l f :t.-‘«fa.u:..2w“ - 1 s. .9 '0‘ i it khkumwe’isaï¬i‘ï¬ï¬w Jo‘s . “'6’ 1‘ .5 . . 3.3.? r tau nWo'“, ' é ‘. t. l i u; â€.54, ., w.e§ g‘w-vs‘ . - a t . “races...“ “vagina...“ ‘ ï¬ï¬u...-i.vv;e . ., ~ PAGE FOUR. ' blotches and ulcers heal up: mï¬g‘nem. baah‘ fulness and desponden face full and clezr, energy returns to the worked or not. Imaginative dreams meâ€"m and commute to do so. peculiar to Men. Blank for Home Treatment. Mitotic: no patient: in our \Vindsor otliccs Write {or our private address. Tucgmoiâ€"n‘ man or E D U C A '1‘ I O N I. Il|\‘~ _.;;\I i:.l‘i\ l“ .35) iii.“ l r mu: ï¬iviivl luv u l i.‘ lull cur; .l"l.lllll I: will Ill. ‘v ‘2 Ni ll! i‘.li l\ >\ .u,. \ll-I 1.8-3. hi. .i \ li‘llll l‘ .4.» o: illll‘ .x. .‘l .' ,‘lkllrv‘\ .-i «no! Milnl‘}. l:l"~ ;:. ';i v SHAW-a SCHOOLS. TORONTO “will â€lli.‘:‘\. (d‘l'llhl ll lSllH‘N" (‘Ul it‘gi‘. \.-l..;«‘ |\ (N‘: l':ilil xix. ‘liil'ullli W H bHAW. Principal “. _.â€". .â€"â€"..â€" TllE LINDSAY MARKETS llri-ukfiiri' llucoii. L‘Itc. l‘l picce or : alt. Slit‘i‘il . lit‘t‘. Cubic, Si In 3!} per i‘\\ t. i l‘iii -, ' . 2%., ‘JS in ‘..".'c. I lurid, pcz‘ luvlsri.. 43c. I kwciuuical. 45c. liilsll. ‘ 1il‘.lll ch. $1.1". I i‘ “il.’c< roll. lli‘f‘ iii).\, “'0. l, i". . "l‘n. 2 for LET-c. i l‘lmr :r-x iii-r l§L\i\r't‘ 13 limp, $1 215. (My. . !:~ f-v-g' ill.. L‘v‘i‘ it) Zillc. from: . 1.76. to 30¢. crane 14¢. per in. I [mi-â€us, 18c. lb. ‘ l‘.;;\. :--:‘ (liizi‘n. 22c. I l‘ 032‘. .‘llill‘i'Ollll. $2.70. I ii is, ll'-t‘, $9.73 l 17-61., 12'. ll . ili'l‘.S‘ll 13c. alive. , 'ilit bilorl, 7.36. cin. i lY : ‘ “ i L. l din A ‘l in Ql-i, I (in. ‘in, grc-u, tlc. lo lllc. l inn linox, .mmi. ll'c. m llc 1 ll L“. 1‘“. llt‘. em “if. llv'l‘ lb. 2 ~ v.21. LI l" 3|" ' l.iii 27w ll). l A ll": , -;§)‘ 3010 $1 ill . i l i “02' ll) \~ up: sgi‘ In" (\l «In: l $1 i'.'~. per cot frvlll ‘l r . l 'l. 5. . (liil . ‘u \hul l J'pAc‘ r . l‘ quail. 2..|\ l‘i‘i‘o‘ ‘.i;’_-~. $1 3" lillnli. 1‘0““ \ l". “ ‘35 lill\ll. l‘nl.“ -.. ° : «ml ‘. n“~\ 1;. illil ' 1 x 3'“ : ‘7‘ ‘il ,{llllgs‘l§‘« I’ll. I . . . ' \l .mrr: w wr lu\\. i \i. .i . . lib-'0. 530. li‘:i.h. Straw. $1 "'l to $3.00 5: ill“. \‘ril‘»_ l“\‘, ll‘ L'Ql‘ Spare rLlis. ll‘c. lb. Sago. pcr bunch, 5c. Nioczv. $3.3“ to $4 50 per cwt. Tamra-is. 15c. per lb. Timothy seed. $1.50 to $2 bush. i Turkeys. 171‘. per lb. i 'l‘urnips. $4.13 per ton. I Whom, full, 95:. l Wheat. goose. SOC. bush. Wheat. spring. 80c. bush. I Wool, unwashed. 15 to 16¢. l W“ “rushed ‘23 to 24C. ._____0.._â€"â€"â€" )l .\ RRI Kl). (‘.\ll\'â€"-‘.‘l-I.\R>‘.\l.l..â€".\t the home of Mr. ("uncles t‘ai'v. llotspur. by‘ the lion. E. F. HO'klcy. oi Kin-f mount, on \\'oducsdii_v, July 23rd.‘ 1013. Eva. .lonc l‘carsull to Flinn. cure Llewellyn Sai‘y, both of Gian niol‘gan Township. â€"â€"â€"l.’ 'i‘h: crilcrpr'ifling' sunliuci‘ girl stems are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vit: _ Â¥ou feel vourself a. man an i know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quack: and fakir's rob you of your hard earned dollars. 9‘ NO mm USED WITHOUT WRITTEN cousm THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relateshls expe _ . "I was troubled with Nervous .Debility for many years. 1 in it to indiscretion and excesses in yout dcspondent and didn‘t care whether I imagin‘ ed everybody . who looked at me guessed .~ 0? M m h“ p“ back my head. handsand feet were cold. tired in the morning, goor appetite. fingers were shaky. eyes lurrcd. hagr louse. memory poor. etc. Numbness in the fingers set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many ï¬rst-class 5 j_'_ physicians. wore an electric belt forthree . , -,- months. but receivrd little benefit. I .‘roa n T I 1 W35 indum to consult DE Kennedy I f‘ n to Kennedy. though 1 had lost all faith in doctors. Likeadrowning man I commenced the NEW Mc'rnon Tnunrm and it. saved my lite. The improvement was like magicâ€"I could feel the vigor 220mg through the nerves. I was cured mentallyand physically. lhnve sent them many patients CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VHNS. NERVOUS DEBIUTY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and allDieeuee CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to can write fern Question Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. see us personally all at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat Laboratory for Canadian business only. DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windeor. Ont. . His word~ » liumun hirl‘Illli culled life. . ‘hurdy' settler makes the very :uy- bus stutcmcui on the “NERVOUS DEBILITY ' The Three magmama‘ will OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT mblg‘od p so that m you. ’ it‘infl 'en ' becomes active. the Lnder b h ce the bum the nerves become strong as steel. no that disa‘ ppenr: the eyes become bri ". and the moml. " l wastgh mm the system. rience: Ibecnznev my secret. at night weakened q ‘ s in the AFTER TREATIEN? If you desire to which are for Correspondence and Address all letters as follows: UNINTENTIONAL HUMOR. Breaks That the Audiences Saw Bul ‘ the Speakers Did Lot. Sl‘llli‘llmi): ii public speaker will wry humorous. .‘lllil yci, cniinoi ace; lhc point of his jokc. Ho kinks about him in lllllllu‘llli‘lll :iiid wondcrs whiit H tho mum of :ill lhc uicrruuciii on tho piirt of his :iiidioltcc. llc loci-I :is if Sv‘llli‘lliill; hull bccu tied in his civil liiil. thiit his suvwndcrs hum:- llll} lli\\\‘ll. ill‘ lll\ lli‘i‘lvllt‘ Slivlilt‘lll)‘ golic iiwry. llr hc giiriu cut into lhci Ami of flii‘f‘i to discwru anything out of the l‘f‘illllllf‘)‘. llo .‘u‘lé as would likc (Le platform to \ illupve .‘llhl bury him. 'l‘hc \irilcr he“~ witncssod several rcl‘rcshiag i‘XllllllihN of such briuiks (in the hurt of lllli‘l-ltil‘liilln‘ \‘l‘lll‘lil‘: Al . Toronto (‘lcrizyiuiiln y. daiu who “all“. disl- lo llli‘llil it! anything from thii pulpit that would cz‘ciitc :i *llllli‘. be- ‘ ing vcry Si‘l‘ll‘lb unzidcd :ind tilléli‘l‘t‘. was prcuchur- cc.» Sunday on it thcme - ".‘ which \V‘IS‘Lt‘Sll‘ .iiul door to his llt‘llrt. wcrc lc vciilig men He 2m» lilll‘p‘m‘ :lllil plan in lilo, lilill 9» ‘ bond all tiziixr c:.wr.:::‘< :ind couccn lmtc all tin-2r lull-lit: in the". dircc lion. A rivtr cciild risc no higher than its wurcc. :ll‘.l it was. so with the “Sc! vbul' ' mark hich, young men." he drumzitJ- . cally cxcluimcd. “lor rciucuiber ll ycu ; liim lit milling you are <urc to hit thc mark every lime. and I from bitter cxp~ricncc of what l mu . srcukiru." .\z: audible litter wciit through tho pmw. and it. was not uti- til iizc Now of tho Si‘l'lll"ll that the nouns).- ilviui- \voirdcrcil whiit gave, 'risi- to lilo Etiiul‘ny. whcn it was all ‘zirn iv «mo of the ushers. explained in l':iliul?.:. of Wood- Tllt‘ lulu .\?‘ll:‘i~\\ stuck, it f‘.’"7l.l'l"2li ncwspuimr pub- lishcr l'l 11.. .l'l_\'. and R l“."lllt‘l‘ ro- ‘ i‘rowiimlih- l .nrlh lleord in tho lliiluric l." "~l.i‘;;i‘~ «llll‘lll: the ruglllic iol Mr. lluiuzv. wis ‘pcukinu iu the llilllii' oltc :iztcizi - ~l‘ i‘lt llli‘ Now Ull- lurid policy livaill‘llllli‘lll. the ; \iniulort'u; lime! ‘! in: v‘: vi lhii’ country . ‘ :ind lhc “Iv o: linsrcd lor lls‘ primrcu :ll ll pr ~j “1x llo rclcrrcl ' 9.» {lm \‘.‘l?’l« :l~ \‘i:l~~v‘~ it willol‘. iiud idcclircul ii. .iii ruddy liili‘ whrit‘ “:2, lllnhl um .i' l in r.‘ “‘: ird working. llnlihil‘l‘ll‘ ll"v~r~ «vi Lilo sci]. llicli whw would rcur humm :iiid l:ilii:lic.~. V'l‘hc host vii Obi in lili‘ gnarl "liiirily" ivv‘ . l .‘I iiii‘l' - “\\‘:i:il kind lzl \ \u my?" inquircd :i iricuilwr of tho l‘l‘llil~lllllll. .iiiiid the gcuci‘iil ':iiichlcr. T-r lhc liilc llou .\rlbu:‘ Sluicz- Hardy wits tlicn l’re- lllli‘l‘ ol (liiliirio "l mid gmul ‘heirilv' settlers.†de~ chircll .\lr. l‘ulliillu. not. seeing the point. of the iutcrruptivui. ‘ "What difference does the politics l of tho scillcr make?" the Voice again queried. "l‘tn not talking politics." asserted Mr. l’littullo with some heat. best resident. for that section of the coun- “.What about the Whitney type? Will that class not answer just as well?“ came the cry across the floor. It was not until then that the un- intentional humor dawned upon the speaker. In a certain Presbyterian church ' in Toronto last June the organist and- ohoiruiaster was away on his honey- mOon trip and the congregation en- joyed a hearty laugh the next Sunday morning when the choristers, under the direction of the temporary leader. rendered as an anthem. “0h Sinner Como Bome."â€"Saturduy Night. (‘hurcliill shipbuilding Winston vote no use for lli~ \ming man who was-I to‘duy. {us his time kissing hi‘l‘ hand. mitko a Hidii‘llii‘lll of his \icws lo the Wesleyan confui‘onm, . I . )c l" \“m‘ hr ‘ - Rev. l‘r‘uloxsur lu‘oi‘g'i‘ Jackson may. \ 1‘ til '0 km int 1‘“ d for (an Hill! was advocated at. the convention in Saskatoon. IMPORTANT NOTICE l You we invited to inspect the 1913 improvements on the new election“ Oil Cook Stove and see it in operation, 7 Guaranteed _to:do:the|work or any ordinary range. - ' Cinnamon’s Hardware Store if he I kli or , “The l Will nirtkc a. ‘ "none-net dismounted 'anu went I straight up to Lubin. who did not at all 1 remember him. and the two lackeys : begun to chat with the best under- fstnnding possible. While D'Artagnan i turned the two horses into a lane and E went round the house. coming back 9 to watch the conference from behind 5 a hedge of nut trees. I Soon he heard the noise of a carriage , and speedily saw that of miludy stop I opposite to him. She put her charm I lug fair head out of the window and I gave her orders to her female attend- ' ant. The latter. a pretty girl of about twenty years or age. made her way to ward the terrace upon which D'Arta gnun bad perceived Lubin. D‘Artagnun followed the girl his eyes and saw her go toward the . terrace. one in the bonse culled Lubln. so that l’llincbct remained alone. looking in iill directions for his master. The maid approached with out a little blllet to himâ€" “For your umsler." said she. of consequenceâ€"take it quickly.“ 'l‘hcreupob she ran toward the cur. rliigc. which bud turned round toward the way it Clinic, jumped upon the ‘ stop. and the currliige drove off. l‘lniichct took the billet to D'Artn- gnun. He opened inc letter and rend these words: A person who takes more Interest in . you than sh» is willing to confuse wishes . io know on who! duy It will suit you to walk lo the lurcxl 'l‘oiiiorrow. iii the I lliiicl of â€in Mold oi the Cloth of Gold. Iii Incliov in black and rod wlll wall for I your reply. I “Oh. oh!“ siild D‘Arliigniiii I pciirs tliiii nillmly iiiid l are anxioue i about the Iicullh of the same person i Well. l‘liincbcl. how is the good M. de l Wank-s; iic is no! ill‘i‘d. then?" i “Uh. no. mouvicur. lie is us well no " ii iiiiiii can bc with tour sword wounds I in Ms body." I “Now. l‘lnnclict. Jump upon your ‘ horse and let us ovt‘l‘lilkt‘ the carriage." They soon en‘ci‘li-d this Al the end ‘ of like minutes tuny perceived the can l rliigc drawn up by the roadside. A I ciiviiller. richly dressed. was close to tho couch door The conversation between mllady l and the ciiviilli-r was so unlimited that f li‘.\rt:igiiiiti stoppcd on tho other side . ‘ the prctly llllllll lN‘Ill): aware of his presence 5 The (oiiversnilon took place in Eng- ' lisb. u liiiigulige which D‘Arliigniin ~ could not uudcrstiind. but by the ac- : cent the young man plainly saw that ‘ the beautiful ii grout rage. The cuviilicr broke into i ii loud laugh. which appeared to exas- 1 penile miliidy still more. I D‘Artiignnu thought this was the 5 moment to interfere. I “Mudii me.“ said he. "will you permit _ me to oil‘cr you my services?" ‘ I At the first word millidy turned I round. looking at the young man with {astonishmenc and when he bud lin- ; lshed: I “Monsieur." said she in very good Ili‘rcucb. “i should with great conti- , deuce plaice uiysclf under your protec- I lion if the person with whom i quar- I rel were not my brother." "All. cscuse inc. thou!" said D‘Arta- “Kllllll. “You must bc aware that l was ignoriiut of that. uiiidziinel" "What is that siiipld fellow troubling himself about?“ cricd the caviiller. “Stupid fellow yourself!†said D'Ar- _ human. I The carriage went on. The cavalier made ii movement as if to follow. but D'Artuguun. whose anger. already ex- cited. was much increased by recog- ulzlug in him the Eugllsbmau of Amlens who had won his horse and was very near wlunlug hls diamond Iof Atbos. caught at tile brldle and I stopped him. “Well. monsleur.†said be. “we will see if you can handle a sword all skillfully as you can a dice box." “Where?“ “Behind o'clock.†“That will do. 1 will be there.†“Apropos you have probably one or two friends?" “Humphl l have. three who would be honored by Joining In the eport with me." the Luxembourg at 6 “Three! That'e fortunate. That falls out oddly. Three In Just my number." I “Now. then. who are you?†asked , the Engllsbman. “1 an M. d‘Artaxnau. a Queen gen. demo eervlng in the guard: in the company of M. Deeeeesart. And you?†"l on the lord de Winter. baron of Shemeld.†I Later D’Artaxuen employed bun-elf : in arranging a little plan of which we shall hereafter eee the execution and which promised blm come agreeable adventure. The hour being come. D'Artngnen and the three guardamen. with their four Iackeye. repulred to a cool: behind the Luxembourg. The lackeye were charged to act as eeutlnele. The Englishmen were all men of rank. Consequently the extraordinary names of their advemrlee were for them not only a matter of surprise. out or uneasiness “But. after all tats.†said bond de Winter when the tun-e friendl- bad 'WNI untried. “we do not know who you lire. An gentlemen we cannot light with such " _ Roderick Tubb. Wellington-st, 'Ib- ronto. fainted as he stepped from 9. street our and died on the way to But it happened that some. i I l l l I Plnncbet. _ I whom she took for Lubin. and holding .7 l l | l l l “It is t “It an I \ . . strongly udviscd tlicui to have ii dcli- : of lbc cilrrliigc willioui anyone but- Englisbwouuin was in- Illc â€I. Children Ory_ ron rtflcntli's CA-STORIA “You gambled very willingly with in without knowing our real names.†eald Athoe ' ’l'hat is true. but we ï¬ght with our equals only.“ “And that Is but just.†said Atboe. I and he look aside that one of the four Englishmen with whom he was to tight and communicated his name in e 10w voice l'urthos and Aramls dld the same. “You would have acted much more my 11' you ï¬nd not required me to make mysélf known.†said Athos. “Why so?" I “Because I am believed to be dead and have reason for wishing nobody should know ' am living. so that 1 shall be obliged to kill you to prevent my secret getting wind." . The Englishman looked at Atbos. be “ lleving that be was joking. but Athos was not joking the least in the world. â€Gentlemen." said Atbos. addressing at the same timehis companions and their adversaries. "guard!" And immediately elgkl swords glit- tered in the rays of the setting sun. v and method as if be had been practic- l ing in a school. I Portlios. corrected. no doubt. of bis ‘ too great conï¬dence by his adventure I of Chantilly. played with prudence. _ [ Aramis. who had the lblrd canto of i a poem to ï¬nish. made all the dispatch l of a mun very much pressed for time. I Atbos. the ï¬rst. killed his adversary. l foretold. that hit was an mortal one. l Porthos. the second. stretched his I upon the grass with a wound through out making any furthcr resistance. him to his ciirrlligc. Arunils pushed up: so vigorously that after going back filly paces he finished by fiilrly taking to his heels and disap- pmircd amid the booting of the luck- ! eys. ' As to D‘Artiigniin. he fought purely I and simply on the defensive. and when lbe saw his adversary pretty well fit- I tlgucd. with ii vigorous side thrust be ' twisted the sword from his grasp and i sent it glillcrlug into the air. "i could kill you. mllord.“ said he to g the Eiigllsliiiiiui “You are completely 3 iit my iucrcy. but l spare your life for the suite of your slstcr." D‘Artiigiiiiu \viis ii! the lielgbt of Joy. I Be liiid rciillzcd the plan whlcu be bud funcicu. the dcvclopmeut of which liiid produced smiles upon his face. . 'l‘lio Englishman. delighted at bar- luig to do with ii gentleman of such a I kind disposition. pf‘t'aat‘ll D‘Arliiguun i in his arms and paid a thousand com- l l ins Porthos' adversary was already in stalled in the carriage and as Anubis :bud run away. thcy mid nothing to ,tlilnk about but llic defunct. lie was fiiikcn away by his friend. 1 "My young frlcud. if you will permit ;me. i hope to give you llmt mime." lsuid Lord de Winter; "on (his ' evening. if :igrcciiblc to you. I will pl‘eh scnl you in my sxsler. Lady tfliil'ik: E for 1 all) desirous that slic should [like I you lnlo no: good griicca. nut] :is she is l not in luiil odor iii court. she may per~ : maps on some future d:i_v speak ii \vord l thril “'lll not provc usclcss to you‘ ll .\ri:igii:iii uluslicil with pleasure. i'llld bowcd :i Sign ol assent. Lord dc Winicr. mi quilting D‘Ar i l , lugiiiin l l Shi- livcil in No I: How Roynlc. thou the fuslilonulilc qlllll‘lt‘r. null undertook ' to cull iiiid mliv him with him in order lio introduce him ll'Arliignnn appoint- Iml H o‘clock :ii .\llli\.\" rcsldcncu, | This introduction to Lady Cliirik oc- l cupicll llic iii-:ul of our lill‘l‘fln greatly reiiicnibcrcd lu “in†:i strange niiiniior llll< womiiix hilll liillinrlo been iulXcd up In his dcsliuy According to i l l “I could kill you. winced." his conviction. ebe wee eolne creature of the cardinal'e. and yet be felt bim- eelf luvlnclbly drawn toward her by oneof tboee sentiment: for which we cannot account. Hie only four m that nailed: would recognize ln'blm tbemnofueungendof Dover. Then Ibo knew that be was one of the friends of u. do Trevllle. end. conne- quently. that be belonged body and eoul to the king. which would make Mmloeeapanothlaadvnnnmm whenknewntomlladyubeknew babenlayedonlyeneqnalnmewltb her. Aetotbecomneneelnentefan mm between bet and I. do Wammmmmnve mmmnmmm Indhkblntbeeuulml‘etnvor. Athos fenced with us miich calmness ' a He hit him but once; but. us he had . his thigh. and as the Englishman. wltb- - ‘tlicu surrendered his sword. Porthos. took him up in his arms and carried ‘ 'plluiems to the three Uluslit'li “rs. and . \. 0?? l gave him hi.~~ sislcr's :idilrcss. ‘ I HMWoulllSeellllBone. TEE WATCHMAN-yWARDEB, LINDSAY, ohmmo. Mllady Clarlk received D'Anmruun eremonloualy. Ber house was re inerkably sumptuous. end wblle the meet part of the English bad quilted at were about to quit France on ac «rout .of the vm. mlludy bad inst been laying our much aloney upon or: residence. which proved that the gen- eral measure which drove the English from France did not afl'ect her. “You see." said Lord the Winter. pre venting D'Artagniin to his sister. "a young gentleman who has spared my life. Thank him then. madame. if you i neve any affection for me." Sillady frowned slightly. in scarcely visible cloud passed over her brow, and so peculiar a smile appeared upon her lips that the young man who saw and observed this triple shade almost shudder-ed at it. The brother did not perceive this: be I had turned round to phi}~ with mllady's I favorite monkey. which had pulled him I by the doublet I “You are welcome. monsleur." said ; mllndy in a voice whose singular sweet- I ness contrasted with the symptoms of i ill humor which D'Artagnnn bad just I remarked “You have today acquired eternal rights to my gratitude." Lord de Wlnter went to a table upon which was a salver with Spanish wine and glasses. He filled two and by a i sign invited D‘Artagnnn to drink D’Artnguun knew it was considered Idisobllging by an Englishman to re- ll‘use to pledge lilm. therefore drew I near to the (able and took the second 1 glass. He did not. however. lose sight I of mlludy. and in u mirror perceived I the change that look place in her face. , Now that she believed herself to be I no longer observed. a sentiment which resembled fi-roclty animated her coun- I lcnunce She bit ber handkerchief l with all our might. I That pretty little muld whom D‘Ar- s ingniin llzld already observed then lciiuie in; she spoke some words to a Lord de Winter In English. and be im- I niedliiicly requested D‘Arnigniiu's per- l mission to retire. cxcuslng himself on [ account of the urgency of the business l tliiit culled him away andclmrgcd his sister to obtain his pardon. D'Ariiignuu exchanged a shake of the build with Lord dc Winter and i then returned to mlliidy. llcr coun- : tciiiiucc. with surprising mobility. bud l recovered its gracious expression. but : some little red spots upon her band- kcrcliicf ludlciiled that she bird bitten bcr llps till the blood came. The conversation took a cheerful turn. Mlludy told D‘Artiigniin that Lord de Winter was her brotbcolu- law and not her brother; she had uiiir- rled a younger brother of the liimlly who mid left her a widow with one child This child was the only helr to Lord de Winter if Lord the Winter did not marry in uddmou to this. after half an hour‘s conversation. D'Artagnun was convinced that mllady was his com‘ ? patriot: she spoke French with an ele- . gum-e iiiid ii purity that left no doubt on {but bend. D‘Ariuguuu was profuse ln gallant vpeecbes and protestations ol devoted- 'l‘o all the Simple things which I (less. lesi-aped our Griscou. uilliidy replied 'wlth a smile of kindness. The hour l for retiring arrived. U'Artiigimu look i leave of uiilady and lefl the salon the i happiest of men. : Upon the stains he [not Kitty. the ' pretty maid. who bruslicd against him Ins she passed. and then. blushing to l the eyes. asked his pardon for having l touched him. in a voice so swm-t and IWllll so kind on exprcssiou that the I pardon was granted instantly. ' D‘Artiigniin crimc again on the mor- ; row and was still better received than {on the day before. Lord dc Winter l was not tit home. Mllutly asked D'Ar- l tugnnu whence he came. who were his Ifriends nnd whelheube had not at [some times thought of attaching bim- l self to bl. lc CnrdiunL I D‘Artngnan. who. :is we have said. I was cxcccdlngly prudent for a young susplclons regiirdliig mllndy. [1e launched into a eulogy of his emi- ucncc and said that he should not have failed to enter into the guard of the cardinal instead of the king's guards glf he had happcncd to know 51. de ' Cnvols instead of M. de 'l‘reville. I Mlliidy chiiiigcd the conversation ‘ without any appearance of iiffectiirlon Iand asked D'Artiigniiu in the most l careless manner powlble. if be had ever been in England D‘Artagnan replied that be had been sent thither by M. de 'lrevllle to treat for a number of horses and that he had brought back four as specimens Milady. in the couree of her conver- sation twice or thrice hit her lips. She had to deal with a Gascon who played close. CHAPTER XXV. A Lawyer. Dinner. OWEVER brilliant had been the part played by Porthoe in the duel. it had not made him forget the dinner with the lawyer'e wife. On the marrow be, received the Int 1 Vllllllll Fillil and Fall um Wherever Slit Was. Mas. Dunn. Dxmuv. Mineral. N.B., wï¬tecz-"l take great pleasure in ex- pressing myself for the benefit I have obtained from your wonderful medicine, Mununu’s Hurt mo Nnvn PILLS, i had been J. suncter for over live years, and took doctors medicine of every. kind. lwouldfaintandfallwhenverlwes, md my heart would seem all gone. 1 medvisedbysomeoimyfriendsto try your Han-r m Nave Plus. I niyusedthreeboues.andlananyl meompktelyuired. "Mum’anmrmnxnvnl’nu tre‘nepeciï¬c’forallrundownnengm rm, whether tumbled with that iw who was doubly in “'0' “‘5 fortune. Homebouttoeeelnmlltyaceb tam coder. of which be bad twenty itlmel beheld the lmueln hisdreeme. "Audyetartbeverydoorthemue- l Immas l l l l l l l l l i l l i i l l i i l keteer began to entertain some doubts. The approach was not such as to pre- poeaeas people An ill smelling. dark talnceee half lighted. Porthoe knocked with his ï¬nger. A tall. pale clerk. with a face shaded by a forest of uncllpped hair. opened the door and bowed with the air of a man forced to respect in another lofty stat- ure. which indicated strength. the null- ltary dress. which indicated rank. and a ruddy countenance. which indicated being accustomed to good living. Another shorter clerk behind the first. another taller clerk behind the second. another strlpling of twelve rears old behind the tblrd. In all three clerks and a mm, which for the tune argued a Very extensive ClanL'y. Although the muskctecr was not ex pected before I o'ctock. his mistress and been upon the watch ever since 12. ra'komng that the heart. or per baps the stomach of her lover would bring him before his time. “it is my cousin!" cried she. in!" The master of the house had without doubt been warned of his visit. as be expressed no surprise at the sight of l’orthos. who advanced toward him with a sufï¬ciently familiar air and se- luted blm courteously. “Come "We are cousins. it appears. M. For ‘ than?" said be. rising by supporting his weight upon the arms of his cane - chair. The old man. enveloped in a large black doublet. in which the whole of his slender body was concealed. wul brisk and dry. His little gray eyes Iboiic like carbuuclcs and appeared. with his grinning mouth. to be the only E part of his fiicc In which life survived. Unfortunately tbc legs begun to refuse ifllt'll‘ service to this bony machine l Durliig the last five or six months that bud near-Ly become the slave of his I this weakness had been felt the worthy I nation. that was all. Master Coque- l hard. arm upon ills legs. would have l l l l i l man of twenty. then remembered his ' l l l I I declined all relationship with M. For thus. “Yes. monsleur. we are causing†said Portbos without bclng disconcerlcd. an be had never reckoned up0u being re- ceived enthusiastically by the husband. The hour of dinner soon arrived. They passed into the eating room. a large dark apartment situated opposite to the kitchen The clerks. who. as it appeared. and smelled unusual perfumes in the house. were of military punctuality and stood with their stools in their hands. quite ready to sit down ’l‘belr jaWs moved prellmlniirily with fearful threaten- tngu bl. Coqucnard entered. pushed along upon his chair with castors by Mme. Coqucnnrd. whom Portbos assisted in rolling her husband up to the table. He had scarcely entered when he be- gun to agitate his nose and his jaw. after the example of his clerks. “Oh. on!" said be. “Here is a potage which is rather luvlrlng!" “What can thcv smell so extraordi- nary in this pouigc?" said Portlios at the sight of a pale bouillon. abundant. but perfectly tree from meat. and upon the surface of which a few crusts swam about as wide apart as the is- lunds of un archipelago. Muster Coqueuard was served ï¬rst. then Pot-thus; afterward Mme. Coque- nnrd filled her own plate nud’dlstrlbut- cd the crusts without bouillon to the . impatient clerks. After the potzigc the maid brought in u boiled fowl. fl piece at niiiguln- ‘ the eyes of me manner ccnce which caused usual guests to dilute in .-i that threatened injury lo them. "Oil“ may sce that you love your family. Mine. Cuqucnzird.†sflld her husband. with ii smile that was almost tragic “You arc ccriiiiuly treating your cousin very handsomely." The poor fowl was thin and covered with our of those thick bristly skins through \\'llll'll lllw ll‘t‘lll cuuuot peue trrilc will) all flit-ll efforts “Well." thought l‘oi‘tlios. "this is poor work? I respcci old age. but I don‘t think much of it billlPd or nuisfl‘d “ Mine (‘oqucimrd drew the dish to- ward her. skillfully detucbal me two great black feet. which she placed upon her husband‘s plate: cut on the neck. which with the bead she put on one side for herself: rinsed the wing for l'orthus and then returned to the serv- lint who had brought it in the animal. otherwise intact and which had disap- peurcd before the miisketeer bad bad time to examine the variations which dlsuppolntment produces upon facee according to the ,cbarzictera and ten. peraments of those who experience it. In the place of the fowl a dish of barlcot beans made its appearanceâ€"an enormous dish. in which some house of mutton which at first eight might have been supposed to have come meet on them. pretended to chew them- eelvee. Mme. Coquenard distributed thin disk to the young men with the mod- erauonpf a good boueem _ -_ -W The Mexican emissary at Washing- ton expressed indignation at action of United States. The Province will assist the city of Toronto in stamping out the baby- farm trade. Two fires in London did serious damage to business institutions. 0 __. -- ____..___. ___.____.__ . .. _ '1‘HURLDAY' .JULY 313i, 1913 Regularity\‘ of the bowel: is an absolute city for good health. Unusual: waste matter from the {nod Wli' collects there is got rid of at 1 once a day. it decays and mucus“; whole body. causm bilimsncss indi. gestion and melt ieadaches. '5“ end other harsh mineral purgatj “ irritate the delicate lining of Va: bowels. Dr. lilorsc's 1.21ij R Pillsâ€"entirely vcgcmbl.- m. “"1112“ the bowels cï¬'ectively ~.~. izhoutivq: enmg' .sickening or griping. Us: Dr. Morse's e Indian Root Pin. \ acne tune ror taking wlne was com; Master Coquenard poured from a v small stone bottle the third or a m: I to each of the young men. sewed Illin- ] self in about the same prawn-m and I passed the bottle to Fortune and “the . Coquenard. I The young men filled up met, third 1 of a glass with water: liven Whon the had drunk but! the ,‘.“'.‘ls< in... ï¬ned; l up again and continual lo .1†so. which i brought them by the end n; We repaa I to the swallowing of :l drink “melt ' from the color of the ruby. bad Passed to that of a pale topaz, .Porthos are his Fin: of the 120'} very tlmldly He him; 4...“; ban ‘ glass of this sparingly sen m; Wine and i found it to be Within: {an Hm born. I ble Montreuil. the terror 0: a“ Me i ticed palates. I Master Coquenard so. w HIP. swanâ€, Iing this wine undiluzvu and 51““ ~ deeply. I “Will you eat any c.‘ 13â€.... Ml". Cousin Par-inns?" (‘0un nard in that tone “’lflt’": \;.lԤl My“. my advice: don't touch llJ-‘lh'. “Thank you. my door (own. l in" no more appetite." Suil Hpâ€- A general silence prcvniiv-d pol-m. was quite at it lo“ 1?... pm.qu repeated several mum “Ah. Mme (‘oiiummril 3‘09â€! my compliments. Your (l‘nh-r has been real feast. Lord. how I linu- nurtur- Porihos fancied they w-.-,â€".. mmâ€. lug him and lwgiln in "a“ his mu. tacbe and knll his Q’\1‘i7‘--\\l M)! m. knee of Mme Coqucn-irn‘ came and gently advised him to lu- l uni-m. This silence and lhl~ 2' Ya-l'l‘l:pfl(m in serving. which were umuiezugmi. u, I'Oflhos. bad. on lite col" : ',‘- r. ll‘l'fl- ble meaning for lb.- cur.» rm“ ‘ lOOk from [llt‘ filli'l‘lli‘} .'it'.~l;:-:u..fl by a smile from limo.- rump-,nmwi llley arose slowly from 12.1- z.. lull-d their biipkius more tin-w) >3... pond and retired "00. young men. Go til.†promise}. costiou by working." mu: llmll Kimble! griivclv Master COQUPllllrd. min i‘. .A luxuries of such it rcpast. felt rim \\;;il'. on sir-Stu the w as not >i-Il‘i'l1i z; . lirv’al close to his chest. ul“‘12 v clan- of which. for still greater pxccuuibu. n. placed his fool ills Wife took l'oriliux i:'-~ an ad- joining chamber. and ling- Lvr-gub to lay (bo- [RIMS of M'OUi‘lilU'Lu '. "You can come and dim z: l'cc um a work." said Mine. L‘Ul,‘l;"....‘_£ “Thanks. madame." ~..:~; “but I dou'l like to :ibuw . cor lindâ€" ncss icsides. l lllll‘l lLiifllv u: (in: cqulpun-ut." “That‘s true." sold >‘:c groaningâ€" “tliiit unfortuniiie cumin: “Alas. yes." said l'orii, ~ "3 ls so?†" ‘illl bow lliUl'llv llioz._ 1" w crimp men! of your corps .~...<l ‘ 7-: «3" "Oil." said l‘ul‘llilix. “i: .’ \‘ Li? «X- ceed 2.50“ livl'c.‘ l cxi-t . hull. .wlth economy, I could l;.:..;- gi' ll mm 2.000 livrcs.“ 1‘6 0? Cunning.“ l i I 'lltii‘lllii: - .‘l:\\ Hull :1 k .‘ :i";'<5v'lv.i “min: 7“ :-_ in â€"..--â€"â€"-~ _.__-,_ , ï¬n"..â€" ‘ a r ._m ' i ' “i; \‘iJ I ' . - ‘ fl, .\0 ' '. ;j 3 m... I I. :‘«-‘;..1'.\i. ‘ Dr. Chase's Oinrmciu s‘ i ' a '. ME land as certainly cim- :' - . v: 1‘: I dealers. or 1‘;dllltllll~l)li.>lnii~ \ . .. ‘ 30‘ . Tomato. Sample box ll’w' n, ~ '1 _. - I “v mu eucloee 20. ah: i . «~- M Dr. Neelands, Dentist Successfully prat‘tlsilg a: the 0m tend Over Spratt 8: Killer 5 Store Consultation Free. Tumble ‘10! -/ I Marble and Granite-i MONUMENTS 93m old timfl bend new tool! Still doing business in the old stud but not in the same "ad'- We advance With the end are in a position 1 ~ d) work than ever. New ~lr‘fld’nï¬â€™. granites, new and itnj'r and methods, in fact. ' N...“ ', {an} to-dute Marble and our ‘ ' ntarzu. “"3 in this part of O ,.... belofl (l"“lr-‘» prices and see our purchasing. Shop and show "’03“ l: and 1:! Cembridse‘et.. immediatci; 807â€â€œ ï¬reball. _ [flyJMarble Works R. CHAMBERS. Prop BEFORE YOU BUY NEW gpgjj .Let m 9“ 7° 1" 01d 0308. an o'd boot that is properly â€Wired i utter than new ones. You b have Nbbor soles on leather boots and leather c01’s f' “550* hm w. excel in repairing all kinds of rubber goon». WP“ nth Mien end gents boots to measure. Specml at" tention given to eons, bunions, etc. I no We give special attention to repairing. ll ‘v’Ou wait Repairing while St? eet 5-: 2222’ mm F.â€" SECTION TWO Sum 03mg i“ \ chin"? ' " piazn‘ l' ‘ ‘ Whi‘l'l- at l - ' Father Mi Attal' BoilW-‘illu J .. . .1 fray occurrI-ti '. ' , l which. fi‘):'l'::l.i' .. “l a nature that ‘. l.' i (ï¬lialikl. 'l ni- . ' 1 ton Storms .,::. ~ - l licr father, Mr: - .I it smears .' ii any prmocni'. ; - in his dalzg'lilo‘r w - “Sing ‘ll‘u: Sill-'1 . 15' mad" thw- fer, iziliiclirii: ' .:l on her ne. K :lfu. :l portmn of in: 4 {er wound, 'E1ii£;' :11 than tn.» o'l..-i~ -~ 1 20:038. uni .v . i i will be: m .1 ~ Hanna. \i}:‘ I ' Y for some {Jaw l l l his daL‘Jll'i“ .J' ‘ J Toronto, .::.t-. ‘w‘ Allan ‘iay'llv'n~ ».- ~q two little gm†-~ .- w woman ri-img :r‘ 8". was one ii" ' 'l Perpetratwi m \ lice ha“: bneil i;:..: ‘ Name of cum-r dUCLOr. 1‘lw _ M-.. 'l‘l‘ \ . »t- I Tenders will i.- l 14"“ day of \ ~. Wrchase of $3.; '3... .v ' 19y Debt-album“ g,.._.. , -‘â€"__ Re Rania of “linear! by Dept. Milt S \l Iron Greg.- Rum: .\l ’m' 3- “Kill “'«‘._'l'. .: u sinBileck blood twi‘wl. Se and doubly, Maison... F‘s-rm nee: i'laarzz I GOVemtnent do: 102‘ .m ï¬ght acres cit-arm. 'u l WAN’l‘lil) Boss. 12â€"16 winks, \- pm for rent with acres. were.