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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Jul 1913, p. 13

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, pr - . 0' r I ; p .1 r , v, or Schooleection \'U - . :I . - FAMOUS OLD Hosflmler or A Solar-I 3» i ' " (Ian... ‘. :2 l The old mill whee! wot be run'a bulk bull. and come home on a RY J N . . 3' S 00““ pm ““1” I“ .. ‘ ‘ ' , . ‘ EARLS"? D . . he: to commence Sun-d... lu. I ‘_ . g; » O . O with the water that impassed. By P858 hall. THE ' , 1913. Application. v.” 1.4m 1st, . ‘ ii, . the same token the LCJ. team can- . LINE'UR 'G p “1 b." the Set-1r u» I. . :drww‘ "1 ,2} 2 , 1 l . BEAL'S A.B R H P.O A E on II and Hoepltuble Eating Houses of Mirna-l V, 33rd , not win games on the strength Of A . ‘ ' ' ' 1‘ “‘1‘ > . .‘.--r - i I, _ p. l .- . Workman 2b 3 0 0 3 2 ll of amount Renown Were Once the ’l‘reas . x...” r ,}il “g; a ‘their {arm-er good chairing. Last Cinnamon: 1b.." 1 2 0 7 0 0 Meeting Place: of the “City Men" __ :4: 3i} l , l i v. _ gvl‘uesday they were defeated byBeal's Starr, p. ....... 2 0 0 0 1 Ol Wh° 3W" UP 3"“l"" Y’Ol’ld SHRUI’SHHUIZ sud: _‘r l: {Mei ; : I Some Inen don [ knOW the dlfference, jthe score being 6- to 5, brawn, 8.5. m..." 3 1 2 1 1 0' Trade-.They Are New fdakmg a the pus, “W “W“ J «I rm; f ;' Edi, I g 4 i , : First, let it be understood thfit the Pmis, C. "u".. 2 0 0 3 1 2+ In": F'sht For ThGIr firefitcnce. Campbell. of l’.ull'\lII',, l,1‘I.. -l. ” ’ 3.91": 'f l 7 ’ ' I’L.C.I. lacked four of their regular Lennie. 2b- p ....... 2 2 2 0 2 2l A doctor who has been investigating 10 thrcc Cllsiomeh i: g Md . :2; .1 ‘ éf WC don l.’ pffitend t0 knO\,V It all, but we Eline-up, and were weakened in team Richmon, c1. . 1 1 1 o 0 0 all? inhbi‘gt cities has disctohvenlzdhthat lambs,~all h.ghl.\ F1)I,:”::n:' .? j 37. t i 1 :work 35 3 result, although ‘0‘" good 1;. (tirarcw, r1. 2 0 1 1 0 O lunclxilgonc: llgel‘oundvfhet ien :ll ”tel: “dds. for “1m.“ ’3'." ' l“ ' di- ". ’33 3:6 ' - h . ' ' :ri 3- 1.1- ....... 1 0 1 0 0 ' - sum of Mun $1.0!“ - e d .4 x .- , , ,an tooK the" Fla-('95- The 83m? 0 great financial houses the only man 1 I ::.s . ‘ . ‘ 1: I? 3?: \Vlll ba} that \Ve have the BeSt 010thes [proper was 3 very good exhibition of â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Who has a generous meal is the door- , "an‘m' ”WWW of: ' j , ' ;l.aserall, as the score will indicate, 17 6 9 15 7 5 l‘teefirth Thle (directors andtthhelmggoré hm." bu“ cam-5 '” 4' l ‘ ' In: E II, ‘ . i .' . . ‘ y C C er 9 lave on y e 18 (35 u '1) . \'Pr\ (‘lm'u- , , h" ‘ 5 land the “in “as a. popular one. o“- - -- - “ d . ‘ I'IIII'- I~ s”, . f 7. “i that money can buy. Our reason lin 1,1,. ely to the fact that the L. C L.C.l. A.B R H P.0 A 1.; 0’ luncheons, such as milk or biscuits, Mr. “W“. S'Iulzn. “M I”! . do . , M, , 8 8 . or perhaps a sandwich. l ' . . m, 3 ‘ f a II. had the League cinclicd. Coombs. c., 1b. 3 1 0 2 2 118 Most of the menibersof the London 1‘?” I“ ‘1'“ MN” d n, 5 0‘ . ‘ . . Many surpxises were unhottled, one. (-_ Carcw. p” C. 3 1 1 2 2 I lock. Exchange. for instance, have .n_\(mmsl.-r, >:i~.-, H. j . or maklnb thls Statement. lS the fact ang when “Chuck" (.‘arew went in- Williamson 1b. p: 2 2 3 1 0 practically no luncheon. 'Hundrcds in-uuiinil pod. “hi . ma 7 I , . ‘ ’ ~' spend no more than five minutes over f p . . , w: ' h h ,to the box and twirlcd for thrcc in-iA- (arcw, LL... 3 0 U 0 0 lithe meal, and some even less. A‘ U. M “in" ”‘1“ ‘1' .. i gidp l,‘ t at w ' - :nings in a Very creditable manner. Brown, 3!). ,,,,,, 3 0 1 1 0 0 broker who has just been dealing ‘n “>0”. 0! Forum. ., 1 i : e andle Flt Reform and 3;“ this juncture he sprainml a finger-Illilkinson, 33”" : 0 e 1 0 1 thousand: will whip a sandwich out i-xllu flood in 1w, . - 'i . ”in 'and was replaced by "TUbby" \\‘il-l.\cheuzie, c.f. 2 0 0 0 O 0 all his pocknt‘and 20 min-11th h.“ work Jun. purl} salw~ :mi . » ,., ,“u . Broadway brands “(with a guarantee fliumson. lSharne. r.f. 2 1 1 1 0. U ouleetgn'tllgtefipafiil' qiiokfiumflgl, 3:133? "I”.ml’. h‘“ """I .. ' : Another surprise was in store for’lloi-npu. 2b. ...... 2 0 l 2 1 2 have a hasty biscuit and coffee, and rainy)“ "Hm“ 3"”) up, , . . :the fans. when in the first. of the filthl ._ _____ ; rush back again. “W“?- I“:' behind every Sun from the Makers E‘m‘mgs "‘9 LI” Wm" ‘°“’ “’"I‘i 2* 5 6 1‘-’ 6 6'an]23:,"{illSii'ifgiaiifou“:mls ”iii; '77â€"'â€" “5 i ° lâ€"equadlng the score. :Slfl‘k FX‘Cllan 3 >ua on ,.n II. In H mm d . ‘-.‘.d_ “I”. ; . . . l . go, and the break was . ,~ .. .,I , 3 Another surprise I.\ as the hitting Oil Summary zâ€"Stold-n bases â€"Cinna- . the uenial time of the day, a time for h‘” h” “‘5 l" i "j “ "-Uu‘. . I; What Better can Any Person ;H;irr_v Bron'n. who has been out oil rnon. Three has: hitsâ€"Sharpe, 'r‘hgstlt‘hafi and gossip and a ciznr. Men 1‘?“f“l“‘“”"“I I ""I I‘“ ' . ram. ! .thc game for a week or two. llarrylon ballsâ€"0ft Caxew 3, off Williamson i 3391135? £213]: [:82]; {Layla 2""); MN: m;- “njy m“: I I 3' zan- 5pm 011 an eth‘3 N01. and in the last 1. TWO base hitsâ€"Harry Brown Ed ‘ I ‘ e ' l x n k (on ran “it"? "i ‘ " “‘13. I . - ownt {ills Iv ~ge. , ,- u want ? of the fifth “on the game for Beal‘s Lennie. Struck outâ€"By Starr .i_ 1.}â€" l and tall); L mOkmC’ room for (Off . Georgi lam, kn. . 2““h 51‘“;th “‘0 bugger into lcl‘t (‘arcw 2, by Williamson 2. Hit bvl It is very different now. The finan- ‘ 7. '1' ""â€"" *-â€"â€"â€" l , lficld. He was adVanced to third 0n pilcherâ€"(‘inuamom ‘ pcial lciluircrs.i bankers and stock brok- I‘ARM 1'0“ 5 ”-15 "I~ , ::l:,\! - l Iers am mm s of business houses. who Lot :31. (um. \, \l.1 . ,., yWRR~A~~~fl-_fi ,- vl ‘. _ 3,. ‘ 3 . '7 .d,‘_'1. In buying your Clothes from us then. you have no per- l S N which shouldbe We.“ Q was g3311i‘fiplfifildlidl3-3313;3.253353%? 31.15:,» f ‘ I . ‘ ' 7 ‘ , , . ' 3‘ - ‘9 ueen e- I now practically ignorc it. Then: is no ' N k k _“ um ‘ " ‘ 1"“T-II‘ sonal risk. \ on are assured of perfect satisfaction not ! “mm" otes igginscie‘ricrgl hm” '1 d” t° b" m" I’m" ‘” 39"” '°’ “W" °' 5°k°5' 0’ W” 'l l ’ : ‘ . ’cizar. The genial hour has been cut ’I'uo \u-llx. ozu- o... , Ollly 13y US but by the makers themselves l From Rosedale thgpggugiiggs r2?ge.l)eg}fm?.sebeqste:§,d id‘lwilllnku silent IO minutgs. The [lld' ullwi‘ n: 1.x, 'I.. . ' ... . - .. r . ' “ I‘ 5 stoc ltu'O!‘ cannot leave his usinp-sg , .. . ‘ d ’ ‘ _ I _o_. h _ h ]d th F q g , . l . Â¥ ‘ . ‘ m ()I'Cliurul. H..- ..:I.' ‘ .7- l l r â€" p u (""9 0 _ - e ‘3’] 0f challebun 15 Ianl hc “ant: to :0? t] much it iIk- I”! . _,,,. rhe Spandard that “6 set for the procebs of {naklngqlp . tosedale July 29 -â€"Miss Guard with: leading:i (gum.b He is Her Ma- lv‘and to escane to his subuq?" (In l ani in a :«m u... .. .;.I . . . . - _ . . , . es ,v. ‘0 . _..'u "‘ ,. d -‘.. , . .,_ , ’ . the materials 15 such that EVEFY Customer Wlll reccwe per- l'rmfmm i ”‘0 gm °I‘ Mr- and mI-s..’con§s3pppblp end-3513. 318331353330; .iilig°1§g§"iil 1231313. ‘33:?..‘;;;p.’“°{.ti ”MM M \W‘“ . ‘ . . ll. SllggitL imate to those carried out by Lord- In “d ill ‘1 ”f l. . 1 ',,- . l and ('(ll‘lqunfl‘, u,, . W. Him-V lect satisfaction. m. and Mrs Sidney Lamb andlsIIndhurst in the household or the i221: yp‘mm $53,531,353? 32%;»‘3; “WI . ddd. :, . . . .' ,_ _ . , . Kin . He iq char-fled will {b ' l - I . - . § . f Jordan ‘lH-i l'uIr .1'u Idd ’ ‘ ‘ ~r . tluldicn. or Lindea}. “ere gui-sts ml 5: ‘ " . p 1 e entire 10f course. 3““ he spends 10 Ct‘m-‘I ' ’ ‘ ' Men s Tweed and Worsted SUItS $7 to $25 I... p... p... ...p......pp. .p. , pp... $135190; ogggmgIgde-Iwus ggtgurage. ;. Bud ddddy dd d.- p... dnd- ______. -__,-_ . ' ' . 3 5 "'9‘: Y 01' or a place of a sandwich and a half- 1"\I>\i Fm) \‘\l l‘p . .. ’ . da‘s 135‘ week. Its Pmper maintenance All items of l ' . ‘ L ‘ ' ‘ " “ “DI - . _ - ,smokc Cigarette. Though thII busiést “k . . . . .,- RICH 5 Blue and BlaCk SUItS $9 to $25 )Irs. Harry Robson and Master expenditure “PO" behalf 0f the Queen ,Iaud the richest men have nogtimc int more :r [If ' . ”A . j” 'i" , - , AI _.. . . -.-.'D IJIonald Rotson, 01‘ 1901181011 I-‘alls, vis- {lggfghtoit P8515 t'llirou‘th hlih hfildfi i'Other things. thcrc are still thousands ( O: "' 1‘0""‘0'1‘ 1‘ ' ‘4 I""“‘1‘m ‘ - g. . 7 l‘ 191- rea‘urer. e , . . ' . ~ , ,. . _ 1:1 7:. .. vuti . ited Miss lilaclxcn'lry for a, few days A. Nelson hood, who: actuallv Sign; 10‘ (‘ltly men Th? 3‘0")” “Qt b‘ “’th' Ld L" lb? .. x r “‘ last . ._ . out heir old fa. momd luncheon for wt 0.1, bald“. ., l'll'e ; or ose on o [oportlon I “r“eehl' \[ F. her 1 d it $333ng and sees that they are de- ill": world. In spite of the invasion of land “-0..“ .1 “Vim,” g . am - "S- 1-“ ant a‘lgl 9"» '. nthe sacred arca bv fli ) ant tea SllO s ' ‘ .. h 7 O h . h p b d 1 er. and Ml‘s- “NC." and M“- and i tidrnhen {in}??? ho} t2“? gows- a {9335* [and the frivolous advan of the whit:- ranch. “”1‘ hi": " ‘1' H “‘d I“ VV 0 VVIS t0 6 measure ersona 1V Illrs. Waller. of Lindsav. were iulvcn '0 -0 l e ur less 0 '3' .capped wall-”’55 and the glass 0f milk. 3‘ once. 1“". I" " 1 ' ‘ “V - . . shire, is really the head of the Ith. h t~ H l- a g “d «‘g .- \I..' ~- -|.. I h ‘ . p .. ’ Ilgsedalc on Monday. ‘ lQuleen's household. among the princi- liaie :31: lhgkvyvdgaugfsffl1115117331,: ‘1’ to ‘ 11 ' ”H 1r“ _ H" , 7 ‘ ' . .- r. - ohn Mitts. of 'l‘oronm. is the P3 0‘ her {lUthS being the supervision 'still holds its own there. the genial . ... - ,7. . . , . we a‘e the Salnples and SpeClal Ordel lguest of his aunt, Mrs. W. MacKen- 0f the Maids of Honor. Indeed. her lDickens waiter still holds the fort anSl’mdfl 1'1'5’ m "\I\}‘ M f f P‘. ldry. arms £11th at Court was “Mother Of tagging, lllP pglp and haughtv tea ShOl) l (lukwnml road], ll'” l “India's - . -. . . e * a! 5-" 5 irl. In othcr ‘art‘ (rod? or sh. «aâ€" -r and (tin-hm ~ 1:.» orms 0 1t Reform and Broadway l Mzssrs. “Iner' Hide and Baker, 01' Next m order 0f importance amongst :find her poachcli 0;"; are supicm: 0.1m d... .. ii. I I d B d Pfh _ the Gutta Percha Rubber ('o., 'l‘oron- the ladies of the Queen's Court come lIn the west the foreign waiter with guns” 1:1.“ 1mm“ W" "m“ or ran . u ‘ ‘30. are eniOying a few days fishing: at the Ladies 9f the Bedchamber. These. ‘his continental concoctions, reigns as an or 0' "'0‘ S 886 Samples comprlse nearly illos'edale this “.914“ and haVe landed together With the Bedchamber “’0- lunquestinned_ W’”"-"““ 600 dff . b h l ' some gm fiSh 3‘2?!)er more ($anle kilo“.p lads: I But in Lombard street and (‘ornhill W.\~\"l‘l’-Tl-â€"(1W’ll‘ ““11- ?"l1 (”‘1‘- . ’l,‘ ' ‘ , .y csmnaion 0 If“ ies-in- a1 ‘and a little wav iown Cl ca -'d I. th .. c. .7 . u d» I.. . \‘.-, 1 Brent patterns In 0t p 3.10 and Mr. ll. McArthur and Miss S. )lcâ€" mg. but the former title is more cor- old English wni'tci- and ti):- OlngllflllSi: or“! hm] gt“ Wk M , H" 0 Arthur, of II‘enclon Falls, called on 1'9“. and has _refcrence to the davs Ifare are still unconquercd. The inner lands. Luis?“ M 3” \vlands' fancy Tweeds and VV OfStedS. Hosedale friends on 'nxesddy. :35: 129:“; 1.2de “'9’? fifty"); 9:12:21 'clilty is. in fact, the last stronghold of “mm“ W“- Iiev. Mr. Haddour of Toronto is a -‘ a queen 8 er 0) e. ' t‘ e chop. . f-.." ' . and to assxst encrall at her r b ' ' n I, glans” \su'l‘l' ii , lfn town this week the ucst of his and disrobing y 'y . 0 mg . I!) wmdfn” courts and up narrow PU F. e are prou O t e arments turnt g , g 8 er) morning at“ stairs these famous old places are Patrons or 1nd l..'1I‘.\;~' Warner family. night. Needless to add, this no long- l making their last fight. into the ,h h. p 1,, .. .. .md . . 1 l Mr. and Mrs. (‘omher, of Bobcay- 8r forms part of their duties. heavy air they send out a challenge of l 01’s are “to W m x" _. ‘ ’ f, G out 1n our Spec1a] Order Department, ppm m pumping a. Roped“. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" stimulating smells. the smell of hon. and dug; m llic 1...... .. lurid. Mr -\rch MacKendrv 01. IlelleVille Auto Street Cars Favored. est roast beef. of gigantic saddles of “‘1” b‘?‘ 2" CW“- 7 . ’ . . . p , . . ‘ . ' .- .- . . . Having retained cable Cars so lon mutton. ayef-even the smeu of stewed ~~ -â€"' -â€"' â€"-â€""""” b stunt, Tu l h h )1 g‘ e t In It ImpOSSl e to m3. 6 etter -. 95(3) “It, ‘5 pan'm’” ' r. Edinburgh is in a position to take eels. Here ’5 “0th“: Of ”‘13 anaemic J. P- Jaflmfi'. of “”3 ' ""l' “l and MFS- “- Mad‘ut‘ndry. the lead with a system of public tran~ «scent 0‘ poached 9325- nothing 9‘ the tho Daily Ho;\()l‘lv!‘. a.» 8'.»- work than these firms This season “”8"" ”°""""' °" “°"“‘“""e°“' is sll-‘hatdhas Eee"h"°’f“‘ed Sim “m“ lilé’rlifiecili'.’ 335%]? 5."??? "ii?“ °‘ pod-mud (um-Idem , mt . the guest of the Misses Katie and c1 nos 3 opte t e overhead trolley. . . g l " , ‘5 35 - ' I ‘ _ L Its committee of citv official: has in- stimulating as an old country mm on .at Phlladoll'llld- . . Hora. DlCASOTI . - I ~ - . . . . . . . ' _ , vestlgated self- to clled cars. and the market day, Mid as genial and Jolly. A gignnllf‘ slnppin; ~. : d~ EIx‘I'mM ShOWS a. large Increase In the \V01ume Of MPS- Hare, 0f TOFODW. RS Spendmg. report that, sugh Ears have reached i, But though m”? is_geniality. there in Gcrmum'. . . the summer at. l{07‘~cd8.le, and on Sun- stage wliiere éhey are trustworthv, irodlltd $217!???” friglolity. N? .”"e ’l‘h:- panel» of .- ‘li" ,.,..,,. m ”l" d._...- , , . , I- 5 $86!, an su'tblu i , _ any mg 50 “VO- , K .. bUSlneSS, but we are succeedlng only as d}‘:j‘i?xn§ MN. GUM “ho Is a1 o f‘lWhile tlie firlst coLst. isrgrsehrfcert girlie: l10us as taking a chop or a steak on film" 0‘ ”1 “TWPâ€"""1 â€"" ”m“ d , 1 , . d Rose as govsl. and Mrs: Hare, fah‘counterbalanced by Sai’ings iii ”Am; trust. You must choose your own to caivh l-‘rod Kvimc-‘I‘. .dI.I--I‘1 17- 1' SUCC€SS SUCCGC 8. VV 6 CU tIVate tra e :‘S‘idth: cormsfâ€"ratlon “1th 8 hsl’h'n' {lined construction, conductors. over- giggeolatlieand'lrlwe the slaletly pFOSi' Windsor. who nsr'md'v. “'I Y “5 ll*"15" . . (i u»,- , wric was very muc ap- ea or conduit wo k, d th , 811 grave ms ructions , _ , 7. _, , and El. 1t. VV 6 want YOUI‘ I fade. izrociated bv all. 0" a central generiitini'n stating}??? how “(”0“th [M‘s Nummdm 1“ ‘ W 6 Tim Rosed i. , d nt - didIOther suzmIsti'on brought out bv this Perm!” SlmPSOU'S-Ye 01d? ChOppe lath" 535*“ h" “"“I ’ " “"”‘"""‘-‘ n1 A. ,l - a!) .corrcspon I , “or linquiry is that. of abolishing: riiils in House m Blrd-in-Hand Courtâ€"is the 'l'hII not‘lhm‘n "(min =-«: ' ““"Im’d , lin Vet‘s much indebted -lo sonic Olapuhlic roads, and using the-sellgpro [bravest of all these old places. There the cm. of Minx”; ‘lhe local correspmndcnts if such W‘msl polled car on the ordinary highway: whenlyou 18-23;] youdare received by 3 Fe“- .m .n rm”. .~ .. ~\'-I~o~:r wish- that new contributed as ROs'edaleJYith cars that arc simple and clilcien: ‘0‘" .V W11 - aire old man. Who ‘ ‘ ‘ . “ . i . ~ . -' -. bakes hands with you a 'f ~ inIr- thvv m-rd- mI‘IruI “‘I n. s .7” .d {d t g . _ in control and dnw. and fairly now,» 5 . '. _ .51 you were - - . . . a 2.2:); 33:]; iagsqhe cr. 1 L o 5““ lies“ in working. this plan hm lrllm’egt gaiig‘lt‘oedhiueflih Aug] 11: yogi. go up- Mr. and Mrs‘ H,“ 1.), H,“ .n. ,,._,,. “ t ‘ . , mg POSSibilitics even if not favored a W e 5' or maryâ€"a lon FallS. Sicnt “WWII“ 'I” m” Where the Good Clothes Come From. - L ndsay d... pp... or Mus pp... M sung-id ggdggd gdgdg. 3g;:Ie,mI;gI,,I;I mu. gym g; g... ppm... Br 0'5 {am are: Dr. and Mrs. Hart . ‘ . C 9930‘Y0U W1 , h ‘ h and son (if '1‘0'Ionto . Mr: 'l‘mlor Do as Fir m n thmk you are in some ‘Old hostelry ed m Enrol»). A m . . . . . . .- . ‘8 .. e '3 - of the road far away in the country -_....._â€"â€"gâ€"--â€"â€"-""" _ ”’-â€"â€"'â€"â€" and danghter .loed-lm: and Master The Surbiton hrc Brigade have a and far back in the past. For soon . â€" d u . . \ ' F-l‘ic Taler. 0f Toronto : Mr- 13-rltlil"’th‘li°5~'~t 7‘9in- ‘VhO has zero thor- aliter you have sat down at the horse- ”’1“ 5 ('z'lw . . _ , , ‘ oug y mine in every ranch of 5 0e table on will hear tl g. -. d » ». “our: FREE , Oll the Streets figs-3:3; if,“,Â¥,::,,3;Ir‘~.;"dg;:;;:* ggggd “31".. pp... m1 lddmpp 3;... pp... ,, p 4:33;: III- E -I - - . _' I. - . _ ., re )5 given o y turns out at once, “Grace. gentlemen, lease!" ' “1"“ a . lHM' ~' I" IIâ€" ‘ . l 0f Toronto; MVS- 51mm" and Timmy.” and as soon as the engine is made lmoment there is silgnce. and IShe: grain Which iI‘ VIEW-"I“: “1 m A week'End Bargaln g Many moons ago Reeve R. Kylie“, tOry on Kcnt-st., then let it be tried of Toronto. {fa-d? liebChlll-lbs tgc lfiddler and take: come the familiar words that seem so this district (minc' I7 dry . . . p , . \ , ‘ , , h~ .t t'. r‘b - , ,. is sea . y e s: e 0 tie firemen. astonishin in a court 03 ‘ . “e are giving away a 250' ”P13111113: 0: thllxbogild5f :‘thft're‘Zt: :2 339::ng :ur gr:::ntiv iii-32:31:. â€"â€"â€"-0â€"--â€" He Will run up an escape when You'look 50 the head table €531,321: “oath”. . , (o . , is l‘v,‘ o i' n , . ‘ ' ’ ‘ - ‘ ‘n III" " Nickel Tooth Brush Holder liistiridsav a is: or rather to test watering (or rather net watering) _ 'Tl-l _ .‘ -. .. .- iiagfiiditiinfigi32219.11???End to Z2}! esize the stately old man who re. 'lhd nonnm n l , . t wad -§:lhu eymg 25C package 0f ;one block: prefer-ribly the block on the streetS, 'but with a proper Sys- E OUEEN s HOUSEHOLD. {find- When 3 lumpill:5hee: isehcélii high-baggie; fialihfhfigfi:ét2:§vel;ng 3:131:23»,i:n:}.}.fi\.w N lhru‘dlirh Th;rr;:1:‘nJRIhgroltlfgauct of :hent-st” between Cambridge-st. and tem of street oiling would come re-' Her Mainly has Cut Down the Num. 1 ggtigetlgviuirnopb’lngmlrs :Ite oir‘ice Sgt 311:4:nt with a benign 311d genial their “mm“ \l..:. F, Wu. are \ ‘ ‘ I .. ‘ - V . ‘ _ . I- . ‘ 2 '. ' ‘5 n 10!). . ‘ . ' . . One of America's createst Toilet. :\ :ctoria-a‘e. l'lheie HEY boathufl 2:? ahnd‘ Wrarfis tilt: tstreets. \xould Th her of Her bAttencants. ltrained how to put out fire. When , He is, in fact the Chairman the roddmg their t‘llll"I‘ ‘ -‘ (‘1 V , .â€" _ d a . . . ams us.- ' (5'0 0 . 01 wic~ seas " 5 . ' . ., ' . . ' .. , .. .. . I- pp... ddgg dog .0. “I p . p3. p pp... “Cpp'p” z: a: I rp‘ g... ““1. rm mp... III ' '0od Son) is a llOUicllold word mg Oi , I ma} essm tie e .e a. t ‘ e se- ing Lad" fth B deli b . th 3 d gt! § m .1. month '0! . e last of the old guard. the tune made at «hum-- .:. TI \“ " l“ ‘ .‘ ‘l ‘ ‘ , .iew auto tires. but we are doubtful: over the cost of sprinkling with wa- f h o e 9 am er, m e "2°” an ’3 paws. He jumps {MO tanks only representative left of the old branch of pm.- 2,...- I..x 14 mm ' This will only last for a tow . and it may emit an odor not partied- tcr. Properly doneâ€"and sin“. other :d t er 3:313:23" ofh Esabffisnbu; e‘ 3:32; :{ Edebo 11:21.) to rescue articles lying ipmt of hospitality. By his Side is his “A l‘ "i 1. - W. and ‘ ' ‘ '. . “ i - . . - I ' . '. - unmet. In ' - '0 mos ll > rm: . days. “Dd we “n.1, .53“ them ,lurly refreshing to the olfactory or- towns and Cities do it properly. there appomt the Countess of Shaltesbury supported by orxi‘eglxllgali‘t andufiiiere l? quite a numlmr oz‘ I: ... :Ii‘w’Ii"-" We away on these conditions while ”palm but nevertheless it it lays the is no reason why Lindsay can't do it 3% beb an Extra Lady of the Bed- mm" H. Has Real Rubens. the house. eq 3 0 been installed ind-d-nIEI t my last. ‘dust then by p.11 moans let us have likewiseâ€"oiled roads should prove am 9‘5" A . It is a brave s' ht Th . ' . sac , . . . . picture was recent! rchIsed - . _~ll2 ' e Chafl'mlm Mr. Arch anI‘ .2 . "" ‘ William‘s Dental 0mm 25¢. : lll test. If the test. proVes satisfac- most satisfactory. This bnef announcement in The tapeculation b an wells: ‘ ‘3 Chats to ms “elghbors: ""1 smiles at . . ,. . . . “,3...in 0‘ e London Gazette recently calls atten- y eer m M9! the wh l H ”955“” mm '“‘-‘”=- “‘ Tooth Brush Holder 85c : ,_ ,. ,,MWW, tion to the fact that Her Majesty's iggltlrn'e. Australia. "{or 35 cents. He smelffnfgfii, th: 3:32;: :19“;- lwt week in WW .. ,. .. amp-no . , interest in Court arrangements does ;th ‘ up or one 1°" recently ' “d $9! And h th chee ‘ . , . d . , . e on“, Ch. ed hand - . w en e se 18 done he of the Weather. , “i E _ 500 l - not begin and end. as. is popularly the moms" benign Dr 83 ‘3; 1:35! raps again on the table.und stands up Mr and “,1... \\::: .. 3”" .I' , Both for 29c. ! A Boring Incident. 7hr“: 9,!!5 In Rubbish Heap. SUPPOOSSLlxalilgsthestgggeomxfient of her Per . West Austru i. . ' o in?! 88:78: "Grace. gentlemen, please!" f m“. of 1 ma .m i, - i 51"“ 3‘ ‘ , d . ‘ pers I ~ (ago I e. . . ~ .‘ . _ a ... ‘ 5 . ' J v .. . ‘ . I? at ‘ The name of Sir John French has .The sum 9‘ 53315 “n bank "0W3 "‘8 came to th th fl ll" l The. doctor '3 oonvxnced “1“ he has u again the re 1? Sllem‘ and 933m - . , - .. ., . g, _- In.- "I" . . - - . , , e roue, ueen try as the old familiar word fate in: a counld 0! mu 1 p been much before the public of late discovered m ”bins" “1 5 b'18 '13 1‘ insisted u u an riu di tb d . genuine Rubens, and puts the value " 3 o r-dxnner ‘ ‘ J I D UNOON ,s owing to the prominent, P03m°n be was being consigned to a bonfire at tails of thgoorgan‘iiatiou endguduiinig: '0’ the Diem” .l' 8100.000. girliemfinng then} Y°u may Smoke. tiVeS he?“ - um chil- “ ' occupies at the .War Ofice. Portobello recently. tuition of the royal household. wot-kl He will leave for. Loudon soon in So that the old c‘t, 1 h ”’8' Frank Twmh' ”I“: ~21- ‘I - Gen. ‘Freu h ted f b‘ A boy named Alex. Brown the so . ~ order to submit his . . l Y “M eon hour g ..- w- . .m "I y c 13 no or is dry . 0 which in thepast was delegated to ~ “m” ‘0 “‘3 is not ted d dread 0‘ (ll-““h- 5W c . a. ‘- . . a- f .~ . “I'l- 0 C1815. This has resulted in Iothe m 7 on :places still survive and peo ]e from ing at the noun- oi 31:. N .3, _ ,‘l‘he Rural! .toro coutfinualtlgyflimgated by; young oficer brigmmztlcgi-l all)? £31335 he 811°:th 13,” many alterations. particularlv in re- . r experts. all over the world 'come to do them Billett , pp.“ 1 ‘, :91: is s w 0 was ways imagin. . were en 15' earl to the number of servin an- m ' . ' . ~ ~ ”*8" 3 4‘4; ‘ .: H iron that an attack was about to be covered “d they were taken ‘0 the played. for Her New“! (55¢?an Phn‘thPY PWN- . Egywfire Signig‘llieywvilill {2121’ 3,0 ML Clarence ”can" '1 . Dom“? i3» ., ‘ idelivered by the 'Boers. whom be 31- “man . that she did not require near-l the. Bish Ki of i of th ‘ no ' tleford arrived hnuw on ‘I , ,, . In m sh ed th 1’. 3 OP 118 London, und 1), ng e ascetic (are of the teasho . .;: Hermite a aorxrus. iways pronounced 730mt Sir John h‘d $6123“ 1:)" 1 a, the money number of servants and attendant; Edwards. his chancellor, m.ny ye”; .or the continental magpie, of mg last. . - . ; ; Burl-tore. Solicitor-o. Notu-lu etc 3:; 313”“ r0235; aeggg‘VgfidégthW; man, died “ ”‘1 “1’ "m h“ g“ were “mail! dee'Ped Om. '80 founded a Fulhun charity for the west- The: so to the old chop houses Mr. Leo Brooks uni >1 I “in: .‘ Bond”. 101' m M 0‘ “out“ I efiech 0; d” we yo’ung cm or: Het Son-in-law h“ given the. “rub- sine! sgtthilrn'finggefiéglinm mom lgre ofife'lg.‘;'ilsNIt:‘rith gilhp‘llnrchuhi. gzt blgjndke inadmengulko mum round ml) left on '1‘11“54l:l\' K'I" 3131 ‘I‘Z‘l‘n v . ‘ ” ‘ . . . M . ‘ 9 ' a ‘ ' . ‘ li “on” to ion at l°'°"' 5"“ 0!- W’Wd ‘0 Gen. French the} he bellevâ€" a“? all): °§$fi§fi°§§°m3 0‘ e business-like spirit that per- yielded a rent of $25 yeuiy, "wish hush theygo to shaie haitlgr:ilili 3i: mp t° the we“ . his" . Call. 5 William-st... loath. Lind-ta. ed_he could 99,? throughbis field-81883 pr l”8- vadee the whole of the Queen’s house- the growth of Fulham these fields were old chairman. Miss Fund Flair, r91 I?”‘I‘”‘ . h '. Out. Branch one. at Woodvmo. 3““ p012?" 331m hiding amongst . ~ hold is most striking. E‘ ‘ ‘oonverted into streets of houses. and - ' week aner domain-v u a.” ,,_-. in! c 3. 30pm. K.o- m 3.1... 3. 9“? ° “mp‘ .. . . Hm“ "W“ °“ "W 8881113 to proceed there as though by now the estate produces over sum -â€"â€"-oâ€"~â€"-â€" , . 7 p, ,onm - _ ‘ . .. Bares, did you say? inquired The 13% Sir hm,“ keg had ‘ my Iclockwork, and while there is no stint. ‘3 year for the poor. ' "lends and “'l‘mw" “I p. :r 6* Bopflnl. 3A.. LLB. egg! Freuctho . I do . .1 hi, on aim In..1k3 can so {nae Ladies' Field. ac: Majesty ‘ ' Norm Rom Mahm- o! '1‘- Mr “wk 1'1“” “'1“ i added . hood 106m . . .. x e \ “Yes, don'b add to them.” was the n“ Sgt out for 13“ mm.” baro- dnm info?! wells in what Inter Moped drivmx cows m the G.T.R. tract last week an ter two in 3 “0 01’ E e l 0“ Bonn m the am on u “M'. {.m' w“ under the parental 1‘0”? ' fol" WWW!” countywere pntdowni “1 - .. um. I lI- I ll 1 “or ‘50” ‘Wbynmmmfly kill- MissF Ford, of l’urd 1* I 14 p . . m M . ‘0'.) {909‘ V N ‘11 fielded ' o! tro- d‘ merly a teacher .1 ‘ 5mm, ‘3’“ m produced he .11 .11.. min exchange or the telephone acquaintances here last “who: Psi" . “rm Munfilflie‘late gym in [actual was Med by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. U19“: m 5 int commercial value atoll in: ., m ith ’m Mud iu- ban-n, returned last w-III“ ."o 5" trip to relilfies 1“ . . ,~ ’ ,____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€" IBealsWI \. 5 lllllllllll Glllll’ HOUSES THURLDAY, JULY 315x, 191's same: REGISTER A QUALIFIED TEM‘mcn Mm“) length hatchewan and All’er-‘a' 0 patterns. i1. \? in Silk 01‘ l. with (lain-3d White :0 fine and f2 31‘: l per yard Colored Navy, Brown Summer Sui per yard 1421ch Pr . 7‘ N .. L Voiles, coma" continued pa: the variety This is an Erie Regular ' 1““.‘rl' 1J1 ind. Cash and One Pr} L_.__...._. WEA'I‘HE Washington. 1' ‘ bullwhn L.5‘.l' III l an"? 'U (~‘4l5‘ "I Alw'?»~’. L’. V .131: Align>L 1, (Wild. ' l gusv ;. l (ll-d during Hui: . l u} di‘I’l‘- I . . ill" x1." -I on. -«‘ .. . The Best issued: Guns, '. Ammunition, Vi . Tackle. Baso'uail, Tennis, 1.3f‘705 Campinpr Outfits. Summer and \‘p :11 Sports. “e“ ' Every M . 'ho Hunts, Fishes. lays any Ouzdi e to get our lI free. Catalogue. P tight, satisfact' guaranteed. 1mm - flock, pronzpl ship: .. You save money by gc: - Cttlloguc loâ€"day.

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