Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Aug 1901, p. 6

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Butter and Eggs Wantedm Clothing New Goods just opened this week in Men‘s Suits made of heavy serge. Double-breasted coat, $5 for the suit. Better qualities in heavy Canadian Tweed Suits at $6. $7 and $8. For good dairy BUTTER in one pound prints, pails or tubs, we will pay the very highest. prices, as we have a. demand for a. large quantity. Crooks break too easily in shipping, and are an expensive package. Bring us your Butter and the price will be sa'isfactory. is where you can buy an mnus of FANCY GOODS, such as Shell and Wire Hair Pins, Combs, Brushes, Hair Switches and Pompadour Pads, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Pocket-Books, Wallets and Purses, Violins, Gui- tars and Accordeons, Mouth Organs. Also the Berliner Gra- maphone, in two sizes, which will talk or sing for you. 1 keep the Gramaphone Records and have large numbers to choose from, consisting of Songs, Speeches. Quartettes and Band Selections all to be had at Kawarfha Lakes Inc mm mm Nnmnnan (:01, [man SAILINGS 0F BOATS Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay 7 ‘fES1 va ". Sturgeon Point 12.10 p.m “ 7,40 Arnve Bobcaygeon 1.15 " “ 8-55 l‘ Saturdays boat will await evening '1‘th- Meals served on board. Coboconk, Fenelon Falls, Arrive Ij‘ie'nevlén Falls .740 “ " 600 " Lave Fenclon Falls 8 3o “ Arrive 5 20 “ “ Sturgeon Point 9 co “ Leave 4 so “ Arrive Lindsay m 30 “ “ 3 3o “ Connects at Fendon with morning train for Toron- to and at Lindsay («it For: Hope. Time at Fenelon for Brmkfast and Tea. This Giothing is turned out by a. new firm and is made up by tho- roughly competent hands, and cut by experienced cutters. Each suit put in card board box as It left the factory. Bobcaygeon, Chemong, Burleixh, It is good Clothing. well-made, well trimmed, and made of good tweed, also made to fit. Our 36 and $7 suits are extra. good value. Lew: Bobcaygeon 7 3o “ gheflfong 9 45 Burleigh, Lakeiield. “SUNBEAM” Lave Burleigh Falls 6 60 s m and 1 :5 p m " jumper Island 7 no a In “ McCraChcn‘s Landing 7 :0 a m “ Young’s Point 8 lo I m Arrive Lakcfield 8 40 n In Lave " 9 15 a m “ Young's Point 9 45 a m “ McCracken's Landing :1 00 a In “ ainiper Island I: 15 a m Arrive rleigh Falls 12 15 p In a It u ll .4 u u OI u arspm 225pm szspm 4xopm 63opm 7oopm 8x5pm stpm 9351”“ Ginng dose connections a: minefield with 1:) main: and evpning trains rind frgm Pent-bore, ,, _‘ I.-_£“- Lave Burleigh Falls " Jumper Island “ Lichchn 5 Landmg “ Young' 5 Pom: “u cry-nub .nâ€"u... .' _.._ . --__e M «215 on board, Conneet'ighg each {in} u Juniper Island with Sir, ‘Alert' for all points an. 20nd soTripTickeufor Famiiesmay be had at reduced rates at the Office of the Company, or or W. H. Hamilton. Bobaygeon. lindsav Agent. Geo. Wilder, G. ‘ . R. Town Ticket Amt, Expnss Office; Peterbnro Agent, W. Eamon. Upton Agent. G.T.R. Lakefield Agent Gen. 3. Hilliard. Fenelon Falls Agent, D. Gould, Telephone Exchange. 6‘ '. RI GGS’ gtuvrge‘ 71 Point .755 July xst to Sept. 14th Cobooonk éooam Arrivc74opm Roscdale 700: In IQ‘VC 24° " n. , I. u OAKWOOD. ONT- SEASON OF 1901 June 15% to Oct. 1 gconr 6.15 mg. ‘-Ready-tc‘wear LINDSAY July 2nd to Sept 14th m 1145 5' W1245 Pm Mal: served on Bog: 1X.00 buy all kinds )Ds. such as £6 “Esmmou” t‘ “MANITA” 3.xo 4.10 31mm CORRESPONDENCE KIRKFIELD Mr. Rod Munro and his friend Mr. J. McArthur returned to Toronto on Saturday morning after spending a few pleasant days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Munro of this place. EDENâ€"~MARIPOSA The people of this community have decided to hold a harvest home tea on Sunday and Monday Sept. lst and 2nd. The different. committees are arranging for the best tea. and proâ€" gram obtainable. On Monday the afternoon entertainment will consist of speaking by resident and neighborâ€" ing ministers and home talent. Tea lwill be served from 4 o'clock until all are satisfied. A grand concert will be given in the evening consist- ing of vocal and instrumentgl music, recitations. reading. etc. Admission 250 for tea. and concert. 15 cents for concert alone. All are cordially in- vited. The people of our town are very busy at present trying to finish up the harvest. Some, however. have finished and are at, the threshing. Mr. ‘ Thos. Oliver threshed on Monday of this week, Mr. Ali. Tiers on Tuesday and Mr. Thos. Robinson on Wednes- day. Misses Jennie and Etta Moore of Fenclon Falls spent, Sunday here, the guests of Mrs. Emmerson Tiers. Mr. W. Billet, of Bury's Green and Miss Murray of Cleveland spent last Sunday with their friend Miss Ada Oliver. 6‘ M iss Carrie her vacation \‘ALEXTIA The Christian Endeavor Society will hold their annual lawn social on Friday evoning.fi.§ug. 23rd. commenc- pccted. ing at 8 Fun- l"“' ,, Several of our farmers are through harvesting and this week will see the end for nearly all others. ‘I 4‘ Threshing is in fun SWlng. yield is very fair. Farmers are busy preparing for fall wheat. sowing. Mr. Silas (‘rozier is very ill with I} phoid fever. Miss Emma Bruce who has been pretty ill is slowly improving. Mr. Thos. Shouldice had the mis- fortune to lose his high-priced driver last week. He had refused $195 for the animal. H Quite a. number of our residents visited Washburn's island on Sunday last. A number of our young men have rented farms and purpose commenc- ing operations for themselves next year. Look out, girls, they cannot make farming pay if they endeavor to work alone. MAXSE GROVEâ€"ELDOX Miss M. Jamieson of Lindsay visit- ed her friend Miss J. Smith last. week Rev. X. A. and Mrs. McDonald have returned. after spending some weeks with Mt. Forest friends. During Mr. McDonald‘s absence. the pulpit of St. Andrew's church was occupied by Rev. IL L. Campbell of Dromore. Mrs. Smart and Miss Smart of Tor- onto are at present visiting at Mr. NORLAND The harvest in this township will soon be. over. It has been delayed by the heavy rains. Oats and peas are not; as good as usual, fall grain is way good. The late rains, al- though they did great damage to the outstanding hay and grain, has done the root crop a great deal of good. A number of our citizens said “good-bye last. Monday morning and started for the Nonthwest. Follow- ing are the names of a. few : Messrs. Chris. Woodcock, T. Argue, H. Walâ€" lace. G. Barkwell, R. Day, J. Batty, R. Hoskin and W. Watson. Mr. Bob. Woodcock will take charge of his brother‘s store during his absence. We wish them all a. pleasant trip and safe return. Miss Clara Vostper of Exeter, is at present, visiting relatives, in this neighborhood. _ Mr. Wm. Wilson of Pickering and 'rie Skitch returned from on on Saturday last. II. Britton has returned O.B.C. Bollcville and gone tba. where he intends to re- nt least a few months. FAIRBAIRN in full swing. Th0 good'tjme is ,(ls his mother are the guests of Mr. anal Mrs. Fred Wilson Monk Rd, west. ‘ Mr. Edwin LeCraw dog fancier of this place owns the greatest assort- ment of dogs to be seen for miles around. It is seldom so many breeds are represented in one pack. Ted is naturally very proud of his pet's. Quite a number of our villagers nro mnnDinfl' on the shores Of Black Quite a. are camping lake. Wild fruit of all kinds is very scarce this year. REABORO Miss Jessie Allen and Miss Wade of Petcrboro, spent civic holiday of that burgh in our village. Miss Bullock of Lindsay and Miss Kirkpatrick of New York are visiting friends here. Mr. Herman Hart is making the grain fly with his new threshibg machine. Herman always does good VICTORIA ROAD The opening services and tea in connection with the Methodist church at Victoria Road will be held on Sun- day and Monday Aug. 25th and 26th On Sunday Rev. T. W. Jollifie will preach at 10.30 a. m and 7.30 p. m. At 3 p.m a Special Sunday school service will be held. On Monday tea will be served at 5 30 and at 8 p.n1. a. program will be rendered. Adresscs by prominent clergyman. LINDEN VALLEY Miss Pearl Coad and Miss Lou Wood of Oakwood were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sluggitt and other friends here last week. Harvesting is about over. Fall wheat. is yielding well. There is great: prospects of a good yield in red clover seed. Farmers are preparing to sow fall wheat. The storm on Thursday afternoon was very severe here. and did con- siderable damage. Uncut grain was flattened and some grain and hay stocks blown down. Mr. Ed. Jackson is having a. stone foundation built under the frame house occupied by Mr. Richmond. He has also torn down the old stable and will erect a. fine new cottage on the site. Our school has been thoroughly ro- painted and repaired. We hope the pupils will long keep it in good shape. ~â€" -. "AA Mr. Wellwood has sold his fine driving horse to Mr. Irwin. near Lindsay. Mr. Peyton and family of Toronto had an eniovable time camping up‘ the lake last week. Mr. Holland and family spent last week at Mud Turtle lake. They re- 1po1t an enjoyable time. Mrs. Peter Finlav is doing a nice business in her ice cream parlors. A new band stand is being erected new the bridge on the Bexley side. 'I he manv friends of Mrs. loan Haney \\ 111 regret to learn that she has been laid up for some time with ' neuralgia. A short time ago Mr. Rupert E. Wagar one. of our popular young men slipped away quietly for his holi- days it was supposed. But a day or two brought the word that he and Miss Lizzie Boadway of Norland had been united in the holy bonds of mat- rimony the ceremony being performed at, the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. L. Clifie, Cannington. The hap- py (-ouple have just, returned from an extended trip among friends in the Bay of Quinte district. All here join in congratulations. Our school reopened on Monday iwith Principal Mark and Miss Dyer in their places. Mr. Mark is to be highly congratulatee on the success of his pupils at the recent examina- and child, gun downâ€"thereare hundredsâ€"lucky if you are not one. And what do you think they want? They want rest and a cnange, and can’t get either. Pity ‘0 wk of it! n Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil is almost rest in itself ! In... a: sun... Itliru bl! did .4. . 46.. .0044 O Io‘lnb ? 0852!... P 84, I»; E I-‘ uni: ~â€" '--- COBOCONK tions. All leaving and entrance pas- l iburton county. sed creditably, Master Archie ParishI Mr. N. Rivers is agent for the Den- standing fourth in a list of twenty nis pump made by Sylvester Mfg. Co. or twentyâ€"five writing at, Fenelon Give him a call when in need of :1 Falls. The section is fortunate in first class article. having such efficient teachers. l Court Kimnount No. 677 Canadian ; It is reported on reliable authoritv Order of Foresters attended divine that a certain individual in our 1icâ€" worship in St. James church on Sun~ inity is guilty of killing a neighbor S Iday evening last, where an appropri- dog “hen he himself is responsible ate sermon was preached b1, the lle1 for its presence. If he 11ould do Rural “can Seward _ There were 51 away with one of his own useless in the march. canine his neighbor's dog would not . be enticed there to be shot. it would FINGERBOARD not be 90 bad if h1s 0W“ ““1: remain- Miss Cora. Emerson of Lindsay has ed at home, but it. in company With been visiting relatives and friends in two others is known to 1m"?- ViSiu‘d {this neighborhood during the past Mr. Lewis Robc‘s and to have killed ‘week. seven sheep 011$ 0‘ his “0"“ 0‘ “"10- Miss Cora Wells of SeagraVe was Such a public nuisance should not be tge guest of Mrs. Frank King on tolcruted- I Sunday. Mr. R. W. Asselstine. principal of Kinmmmt public school. has return- ed from his home In Kingston hav- ing spent a pleasant vacation. Miss A. Grouse has resigned her position of assistant teacher. We are very sorry to lose Miss Grouse as she was a very efficient teacher and iu-nn liked by her Impils who wish MISS A. ‘ position of very «sorr.V she was a well liked her success- dered to P Graham. J Miss Ina. making 8‘ teaching 5‘ e of our young men who are habit 0f acting in a. disorder- nnex‘ very frequently were or- to pay a fine last week by H. Ina. Scott? has given’up dress-' 7 and has again taken up‘ 1' school at. Maple lake, Hal- KINMOEJNT Assclstino. principal of ublic school. has return- Iiburton county. mgruw ”n sfiduy 0V6 ’ Mr. N. livers is agent for the Den- casionally. nis pump made by Sylvefiter Mfg. Co. Mrs. Jam (ozwill is 60‘ )ive him a call when in need of 3. .her room with mnmxmtion first class article. 3kg, Miss Ms. (‘ulwill of5 | Court. Kimnount No. 677 Canadian home Waiting on her would Order of Foresters attended divinc‘ Mrs (“MW hm the misfl worship in St. Janus church on Sun- e, .‘ k1,: some few d 'day evening last, where an uppropri- :33: 3:: 2:: 'ate sermon was preached by the Rev. she is unable‘ m be out. Rural Dean Soward . There were 51 Mr. (fmmc m‘ vanilla is! _in the march. of his gist“ Mrs. Gibson- Mr. N. Shaver of Port. Hoover was the guest of Mr. C. Roduum on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Emerson of Lind- say visited at, Mr. Thus. Moas' jr-. on Sunday. on Sunday. ‘ 'Miss Johanna Frise “ho has txvalfWII-IL \isiting under the parental roof durâ€" PAY ing ‘he past month has returned to d if you tum" or T onto. f mum to commit I Miss Ethel Robertson who has been the guest, of Mrs. Frank King "'1 Frise during the past month has re- turned to her home in Pcterboro. Mr. Morrison Mark spent Sunday With his little daughter Cora, in Lindsag. Who is the clever young man in our neighborhood that has a strong desire to attend divine services at THE HAW Mrs. Gibson had the MOM. bruise her ank‘re some few M5: since then imhuuation has 5‘” She is unable to be out. Mr_ ("none 01' Manilla is up“ Mr. Comm of 31 of his sister Mrs. Mr. Wesley F Wick-visited at h Frise's on Sunday Mrs. 'I‘hos. (”19011 80 years nfagc win her daughters 111‘. past few wecks Sunday morning followed by ;1 kn rowing friends u Salem cemetery. Eff-i; PM- you it you inqu UVW' season to consult 31¢ a ing (anu- . I ”mg": dame planing gill. . evenflaéng (Mt is I! M . . fl 1 1813:” 'Part II-- 53mm Honor Matricul: mpositlon, Pm II” Honor Matriculm fart II.,â€"D. w w], M. MitCh'. nonor Marticul mthematics and m 1., Senior L L A. Broddy. G. inflame, J. Qu *. H. Greefiwood. G. S. Roxburg} L Armstrong, 3 his, R. S. Hall; LOX-r, D. Pouc L Sullivan. W. Brand. ’- 'i‘rebilcock, R1 Ingmaid, V. J! Ben. S. “7. Drum I. R. Lockhart, C 'r- A. Campbell. ‘ hnson. R. Neel; ‘ MATRICULA‘ , I. W. Rankin. Sylmta, S. L non- J. F. Jefl‘ ftheWS. 0- D donald, O. l H. Armour. .311, H. E. Bra! 311. Conquergo‘ -. Hepkins, H. Storey - MATRIC L' L Du G. Bellman. IL, Senior A Nellie Smitl a. Part. C. senior L natriwlat sate has : 5123571011 1 VictOI S. J. Sta Taylor. .I! . F. R. M Peter Senior ] Gram. J Senior SeniOS â€" C. “'il BBB lit ’eta 31‘0‘

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