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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Aug 1900, p. 3

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’ “ ’army“aria-4.9.5.with»... - Mm" .. .... - ' ‘u '“v... in. _ Mf News of the Week -Lieut. G. ,B. Johnston, son of Mayor Johnston of Belleville, who graduated at the royal military college in June and was given a commission in theRoyal Engineers, has been ordered by cable to report at .asi l -‘_â€"â€"â€". J ' GaO’JQ'I‘OaOl . a I o . BACTERIA Ill MILK HOW THEY ARE DEVELOPED BY TEMPERATURE AND ‘ swim W. H. GROSS 0mm, - Member Royal Dental College. Ont. rte-aqua. I _ a firlefl'm UNDSAY Protestant Chatham, EUR-y on sepb. lst. He sailed SURROUVDIVGS . 8c 312m Montreal on the Corinthian onSatur FARM CONVENIENCES' LAYERING GOOSEBERRlES’ 9 :01-9' . '°’G°°d°°nW-34- ‘ 16c ‘ y_ __ __ - . ".W ’ W ' 1-- Feeding Deviees Th t A. H 1 When and II . . . - - _ 25c -Peter M.hissen of Chi . a 31‘0 1““ Y _ 0“ to De .tâ€"Propagut- Bacteria are minute lant f e u t- cago, otherwxse and Prevent Waste- “‘g Currants by «mains-VS- ly not more than one fwentSy-figgtlfgu- D R SUTTON’ DENTIST - UNDSAY - 320 known as “Bowser.” the la - V“ i a ' Whirlpool Rapids at Niag:;h:::;fit til; .4. onom. ..l and sanitary -aethods of arranging to take another trip through them in the boat he used on his first trl p. He has proposed to the United States gov- . __ emment to make soundings of the waters, and thinks his offer will be accepted. He made a similar offer to the Canadian gov. no he had only at 1': 15L . ~ ' oomts DY cf good farming. ’Tis a homely 5.331113 31 that “a s1 iall leak will sink a great $11 ship.” and the small leaks of wasteful w girl careless feeding may in time do 1‘0 STD)" much of the profit on the average rices ernment. He will make the trip about l he £19353”! 5‘in middle of September. â€"Anotber mystery of the sea was made 'known the other day when the eel ing ship Perseverance was posted as missing. Nothing has been heard of the craft for a year, and all hone of its ever coming into port has been abandoned. A year ago the Perseverance. carrving a crew of 26, clear. is Geoseberi-ies can be layered after hearing or later in July, after the '9 Pegged down, a slit can be made in 3 American tori culturi st . : bl. . sh uld be left above ground. common method of propagating Euro- pean gooseberries and the more diffi- ‘cult American varieties, like Downing, of tips of the branchcs exposed. Most American varieties will have Ircduccd sandth of an inch in diameter and per- vading air, water and soil everywhere. says Professor V’. H. Conn in The 7 , They multi- e underside . ' . .. . hlch is likely (13: idldficsLfiitorgol'alglld l ply so rapidly that a single individual 01in". Fourorfi' _" _ . : %may produce 17,000,000 offspring in a, l \e meats ot thc up (,4 hours Th ,- . - . .. no -- ‘ .. .. Cll importance to ..OI'l 1h" most culture consists in their power of breaking up various compounds and also secreting from their bodies cerv tain chemical products. The kinds of bacteria which occur most commonly in milk may be called dairy bacteria. They are so common that they Honor graduate of Toronto Un‘ ‘ . We!!!“ and policy“: 0! Dent” Surgeons. All the. 4:ng lnpm filial-(M13 adopted and pneee moderate o . v ' notal‘fgg.“ cinnamon ‘5 Nugent’s, opposite Voice!“ l l incipal growth is made. When limbs . UK. b. A. 'I’OTTEN DENiIST. ' - urns” Graduatemf Toronto Unlversitv‘ otEDenis. Surgeons. J’wd Roy“ Oolleg very depanment of dentistry done in a «action! and scientific manner at modem: . T (Ne-7' woman‘s Drug store-17. e prices. other UK. F. A. WALTERS ENTIST. '- lmnsmr by mound layering. About July 1 annot be excluded from the Honor Graduate of Toronto Un‘VHeJL} ax-c Rove all “ ‘5 j 4'24: , on.“ ,_ __ 8d from Glasgow for New South Wales- : mots bv (lctcber 1"” “ l is oil 4‘-“ diw“ r . V . (.7 a ». v. . wed-s \. q r.’~lt. ;q\ H..-\.v-\...l A1... ; M F 0‘.“ that day to this the ow here have. ‘ the E‘J‘C‘lisilke and “‘Hlili‘tl"! Cl‘il‘ib‘ ’ Gone” 0! Dent“ Surgeons. recexvcd no tidings of the craft rr tie , \““"> .. M. should he l.»i’t lllpwnflzul ..., t , 1w; Anthcmm “a 1mpmw‘dbnm‘ef’ M “mm -â€"w~v"““°““"" creW. neither has any ship ever repertod ,. 3‘A"“”‘“ “3"“ «one \‘u‘y \‘ojxunlhr‘. k- A: M O S I‘vufigfnlgy gegomgio ommizsmmieme‘ éFFlc . . . . . e LilI'Ill. - ,7 x "4;?” W 7,. V.“ C" 3+ ' “H -.. . .... .... -. -., ;'.-.L - '. - file will l 11111“. 1);; -e: r e! 2TB rn - to corn r . m 1 . Sightlng the mlss‘nz boat. “'2‘ ..I ~0L.]k;(1“ ._(.\ Ur. ..ll3.C.;., t) LlJCE-l‘fi . 0“” ‘l‘f‘f‘H' 1“" \ qhm ‘ ‘ ... l. x “vs; “V. Jermain -Kl-ly g » 6 KM)! and “um rtcr RtOCk 1n . -...:> 3H0 attention to this 11;;ztim- aw.- ...” ‘ . “L W (Mt ”if,” d“) â€"The careless and unbusinesslike man- iliiistlate'l by the (“.0 13...“, L“ 1-0311; lllilt have fot’ll‘.:-:l and iznmodfaie- it VhEL \r , . . . . . ‘ . \ :L.A - («A AL (I... I..'.‘ W ‘ .1. \ 0‘ ~ .4-1 - v x ) . ' ‘ N ' ’r‘ . ner in which Ontario fruit-growers pack correspondent writes: 1‘» phmwl 1‘1 twink” w or :10 KER-”CS ' l A‘ Db A 31g leaCCO their fruit for the Manitoba market is a Since the val‘. Q of com fodder h Pm“ apart, llyililllg‘ well about the roots and DE NTlST C. o . . . L ' ‘ " ‘D ‘l ‘- sv'\ I'. (v ~vv7¢‘ .« .- . a .4' h . - ‘ I .crymg evil in the trade. There was closely estimated by our fume urtl CUWUU” “A” with nearly to the “1m . - L” IDVQY ~ “““ .. . ‘ -.. F'xtraets teeth without pain by Gas (Vitalized Air “ministered by him for 26 years with uneal «new: V! ‘ VA \ ‘Y‘ allul‘ 2.. -- w‘ ___.‘ hay is becoming more somewhat scare and we are l'eediuc' . more fodde' in our barns during lizl' ‘ winter season than in foray." yc:r.<. VllC Cigars apparently no reason why this should be b so, more than that the carelessness and _ .3 fl , -- indolence of the fruit men in the cast was filli‘b Cl EH31“ kinds the prime factor in the case. The Mari toba market is a good and profitable one for the trade. Prices obtained are reason- able, ani the field is practically unlimited for good fruit. ' â€"Viscount Wolseley, Field use to make the fee: lug of stalks more . Convenient. In our hay barns or barns t with lnang as built to economize space in the stable room. we tind that the Mar ah all ‘ tings are. in a much better 'ondition to growth than if planted without such . _ . ,. , .3: various contrivunces are brought int» 131(2‘m.1?.k.0n',. . , anal cultivation in the nursery trench :1-.-:1'-: position. Currants are best prcpa- > gated by cuttings, which may no tak.... \ l I l l Even if no roots have formed. the cut- 1 i l l l i l as early as September. They are usual- l 'le studied the gas under Dr Cotton. oi Nee York he originator of gas for extracting teeth. Dr. Cotton writes Dr. Neelands that he has giver. the gee to 36.417 persons without an accident. Dr. Noelandl uses the best local pain obtundere. Beautiful arti- ficial teeth inserted at moderate prices. Please send apostalcard before coming. Ofilce nearly (mp0sth the Simpson House, Lindsay. -28 DR. ARTHUR DAY llrow out roots and make a com. After a season‘s growth ' CONVENIENT COW STALL. milk by any practicable means. but their numbers may be reduced. There are many uncommon kinds which when present cause great mischief. but these may be excluded altogether by hey may be planted in their pcrum- ~ (‘1‘ from, and 3 .1333 I 323d 0631) and Commander-in-Cbiet of the British ailing rs are too small to feed stall-2s 1. “m1“ .; _ _ . . . , . . . handily In n t‘ "t , .. ‘ y 1.....c s.x or eight inches long Illlfl , -.0 POllCllES army, delivered, according to the Daily 1. ' ‘0 “5 cut is ”“3““ “ may be firmlv planted at once leav" care and cleanliness. â€" . . . u‘ . ‘ a! . , . o .. ‘ ‘ K c \. e, la. . . Mail, the most scathing condemnation 11C attachment “h‘Ch ‘5 “Fm“ use“ one or two buds above the surf-1c: So far as concerns the milkman, bac- DENTIST 'lll0' Canes flux? ever heard at; Aldershot after witnessing 1111:1 1161'le m our country. It IS made Of The Houghton and one or two other teria~are an unmitigated nuisance, be- . a yesmrdsy'g manoeuvres. He declared leftya‘t «1:11 élfliolégllp‘uitn .ckannogenmgqls American goosebcrries an be oropa- ingthe cause of souring and other on successor: To THE L": DR- “"7 . , g . c easl y gated ‘in the same manner, but they des1rable changes in the product. The a“ common dairy bacteria as they grow that the 40,000 men who participated were utterly unfit to send abroad, badly led and badly taught. Many distinguished officers listened to those remarks, among them Gen. Montgomery Moore, formerly in command in Canada, but now commanding at Aldershot. . ' yard. The fine refuse can be worked â€"The body 0f A'Jhlbfild Marshal, out through the stable for bedding. dcfl' the steamer North King less This arrang. men: is very convenient also to feed 3 :1 y. :1: l where small man- gers must ll' used they soon pay for themselves ‘a the saving of feed that is often trampled 1:2;21er foot. As to the troulle of hocs getting their feet into the feeding trough, an- thrown into the feed box. The outer portion of the rack is hinged on the manger, which makes it very conven- ient to let down and empty refuse stalks on the barn floor, where they may be worked out into the manure ure Teas 10¢}; to cheese from. large a 5659 drowns 2. ' I R i c G 8! week, was found a half mile from where Kent-Stu L‘ndsay the accident oooured. In connection With the drowning of young Marshal a remark- able claim is set up by a woman residing at Rochester, N. Y., who says that the g? amour: a. drowned boy was her son. She appeared l3?“ 33"" . at the steamer at Charlotte Monday , . WM; $T.EERS’.S.°“°u°r‘3 morning, and appeared much grief-strick- on 93“ Dummg’ Wlmam Street, en. She did not give her name, but it is l-Ivr. Lindsay. ' ' presumed it is Marshall. With her were some parties, either friends or lawyers._ who declared their intention to “go abatd loney to Loan " private funds to loan, ...-4...- - ..- as. with the case.” .‘ f '=‘ 5 50 a m ._____.._.____â€"â€"- “all we "a _. Tally... u; ....... 6 15 8.3) 1‘03! fl!!! Stories. at. withdrawal at “1‘ ”if" 322 if; The London Globe has been collect- SAVITARY HOG moron - 10 *0 Mu in: a series c“ lost hat stories. of which . . l ‘ ‘ L ‘ other correspondent sends a sketch 01 01 31:0 and up» "l, '. ‘vv :1 .;:-....... ....... 6 ‘3 .11.; . . . . . . ‘ ‘ p l‘ in setting the dripping child at his 1:: 3‘ '. 'T.f.,nic.....-.... o02 pool :5“- . ........... 1? 531““ father's :‘cct. "-ind what hae ye done ........ ............... 2’. .m 09 '7 1'“ ' . J p wl his hat: said papa. ”or. chsea at the P. O. a: ‘ . ' $ .\ Cui'l' spondcnt sent the following trough and nailed to the stakes. This will do when you feed in one place all l be time. If you rant a movable . . . . t1'oll"ll. make the end beards longer. a. . ~ . ‘ l- o p, a Illll'i‘fltnl‘: A festive llll.(‘JZlC'l\0L \.as that t‘wc trouflr will rot upset TM ‘3 . , . . ' 7 .11 i. b ... A . L).» .d .\ ...l. Seen ll-ozn a Sillp in Malta. hat-boi- danc- a solid strip ,0 (“IL-,1 cn-l lomr 0mm in" on the to) of the parapet wall at l ” ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘3'” f“ ““‘ II“ t in: 1. 1 i‘irstlh' ‘1 , blcw‘ov or to nail the not riled board to it. Do not . l' 1‘:"Ol. . 1:; 'z‘t ' ' _ U . f C b . , ‘ ‘ . . , . ' let the notches come down lower tililll anal tLlOIl. 10:111ng over to look tor it, the too of the ll’Oll”ll We have 1W] ti ‘ v H l L A: \ Mm i‘lcfi at 5.10. r ;. Manet-2:. with the I. B . ca ‘rfcs no mail. ’i”' 7,, *- .:.' .2. RAILWAY, ...... Enl‘lVlOE. 10 5) “n he lost‘hls bra/lancennd tell after ltâ€"a clean troughs ever since we adopted .....l'.‘.'.','.',',::::21:.3 ,0 pm sheer drop or ..0 teet cl more. . The this plan. .. 2km ............ .. 1 35 pm surgeon on duty was lauded With a " semicolon“- 5 15 9"” party ‘to .bring‘ off the remains“ for Hum, ham"... .0“ He" Linen. IIIIIII 11 00mm identification. They found them crawl- l According to othcml report. our 1m- 9 20pm mg about on hands and knees and m‘ ' ports of hemp fiber for the past five 111.: ...... ....1 46 um quircd if he was seriously hurt. “Hurt years have averaged in value $678.47?) “w“m'm‘ ' """ "“”° 15 ND be plowed!” was his reply. “Where’s annually. coming chiefly from Italy 7 7 my hilt?" and southern iussia. This hemp is M worth about 7 cents per pound and is used principally in the manufacture of carpet warps. In addition. we import but doubtlessly Only a Misunderstanding. unknown ing tow who had been many years with the firm. suddenly announced that he was to be married. COMICHAMBERS 33,.” ‘3'" we peopl e! l’ indeay and 9111- . Ig-F,-,‘.:: won MONUMENTS andeEAD- day, and his fe ‘ J~ 2-2, 30:11 Marble and Granite. I for cordage purposes cry expenses of his wedding trip. A couple of days after the wedding '- Of jute butts '5' v r.‘.. :_ , . ”3419-1 men on all kinds of comet e resort. and there. i _ l ‘Dlflllcal workman, all should see his GOVVD t0 3 seasid l nd a he parade a p- lle crop is reaped and broken l l l 1h: 3031113" ri . A ' ces b {or has! lac. . y e a pm: ng e lounging about t - l‘ . tel-f- 383:9?” oi the Market on Cambridge- parently enjoying in. :) 'S‘V'IV ‘7 ‘ . .15 cause. he Saw his recently mar ROBT, CHAMBERS keeper. but alone. “Where’s your wife 1 .-. -â€"-'- cipal. ONTA’llO B "Qlie’s at home.” was the reply. AY 0F QUINTE ~ . . ' . A “ ~’ . 0 had mone O‘ive AMBUAT COMPANY, Limited Let I thought you. ‘3" y g you for a wedding trip “So l hat , himself immensely, . b k. . med Old 00 process of dew rotting. " â€" the rin- , . . . ? asked p averaging probably $10 per acre. is 01 dinarily paid for the land. l est 1 try in the U a J. - J in", and the derivation 0f | ‘ . ' . ."l H K‘ g El "1y intereiugry” is curious as well. . process of water letting. ll it i ‘ the word ld'crs re . u ‘ C 11 n . 3 In ancient “mes Roman ‘0 Alfalfa In the Southwest. Alfalfa has a long taproot and w , . - .- ' ‘t as part nurse. . o e l'. . owed a daily portion 0f 53’ . . '1 R Cll-steT) V Y I i C “Sal” is tlle Latln tor a For. Hope, out 3 in course ‘ ....N . . Wi‘l e i 1 7“ 5CT 33'“: APRIL. 1 salt. and when the salt e - close to the surface. ' ' ‘ soils that have been plowed deep :1 l l 1.‘ l LUCND l of time . . 11mm. or salt . . . . , ....................... 230ru.‘ amount WM called gall. ...n and ; well cultivated. luarly plowing l 1 .25 h A - hfi‘nce our “or‘l sai‘llJ l n' v. ‘n‘ . i ' l ‘ I l‘) t - -- - money, . .. v. sp11n<r scum, 18 an «haulage. as ..................... 7.15 “ btless the expresswn no, . , ° . . \ l c) .............. . 7.50 .. hence. dou ” ' . not worth his g gives the sod time to settle. and become . ., . X r ‘ 1 worth his salt -â€"â€"that IS. filled With moisture before sowing. Tlli' How how ..~t1-xtu berrms 4‘ . e ro....-l.e(. oil Noam BOUND seed should be sown as soon as the s ............... root with less certainty than currants. â€"Rural New Yorker. ...i'11eili...........1210 .m . .. - . ~ 9 P ltlie tollowm'r are specunens: . . . 7 .... . ----~--- ‘ ‘32 91° . , ”7 ,. a dev1ce for preventing it. He says: GWOOD ........................ . e garner: A lather and son were standing at l “,1” notched l)(“l"’l must be pun, ' 7_ ......... ..... p.111 1 p” ,. , A, .. . _ t L- . I.“ l .....l ‘1 .. . .- . .. - - in lance 0 Old (..haln )lOl a . . Jewish «>6 1 fl” ----- - -â€"- 3 0° 9-!“ t . , ” , l . .NI 7 t l enough that the hogs cannot get their .. x ‘53 B;'.;.lton When the dear llLLlC boy 1; _ ., , , ' , _. .4 . . J ‘ r ' t1 , 1 1 i' J t" danc'n" “ c l beans over ll, and they “.11 keep their Liza. ........ ._ . 1:11: m. “l he ' a “ is. .- , -. . . . , H, ', ’ ' E‘g M,” l H “L ‘ ° " icct out. Me Just drmc a stake down 5"“ -» --th -------- - ~ g ....n l)‘\'.\'t:‘.lli.l{‘l‘. accoutcred as he was. l -1 - :;-.....: L. . an?) .............. 10 3.) sum : . . 5. , at each end of me trough and ua;le~.l Nile . 7_ , 10 10 H... plunged into the sea and. bulletin: the ~ . . ._ . .. - ; """""" ' a . ‘ l ‘ . . 7 . tne trough to tile stakes. lucn we ran . .......... ~ 0° W” = waves \Tllli lusty siucws. succeeded at , y ,. _. . . the llOLCLlCd board lL‘Ilglil\\lSC of tile '1'Sal Elfl Several years ago. in a well known ‘ l al E 0" 3 wholesale house in a big manufactur- _ . . ld b helor bookkeeper ‘ ‘1“ “’30 u, an 0 ac ' l amount of manufactured hemp in the l form of the cheaper grades of linen. The domestic product of hemp report- ., ed b" the last census. at a valuation of The partners gave him a weeks ‘30“. l 3 cos/its per pound. was worth 320001300 . 110W clerlxs raise ma ? and was grown chiefly in Kentucky. httle purse and presented It to pay 9 i This hemp is used principally in place they,” Wm Tops Mantle“ . . ‘ The Kentucky hemp producers "row a ... . . , 0068mm- firm went , . '3 - - - one Of the members of the short plant in small areas with shallow tice it receives. and little or no fertilizing. by or outllouse or as a specimen on a pil- hand, and the fiber is extracted by the In addition to those heavy charges. an annual rental. It is Stfllifll an exac n lthat there is a reasonable prOSpect of ' ahlishing an extensive hemp indus- nitcd States on new lines. . . “ ut I . . n was the reply. b ‘ involving the use of either a taller va not do well on soils with hard pan it thrives best on Ilil l l 850 " ’i ”a ‘15 in good condition in the spring. 1‘03 “‘7’“? c ‘ ' l When the plants are about six inches Member 0! Toronto Dental College and Toronto produce a chemical change in milk Alto graduate of Amerlmn Duh: sugar and convert it into lactic acid. Chrysanthemum Rm“. which gives .a sour taste and finally Chrysanthemum rust has been some- causes the mllk to curdle. This change cannot be prevented, but it may be what abundant in various sections the last year or two. It grows so rapidly postponed by reducing the number 0‘ and the Spores are so numerous that bacteria. The first means of reduction they fall from one leaf to the other is by cleanliness, carefully washing and cause the leaves to look as if they the milk vessels, and more attention to had been dusted over with tobacco the clean condition or the COW' The dust. Professor Halstead advises to second means is by regulation 01 tem- buy your stock from people who havel perature. When freshly drawn, milk none of this rust. and if you are so un- is about 100 degrees, a temperature fortunate as to have it use heroic reme- favorable to rapid growth of dairy bac- dies. Throw out and burn all your tiriak goofing “I: milkl immediately stock, rip out all boards, walk. ctc.. c eC's eir g'rowt great y. and burn also. Dig out all the earth. It is necessary, however, to empha- DR. G. S. RYFESON’ whitewash all the walls. In short. size the need Of immediate cooling. 6° COLLEGE-ST., TORONTO Half an hour or an hour after milking EYEJARJWSE ARDTHRUATSPECIALIST make thorough work of cleaning out _ the house and begin over again with the cooling W111 be or very much less value than if done at once. During DR JEFFERS Office hours new stock. Do not use any half vay . methods in getting rid of it. ”“5 half hour the bacteria have 31' 9m 11 a.m.; 2 to 4pm,; 7 m8p,m, Bed- ready become very numerous. It some- dance 30 Wellington meet. Telephm. No, 43, times happens that night’s milk keeps 7 H better than that of the next morning I ,K- WHITE,GRA1JLJATE OF because the night’s milk was cooled at naduaggg'r‘i’ff; ggg‘ggig $53.30 {2313211312 once. while sometimes the morning’s (.3: allege 01 Physicians and Surgeons. cmazio. milk is put into the cans at once and Office South-east corner Lindsay and Russell sirens. _ . . , _ , Telephone 107.â€"‘23 ly. taken Hill) the city without cooling. r‘ . .V 3 , ,‘ . . . ._ II ‘ ~ ‘ lhc tn 0 c m f agencies to prev ent soul R_ n, GILLESPIE, LA. A)? lug. then. are cleanliness and low tem- 5.0. once and residuece (mu.- ..z Lind-33 T , u 2-; 7“ :1 r ‘ 't ‘ - v‘ _ lad “tithe“ streets LlCEnllZ‘le (l LC: is. (Lye-g“ 03 Jildtu.t.. 1‘10 31ml {‘3‘ (IA-S W111 13-0 i'llyeieiane and Surgeons, EulLbuz. ll. Lietrfzntr oi vent all the other bacterial growth iiiuwxiery,l£d1nbunh. special aruxtun mu 2,5 I which causes slimy milk. tainted milk K 95 l l Univerlity. 001109. ”m "04°" MW practiced in tho no. scientific manner. Crown and W Work a Ipodalty. Charge. moderate. OFFICEâ€"94 Kent Street physicians DR. A. E. VROOMANâ€"O-fiicfle and residence north-east corner P. l Gambrldgs-eta. Telephone 51. ee 82nd .â€" A Beautiful Flowering Vine. Among all the leading flowering vines \‘.'hicil embellish the beauty of the summer season. but beautiful in- troduction from .apan, Clematis pani- stauds unsurpassed in many culata. rcsz'iccls. its pure white flowers. given forth in untold abundance. lend a son:- blance of coolness under the hot, late 'rl (l\\l!L‘ry and diseases of on; . y. it. . ; 1-. p. 5‘0. and other peculiar conditions. I“ x.“ "‘ _ ‘: . R4. DIM bON’ f}1x»“l‘\ AJDN, '..(.l“li1l. llHI ll} llle Lilli‘. It has IeaLh lqfl‘m qpfi rpgidence RF‘K E1 1;},(5 \ C" < . . kt, ' .. .. l 3 . ' a“ or. end door west of York-st. Ofllcehcurs 3.09 3.11. to 1.3 ,( 1 i .. . ‘l‘l "- X ‘3 a: _ .0 ..w a m., $.30 p.19. w 3 p.m., are? to ‘ 5. 1:1, 1:5, ’ u 1 U 1 slllpl 5 Di" 0 t nt’ cont ‘11 J. SlMl'SON, graduate oi Iniv. or 'lr: 1t). Duh, ill: l'l‘Uill :1 1.6“?” 110113111111 to 150.000 Toronto MedicaICcllege of Plysirians are. Summers, gel-ms lo the cu ic inch. sometimes 01“- “We“ “09?“.“0‘1-‘93’91’4- h‘iéli‘vh- 5”" . . ’ . . . Trunk Suraeon,l.inosay Dame; 1.31.6814“. Item. more. 'lhese are obtained chiefly trom ”3â€". 4M“ 1891. ' fmr sourcesâ€"the air. the milkcr and his clothing. the milk pail. the cow. They are always floating in the ai . especially if hay is fed during milking. They are likely to be on the hands of the niilker to some extent, and his clothes are teeming with them. Milk pails not completely clean contain a large number. but the greatest source of milk bacteria is the cow. The germs get into the tents through the milk ducts and between one milking and the next multiply rapidly. The first milk taken from the gland washes these bacteria into the milk pail. ____..__.__â€"â€"â€"- Cow Comfort. The man who at this season of the year provides some kind of shelter from the sun for his cows is going to receive a big interest on his invest- elicious ment. says Hoar-(1's Dairyman. A cow to return a protit from the feed she consumes must be comfortable. and comfort is not found where the animal is required to stand under a blazing sun or hunting for a few mouthfuls of dried grass over a drought stricken 40 acre pasture. Butter is a slippery ar- ticle. and it slips away easily and quickly when its factory is required to spend *hree-l‘ourths of the time light- ing files. A cow will appreciate shelter on a hot day as much as. if not more than. a man. Cool water and a corner sheltered from the sun. together with a breeze to keep the tiles away. will go ‘ the milk pull it is already contami- m.” .. _ --- nutrients, 8a. DONALD R. ANDE R b O N, Barrister,801icitor. c. Ofitcr it n~P-‘laiely OppO-‘lie the Duly Boner, Kent-en, Ln u... y. D F ANDERSON. G H. HOPKlNh, Barrister. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. More} to Loailat bowel! R-tes. Ofllce F0. 8 William Street south. 0. 11. HOPKINS. ___________._._____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" TEWA RT O’CON NOR- Barristers, Notaries, etc. Office over Ontario Bank, Kent-ca, Lindsay. Money to Loan at very lowed rota. '1'. STEWART. L. V. O'CONNOR, B.A‘ r“ NIOORE 8: JACKSON-Bar- risters, etc. Solicitors to: the County 0! Victoria and the Bank oi Montreal. Money to loan on mortgage. at lowut current rates. one... William-It... Linda-y. P. D. H0032. ALEX. JACKSCN _________________..â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- NICLAUGHLIN MCDIAR- IID, Barristers, Solicitors, ac. Linus-.3 and Ieuelon Falls. Undeay omen, bakers Block Kent-It, We are loaning money or. real my tire! snort-cm in mm! largogmd small, to en?! borrowers, on the but team an at the vet} lom‘rtratesot interest. We do nofilond on no'es or chattel security 3. J. KcLAUGBLlN F. A. McDIAl‘JID CLEMATIS PANICULATA. summer sun and exhale d . fragrance around. It is a delightful plant and worthy of all the wide no- As a climber over a trellis. on the roof of an old shed lar. this most popular of clematises is sure to please. Our picture is a very faithful interpre ation of the graceful " habit of the young growth as well as reproduction of individual flowers. says American Gardening. “-..â€"....- ETER BROWN, Auctioneer Oakwood P.0., (Interimâ€"I’m: stuck and other sales prom ly attended to. Charges moi.- eratc. Sales can arranged for at THE WATER? MAN Ofiice. Phenoznennl Prospect For Peaches. The 1)i'(l>1ll'(‘$ of the peach crop June I "in "licnomeual, 1 were nothing less i-;...- L, . . .. 't .. intendedl , . (“an t “n‘lerbt‘if’d that I “‘15 i riety or two crops of the short variety. to lnClUde her. 'lgrowing the crop on large areas of uccordilli‘; to the government. statisti- as far tox'ard filling the mill: pail as ______â€"â€"-â€" â€"â€"â€"- c . h 7 . . .. 1‘ T f - ...; 1 ,3.» .cheap land. plowing deep. puttmg 0“ chm. almost every important peach heat. flies. poor water and dned 111) I HOMAS b‘NAIl‘.., :17“, Auc- . a a ' . . . . . . ‘ . ‘_ , ,W ‘ The} Will-glues uare built up is 1 the necessary fertilizers, reaping and growing“ State 1'01.l()l".l‘.lj..._" a condition itr pasture wzll DI'OClllce the ODDOhlte. c naugtlsfegg gees”; Offs-lo 5‘3“? ‘7 {53;}: V ' ' ' ' \ i . . . â€" '.. 7 ~. ' 1‘ "v o . , «e I: -Lun The Way an: O ' breaking by Inllclllllery and “Slug t1“ above It‘ll? “Vol-age (lll'sl $01110 (\\’C\‘:1‘:30"'e (.‘rOhllJ kshelter Is not necessa‘3' but as reasonably 88 ‘3 my 0“.“ Sinidllsbe’ infigh- SOllli‘ Old boards and straw. together bill’bOUd. hxperlonced in all lill'd? l z..:rc.~. tile and stock ssh-s. Terms reasonable. aim ;._.- «SK-d tc 100. Among; the latter are I‘lclawarc. ‘ ...-7‘ . . ' . ‘4) 14“." .x‘ ~v‘ (u, u _ ~ ‘ . {JE‘Olmul (lllll )‘Ullll (a~t1\:llLT-ou lLlO.‘»C le ‘ 0011de sales 0‘ .1] lunue ll:- Nivu'l‘,‘\\rh khiltfllp, l l l correspondence answered promptly.” 47 '7. pr-.. -... ‘ with a few hours’ work. will go far in producing cow comfort. ________.___...__â€"- Aeration and Cooling. Makers of milk who have not yet loathed the value of aeration and cool- ing are lacking in fundamental educa- iou of their calling. says The Breed- er's Gazette. Cleanliness. aeration and cooling will do much to preserve milk Hybridixation has been the favorite bill“? and sweet during the hot weather methml of producing new varieties ol‘ approaching and do away with the - perhaps because the 51"“ temptation to use preservatives. Cream- erymen are especially interested in ports of 105, 1.10 and ilk". are about lilo their respective ten year aver- Only California. with a condiâ€" “‘m avar- ' "“" -« riv m'w. ,1." iiOll oi 4|. oi .~~._.1).uz...wlu.l.‘.. t.” -1 “1 dot: mics. is any lll)l1“.\'\,il‘ill3' crimp . s‘ ~ ‘Mv-v il‘fi‘. (Ilka ..lLlal‘. or rich to tip.- long series of highly favor- ? . . ‘t :l'llcl'cpi’n't:.~,. The ndersigned are prepared to loan men: in large amounts on good Farm or Town petty at 4}; per cent. per anrum. Sma’ stl'a wbez'yios; successful variety was obtained in this ........................ 1 20 v.11. .................... 2 oo " . ' bein" intro- fleman WLO is a . . v n H. GILD “That gen _ _ fr thinker.” high, they should be out With a mo“ 0. _ ‘ W ,‘W . ) q, . . .. . . ERSLEEVE’ duced to Miss Binks is a 99 set high and this operation repeated at “3-" A,“‘"’““‘ m" ”Lem “l."“ds may . Slll'oadmg the knowledge or the bene- loans at slightly increased rates. be mcuizcued the Hunn. which also 11- fits to be derived from the use of the MoSWEYN 8:. WELDON Gen. Manager, Kingston . “which is he. a bachelor or a widow- ; . ~â€" ‘ “d frtight rates apply to- ~ “0. WILDER, _ 'About one ‘- 331x63 050:. finds! life we ”“923?“ ‘________‘_.. My. . . gv-n «'Hi Q -.-l' , t .11: solve us.v . .> . “‘f "‘ .1 non wet season.“ "- ~ inwrvals of two or three weeks until the Weeds are :-r~i‘t behind the alfalfa in ”*7“- ” 1‘ bed proved success- t uestions ct . . , ,n at ... , : ,. . x “f 0f he q tn; .. 'the Oklahoma experimenters: . 3 lustrates the diliiculty of systematic simple cooling apparatuses on the mar- breeding. it being the only one deemed hot. as the. success of their summer worthy 0‘ preservation °“t 0‘ about output depends on the condition of the 1.700 hybrid seedlings tested. . mm; when delivered “them, - I ...â€"a... .,,,.. .-......A ..--..L “4.4.... I. :‘tvr‘vt‘vre‘Lâ€"Am“ r -..-

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