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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Jul 1913, p. 12

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Whitehead was on one o'clock in the man advanced thr‘ guests in the cute vanced into the Ming 3 revol Whitehead to go I to order him to t A couple of days ago A Naylor was walking dowr north, when his attentio tracted to a. traction e was traveling the dista Bondst. and Wellingtome paved thoroughfare. Af passed by he examined 1 careiully and discover many places the corrug one o'clock in the morning a. mas man advanCed through the grOUp guests in the outer lobby. He vanced into the hotel lobby. flashing a revolver ordered ‘ Whitehead to go behind the coon to order him to than open the I and give him tho contents. hit Brantx'ord, Ont... July 21. -â€"AlDerL Pollard Whitehead, an old Brantford boy. night clerk at the Cliflf House, Manitou. ten miles from Colorado Springs, was shot and instantly kill- ed while on duty in the hotel, a. {ashionable non-liquor summer re- sort by a. masked bandit. whose identity has not been discovered. Mr. Whitehead was on duty. when about oi the heaVy traction the pavement. but chipped out pieces of Aid. Naylor was very mucu “13' pleased with what he had witnessed and brought the matter to the atten- tion of the members of the town Men and “Bay’s ,‘ Men’s Light Wash Strawflats m Seller, " ~. ,. « Vests made wltll de- Smp Brim and other taehable buttons, ln shapes ln Split and ‘ ____ » [I , _‘ 916i“ and fancy col- and tour ply trims. I ; 1.173961%"! effects. la all J/ L1 1 $8.00. Special Sale sale price ‘ n [/1 /. .- 1’ price ,: l' 50 \° 89 Mllan Braids. three ‘ ‘ 0'3: with beautiful W‘ the latest models. to $2.50. Special } // Enjoy Summer Comfort at a Minimum Cost “Where the Good Clothes Come From. Special Sale of Summer Wearables ‘ Our rule not t0 carry one season’s goods to another must be strictly adhered too, So if Cost Price and in \a good man; instances considerably Less than Cest will sell this sonsnns, we're beund to do it! Hot \Veather Comfort can be. purchased here now at a very reasonabie figure. we have deqided to clear evefy Dolcar‘s worth of Summer Outfitting at a fraction of the usual prices. Straw Hat Special 50c days ago Ald. ' [when ralking down William-st. his attention was at: fracnon engine Which 9 distance between lington-st., on the .re. After it had Lmined the roadway discovered that in corrugated wheels tion not only dinted but in many places 5 of the block. was very much dis- at he had witnessed . -â€"Albert the counter, Killed Brantford Boy J. ~ GOUGH Men's Two piece fancy W'orsted Suns made in a medlum Blue Grey shade with fancy strlpe, half lmed coats, ‘ extra well fimshed. Regular k $14.00 Special 9'95 Keep off Paved Streets Of council at a meeting held Tuesday. He contended that there should be .a. hyâ€"law prohibiting traction engines using the pa. .'_..-5 .s rlsxs, especiallv when they hme 9 ‘. Le corrugated wheels. Other aldew- ’33 agree Naflor. 2.: ‘ éfi motion instructed- -5' pxepare a above ‘efi'ect. of obeying the command Mr. White- head took a. course which he thought would foil the bandit, making a break for a. side d00r. Though the movement was unexpected. the bullet beat the flight of the clerk, striking him in the head and killing him in- stantly. ,The shot aroused all the gueSts. and the bandit beGOming frightened, made no‘ further- attempt ta. get the valuables from the safe, but escaped through another side It appears that m omer tU\\ua uuu cities traction engines are barred from traveling on the paved streets, and where it is necessary to cross a. panad street they are compelled to cover the roadway with planks or canvas, thus protecting the pave- ment. A posse was hurriedly gathered 130' gether, but so (at as is known here the murderer escaped. specu \Ien 8 Two piece Suits made of the celebrated Hemon lweeds in beauti- ful Grey materialis lElegantly finished half lined coats Tiousers finished with Belt loops and buttons on the inside. Regul'lu $13.00 and $15.00 9.95 Men’s Two Piece Suits $9.95 an armed with ;.\1d 311 motion the clerk was I mepare a by-law to the that in other towns and Bury's Green, July 21.â€"0ur farmâ€" ers are all through haying, which has been a very poor crop. The grain and root crops are coming along well, and promises to be fair. A great deal of building and im- prOVements has been done in this vi- cinity during the summer already. Mr. W. J. Flett has recently com- pleted a. large new frame barn and Straw house. Mr. Jas. Billett left last week for an extended trip to the West and the" Mr. .lno. Flett, Sn, has enlarged his barn and built a large frame straw-house, and has just completed both by‘shingling with the Pedlgr steel shingles. Mr. Arch. Lamb is also enlarging his bun and will raise this week. Mr. Rich. Kittle, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a. day or two in our burg with his auto last week, visiting and renewing old acquaintanm. Mr. Kit- tle and family motored all the way from Cleveland. Tue Misses McLéan, of Toronto, are visiting relatives here at prfienti ation readv for an addition to his barn. Mr. Jacob Walker has lecently fin- ished a. large job of draining on his farm. with‘which he used 1; carioads of tile. My. John Kinghorn, of Is- lay, had the contract. Mr. ‘Wilbert Sknce, of Wilberforce, visited relatives hue last week. Mr. J as. Campbell has recently built a. stone wall under nae barn on the farm on which he occupxes. Mr. Geo. Tiers has the stone found- atiOn ready for an addition to his A number from here haVe been to Tye's Mountain, Haa-Ney, in search of huckleberriw, and report the berries Very scarce and small. Miss' Preston. of Midland, is visit- ingherh'iadlfipsrlettatpment. Men’s Light Wash Vests made with de- tachable buttons, in plain and We! 90': 0m wllll Mullful pattern elleels. la all the latest models. Regular $1.85 la 38,00. Special Sale Wash Vests BURY'S GREEN. Lindsay Eden. July 21.â€"-ntm Ethel Duke, of Bowel-o. formerly school teacher gt our district school. visited our burg last. week, renewing -o{d ac- quuntances. staying at the home 0! Mr. and Mrs. Bert-Jewell. ‘ The - good hohse’wives Have been busy with berry-picking (or the put few days, the berries being plenum] most of the households are stocked with preserves for the forthcoming not} Mr. W. H. Warwick v sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stroud on Sunday of last week. _-r i- Mr: mm MN. \\1 N; Mu‘r‘mnmm ‘9“ we dim-m m 'l‘lmt‘mhmy has! few it \m‘w “mum‘s: mu m llm Ms». M mm mm- mmwmns Mum“ mm Wimh; \Vu «My mm M pummhlu WM and yam: Mum. (rur- «Mr-m r-huH-h ii mm “NM: gum»: hflm‘imum mm mm» mm \mHMm whim wwzamsm all ma may? Mina MM Mmmmu.) as \iw whwm ham»: All our good maidunts gaw a helpâ€" ing hand at Mr. Aimrt Jowol'u barn- i'uising on ’l‘uumlax lust. Ho rmitius on NW 15th i‘ulicessiun. Willing helpers from fur and [war came to the rescue. Alioilt 300 males, some 200 of the gentler aux were in at- tendum‘o and without doubt ths‘ toast and l‘osthitios \wre un ti mauninvent scale. whlrh amply repaid one and all for any of tholr lalmr they May have devnted [or Mr. and Mrs. Jmufl‘s in- terest. It was thoroughly enjoy- alile. ht‘lllg fully mimvt‘lttlfld liy all pmmt Mm t“'ll'985l‘d tin-1r lemmas With all light hem-mum” and gum! Malina, ‘ “My h‘mu our district attended uhuwh start we at t‘amlu‘ax on Sun- day awning. whore the Fumtut‘a paraded. 'l‘hu sut‘uum. which was appropriate “us deliwred ln' Hm. \\'. Rowe. ‘ "I‘MN is M Mm‘mmfl 'm “w whmminu mngh «\lfikifimm wmu «i me wanna Mum MUM wruuwunw mums. Visitors at Mrs. Mary Preston. of Lindsay. spent a few days with her sister Mrs. W. MacKentlr). Miss Hazel Sharpe and Mr. Percy Sharpe. of Fem-Ion Falls, and Mr. Russell Howe, ul‘ Lindsay, visited Miss Violet MacKemlry at the locks on ’l‘uesdu_v. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Suter and family. of 'l‘oron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Burgenhouser, of Kentucky. returned to their homes Minn mm “rum-a mm Iwn fimwwu tm‘ ma mm mm of mm»: m- uohoulz miau'ean m um‘ M‘hnul in Maw ut Aim Lima “hues-Me. wlm Ma Poured h‘um flw ammiuuuwt. Mr; and Mrs; Duo (‘ hay. were “mm; at w and him Tum Jewell last; Rosuiade. July aftâ€"Mr. and Mrs Guy. 01' 'l‘urumu. are guests of Mrs R. Suggitt. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McLaughlin and children, of Sturgeon Point. spent Tuesday at Rosedale. Miss Muriel Malloy, Miss Mae Cas- lick, of Toronto, are guests at Mrs. Sutherland‘s home. Miss Lulu Jones, of Fenelon' Falls. visited at the home of Mrs. Suther- land on Monday. \ Dr. McKay. or Fcnelon Falls. paid a. professional visit to Rosedale on Sunday . Borne of, our midwts were prawn» at the l‘unmu sen-w of MN. A. un- mm. of NM. m mum ehuwh on Har- umlay‘ mm M, MM Mm (mum “‘er \wll known and vet-metal in thé mm‘iet and um mudnlm.w ow a: walk»! m mwhunlmnd in Na and Ml‘ow euwm 1 Rev. and Mrs. McKay. of Milton. arrived at their summer home on Fridn). on Saturday after spending a few weeks at “ Merryman’s ” cottage on Cameron Lake. Mr. and h ronto, are at Balsam Lake. Mr. Marrow, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Windrim. of Reaboro. attended the Presbyterian picnic on Monday. Mrs.v(Dr.) Gould, of Fenelon Pam and Mrs. Tompkins, of Cambray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J{ Lytle on Tuesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sutclifie and party of friends were in Rosedale on Mon- dav. The Presbyterian Sunday school picnic held at the park on Monday Was a grand success. The day was especially fine and a good crowd was in attendance. Rev. Mr. H. Walker took charge of the sports and a. number of foot races were on the program. At 5 p.m. tables were spread under the trees and a good supper was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Disher, of TorontO, were guests or Miss Smith» for a few weeks. ' Misses Edmonds, of Lindsay. are guests of Miss Edith Brooks. FISHER.+TO Mr. 1mm Hrs. Joseph Fisher, Melbourne-81’». on Sandal: July 20th. 1. «kW (stillborn-)- A 1 Mrs. Richardson. of T0- at their summer home on "Hum ima NW“ mammal mun u? mm» m- uehouh Raising at Eden Rosedale Resort BIRTHS. mhlwts were prawn; wa (Nahum. of tn- : at the home nf Mn Jpwdl nu Saturday few The rusult of the l‘lntrunvu examin- ation were puhlished last wank. and In far as "Olfl'aygt‘on is 11011011111111 We. 111119 Very little t1i1omplain. Mr. Mills 111m up eight pupils, and 11011111 passed, 11111 getting into the 51m and 0110. Miss lc‘ernn Wright. gelling a srhularahip. which entitles her to iron tuition at Lindsay (‘olleglate next year. This is particularly gratify. ing. in fact. the neighbouring schools sunding up pupils have been quite l‘ortunaln as “'11“. There is one thing, though, that in our humhlu 11111111111 some improvement rould 11-.xll 1111111111111. Flirt. the examiunlimis are held just as: lhi‘ hot 11-mll111r is minim: 1m. 11111-111111 1x11111111. an 1-1111 1111 mrliur m 1111* year. 111111111 11w 111111 1111111111 11111 1111111111 11 11111111 11111111.: 1111 11 1h 11111111111 111 1111111111111: he 1111111111111 1111 111111111 111-‘111lm? 1.1111111. 11 1111 11111 11111111111111 «11.11111 111 11111111 111111111111111111111 11-11111 11111111111111“: 1111i 1111 111111111 111111111 11111.1- 111111- 1111!» 1.111111. 3111 1111111 ”ruling“ 11 1111111111111 1111 1111111111111 11111111.. \111 1111111 ui 11 1111111 11111111: 1111 11111111109 111111111111111 11111 11111 1‘111111'11'1111 a“? 11111.11 1111' 1111111 “\fll‘kz‘ 111“ 1111‘“. 11“ time muQ‘gzy» 1111111111111 15111111111 111111 1111111 1111 111111 1111111 111 11011111 111111 1111: 111111111 111111 1 111111 11311111 >1111i1l1 lmmuw 111- failed 111 111128 on slwlliug ? \111 1111101111101» 'l‘ha chance is 01111 “the: 1111111 911 mar it again he will drop 0111 and quit it will C1~riainl1 have 11 de- ll‘usfimg 01191‘1. and "‘1 as ho “11 h1- 1aill he 11 .1'-'1a1 behind his neighbor 11 ho can spell. “'19 do thinkâ€"whe- ther right or wrongâ€"1M1 some im- provement could be made among those who set examination papers. 41nd that it is about time such a shaking up was taking plaC1-. The memorial window in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Braden “as held in Knox Church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Braden were. staunch members of the church during all their sojuurn in \'erulam and Ilobcayâ€" geOn. o1'er 40 years, and a memorial window to their memory }is Very fit- ting and right Those participating in the “Harden s excursion last neck report a fine time In fart. they would not mind if Mr. Bottum would be elected Warden. consecutivelv, for a long term of gears. Police Magistrate F.1’) Moore K. Anna. Held was injured in an m- tomobfle accident. A Newtonvflle man was heaVily fined {or selling liquor on Sunday. organics! in Cund; it Protestants do not aspect liberty of conscience. Tourtsts Play Baseball at Bobcay geon Bobcqygeon. July 22.41» next pic- glc in 01116:- after 'the celebration on the am and twelfth will be held here one week hence, ol the 29gb. in the Agriculturtl Park. This Is the day on which the R. C. plcnié ulna place. Rev. Fnther thvm. parish priest. has been working hard. and it goes without saying mat the dty win be a success. A binder twine monopoly is alleged by officials of the Grain-growers' As- sociution. Inuoftailurescanhetracod to the belief that other people are not “tenemmuweqre. Somemenuetootander-heartedto m the‘nre‘ bell has at um o'clock Bumrdqy night It sent a thrill through moat awry pornon‘a tram. Mont everwne was on the sweet or not hr away. Atlvr «he first excltmnt was over. It was round than the mum u w 1mm- ion wharf. owupiod by (man Lam. was all Lune undpmmth. and main man mrnculnrl‘v hum! w my» mm «mm: fime alum way- hm ”Mum: hm mn‘mm soul m‘ [mum mans-NM up. and by um (Imp "w “w mm film! mntml m‘ m ka par! ul‘ um Imuuv {Mow Hm rm angina gm umlur hmdv may. Hmwwr. um um“ MW! ul‘ Hw Guam was uawd aflvr uuuw ham “Mk, Jun! how me fire mum! luau um ,wt we“ m-wrtniumt, Nut. hum had had (‘hinvw lantm‘us hurw gm; cut on his \‘m'anduh. mu an other five amulul tha house. M "to time he “an absent. Inning guna up Hum fur his awning vawr. 'I‘Iw contents “are :3 el. mysteriously disappeared. L'Action Boeiale gives warning that 3 Roman Catholic party my be Civic Holiday is proclaimvd for Au- gust 6th. Dr. McKinnon is trying to get a. baseball tournament on for the day. The Y.M.C.A. boys played another game of baseball on the plains yes. terday with another lot of tourists camping down the lake, and won by 15 to 14. The very heavy storm which passed around Sunday afternoon did not reach usâ€"as they say. We got the tail end of it. and it Was very re. freshing at that. Rev. Mr. Farr leaves this week for his new field in Western Ontario. Mr. W. J. Falls. of South Vern- lam, has rented his farm to his bro- ther. Elmer, and left {or the West this morning. ReV. Mr. Webber, the new pastor of the Methodist Church. is on his way from Newfoundland. and will arrive Friday. (I, paid a Vi<it to us last week to straighten out a little tangle in the fishery business. The band had their first exen'mg practice out last night in the Park. Their music was quite tasty. Constable Wright, of Ingersoll, has i in: closed with the National Anthem, ‘after which refreshments were serVed .by the hostess. Allthe worldooueutolovoclov erwhencallodupontobuywoddlng Few men are willing to take good advicoifitiltreo; momyhaxe to ply for it. Lady Mortimer Clark, of Toronto, died after a brie! illness. To¢mnnwhoingettinga small salary and has a, large family to sup- port. home is the dearest place on Fenian Fulls. Jul3v 21â€"31.: nle Hose). of Tpronto, ‘is at Cedars th s meek, the guest of friend, Miss Margaret Doe. Mr. Wm. Townley, of Toronto, en- joyed a week's fishing on Cameron Lake, and left on Monday, accompan- ied by his nephew, Mr. Bert Tawnle)‘ and D. E. Merriam. for Gull Lake. to enjoy the trout, fishing. If a man has too much money it's no task at all 101' him to acquire max; Leona (dder. of froromo the guest of her mother for a weeks’ vacution. Hr. Jerry 'I‘womey. Alberta. In «gm-Is town. Fenelon' F alls ’ Alive With Many Visitors lllu Ethel .Hmlev o! Modems. l. we gnen of her sum-r In. H Web I191“. Mrs. Jos. Welch. Mrs. T. T. Junkin and danghter Vina returned home from Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith. of Wirnireg, who are on their Wedding tour, are guests of the bride's father, Mr. T. Scott. Mr. and Mn. Less Clifl and 5011 Bertram, of Canning’con, motored to Pension Falls on Sunday, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wagar. Mr. A. Bluebnker. o! (‘hlmgm is the guest of mm. in \o‘h. mu Fhmm "0“":th mmmud m Toronto on Saturday. Mum‘ erloy and Armur Lnn Mn. N “I‘m-ohm. are gum- 0‘ ll? and Mrs. Frank Mann Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Minore and child left on Thursday for Samia. where they will reside. A lurk fen-mm Mam hm unaided mu “yum M Hm mmw new at me new gunman buildinfl hold in Had: «5‘ an Tun-day. l-‘iske. rnlillt‘d ”Nagging." was much armed. The subject “I‘Oelry” was next considered. ”Building on tht' sand" “us.'g‘l\'on by Mrs. Dr. Gould. and “New!“ Hold Malia" given by Mrs. M. E. (‘uldén “The Secret of Hapriness" was read by Mrs. Lamb. An anonymous selection “as given by Mia. Minthorne. The poem, “ Not l‘nderstood.“ written by Thos. Brac- ken, w”; road by Miss Haskell. and was wry much appreciated. Mrs. (Din) (loud gm‘e a report of the d15- trict meeting held in Lindsay. The members decided to make a quilt, the o‘ijet‘t being to assist a family who had recently lost their household goods by fire. The subject selected for the next meeting will be "The Evils of Fault Finding." The meet- VMI'. [Au'renre Finnoy, of Lindsay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs fingh Sharpe. Mr. Russell Howe, of Lindsay, is a. guest at Hotel Kuwartha. Mr. W. Burns, of Toronto. is the guest of Mrs. Thos. ,Cashore. Mm It. Hawk-mantra and Miss lmllu I-Imwkenshiw retunwd homo tmm 'l‘oroum on Monday. Mr. Fm! Warren «a: in Tomato (or a hm dun. Mr. J. limwnlou and his friend. Mr. I.. lawrmwo. of 'I'uromo. were guns": at Mr. l‘nmuhm‘u pan-nu at \thr murmur humu ull (.‘uuh-ruu lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. l lwikala and three Mr. and Mrs. 31. l hrlkala and {mu- rhlldwn. of Toronto. uro- guosu m \lal‘ylmru Lmlgv. “ suffices. Miss McArmur and Mr. W. Mcxr. thur n-hn-n w! from a Win 10 the W951 on 'l‘upsdag . RM. 1‘. S. Lurd. l'rof. Laird and Mr. .lnn. \m‘thvy muhm-d m Eldon Manon on ‘l‘uusduy fur on’linauon ‘um. RV Ian "ammo". Non. (*nl. Ham Hughes; and Mm; AM» “when mme! m Hm hm; uh mm”. .uuw an men an: .mmm-i 2mm “5» mp Mm‘m‘n Huh mm 63 t-‘r-M‘n; mm “-1.. Mr. «M MN. J, N, Mmmhm auInl‘J‘dIMn/h. ”mm m Uwif- MmMHDH MI“ and MM 81mm» and Much!» .lmte Mumed to Imahom «m Tum-dug, \il‘. MM ”PM "a! \ih‘mlm MIC. l‘mw Mk5 "mun, ut Lakvnem, flsiml MIR! Redford Im- a (ow-days last \\' I‘ Fire did 8500.000 damage in In- Mn‘ "ML of 'l‘m‘nnm. um “vomgy. of Cunroow‘, “skin; In!!! P‘mnu' in ‘1’"; ‘ ‘3 )3 m w [w few her Sixty days on horses am all sums over $21), amount cash. A dxscoun rate of 7 per cent. wih t»: credit amounts. TENDERS. Tenders will be received , 14th day of AUgust, 191:: purchase of $3,500 mensh ley Debenturw. bearingv mt. 5431 FOR BENTâ€"A FIRST (1 «Se {3th rent being L011.(.0n 6 find 7. in the Taunship of I‘nnelol That-rm contains 300 acrm of ex- cellfllt [and in good state of culti- vmion, is situawd 4 mil-s {rum Lindny, and has on thv {In-misc; nut-due buildings. 'Jh-- [wax-rh- VICTORIA mun View”; Road. July mtufiunfll to Ross \‘oul . will pausing his outrun anon. - Half doz. fly nets, 18113 1 pneumatic tire bugs:- pair. 4 rubber lap rugs, 6 d'iS'u'IK, 12 stable shf‘ets for hora»: 12 new rawhide whxps. um- 2 do: damaged sweat pads price. Onol'wel‘al. was Nllu'n:'\l unupmi- ed tor P011539 la Prairie, Hannah.- Sumo men like to drink \Ml'x'l m It; annual “nook-red State, .111! me. again other. imbibe tho. m1 mm they serve \vflh Italian (0th d nun-l dun. nor- John Williams “as til‘uulml m "w, 'I‘humos near “mum-hum om Hume upsetting. .\ (‘nnll‘uniuh um! in vain to save him 1 cheap road horse sold.) new Hr. Arthur Meigmsu. mu n oltoregeuaral. was Nllu‘nnd 6d tor Portage la l‘run‘w. \l camp 1 buggy nearly new tire. ml! 8. "Wardk‘k. of I who I“ hem spmulimz three weeks with Mrs. “I ma. nu ma m hor hmnv Alum. TN human Mm“ Hw crop an mm \vn 3mm Hy Thp mum tummy- ul’ 1:. Mb. whu \Vnu MvHu-h». per cent. Apply to Clerk. Victoria Road, 1.: z... E... 59.: .495 I... _ $283.1 «.3- 5. 23‘ 9% .3, in: .519. 9.: to... 2:..2 :2 2.2 .3: Emma's «oust mum 15 WW“. all classes. “may.“ “a Grimm. . a mixing hum»; “nun; and mud § Nflkbred culls m best mm» a ‘»0“l“y. i colts. by rcg. [Lat-2‘ and reg. tle. 1 brood mare in foal In Indiana MAI.I.0N.â€"â€"Yn Lindsay, July 21, Margnrm 1 Wife of the late Huh \1 Sale Siturdny. July 26, ISIS "mum: and full \\ the «Nor at thv um mu. JULY 24th. 1913 DUN 0 ON ’5 Pure Grape Juice is on the boundary elon townships. .pply to J. J. Te Unduy. the famous grape euro ; ple of weakened vitalit; a on nothing but, grapes. thereiore. a good daily '9: because it gixes life and ~ as well as being a dehcx: mfreshing beverage. In battles. 15¢. 1 aett double gamess (bung) ne 4 set-ts double stitched 521.4!“ Lime Juice in bottle-s at 23c article of diet. 15 head young gm» m 3 {at cows, aura goou Is something more timn A It is a, food. It, contzuna Q Which make it a mm! bug; v, selling under 1 sett heavy scales for heavy horses right 8A LE REG ISTER years Proprietor. mwa STORE DEAD Y..u haw \\ luau Of( \‘in \“¢‘ .5, fancy Aw: ' Ionea" \ farm pur- c? fies DE )o‘Vprage .1 mural t the! CS“ )w I"3 lama-ms a l unble ‘neu math: ‘1 . mdav in ‘ard o‘ )wed m mum“. for ‘ 1 331°C ,0 the we on irmk l umber Jrice‘ mum 60C ’ M- M 1mm "H K M Id x min no“ Pant 24g 0| nl‘. “II I 951.13%: :33 Poin ms'Ses ham, of Adam 'c Amon; Spent St. tioed : )1 11)" msh‘ Pepi-kl”, 110.88 ten. C. : Climbed. LINDS Mt patterns in $11k (l with d.“ rancyl Voiles. com} continued p ments of t color ransz‘e the V3!Ԥ:‘l\ This is :m it Regular m caSh a!“ White 1 fine aud tim‘ demand to ‘ per yard Coloxed Navy, Brow Summer Sui per yard SBC’HON ONE fen 31001 I WON DERS Mr. W Ciiéué (CIRCUS WITHA Dain 1H )l

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