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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Aug 1901, p. 8

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a 1’ cm FATHERS somewnn MIXED RECENT JUDGMENTS UPSET CALCULATIONS. An adjourned meeting of the councu was held in the council chamber on Monday evening. All the members were present and the chamber looked pretty with the new matting and carpeted pedestal. ‘ 7 ‘2 :mnnr_ The clerk read a r tant documents and as follows : From Dr. Burrows tion‘oi council to ti Halpin and urging sending the invalid ‘ treatmentâ€"Loft in mayor. From Messrs. J. Squiers Son. pointing out the unsatisfactory con- dition of the Russell-st. driveway and requesting council to gravel the same. â€"â€"Board of Works. Prom Town Solicitor Hopkins. sub- mitting the Judgment given by Judge Harding in relation to the Russell- Simcoeâ€"sts. sewer. holding that Messrs. X. Burk and J. Sheehan could not withdraw their names.â€"â€"Filed. The decision of Judge Harding on Prom Town 50110“ mitting the judgmen Harding in relation Simcoe-sts. sewer. Messrs. X. Burk and not withdraw their Future All Business Sanctioned by the Ald. O‘Reilly favored sending the report back with instructions to reâ€" port on a four foo: wlilk. May or Ingle stated members of the I’eterboro council stated the} had made the mistake of putting. in some four foot walks. but they would have no more of them . Ald. Jackson thought a. four foot walk would be sufficient for that street and understood that a. petition was expected praying for a. walk on the north side of the same block. The commissioner still guards the Ald. Jackson read a petition from John Maunder and S. Tucker, asking for a ten-foot granolithic walk on the west side of William-st... between Kent and Russell.â€"-Referred to the 'clerk for his certificate and the com- missioner to report thereon. The Flankage. Com. Chalmers stated.tha.t in Lon- Bon the custom adopted was to alâ€" low one-third of the depth of lot as flankage. report. The Russell-Simcoe Kick. On motion 'Mr. John McSweyn was heard relative to the appeal against the sewer on Russell and Simcoe- streets. He submitted his case in a lengthy type written letter and warned the council that if they did not proceed with the work they might be served with a. mandamus mpelling them to do so. on the her hand if they undertook to pro- d they would certainly 'be served with an injunction if they attempted to do so.â€"Referred to board of works. Chairman Touchburn read Report No. 27 of the Board of Works, which was adopted. Ald. Hore read report No. 22 of the committee on Town Property.â€" ’Adopted. Ald. Jackson read report No. 25 of the committee on Finance, which was adopted. Will Not Have to Pay Taxes. Ald. Jackson pointed on}. that. the report of the auditor-70:1 collectors" rolls for 189‘.) and 1900‘ was not. to A William-st Improvement. read a number of impor- pntc. and communications Burrows. drawing atten- 10“ to the illness of Mrs. urging the necessity of invalid to a hospital for â€"Loft in the hands of the Accounts. will have to be Town Solicitor. : of the council TflElR hand and pointed. I’" Must Draw Four Per Cent... Moved by Ald. Jackson, seconded by' Ald. O:Reilly. that the treasurer be instructed to open a special account and make arrangements for getting four per cent. on commutation of lo- cal improvement funds, the account, if possible. to be opened in the On- tario Bankâ€"Carried. The Kent-st, Sewer. On motion of Alds. Touchburn and Hore, the commissioner's report on the sanitary sewer on Kentâ€"st., from Cambridge-st. to Angeline-st. was :adopted and the clerk instructed to advertise the court of revision, and also for the Russell-Simeoeâ€"sts. sewer. Ald. O'Reilly pointed out that they were in the same position with these works if Mr. McSweyn’s contention was right. An Open Letter from Dr. Wilson Mr. John Austin, Kinmount Ont. Dear Sir :â€"In your letter in the Fenelon Falls Gazette of last week, you express your great surprize that I singled your self out of all the ‘ county‘council. The reason I did so I told right there in my letter You made yourself oflicious. You deny that you used the word "sum- ‘mon." I am not in a. position as I write now to give you my author- ity. as one is out of town and the other does not wish his name to ap- pear.‘ However" you acknowledge “Believing Mr. McGee would do as he was told." etc. You say “I did go to Constable Brock," etc. Why didn't you leave the matter to Mr. McGee. as you said it was in his di-‘ vision or district, as you'did not‘ wish your neighbors to be lined. A lot you cared. If it had cost you a. thought, or if you were anxious fer unything .but to show your au- thority, ‘you would have given an itâ€" em to beth local papers stating the law regarding trotting over the bridge would be enforced after a certain date : you would then have (ion: a manly thing. You talk about WHERE THE PUBLIC GIVES ITS OPlNlON my manliness ! I could just here strike you very hard on that score, and "the efiort to jus‘tify myself in my daily violation of a common law.” Also your twaddte about posterity. etc., but I spare you this time. You know what I mean ? A common law or any other law that has not enough of the sympathy of the right thinking people to back it up is {next to a dead letter. For years persons who wished trotted across? that bridge and hasn‘t harmed it‘ one iota apart from the ordinary wear and tear, so I don't need very strong justification for violating the law. Near the close of the letter you said “It is not my division. Why again did you stick your nose into McGee's division ? Do you think McGee incapable to attend to his division ? If you want to write any more to the newspapers regard- ing the matter, perhaps you would be good enough to give us a. synop- sis of the discussion leading up to this particular action on the part of the whole council ; how many times within the last ten years the bridge has been planked over and where the lumber was purchased ; who actual- ly did giveMr. Short his direct in- structions to come down and watch the bridge ; and who informed on your old friend Henry Smith for trotting over it a. day before Short's ivisit. Yours truly, A. WILSON. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles SYMPTOMS -â€" Moisture: intensc‘ itching and stinging; most. at night;.3 worse by matching. Ilnllowed to continue tumors tom which often bleed and ulcer-ate, becoming very ante. SWAYNE’S omTMENT stops the itching and bleeding. . heals ulcer- ation, and in most cases removes the manure. A't druggists. or by mail. or 50 cents. Sample free. LYMAN SONS 00.. Montreal. wholesale collect or could min-MW Personal -â€"Mr. Alf. Parkin is spending a. few days with Toronto friends. --Miss Mary Wilkinson, town, is the guest of Toronto friends. â€"-Mrs. Heels : of Allandale are town. â€"The family of M1 liams moved to town Cobourg. â€"Miss L. Thompson of Toronto is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. S. G. Parkin, town. mid, Bond-st. -â€"â€"Dr. A. Galloway of Glcnarm spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in town. -â€"Mr. W. H. Stevens, B. A. of the Collegiate staff, and son Howard are visiting the Pan-American. â€"â€"-Mrs. E. T. Shaffer, of Rochester, N. Y.. is Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Mills, east ward. â€"â€"â€"Mr. A. Hatch, Toronto, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, south ward. â€"-Trooper Miller of the Strathco- nas arrived in town yesterday to visit; his bréther Engineer R. Miller. â€"Mr. Henry Glendinning of Manillu and Miss Minnie Glendinning were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Gillespie on Tuesday. ---Miss Jennie Jordan, north ward. returned home after spending two weeks with Port Perry and Purple Hill friends. â€"â€"Miss Galbraith returned this week from a. couple of weeks holi- days spent with relatives at Hamil- ton and Toronto. â€"‘;\Irs. J. W. Atchoson and two children of Toronto. who have been visiting relatives at Duhsford, for several months past, returneu noxuc‘ today. â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. Sisson returned from Chemong Park Friday after spending a pleasant week at Kubleâ€" Yun, Mr. W. J. Hopwood's summer residence. â€"-Miss Skitch. teacher at Fairâ€" bairn. passed through town Friday on her way home from a month's .vucation spent with relatives at. (fmnpbellford. -â€"-Mr. Geo. H. Fox, who has been visiting relatives and friends at‘ Kingston and points on the Bay of Quinte for several months past, re- turned Thursday. -â€"Mrs. T. Sadler of Fenelon Falls, and her Sister Miss Cora. Henderson of town left Thursday evening for ‘a. Visit, to friends in Huntington. Quebec, and other eastern parts. â€"Mr. Charles Akister of Verulam and Mr. Ernest McClL-lland left last week, the former yer Assiniboin, and the latter for the 800. both having secured engagements as teachers at good salaries. --Many citizens will deeply regret to learn that Mr. John Chamberlain, for many years in boot and shoe bus- iness. is not. recovering as rapidly as anticipated after his long illness last spring. -â€"-Miss Ethel McDonald of Roches- ter X. Y.. and Miss Lottie McDonald of IleMill Ladies' College, St. Cath- erines, are spending their vacation ‘with their parents, Rev. '1‘. H. and Mrs. McDonald. Cambray. â€"-Mr. John Jackson of Ops who has been in the Toronto General Hospital for several weeks undergo- ing an operation, returned Saturday. He is much improved and his rc~ covery is only a question of time. â€"lir. and Mrs. Shier and son, Leo- nard returned home Monday evening from the Victoria Park hotel, Beaver- ton where fishing, boating and bath- hing are not to be excelled in Ontar- io, while the meals and acconio- dation are-said to be equal to that of Muskoka hotels. â€"-Mr. F. C. McGahey of Ops who has been in England for the past couple of months sight seeing and visiting friends, returned home last week. A young carpenter whom he met, in Leeds out. of employment, was so impressed with Mr. McGahey's description of Canada and its oppor- uxnitics that he returned with him and will make his home in this sec- tion. â€"â€"'1‘i\e Winnipeg Free Press of Aug. 17th says : Among the arrivals from the east yesterday was Col. Sam. Hinghes, M. 1’., for North Victoria . He will stay in the city for a few days, and is a guest at ,the Claren- don. The colonel is on his way west where he will locate and examine some timber limits for eastern cap- italists he is representing. He exâ€" pressed himself gratified with the crop visible from the cars between Whitcmouth and Winnipeg, and was still better pleased when assured that, they were still better farther west. Col. Hughes is a frequent visitor to western Canada, in the growth and "prosperity otwhmh he takes the keenest interest. months past, returned home and three daughters visiting friends in Mr. J. B. Mcwu- vn this week from. .41sz Sarah is on a. visit tc is or Fox. -â€"-Miss L the guest elon. Falls. â€"Mr. D lake and M were in tow" _]\Irs. All: is in town t] Mr. and MYS- -â€"-Mr. Wm. Galbraith of the pastâ€" ofl‘icc was in Port Hope Tuesday vis- iting his cousin. Frank Galbraith. lumber merchant. â€"Mr. G. E. Broderick. principal of the public schools in town at- tended the Provincial Association of Teachers at, Ottawa last week. â€"-'l'he Misses Margaret and Kate Fitzpatrick. graduate nurses from St. Joseph's hospital. Bliflalo. are visiting relatives in town and vicin- ity --Miss Lena Fowler Mt, town last. week for New York city on an ex- tended visit. to her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cofiey and other friends. -â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Hockin of Sus- sex-st; left town on Tuesday last. for a ten days’ tour up the Georgian Bay 10 Parry Sound. returning by the Muskoka. lakes. -â€"-Mr. W. 'l‘rozzcll of postal ‘scrvicc Xapunoc, delegate to the ()ddfollows grand lodge at. Guelph was in town a day last week, also Mr. Goo. Mea- gher of the same place. â€"-Mr. Chas. Carr rcturnod home from a. visit. to his parents in Midâ€" land. He reports that, they are all well and that. his brother Will of New York is enjoying a. two month's visit with them. â€"-)Ir. J. C. Ross, a. former Y. M. C. A. secretary is in town visiting friends. He is now on his ihn-o. your B. A. course at Toronto University and “ill finish for the Presbyterian ministry at Knox Colltge. â€"-Mrs. Travels of Cleveland and Mrs. Wm. H. Gibbons. wife of the editor of the Cornwall Standard. are in town. having been summoned here. by the death of their aunt the late Barbara Gourlay. ‘ --Mr. Sam. Flack, land and in- surance. agent at Swan Lake. Man., is spending a. few weeks in town and district with friends. Three years ago Mr. Flack taught school at Ut- tusan, Ont.. and previous to tnat time at Oakwood. -â€"-Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke and Master Everett left yesterday mornâ€" ing on a. trip to Salt. Lake City, Ut- ah, where they will remain two months with Mrs. Clarke‘s brother, George Morrow. They Will visit lkmvcr, also Chicago and Bufialo on their way home. The increase in population in Lind- say during the past ten years has been 913, The census of 1891 show- ed it 10 be 6081. while recent rot urns places it -â€"For pure drug-s go to P. H. Coad druggist and optician. Lindsayâ€"33. Coaster brakes of any make fitted to any wheel. Enameling in any standard color. Tires vulcanized and warranted. ' WM. WEBSTER, Mechanical Expert, William-st... Lind- Lillie Miller 0) QITS. w- Personal 91 Foster, of Coboconk :k with friends in town. .h Free of Campbellford to her sister Mrs. S. J_. Lindsay’s ”Popuiati'on at 6994. ler of Stratford is W. Brandon, Fon- To Bicyclists SAW Adieu prices on odds andpnds. It means a clo.sing out of ends and a season’s surplus at prices out of all prepomon to cost Or and Its advantages are mutual. To us It means a QUICk clearing of . W. assortments; to you an opportunity to supply every-day wants m ordidary savings; ' Fine qua'ity Dimity, Swiss MUS'IHS spot and fancy figured Musâ€" lins. great variety 0010111128, reguiar price 25c and 15c yatd. Satur- 8 day morning per yard ............ C Ladies’ Skirts £21133.â€" ibaturdiy morning 0“» Ladies’ Collars W‘fifii‘é’flm counts. W.G. R. make, a‘sorted shapeO. also Ladies' colored collars in colors Black and White, Black, Red, Black and Red. regular price 15c 5 each. Saturday morning each. . C Ladies’ Handkerchiefs £32231 White Lawn Handkerchiefs, double I hem stitched, fancy insertion corners, also some fine lace edged, 4) and 1 inch hems, regular value 10¢ each. Saturday mom. 4 for 25C Ladies’ Summer Vests 223.“ IMies‘ fine quality Summer Vests, ribbon in neck regular price Be .5 each. Saturday morning each" C Ladies’ Corsets Effmz‘dotlfi pairs only fancy trimmed. recular price 500 per pair. ”Satundny 39C morning per pair” Undressed Ladiefi'undresscd Kid Gloves, small sizes only, colors Tan and Greys, reg. value 75¢ per pair. Saturday 29C 0 morning per pair ............. ° C‘ean vour gloves with Glove‘ne “Gloveine” auamnwed not to stain or effect the gloves in any way, EZ‘Ehflflfiafi??? 3 for SC Ladies Belts White India Tape qu‘i‘ié‘ai pe,6 bunches In a pvkage age. regular value 10 cents a. package. :utur- 5 day morning per package ........ C ° Ladies' Hat Pins coodstecl “at PIIIS pins wi h fancy TAIL-Eye t/‘ps something new. Saturday I morning each...... .............. C Ladies’ Hose $22123?“ ‘ sings; 9 and 95 snecial 12*: pair for Satin-thy morning ..... Ready to- Wear flatsLad to-near Hats some l-i k and If“, ncy buckle trimmed others fancy stva v and buckle trimmed, ”glafp 8275 and and down to 949 each. Saturday momiuge .ch C (1188’ DKlrls‘ Duck, three rows self trimmimz on the white duck, all lengths, re lar mice 79c and 89c each. Studay morning 50C J. Sutcliffe 6: SOHSIfE t‘itms, regular value 15c to 260 each. ““11?an 2 belts for.l5c There is u mishken file. I: to the cause of conkers in ‘he month sud unrest. Suflererl imugine thnt they wine from staunch (names. but it in nothing more or lees than the result of {mate blood. Nu- merous emailed remedies have been fimted on the mrket. but experience has prawn tint tbsro is 09!, one cure. “Clim” Iron T9016 lels. 25 cents a. baud-W. or finned on receipt ofprioo. Dr. Hall Medicine 00.. Kingston. Ont. moi-fling RD AY DAY MORMNG SATi AUGUST 24th m 15mm“! -'ARDE£!, 4 In Crash and Whiw As-orted lather. Md and flannel combing» Filge qaalitl ribbed LINDSAY 10 doz. l0c Sailor Hats Childrens’ Sailor flats ‘ colors. some fancy br‘m. satin regular price 15c and 20:: etch? Saturday morning each“ Childrens’ Bibs Em Boys; menses Men’s Mole Skin Shirts‘d‘ Men’s I. ine n Hats 21” at; I). m Men’s Overalls 3‘.in rivited, withoug bib. WW: Ladiee' Dim’ty Muslin Hm with one deep friu. other“ hill t:- med, all 'h s season‘s 5W '4! made and good fitting, as“. price 84 each. Saturday mom mg each ...................... 23 sailor H atfi sorted patterns taped reg. price 4c each. Saun- day morning ............ An inspection 01 my a nun unyu a walla ‘ en'l Khaki and Wawrpmofl‘“ ventilated tops, regular pr'u ficeach. Saturday morning * Y ork-st.. yS Dluuaca Du’cknm,fi collar of plain navy duck. 91-0 in pattern print blou-es with ma," sailoroolurfri lpgimmedJegqu i5 cent: and 40 cents dell. Sammy morning each ........ Skin working shim. all sins. in and grey colmings. . Speed I god y coimmgs. : Ssuufiy morning each. edcnlorand shares. These use; to we each Ygur chowe of lot. I0: -nv-wu, -r_-_V-, 0 put, 3'30 American Mole Skin 0!» Alla, fame! stripe. bib omchgd. up [at price :50 pair. Yourdiolce n Subunduy morning.............. 4 . 3; S’Sfiiifif‘ff‘i‘fi 3 for it ‘s’ agd Menf s_Caps 3": ’ Ladies'Whitcud flats mott ed m~ti¢ m Hate. These were 3|: 2* Saturday morning m One Price In Lights-fl 5 bf the :t is a" by make a dash H order to see the his should not lr' mg to the (item 0 which it is d rho indulge in the Within we cmpldved at F is 'working a 2.00â€" ! Campbellford. 1 g gave him 650 ‘ televén hours‘thres! good. considering Ithahmion this s‘ s a fine herd of mii m1 dub of éightcle -1, t ’ . . P455 guessing cm Cipim and (oumr census of Canada. S. H. Graham of '. Hamilton, forme Whitby Chronicle. :- hgbshawa \"indica {Huber the able at l' in which he h: Will expect to so Speedily develop -class local new ms. rm ch as if a. prize V ’9 as it. ‘1). Ginnam I! 156 of the Ofiic 5 mm visitors seen :Outing immensely. , band accompanil d played delight alum-y last the of Toronto 051 e_managers of LI istores who sq ' of goods in s 5‘59: ago Mr. Herb of the Lindsay l to purchase th« and Charge the I 1I'oocl.â€"Prompt lain Co.â€"30. 561-0 enjoyed its hfirsday of last w buts of that N: and Bobcargoon. mu scenery of St Enamel-s Crandcl » Mr. \V. A. (:00 fie club. stood “t in the summe C parks in Londn IS his sales Stc 58?. during the lumber at the j Inward Allan. 10‘ 1 :1 191,4.» bags ,5 a couple Coiled“ I t0“'n “'[l 3 Of year.“ five homo r Mr- L0 Alsikc 0“ Killer). Y 3'11“ Norton “1; “'h’. ondo for nu dcl i OT

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