespearean authority. grggmeblnallgg‘ :0 "llndte‘cilfll'l.'bug Verwlire. She Was not sure wlieth. 30"“ shilling “fldemt‘uh- 'l‘h‘.‘ barn melon Maripmn. ‘ 1' W ul ,' my. li'lll'ln'u u? the Lalllea’ Institute In a worn pair of Shakespeare‘s smile a V ‘- of the Govetnlgeng‘gnd :11: “ 9" the box was ll: the trunk then or h“ I "9" “'0‘ and 111 £00“ rt‘lmlr; acrus. 0n the i-mm H'“ H “m .’-- * “aw in llimlani Hut \uwk for the gloves Willi llll unusually definite pad]. H d L kl v I ‘new arrangement is Ibolll. to be Ole not. 5150 p1“ poll. hen hon” and mill!“ {rune hump. lmw 1.45”». on ' in yr‘m‘l' inn-4mg of line district. greet They were presented to John ‘ .' n‘ a V" fueled whereby the "MINI” will con. This mm'nlng as she had occulon mint house and a large water tank. stone imimlnlmn. I~..a~u'~'" ""M - .“ up: View l'pvl.'_lnlr ,arhnnl teacher, fthé‘d wing-full: plll‘yed Othello at Strut; of Th. "Cart- 12h“: 31:? eflroattil g? thedtoufrisg traffic. w use me mm”. Mrs. Mum.“ w“ Also an Inert of orl‘htrd with a lzuml ml lwnlmuw. mu: ”'1. l ,. MM; ‘ If i I f' *‘"" "”’ """"‘ 1" "mam" “m N' is: regaining :l'illllfipgedti'le‘gtlggflnuglifil‘: ‘ ness. an?! ll: anvgrriglen: Jill 333‘; much surprised to lllld it had mya- "9"" ““39 0" We '0'“- “ldt‘. M'- l'onwmmn in e. l.....l w 1""""'l‘q ‘ ' : iwr'lez. . . it] the Clllll‘l‘ll lW “‘lllllllfllshllkélbéfll’e. M” N“"'". l“ Ml. “lend to lmn‘Illflthfl propl Ifldi. terlouuly disappeared. Nevernl (”'1‘ p” on the pl‘lflllhen Ol‘ Woodvllle, mill! ”0'" “"mhl” “W 1 "Help . .. . . 319' mm: llllllllley. vl lll-liokllh. a your Mm...“ "Wm,” father and Would Ind Her mum ‘ ll will nugment its work. gowever. er Valuable articles lnvlmllng lilo P. 0' w' w' “MW“ ll-mn l‘amllnm'm Iv" "‘ "'m ‘ ‘ 5 will. =lu-M S'Ill'lm' WW “”1 ll” our [metWFl‘Qlll‘otllél‘ll't‘blldl‘éllzu John ml. "Mild Immmml. flaggudnfi'wmgn?'fi'g‘ififiggh'hab“ gold wetvh Well In the trunk. but w NW.” ""T"T‘",T“T- “W “9‘" "’ ""' """N ‘u ' 2 mum-l. m, ll; 'r. llolllllay ml M: Ward gllye these gloves to David (lur- ._.== lelore the railways have pullouldr'le; We not llllllllrhed, A 'l Jh- 9 Tim m." um l-l. mm” ”WWW” “1,... lllll ' :‘ii. WV" . m“ m ""9' “6 bequeathed them to Mill! 1 D TALE!” mo 3rd Ave looked after this lulla- olm. The home «at film. lllm on (lie: "' M" “‘ ""“h‘m' “mm“ " 5“” llmlm (ll-mam!“ w ‘ "”""" ". f 31» Mr ‘llI:l\ ‘n mull room it: iinw Mum his widow. Wlm l9“ them ill I"! Sid: EB“ bwléfl ' lid .Wfllfl‘fl”! hull The railwayg. by Swill“! “99”“. m“ 1‘ l‘ M ‘ 92M "ml-clam: Mug-mu 59""..th Ill ll l‘illfllwlll A. Mm!“ I.“ H”. "mm " 3’5; plate-l ml will mum l... men llll‘ “099: She left them to liar flnurhlei beéfl‘, mtmflifi (mm gm an“; lginnd olherwlla wl now concentrate "' g; "”1“ m “y "i“ m "" mm 0! MM) M Mr. hull»- m ‘ ‘ .:} ' tillnlllm: “999”“: “"5 W,“ 3'59“! presented and lea in; valves, have ' re: ‘9" 990"! in in was Ill h‘h‘llfl! " one; ‘ 9“ Wk” “mm“ to llemlilulm mill, ll. llllll. All: ' Me -= I , ; ' .Q , . m. h, H,- w. .d (mm-m them is Willi“! humble. wholillvetlleul g leewevery klndeltmlmentleaulll “raglan Mid Alsatian hurl! mm. and .7. which wall la a MOM alien ill “m “I ”Hm“ m, M m "'"5 N M, . ,m I will _' '“W W p “ .“eumnmummwamiflhmmwammmnmmn MMMMMMMMMM m ” .- .° “”“'"“" Awww , , llllwll [Him Hm llllllul Mime. gnm‘ ll) pm 6‘ ”nail H. x WHOM I9 ‘9! W M QM Old Ml‘ GEM“! W "l Shannen. ”film” N. "n Ilfllod (More lllu l... mm 1“ ’5 the Hull “Hull um“ that at times Mk“ ”II! m: "IRWIII 0 AU '91:. “mi.“ “ their damn“. GM .89- '0 WWW. 0M. Mlle. “3“", half 1 m l m N" W" .1: 1 Min: ral'ltm :lnllill: he“ Fulllfllad XQEUQNG “in” "9 gm“. W9“ may "Id 0 a ."P‘ 3“?” m ‘- Q,” “n.” M‘ WM; "_â€"_ “â€"-â€"--â€"â€" (MVM‘ HlWllhhlll. .. n.” .rll-E M tram her llh llllllllllh' .1le ill W’lllfi'h ”if” a“! g! gala, WW“ '9'.” . "m V “a.” my“) AND WIN“ HALE 3” pm of lull“, ulm'll m: .ulm H" . . a or ll nu lli a mill. we: had In no walling men-u“ tallmlllle. J30. 3991”,... Mullen“. is Mrs, M "new l . u “:3 the Vllllfl! of 0mm". '1‘” cultivation, Hm luil- n ‘M Nu. 'l‘unlm. uf Hmlm‘. ll “3m“ ad all“. Thom with will" ll?! 4' V - 3 “my mum ll ”H M lol' u, hunlntu growth at umml mm» "“n h.' ddu‘lllllli, 5“!!- watt“. UPQW‘ny ‘3 Q mm ‘6 Q “an“ Wm “ W m m '“' h. I.“ GI WM! lmlldim. A "Willi“ llullu :,'J|.Ml"" ”I“ ”mm UM “w.“ the hollow h“ m H!!! "cull! hem: ‘ ‘-' * ' " ‘\ ' M” ’ “k W' W‘.‘ the Pout 03 8mm lullnllullllll, H""' Twit. wllh liar petunia. and returned to r" “I". m Ill-mull“. 2M “’ i ' " w W underneath; mm” b...“ 22v“ ' ”mm" mm" 1min tulle lull 'lllio um um. """""""""""""" "' ._...~ mom men n. A ““"cnho W “9', lo I“ M!” ‘1‘. ll! “.3" m. EVENING, “a kitchen in “no.1 mwumlmw m a ram mm am down low. . . 7:." g 3 , _ ,M Ir. null app). 0"th (”tuna w "I: «our elm it's a. mm M A my)» Mrlmihth W M Wt 30 m“ 1 “"‘ Mr...» .. M ”Mod m m '“vb m m I." ‘ . . a“. w I'll! not will” “LJO‘ ‘ able oust. Arm ‘0 “m” $5555555fi$3§f* nights. . . , . . Search parties were org-.nlnd- find the neighborhood thoroughly in- spected. For the last two guys it was expected that he hail perished in , Studlea tretion of gas With we or 1'. Cohen, of New Yum . lL Gog Work om. nearly 0 h _ Simpson House, Linda); M Gently lapping little knoll: 1 Capped by dark, sweetrooented violets tribute religious “lei-211‘”? ‘0 “13 Curt'sying to “I. mills breeze, community. 51“}. “km Four Playing weird nod touching music mpeflena: not rhmiiru‘i a work. Through the green leaves of the woman. ()ppm-tunm in). Mm 0’ “9"- tion. Spare time in”... 3:33 iLhe International llil...‘ 130 Spadina Aux, 'lor-mto ~. ._____1__..._- I LOST.â€"Bl£'l‘\'l'l£l£.\' There Springtime trails her mantle green -\ ‘ ‘ 0m. Franklin v.0. * '1 l , M t Qicyclel m’ nlop Trafili0n T Ms. etc. liepiiirs‘ U. the My. (‘IQVPlunli W Bicycm. Horse 1 “Pl Knives slinrgw "Sam Hachiner, lina, “ ' . SHEPHAR am'wgiam-Sc. rotâ€"m ’r‘ I.“ Mr Building Linl »‘\/ l‘l‘l lit} WOOD Shingles. Err ‘ Lumber. Cement 2» " 1-3. ,1 "I” '. l V I ' . lL4.£ Veterinai y Grillin; ‘ Cu. Honor Veterinary Ravel \"etvi'inurg. the LOiidon Sch/m; . ; ‘ cine. ‘ once and Residence . and Cambridge.:; Omr'o Phone 397.. Dentistry 3 slim-“1A promptly anemia? ‘ l V n. l " (Ip,'ll.‘ll" Lilli‘fll} Monuments C mill-z. .( _â€"-â€"_._â€"â€"-â€" W Dr. H. Irvine. \‘l l " " â€"-( Merly of Seclud- Cla- Dentistry practici-l hitches, at Modflrflll- OFFICE IN NEW iii A. That a “'I]:It :\" isn’t ll.’ ()lll‘ l';ll'l~ (.r.. l strictly l’urc :l l .ll Stork. lows : é lb. i).‘llll‘|‘\ g” l“ 1 lb. l’upvh .‘l'. n Special 100 }:.‘ll’l\ .4 In lllll‘l\‘l'_‘l ., In 5 ll). lulh .‘ll ‘.’.l S‘prayeis for :l; l Green Sm- u. >, J. 6. Edwards Co HKRDWARE Phone 27. Liming l Sir Sandford Not a V ‘v' BhSandlord Floyilim" ._ I has °‘, The One“ ., . « . 8 greatest lllt‘ll. 5:» l . 1 ”he election oniy U. - 1 Illdeven this OCClirlL'll l. . 1 ”if-D. notwithslmiut' ; ”teen months agv h ND not a Ix'llllCJTll'l.‘ I1! Interview. "1 lltfl'“ I, l“0â€"110. that's iw‘ v, m a “19 Int pulwlu‘ mic! I man 1 mm: '0 not seen slut ; pl“. “ I had lz' ir M. He 15 ll“ w“'; m“ F . n?lii| llllll n H v I 1" Y W- Pp Veil l .' illpp; that Wu 1' I MV.“'"‘ ‘hf Mini” n: ' ' 9". 3- Morley wulw', “linen from \\:.v 0 “M the loll-Mun; « a”? $0! In: 1 ln: vb' . I V0 (‘hlllll-‘il"'- “mg u‘u’ll “Inn. .‘ . l “V. W!) I‘ullixlzli ‘ ,. law ml mull... . , , “95,390!!! fl"ll\'l‘ - - A" “a he onllhiliwl “'V‘ 7 ‘ 'IGNI- ill lll\‘ lzlw ‘ w h“ “all lllcll. ll. -' l w. l 1! C E ’ “DOD. mill H . . d , ill“ ll. I .mptuhg‘ “Hull. 1 .l u l bull it.” . M,“ .‘Ollll “, Macaw" ‘ 5%. O young 1‘“. mm ' .‘I Ottawa “l he Mother. “V0 chucked till: {1 “i ll \‘l alpha I turnout of

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