â€Why v- .. NIH“? “LY 31m, 1918 warm": . v ‘ i .. . ._. Â¥ f, t A“... .- .' ’ t - I - ( -. . i i .7,‘ , . . =5- . ? 1 J"? zâ€. ‘ ’. ' : ..' » " 4 ".,.,"9:;.I y . F. l "» ‘- ‘Nr l 1' t it y , i .4 , ’ .. u , ‘2‘? ’1‘“. t l D V 37’ . t ’P' a .O 9 . ,4/ l , _ . _ l . ‘ l h R t a“ ; h 7 ‘. ‘i’iATER. : ’ .4: Years BUt .y Wifburn's -‘ c Pills. \ 3'. Creel- . 1: llll‘\C 7'. itc'lp IL‘ .v ti nerve _. .c..r.~ but i tried three ‘ no relief. and .‘l ï¬nd but all '.\:‘,ll\'. and my .zl-r. I tried “ > NERVE PILLS. ;, i got great . i only weighed .' t' 3...": live boxes I 3 ' ' ‘. :wl lam welland . .3: 13‘.) lbs. and I :. . .ozd do not feel «ml -t:’. if :mvone would i 72v case. I would - .t::u.-.~ r ony questions." ‘t‘.’~ m: box or 3 boxes for ' "x‘ or mailed direct on ,.. .. «,5 by The T. Milburn C0» 'nto, at. . on, .m. THT'RI‘T"\Y' ch'LY 315t, 1913. ling posts imbedded in the cement. l With Tourists at I Sturgeon Point l .â€"oâ€" ham. Miss Tens. Carroll. THE PERFECTSHOE Sturgeon Point, July 26.â€"Mr. and forSUMMERSPORTS 'Mrs. William Flavelle, Miss Jean Fla- I ioronto, are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. John D. ~ FlavelleI some odors given out when burning IS in progress. Mr. Robert Hanna, J!‘-, a. farmer at Rostock, near Milvcrton. has just erected a mammoth steel, barn. being a radical departure for Berth (‘ountvg George l’riua't, a farmer nva!‘ Fort William, was the ï¬rst to be buried in which he initiated nn'l instrumental in hu\in«.r Soap problems solved. Clark does the worry. “'8’ and the workâ€" flnd assure: satisfac- tion. ()(rder an assortment. {1953. Mr. Arthur Ryerson, of the R. ALI I('.. Kingston, is spending the sum-l iner with his parents. The Misses Bessie and Dora. Robin- . son, of Toronto, are registered at the You 3511th Al Well Co! I Dij.;un }{OUSe. Ill'r 1’ T'iE BEST , - 2 . ' ‘ 'Y I‘m "X .\" I Mr. Hugh bgskes, oz 'loronto, is thel 1 . â€.1. I (I. . â€.5;ng CONSOLIDATED « guest of Mr Iterrmdd Morton tl n the tel-mm dildncal Storm ‘ - .g. F . , . a . . . a 'h'r- . - ' ‘ “mm“?d' “new co.. LIMITED. mm; Pom. Vt rh (nth-d mound and in Llllu- »~ A . \a- l I . ‘ . } )Ir “'plr‘ord T Q .1. : T .. :Say blluday eveninu. Ih‘: I‘V-‘i‘l‘mcï¬ 0f 'Mesbrs. R. I. - . I- . .,n l, O. Oionto, I Mr Geo \‘luun‘itl lli\l\‘0n st “118‘ \l. .ll. Bell. Paris, and IC. Morrow, 0: 'SC! )1 .9 :,.' V._“ VIâ€; - . . .- , .l -. ., ‘. . _ . . . \ unpng her, to: d ,. v. “tens, lstruck bv lin'htninw â€m l:alt. ham. l.e.-n appoint-d mash-rs lu .. 3. ~. . : .. . l - 5‘ 5 " ‘ ' ' . . ‘I".1\Uth (.qrruthers, 0A lmonto'lau'ed. 'l‘hu nov‘lll‘ï¬â€˜cxl side. of tin. â€"3 ‘\"“' \h-stminster hm)" N‘hm)!’ is registered at tne ll alkey House for l' dlx '. I ml th’* 1 71' The line new Hrund Trunk station 11 lr‘XV \Veelis. 7“ ~ I†I ' I i )U L | Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion W Clark . M'f'r. Montreal you? DEALER HAS THEM a cemetery was mainly ('outts. l’ott-rboro ; budl} dum- 'house true at Strzitford is expected to be conr "M‘s", 7.0'; ".11! '- . . ‘. . ‘ .I )“ \v... . o \l J ‘k ‘1- .. . I’d-“m“r th'OUfâ€""h the rout of the . . U115 1}. and is 111,-. “m ‘ ‘ rs. ac onm, of 'lor- 'voodxhud and 11‘ red th our“); l‘l~-t<-(l hv UCtObet‘. UfllHHls stutt- , , ~ l . . .. c .. . .. . . . ,7. L.. . . I . .- " w'Ant. :r‘1w1'pl5 1,â€. Onto, .trr, guests 0, )Ir. 411d M15, 1" â€WNW“ the fll)()" that, ll will Ml'llll or surpuxx 1}... 0m. . » . - /\ ('larrv ‘ ‘ " ~ .4 . ‘ l‘lJJf â€Ii - ..\ â€" ' ' ' c ‘ '. . . i.. . l h I d (m “1 \Ir ('qu l’ilkh fTor t . “ll: lutuily were all ltl home, but at I'dmm'd' ,,I ,,, L . , :“,.. . .. J r). ,' «V, 0 on 0: 5 _ , . .‘ - ' . _ . . "' ,. "‘1‘ “‘3 . *i , l“ 1 -. ._ 1 ~OC fortunately beyond a M‘u-l‘c shock no A proposition 1" on f0m_ in â€all“ I.†tâ€. ru'pl’lun t‘lltl- l Luann:r .ts fathu s cottage tor a few Maw,“ “I“ iniured to ('(Her m an own creek m â€I" a“. c , - t . _ . . "4 \'~"."L‘ tonssurrud Iliad†and use the con-ring for :1 routlwuv, ‘ ) - . â€"-â€"*â€"â€" . .\ . . . ,. ..l Le‘. MT. and BII'S. S x ‘mi ‘ , _ ‘ . . _ .. .. . ,. _ . , . l, (it’llldlbl V: ‘ . . ..e 5 th, of â€"-Mlss Alice Sweetzn ’ 01. Crass “huh “ould l» a \dluabl shat Llll and m. among"WW-t" 4â€: â€l" ‘â€"'â€"‘St~“ 0* 3“"- 811" um visi'ed town frixnds to (1 ~ ‘0 ““""""‘S â€f â€â€˜7‘“5' I ~ L t ' U). . Richard “buds, a tanner nmr llornings' Mills, Hnt., had me \ulu- nblu Stallions poisoned duringr his ab- M‘nl‘t'. 'l'hey had just been imported from Scotland, and were worth $1,- ‘ .100 and 31 ,x0 u )_ lllrs. Llogul “old, of Toronto. ., I \l" TM “1“ l A \‘tm-le of] â€".\l'r. htanley bluggett, of “'I’nirll-nxvnm . ,. ' - . 7 , ' luOl'O, Visited town Saturday. -m.._~.â€"â€"D-â€"-â€"â€" ‘ ‘ “‘L†J‘mmu†niototed ‘01 Miss Robv \Iuhood of I‘ ï¬ll oro . . . . ~A > ‘ - ' ‘0‘ ’ ' :z‘ll. Sliâ€'~‘""" “â€1" “â€1 “SW3†MI" and called on town friends Q'iturd'w .llrs. ’l'. Sl"\\'..l“. i ‘A I ‘ L -â€"â€".\Ir. and Mrs. licrt Grithum. and - I Reu- 'l .3»-l'*_’_.‘lllv'll and ...,.l lbs. “. PI Ml- 1‘". ‘l “'v 0“ I‘m’mo' 1“ 1h lchtldren, of Oakwoorl, spent Sunday .,; 35.3,, July 27th, a quest ox his. grundiathm; )Ir. John'm town the "nests of Mr and Mrs A ('a'npdm farmer mum-d Manley lirztuct. “9,ng “QO Qt \. ' ‘ thrashed early this w.-.-k oi..- mm zit-1.1 “ "' -t ‘..:“.‘z‘. t" z ' ~.-~ ‘ -."t't" 1:":- l.l,\. . \\ \lic\lillii, )l Ildlllt\,I â€"R0bert Jackett, one of the menlOI what in tin \ncou p. llnxllld â€4'4,“ t.’.TlIS is spending a month with his family I who has made F nelon Falls famol s Ilhl“ MIND". 'l‘hc “lll‘ill “If!!!†O‘Jl . - e .‘ .' z. hv't“. l ' ’ . " no.1 ‘ul kw xi; (l . fair mm. .. l . . mas in town Monday on business, \lr, I L l, i ,1 (rm \ an. J . 5 h. l '1. Mrs lm-I Mb, Leanne-d Shier, of Toronto, iSlJackett some years ago bl’ourrht, thel >lt‘utord ls holwwl of 8"(‘lll‘lllq u 'l l . . . , ‘ L 5 - . - . 2' . -. .1 >0“. 0n the «r-z ~3l. it Mr. and Mrs. (- -). .~'\. . radial Q‘lt‘Cll'll‘ lin.- to Lake Huron. us .,.- _ f"? ‘ “ water from the hills aboVe through-' . . I . .. â€"’ ldlllt‘ (1"?‘0. ‘_ . - ‘ New \ot'l. and Montreal. imam-1..†, .. out the Village. .\ot only the (a- , . . . "â€" Mr. and Mrs. I’llZu‘h‘l'flll‘l, of 'l‘ornn~ taract Town but the entire Countv haw lll‘t‘ll Ill thi- (‘lawic ( ll." invtwtx- l ‘ . I .g'attincr conditions, and stutwd that they were p1~ aSt'd with the outlook. Shelbourne wants In haw the new llnusc of Refuge far lhttl’vrin County. claiming' to he more ventral than The county may vote to, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wall-ac:- Jones, of Tie- are beneï¬tted. Mr. Jackett's name r, ~; swig-flag from Acute or will go down to posterity as a. bene- u a ln'-estigato “C'hiro- . . ' factor. and the citizens of Fenelon . I“. “Lame of removing the ronto, ul'C Remind in their cottage on - Falls are contemplating placing a 1 “‘th {ï¬gllflzlfleadgï¬lï¬- the lune shore. ‘ bust of Mr. Jackett on ~.one of the ' .A j 2. - . 7 ( ll.e ll. (.irrutheis and Blull‘ M. fountains, which he erected at the otmmatxon free. Of . .. . . . - . (huh, ot the Arnonuut jlllllul‘, have l‘nlls .â€" zlwiyn-utham's drug store. .. ‘ and 6 t0 8 p.111. Spending a few days at the 'Phono No. 434, lpoint. J. P. DAVIS, D.C. 13 lUrnngvvillm 011 the loCation of the building. as Grand Valley has plum as well. (ll-signs on the l’hh‘n â€"â€"_°.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€mwsssmsssosw Miss Muriel McPherson. of Park- . I ;.. “up. yeprgwmed dale, Toronto, is the guest of Miss d canadlan News .‘Iin: of .\lt‘. and lliilda Norman. at their Cottage at s In Briefest Form (‘atimrinvs Ihmhuln s Landing. .- , v'. :~‘ :;.,_ r 3;.[tliir‘ï¬llit'flL l “â€"0â€"â€" O O 3 ITEMS or INTEREST "01mm HAPPENINGS “oww‘swsmw u' )1 .‘II. 4‘» :1; ,8.†Wolf," has! Miss: Gladys Burns, of Toronto, is Almonlc‘ ()nt., mav aid new indltS- , ‘9 ,. l'nited Stutcs spenqu the summer “llh her father, tries ‘ .._0_. llcv. BUHF' . . | Ottawa, Council is to buv autos for (hnemec, "hâ€.V 29-"L‘â€'1" â€ml" --‘: w. have decided to l M13 ll. Shephurd, of Toronto. 15 l (~i‘ic use . Iments of sLOCk are being :nmle week- ‘ ::.toitual drunkards lh" guest â€I MF' Leonard Shier, at. Galt 1).“)va are complainin" (,1- de-ll." by Mr. Eli Dance); ‘ ‘ myl liquor. Stlxl‘geon- Péint' . . 1a., m oiling the streets. 3 'l'lle lmrhunl Ultl ’m_\\ will feel t. . retirnd farmenI MISS thgms' 0‘ Toronto. 15 the littowu industries are anVlnq to “â€0“" 0f (“1" 0f â€ml" "â€â€˜mmr- l’ri- f». - ,3 2. mi my falling otl a Igllest 0‘ Mrs. J“ _P' IItgg‘mo. ~ Hllll for 10wâ€. taxes. ‘ vale lluwkins‘, the “tuner 05 the 1...: ii ."‘1"‘n‘ at Bowmanville. I “‘35 M5“: C“551‘C1‘ and Ml†Muriel 82 drivers' licenses haVe been ISJKing's prize at llislev IMMIO‘V’ 0f Toronto, are the guests sued bv the Berlin police department, MT- 154â€â€œ Richardmn, 0‘: “ill- _._. â€"‘ ADAâ€"“AW“ _â€" 4-“- Of MFS‘ Sutherland at Rosedale. Lindsay (.‘il'ic Holiday will l": onIbrook, arrived in toun on Monday on . ....;_ . I in. and M'rs. Matthews, :ur. and “mm km W: usua! date in the!“ stocpblumg â€WWW ’ IJIrs. Sutherland and family, and Mr. l‘ro\'ince. Hon. (.01. Sam. Hughes, Minister ,_ .. ~. land Mm. Burgenhouser, of Toronto,. British (‘olumbia “mm are begin- of 3mm“. and â€my "â€sz flu-mull Ial'e spending a’ few weeks at 13050-! nlnu' war on level crossinw of pail-Ituwn on Monday in autos en l'o'ltc ddle‘ _ “8V8. r to l'cterboro. Miss Hal") Cliff, 05 Toronto. ls ï¬lontreal claims to have onlv 310.. Mr. ll. J. Dunk, of .\lill.brook, with summering at Pleasant Point. [(300 taxes ImCOllt-(‘tetL ‘ a..party of you“; 1mm came out in Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. of ’l‘oron- Michael llilVClt'n. a lumherman, LrO-lhis car 1,,“ week to 1...â€. .m-r the L"- have moved into their summer in»: from North Bay to Ottawa was new urtnourv, which is m'urim: Vom- home On Balsam Lake. robbed of Still") on the train. Ipletion. the painters putting“ on the M1" Eric Phillips, 0f Toronto, i5! The monev stringencv is delaying tinishing touches. the 8'1““ Of Mr. Arthur iyerson for the imam-innr of Midlands new school Mr. Thomas Best. of Farah. visit- Id few weeks. building. led with ()memt-e friends last week- M“ and MFS' Gent. 0f Toronto. are ’lh-rlinr (‘ouncil will cancel its annu- Rev. I). it. (‘urriu attended at. mvet- glb‘SLS 0f M“. 3- Sluggitt at Rose- a1 (‘ivic Holidaylpicnic, and visit the lug of the prcsbytet‘y at l’uturboro dale. (intario Prison Farm instead. on 'l‘uesdttv, afterwards returning.' to Mr. H- F- Homer, "i Toronto, is The Halt. (ins Light Company will his sdmmer Cottage, “ht-r.- he and ring at Fenelon Falls. build a new dam across the Grand family are holidaying. 1-958 when our “mm“ ‘ “Le," “I; 7 is used. Light Miss Helen Mortimer. Of. Toronto. River. Mr. H. .l. Mclxun. of Mount l‘leu- “ l . ‘ 'tdsmfts or :nuf- has â€0““ the guest. 0f MISS MMWI (‘.l’.l{. otlicials have been in St. Saint. mude a business trip to ()me- in :_-..:.; » ‘. w . in: the. oven. They Surclule. r t ~ . . dâ€" MM‘V'S' (mt... in‘qpommg Sites. for a mee on Mond..,v. hip... . ‘Iiltlll good, they ~ Miss Lough. of Perot; 0‘}: >1?th m-w station, and other buildings. on Monday Mr, John Palmer r9- w,“ 34.. ' “Inâ€! from VOll!‘ me: the summer “It .‘r. ' <' ' Kenora will be the meettng'lllal'iï¬â€˜ turned home from l‘etnrboro, where m..." , . . . ' Gough at the Cottage on 'lhird-st. next year of the Western Ontario L1- be has been employed I.“ wnw tune. :1. " Lt"; 821:0)“ â€S sat- MR Wilfrid Knowlson, 0f 'l‘oron- brurv institute. Mr. Hugh Bradford. of Peterboro. to. spent. the week end with his par- Lindsay Town Council have pre- is spending a few days in town with pared a. by-law to preVent traction friends of his younger ypmx spent engines using “W paved streets. Rev. Alex. Evans. of Indiana, ur- A rich placer mining ï¬eld has. it is wiped in ()memee on Saturday and said, been found at Cordova, B.C.. is the guest “1‘ )lr.‘und Mrs. P. (i. Sandy. Alex. is an old toun boy ents here. Mr. H. S. Norris of Buffalo, a. few days here the guest of Mr. C. “I. Scott. MF- and Mrs- C' R- Eberhard and and hundreds are rushing in. J05. Mazznder Son ann, Flour E'w'd, Coll I-Id W0“. x... ,___ W W erxxfxrw ‘2 .. son, M13 Rudolph Eberhard, or Long St. Thomas ratepayers will vote 0n and his many friends are glad to :M .' . ‘ w find her piC- Branch. near Toronto, are spending a a by-IEW to establish a. motor truck have him amour them again, ) A» ~'~‘:*n»r than fath. few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. factory in the Railway City. Messrs. (:_ Mulligan and W. Ba!“ 3 ‘7 ~ “ ‘ ‘ :;.-.sn't had one Thomas Stewart- ‘ A committee of North Bay citizens ron are in charge of th" City Drug I L- _, .. .1 .> .» l Mr. and Mrs. Otto Higel, of 'lor- are busy seloctinl: a site for the new Stow, while Reeve Mulligan is awuy I onto and son Ralph. are settled armoury. to be erected there. on a recuperative trip- ) 3‘ 3 ...~_ »-.. ML†be to go to again in their summer home at Plca' The seventh annual regatta of the MrS- A. Feir and Miss l-‘cir will sant Point. Mr. Higol has brought Stony Lake cottagvrs Will be held onloccupyn the Sturgeon-st. recudence of ) Wil-h him the speedy H Admiral," AUR‘USt 13‘11 at (‘row's Landing. Mr. A. Laidley in the near future. Brockville's fire alarm system, des- A number of parties have been well knoWn on Toronto Bay. trot-ed in storm of March last, has away picking huckleberries and they ) l l MORTON Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Flt-own Of TO‘ ) . . .. ronto, are spending a "3W weeks here been put into shape last week. report the crop a bountnul onc_ \ l S I UDIO the guests 0f Mt‘ JOS' Brown. A North Bay resident “'85 up in the Rev. Mr. Roland was the preacher Dr. and MTS- Milne? ““1 ““‘ughters’ police court for “Mini! the “mass in the Methodist church at Sabbath l as: _ Iof Toronto, are spen'ling the summer of a cow to rot in the street. He morning and evening services. The I 5 w ,1 .na right now. lin Mrs. J. B. ‘Vav-DEp's cottage. was remanded. heavy electric storm in the evening ‘ â€h. Mr. C‘ G“ Warner spent the wee.\'- The Lord's Day Alliance has stop- depleted the attendance. ma the guest of Mt. Wilfrid Knowl- ped Sunday work by 250 men on Dr. and Mrs. J.‘ 3’. Thompson have , lKent-SI Lindsa 303' railway construction at ChristyLake been visiting their daughter at C0. . y MF' and Mâ€. Chm“! (élwlman of near Perth, Ont. , boconli?‘ The doctor has returned, ma†l'l‘oronto have been at Sandy l‘omt. Windsor citizens favor 51‘lbmittmglleaving Mrs. Thompson for a longer M. Mr. Yoris Ryerson spent some days another byâ€"law for additional parks visit. with his parents here- as it is felt that the last was 'defeat- MM 3 pl 985 am visit Wm her vac ti M“ and Mrs' James Wilson and ed “mugh “path" Omemee friends Mrs. Arthur McCrea a on Days a familv of Toronto, are. Summcling at Listowel Town (‘ouncil are having returned to her home at Toronto. . h ’ trouble to decide upon what brand of Mr. Horton, of Cleveland. and Pleasant Point. l Miss Nora Tucker .of spending the summer with her Toronto, is cement they will use to paVe “‘0 partv are enjoying the river tripe par- main streets of the town. and .the splendid ï¬shing which is so Brockville boys held a'most suc- general in our river and lake. aner- 0955““ community summer camp 13$. Some of the Omemeeites who left of Lindsay. are week, and are planning to make It on the Ste. Anne de Beaupre ex- 0 . 1hr“? Wicks next year. cursion last week were : Mr. and Mrs. U R W O RK IS W0": has been â€mew“ °n the Fred Sandy, Misses A. Ivory and E- ï¬ne new freight sheds of the.C.P.R. Robinson. and Messrs. J_ J. Lamb at. Pleasant Point. ~ at Galt. They Will be of brick and and Chas. Ivory. SECOND to NONE m" and M’s' B’ Oliver and Miss cement' and 200 feet mug' . Mr. T. w. McLean was the guest E E Oliver of Toronto, are summering at The modern garbage collection sys- of his mother‘s}. Mount Pleasant last, tem operated in North Bay is runâ€" week. . “graphs ' Y Pleasant Point. ble dances Of hing Very smoothly and gives 9. ml?- rm our Town I th most enjoys , ' 0... ° e enue 0* 0‘1" 32,000 “mmâ€- Children Cry FOR "I TcIIER'S Develop . . 1“. Prmtlng 3nd Enlnrg- the season was 3'le at Ball Point. orillia's ï¬ne new solid concrete CA-S-TO R IA Geoffrey Edwards . camping at Graham’s Landing. . Mr. M. W. Shephard and the Misses Shephard of Toronto. are summering “’8 for Amateu - - Morton. re. the hostess being Miss Jean 1 . n°'398113ullding, l’rhe house was very 1,th decor.- wharf was cqtppleted this Week. It is \ Parisian lawyer who defended mq-fthe home of her parents, Mr. 'and o I . . ' I fus, :5 Visiting Mr. W. J. Ryan, manthrs. Sam. Grundy, Sturgeonâ€"st. ager of the L‘nion Bank in Fort “ii-l a. Walkerton‘father's farm in the suburbs- George dressmaker, who broke her ankle in al will assume the management of hole in the sidewalk. has entered suit homestead soon and lVeuu‘. and Messrs Stuart G - ~ . -\., ordon , and Guy Flared-3 are settled once ‘15:“: the town for $1.000 dam- him a. large xm-asure .. - - ar .. mo.e in their cottage on the lake ilesidents of London Ont ' th shore. , .. in e l 3121.] S McLean and child f Vicinity of the garbage incinerator, Ir“ . K ’ 0 are very much peeved over the noi- . . 1135-11 steel 1110.01" M ated. 200 feet long and - . - ‘1 Pâ€. m a ’ ‘ 1 . ' Dr. W. 'and Mrs. Cook and children , o I ~ 0 .. ..- .. Lndsal' s Busmess Directory Mr. George W lson has moved from L. ' his result-nee on Sturgeon-st. to his Ivery and Autos for "Ire FOR SALE Choice building lots for sale on thelJaa A. Isaac, 1o York-st Victoria-ave†tween Francis and Colborne, also on Kent-st. West at Pho a“ night. ' n. ,d‘, Rf Adelaide. Sewers and sidewalks ‘1‘ ready in. LEIGH R. KNIGHT Real Estate Agent. we predict for 2' Success, A Very pretty wedding ceremony was celebrated on Wednesday last at the home of Mr. T. .G, )lcl‘onnell of the CLEANING PRESSING AND REPAIRING E. W. MOORE, William-st, [jigging-d“ 2.“...ng ICHAS. LINDSAY mom: 53 i _ . _ I FOR SALE Quantit Of N108 RlCh i 23 ft launch. 5 h. p. motor. reversible Clay Loam IW'hbul, hl'flï¬i‘ ï¬tting: n‘llld full equip- Imenl. flew last you; A‘ W PM if tuna now. APPLY TO “Vera! or at pit. the suburbs, the occasion being marriage of his daughter. Miss Jen~' nie to Reuben llrndltgx of Mumford. In the l'l‘t'St'nCv of about 30 guests lb“ "lililial lxnot was tied by the Rev, W. F. ('lmpmun. pastor of the: Over HOPKINS LAW OFFICE Mt‘ll‘tmllsl Clllu't‘ll. blunts “ere 'l‘h-- 50:â€): cele- A Yt'l‘V Unattended. useful, beautiful large collection of and costl.V lire-sent»: attested 10 11‘" lmlutiuritv .lllll eSh't‘Ul “f H"? bud". _\lll‘l‘ llu' llstull pungt‘ullllllllUY‘i-‘U {01’ 9*; IR. r. moms - WW BELL PHONE 2’2 K ' . . “mm!" ll)" marriage ceremony 1h.- CUHU'HH) l'dY‘onk of a sumptuous dt" . .‘U'lm‘l‘. l'mtli of the vault; lll'llf' dicts are highly l‘anbt-t‘lt-tl nirl huh" National Concrete Co. l . I STOCK NOTE Indiana Boy will stand at his on stable. Peel-st., for service. Intauh ing breeders would do well to h- IspeCL this Stallion. l Dr.W. F. Broad, Owner liu~l Irrut'tit'ull) all their ll\n-~ lll lHnn-lnm- The) will t‘ekldo .il lluns- l . _ . . , Ilottl, \Vlil'l't' \lr, lil'dtll-W Control: .t i l l l l gt'llt'l‘al More business. ADVERTISE IN T H E WARDER â€"â€" HEALTHY AND COOL s UMMER DRINKS .' We have an excellent line to offer and are from the best Mr. John H grin) lulllt‘ up from 1"" ltwt'boro tor int-r Sunday, “loch lu- lspnnt .11 his homo lit-:12 Mr. \V. toun 0;. Suturdag vh‘lllllg, Norm ()lI Lamb, of l'o-tvrboro, “as it; ’lhv Cunltlluw: thunder ’Sunduy v‘vvnizi: irzla-rfc-rml “ill! the lsemjm-s in th" ('lllll‘l‘llV'.‘. So â€it-w lath-mind lllh‘ l‘rn-sirxtu-rlun that the lscrvicv unis \x‘tthrlzzmn. ){l‘\. ll'. ll. (‘ut‘l‘iw'x all'lmmllnvnls. 'l'ln- 'l'ht-rt- will be no st-rvn‘o nwv Sabbath .:1 ' following Sunny will ln- thv usunl {SQ'YWlCQ‘ Hill] «Nonfll; \\ut‘.~lll]| all “inc-I illl‘x't}. l manufacturers. ,\ll.llll.\ "Hill" at business I Mr. ll. J. ,trlp to l’vtl-roorw on Saturday I Monserrat_Lime Juice Raspberry Vinegar {A wvrt'u .\\\'l.\ltl,l';. concentrated Lemonade, concentrated Orangeade, Etc. l The Toronto l’~|l‘~'!“ 0!; I301“ 1h" arrl-sl un'l zznin.’ of u. gun-4' ln't'll l Stilurwinv of watch suixvlivts wh.) llgiv‘ .olwrntin; .it the I own station. lluljr i la CHUl'lt' of weeks ago a Font-Ion l‘u‘tb l Camping and Cottage Supplies Carefully packed and l rmnptly delivered to boat or train. Our rervice in this department is not equalled elsewhere. Icitm-n u.» t.:l.:-n in for $1†on tip-l lsumr- dual. ‘l‘ho swindle Consists in I l . . . . , Iitllllrf).t(‘lllll4 a lllu‘l.\‘-lt)t)l\'ln'£ \'l(‘llll., lwith u \iurl' 442' a, railway-11mm down on his lur'l., moi offering to sell him “W“ ’ "I BELL AND MACHINE ’PHONE no. 10. A phoncy ruil- I his u‘vnuinv railroad fraction of the t‘tml. f‘nltll ('t‘f'll.‘l(‘:ll¢,‘ is usually list-d NI A. L. CAMPBELL Groceries and China llallâ€"llent-st. Flour and Feedâ€" William-St lent weight to the tale, and the lwatch, worth about Slim, has a 'trtun engru'xt-t.’ on the back and has the appearance of th-- gt'nllllh‘ ut‘tu‘lv. l'l‘he Wult‘ll is sold for anything: they | lean get over liver or six dollars. I l I ! l I. l II II t I â€" lRESCUED ONE DAY "‘ I DROWNEDNEXT GRAND TRUN l W; 'ls ()m â€";lv 09 _ “U,†~._n__.-., â€".~---__.~.c l .. "" ' ‘ ’ NEW SERVICE ('ho-rniak, 21 years old, was drowned 'in Winds-Jr at. noon to day, while Sunday he went to the BETWEEN TORONTO, SKRNIA. SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM, WINNIP B STEAMBOAT SPECI Effective June 7th Westbound swimming. same dock to swim. and being only slightly versed in the nt‘l. he had to call for help and was dragged out by his companions. lie was warn- __ t ‘ed not to attempt the deep water Lv. Toronto, G. T. R ............... .. .. 10.45 a-m - Mom. Wed., Sat, l again, but went, back Monday mom- :: gglï¬llton. :: .... ..... .. .......... {1.53 a.m.â€" “: I: I: I ing. determined to master the river. “SatPni:nlll'harf \orVavCo ' :1]: gig: .. u s. l l lle dived 9’7 the dock and failed to “ S. S. Marie. Ont., Nor. Nav. Co...ll.34! a.tn. Thur Sun 3.00 p.111. Tues l .’ come up. The body has not. been I Ar. Port Arthur. Nor. Nav. Co. ...... tanninâ€"Mon" Fri. l lrecovered. " Fort William. Nor. Nav. Co.... . 9.00 munâ€"Mom. Fri, 2.30 pm Wed I “ “'mnipeg, G. T. P. Raiway ...... 7.45 sumâ€"rues" Thun. Sat. “.hl’grlor-Cufe, Parlor Cars and first-class Coaches betwccx. Toronto and 5.1le a . ‘ Standard Slcc ing Cars (electric lights in lower and upper berths) Colonist Sleep ing Cars {berths roe). Dining Car and Coaches between Fort William and Winnipeg. Commencing June 16th a through electric lighted Standard Sleeping Car w ll be operated between Fort William. Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton. Thin: thcmnuxuratlon of Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route Service between Eastern and Western Canada. A Spocml Train will run the reverse way-from Snrnin Wharf to Toronto, commenc- lnglunc nth anl each Tuesday. Frulav and Sunday thereafter. Full particulars. Reservations on Steamers or Trains, may 'bc obtained on appli- cation to Grand Trunk Agents. or write , D.P.l. W. R. Hidden. Phone 11. 0. E. Homing 1. In Nabb. Phone 31. Union Station, Toronto ENGHVEMEN KILLED AT ST. CATHARINES â€"‘-â€" h‘t. (‘athurines July 25. â€" Two men are dead, two â€1"" ure injured. twt) engines and a dorm. freight cars were wrecked as the result of a trail. wreck at the Grand Trunk depot at two (£100; this afternoon. The dead are : . Fred l’ierce, engineer, Mimico. (‘harles 'l‘hompson. brakesman, of I U) '4 (I) [-1 H ......_..__.______________.____I:! l I THE JULY . F U-RNIT URE SALE will continue till the end of the month Specially low prices on Couches and Daven- ports Upholstering, Repairing, and Picture framing a Specialty . E. TANGNEY 25 Kent-st. Phone 159K. Lindsay Fort Erie. The dead engineer was in charge of No. 644, which Was haulingr a heavy westbound freight train from .\'iu-' The -truin was moving â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".~vâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€" guru Falls. at a high rate of spa-d and ran into an open switch at the station. crush- in,,r with tremendous forte into en- No. 1263, which was Stundln; Engineer I’ierCe stuck to his post on a sidingr near the freight sheds. and died at the throttle. His body was mangled m the wreck. one leg being se\ cred. The body of Thomp- was was not found for aliout 'two hours after the accident, when it was discovered buried under a. pile of Coal. gine QMQ‘WQ.§““QQQQ“ m _â€"oâ€"â€"â€" COL. HI'GHES TO BE THERE. Advice was received at. the Exhihi- tion oflice, Toronto, to the effect that Col. the Hon Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, will be able to arrange -..â€" Whither e We Drifting'? ‘â€"â€"°â€"â€"â€" his dates in order to be in Toronto The Pictorial Review for August songs picked up at your local do. on August 25th, when the big reViewI contains an indictment of the newest. par "Dent Store. And you are beat- of cadets is scheduled. ragtime song‘s, carrying the attack 1 mg time with your foot as you read. __ I'I‘here a strange lilt to that tag. â€"--0â€" o The Grand River Alfalfa Seed-grow- time stufl', ch '.> But forget the tune Iers' Association has been formed in the fathers. There Seems to be no and catch the words: Hall' and county. adequate reason why the writers of “ Honey-man, I sigh for you; A good supply of natural gas has popular songs should lay themselves With my lips to yours, I could been found in the new ï¬eld near Oil open to the charge of corrupting the die for you." ' youth. It is the tune that " catch- Or: by way of variety into the cmp [5:2an is happy unless he thinks 85." and surely it dis DOt necessary " Wait till I get you alone in the he 1.. to have such drivel by way of word- dark Blessed be the man who is in a ing. We have a censor for pretty In a nice little, shady little, cor.â€" Could We net of the park." l stops to tell his nearly everything now. not have one for music mblishers ? Yes; that's your dulghter, the The Doukhobors who have aban- However, to return to the discussion little girl who such a short while cloned the homesteade given them in of the Review. What of your back out on your knee tugging at Sashtchewan and purchased lands in daughter's mDSical taste ?.the writer your mustache or searching your pockets for chocolates. How much British Columbia are asking $450.- uka. .- She'r an the parlor now. entertoll- of'that sensual doggml does aha OOOuthoworthoftbeix-labor ex- peudgdontholandacbandoned. inxacaller, with the verxlotcotundoratand? hurry he never troubles.