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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Aug 1900, p. 6

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t he Eldon township council held a * 7 A meeting at L and confirmed. The judgment of His l . Hobo: Judge Harding in the suit of lock duly read, authorizing the levy and motion â€"Carrfed. ] i against the Municipality Cf Eldon was collection of these amounts, and upon the Moved by Mr. Rehill, seconded by Mr Nbd- third reading were signed and sealed. \Vires, that a charity grant of lOOlbs. of On motion of Coun. Ross, seconded by : Conn. Yanetone, Ccun. McPherson was more this year than last for township Carried. ; appointed commissioner to have tlge purposes on account of several bridges i ‘ ' d cu‘ver‘ constructed across t e t . . ‘ secon r u requiring o be rebuilt or repaired Tne paid; Charles Simpson for Sidewalk ma- road on 2nd commission line to the muni- cipal drain, No. 1, as recommended by the judge’s decision. On motion of Conn. McArthur, second- ed by Crun. Ross. the following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid: [ Duncan A. ELFadyen, 85 rods gravel, ; $6.83; Dcncrn A. McFadyen, cutting [ . rush on let sideline at 4Lll con., 2 50; i i w. G. Nicholle, hauling punk for 801 i.) save: bridge, $35; Mrs. P. Mchna'd for gravel, 318; W. 1manning, for work and gravel. St}; Myles Hayglrth, for . gravel, $6 30 ; John Armour, for gravel. $3 40; Chas. E. Ross, for measuring gravel pit, lot 18, con. 10, $2 ; D. B McArlhur, for measuring gravel pit, in: 18, con. 10. $2. A communication from the clerk 0f Thor-ah on account of the alleged wrong- ! i fully diverting of a watercourse flowing from E'don into Thorah. The reeve was authorized to confer with the reeve of Thorah for the purpose of arranging the matter complained of. On motion of Conn. Ross, seconded by Conn. McArthur, witness fees in the och suit were directed to be paid to the following persons as follows : Angus Ross, 85.60 ; Donald McPherson, $3 60 ; Ken- neth Mathieson. $3 60; Farquhar Stewart, 82.60. The following by-laws were duly pass- ed. For levying the rates as follows:â€" County rate ....... 2.- 2 mills in the 3 Township rate ..... 3.6 " “ General school rate 2.2 Railway rate. . . . . ..2.8 For levying the trustees’ school rates in the several school sections as follows : S. S. No. l..Lorneville. 2.6 mills in the $ " No. i' 1..VVoodville. .4.2 “ “ H ‘6 £6 6‘ S. S. S. S. No. 3 Argyles. . . ..22 “ “ S. S. No L' .2 7th con 1 8 “ “ S. S. No. 3..Gillandere. .22.? “ “ S. S. No. 4..Hartley ..... 4.8 “ “ S. S. No 5..Bolsover. ...2.13 “ “ S. S. No. 6 .Palestlne. . .5 2 “ “ . S. No. T..l£ldon Station 5.4 “ “ S. No. 8..Kirhfield. ..6.0 “ “ ‘6 ‘6 t4 ‘3 S S. S. S. No. L' 9..Victoria Road 6 4 S. S. No. L' 10.Long Point 2 6 For levying the sum of $56 on the village of Victoria Road being a portion of the sxgnenae of preparing and register- ing a plan of the said Village of Vic oria Road. The c3uncil then adjourned to mee- again at Bolsover on the Sir day of October next. MARiPOSA COUNCILORS MEET l'N SESSlON Large Number ofAccounts Pass" Neil McLeod, building culvert, lot edâ€"A Busy Meeting. éLDON TOW’NSHH) Elisha. rate on the dollar will be 2 2 :fi‘eigglks in Coboconk and for repairing . t rate and the sum of $4.455 35 to be levied conk road, Mr. Peter Wires to be commis- ‘ General Business 'â€" Accoun s over the different sections. making a total clownâ€"Carried- . ":5 Passedâ€"Levying the Rate- ' of $12,643 60, practically out of the _ _ 0 ‘7 i "- control of the municipal council except- gggfiéntsizaisiia:;:fcg:i:§ given the A t 18*h it is their duty to pass by-laws authorlz Moved .by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. orneville on ugus ‘ ' ing the 19"? Of these amounts, and pay Peel. that Peter Finlay be collector for The members all present; the reeve m them over to the county treasurer and 1900, and be paidasalary of Samâ€"Carried. ' , the chair. , the treasurer of the several school sec The minutes 3f 393‘: meeting were read tions in the township. , ills WATCHMAN-WARDER : LINDSAY. ONT. ...â€"â€"-â€"â€"~._- ... . u.- - AwmfluQ-’-‘ Wires, that $30 be paid for material for W The sum 0f 34.871 for 00‘1le “t9 and Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. be sum of $331735 for general BChO‘V‘i Rehill, that 350 be expended on the Coho- i 9 Moved by Mr. Wires, seconded by Mr. 3 § fl Moved by Mr. Rehill, seconded by Mr. Irwin. that the reeve sell the Rickman at . _ , â€" \l . ~ the first good opportunity of a reasonable ' By laws No. 009 and i o 010 were sale, and attach the corporate seal to this 2 Q The council appropriated about $500 flour be given to the old man Anson.â€" Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr, Rehill, that the following amounts be trustees requisitions also amount to about terial and repairing Coboconk bridge, $30; $400 more this year than last. Apart Pat Hannerlan, repairing road, $4; John from these two items the taxes will be Bowing, (10, $12; Walter Wilson, do, $10; negrly the same as last year. Henry Southern, do, $10; Peter Cameron, Moved by Mr. Suggitt, seconded by dc. $5; James Rehill. do, $2 25; Alfl'fd Mr. McKiunon, that the clerk be instruct- Taylor, for drawing map Of Coboconk, .SO-Carr‘ied. ed to procure a proper register and post $1 , .. .. I .- ‘ ,yJaw 51.), a. lay-law to levy a rate of up 3.1 certificates of births, oea=hs and b . 20 1-7.0 mills in the 5.3, and a special rate 0n . marrzages previous to 1st July, 1808. ._ We promised to make August the Greatest Bargain Getting h‘lonth Calendar, and part of our programme is a thiang iVl'Hd-up at the Everythlng in stock that inclined to be a hindrance to the complete 01'“ rance (i ;:"x ' 1"" v”. .- A, Stocks must be swept away by an awful cyclone cf slaughtered prices crumb _' mammg days of August. illS Gleal mall <â€" lfilll on: must sweep Summer Suits, Hats, Underwear, Hosiery. 51:1 Neckwear, Caps, Collars, Cuffs, and every vestige of 51.. Lines off our tables and shelves. \Ve progress to suspend all rm ' regulations of business from now until the lst of S "plumber, ‘1? f the Si'l‘lOUl section‘s sufficient to raise the Carried. following amounts: U. S. section No. 9, Moved by Mr. Sngnitt, seconded by $100; 11.5. section No. 2, $110.47; a. section Mr. Graham, that Mr. l‘rchinnon be NO- 3, $110; 8. No. 8. $125; u.s. section No. appointed to look af‘er the municipal‘tise’ 1, $202.; 8. section No. 0, $90; 11.9. section . , , No. 10. 20:.- and the sum of 323‘.) 25 cost of share of cleaning out the Grants urslzl' ‘ ’ ’ s â€"â€"Carried. registering, certain 10ls in the villnge of , Victoria Road, be 10‘, led against said lots; Moved by Mr. Mclx-lnnon, seconded by was passed. Laxton, Digby and Lougiord Council Proceedings Council met at Head Lake, town hall, on 15th August, pursuant to adiournment. All members present; minutes of last meet- ing read and confirmed. Moved by Ccun. Kerr, seconded by Coun. McDonald, that a by-law he passed to levy and collect the sum of $966 and the “ railing gravel pit ....... 4 00 R. Jackett, breaking stone 1.1.» days... 1 50 J. Johnson, gravell‘ng and turnpik~ ing 41 rods .................... .. . 36 90 W. A. Silverwood, 234 loads gravel. . 2.3 40 R. Ferguson, drawing crushed stone ll 25 “ three ccrds stone. . . ... 4 50 “ cleaning and use of field 4 00 W. J. Copp, 4.} days drawing crushed Mr. Sugeitt, that the reeve give an order By-law No. 3-14, to appoint a collector, on the treasurer for each of the followlr‘e WM 9389”ng h d. d one end of the store to the other blow whirlwinds oi .arge crooner: - 0 n0! t ena curve . ‘ . :c “U..- accounts -- Thee C “Him leron 1 k 1”,, the hands of the people. A few davs Will do the busm‘ess <3 “ G. Martiudale, two leads gravel ..... $ 1 20 ‘ ‘ ’ 0 er ' 3; sharr” is ill W rd ' ’ ~ John Johnson, gravelling ............ 35 00 If /, .. ,J E 01 . it Lil . 5 Good-Bye to Good-Bye to Men’s and Bnys’ Suits Summel Boatsâ€"- --Not a question of worth, but what â€"And Separate Garments. Broken stone ............................. 12 75 rate be thirteen mills 0n the dollar. B" . . . G. Hicks, 4:, days drawing crushe d {lfideimimmiifspfifgd“filt’l’lfflfvzi’d price wril sell them. It Will pay lots of Vests and Pants. Good stone ............................ . 13 00 school seem}, We, war; 3" in .‘01' canoe. ypu to be among the first. The Sizes and shapes in various styles M. Webster, 2 days drawing crushed will amgugtlnéoto $l%27.-Carrred.d pick 15 worth something. 300 of material. Good picking for stone... ....... . ...... . ............ 6 00 Cougf’iicngnaldfgimfigltfigf’fia‘fgdgy Suits to pick from, well made and Boys as well as Men. They’ll W-JamE‘S‘ 31‘ days demg cr‘hhed beappointed collector-jol- the year lend: finished, the makes of the best move quick when the news gets stone ............................ 10 50 and mat by-law N o: 211 be passed confirm- makers out Sam Walters 2.13 days drawing “3“ the sameâ€"Carned. ' ° crushed stone. . 7 5 Moved by Coun. Campbell, seconded by """ , ' ” " ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ __ Q Coun. Davey, that tho reeve give his order Walter Metcalfe, gravellng .......... o 15 on the treasurer-in favor of Wm. Dundas Let GO t L G 7 “ gravening ,,,,,,,,, ,, 7 00 for $1, being repairs to bridge on Cameron 0 6t 0 i0 .llsold seven R. N. Mark, gravellinp: .............. 2 50 ”ad ”Waite 10512-‘leed- ’ .. M G .11 b k“ , Moved by Coun. Campnell. seconded by . upfor 10 CC - . r1 8. 1'88 mg stone and "39311" Conn. Davey, that the clerk be instructed ' “6 lug road ......................... 7 00 to nptify Norrils Bjrosw ranchers. that their n BIWEflI an 03‘ I w is Get ' y W. J. Hall, work on grader .......... 9 00 08“ 8 “fly.” 0“, “On- 7-" ‘3 in 8 63088!" Wt, Ffid‘ A. O. Hogg, fare and expense of John 3:: g31figg°fifip§13§veggieggfifegfd .31 “9 0f 3: Ch GondotnhtqlTorontlp. .............. 2 80 min“? by 02%;;‘tf‘.mphll',_lsccondedilg â€"â€"Odd dozens and half dozens, and â€"And a loud “Let Go" it isi if your l well, Little I'lS.J.' l c e ,grave In}: ........... 16 55 110- 3V9)” '6 VOW-61,8991“, 1‘3 the ’re not oin ba k i ' ° 0:.6'1'; : W G. Martindale, work on grader ...... 5 94 anddexpen? E“ the " v" ”1. pieces 0 bad i) if ° hg g C nto éhe 5128’ Style or :Sha-pe 15'. 2:.-.ng i in evezi EliShort gravcmng _ 4.) run t_ e o owmg ~ m. .09 Mchys s e ves w1t our consent. an them, then you re 1n lUCK,.3.' ...e The patrons . ----------------- i’ - 11 o I use Gostll. , vunrllmlSS ' - ' ' " ‘ - ml 3 . S ”“5300“ on use them 3 if so hei us to ~ t l c ‘ " We" Anson Walton, l cords cf wood ...... 10 50 uarter road near ~-‘ 0 -l No. 3, J. H Y ' “ P prlces are cu‘ 00-6 snare” ”m“ ”d Butter C E. 51039”, 7;, days drawing stone” 1313 S‘tostllin, IgommlSSlom 53 on lotts, cons? make a clearance to make room the values. We don’t want to issues for ti . 9, .. . ep en .ylln. com.; a: in quar er ro , ° , ‘ ' 9- Eifks’ _., “Elem 0“ Waderw- : ~30 west of Mr. Hallways, Joshua Bailey, for Fa“ armals' “miter them 1 umber of poa ... days drawmg crushed stone. . 2.) 50 com.; $10 nrrth of Mr. Maxwell's, on con. i G. Martindale 8-5 days drawing 4‘ Kengdb MCDonlald’ ‘Bn”; 350 {m quart- mm”. was .1 . 6 ~ . -; or we between ots L‘ and 25 , con. 1, . , , ‘ Exile‘)§<;:r;:,wi:l:;:§:ad.ng H 88 Digbv,11{§.bMCDlomild. com ; 3.35 0?: lot 13, Everything Rooted Out, Tlcketed and Marked at Prices to Close Then: Go: . . ’ “'33! pound _ ~- v f" ------ “ con. 7, 0 [en (err. com.; $30 on ameron ‘ ' . . ‘ 113 A \o Wilmot \\ ebster, 4:3 cords stone.... 6 T5 road, south of Village of Norland, Wm. Wlth a RuSh to FlrSt Buyers - l n. 1 E Percy \Vebster, 2‘3 rods graVelling Adair. 0001-; $20 00 Q1000}; P036. 9385. m 11" lbs“ lot 19 con 8 1.. ‘38 George Peel, corn; $2.) on Monck road, dmfik 0, (to ‘ , . ’. , "l """ ‘ """"" l east of Head Lake church, I. Davey, com.; ’ L L i ' W.bnnau1ne.d1rchma. leolmonwl, 10 .30 22 for Duck lake hill. C. Butterworih, lulfof the m G. Martindale, work cu grader, lot com. Vouchers for some being handed to . . 10 con. 5 ............. 7 1-? 0031““ 10‘," ”5"“- ‘E‘mled-n am am for t , ’, .. -. fl “ over oy oun ‘amn'ae , seconded b ° Wm. 00.n1slr, “011‘ on grader, li‘t’ Coun. Davey, that thekcouncil grant this “Rue: pricel 10, con. 5. .. ..................... 4 50 wm of $25 to be expended on south bound. . : 85. lb. and 7 G. ilicks, work on grader, lot 10’ ary m~ro~sthe air and 8th con., Laxton, i ’ - ., . can 5 4 30 l‘l‘OVldlnRh the municipality (fl Bexley 3 Minnie- -. "'-'.‘. ......... .’ ..... ‘. grants ,1 e some amount, an George :. 7 __ . {56%. 3:151:31; gbruliidlrigfblod 10-1- ti; 0 00 Staples id appointed to expend the same. YTfhfLmeé‘ - . . , l 7 N .29, o 2., - errte . ..., . r , m an con. 16 ......................... 12 00 Moved by Coup. McDonald, seconded by THE; W ' ' 1? 1T r 1’; \J. N N . - . Conn. Campbell, that this council do now Oh D‘JRI‘ J'Ll GE‘JAP - ‘1 " d this wee _ _ adjourn to meet again at the town hall, ' . n.» C] 0, con- 10 ----------------------- 8 00 Head Lake, on the l5th Dec., at 10 a.m.â€"- V" a“. John Brown, repairing culvert; and Carried. C. BUT'I'ERwon'l‘u, Clerk. The council of Mariposa met at Oak- bridge. lot 15- con. 13 ------------ 3 00 “‘"W wood on Aug. 13th, 1900. The members Robt' Min repairing road, 10519, 3 D15” ICt NOteS '3 harvest ‘ con. 0 ....................... 00 â€"â€" . , ______.,-_____-__-__â€"â€"â€"-â€" ' , weredalll passentheXTpit Mr. Sugflitt. :h: Charles Short, gravelliug ............ 5 00 â€"A terrific storm burst over the north- Oak'ood, '3.“ 9;? “i” or a: mi apcoun 1° D. Nichols. gravelling ....... . ...... 22 50 east part of Harvey, at three o’clock on A SARNIA LADY ‘â€" rain. do taunt: o d. e as meet ng EVLJ. szllcock,grlllsvelllug .......... 18 00 Thursday morning. At that time Mr. " Mrs l were rea an con rme .o n .‘ aw, grave Eng ..... q ......... 12 {)6 Arthur Dewdne was awakened b - H 1 Mrs. R. S. Flynt of Lorneville desired “7- T- HOZR. men Spreading stone... 10 38 y y the 9 Mlnihoba m ‘ nr‘ 3 the council to recompense her for being detained at Mr. Hugh Graham’s during sickness of scarlet fever in Mr. Graham’s stones 2 47 ffimii)’, but the 00000“ contended they Wilson 8: Wilson, printing account. 52 25 were not liable under the circumstances The petition of Mrs. Ruder, jr., in at the hospital for Sarah Kinch, 45 10 reference to opening Flora-st. was discuss ed in council, and owing to the danger and consequent liability of the counci crusher ........................ 4 50 caused by a large open ditch in said stree It was moved by Mr. Rich. seconded by H. Westlake, ditching, etc., lot 13, Mr. McKinnon, that the council take no con. 4 ........................ 10 40 action in regard to opening up said stree in the village of Uakwood.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Rich, seconded by Mr. second Monday in September. Graham, that a grant of $10 be made to J. B. WELDON, clerk. John Cliff, indigent, in care of Mr. John Campbell. â€" C arried . Moved by 51‘“ Suggitt, seconded by The council met at Coboconk on the 151h Mr. McKinnon, that the treasurer b a. .. 7’ " . , ) . inslructcd to forward to the treasu.er Of T. Vt. hague, reeve, Wm. Peel, J. Rehlll, passage to the ground. The two young; storm, and there were in the house he. sides his wife, two daughters, a son, and two young men from Peterboro, who were spending a holiday with him, Messrs Henry Roberts and John 001:. Mr. Tells HowMilbum's Home" mints J“; Nerve Pills Cured Bethe? ” lire. Wm. 4 Excursmn :222: vousTmublesa‘” We no...“ NV. T. H032. for stone $38.25; spread- stonc, $3; wood for engine, $9 75, 51 00 C. F. Alger, provisions for Living- - D . H ll fo ' - ~ ’ a F 3 rcperatlon and expenses Dawdney noticed that his Wife was still CUCd Her \Keak blitem' ‘ Muller \l’i} . G. Graham, time at ditch, townline asleep, and be was about to rise, and see AUG. 28TH, ““3“!“ "NT“ OCT' 27TH: AND Mover-ed f Brock ......... . _ 2 50 if all was right about thl house when be 397- IITH. ' " NOV. IOTH. l900 M'lb“ . H rt d Nerve Pills are” M . to: R R. h - '. """"" felt a frightful shock as if he had b “TURN ““3 T0 ' 1' ms ca an ‘7 "‘5 M r' R‘Ch‘ l . lc ’ lime and expenses, to stone , gen . inestlmablc boon to anyone so cr is 50in; struck by a heavy stone on the head Winnipeg “‘3‘“? i “Y di’ca“ °" derangement Of tile .4 - at Came t I WI k' . _, ’ Delmame M°°S°33w or nerves orwhosc bloodisthiu anSWM‘” MF . . .- ac to, sawmg wood for crusher, 4 23 For a few moments he was helpless, an?" §°ikt°n J Mrs E Homing of 11- Geerzc gm" Melon WI 5 ev ' Alb rt ‘ ' 3 g ‘ ' . though quite conscious, and as soon as he B‘nscxltli (32:)? e 1$35 55m“. Ont., is one, Of those iihoscgi: him. 1 t Clrried received power to move he found that #:3193231“ £43162; )i cpce'with this remedyls we. “0.... Hr. Stupid ' ‘ Mrs. Dewdneyl his" beside him had 5"“ River Edm°nt°° i340 Sider'mg. "‘ ‘9': 1° it We The council then adjourned till the ~ 3 ’ . . . , , It is as follows :â€"“I am 1*“? “ Pg, 3 Sand ' been instantaneously killed. The fatal Mill-2111) :t" wilgégoinang“;:2t°l 0“”va 3"“ 5‘3 commend Milbum‘s Heart and “if: 3.. , Mr. and N fluid had Passed down her side. leaving a ”Fur'iurlh’er particulars apply to the nearest Cana- to anyone suffering {rm}; ”6:” filiarlirz. m Silud. .. , . ‘Vq’ .(ig 3‘ "‘1 ' 4 scorched mark. The their had struck the . ‘ man Pmnc Agni; WNOTMA ”35%;.“2-‘15’2‘22ificiil; 113"; Miami Muss y a o . , . . . _ . ‘ . . ($1.131): Bexley Councrl Proceedmzs “We” ““1 ”1”“ m“ “w ”W AppreCIated ...-... 6...... p... 33’. . “may ...... W T9“: its: 9... Mi pipes, scattering them in all directions. x King Street East, 'lgorontiir.en ' HeartVand Nerve Pm“ ,i'vnlilavfhenei Sandal Geary 5 Pharmacy. haw .Jgix-tsysieml 7 Mr. Hayl them greatly and invigorah Every lady app’eCiates jewâ€" T G Matcnett Agent leavingme no excusei‘orncznmkziigl‘” Mg ho“ a- ° 3 elry. Even the ordinary sort l their virtues. was: Y«I'll be ad From the stove it passed through the 8 Aug. 1900- The members present were: floor, splinter-lug several feet of it in its Reach the sum of twen‘y four dollars Peter Wires and W. R. Irwm councillors. - ° - - - “I f ' f m recoup.“ ’ . , ’ . . d 15 en 0 ed h l . _ . cannot re ram ro. <..:3.;c:’» balsa": the amount. of the award due in Minutes of last meeting Were read and men were bédly shocked, Mr. Robmts J Y W le It Is new, b.ut c'P‘R OFHGE KENT STREET these pillsto allsuffcx‘ers 35“”7L‘W _QM‘°“ F5 maln‘enance of the boundaryliue between passed. . being serious y i’h‘l‘km’ “9d Mr. DEde‘Y . the largeSt Pleasure goes With for nervousness and weakness. “Vic hol fiIOVed by BIT. PCCl, sec-*-nfle:i by Mfr. for a time had {GETS for his TCCTWSYY- the best quality. T0 insure A â€" "â€"‘wflâ€"‘W 7 I M F‘ Moved by Mr. R‘ch, seconded by Mr. $8.80, issued in 1808 in settlement of his She gum, from‘Eogland with Mr 33er Suz’a’itr, that an order be drawn on the Claim-*Cfl‘liad. my and was 1 d hi hi â€" ' - . 3 3 t treasurer for the sum (f $243 70 in favor I”1‘39“an adjourned one hour for dinner ' y g y es eemed by of Mr. J. R. McNeillie', county treasurer. tor use of county crusher and gang of i Ifaacfdand Laziness for the year 1b99'â€" Rehil], that W. A. Silvarwood be allowed Mrs. Dewdnoy was aged 57, and leaves a erm l'. i ' m " ' “a“, l " (”MAC ‘ 553 iiiilltt‘restin addition to the ordrr for family of three daughters and two sons, P amen P easure YOU must TYTSE'GQ _ d 7 i i ll ’ # fl, , ...rsivh . ‘_ P . ..- men to operate it.â€"Csrrie d. The council took up the estimates for and tirem'flives in sympathy and approved the coming vesr, when the following ofthe project. . appropriations willbelavied for township Moved by MP- Rehili, seconded by Mr. She is 9‘ young lady 0f ability and ‘pnrposes, namely : poor rate,» $400; roads Irwin, that $7.50 be expem‘ '4 on junction comes well recommended. We wish raises. Goods delivered to any part of town _ and bridges, $3,600; salaries, $1.000; road. Jacob Bartley t0 "“ .‘missioner. her success' - M 00 ARTY promptly. m}: guaranteed' I tin 200; law ex uses 2"- . Pd” 8: 3 9° ’ 3 0’ also that two stone hamn ".r. be procured 3'5 Janetvflle camp meeting on Sun- election expense, SICO ; board of health for Mr Wires’ beat Carri . , . . _ _. . .- ed, day last. It is hoped much ood will - , THE JEWELLER, 3100: M00033, $200 , total, $0,620. Moved by Mr. Peel, B..~'..'l.l'.8d by Mr bedone. g .7: t-St c . Phone 1‘32. W. WORKMA h T 3’ mm; Ball ' Ken " ”mi“ 5“" Tau 'orsr arm . give jewelry that will wear. For Summer We“ ’ . We make a specialty of the S and resumed proceedénos at one o‘clock “11“”) whom she was acquaintedr-In. b ' ' H . i ’d i J “A i “‘32.. I “hm“ , est and . avmg ease tie ewe ccommodation , . . In] Mr. 33m, Iism del'tSSE-d the meeting, dependent. . ' yoJr gift WI” argue BarnsonYork-st.,lamuowpreparedtoreceive ,, 0;, ' *3an \ explaining the proposal 0f biliiding Of a JiIO UNTHOREB You" came for you constantly horses toFboard by day or week on reasonable I have them. They are :CLL‘Yl C . 1 hospital at Lindsay. The council ex - , . . ' ' "3m?" "st-class men in charge day and . ‘ 501 ’0' . pres Mlss Maggie Scott of Omemee lain 8 if you buy Wisely here' right. Farmers and others coming to town also cheap. . “ erings l” ‘ MN can have their horses carefully looked after, Some new lines 0! Trc“s char 6 of the Mou ‘. g at Horeb 301100 and parcels taken care of. Comfortable office. to hand. Flve Gent Parcel Delivery oflice on pre- Give me a "in, for your Bay, San. Fit First-class New Hack“ for Weidirgs, ' ’ Funerals, etc., or by the hour. N J 0 J o RICH, and that $2.25 be expenc. ,. 0.. beat No. 22; Mount Horeb Was Well represented . _ , Mmfimm'hmw’b-Wnfimf‘lmmrm‘»«M4m:~rlr~.n . ‘WAw-ssv'mnn "h ...,.,,...,,_,,,, ,.. w, . .. .. .. ...”. ...... _. . . . .. ,,

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