the eRecent Purchasesâ€"Worth Your Glance Over Them, élMid-Summer Days Sale 331 H a“ V112 te Piques in many different cords. We. bundle them three groups, and they are yours to clear at 20c., 16c and 1c “Ibex Challies, new in coloring and design, goods that sold at sand IOC we oï¬er them for Go and 50 pieces 1'01er Salisbury Flannelettes, in Plain and Fancy Colorings, , formerly 12¢ per yard. they now go lor 8c. lgreat drive in Muslins, some of those nice open designs and Flowered effects, goods 15c. to 20c., to clear for 10¢. Ldsome Cotton Grenadines for Blouses and Dresses, in Dark wing secured a Iot.of those beautiful 3 5 inch Prints from a large manut‘actory, Wthh we are able to oï¬'er at 8c and 10c, about half price, while they last they are yours at these prices. 13, Prints at prices to clear. lutiful Dress Duck in 8 different patterns, regular ~13C kind, in White and Blue, White and Pink, Fancies, Polka Dot and Block Etiects, handsome suits, they now go at 9c. II patterns at 9c. 2t ICC see, Parasols and Summer Vests at Clearing Lees; Ends Carpets, Ends Prints, Ginghams and Cottons at Reduced Prices. :1" E WATQEMAWAR DER goods are well worth seeing. patterns for Wrappers, formerly rec. a yard, your choice of CLEARING OUT OF OUR n’s am! Buys’ Shaw and Linen Hats AT GREAT REDL'CTIONS. MDSAY’S LEADING r.“ V . 3:? has seen _to keep AI goods that woul_d win fog us a good reputation. in†CZ: om: name heath, and we have an Interest m servmg you well, for we {yr r 30m mr twenity years hence, the same as now. ' shes are lowest 1:: town and we guarantee satisfaction. ipcd Coiorings, goods that formerly sold at 20c. to clear out BOY’S WESEWPIPE cu A JOB IN WHAPPEHETTES. . W. MCGAFFEY JEWELERS S WATCHES "Watches" PIQ UE S. ST. Ev. TOROV’ 1'0 um l0m24rmgm2.m <<>401mm IOOPU «Spermâ€"u : mF<mm <<>401mW [2â€"OXFM <<>4OImm H annulusâ€- Agent for - - Adam Block ' Kent Sweet. MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at Lowest Rates. Notes Discounted. BRETTON BROS. Money and Insurance. The Imperial Life Assurance . Company of Canada. The Scottish Union and Nation- al (Fire) The Union Assurance Society of London (Fire. ) All exceptionally strong Com- panics. OPTICIANS U I .v to TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay intend to pass a By-law providing for the construction of a sanitary sewer and cellar drain on Cambridge Street from Kent Street to Bond Street, on Wellington Street from Cambridge Street to William Street and on William Street from Bond Street to Wellington Street, and to assess the ï¬nal cost thereof upon the property abutting thereon and to be beneï¬tted thereby, and upon all the Real property fronting or abutting 0n the following streets, that is to sayzâ€"On Kent Street, north side, from York Street to Adelaide Street. On Kent Street, South side, from William Street to Adelaide Street. On Cambridge Street, from Kent Street to Durham Street. On Russell Street, from William Street to Albert Street. On Glenelg Street, from Cambridge to Albert Street. On Durham Street from William Street to Albert Street. On Peel Street, from William Street to Albert Street. On Wellington Street, from Cambridge Street to Adelaide Street. On Victoria Avenue, from Durham Street to \Nellington Street. On Sussex Street, from Wellington Street to Durham Street. On Albert Street, from Russel Street to Dur- ham Street On Adelaide Street, from Kent Street to half way between Bond Street and Colborne Street. On Mel. bourne Street, from Cambridge Street to Albert Street, and to be benefitted thereby by reason of the said sewer and drain being constructed of a larger capacity than that required {or the efï¬cient sewerage and drainage of the real property fronting or abutting on said streets whereon the same is to be constructed, so as to afford an outlet for the sewerage and drainage of the said other property ; and that a statement show- ing the lands liable to pay the said assess- ment and the names of the owners thereof so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised assessment roll is now ï¬led in the office of the Clerk of the Municipali- ity and is open for inspection during,r ofï¬ce hours. The estimated cost of the work is $6,580 of which $2.960 .is to be assessed against the property abutting on said streets where the sewers and drains are to be con- structed, and $3,180 to be assessed against the other real property for the beneï¬t of which the sewer and cellar drain is to be constructed of a larger capacrty and $440 is to be provided out of the general funds of the Municipality. A Court of Revision will be held on Monday. September nth, 1899, at the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay at 10 o’clock am. for the conï¬rma. tion of the said assessments, and for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or accuracy of frontage measurements . or any other complaints which persons interested in may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the court. . F. Know-mom, Lindsay. Ant. 25th. 1899. Town Clerk. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE.â€" A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING FARM FOR SALE.â€"â€"In the Towmhip ot Cartwright, County of Durham, situate near Burketon, in a ï¬ne settlement. Land is nearly all under cultivation ; balance well timbered; watered by creek and well. Good 1% storev dwelling, 8 rooms; barn 75 x 26; stable 42 x 24; all in good condition. This is a beautiful farm, and will be sold at a very reasonable price, and on easy terms of payment. For full particulars apply to J. E MCELDERRY, Guelph, Ont.-â€"32~8. FéRM TO RENT.-South Half Lot FARM FOR SALE.â€"-â€"$1800 will pur- chase a farm of 100 acres, in a good locality in Mariposa. about 3 miles from Oskwood. About 40 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. A reasonable portion of the purchase money can remain on mortgage at the usual rate of interest. For particulars apply to JOHN F. CUNNINGS, Oakwood. â€"34‘3- FOUND. STRAYED FOUND.-â€"Near the sandpits on Saturday morning, a pair of trousers. Owner can have same by applying at this ofï¬:e and paying for this advt.â€"35-3. FOR SALE.â€"Brick house, with one acre of land; good stable; young bearing orchard; good water; location central. Apply to C. CHITTICK, Lindsay. â€"3I-3mos. ' WAN TED.- Good general servant) Apply to Mrs. Thos. Armstrong, Colbome-st.â€" FOR SALE.â€"Knitting Machine, new, $I2 cash. Apply at this oï¬ice.-â€"â€"34-2pd. FOSTER, Brunswick P.O.â€"3I 6. of the shareholders of the Lindsay Water- works Company will be held at the Ofï¬te of G. 11. Hopkins, E:q., in the Town of Lindsay, on Wednesday, 13th September, 1899, at 2 p m., for the purpose of conï¬rm- ing By-law No. 5 of the said Company PaS:€'d by the Directors on 24'h August, 1899. and Mt the transaction ot any busi ness which might be transamed at a General Annual Meeting. M. YOUNG, Dated 25th Aug , 1899. Secretary. The undersigned otters for sale this farm property: Lot 19, on the 10th Concession of Manvers, 170 acres of which is cleared and the remainder good hardwood hush. There are on the premises frame house, 24 x 36, kitchen, 18 x 22,; woodshed, 20 x 30; one barn, 30 x 74; one barn 24 x 60: stable, 20 x 30, room for ten horses There are two orchards on the place ; it is well water- ed. Convenient to church, school and post ofï¬ce, and about one mile from cheese fac- tory. For further particulars apply to W. H. TIMMS, Liï¬'ord P.O , or GEORGE Con. 10, Ops, containing 100 acres, all cleared and in good state 'of cultivation. On the premises are two good frame barns wit'n underbu ldings, and one 102 barn; also cornfortable frame dwelling. The farm is 2}; miles 80th of Reaboro, and 3 miles West of Omemee; convenient to school, church and post «like. For further particu- lars apply to DR. A. NUGENT, Reaboro. '0UND.-â€"Near the railway crossing on Lindsay-5L, town, on Friday evening, 'a new style hub of buggy wheel. Owner can have same by applying at this oï¬ice and paying for this advt.-â€"35. TRAYED.â€"Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 4. Fenelon, on or about August 7th, an Aged Bay Mare. Owner is requested to provepro- petty, pay expenses and take the animal away. WILLIAM MOYN ES F enelon Falls. â€" 34-3. gï¬c‘n gibbtrtissmcnts. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3m, EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CRE- DITORS.â€"â€"Pursuant to the Revised Sta- tatcs ot Ontario. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of William Bonny, late of the Township of Fenelon, in the County of Victoria, tarmer, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day ofJuly. A.D. 1899, are required on or'be‘nre the 5th Day of Sep- tember, A.D. I899, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs. McSweyn Anderson. Lindsay P O , Solicitors for Richard Cliff Webster and Taylor Parkin, executors of the estate of the said William Bonny, their Christian and surnames, addressses and occupations, full particulars ofthei: claims, and the nature- 0! the security (rf am) held by them. The said executors shall, after the said 5 h day of September, A D. 1899, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased. or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such executors have not had notice at the time of such distribu- tion. McSWEYN ANDERSON, of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, solicitors .fnr Richard Cliff Webster and Taylor Parkin. Dated at pindsay the 8th day of Argust, A.D. 1899â€"32-4. THE HIGHEST PRICE EVER PAID FOR AUGUST, 1114c. Another Record-Breaking Sale. The phenomenal advance in cheese is tickling the farmers and cheese-makers of Victoria. county away down to their toes, and the wisdom of establishing a local board has been fully demonstrated. High prices must prove the very best stimulus to the great Qairy industry of this province and will result in improved equipment and greater care being taken to retain the ï¬rm VICTORIA COUNTY CHEESE The Watchmanâ€"Wade! EXECUTO.:<.S’ NOTICE TO ORE- THURSDAY, AUGUST 3151;. 1899 FARM FOR SALE OR 'ICRENT FéRM FOR SALE OR TO RENT FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 12, Con FOR SALE FARMERSâ€"Have you property to rent or sell? Do you want to sell or exchange stock? The cheapest. simplest and easiest way to bring it befone the public is to put a small advt. in the Watchman-Warden It will be read everyWhere in this section. Circulation 5,000. Read by at least 15,000 people every week. FARM F OR SALE.â€"â€"Ioo acles, 70 clear- ed; well fenced and watered; new house and ~ barn. Five miles from Kinmount village. Terms liberal. Apply to JOHN McGEE, Let 69 CO". 1}. lOWflShiD Galuav, Kin- DITORS -â€" Pursuant to the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario, 1897. Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of David Eagleson, late of tie Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 6 b day of August, A D. 1899, are required on or before the 20th Day of September, A D. l899, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs. McSweyn 8.: Anderson, Lindsay P. 0., Solicitors {or John More and David Eaglesoo, executors of the estate of the said David Eagle-Soc, their Christian and surnames, addresses and occupations, full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. The said executors shall, after the said 20th day Septembecer, A.D. 1899. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such executors have not had notice at the time of such distribution. LItSWEYN 8; ANDERSON, of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria. Solicitors “I said Executors. Dated at Lindsay, the 152h day of August, A D. 1899. -â€"33-.4. â€"One hundred acres. more or less, being the East Half of Lot 2, Con. 9. Fenelon. On the place are a brick house with frame kitchen and 80 x 28 barn with stone cellar underneath; also a 30 x 60 barn, driving shed and oztier outbuildings, all in good repair. There are two good welle, some fruit trees and good fences. All the land i.~ clearerJ Will) the exception of about 10 acres of bush. It is about 6 miles from Lindsay, 2 miles from a cheese lactory and close to schoril. This is a very desirable property and will be sold or rented at a reasonable ï¬gure. For particulars apply to W. R. ROBERTSON, on the premises.-34~3pd. Being’ the north hall 0! lot T, can. 1, in the township of Emily. containing 135 aeres more or less. Seventy acres are under cultivation, and the balance is good pasture. ten acres is bush, principally hard wood. A good young orchard, a flowing spring and a good well are on the place. It is three miles and a half from Omemee and on the leadirg road to Lindsay. The soil is good clay loam There are good brick house and ï¬rst-class outbuildinqc. For particul- ars apply to MRS. RACHEL ADAMS, Omemee, or on the premi~es.â€"35-3pd. UH. SALE.â€"â€"Pure-bred Hereford Bull. ï¬ve years old; and very quiet. Registered and a. ï¬rst~class stock animal. The only reason for seliing is to evade in-breeding. A capital chance for dairy farmers to improve their herd. For price and full parti’ciiiars apply to JOHN LE WIS, Bob- cayeeon-â€"34-3pd. , 7,,_ V -_- "“u3r~wc 1.1-, uUUn 4, Emily, contsining 142 acres, all cleared except three acres of hardwood bush. 40 acres ready for [all wheat. Situated on leading road, two miles from Omemee. First-class buildir gs; bank barn and stables, frame dwellirg 32 x 22, storey and a half; four wells, one flowing. Possession a‘ter harvest. Apply to W. R. M(QUADE, DEEMEDâ€"344W. mount P. O. One and a half storeysligil, frame, % acre of land with stable. Apply to IOHN MC- GIBBIN. 5 Division-st , South Ward, Lind- y.â€"25-tf. garb) ghhsrtistmznts. ‘31. Apply to JOHN McGEE, ‘. I3. township Gamay. Kin- --34 4- â€"Miss Rose Fee. Caroline-sh, left Saturday fora short visit with friends at Toronto before returning to Waterford. â€"Dr. Gillespie and family who ha\e been holidaying at Philadelphia and Alleghany CiLv, Penn, returned home last week. -â€"Mrs. Rankin and the Misses Rankin of Mattawa are the guests of C01. and Mrs. Deacon, Glenelgst. â€"Miss Clara Greene of Port Hope, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. J. B. Yearsley of little Brimin for the past; month, returned home Monday. Mr. Rollins ofl‘cred 11.30 for further selection-s and secured Pine Grove, Rea- boro, Maple Leaf and Dumfard. He offered the same for J auetville, Bellevilie, inspection but; was declined. Mr. Whitman took Bobcayqeon at 11 kc. Mr, Fitzgerald took Minden and Lictle Britain an 110. and after the board ad- journed secured Janelville and Palestine at same price. â€"Mrs. W. \V. Brown of Orangeville is visiting her sisIer, Mrs. (Dr.) White, Russel-st. â€"Mr. Arthur Moynes, an old \Vardcr boy who is now living in Port Huron, was in town over Sunday. â€"Mrs. Thos. \Valton left town on Satur- day for a visit with Toronto friends after which she will visit friends at Depot. Har- bor and Parry Sound. â€"Mrs. A. Gillies is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. â€"Miss B. Markham is visiting friends at Utica, NY. -:â€"Mrs. H. Silver is in Toronto attending the millinery openings. ~Messrs. Alex. Bell, town, and Thos. Bell, Dunsford, left Tuesday forthe North- west. They will visit; friends at Moose- iaw before returning. Mr. Fxtzgerald then bid 11}c for further selections and took Mariposa, Cambray, Oakwood and North Ops. â€"Mr. E. Armitage, merchant tailor, has moved his family and household effects to Orangeville, where he will open out; in business. -â€"Miss Marian Jameson and Miss Sarah McKellar of Penetang left; on Monday after a pleasant week with Mrs. R. Camp- bell of William-st. nomh. President Robertaon then invited the bu; ers to make their oï¬'ers for the last half of August. Mr. Whitton led off with 10,10. for lira: selections. Fitzgerald called 101d, V\ hitton raised him a 16m. Flavelle bid 10%. W hitton again made it a. sixteenth better and Mr. Flavelle came Back with 10530. Fitzgerald again lifted it to lOic, when Wh.tton made it llc. straight- Rollins then etepped in win) 11,50. and Whiiton n Sponded wuh llic and secured the call as followe :-Fene10n Falls, Nurth Vcruam, Cameron, Star, Red Rock and Omemee, all accepted. . â€"A. E. Morrow, B. A., and family after spending the summer at Sturgeon Point left for their home in Arnprior on Wed- nesday evening. A short discussion then arose on the wisdom of an instructor, ano the case was ably put. by Mr. Rollins who stated “that, he had b: en an instructor for r 65th years and had never seen a maker who could not learn some pointer from an instructor. He had correcttd a. defect in a maker’s cheese who afterwards scored 97 and 98 per cent. at, the World's fair. The cheese industry was like a man on a bicycle, you must; go on or go eff. You can’t stand still. -â€"Mrs.Patrlck Penrose of Ops has return- ed home after after a pleasant visit with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murtha and other Emily friends. She had he pleasure of eating tea from a set Of dishes that was purchased in Ireland over one hundred years ago. btar......‘ ........ '. ......... 11:2 Lorneville ................... â€"â€" Cameron .................... 78 Dunsford ................ . 95 Mariposa ........... . ........ 71 Derryvllle ............... - Cambray .................... 55 Janetville ................... 55 Omemee .................... 155 Fenelon Falls .............. 89 North Verulam ...... .106 Minden ..................... . 27 North Ops .................. 66 Pine Grove ....... . ......... 45 Reaboro ..................... 110 Bobcaygeon ................ 150 Maple Leaf ............ W135 Palestine 76 Red Rock .................... 142 Little Britain ......... . ..... 50 Oakwood .................. 77 :President Robertson informed the sales- men and buyers that Mr. Jordan, the Oakwood salesman, was present and Wished to know on What terms he cou3d board his cheese for the balanCo of the season. On motion of Messrs. Hill and Calvert it was unanimously agreed to admit the Oukwood factory to full mem- bership on payment of one-half the regular instructors’ fee~lliey to haVe one i isit. hold we now have on the British market. The regular meeting of the Victoria County Board was held in the council chamber on Monday morning. Nineteen factories boarded 1700 cheese. The regular buyers present were Messrs. Wm. Flavelle, Geo. Fitzgerald, Jas. Whitton and R. Rollins. The following factories were represented :â€" The bth-d then adjourned for two weeks. THE HOT BIDDING. rgeon . . .. .......... 150 Leaf ........... .. . . . .135 me ............ . . . . . 7‘) cc]: .................... 14?. Britain .............. 50 Personals ...-.....-.....11; .- Itooonnunnso-n- p- ...............l .. . 95 H1 ..ooauoo--.....l ‘- I00...I..uoo-IO ou-oooc.00noo.o 55 .............155 cocoauouilicoo 89 mm .106 â€"Mr. J. Frith Jeffers M.A., one of the best known educators of this provincem'ae in tom 11 last week on a visit to his brother Dr. Jefl'ers. Mr. Jefi‘ers is now principal of the Belleville Business Coilege. an institution that is doing spiendid m ork in all departments of practical business edu‘ cation. â€"Mr. A. Blanchard, chartered account‘ ant, brother of Dr. Blanchard and Mrs. J. â€"Mr. R. J. Mulligan of Ounemee has just returned froma trip to Ireland where he was accompanied by his wife. It may be remembered that a. couple of years ago an item was published regardin 3 an estate in Ireland to which the Mulligan family are heirs, Mr. Mulligan's mother being: in the direct line of descent. l v is m the county of Gavan. While in the o.d cou- ntry Mr. Mulligan learned full particulars of the case. The estate is valued at over $3,000,000 and there are but ï¬ve chief heirs- It has been in court for some years but is now in the last stages of the Chancery court and it is expected that there will be a ï¬nal distribution within a very few weeks. A. Gillogly, town. has assumed charge of the business department of the Hamilton Business College. Mr. Blanchard's quali- ï¬cations and well-known ability ï¬t him for any responsible position in a business college, and ensure his success. Mr. Blanchard was associated with the Peter- boro Business College a few years ago. â€"The Gait Reformer says :â€"“lohn F. Carmichael, teacher of school sect. on 2'. North Dumfries, has ï¬lled his 1rcsent position £01 three years, and, in that time, has placed his school in the ï¬rst rank of similar institutions. Last year ten of his scholars tried the entrance and seven passed. This year the number was ï¬ve, three writing on the public school leaving and two on the entrance; the ï¬ve passed. Isis such success, together with an attractive personality, that makes Mr. Carmichael generally esteemed. An inci- dent this morningâ€"the re opening after the holidays gave tangible proof of his popularity, the pupils presented him with a handsome clock and a niceiv worded address. With such feelings between preceptor and pupils there can ‘be but one result, continued success.“ iSome four years ago Mr. Carmichael was l' in charge of the public school at Cambray. and is well- known to many of our readers in this section. â€"Miss Laura. McNeil]. late of Central Business College, spent a {cw days at her home, Maple V1113, Mauve rs. She let: on Thursday 17th for Parry Sound. where the is engaged as stenographer in the ofï¬ce of F. R. Powell, barrister. â€"Reeve McGee of Fenelon township. was in town yesterday. He reports the harvest about completed in his township and states the country is badly in need of rain. â€"Messrs. W. Benders, W. “I. G. Robinson left. Tuesday a wheeling trip to Toronto. ing the exhibition they x» i1 Niagara Falls and Dumb. â€"â€"Mr. Frank Crandeil and wife came back on Monday night, from a txip down the St. Lawrence as far as Montreal per the Richelieu steamers. Mr. Crandel! re- por's things lively in the east. -Miss E. Cathro of the Newcastle high school staff, daugh ter of Mr. Aie x. Cathro of town, spent: lass week at, Rocheater, the gut st of Dr. Kathleen Buck. avenue, spent, Sund; friends, Mr. John a: Manvers. -‘\1iss Millie Draper, town enjminsz a coupe of weak: Sparrow lake and \i.~itin; Severn Bridge. â€"Mr. G. B. Henderson, druggiet of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his father, Mr. Robert Henderson, at Little Britain. â€"-Miss Croft, Orinia. and Miss L. Farley and Miss O’Toole. Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. A. Primeau, Gle â€"Mr. C. B. Dixon of M in: a few weeks with F. J obbitt, Sussex-st. are visiting nelg-st. ontaeal, is spend his sister. Mrs. J â€"Mrs. “’allace Mayo of Dayton, Ohio with her‘ grand-daughter, Miss Dorah Lake, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Hunter, Colbome-st. Is always raised in his own esteem 3 y wearina clothes that he is not ashamed of and it has the eï¬â€˜ect cf making him a. manly boy. We have a superb line of boys‘ CLOTHING FOR AUTFMN AND WINTER for Loth dre ss and school wear. B. J. GOUGH. guest of her parents, son, Francis-st. â€"Mrs. H. Silver is in Toronto attending the millinery openings. â€"Misses. M. and G. Logic of Buffalo, are visiting Mrs. W. J. Logic, east ward. .â€"~Mrs. J. J. Morgan has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mark, on Sussexst. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Brady left; â€"Mr. Chas. L Roxie, east: ward ‘ Ogie is visiting Mrs â€"Mr. A Well Dressed Boy Laura McNeil]. late of Central 1 Mrs H. Fowler, Victoria enb Sunday 1:35 with their '. John and Jcseph Hickson, Personals ' Coombs. Ottawa. is )rgan has been visiting Mrs. Mark, on Sussexst. Nicholas Brady left; for Dakota. They will per, town, is at present of waks camping at i vi>i1ing flieuds at 108. unmwa. is the ‘9 Mr. and Mrs, Wat- W. “Whoa and My morning on to. After view- vsill continue to She left on L where she