EJ. W. WAKElY Eï¬bï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬ï¬‚iflifliï¬kï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬gï¬ Detailed Account of Austin O’Rrien’s Sad Death-Former Emily Boy Killed by Live Wire-~Body Hung Across Wires matantly mum one my thza C-Jl‘nvl' of Queen ave. when he touched wire of the Toronto pany a: his bod The late Austin O'Brien Was a. qon of Mr .i. l). O’Brivn of Emily and was a \cry popular young man in Toronto and in his home community of Emily township. It. appears that. the deceased young man was attempting to draw a tele- phone wire into place by attaching a 55555555555555555555 PAGE SIX LATE AUSTIN O’BRIEN. One Door East of Dominion Bank, Lindsay 01' WA KELY’S 200 3nd; of ï¬gured Denem, suitable for Upholster ing. 30 inches wide, special . . .......... Furniture Covering All Dress Muslins Ceylon Suiting: Syn-vial Embroidery Insertions 2cm wmh n? tim- Emtmai'léry Martian: 2H worth 109. Short Lisle Gloves Hm] Quality an sizes in Wash Brown Tan and Navy, Chn‘. paella, Hpgg‘ffl ::::::nzuuzuuuuuuuuH | :Hulll Stampml Linemiu dark,n.1tuml shade:, in Library Scarfs, and Pillow Coven, havinu embtoidering silks attached, suitable [5†work Rfl'ne, eaCh “an“: nan--4. nllootAOIIO-ï¬ouol a 9‘09 31“] 20c Samples in Pure Linen Table Napkins, large Dinner, Size, Special, ench .. Linen Sideboard Scarfs b'eth tr- Shams and Dresser Scans :25 Linen Sirleboard Scarfs, anyone worth 50c, speEiaI.,... of our 150 Dress Muslims at peryard . to match in Drewan work and Hemâ€"stitched HIW‘Cia', (3301‘ van-coco! ooaooo.¢l noon-connaoon-I .0.- ~00 Although two doctors and the pul- motor were rushed to the scene, im- mediately. it was found impossible to revive O’Brien. although the medi- cal men worked over him for almost four hours. A peculiar feature 0f the case is the fact that the only burn about the body was a. slight scar on one of the ï¬ngers, where the current entered O‘Brien's body. Another Toronto despatch says that the young man had only been in the city three months, coming here to stay with his brothers Dan and Frank at 66 Denisomave. Owing to the fact that the lineman wore his pole straps he was prevent- ed from being hurled from the 1:01) of the pole to the ground. The flash attracted the attention of Foreman Alfred Barber and Timekeeper Teddy \‘oorhees, who at once mounted the pole and attached a. rope around the unconscious man, who was hanging from his straps. He was lowered to the ground, and a. telephone message sent to the Toronto, and a. telephone meSSuge sent to the Toronto Elec- tric Light Company asking for a. pul- motor and a physician. ' In an effort to se the wire he accidnntmly shoved another rupp to the Win- curt-1y fasten the rope around “ire against one carrying a. high voltage current. In an. instant the man was enveloped in a. blinding Ilash of name. as the wires coming together caused a which forced Some through his body. 4,000 volts short circuit, l were not, and replied, "i‘hc. cost.’ “It is your privilege to consider this phase and determine .w-helher the cost of life is worth as much as the money which would be required to bury the wires." Dr. Elliott declared that this ‘was an important case, because of the large number of deaths from electro- cution. No testimony was received from wifnpm hnvnnd tho nvidnnnn n! Below is a“ portion of the statement made to the coroner's jury by Coro- ner Elliott at the inquest into _. the death of the late Austhg O’Brien : "Inat'eeentcaselhadanoï¬cial of one of these electrical companies state that the“ accidents could be prevented. nae was asked why they SPECIALS IIIS'IIII :llllll{:lllll O 30" #0... ‘ffi‘: 12H: LIGHTNING'S QUEER FREAK. After the statement of identiï¬ca- tion was made by J. D. O’Brien, fa- ther Of'the deceased, the case was adjourned until July 23. In ad- journing Dr. Elliott announced that he wanted ofï¬cials of the telephonei and electric light companies present: at the next sitting, as he was deter- mined to get every detail in connec tion with this death. Blaming to pieces a bedsteéd in which two children were lying, 3 bolt Ollightnlngdidno haunthe other day to the children. sons of Henry J ohnson, at New Brunswick, N. J The bolt went through the roof of Johnson’s cottage. ran around the bedstead, and lplit it into g doaen piece; The bolt. 'tone 83:18 hole in thereotundin‘tho floor. Thebedc Iteod Wmdtheohildrenfdl totheflmviththomtres. Dr. Elliott declared that this was an important case, because of the large number of deaths from electro- cution. No testimony was received from witness beyond the evidence of Dr. James F. Hazplwood who was and Dr. J. M. Cotton who performed called at the time of the accident, the autopsy. In the opinion of VbOth death was due to electrocution. Dr. Hazelwood's evidence was to the ef- fect that the pulmotor arrived a few minutes after the accident occurred. and was used continuously for two hours and a half. 19c 15c 5c THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, L' The above diagram shows the posi- tion in 'which the late Austin O’Brien's body was found by his tel- low employs. O‘Brien, 3. well- known Emily boy. was connecting wires to houses in tho mighborhood of Bhntyre-nvenue, Tomtd, , ‘und comb in W with mun wire.’ The vulet bought them for two-thirds of the prtce that the emperor bud hm] to pay. Napoleon. luterrmg that the same overcharge had been made to the other articles. dedm-ted a third from the entire amount and totorwed the tradesmen that It was duo.- at! his own express command because on th- vestlgation he had found the charges to he exorbitant When the ‘l‘ulllm'wu was mum mm" M Nmmlwu mum-ml mm “W m» nuluwwr'u Nmruvn wvra umw Hum "my â€mum m N» M mum ww at Ma mun-awn. Mm was WM Mm. uuw mum tun Wavy «an: M n»- mu! at me MN MW uuum tu mat. "I do not kuuw." wua uw mum-v. “N shall be aucertuuwu.‘ sum Na- poleon. 'l‘hereuuuu us out ufl uw wury humus. called tor a mum. Imm' mm dress Name" :11 plain Names. ummr» the price or such urtivles at several shops In Paris and urder a down an u :6:- Mme". betray mend than tor any one." Mum's Lm-Ltvn PILLS are 25cmtspervial. or5vialsforadollar. atalldalm,ormaileddirectonreoeipt puebzthepmm'rhe'r. Mil A motor stolen in Toronto m abandoned near Grungevme when tho thieves wom pursued. A free motion of the bowels daily should be the rule of every one who aspires to perfect health. Keep the bowels properly tegulated by the use of Mum'sLm-Lwn PILLS. and you will enjoy the very best of health. “Mn. 0. J. Pmm. Medicine Hat. Alta. .. -“I have been troubled with Consti pationforthelastcouple of years until just lately. I tried a great many remedies without any success. but at last I herd of Mum's LAXA-LIVRR E-E solgavethcmatrial. andbcgan bc_tter 95h; any, and now I Constipation is one of the most fre- quent. and at the same time. one of the most serious of the minor ailments to which mankind is subject. and should never be allowed to continue. . ing small and not. deeply muted. At the same time there can be little doubt that many years will elapse before it is thickly settled. One must possess both pluck and enthusiasm to go in and clear the land. For the present it will be a new resort for curious tourists, for cance- ists in search of novelty. tor hunters. for anglers and for that flosting popu- lation which is always attracted into a‘ new country. There will slsc be ex- ploitation (If. the timber resources 0! the country, and further prospecting for minerals and precious stones. while doubtless the Provincial Gov- ernments will continue their endeav- ors to open up and further settle the new townships. __At all events anoth- er act in thé u'ional drama will be presented amid mac fresh surround- CO NSTI PATION Ai to what. will be the l‘uture o! the new country une can unly epwu- lnto. There are those who shake their heady: when mpheoles we uttered re- garding its utum agricultural great.» "83:1. but. then one must. remember there were mun doubting Thomasea when western made was ï¬rst. set.- tled. ln latitude it lies south of the prairies of the west. Its soil is excel- lent. It. is abundantly watered. It. in easily cleared. the toreet growth be- Munau um Hm prinvlpal hm LINN? found In Um mm mmmry. up mum, b0 o'xpm'tmi ‘I‘lw npomtlnn- n! hhv mlrcmchlmildvru haw drlvma than away hum Um imnwuhnw vimmtv M the â€May. but hunter-I fulluwum Man: mp rivvra are sure M Mu‘uflfl' Wt plamy u! "Wm, M any um tho Indium mam m have nu dummy m prwumm A: much mom-o mm“. H wwmdv. .A A. country will after many M'ramnns It is practically virgin lerruurv I“ far as Um hunter and llw li-lu-rmav are concerned. Hl’ mur llu- In diam; have huntml mul lramwd alum: the rivers fur hundrc-«l- u! yeah. and there arP aevernl Hml- n My l'u Kort: in thv district, lmt m lar M White men nru (‘nm'o-rm‘l tlwn» m- beon wry little expl-Hlnï¬'m wt hum- lng and ï¬shing puamlnlntm. PM: are plentiful in all the turn. tlvur- and lulu-.4, lml um: "mat nvml- lrm-e nus-1y milun frnm (‘m‘lurunv lwlur. trout streams nrv rmwhml. ‘lndwurul tho ï¬rst lruul w-ulvr- arr on ('wlnf ("reel thlrly mile- Iwynul llorrimnm Wmlwmtl nu trnm urn l-mml mm: one rpnr‘ln-s lummml‘a Luk-y svvnm, miles lwymnl Uvnrxl. I‘mm Mom t-n ward all the rim: unrl Inlw: uh Well stuclml. and gruul spun l- ““0? w' nnymw wlm nmlu‘a tlw lwurues llwm For tlm rm! Hum are wlnlv. ï¬sh. plkv and pivkurpl m tlw â€the! lnkpa nml rlwra IRA STANLEY IRVINE. A particularly Sad death occurred on Saturdag last Julv 19. at the lI‘OSB Memorial Hospital whoa the cult son of Mr anal \lrs. Wellington Inlne, of Man ers township passed Into the (treat Beyond as a rpault of a smug-e attack of appendicitis. ‘ lt appenru that the young lad had twlt‘e before mullet-ml fmm newt-e at- tacks M appendwltls. the thlnl at- tack comma on last Mummy. (July 14.) He was rpmm-ml tn Hm llma lloamlnl \l’mlnusday aml ah uttera- llnfl was hal'lm‘mml tm 'lhut‘gdn)‘; Hp may a bright. l-nmh mm llama tltn uhlt' mumlw «of thn [mulls Wm: lnlnllwl lay his HIM mm lat-ml; var: um.» ‘t'hu mung. lad wan Man a fnmma mnangqt all who knuw him mm the wwma haw: ma alumnus summmy m‘ m: amuw mmmmmty in limit and low. ‘ Branttord. July 20.â€"A serious ac- ’9ident' occurred in .. ï¬eld yesterday raw ‘Mohawk Park, when Jbeeph 113.11). a resident of Park-ave., was severely cut by the knives of a mow- ing machine. While operating the machine he had oocasiJn to get out in front‘ of it. and when the horses started unexpectedly Harp was cut by the knives. His left leg was very badly gushed. but his right one was only slightly cut. The injuiies were Very painful, and a considerable amount of blood was last before the injured man could be conveyed to the hospital in the emergenCy ambulance. To-day Harp was resting easily, and unless blood-poisoning sets in he will probably recover. Soon Follows If The Liver Is Not Active. Legs flashed by GAME II 742’ â€ONâ€. OBITUARY "arse Mower hr 0.4 tn» m- ! hum- FI-n FARM FOR SALE.â€"EAS'I‘ HALF of lot 2. con. 10, Ops. 100 acres, more or less. 65 or 70 tieres work- ing 13nd, balance pasture and bush. Brick cottage. eight, room- ed. with summer kitchen. about 12 x 42 ft., with cement flom-q throughout; sheep and poultry hon-e 20x50. with loft; log hog- pen, with concrete floors nn-l trough silo; implement house and hfge t’rtn‘ng house. The build- ings are all Ln good repair, most of them nearly new; - There are than Am. waits on {arm'and cistern. Anyone welcome to come and look; VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE â€" the Executors of the estate of the late Thus. Smith now ofler for sale valuable property, consisting of the west he." of Lot 8, in 13th Con- cession Mariposg, containing 100 acres. On the premises are a good frame house. born (48 x 50). on stone foundation, implement house and henhouse, and other buildings. ConVenient to school and church; 3 miles from WoodVille end 4 miles ’ from Cannington. Farm is in ï¬rst. class state ‘ of cultivation. For further particulars apply to Clerkej Smith (WoodVille post ofï¬ce). or: Eliubeth A. Smith, on the prem-j IAIH’I‘.e-A IM'M'H m" KEYS, lil'ir tum" \‘ivtm‘tu Hum! station and l.lnda.._\', window will be rewarded by lasing a! “ardar olflce. W \ N'l'l' H'I'IKAYI'IID ()N’I‘u 'l‘lll‘l PREMISES n! â€w undo-rsium-d. unv yc-arliuq er ulnll hm! uf May. “\uwr run huu- Hnllll' by ('luimmu um! Mum A. Emma. of Kl‘flmnmna 001: human on a *rommo sweet ear and mud shortly warm-um. To be self-reliant. To darn stockings. To respect old age. To make good bread. To keep a. house tidy. To be abo-‘e gossiping. To make home happy. To control her temper. To take care of the sick. To take cm of the baby. To sweep down cobwebs. To-marry a man for his worth. 'l‘u read the very beat of book. To take plunty of active exerciso. To la a. helpmahe to her husband To keep (‘lvar of trashy literature. To be light-hunted and flout. footpd To be a Wonlanly woman under a! cit-cums! sures. WHM FUR SALi‘Lâ€"I2fl ACRES, mom or lav-s. Lot )4. (Rm. 1, Fun- ulnn, Wull undvrdrailmd, 10 miles northwest of Lindsay. f milv from pus! otllw, school and blacksmith shop. (lood grain and dairy farm. Hip roof burn, 60x48x20 ft. siding, canon! flours all through; staining upâ€"loâ€"dale, with water in basins at cattlas' heads. with windmill and chopper, pigpen and henhouse. Three or {our acres of bush land. Farm good clay loam. A largt- brick house, 8 rooms, and cement cellar; gOOd cistern, good bearing orchard, summer kitchen and woodshed and two novervfailing wells. Apply to W. H. Wilson, 60 King-st., east. ward, Lindsay. mumm- of all Maria was round an- termg a hackg-urd owned by the City of Torah! o. axrdlmt â€Mum lam! with m-wra tnlhnu spring. l-‘nnn h- wvll tun: rad; uvhcml rm new Int; «an3! mm! h'um Mmmm Lakes. um um! unwhull’ milw- h'Om vhurvh and um“. mm». A h‘mun ham. «mm. mm Mum fuumlmluu; «lflu u mama, M» My Jmniman "rm... (Nunavut I'M. unl coach-r, fur H. S. 5. I‘Inmily. IMHH‘ hp «'nnmu-m-c- un N'Mvmlwr 2nd. mm. mm, mm. Apply Mang mpnrh-m'v 10 “'09an W"- mm. Ht-t‘x'l‘MNL, Min 48. “nwmw, “Marin An Australinnl'journal gives a. list of "things a. girl should know before her educntion is complete, and it is suggested-to Lindsly girls that they take an inventory 0! their own at- tainments and W them with the following list of things 1W: To sew. To cook. To mend. . To be gentle. . To value time. To dras neatly. TO keep a seCI‘Ot. To \0id idleness. To be sen-reliant. To darn stockings. To respect old ago. To make good brand. To keep a, house tidy. To be abo-‘e gossiping. To make home happy. To control her temper. To take care of the sick. To take care of the baby. Things That a * Girl Should Know AN'I'ICIL-A xnlm‘ um lont‘hvr, fur H IMIHQ'!‘ in mmmu-nm um FUN sum: «m Tn IH‘IN’I {no In; [m Hnlmn. HI ,. AHM FUN HALF. - 1“" -‘\“Hl'}§. mow ur lass, mm half at In! H, mm. ?. Fulwhm. H Iuilub imm ('umul'un \illug‘u; nun gumi hl'ic‘k Iluusu, 9 gum] I‘rumu hams nu 5mm, fuumlutiuu; mm"; huuw; ewul‘ hem mall: fair «In-hum; Harman hem mall land. ’I' Apply lu - «Intlt-I'Nium-cl. (II ulnn lust nf Mn \0 Hump by cluiu fur â€NH ml. I 1: fair ur hymns m NHHMAIH I'RH'I‘I errin. Vaumrnn, Hut sun purvlmsm Iillllll It. t nulmrm III-ad tux-chm. FOR SALE. â€"TWEL\'F. Hcr cdved Holstein cows, \mth c: “3 foot; four Hereford now calves at foot; also twu 1"†cows with calf. Those mi†sold singly or in a. bunch. MST.â€"ON SATURDAY ‘ between Mariposa 51am†Bert Graham’s, a SIM“ -' do: will be suitably r leaving same at. Mr. Bert Ockwood. STRAYED TO 1‘1 "1' 3 FARM FOR SALE. miles of Lindsm', barn and driving rlu water, 2 wells. 'l‘v particulars apply ‘ Box 307, Lindba}, t FARM FOR SAM-T- hull of Lot 2, m â€I" the Township of lildn 100 acres. “(rm-n. in house in gum! rvl-n painted and Woodsh-ri good barn on ash)“ good stabling undui‘nra has a new roof and {n also pig pen, hen ho » mom. hOuse and a inn; Also an acre of orl'har'u cedar hedge on the wv ply on the premises «. P. O. W. W. DeGUL-rr FAR“ FUR SAI.|~I.â€"--I' 1.018 4 and 5, (‘uncmqu 150 arms. known as th. Farm," “main gt Lorw Hon. wlwn- {ho-re In t l and crmnwr). (-w l partlculuw apply In 1‘. Lindsay. 0" Hugh Mctkin Villl‘. LUST. v- A \'l"..\|:lvl' halt "0181M“ and lml legs and star m m about. thv late! 01‘ Mm be suitably I‘vunldm same to J. R. ('quw: I‘m-M'IH'H! V\ \N [‘11 fur KS. Nu, In, A use 60mm“ BU n 096. 1 white hem-r ‘ Owner can have sun. and Paying for this a FARM FUR 9H] a hw'uudevlaaa Salary, 85mm.“ menus Sumnulm Fly '0 J. J. “t PAL. um. FARM FOR MA] I.- 50 acres of land, about. two acres. loam. First-Plus 26 x 20; a kitt'hl'] your. Apply “mun .Mi. 3, â€"‘ Fm FOR SALE OR TO RENT - W. half of lot 7, con. 1, 0p; 12‘) acres goad land, 100 arm-5 clear“. large frame barn with mum: sum ling, frame and 10g h.)‘)s.3 m, good wells. For full partied". apply to Jon. Mark. Valeting Uni. WANTEDâ€"A NORMAL, mt teacher, for. S. S. Dutia t0 CommenCe on ‘ 2nd, 1913. Please app salary and expert-nu, Wilson, Sec.-Treas., 1%.».- mee. Ontario. [nosuussiun m. “my. farm with plow Imw ‘hu human is “\ul‘. make terms Sllil pun- all in ; and ‘heru \AIH mm and 4 nf room. he sold (‘huup In nm' Apply 1.. ownvr all th. to Him; “(nu-s, I'Hil Lindsay, (Ink. u! nm‘c DR m. humg [M H; milus Emu (arm will: t'n. Half: j emu! «W fowuuw Wu“ 3 mm: “mm! “Milt: rum human um, ham In allu Hm!“ MM m r mum or Mac arms ["16th hush; smnll ‘ WP" fpm’ml an «pus and H: «hm: Hw mm human mu. m NURSDAY, J ULY N) cistern. Frunw log stable, pig situated. g of and SChuOlhuus situated in thp being lot, 3 in ticulars apply Alex. McMillan B. NEELANDS, SPECIA artiï¬cial teeth. Studxea mtion of gas with the o. n'. Colton, of New York 001‘. Hays. «own and bridge Work in- m. Ofï¬ce, ncari}. 0pm Sm†House. Lindsay_ ‘ LIST [I admm‘ 8mm), ‘ Ht h: cam I“. I'm! Hudnu Six H m in mi 24th Kid! AP- V. 00 'flle. :raham'av \H’IH (W n .‘l, Hllllm, “Mc Inh‘ro -\ illt‘ Jum- 'IMI| «hull h. Wi Hill! will w HIN 515G. a 30‘ llcl KING â€v I"). ll"l'3lt “KING timber “MRI, Wood- rdan l .\ N‘I‘ aunt. ‘ldm :ood Mural “lilo with For II Iho 4 ‘rop us of sale “116 Ml; (m farm KPH a! Hal \ Ir Mo wt“ EN"? par. ion, mg 1f 0f {I 30 m: “I“, H: .‘v Bram WOVO M “:6 Master Print. E St. Catharina, law'- compensation ' COS It Whuhy ham â€0W! \\ an“ all WNW. Exempuonu 0! “Hon m Mom: lug "In City. Cumomarn ! OMAN- in u“: Magnum)“ 1“. u the man " Dammit " 1 We: Rem J‘mnï¬e F a s Bi .m,s ( rantings from (J United States tional Exhil Canadian Exhit Dr. H. Irvine. Dvn [.9 Met lumber (0.. I; maloW~ EX'l‘l-In Wrixe 104m} \' m Co" 10“.â€4 w.J ELL; d“ s“ Princ â€u. m OPEN snp' EJVPANSH J. G. Edward: OFFICE Phone 27. mun Tum wlu isn’t. it 1" Hur “flatly Pure stuck. I“ I†In“: A Pure Pans Gree “m" wannaâ€"Sc. Norm next POI“ Buildiné L plies. ivestock I Spray In [1’ ct Nashua. lr‘ MW Winn! I“. M modern“: I' [mg 111 NEW mam: Ion H) r nrework: Biggest D Greatest HARDWAI Duniop Tram I. Pumps, etc. I: m My. (‘le‘k‘ 5t Bicydes- Hors flower Knives .9 nachinee‘, 1th thlglac. Etc amt. and Sash Factory iron: ciul in A: the I Dom on amival WOOD PHONE '7 7 SHEPHA Hts Daily ill ï¬reworks .Y 2441!. BAND] )Y