6 g “GO TO" SEWERAGE SCHEMES 5.3:: $2.32.. ’23:: m“ UNDER DISCUSSION valid property owners for the origi. . nal petition, but he could not state 0 ‘ ’ ' â€""""“‘ - 1d ’1 t th ‘ 1 f ‘ , f ' E OF how it wou aPPY 0 e va “e 0 . MEETth OF GENERAL COMMITTE the properties interested. He was . OUNClL of the opinion that the council should move slow in the matter and I O l rsâ€" Communications and Finance Matte suggested that they hold the matter New Boot and Shoe Store A Sad Case in my“... The regular meeting of the city Ald. Jackson pointed out the simi- o the Colborne-st. sewer and t les in - for the latCSt 5 y fathers was held in the counCll larity t 'hould go BOOtS and ShOCS. N0 01d chamber on Monday evening. Mayor suggested that the matter 5 Ingle in the chair, and the following before the judge. StOCk on hand' All 0111' members presents Aldermen Hore. Referred to the Board of Works Goods arC bought derCt Jackson, O’Reilly, Robson and with instructions to notify all interâ€" b Touchburn. The minutes of former ested. The Kent-st. Sewer from thC manufacturer for meetings were read and approved. SPOt caShi ‘VhiCh enables Communications A petition signed by tWenty-three Clerk Knowlson read the following property OWners requested a. sewer on Kent-st. from Angeline to Cam- 115 to 5611 Cheap. communications : . 5 E. E. Sharpe secretary bridge-st. was read and on motion ' received and ' ction or our We Guarantee Satisfa y for the Home for the Aged, request- , f the clerk and if fo Money Refunded' ing council to relieve the home 0 . . inmate Wm. Reynolds who is of unâ€" submitted to Street Comm15$ioner ' Chalmers to report thereon. sound mind. â€"- Finance committee The Colborne-st. Sewer SPIE CO with power to act. ' From Mr. G- H. Hopkins, secretary A second crossâ€"petition was read from a number of property owners M Here’s another week of bargains and a mightv stro . ‘ it shall prove. We put prices at ï¬gures With a sole idea 2% :3;th : a , of the .Board of Water Commission- rcgular clean-up of all summer lines. We intend to keep the will: , 00 do- on Colborne-st. objecting to council Kent-5t" . Lindsay crs, requesting that the 84,0 â€I bentures granted to extend the watâ€" granting a sewer to the former petit- _. ~13" er works b0 issued and 9"†With‘ ionm‘s- instructed in our price lists. We are gaining new friends ever out delay in order to meet the exâ€" Ald. Jackson suggested that the and will continue to serve them as we do by giving them the v -l’ d1] hm'dinglong gra " l penses already incurred. â€"â€"Finance petition be sent to the court of reâ€" values and their money back if they want it. cry b6! W flowhen " ~ .- - committee With power ’60 aCt vision and that all the interested . £338“ or SEASON OF 1901 From Mr. G- H- Hopkins. town SO' parties be invited to attend. , W centre licitor, stating that Mr. Burgess. of Ald. O'Ilcilly pointed out that ac- G raham S S l â€ï¬ligree a e waoé. $811M No bet“? 1 Kawarth a L ake S the Lindsay Gas Company, desired to cording to the ruling of the town so- mect the council, or a committee licitor the court of revision could W thereof on Wednesdav morning to only deal with the assessment 1 - . , , .. ' ~ . '~ ’ ' anthel ara W6†m llElllVillilil llllllflllllllll 60" lllllllEll proceed to locate the gas mains.â€"-â€" ML Hunter pointed out that the C p it ctmg attgrétépgid Whgivcseuucshavaiim as these are being â€15113:: :3]: 2:8 ‘ ' ’ On motion the Police and Light ï¬rst petition Was illegal. He was ' C3 ° g'eightonhorsen Committee were authorized to meet not there to speak for the property gnudmiï¬â€œ; ands 003’ . ' «39' MB“. “uniï¬candwdlcnt pinWith case; she owners, as it was now in the h Anderson, who was un- SAlLlNGS 0F BOATS Mr. Burgess, as per request. S. Tucker complaining of solicitor chaygeoni Sturgeon Poin ’ " From Mr. 0 “ Lindsay o ESTURION of stagnant water standing in front able to be present. He warned the Lean Roberta: m6: :Lmifland 3.10 p.m. Of his property on Russelâ€"st.-â€"â€"Board council that if they proceeded with Boys’ $2.50 Three-piece Suits HOW - - . -' sturgefn Point ms 1‘ “ 4-10 “ of Works. the ï¬rst petition they would do so at u 33 50 u it _ _ i390 cut and when mac _ . . l H . O ‘ . u a - :33 I‘m?“ _ if; “ ‘1‘ 23,0 1. From Mr. O. Bigelow. asking that their own risk, for it would not end H 54m u u _ - - - gig? 'itwisnothfol'sak933 M Ar?“ :33??ng ’3: 92'.“ u (0.22: a‘ . a lateral drain be placed to his prop- there, as the property owners inâ€" “ $1.50 Two-piece Suits, now _ _ _ “(58C willpnt WIN-’9 "1 . Saturdays boat will await evening To:onio,imn. erty on the corner of Lindsay and tended to ï¬ght it out to the bitter a $1.75 u u . . - - $1 0 mewand SSelf-pu “€315 “med °“ Ruï¬oll-sts. from the Russell~st. sew- end. He explained how the signaâ€" :6 $2.00 a u _ - - _ 5120 :2: mgefeï¬gtigi Coioc k F nelon Falls errâ€"Board 0f Works. lures had been Obtained by misrepre' “ Washing SUitSi ' ' - 38:: :0; 65: “i†'ezranil low priceso â€1‘83; ' e ’ “MANITA†From Mr. W. T. Romage. asking sentation on the part of the promoâ€" ’ ’ ’ 3‘ . Last but. notl what inducements the town would tors and when the ratepayers found ' 0 o 5'- tion of getting July XSt to Sept. 14th . . ‘ ‘ ~ . -,, .7 Leave CobOConk 6ooam Arrive 74o pf‘ii 0301' for a foundry .-â€"â€"Finance. it out they went before the commitâ€" This ï¬reat sale cuts “Ito A“ SBClIOIlS ragga: 3‘51: Aft.“ gmfl’hus 2],:‘3‘ Lei." 23?, u From the President Of the Ontario tee and were told it would be set- “15"†have recei Lain Fenelon Falls 830“ Arrives» “ Municipal Association, stating that tied at the court of revision. Then Waterproof Coats, regular $300, now - . _ 5173 dBmder,Movfer and .. stutgem point 9 00.. Leave4 50 “ . . . a u 34 00 now ' advillcarrv them or Arrive Lindsay m 30“ u 3 30 u the assoc1ation Will meet at Toronto when they went there they were told a “ - a - ' - $2.90 theseason. The head} 1 Cafdï¬isï¬flief‘gfnpï¬hii‘gmgrtï¬: 2:11:32; on the 11th and 12th September next, that the court could have nothing 0 u 1 $5.00, now 0 o _, 55% atggfaiiscgï¬ :i‘ileln ° 3 ' ‘ 5 ° to discuss the protection of municiâ€" to do with it. The petition had Vera SD “$31332. llOW ‘ ' - - . 25: ‘31 n needing I . been secured by duplicity and he “ “ 55c, 3(0)“; - o . o - 2,5; - “1?: a: $§FoÂ¥r§§3 Bobcaygeon. Chemmflo “ †corporations and I i - - ,0; h“ ‘posa using M Wish, I [h OGEMAH counCil to send. representatiV'eSFâ€"‘Fi‘ to force it on the people. 0 t 't t an m shod itshnoti: S Juli'znd 105:9: 4 , . . 01' um Y 0 SU enquire owt ey in: 7 3° am Arrive 7 so P m name . Ald' RObson thought they Shoum Men’s Trousers pilligulair $1 and g? 75 now ï¬ecoml’ianl has mm “ From the Mayor 0f Ottawa, Wlth get the advise of their solicitor. u ’u ' i ’ ’ ‘ ' 692 11000 M CK PL’l $1.25 and $1.50, new , - - - ' 5 BINDERTWINEalso _ $1.25 without thstop o; angl nomore an t e c e “ “ $1.75 and $2, now Fine imported Tweed Fancy and Plain Worsted and Serge Suits all follow in - - â€" 52-65 ismiï¬im‘iffi‘mpiii Former prices $4.50, now . Former Prices $5.50, new - - 5390 pm manila. Stocks Former Prices $6.50, now - - . $430 elevator. AGEX'rs - _ HARVESTIN MA . Bla‘ck Wors‘tcd Smts, were 58, 50, now - - - . £5.33 «or CmcaooG. um . - 7. “ 5:510, now - - “ “ “ 12, now . - - . “ ' â€9° 066 Bi OAKWOOD. OS . ‘ . ‘ , ‘A ’ , ‘ Never in the history of the oldest settler has such remarkable values prevailed for such high-d8 ' gï¬g‘llaz Lave Bobmygeon “ Chemong 9 45 “ ‘ Leave 5 33 “ Buckhorn u 45 " “ 3 We Burlcigh 12 45 p in “ 1 Meals served on Boat ' the endâ€"and you a: W Btl'leigll, Lakefield, “SUNBEAM†From the Royal Carpet Company Goose: and â€spin asking what inducements the town Leave Burlcigh Falls “ Island 00 a m “ 2 is p m . . _ 2: Meg-1:33? Landing imam :‘ 225 pm would offer for the location of their 'oung's oint to o m ‘ 3 25 p m . - , . . __ 1 Arrive Lakcficld 8 40 a in " 4 :0 p in factory In the t0“ n 0f Llndsaé - Cc “ “ 6 30 P In Board of Trade. Leave \ P gxsam ‘ “ 'oun 's oint 4 am ‘ 7oopm g 9 5 u From A. E. Amos 8:. Co., Toronto, “ McCrackcn's Landing u 00 a m n 8 :5 p m u is a m 8 25 pm oï¬cring to purchase the $9,000 de- ing the coun Ald. O'Reilly pointed out. that they 3° u reference to the protection of muni- alrcady had the opinion of the solici- 3° cipalities from enroachments of cor- poration mattersâ€"Finance. tor. Ald. Jackson pointed out that they had received the petition in good faith and had given it the same pro- dure that they gave other petit- ions, and if people signed petitions without knowing what they were do- cil were not to blame. for Breakfast and Tea. M palities from the cnroachments of in- requesting the warned council against attempting _ ‘ f - Smocks come under the same reductions. Mechanics and working men will ï¬nd this ly everyday wants at a very small cost “ juniper Island whole matter Arrive Burlcigh Falls 12 is p m “ 9 25 p m Giving close connections at Lakeï¬eld with morning and evening trains to and from'Peterbo , . Connections each way at Juniper that. in 1883, the town deeded part Meals on board. . Island with Sir, ‘Alert' for all paints east, ‘3‘ of lot 6. N. Durham west to Mrs. T. They could take the bentures privatelyâ€"Finance. From Mr. J. H.'Sootlieran, stating before the judge. Mr. Hunter referred to the manner ' ' - .f "‘ be had . . . . â€and 5° Tnp Tun“ or Fumes my in which a majority of the property reduced rates at the Ofï¬ce of the Company, or or . 060- E. Bradburn in error. and asking owners had been secured by the re» H. Hamilton. Bobcaygcon. Lindsav Agent. Ticket Az'nt. EXpress _ it corrocted.-â€"Fi- moval of the name of Chas. Graham. Mr. Grahma Wilder, G. T. R. Town _ . Bunion. Upton Agent, 00111101]. to have Mr. Graham was the owner and had Clothing. Your duty is clear. 100 . J. GRAHAM a?“ - laborers’ E Office: Peterb‘ro Agendw B F'l’ d F el G.T.R. Lakcï¬cld Agent Geo. . liliar . en on nance With power to act. Falls Agent, D. Gould. Telephone Exchange. ff†Isl-0111 the tOVVI]. Clerk showing OUt‘ r. ’ SD-OALLEII standing accounts due the municipali- voted on a. money byâ€"law a. few days ty and payments in 1901 for river after. He again warned the coun- cil of the danger of lengthy litigation srnnwnemiv courouuns stoneâ€"Finance. if they went on with the work. Mr. Accounts Graham was a property owner and THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER "w“ â€"-14 All! IOTHIIO . .0!“ on Less ““- The following accounts were preâ€" V . 1d - . sented for payment and were on mo- the: “on ed prme It later on. They E t f B H . . . hat sccur six new names on the as "‘ RANK [MIT tiori referred to their respective com- 0 6118011 01186 - " LI ‘ 0 "" AT'ons' niittces : crossâ€"petition and only four property . NDSAY and BOBUAYGE ‘0‘ YINNIPEG The Ratlibun Co. ....S203 02 Owners were now in favor of it. . . ' “ziflliitfnz‘l Home for the Aged 07 SO Ald. Touchburn felt they were not ,,, l y “5â€) Boxall Matthie 5.... .. 1219 sum 0‘ their ground- They 5110““ =7. 1433:;qu Wilson Wilson 71 25 move slow and not take any chances ' w w r" 'r' " _..-- -â€"-â€" _-_ ESTEVJ-imiw Joseph Burke ........ 5 25 of an expensive law Suit. He favor- pCllS‘CX‘S read and on motion referred expend a cent on the street for thel Ald. Jackson. that the 015Ҡ. Ontario Rubber Co. .. 1 54 ed sending the matter to the court to the committee on ï¬nance. next year. led hm“: 0f absence for I“ R. Bryans CO. .............. 53 51 OEAIlZVISCI)?1?t.'l w s d t f The report of Market Clerk Callaâ€" The report Was referred to tho ProVidcd he 1‘2“? a comm" John McCrae .. 33 75 in the “11:5; :f-chzpfosfh 0 re :l'r- glian for the month of July was read Board of Works. son to lmriorm the duties 0â€IE Light, Heat . Power Co. .. 22 02 g. _ 5 0 9 cm" 0‘ and ordered to be fyled. The Block List ’ â€"-Cn.rrie(l. John Carew .................... 7O 79 reViSion as that bOdy had no power -. - - '1' . .. '~ '7 ' 1'05†Bell Telephone Co. . .. 10 00 to deal with anything outside the as- commissmner Chalmersreport on an Collector hichole submitted a lho, New Ci 5 22 00 sessnient. He quoted solicitor Hop- the new fire hall with-estimated cost Statement in which the names and MoVud by Aid Jackson!!!“ . ._ manna CF «.19 read and on motion referred to amounts of all in arrears for taxes by AM. (finally that me -- ' A. K. mg “or flu *l'iciail cuiiiinittee on the 7 ‘ ' General Anderson, Nugent 8; Co. for the year 1900.â€"Finanuc. m it. East, '1' the committee on town property. 50 kins' opinion and the opinions ad- l ‘ Alex. Fisher .... 1 (Putup fay ll , Canada Foundry Co. 175 16 vanch by Messrs. Anderson and 0" "‘uu’ Chas. H. Jones 1 50 Leary showing there was a diï¬erâ€" Lindsay-st Roadway An UnhOI." EXDenditurc f0" â€19 11““ my _ 603E! ' . . ence of o ' ' . - ' ' .. v t ' mince ("1w ‘ u‘ G. H. Hopkins ................ 62 30 w m be bp‘iliiont Hie thought it Commissioner Chalmers submitted Auditor Eaglcson reported he found to it" 21â€â€œ awfu- tickets earl After the Delinquintcs on e er 0 re er the matter his report for work completed on the accounts for June and July cor- “m“ '. 21111613 c MAT j back to the Board of Works. . root. with the ex t' O’H’mismmr Ch ' . CHET Lindsay-st. The cost excu-ded $1,â€" cep "â€1 0‘ one 0“ , 1 ~nd clerk's 05†. two minor items in the pay sheets, that m“ mu 1 J 50 be lined up for $1 ' Diarrhea, Dysentory, Colic, Cranips, Pains in the Stomach, Ald- O’Reily enquired if the col- Ald. Hore while he wanted the lector had sent in a communication. sewer he did not want it, over the Cholera Ch ’ 016“ MOI’bIlS, Cholera Clerk Knowlson.â€"-â€"â€"There is a state- heads of the people and would not press for it if there was any way in 400. but . Ald. O:Rcilly pointed out that the etpcrciill'nd 2‘“ ï¬nd any authority .f‘" Cmnmissioncr could not be blamed if ‘ mg “100 for keeping the river free 0‘ 103:5, and therefore had to re- lnfantum and all Summer Com- merit. plants. Safe, Ramble. um Petitions Mean Trouble which council could get clear of it he was “Ot’ furnished wm‘ proper port it an illc a1 . d't - . less, Mental. A cross petition was read from A. legally. . appliances for road-making. If they ance *g cxpen l ure. â€mm the final act sewcrwas Brooks and others asking that the Ald. Touchburn understood that did not supply a steam roller, he . Reports sell-mmux .- petition for a. sewer on Simcoeâ€"st. be Mr, Pilkie was willing to forego the “'35 “0‘ to blame- The juvenile Ald. Jackson read .1. t \~ . â€" 1min pi(w.rt"'adjourned "a not entertained. tender if. he Was given other work. alderman pointed out that there had of the Board of Works 20;]. ‘ 0' '0 ("ounm the“ “A8 ' On motion Mr. John Mcsweyn Reports been a loss of $9 per day every day tion W19 ado t d ‘ “h on m“- day next- / .1 stated he was present in the inter- that the horse You“ had him! at' Ald ‘Il b p e ' H“ In ests of the cross-petitioners, but did Mrs. Bolgers report for charity disâ€" work. It cost 89pm day to use the the -. , 0-80“ read report No' 16 “f Farmers' Union MM . . not know to what extent the pro- antiquated horse roller, when an u “(alumnae on police and lighting cshing â€so“ 7 . 1" Which was also ado ted 3‘5 the 111? EQUAL cecdings had reached. toâ€"date steam roller could be utilized Ald' H p ' w , “uh to warn 0Ҡ, Ald- Jackson explained that the at $5 per day. Then the latter 00 of. more Nail report No' 19 and izii-ticular and See petition had been received in good you would do more than double the work gm. W} e committee on Town Propâ€" Iscreen 15 used in “’9 ##â€" faith by counCil and duly submitted . . ~ _ _ , of the former. He had expected to A1 d 31“? were also “1°th: the engine. . Piles! Piles! itching Piles to the commissioner, who in turn re- m 13311 unless you Aarevlean by find all this set forth in the street of the Féciso? read report F‘O‘ 22 Anv tllrcshef who “‘22: SYMPTOMSâ€" Moisture. intense Ported favorably to the council and Hattieâ€"YO}! need mor‘e‘fat. ‘ commissioner’s report. He Would adopted manec Committee which was out ~a proper screen isl itching and stinging; most: at night; the report was conï¬rmed in council ; You meytat enough; you are like to see the report referred to the, -M -. .. d Imprisofln‘wt" . .worse by scratching. if allowed u" and the court of reVision had been W‘thebeneï¬t of it. Board of Works so that these lmintsi Md “Sic IIath ('hariiis an t mmw a W avntiniie tumors form which often advertised. Scott’s Emulsion f cod . .. could be broughthut, While lie A‘ ° Robson moved. seconded by De no 0 a c i ' blued and ulcerate. becoming very Solicitor McSweyn Pointed out that Wiflhél . on di- ...° . -.liver 01) modestly hoped the reporters would “If" Hore, that. ‘31!“ Chairman ‘ll,lmd: 0“ :c a violation P y gestyourfood, and not notice his remarks he was free to aligifgoifiï¬z‘hhu mm ‘ 7 » . 3 viii i 21:01:11; the Poxicy (2:: . .. --~, . p311 Wind†lore. SWAYNE'S OINTMEN'T stops two f , , , , ' the names on the cross tit- the itching and bleeding, heals ulcerâ€" - 0 pe ‘ . - ion Were also on the ï¬rst petition. bring yo}! theplumpnasspf health- say that he would “‘39 upon 11"? 31‘:â€" lrr , - ~ Espeuallytrueofbebiu; .. , coming council-the wisdom of r»r::-~ [ ‘ ,L Na‘giw 1. ation. and in most cases removes the , tumors. At druggista, or by mail. He maintained that the petitioners . for 50 cents. Sample tree. LIMAN had the right to have their names .qunn"? 2:33.39 ".""*-' I , ‘ caring up-to-date appliances for WW“ . . ‘ soc. m sum 'm- ing even if they Were Unable 10* MOW" , 3 a I ,L‘ L'_'.' ,3: i I:y| O I SONS CO.. Montreal. wholesale removed before the proceedings had trial" 3 .