LINDSAY u- stcre. I! we do w max]: sometime. tell us. ‘ We’um 7 Wedding Gifts stock. Its varied tains so many cles and values :1“ such a wide y person can pur- TV within the limit :sinthese parts to 08.51101 mess. 1: ing. Wemm merican ' l upwards “3‘91" 110" per cent. ' In request- lCfllNES Saturday yummy“, ~MIM- ##0## difï¬cult nor ex 0 7" vvâ€" , 50 Blouses, this seaso 9’?“ 4W Men’s BraCcs, reg 150, bargain Colored Duck Suiting, reg. 12c, 21’s reg. 60c and 50c, Wganu nap .............. days ........................ bargain days . ............. Remember Bargain Prices are only for Friday and Saturday. Come Early. a... Q860fllflflflfl OPTICIANS y at 0N BRO MEN?‘ :1901- evening Headqu‘ Main many and §amynay s, new V Blac â€â€˜06 White Duck. CO ess Goods, 44 inches. regular 35c, bargain days. Good5, regulae 15c, bargain days .......... - Dress Muslins, regular 18c and 15C, bargain days regular 28c, bargain days ........... elveteens. reg. 32C, bargain days. .............. leached Sheeting, reg. 22c. bargain days. ......... Natural Canvas, reg. 1 3c, bargain days ........ lored stripe, reg. 12c, bargain days ....... 2W Ribbed Cashmere Hose, reg. 35c, bargain days .......... 10° flea 4m Men’s Si - Men’s Cashmer e 801:, reg. 2 5c, bargain days. ........... ., Colored Shirts, reg $r, bargain days ........ .. ........ lk Bows, reg. 25c, bargain days .................... bargain days 2 for ............... w p8 cent» 03;: Corsets, Gloves and Hosrery ................. Handkerchiefs, bargain days .................. brie Handkerchiefs, regular 9c, bargain days ..... ' [S I Inc! â€W.“ team†10C, bargain days ............................ P1 g’fl‘ww of 8 and 10 years, White Cotton Hose ............ . . . . . 15ҠWhite Lawn, 1'88 ‘56, Win days ................... .. . .. :0, Soup Plates, blue tints, reg 3: dozen, bargain days .............. 2Te1 Pots, regular 2 5c each, bargain days ...................... . . I . 135 Odd SaucerS, reg. 4c, bargain days ............................. ,.We Saucers, reg. 5c, bargain days ........................... goCushiOD Covers, reg. 30c and 25c ............................. Cardinal, Green, Brown and Grey Dress Serge, reg. 35c. . . rack. Nam . - ,rpron Gingham, reg. 13c, bargain days ...................... impaiï¬ Lace Curtains, reg. $1 25, bargain days ................ . . . Lace Curtains, reg $1 50, bargain days ..................... j ,5â€;er Lace Curtains, reg. 27c, bargain days ...................... bade Blinds, reg. 37c, bargain days ........................... loo ' new shades Union Carpeting, reg. 30c, bargain days .......... 3 , . . . . mete bmon Carpenqg, reg- 35c, bargain (“is --------------------- Union Carpeting. reg 60c, bargain days .................... 215$†. apiece! Brussell Carpeting. reg. $1.25, bargain days ................. . #10 pieces Fancy F lannelettes, floral desrgns, regular 10c, bargain days. . er, regular 8-: and 7c, bargain days ..................... Hpieces Sbax lpieee Table Linen, regular 50c, bargain days ..................... . rpieee Table Linen, regular 37c, bargain days ...................... bargain days. .............. mdozen Napkins, regular SLIO and $1.25, apiece: doublefo'd Satteen. light and dark green, regular 45c, bar. days pBlouses, this season’s reg. 60c and 50c, bargain days .............. wars Men’s BraCes, reg 15c, bargain days ........................ «a.» Pnlnrorl Duck Suiting, reg. 12c, bargain days . ............. syn-w vâ€"â€" , , __, lpiece Table Linen, regular 50c, xpieee Table Linen, regular 31c, mdozen Napkins, regular Sr .10 apieceSdouble-fo'd Satteen, ligh . . : -_1- _M August 5mm ghhzrï¬szmmts S WANTED.â€"Apply at. 33 u North Wantâ€"14.1 The; 23rd and 24th, 1901 ads, 44 inches. regular 35c, bargain days.. . . . is, rcgulae 15c, bargain days .............. ruslins, regular 18c and 15C, bargain days. . . . is, regular 28c, bargain days ............... ;, reg. 32c, bargain days. .................. eating, reg. 22c. bargain days. ............. Canvas, reg. 13C, bargain days ............ red stripe, reg. 12c, bargain days ........... Hose, rev. 35c, bargain days .............. iox, reg. 2 5c, bargain days ................. reg $x, bargain days ........ .. .......... . . 2 5c, bargain days ......................... 30c, bargain days 2 for ................... , Gloves and Hosiery ..................... udkcrcbiefs, regular 9c, bargain days ......... chiefs, bargain days ...................... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mgzin days ............................ ears, White Cotton Hose. . - ......... .. . . . . i5c, bargain days ................... .. . .. ,reg $1 dozen, bargain days .............. ach, bargain days ...................... . . bargain days ........ . .................... ;c, bargain days ........................... 25c me So 18c 27c 17c 10c 7§c x9c 75c 10C 25c 55c RESIDENCE I South Ward. ' ° Cleaner will -tâ€"class condxtnqn. . f1:;qsold separate 1! dwlred. A150 . Grain Crusher. Peter Halqnlfljilinnohle, Annlv to from {v'iii be sold FRANCI§ B1 4, Con. 8, ï¬rm 3th FOR desirable 0000.00.00.00...! o-cooouooomhflv IOIOOOOOOIOOOOI Fenel on r , few minutes walk Soild brick, 9 rooms ; 0 location. Apply at. “v- r lton Grain Crusher reasonable. APPI LTEN BROS. , ngct). SALEâ€" In the Lindsay P. O .â€" FOR SAL: 95C 22C 27c 25c 29c 52c 90c 51:6 38c 27c 32c 35c HOUSE FOR SALE 1N THE SOUTH WARD â€"- Good location ; solid brick ; nice property: mice very reasonable. Apply at this ofï¬ce. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -â€" near Convent; 8 rooms; 1/4 acre lapd stable, beautiful shade trees . Pr 1‘39 reasonable ; terms very easy- AP‘ ply at this oflice.â€"-27â€"tf. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Nos. 18, north of Peel-st. and 18 and part of 19 south Of Peel and east half of 18, south 01 Kent. Apply to J. J. WETHER- UP, Sussex-st, Box 415. mndsaY~ 27-3m. BARGAINS IN LANDS. â€"Severa1 par- eelsâ€"50, 100, 300 to 500 acres for sale in the townships of Fenelon Bexley. Laxton and Digby. Prices from $75 to $4. 000. Marriage License issued. A. C. GRAHAM Real Estate Etc. ., Victoria Road. â€" 30-tf. T0 MACHINISTS 0R OTHERS.â€"â€" 1 would like to correspond with some one who could organize a. stock company to start the manu- facture of Iron and Brass Bed- steads in Lindsay. I have a. prac- tical knowledge of the business,and LINDSAY, THURSDAY. AUGUST 22nd, 1901 REAL ESTATE SALE.â€"~The Subscrib- er intends holding a large land sale at his ofï¬ce, Lindsay, about the lst of September next. Parties having farms to sell communicate with me at once and have them ad- vertised in this sale. No pains will be spared to make this sale a grand success. ELIAS BOWES, Real Estate Agent, Lindsay, July 29th., 1901.â€"31â€"4. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" Lot 15, con. 8 Manvers, 200 acres, 180 cleared and under cultivation. balance hardwood. Soil heavy clay loam. On the premises are a. good frame house, two frame barns with stonework under one, stables, 9120., Good wells. Three miles from Bethany. For further particulars apply ROBT. TOUCHâ€" BURN, Lindsay P. O. or I. J. PRESTON, Bethany, P. O.â€"32. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" Lot 22, Con. 4, Brock township, about 11/2 miles southwest of Man- illa. Junction. 100 acres, 75 under cultivation. Good buildings and well fenced. :Frame house, large trame barn and a. new. orchard cox terms and ALEX. FE 22-tf. TENDERS .â€" can give the chest references. For particulars write to W. S. MAY, 298 Barrow-st... Jersey City, NJ. v-w- - V-_, frame barn and stables, good wén and a. never-failing spring; young orchard commencing to bear. For terms and particulars apply to ALEX. FERGUSON, Sonya, Ont. “vym.~. 7. - received up to Saturday, August 3lst inst... by the Board of Trus- tees of Union School Section, No. 3 of the Townships of Somerville and Galway for the erection of a School Building in the village of Kinmount, Ont. Plans. speciï¬caâ€" tions and conditions of contract can be seen at the ofï¬ce of the architect, Benson House, Lindsay, from whom all information may be received. {fenders are to be addres- sed to the secretary of the Board, and must be accompanied by a. marked cheque for 5 per cent. of the amount of tender, made pay- -A--- n: C unsung... v- _ u: - __7 , , able to the order of the trustees of said Section. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I n ‘MAR‘K_ A. F. HOPKINS, eble terms : About eighty acra, near Lindsay. Good house and barn; ï¬rst-class land. Price reasonable. 60 acres in Mariposa 1/2 mile from Cambray Station; clay loam. Frame house and good outbuildâ€" In township of Ops, three and a half miles from Lindsay on Downeyâ€" ville road. The farm contains 150 acres good clay loam, in 300d state of cultivation, well fenced and thoroughly drained; free from stumps, stones and wild seeds. Brick dwelling, one frame barn, and two log ones log stables. dri- ving house, 25x55; two good wells Terms to suit pu?chaser For further particulars apply to s. 11.. PORTER. Watchman-Ward" m‘ Linhy. Lot 1, con. 1, Ops Township‘ 75 acres, all plow land, nine miles south of Lindsay. Log house frame barn 59x30, cow shed gran- ary large roothouse. A good farm; price low and terms easy. South of Lindsay, 173 Acres of clay loam, about 120 acres cleared balance timber. Frame residence ‘ 7‘â€"â€"A- Amnn ï¬rm lbbcrtiszintms. Duluuuc u“. I’v- . and good outbuildiagst Post ofï¬ce, stores, churches and schools con- venient. A good farm at a. moder- ate price. Lot 3, con. 7, Manvcrs, 100 achSI stock and grain farm. Frame‘barn veneered white brick house ; acres standing hardwood bush ; 0 chard, etc. Will accept good 50 arre farm in part, payment. In the Township of Verulam, one hundred acres, ninety 0f it plow land, balance pasture: 800d dwelling; frame barn 90x40 With stone foundation, giving accomnm- dation for 35 head of cattle ; stab- ling for 6 horses; large pig Pen- Also ranche of 100 acres one mile distant, and close to lake. I'â€" DEBSâ€"Sealed tendgrs will be ! SALEâ€"The subjoined be purchased on reasonâ€" Chairman. 100 acres FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of SQUARE TIMBER, different sizes, Apply to THOS. ROBSON, Tanner, Lindsay. HOUSE T0 LEEâ€"Wanted, a. man and wife to rent part of my- house and provide board for my wife and myself. Apply at 71 Regent-st. J. H. KNIGHTâ€"314. NOTICEâ€"I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name except by my written order. JOHN BRY- ANS, Lindsay-434.3. ESTRAY HORSEâ€"Came into the g premises of the undersigned, 11‘ Aug. 9th, an aged bay geldinogn .: Owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay expenses and take it. away. BERT WEESE, Lindsay-3. lOOD TEAM 0F HORSES FOR SALEâ€"One 6, the other eleven years of age, weighing about 14 hundred apiece, or will exchange for cattle. Adress L. M. REESE, JACKSON'S ISLAND FOR SALE.â€" Four acres, beautifully situated in Sturgeon Lake, half way between Sturgeon Point and Bobcaygcon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a day, TIMBER LAND FOR SALEâ€"43mm; lots 19 and 20 in the 8th con. of Monmouth, Haliburton. The lots are 100 acrw each. They are well timbered, chiefly with hardwood. These lots are on the Burnt River and Within 21/2 miles of the rail- way. For terms, apply at this oflice.-29. FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acres, being lot. 10, con. 9, Manvers township, 6 miles north Pontypool. 2 north and 4 miles west of Bethany, or 12 miles south of Lindsay. 90 acres cleared and well adapted for Wheat or for a stock farm. Lots of good spring water; good house and barn. Apply to GEO. DOB- SON, Stratford, Ont., or to JAS. MAGUIRE, Lifford, Ontâ€"334. FARM TO RENT.â€"â€"-Northwcst quarâ€" ter lot 9, con. 8, Ops, containing 50 acres; soil clay loam, free from stumps or stones. Comfortable house, log barn. with frame cattle ‘house and loft attached, frame drivmg house, good log stable ; small bearing orchard. Two miles from Reaboro, six from Lindsay. Possess-ion lst March 1902 ; plow . leave immediately. JAMES KEN-z ,NEDY, Reaboro, P. O.â€"34-3. FOR SALE OR RENT.â€"â€"That valu- able property situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, containing ninety acres, more or less. On the prom- ises are a. .good log house and frame barn. Well watered and in a. good state of cultivation. Nearly Coboconk.â€"34â€"4. an ideal spot. for a summer resi- denoe. Apply to MOORE JACK- SON, Solicitors, Lindsay.â€"24â€"tf. ALL WORK MUST ALDERMAN JACKSON SCORES CHAIR- MEN OF COMMITTEES. Strong Plea for 3 Steam Roller.â€" is‘ Plenty of Work for it, 3 Should be Purchased at Once. On Wednesday evening a1? bers of the council except Clair assembled in the c]: to deliberate on “matters that had been sent to t committees. Board of Works The clerk submitted a. from the Board of Health, requesting council to have stagnant water re- moved from roadway in front of Mr.‘ Thos. O’Neill’s propertyâ€"Referred; to Street Commissioner. From Solicitor Hopkins re lateral to Mr. O. Bigelow’s residence was read and on motion fyled. The question for more laterals on Russelâ€"st. was considered and on motion of Ald. Jackson and Here, the commissioner and chairman were instructed to see Mr. Dobson, and if he desired an additional lateral to put the same in at once. resolution A- . _-LA“ all good till-able land, about six acres of hard wood bush. It is about one mile from the village of Hartley and convenient to Palesâ€" tine and Cambray cheese factories. Possession lst of March, but the purchaser or tenant will have the right of fall 'ploughing. Terms reasonable. For further particulars- apply on the premises or to MRS. JAMES GILCIIRIS'I‘, Hartley P.O. Mr. Jackson pointed they were putting i1 Bigelow; they might the other for Mr. Dot ruv â€"--- â€"_-_ Mr. Jackson pointed out that when they were putting in one for Mr. Bigelow,’ they might as well put in the other for Mr. Dobson‘. ‘ MayOr Ingle stated that in future the commissioner should go along the streets that were putting in sewers and secure the names and number of laterals for each property. It made it costly to put them in af- terwards. The walks opposite and elevator in the ( considered, and it w‘ make approaches so flan ghntttisemmts BE AUTHORIZED ,vening all the mem- “matters of state" tod that in future should go along were putting in 4e the names and ; for each property. to put them in af- to the various a the storehouses east ward were 88‘ proposed to that the teams '.â€"â€"There would cross the walks and stand be- tween the walks and buildings. Ald. O’Reilly referred to the cor- duroy walk on the north side and stated that the centre cedars should be taken out, and the walk ï¬lled in with sand or gravel. Commissioner Chalmers modestly submitted Mr. Pilkie’s account for extras to council for instructions. He also made a. verbal explanation of the gravel secured at Sturgeon Point. Commissioner Chalmers stated he had inspected King-st., but was not gable to report on cost of the propos- ed permanent, roadway improve- ments. He had interviewed Mr. Stone, who offered to put in the tile drains at $1 per rod. They had to be put down about three feet. Mr. Touchburn stated the work could not be done for less by day :work. Moved by Ald. Jackson, seconded by Ald. Robson, that the conunis. sioner be instructed to enter into an agreement with some one to put in the tile drain of King-anâ€"Carried. The Steam Roller Chairman Touchburn stated he had written to four ï¬rms about the cost of steam roller, but had not yet re- ceived answers thereto. Sfl.‘ Accounts A number of accounts were re- ferred to the ï¬nance committee with instructions to be paid. Amicably Settled Ald. Jackson waxed warm when he introduced the question of members proceeding with unauthorized work, and in order to make his case clear, read rule 61 outlining the duties of chairmen of committees, and also rule 71 giving the penalties attached Where. chairmen attempted to over- ride the committee and council by doing work of any kind without au- thority. Mr. Jackson stated that each member was personally respon- sible to the people for the work done by the council and also were equally‘ entitled to know just what was go- ing on. It was clearly understood that when the imporiant works in hand were completed we would take up the other works and go as far as our money and time would permit. Ald. Touchburnâ€"When we went around in the spring was it not set- tled that the recommendations in our report were to be completed. Ald. Jacksonâ€"No, that covered fully $10,000 and we cannot spend any such sum. Chairman Touchburnâ€"I certainly understood it had to be done. I was not trying to take the start in any way. The grain season is startâ€" ing and the wet season is- near at hand, and I did not want to put the gravel down in the mud. ‘ 7 1-1. gravel down in the mud. Ald. Horeâ€"But yet another contract? Ald. Touchburnâ€"I have not. Mr. Chalmers asked me to get, him a. man and I could not get one to do the work by the day or job. Ald. J acksonâ€"We want to get‘ along without any friction. We are all personally responsible, and every member has the right to know what is going on. Every matter of ex- penditure must come before the res- pective committees for authorization. ‘ Town Property \ Chairman Hore reported that he had a. man at work mowing grass and raking town park. He had inâ€" spected the old opera house scenery and found it was no good. On mo- tion the clerk was instructed to inâ€" form the Cornwall Theatrical Co. to that effect. -A. On motion of Aid Reilly the chairman er were instructed to get all necesâ€" sary ï¬xtures for _the clerk's ofï¬ce that could be made in town at once. The clerk was also instructed to prepare a. list of all ï¬xtures and fur- niture required at once. Police and Light Chairman Robson read two ac- counts from the Light, Heat 8: Pow- prel’w'c an 11D!» u; w-- ---_.., niturc required at once. Police and Light Chairman Robson read two acâ€" counts from the Light, Heat . Powâ€" no er Co.. for $20.32, which were refer- red to the ï¬nance committee for pay- ' h i In their construction. can!" vâ€"u - â€"- how the average secrets of 1.3,} does thorough ls clothes, so we anticipate his needs We know the strengthlng the weak ints. That’s what the ntothers de- ment. 75¢. a Year in Advance; $1 if not so Paid O’Reilly stated that he of Ald. Jackson and O’â€" Lirman and commission- 'ixcted to get all neces- for the clerk’s ofï¬ce you have let been given notriety that he didn’t Want by a letter from Chairman Bob- son in the Evening Post. If reporâ€" ters do not report correctly then go for them, but let the councillors setâ€" tle their own diï¬â€˜erences without, rushing into print. Ald. Robson stated that he was well Within his rrghts and he had only written in self-defence and what; he believed was perfectly true. Ald. O’Reillynlt was not true and the minutes of committee and coun- cil will ShOW it is not true. Ald. Robsonâ€"I thought it was true. I was not. at the meeting when the contract. was lot, and be- cause I asked for Information I was not going to be insulted. Ald. O'Reillyâ€"You were at every meeting except one. and the business of entering into a contract was held over_until the next'day when you were present. Then you also sub- mitted all the reports to council. It is not fair to council to ask ques- tions about the work of your own committee. Ald. Robson did not agree with this statement and other members endorsed the east ward representa- tive. ' ' The matter was then dropped. Finance Committee The members then took up the ‘work referred to the committee on finance. The communication of Wm. Braniï¬ asking for return of pcdlar's license owing to sickness was consented to and the clerk was so instructed. . The case of the unfortunate man, Lacrmibe was considered with the letter from Solicitor Hopkins. The clerk was instructed to communicate with the clerk of Otonabee. The clerk was instructed to forâ€" ward Solicitor Hopkin's letter re tile to Mr. Sootheran. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid: Edwards S; (30., 370: Robert. Bryans Co.. $53.50: Vic- tor Hi1], $78; John Carcw, $70.79; Rathbun Co.. $197.42: Light. Heat. Power Co.. $20.32: Chas. Podgcr, 2.50 and Nurse Callan, 321. Ald. Hore stated that medical men should be given to_ understand that they could not engage nurses this way. Mayor Ingleâ€"â€"Dr. Gillespie told me the woman would have died if he had not secured a nurse. It was decided not to send adelaâ€" gate to the Municipal convention. The auditor‘s report for June and July was ordered to be fyled. Auditor Eagleson stated that there was still 828 out on the 1899 colâ€" lector's roll and $350 on the 1900 roll. ‘1‘ he matter was laid over. The auditor recommended that a. separate account be kept in the bank for tmounts oi commuted sewer tax. In order to make this sum meet the requirements it must. bear four per cent. 1 “A Camper" writes : wiring 21 IL. cent holiday I took a row up the Burnt river from Cameron lake in Fenelon and was both surprized and delighted and I venture the strong statement that Canada cannot show anything more beautiful. On both sides of the winding river the soft maples and willows: bend gracefully to the water's edge, while festons of Virginia creeper, bitter-sweet with its beautiful white flowers, and wild grape hang in endless profusion, in- terspersed with White high-bush cranberry with its turning fruit and cedar laden as it is now with its light green of seed-pod making a scene of wondrous beauty. In the few spaces where the trees do not come to the water's edge banks of ferns, often nearly four feet in height, imake a rich contrast to the foliage -of the trees, every leaf of which is :reflected in the darkfriver- below. If isome of our enterprizing boatmen of the trees, every lea; 01 “NULL; reflected in the daxkAriver- below. If some of our enterprizing boatmen will run an excursion say to Rose- dale park. for lunch, then up the river on the return trip I am sure they will return with- the bestâ€"pleasâ€" ed lot of patrorithhey ever took out. I am told that this river on a. bright moonlight night is a scene of beauty once seen will never be forgotten. council then adjourned, A Pointer for Boatmen. Suits. writes : During a re- ] took a. row up the from Cameron lake in was both surprized and [(1 I venture the strong Accounts '- l'l' U“- - Jumon sun's? J. turn trip I am sure 1'with'the best-pleasâ€" isï¬hey evér took out. this river on a. bright -. is a. scene of beauty exactly a