a?†{wast After supper Mr. P. Conway and Mr. Imn Stinson stepped a. rag-time jig, to xhc grunt. (lt'light of the party, “thew participating later on. The music was furnished by Mr. Pat Con- may on a. ï¬rst-class Hohner mouth- organ with double reeds \mong the guests assembled were notited: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stun- son. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and seVera.) others. The bride was the recipient of many nseful presents. They will reside in groom, with white tie, Panamp. hat and black worsted suit, looked like a bent-dict who had enjoyed a decade of married summers. ' After the Wedding the happy couple repaired to the residence of the bride, on Russell-51.. where a. table groaning with everything the appe- tite could wish for was placed there- on. Full 40 guelts assembled. A beautiful wedding cake, three storeys high, Set on the Centre of the table, while cut glass dishes with fruits and other delicacies were Served at the Voters List, 11413, Municipality of the Township of Emily, in the County of Victoria. Notice is hereby giVen that I haVe transmitted or delivered to the par- ties mentioned in Section 9 of the "Ontario Voters' Lists Act," the cop- 195 required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last.revised assessment roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to Vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Mem- iw-rs of the Legislative Assembly and m. \Iunicital lili-ctions : and that the said list was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce at the Village of Omemee an the Sixteenth day of July, 1913, and re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take inunediate proceedings to haV‘e any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Notice is hereby given that a by law was passed by the municipal council of the township of Boxley on the 12th day of Juiy, 1913, provid- ing for the issuing of debentures to the amount of three thousand ï¬ve hundred dollars for the purposes/ of Union school section No. 1, of the townships of Bexley and Somerville, and that the said lay-law was regis- tered in the registry ofï¬ce of the County of Victoria on the 16th day oi July. 1913, and any motion to guns]: or set aside the same or inns part thereof must be made within three months after the ï¬rst. publica- tion of this notice and cannot be inked an; 16th day of July. 1913. The bride, “ho looked Winsome, “as beautifully attired in a. drab suit, wearing a, hat to match, With Inge white ostrich plumes. The (‘harlm Larmour, both of Lindsay. The happy couple were assisted throngh the trying ordeal by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinson. A Very pretty wedding was celebra- ted Monday evening by the Rev.Canon Marsh at the manse, “hen Mrs. John BIL-Glynn became the bride of Mr. â€wwms$sssssw LARMOI‘Râ€"MCGLYSN. st.. were amongst the succeSSful ou- pils. Miss, Balfour, to her credit, passed four pupils, two of whom were in the primaries and two in the'zele- mentaries. In the Primary class. Miss Feme Edwards, of Manilla, and Master Frank McPhail were success- ful. In the elementary class Miss Mildred Coone, of Manilla. (honors), and Miss EVelyn Moore, of Lindsay. â€â€œssâ€Â§wmmss. seful presents .imisay. Dated at the Village of Omemee. his 19th day of July, 1913. RICHARD J. GRANDY, Clerk of the Township of Emily. SUCCESSFI‘L PIAICO PUPILS Toronto Representative- 8. E. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any 01 the recognized advertising agencies in Canada are authorized to mp1: business for The Warder. At the (‘Onservatovv of\ Music course held in Linds~.,-. the following pupils 02‘ Miss Nora Balfour, Glenelg~ CLERK‘S NWI‘IC‘F. OF FIRST POSTING ()F VOTERS' LIST Subscription Rates The Daily Warder - one cent per ’opy. By mail to points outside of Lindsay. $2.00 per year. The Watchman-Warder (Weekly)â€" .1.00 per year in advance; $1.25 i! â€5d during the year. Postage to United States extra.- Dpily or Weekly, 50¢ per year. \ The Watchman-Warden WEEKLY EDITION THURSDAY, JULY 241b, 1913 ALLAN GII LIES, Proprietor BEXLEY TP. NOTICE. PAGE EIGHT flymeneal TELEPHONE 97. Iiy-law N0. 735. authoriting the Reeve and Truasurpr to borrow money for the current expenums until the col- lvction of taste“. was duly passed. Moved by W. Best, seconded by W. Walden, that the Reeve represent the township at the meeting on the Ken- nedy-Jones drain on Tuesday, July 22nd.â€"Carried. to go [0 SN) \m- uuuu uu u..n.........,.. 01' the nun-ting. .Un mntirm of W. Walden, seconded by G. Mammy, Mr. Best was in- strnvml tn look after the Patterson drain. lot L mm. 9. Moved by W. Walden, seconded by J. Brock, that. a grant of $5 to the Agricultural Dvpnrtment for prizes to school childn-n he authorized.â€"â€"Car- ried. Moved by G. Maloney, seconded by W. Walden, that the following ac- counts be paid zâ€"Patrick Welsh, for burying a. nuisance, 50c.; John Mc- Gahoy, for graVel taken from his pit, $5.30; the National Soncrete Co., for tile and gravel, $22.50 : A, Cain, for repair to grader, 50c.; ofï¬ce rent for quarter ending June 30, $18.75 ; G. W. Bean, stationery, $1.10. Mr. )Iichnul Luddy, complaining of the inu’n‘upvr condition of X0. 1 drain and wanting council to go out. and examine the same. Council agreed m no m 500 the drain on dismissal u- Vâ€"-'-v .. , LAUM cum only of a temporary nature. The machine it is understood will be kept buSy until the closing of the season. ‘ -â€"â€"-°â€"â€"-â€"â€" The C.P.R. proposes to build a. fast electric line from Hamilton to Nia- gara River. The ratepayers of AF. Pï¬noeton, Drumbo and Plattsvflle cmied Hy. arc-electric by-hws by large mtjori- ties. Mrs. Banding Pukhnrat was u- mted alter snot (3ny 9d lodg- “EH-QMWJQ‘I‘ tn.‘x|i. ing on her father and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, of Kingst. Mr. 'and Mrs. Graham, of Toronto. and Mr. E. Mitchell, of Burk'a Falls, were the guests last week of Mrs. '1‘. Mitchell, of King-st, west. 0!: Tuesday. and Wednesday Miss Annie Shield. of Mount. Pleasant. vis- ited with onemee'mmds. Reeve and Mrs. Mulligan were the guests ot Warden Bottmn’ on the exa cursion around the lakes on 'l‘ueodny. Mrs. WM. 0! BelleVille, bu re- flux-nod to 1:8 homo «hr 3 week' I mwum. mo, 9, '51-. Council adjourned, call of the ReeVe. The ntepayers of AF. Pï¬nceton, Drumbo and Plattsvflle cmied Hy- dro-electric by-ngs by large mtjori- Mr. Thorn, r0 an adVance of school money to 8.8. No. 9. but. as this loan (ms nut fur the purpose of pay- ing the tu-acher's salary. it did not appra!‘ to he in the council's power to auihm‘izv th advance. Mr. Knight, of tho Agricultural De- purmu»nt.. roquosting a. grant toward prizvs fm‘ tho lhmartmont's compe- titinns for svlmol childrvn. InterV'iews :â€".\lr. S. Uliwr, explainâ€" ing his position in regard to ‘he fence he had placed across the 5th con. lino, ï¬orth of the town. R. J. Patterson, requesting that a drain that alYu-tvd his lands be clean- ed out. The new ditching machine owned by the National Concrete (30., is at work on the farm of Mr. J. Mchev- in, west of Reaboro, and giving en- tire satisfaction. Hundreds or‘ in- terested spectators visit the place each day and its work is pronounced a crouning success. The madhine digs out about 100 rods per day 3’} feet deep. Drains can be dug through gravely soil with the same ease as in clay soils tend large stanes are taken out without an apparent difï¬culty. Where stones extend far into the bank and a portion pro- trudes out in the line of the eXCava- tion some trouble is experienced, but only of a temporary nature. The machine it is understood will be kept buSy until the closing of the season. Demonstration of Ditching Machine Communications were road from: 'I‘hos. Hawkins, re a meeting on the Kennedy-Joncs drain; from the G.T. R. and C.P.R., re road crossings; from I. E. Weldon, re water damage to the lands of 1), W, Terrill : from Engineer Smith; from J. McGahey, gravel account, for the season. Ops council met July 215t at 10 21.11). All t embers present. The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Deceased leaves a. wife, four daughâ€" te's and six sons. Two of the lat- tor are in the ministry of the Metho- dist church, as well as two brothers, Iiev. J. L‘. Robeson, Lanark, and Rev. E. B. Robeson, Hannah, NJ). years. Enniskillcn was his circuit preVious to his arrival at Shannen- Ville two weeks ago. He travelled the following circuits: Beechburg. lienfreW, RiceV-ille, Aultsville, Milford Bay circuit, Sidney, Little Britain, Bethany, South Monaghan, Green- “00d, Northampton, Ivanhoe, Ennis- killé-n, Shannonville. The late Mr. Robeson was born at Aiken; Ont., 67 years ago, and had been a minister of-the gospel for 40 A dospatch from Benevflle says :â€" An unexpected death took place at Shannonville, when theReV. C, E. Robeson passed to his reward, De- Yceased had been in his usual good health. The eVeningr preVious to his death he attended a lawn social at l-meons by appointment, returning to his home about 11 o’.clock Next morning he arose early, and was blis- ily engaged about his place preparing for the amiVal of his son, Rev. JOhn Robeson and wife" who are stationed near Chicago. About ten o’clock Mr. Robeson complained of severe pains and Dr. Alcore was immediate- h called in and pronounced 'it a case of acute indigestion and heart fail- ure. 'l'hev were in constant attend- ance. but in spite of their best efâ€": forts death came at midnight, I Methodist Minister Met Sudden Death OPS C OUNCL authorizing the to meet at “the Interesting Notes From Village of Omemee‘ Omemee, July 21.â€"1\Iiss Greta. Mills of Lindsay, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Mills, of King-st. Miss Helen ROgors, of l‘cterboro, is the gueSt of her friend, Miss \crnu Williamson. The many young friends of Miss Jennie McConnell Called on her at her father's home on Friday evening, and presented her with a, miscellan- eous sh0wer, after which refreshments \\ ere served and a. pleasant. evening spent. The Methodist garden party of Wed- nesday evening was held under superb; weather conditions, and there was a. large attendance. The grounds were nicely illuminated, the Peterboro Brass Band enlivened the outing with plenty of music, the supper was of a high order, the booths did a. rush business, and all went “Merry as. a. marriage-bell.†The proceeds amount- ed to $130.00. Another couple of our parental cit- izens are smiling and happy becaUSe of the Visit of the stark, whose pres- ent was a. bouncing baby son to Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Stephenson, of East City. Mr. D. McMann, of Emily Scuth, was in town on Wednesday. The body of the late A. O’Brien, whose lamentable death was due to electrocution in Toronto, was brought down on the Thursday evening train. Interment took place on Friday morning from his father’s home at Downeyvill’e. Mr. Robert Henderson, of Sandy Hill, was in town on business Wed.- 0n VWednesday Mrs. Wm. McAdOo and her daughter, Bernice, left for their home near Havelock, after call- Mr. Hartley Currie, of the local Bank of Toronto staff, is out of town on his holidays. Some of our citizens Who celebrated the Twelfth at Port Hope were not satisï¬ed to return home in the usual railway coach, but had recourse to a distinctive style of coming home in an auto, on the select schedule. All our 250 curtain ma- '- w v I v_-- â€" u w v I I â€" terials, all kinds, nets, “"IIN. 0. 50'. 9 W " . - - 1?.Zifiwuiihoi’le’g‘1' °azz$§ssltazz§m LIND s AY “mum 3ds fox ............... We Close at 5 o’clock Daily Except Saturdays, During July and August 1 Two of our 75c. Silk Knntted Ties 2. A dozen Excelda Handkerchiefs 3. Our Special $1.25 Shirts 4. 1.25 to $1.50 values in Washable Vests. 5. Six pairs of 25c fancy lisle Sox. You never bought more for a dollar, than what we oï¬er here. Five $1 Specials From the Mens Store We will put on sale Saturday morning (at this priCc), our extra heavy quality $1.25 long silk gloves. These have guar. anteed ï¬nger tips, two domes, 16 butt-on length white I or black. ........................................................ $ Incluied in the 31 Sale are a special line of White Honey Com') Quilts. These are good double bed size, and the best : quality possible at this price, being our own 1m- 1 pprtation ........................................................ 4 Pair Linen Towels $l Qize 20 x 36. 90 per cent. pure l1nen. A line I purchased direct from manufacturer .......................... 7 yds. Good Shirting $1 This is the genuine Rockfast drill in blue or black. 1 Regular 16¢ a yard, on sale Friday morning at 7 yds. fer This is a 78 inch width, extra nice quality. Neat patterns. A special for our 31 Sale ............ Curtain Materials 'Sutclifl'e’s Commencing Saturday, JULY 26th, and continuing until end of Month This will be a great week at this store-'3 DOLLAR WEEK-mumerous lines priced at A dollarâ€"-many otheriline’s grouped in quantities for a dollar. Throughout the entire store wii be many OPPOYtUï¬ltiES to save money on the small investment of a dollar. This is couplul with our big Mid-Summer Vacation Time Sale. and you cannot aflbrd to miss it. THE WATGHMAN-v J. SUTCLIFFE SONS’i Bleached Table Linen $1 White Bed Spreads $1 A $1 Sale of Gloves A remarkable event occurred a. few nights ago on the 80-foot bridge at ‘Doube’s, on the G.T.R. A mare and colt, owned by Mr. Robert Casey, broke out of their pasture ï¬eld, near Jones’ Siding, took east on the rail- way track ahead of a. double-header freight. (Sec article elsewhere). on July 7th.- Range 500 yards; possible 70,' with the follOWing prize- winners :â€"M, Shel-in 73, A. C. Hod- getts 67, T. C. Staphenlon 47, H. Lsidley 47, H. Murray 88, I. '1‘0010 36. S. Grundy 84, H. Cunninghun A prominent young couple are to sign a. hymenea! contrast this Wed- neaday. At the Junior High School En- trance examinations thc followiugtpuâ€" pils were successful from this school: Marion Carey (H.) 497, Alta. Sander- son 428, Verna. Windrim 422, Cora. Sanderson 392, Harry Grifï¬n 390. Mr. R. A. Barron was a. business visitor to Peterboro on Friday. The Rifle Association held another shooting contest for prizes on Satur- day. This is the second contest this month, the ï¬rst ot’which was shot on In the examinations of .the College of Music we note tnat Miss Eva Race, a pupil of Miss Annie Ivory. has pass- ed with honors her ï¬rst year piano exam. We extend congratulations to the successful pupil and to the proï¬- ï¬cient teacher. The following names are in order of merit, and represent. the promotions from Jr. to Sr. II. in our public school zâ€"Della, Flower, Harold Brad- ley, Elda. J ohnston, Tom Rawan. Mr. J. T. Beatty left on Monday for a trip to Montreal and down the St. Lawrence to Newfoundland, where he will represent Victoria County at the Grand Orange Lodge meeting. He will take in some side trips, with the object of pleasure com- bined with business, and expects to be absent from his business here for two or three weeks. Mr. J as. Wilson, an ex-tonsorial artist of Omemee, called on his many friends in town the last of the week. EReV. W. F. and Mrs. Chapman haVe gone to'Chicago, where they will hol- iday. and Mr. Cha‘pman will mixbusi- noss with pleasure, and preach in the paviliOn of one of the CosmOpoiitan City's suburban parks. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mulligan have left town for a couple of weeks’ holi- days. liamson, of town. Ssturdny 1m the din- man Me My is spending lien-in milituy lore. 1: of vit‘aJ imâ€" DyMMgMWfl hwflxlï¬mms “-1 m.mgm'_tmts militar- $1.00 50. Others who snot and made cre- ‘ditable scores were :â€"Rev. H. Earle, H. Laidley, S. Grundy. L. South- “orth and L. Brooks. The next month will be held on Monday, July 28th, when prizes W111 be awarded to lnew (1913) members. Mrs.' P. FiSher. ot Eldon, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Wool.» cott, and other {ï¬ends here Mr. Ed. Bailey Visited gt Mr. Bir- chard'l this week. Mrs. Dean spent a. day last week with friends at Oakwood. Mrs. Weldon and daughter Etta re- turned home to town after visiting {or some time at Linden Valley. Mr. ana Mrs. Smithson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haynes, of Fenelon. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Owens. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McEachern. of Woodvme, spent Sunday at Mr. Fert Jewell's. ReV. D. B. Cur-hie came down from his summer cottage and took the ser- vices at the diï¬erent Presbyterian circuit appointments on Sundav. Mr. Stinstm was visiting friends Dunsford. Mr. M. Cruess attended the Con- servatiVe annual picnic at Jackson’s Point last week. and report a, ï¬ne txme. We are sorry to state Mrs. Cullis being somewhat under the weather again, but hope for speedy recovery. o! o . Prize-winners follow :â€"'I‘. C. Stephenson 58. A C. Hedgetts 57, M. Shel-in 57, I. T0010 54, II. Mur- ray 51, B. Courtney 51. '1‘. Ingram Messrs. Knight, Jewell and Western and Mr. Jas'. Wells, of Cambray, mo- tored out to J ankson's Point on Wednesday. They report a. most en- joyable trip, as well as a. good day’s pleasure. Miss E. Burk, of Reaboro, was the guest. of Miss Cruess last week. Miss Bouncell and her girl friend. of Bowmanville, returned home on Saturday morning, 'after spending a couple of weeks' vacation with Miss MacKay. MiSS Muriel Morrison, of Peterboro, spent the weekâ€"end yhe guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. R. Murray, King-st. Last week Mr. William English, or Peterboro, called on his qumee friends. LINDEN VALLEY. Lindon Valley, J uly 21,â€"Mrs. J. T. Jewell has been {or the past three weeks very 111,, almost conï¬ned to Mrs. Wallace Martin. of Gavan. was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Yelland last. week. Come in and see Our $1 sale of Summer Dresses Wash Suits and Coats Lines not Advertis- ed Long 1 Way / During This Sale Many A Dollar Other â€"T.(‘. 1131.3» iDrnking Fountain to be W? \ Erected on Lindsay-St. lde ( r0 These are in full length, good patterns. Regular $1.50, value, now on sale at ........ V .......................... A Table of Ladies’ Waists on Sale at $1 All good styles and perfect ï¬tting. Immense \‘Hrit Came soon for best choice. Ladies’ Underskirts at .......j~‘1 Ladies' Gownsat. 51 Children s D.eSSes, 1n best Styles, and sizes- ‘7 to â€H _\. Here is one of the big bargains of our 81 Sade. Latim sizes only. Fin: lisle cotton thread in seamless make. $1 11 puirS‘for.........u..............-...-o-. coon-009....- .- .. . A recent large shipment has stocked us With all six: this extra good Corset. Six base supporters, exfra llOuk tached, and many oober good features, embodying long length. This. is a D 8: A Model which can be bought on}; this store. wur‘d the member: 0! the Hall!†tome whose alleged love of the bot- tle per-aided tham‘to over-indulg- uce. The pawn“ o! Cunda’n do- Ottawa. Citizen: There is a. cour- age by which a. soldier marches to- ward the cannon mouth and death. And there is . courage by which '9. man is able under all circumstances to be true to his conViCtions of the right. The letter is greater and more rare. It in the latter quality ant Col. the Hon. Sun. Hughes has shown recently in his attitude toâ€" hindsay's tax rate was reduced half a mill at a special meeting of the town council held Tuesday, the rate being ï¬xed at 30 mills. The rate Question having been discussed at a'prex'ious meeting at consider- able length there was very little dis- cussion last night. However, Dep- uty~Reeve McWattex-s raised a stren- uous objection which he would not take back. In part the deputy-reeve stated : " I oppose that rate because when our asseSsor went around he told people that 1! the assessment was raised the mills would be lower- ed. You are lowering it just half a mill. Make it a mill lower, say 29 mills. The town has more than $9,000 taxes in already. How much difl'erence will one mill make ? " Clerk Rayâ€"" $3,000.†Ald. Inineâ€"‘ï¬Let us pay our debts." Clerk Rayâ€"" The county rate is increased and you are paying a high rate for debentures this year." Lindsay Should. Separate From County of Victoria «Tax Rate Was Reduced Kem and Lindsay-5L, just around the corner of the old Y.M.C.A. The question of haVim:~ a fountain placed. on this corner was introduced by Deputy-Reeve .‘\1c\\'atters at a meet- ing of the town council held last. Wednesday, a. committee of Coun. Mc- Watters, Real, Kylie and Clarke bc< ing appointed to look into the mat.- In the near future a drinking foun-tér. min for man and beast is to be The above com I ' . ‘ . erected on the southwest corner of ,mommg. and ‘m_" corner and seloctm: Kent. and Lindsayâ€"st... just around ‘it was decided in the corner of the old Y.M.(.‘-.A. The j'works attuchmpm question of tuning a. fountain placed? previuus to tha- In: on this Corner was introduced by : manent ruadway, : Deputy-Ree“: McWatters at a meet- f’placed in pmm‘i: ing of the aim: council held last : period. Ladies’ Summer Combinations THE GREATER COURAGE 11 Pair Ladies’ Hose $1 A $18 ale Ladies Kimonos 3 Pair 39c Hose for $1 Our Special $1 Corset .oooa-uunIIOIo. tron-coo ouluo onuoouoa Assorted patterns colorings, size 27 i 54, inch. 4 for... ism as a joke. This :2". m militia certainly does m i. determination to make om the importance oi the pew mean expressed in no unN‘t‘h iWhatever fault any one «may the military principle, it :: conceded by all that milim: in Canada, are at presvni hands of an energetic com um! eflcient. man, who “'1†compromise with those z that he believes are detrizm the “Vice. More of the *8 it all! courage in other do?1 would work to: the country I Jap Mats 4 for $1 After some further LL" motion was passed instrug Clerk to prepare a by-Ihw .‘ rate at 30 mills. Ald. Nichollsâ€"“ “1- > debts and there is nu ‘ deï¬cit every time. number of petitions in which should be Ruin I tip against amagc .~.':;' build them soon. Clerk Rayâ€"“ A d‘ or a little more, In: into the county fur get out." Ald. (flarkeâ€"“ “In Would it make Imam-1; Darated from the mum Reeve Kylieâ€"“ “u ~h the county rate. I! on the old aSSQSStm-m an assessment it will :u seems to me “‘1? are 11m mendous blunder in ham skirts of the coumv CUR! outvoted every Unu; E._\ council.†The fountain will one at the cornvr ( bridge-ï¬ts. M'RSDAY,' J ULY .. .....Sl.b‘ to 14- yew; m; those 2!“ I m detrimen ore of the 9m in other dew the éopnuv'fl A dim )1 eitK m ef‘ (In: FCIC rtmfl' [1 W33" nd with Hence re 3 Miss Sykes. of \ t" . 1 after a couple of \‘w‘ '-> mint, Mrs. Oswald, x~-‘ ‘2‘ home last week, In and Mrs. .’\lI-\ Mn" 8- pleasant trip to 1'.‘ -! . den Bottum‘s excm-xwh Hr. Ernie Moon, 01‘ M Of Peterbm‘U. houdays at, the horn“ .4: If. “d HTS. Ali-X. 31’1““- Kr. Victor Seward, of ‘ _mï¬ng friends in our 1m ““8 the West, but ml- 1- mmuon as well. “Hutchinson uf 'lor‘ m I†sister, Mrs. (Wu I.“ Claude Austm :1 My from the R0» 11¢ *5 - happy as eu-r. Raw. Ir. Pratt. 01 Mind. “ pulpit- with Rev. noel ï¬r. 3"- Gth'in has addm Durance of his house I») d a. m in from Kr. and MN. ‘ My morning Kama-the Lakw holiday. Kinmount, Jul. Duncan HUghes. ¢ week-end with M HOPkins. Mirrors at rum use of warning :1 mencing to he u~ Emmi-and the 1'. They are brim: 1 the Wings arr and the use of l the drivm' L“ sm- ivhich arr. comim: The method “ill ed in the fmurm tvoid many acm Well worth the M in. HIRRO R F A 'I rocks and try he wm of horses 1 let the $1! until comi when the brush up 1 and lu-fu he were Inn The hors- and brouuf probable 1" organin. a; for tho Though flu tion has Ir he nevpr nu appc throw th Birth.-â€"‘ 11 1 ï¬r. and 511‘s. Line, a “law:I peamd liM the u wagon x m out road m. is .. ï¬ne llr. and Mr“- of Torom0. spend a, holida use- dicitis, ls Mr. and MY imrs at Mr. mount, lam .01ka if 3‘ . “e WV." â€'5 don“ 8 ports sly- m {01 in considerable where was 9“ to do any h completed . all looks well ; no slough for ‘hl hoped that I build out her“ M41 (mix travellers “0V- ‘-jnter “lilting If. G. Tripp Miss l-Zfl'io- I of Halihurtor this week. Miss Lillie-r is the gm-H < llr. Vit'ltn' Stu r1 I bvrric wherewil h li‘él bull over S†seriously all stock 01 um lumber and 5 could disPON rall“ â€SBA? , J i'LY Mrs. Burt AME '1‘“ fell in law." den-able ham am G. Tripp is of limiwr. - and shim: whiCh “’8 {C 1ht tow! have the most some tim is on a, “he. SO!†KIXMHI arlc 'ut )l F’RAXKLI N \ll\ M ï¬ï¬‚‘