FIN GERBOARD Everett, are visiting relatives in this f vicinity. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tait and family spent last Sabbath in Valentia : visiting relatives. Rev. Joshua Gallaway, wife and ' little daughter Monica, are holidaying at Maple Grove, Pleasant Point. A few of our citizens attended the lawn social at Zion last Tuesday evening. All report a good time. Miss Beatrice Whiteway of Ravens- wood, Chicago, spent a few days last week at her grandmother’s, Mrs. T, Moose, sr. Miss Katie Currin, who has been spendingher vacation at her uncle’s, Mr. O’Hara’s, has returned to her home in Port Hope. We are pleased to hear that Blan- chard, little son of Mr. Alfred King’ is able to be around again after suffer= ing for a length of time from a hurt which he received on his leg while playing. 7‘ ' VG CORNERS , ULIA. returned home last North Star, from the He had a a)! . Dr: K )scban Y i J h hm bOKBe wgdshena dmtdcc. if" H, DeSilberge, the famous . from Germany, will be House, Fenelon -’ Falls, . i if nsD13l’h and 14th, and at the ‘ ï¬g House, Lindsay, Aug. 15bh: pix-ch and 18th. TEyes tested free low, A These having weak or im- ‘ ld not fail to consult . , I .~ e Mansion “fl - CV4 LL - ys blue serge single and suits, for little fellows , . ; â€3,5 of age, regutar prices were marked to clear at 99 ll†00 KINMOUNT Miss Ethel Scott of Tory Hill is visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Train. Mr. Geo. Train, our genial post' master, is at present {laid up with an attack of low fever. We hope for hiB speedy recovery. Mrs F. Askey, wife of Mr. F. Askey, G. T. R. station agent at Wyevale, is at present visiting her daughter. Mrs, L. Bain. The Methodist Sunday school held their annual picnic in Crego’s grove on Wednesday, Aug. 7th. A large crowd was present, the weather was grand and everybody enjoyed themselves. Messrs. A. Moore, R. J. Graham, Rev. Mr. Coumans. John Wilson and Archy Holmes took a three day’s out- ing at Scrabble lake, Lutterworth, last week. They report plenty of huckle' berries and black bass. 1 notice that the Hon. A. G. Jones has been appointed lieutenant-gover- nor of Nova Scotia by the grit govern- »;5 \igit- ment at Ottawa. Is this not the iss 3:. Gil- l same individual who ll; 1591 at Hali- fax said: “When the British flag is hauled down from Citidal Hill I shall ltake 03 my bat and cheer.†The very same traitor, I believe. V ‘oublt’ breasted ’20 n .4 . Z,» lfl" to v" “3,: EC"? BROS. genilOn to a . p, cut but? lace boots; we could A 20 for these and be good 4.‘ “y gel 3 l them the same way. he and will sel ' a pair this â€at at sf i8 ,. L332. ELt'ord of Toronto .me for her holidays. lliss Draper of Orillia is ViBltlng her '53 Miss S. Wilson. . 3th Baqshaw 05 Brook is visiting at I armies: Mr. S Bagshaw. Elisa Marv A. )lacFadyan of Ede n, .srioasa, spent Sunday at home, i i 1. FOWZE «3312, - r of Eden, )Iariposia . . . ' j 1‘ â€V iâ€"mâ€: 1211.5 .ocaaity on Sun- .avvv, r. :imekeeper en the near QCCawa, is home Mrs \V. T. Jones and little son then got uneasy and made enquirifl- I THE WAICHM‘Aï¬-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT. passed, and no signs of him. Mr. Purvle . N ext day it was surmised that he had left town for some reason unknbwn. and had gone either to his brother’s, in Webb- wood, or to his grandfather’s in Barrie. Mr. Purvls wired, but the answers were all unfavorable. Search parties set out in all directions, and on Sunday his cap was found on the lake shore. The bed! was Immediately grappled for off the new government wharf, where it was supposâ€" ed he had been wheeling and fallen over, and the unfortunate boy’s body was re- _ covered in the afternoon. Hie wheel was first recovered, about ten feet from where ' his body was. Deceased was a gnndlon of J. K. Rose of Barrie, and during the i fall and winter attended the Barrie Collegiate Institute . â€"-A son of ex Maer Randall of Port Hope lives In J efl‘erson, Iowa. A letter . to his father indicates that he has no clear vision of the great Anglo American feder- in: Event [or August LINDSAY HAS EVER SEEN “The mill will not run with the water that has passed.†The best selling ;f Clothing cannot be done in midsummer on the strength of last years’ business, or the successes of past seasons. Grow as we will we must :lou th:t nzsnylpeople talk about. This , {V'- /e1. do better for our customers this year than last, and “I 9‘ m -â€" 01““ do no“ â€em ‘0 , , «\ 327k.“ that’s why during our Anniversary Sale our policy must excite people so much this year as in ' -â€"-Ԥբ be fast and furious former presidents] years, in fact there ls very little talk about it. McKinley made a good wheat crop in Iowa and Minne- sota, as well as corn, thls year. and also by starting the South African war and the famine in India and making a short wheat crop abroad, he has so advanced the prices of wheat and cattle that people are too busy to ï¬nd much fault. There will probobly be a close election however, for the German and Scandinavian element are afraid they will be largely taxed and probably conscripted for military service and are against him on that account, and then again most of the Germans and Irish want England swept off the face of the earth. It seems, as near as I can ï¬nd out, that England has been Oppressing an enlightened and modern republic in South Afrlca and also starving her sub- , 'l J Ill [lllllEl ' 'N l}, glll l THE ELAHIUN CALL FOR AUGUST! Paramount values will reign this month. The push-on-and-keep-moving attitude of GRAHAM’S is irresistable. Surplus stock must be moved and we’ll ï¬nd a way or make it. Something startling will be the Wonderful Bargains during the continuation of our Anniversary Sale in August. Let Us Do the Worrying! We have reckoned the cost and are fully aware from a ï¬nancial standpoint, that we will drop a snug pile before we can accomplish a Complete Reduction of Stock, neces- sary in view of incoming fall goods. But it’s an opportunity that will enrich you, if you take advantage of it. Let us do the worrying. gistlgfljffaglï¬cufdnf â€Sims“? if Don’t come here if you are looking for cheap, tawdy Clothing, flimsily made. We :1 so on o e c - . . . ed my“, 0;, gene“, whip,“ don’t keep it. Our offerings are of seasonable, suitable garments, well-made. We don’t sell you what we can’t warrant. Improving the Prize List " The directors of the East Simcoe Agri- cultural Society have taken hold of a task T that lies before those of every other similar E RICE LIST 1 5 OR A 1 2 G L S 1 : organization and perhaps to Lindsay’s \ 5 especially. The Orlilia Packet says : l The interest which the Directors of the ILOT 1 ! LOT 3 l East Simcoe Agricultural Society are thus . . , . « early manifesting in their work augurs :l â€"-300 Men’s <(.5210 Stilts. for.. . . . . ------ $5 25 E â€'50 CEO/lam COIOYEd and 5111‘ Front Shlgts. well for the success of the {all Show. They â€"â€"400 Men’s egoo Suits for .......... 4 75 3 worth from $I.oo to $I.25, your chmce held their second meeting of the season on ll â€"â€"275 Men’s $7.00 Suits for. . . . . . . . . . 4 00 l g of any Shirt In the lot for Monday evening: and ï¬ver-V one Of 3119 *5 --â€"200 Men’s $5 co Suits for .......... 3 oo 1; F twelve members of the directorate was on â€"-Boys’ $4 00 Suits for .............. 2 00 70 Cents hand. The business of the evening was to B0 5’ $2 00 Suits for I IO lreceive the reports of special committees â€" y, ‘ d '†. 1') ' 't .f. ' ' ' ° ' ' ' appointed at the previous meeting to re- -â€"-Men’s goo wealâ€"mg an S or. ' ' ' ' ’ 75 _____.________-_._____.___._________. lvise the various departments of the prize â€"Men 5 Summer Coats for ........... 45 list. These committees recommended "'3' __ _ ; LOT 4 number of changes and additions which, . - - , 0 _ ' - - _ . .itis hoped, will make the prize list more 140 F I“ ll ~20 dozen Silk Flowmg land TIES, wort-r: lcomprehensive and up-to date. in horses, . f». H‘ 391. L73“. 4:), $1 25 l ‘ 50C each, your ChCiCE Of the lOt for la >p;ciu.l prize of 31:), presented by Mr. â€.323: 1.â€: Gâ€? i ; """""""" 00 y ' - . 1 a... t -, 7.46. --., ._-J(. l C. last: :3 ................. J v I, - §.lanies llzm. ..i.l are gutt- iornlte ..t.--‘ 3. Ln ‘1‘: 21,.“ 1... 6' 21) can is liliEiCllEd 333.111 in harness: *ECOBQ 15:17.; :5.) l -â€"â€".,v. “A, 12‘s}. Hz...- Jul ................ 3 . , , - . , . . ,, . w: ,{fletx v ‘H . . ‘3 . ,Tv . in live loanstel p.355 PCCHC .H L b .,\ 5 '- for single ' l A prize of monies: second. S.’ 3:; will be given as £1.53 and .52 as s ‘- prize for threeyear-o’ds in harness. l“:.~ , second and third prizes of $10, $3 and .53 will be given for a hurdle race four times round the ring, over eizht hurdles three feet six inches high. There will also be‘ special prizes for colts by Lee Cnristy and Orphan IV. The height required for the matched team in the carriage class was re- duced from sixteen hands to ï¬fteen hands three inches. \ l THE ONE-PRlCE KING CLOTHIER .1 .7 t sei to see Mr. Jesse Mr. J. H. Knight, RS. 1., of Lind- ;. ‘ 2:: the rotid with his say. was in our village on Tuesday, ‘ e l: 3. lzusfer in , Tulv 31st in consultation with the incur-es. '3? F. :_ NO. repz‘cviding " -~..l . " 9:222: atom-7...:t'sziur: in :29 s .-'r:oo.‘a. ! . - . 3 . _ L. l ha \.3 sufï¬x the several smoo- snes 9 : ‘yiprcpotel on which to erect u. n. -. lbui‘ximg. and made the remark .;.; 3:: 1t - 3- .~ -l;.... {fit cc were made to .zn; old " 3;. “rhi‘wr . l it we would only have 2. ooze}. 390 r r. , .. 1,“... a. ‘ whtn (lone. Let us have a new schoo; 3‘ r : . , : me 3,3 kg..- Li and be done with it for a.‘ time to come ,1.- on the s:hool . . . - r : District Notes 3.».ezion Ur a wire __ â€".>--t;:'.*'3t€£3 it “'31: be The Orilila Packet sayszâ€"The disrrzct ’,"â€"o'1‘»7‘F to our school between Coilitgwcod and Meafurc is, as is well known, one of the best plum â€"7 333333 - â€" sections in Ontario, but plums are exceed. .‘JJLL’i'JT Ingly scarce all through there this year. at:- sadly. The heat ~.-3. 'rflq' ‘ ~ (-l'J‘tAt ay was intense, - .L Puffs: of Minden is the ==. 2: battle Hughes this week. 3‘ :hie an“. Master Mar- ,. 7, )-' AAA“ and Trancés and ends in Lindsay, : children 01 e; visiting friends here 3t it new 1 his 1:. lodge is spending this 0 ‘ . . ‘ , ., v . 4 9931114 put. 3 Hughes. She 10' ‘ H‘s .....,'“ " ' ‘ ‘ - «C: ......:n;; friends to Lindsay, l‘vlid- .1» Brhame in l’ictory, Prince EdWBl'd- M33. Harrison and hits. 0. Hughes "WW0 days last week in LindSaY, of Mrs. Lithgow. Mrs. Harri- n consulted Dr. McCullough. special- @3533: her eye, but we are sorry to ._ i†he can do nonhing for her to ‘33.. : 11.: saddest deaths that ever "3.93 teat out to his field for his 'O‘S'L'“ T when he â€'4 ..uesriay morning, He was ..‘_ j swat-«1:51 by his bull. .,,, ‘k‘. ill" x». . ' so badly that he died on \Vednes- 7 " DP. Curry was soon in atten- i rice also DP. Graham of Fenelon ii :5 “it they could do nothing" , 4 is car, “ l La“) 7.20». 3 â€Vaâ€"s} here for some time. ‘ true 'nl'le the sympathy of the community He h Wallace of Collingwcod township, on g 9 sold enough plums from his small orchard last year to put in an $80 furnace. This year all his plums can be put in one “‘1 eT-li Mgskoka before returning to apples about one.third. ‘ this vicinity occurred a heavy ï¬gs: bef ' " ~ Wednesday last. Mr. T. 1)., . ' was one of the largest funerals He . ï¬nged t9 the Masonic order and was .. membef- He was carried to grave bl Six Of, his brethern and duuder that order. His widow “Tillie!†' - 3 813$“. Mrs. M33399 of -- ' *‘ ‘ ‘H. in: after “hour ' ' 'â€" " '.wo'jhte.1“.¥°£“’".._°9°"a °. . , In cattle, sheep and swine the prize list will be the same as last year. In poultry it- was decided to strike out the prizes for games and bentams as breeds which it was not desirable to encourage. Prizes for Andalusians were added. First and second prizes for spring chickens also _ will be offered in Plymouth Rocks, Brown Leghorns,'Light Brahmas, Cochins (any variety), Colored Dorkins and Black Span- ish. These additions to this department will doubtless be appreciated by poultry- men, and should result in a much improved display. In the fine arts department there will be two sections, one for amateurs and one for professionals, with a full range of prizes in each. Prizes will also be given for the best pen and ink sketch and the best pencil drawing by children under ï¬fteen, who will thus be given some encourage- ment. These changes will effect a much needed reform in this popular department and should result in its being better than ever. The ladies' work department also has been given a thorough overhauling. Instead of having a number of smaller prizes for various lines of merchandise, for which there has never been competion. it was decided to offer $10 for the best dis- play made by any merchant or dealer in musical instruments or implements, with $5 for second prize. It is hoped in this way to stimulate a greater rivalry among the merchants in making displays, and to add to their number and effectivenesss. Lindsay and Fene1on FaIIs Wkï¬ï¬ï¬d‘d‘dï¬ï¬ï¬dï¬sdï¬â€™ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ â€"â€"â€"v i! 9 i" S? e if ~%' 4? i 3 if i? i' as aemeem â€rematch basket. A well-informed correspondent, writing from Meaford. at the other end of the plum distrlc', says there will be neither plums nor cherries in that whole section this year. Fruit generally does not, he says, come anywhere near up to the promise of the spring. The bloom on pears, peaches, and apples was all that could he desired, but to-day pears do not promise more than a quarter crop, and . - Tim-IVE: -The Huntsvllle Forester ls responsi- ble for this bear storyzâ€"Mr. W. H. Mathews has received an ivory bear tusk from Mr. John McConachle, who Is accompanying a party of Government surveyors through the James Bay dlstrict, In a note which accompanied it, John stated that it was a gift received recently from an Indian chief, and that according to the chief’s story its owner had put up ore parting with it. The desperate nature of the struggle can be surmised when it is said that before Mr Bruin gave up, ï¬ve men and fourteen - It was wise It is like ï¬nding money when you buy your Hardware Supplies at CINNAMON EVERSON’S. A trial will convince the most careful buyer that our prices are the lowest in Lindsay. v I Cut Nails, $2.50 per [00 lbs. Wire Nails, $3.25 per 100 lbs. Pure White Lead, $7 per [00 lbs. Pure Linseed Oil, 80c per gal. And all other goods equally 10w. _Nearly 35,000 children are registered in the Toropto public schools. â€"A report has reached Mr. J. J. Kelso of the Children’s Ald Department containing an extraordinary allegation agalnst afarmer in Muskoka. A gentle- man residing on Mutual-sh,’ Toronto, took his son up into too district mention- ed for the improvement of the lad’s FARMERS, get our prices on Binder Twine, Scythes, Snaths, Hay Forks, IIand Rakes. Wire Fencing, etc. SCREEN DOORSâ€"Inn Screen Doors and Window Screens we have the best value in Canada. A. call solicited. ClNNAMON 86 EVERSON The New Hardware Men, that this story originated with the Indian otherwise his previous good 1 i’ f, 01 ‘ raclty might have been reputation for V6 brought in question. â€"â€"The Orlilia Packet: On Thursday Purvls aged sixteen years, young- Ziszon of Mr. David Purule, hardware merchant of North Bay, and formerly of left home about 10.30 with his ® . V11. farmer. Returning to the city the father fell sick, and was unable tb pay for his son’s keep. 7 Now the story is thatâ€th_e‘ 331.2: 3 Mt: Pnrvls thought he bad ï¬lm†“3 trying to auction off "lithe . . 0y . Rb for 3 hm on hls "bee" and 103983“! in order to try and recoveréï¬he . f . gone on y _ ‘ â€A “â€9†dwhllihxa. L ‘ l v {a