'11‘\'o. The I lst July ‘e-ral tobac- hv (‘mmcil ,z-gh. in ï¬x- lirvnso fee. the Court 'PiH'y and 37 O. L. thc- best sion as to to D0 paid nt ands unâ€" by Hagar- ehorse. Er $10 a tledt‘sed :ro!ong's Jet. lating- the ithe ground ’Iat the fee }\'ilh()ut the :wr or keep- }other than pg licenses act) could kcvssive fee, ’. but â€9 isouth. It IS nflfl‘ rec-Ping- dies the Commons Question, Lg‘h . all mic-red is dispropor- prnï¬ts o! 1'! amount.- Hold, that and nl‘di'l' ha w with (Pt-9 (‘rbor- H. h, Ila" ( I! Peter" ;)Ilar “'- uufly rep- ;nw, but 5. chqu tg‘h. and the of Pcierâ€" .l.-â€"Judge- ordc-r to the Muni- mgh on the ‘ 16th 'l'nmnto Yne‘gnll. (1‘ 0! 60.00‘ he â€riliï¬h you pub- nu! M'Vt'n Hi Pun- ‘ two of native ilgin and t by two {ï¬rms na). the L TOW ament. by l‘a PM rt and hn rainy ts nation in 1M .liucuf v nun-u- u‘t! Uhkc nu “'8 huge . l bk'rfl' ’ a “canon lsrodie. (Liber- -en Wood Kma- (:ulway ( Liber~ if it: have :Wo J ' The Misses Shields {entertained a number of the 1fyoung people on Monday evening. in honor of their brother's guest, Mr. H. 0. Down, of Toronto. The following- is the report of the recent promotion examinations hold in 5.9. No. l2,tOpS and Mam- wrs. Names of sucu-sstul pupils_apâ€" pear in order of (merit. Those ob- taining 75 per cent of aggregate number of marks are entitlod to honors : So you beat. Victoria Road at baseball on civic holiday ! Did.‘ you Coboconk ‘? {Be honest! Or did your pitcher get tired at the third innings and leave the ï¬eld in wild pursuit of a dish of Forse ?" at was a, thrilling game of tennis that We had the other even- ing. What thinkflye, @rls? Mr. '1‘. Smith spent. the past. week with friends in this vicinity. ' Mr. C. F. Hardy. an employee in the Mastzr Mechanic's ofï¬ce, Union station, Toronto. spent Sunday and Monday under the‘ parental roof. AL!" mvu‘uJ â€"â€"â€"v A number or relatives from this vicinity attended the wedding of Miss Louie Parkinson to Mr. John- ston, at- Mariposa. Station. The harVeSt rush will soon be over. The fall} threshing will be the order 01' the day shortly." » Mrs. Davcy's lawn looked very pretty last Saturday evening. the occasion being am ice cream social. which was enjoyed by all. Keys 8n n Hkm'v. Lora Joneu. We are glad to be able to mport that Miss L.'I.numhe Webster and Mr Arthur Webster who have both been serioueoy ill. a_re recovening. V» A -A __.‘-I. 31:“ Ruby Thomson, of Hespelcr, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie Shields. "rig-()vlinvotmn from clam 2 to 8â€" Mnmie Bennett (honors), Mabel Miss M. Joan Fowler. of Nowï¬'urk. and Mrs. W. Ochutreo, of New Janey, guests of Mrs. R. (I. Wob- su-r, spent a. {uw days last wwk 'wi-th Ede-n friends. The dreadful storm of Sunday, Aug. 5th caused considerable dam- Mr. 01055, a former macher in public school here, was back to us last week, the guest of Mr. King. A -v' Promotion from classvD and 8-â€" Munu (’uulter (honors). Leslie Hart. (honors), Harry Hart, Dougalo Dey- ello. Myrven Moore. MIC of tk best WI UH. [my RM! 6m J. W. Shields and'danghters, Misses Margaret. and Mabel, Miss Josie Galilwgher, Miss C. Shields and the Misses Magwood. Will buy you me lam They had 3f lovely day for the Kirkxield Public Library excursion. Among those from this village who enjoyed} the outing were Dr. ‘ J. Grant and daughter, Miss Alma, Mr. SteelRan O, , 3 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. E. V. Moore is, at present visiting friends in Peterboro. Miss Pearl Graham is spending a few weeks at Port Carling, Muskoka. . 6. GaSoline-Launclri Race, 3 horse power and under: boats under 3 horse power allowed 2 minutes. lst 3. Ordinary Single Skiff Race. Presented by Mr. J. 0. Grace and W. Wallace Jones‘ lst prize, Gillette safety razor ;. 2nd prize. ï¬shing rod. 4. Canoe Paddling, girls, tandem, 18 and under. lat prizes, handsome belt buckles, presented by Mr. W. Iloyd Wood; 2nd prizes, decorated paddles. . , , 5. Canoe Paddling, boys, tandem, 16 and under. lst prizes, decorated paddlqs ; 2nd prizes, ‘jagk-knives. 1. Sailing Race for Sturgeon Lake (-hampionship flag, open to anyclass of boat, 3 miles. lst prize, chamâ€" pionship flag and associatidn dated flag. 2nd priie to be chosen. 2. Dinghy Race, 6 miles. ’ 151. prize, silver cu , to become property of person win ing 3 times, and asâ€" suciai ion dated flag. 2nd prize to be chosen. Toâ€"day the great. Sturgeon Point regatta Will take place, and .boats will have Lindsay aS‘Iollows: M9- nits, 8.45 and 11 mm. '3 Esturion. 9.30 a.m. gnd 1.00 pfm. Returning. Steamers will leave Sturgeon Point 4.10, 6.00 and 8.30 p.m. no races will begin at 1.30 P- m. sharp and continue without intermp-‘ tion until the program is through. The chnts are only open to am- tents. The boats and canoes on the lakes this season are. much more numerous than heretofore, and there will doubtless be many entries in each class. s'mnmzon POINT 11mm , , ‘ , (mm LIST OF mm THE WATCHMAN-WABDER, AUGUST 16th. $48.00 NA 31‘ 0A KW( )Ol). VICTORIA ROAD. BALSAM LAKE. MOUNT “0 RED . PROGRAMME. week The lawn social at. the Presbyter- ian church on last. Friday evening turned out a. grandt_success in eVery particularx notwithstanding the threatening rain'. We are glad to report that the condition of Wm. Adams has im- proved this week, whilst’Dr. Comâ€" wall is hold-ing- his own. Threshing has begun again. Mrs. Cochrane and Miss Stephen- son, took in the Coboconk'trip last week with Lindsay friends. The crew working-on our waters with the steam punt Baptiste. of Lindsay leftafor Lindsay on Tuesday 0! last. week after. putvin-y in a fuithh] week‘s service ‘assisted by Mr. Beatty, at clearing the logs and weeds out o! Pigeon River The attractive prize list in circula- tion for the Lindsay Fall Fair thould not. fail to please eVeryont'. There has been a large number of visitors here recently enjoying our picturesque village and country and good ï¬shing. The quarterly ofï¬cial hoard mot horn on the MM hm†whon Jmport- um "utters wore dincunmd. In tho awning divlnu aervme wn bald. when law. R. McUul'loch prauLM. Farmers who are raising bogs these days ought to be happy. L958 1113. ï¬fteen years ago bags were selling for $8.76 and farmers were well sat- nsï¬ed if they managed to get, 34;; 10-day they are getting just douMe. 87,50. The 0M day an old farmer remarked, “Why. years ago. when grain was no cheaper than now, we thought we were stealing somebody’s money when we got. 85 a hundred. There must be big money in hogs .at thefpresed‘t prices and ‘yet‘tï¬Ã© farm- on are just as anxious for the extra. The farmers are very busy saving their excellent harvest. They have been favored with good weather. Harvest hands are in demand. There has Heen sufï¬cient but.) so far. â€Uflw, WI! g. 'v' v.â€" There mus} be big money m nogs ,m ~ the‘preeent prices. and yet thé (arm- A MGNIFICENT, COMBINATION- 1 at week and «1113562wa V bass during their ‘stay. The ï¬sh weighed 21;: tie tjeunstcéï¬salxgi‘52u8 is: 3;??? The most éostlv, the most majestic. twenty year: aggl’h - ' tljemb‘st gnwsiiï¬ musical organiza- :Iroml. ‘t‘mf ’to four â€d ‘ 1"“ Pounds V â€"â€"â€"‘--â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" ‘ - . mmtmvm?om‘ 0"l Iâ€? ‘SW' “mm"; "m ‘8 MGM who will gï¬e‘twb 3“. ~W ‘03:â€. W h†been KILLED FQUR BEARS. * Maya the xowngex- m nan-mm n 1‘ . o! All Mr. Wm. L. Raichman, traveller for the R. M. Beal Leather (30.. Lindsay. has returned to Lindsay. after spend- ing a vacation with friends at Bal- sam Lake and Coboconk Mr. Rich- man was accompanied by a. friend x 0mm citizens are asking tor a (‘ivic holiday. Some suggest an en- tertainment or some other scheme towards getting (undo to re-orpniu our vllhfl band. . Bertha Richman has returned to her home here after enjoying a few days with fxie nds in Coboconk. l‘he grasshoppers are very bad in this vicinity, and are cutting the turnips oil and doing oats consider- able damag'e. Pasture is so scarce in Some parts .that the farmers have to cut. feed for the cattle. Mr. Hugh McLeod. has sold his farm here intending to go West. We wish him success. On Quad-my. ’1ch lush. upocialiflor' vlve will be bold In the church hare at. 2 p.[m., whuu the singing port will be given by Sunday school 'chfld- run. limitations. etc. On Monday 20th. there will be M éntertainment at 7.30,p.m., who a program will;bo given, also lecture on mission exwches or work in the slums of Engmmd and East Cen- tral Africa»; 1A1! are‘cordiduy 1W age. rem-es were levelled to me ground crops badly damaged- and trees broken otT at the fences and carried into the ï¬elds. to these services. Refreshménta v!!! be provided at the entertainment. Admission for entert'aï¬mment aildlecâ€" tare. 15 cents, Children 10 cents. Son, ID. Cirinamon, A. 0. Hogg, W. Wallace .1 ones. Chairman of Commit;- 13. Tug-of-War, 3 in canoe. lst prize, '3 hunting knives. 14. Upset Race. lst prize, to- bacco jam; 2nd prize, tobacco pouch. 15. Tilting Tournament. lst prize. fountain pens; 2nd prize. trolling lines and spoons. Committee : Messrs. J. D. Flavelle, W. Lloyd Wood, A. B. McIntyre. F. A. Clarry, R. L. Morgans, W. H. Simpson, F. Crandell, R. A. Miller, J. C. Grace, G. Sterling, Ryerson. M.D., Joseph Brown, J. M. Knowl- book. 13. prize, 14. lst prize, (or lady, presented by Mrs. and Miss Annie Walkey, yand for gentleman,‘ books; 2nd prize, two decarated paddles. ' decm'ated paddles. 11. Canoe and Swi'zï¬ming Obstacle Race. lst. prize, writing portfolio ,- 2nd prize, ï¬shing basket... 12. Po'Wer Boats, 35 .feet and under, 3 miles. 13!. prize; associa- tiondated flag- and anchor; 2nd 7. Gasoline. Launch Race. 6 horse power and over 3 h. p.,' Lime allow- ance 1 minute per h. p., 3 miles. lst prize. association dated flag and combination lantern ; 2nd p.329, boat fenders. 9. Crab Rgce. lst prize. decorated paddle; 2nd prize, jack-knife. 10. Canoe Paddling. Boys 21 and under. 3 in canoe. lst prize, three prize, association dated flag and oil- skin coat : 2nd prize, boat fendcrs. V 42'. "C; H. Grantham. President. (.. . Hopkins, SeC., Lindsay. ‘. Canoé Paddling, mixed tunggm. Fences were levqlled to the KILLED FQUR BEARS. ~ Alva. ‘Lawnmcm- o! ‘Hgveluc‘g boat fcxibers ; 3rd prize, boat Big Money in Hogs G 00 DERH AM. foqi-f‘mémb‘ers [one afternoon. A motion was made hot week he !ore the Master in Chambers. on be- half of the . Ontario Bank, for a. summary judgment against P. E. Kinsman, a Hamilton broker, and S G. Parkin, a, lumbcrman and mer- chant, of Lindsay. It was stated by council who made the motion that an agreement was made betwL-en Kinsman and Par-kin whereby Kins» man was to buy lumber flrom l’nrkin and gh'e his note for the purchase sum over 85.000. The bank. hows a lien against the luntbr In mention, -D t‘l..- high price of labor, causes discour ‘ agement in raising this staple crop ‘ Apples, speaking for his own orch- 5 std, are lair. Northern Spies are ‘ more than an average, but Greenings " are very much below last year. 'The ' Ben Davis apples are nqt. a large -nw. - ___â€" --_ 3" - ~r , 7 â€" he-ngï¬d, as Leonmuence of Klnoâ€" man hams made a. note out to Par- kin and endowed it. owr to the bank. Kinsman holds then in not among lumber to â€.me thin cluhn and that the bank was g party to the agreement in any can. The hunk. on the nthor.hnnd. claim. n war not I. party. The c300 will be argued In Mr. John Day, of Valentn. mum; at this odice on Friday. He nyu the oats in that locality were much damaged by the rain of two weeks ago Sunday. Much of the grain has been harvested, however, and with iavoralble weather will be ilnilh ed on Saturday. He used a reap" on his cats. The straw was In- .trong that it did not flatten quite down, .and the ground being even and tree from stones made it poe‘i‘UJe to reap it with the machine. Some had to be cut by driving in the opposite direction to what the straw leaned Wheat is a fair crop. There is a lot of fall and spring~wheat sown in Maripoea township. The crop is nearly all in the barns except goose wheatâ€. Potatoes in some places are rotting. There is not a va‘y large acreage of the crop, though it is larg- er than last year. The extra 'work it requires to fight tho‘bucs. and the ‘ ‘ ‘ - 7 7 J1---____ the end of-the barn. This barn was struck by lightning on the 28th of June last year and also during August of last year. Upon the lat- ter date Mr."1‘hos. Gail‘s barn near Centneton was burned. Shani-mm...mobo. gas pipes. Tie eleétric wires were properly insulated. and cgrrled by porcelain sleevesr thygugh the woodâ€" en joists oi the building, but the lightning's voltage was heavy enough and the ground connection so good as to make the“ jump possible. I! the pipe had been a: gasdnstead of water pipe, needlessxo say a ï¬re would have occurred. which would have been difï¬cult to control in day- time, and disastrous at night so it burned a. hole fully threat eighths of an inch in the water pipe. with the results noted above. “The lesson which . the incident teaches, is, ï¬rst, the valuoo! ade- quate lightning arresters; and second, the importance of keeping all electric wiring away from water and the various lights and fans irate instantly burned out, and simultan- eously therewith a. torrent of water poured from the door of the building where the wires entered, evidently flowing from the water pipe supply- ing the various radiators of the water-heating system, which. as is usual, had not been cut at! for the summer months, since it is not gen; erally considered necessary or even desirab to do so. Careful inspec- tion di losed the fact that the elec- tric wiring was close enough to the water circulation pipe to permit electricity of high voltage to jump to the ï¬ne ground connection which the water pipe afforded, and in doing During a storm at Washington. D. C., -on July 11, 1906, at,the branch ofï¬ce of the Scientiï¬c American.ws that journal, lightning struck the electric wires that supply the omce with light and power. The [uses of A severe electric storm passedmver the uppér hkc mgion the other after. noon, thcre being heat 5' falls of rain and hail. Mr. E. Cox’s summér ho- tel at Port Sa‘ndï¬eld was struck by lightning and three-beds tare de- stroyed, one of which Ins occupied by a-sick lady visator. Strange to say that though the lady had been obliged to keep her bed for some time, she was up and about“ .the During the heavy electrical storm on Sunday afternoon Hr. Wm. Cal- verl; "5 house on West street. 01-- illia. was struck by lightning. the chimney being demolished and stove pipes knocked down. The cur- rent grounded in the furnace in the cellar. no person fortunately being injuredq Several shade trees in da- lcrent parts of the town sutlerod l more or less Irom the lightning. Lightning's Freaks morning after the storm. Sought Summary Judgement Crops Around Valentin. n fretâ€"onto: FLIES 10m“ HORSES- of Valenti-L cullm: . is larg- ra work "’5' ML( and the â€9“"- discour came out he etc I: arc:- i‘-" “t h“ old home, at Two Mountains. Q‘IQ-i Messrs. Geo. Rolston, of Hamiiton and H. C. Mum. of Brid‘gtlnorth,h were at the Fills for a couple of day! last, week. m†E. "Au-tin. of Kinmount. mu Buckley. of Toronto. Mr. H. .1. Cone. of Uxtfklgx‘. Joined the Torry-o-whnv coupon last week. Mr. Cue ro- turnod to Fomlon Pulls {or Sundoy. Mm Nora Tomflnmn. of Front- [0.19 the guest. 0! In. J. H. Br don. Dr. Vroomln.'of.Lhduy. spent. o short. ï¬rm at: tho Falls loot Wod- ncndny on his buy .up to Coboconk. In. Pruner. in. Kohl and the Mluoa Kohl. of Road-Jo. spent Mondoy gt tho Folll. Mn. H. H. Grohom, Ilu Gart- rudo Gabon. Rev. W. Cook and Master Grotto; auburn spot". I“! Wudnoodoyï¬uhtn. ot non-«u. They taught two flat tum and a. number children. Who Rdsedalo. - Mr. A. I. Guidal. of Toronto. spent a few dgys at. the Falls last week. I Mr. Edwards. ofu’aurbora. was the guest of Mr. and Hrs. -$pence, Boiled-ï¬le. last week. and dined with them at. Moy Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Tonumndt. N.Y., were the guests of III. dud Mrs. M. 'W. Brandon last week. ' LieuL-Col. SamJI-Iughcs. M.P., came out to the Falls but week to spend a few weeks with his {un- ily ut hi1 summer cottage on Cam- ‘eron Lake. 5' Hrs. Porter and two youngest cut his heel badly. It ‘caused the boy a good deal of pain :nd his friends a good deal of anxiety beâ€" fore her was All the hands of a physician at ‘Fenelon Falls. Miss Anderson. 0! Hamilton. is (tho guest .0! Mrs.Has. Dicksm). Rosada.e. Mrs. Myles Hamilton and children spent a, coupfle 01 days with Mrs. Kains, at Rosedalec While bathing. Boresford. Mrs. Hamilton's eldest son, stepped on a broken bottle and Kingston. went up to Rosedue last week and reopened their handsome summer cottage. *‘Kawartha Lodge." They were accompanied by Misc .1_ Night, in. Aréhie Wardrobe. Mr. Boamish gnd Mr. 0' Brien. also of Kingston. Mrs. Wm. Campbell is \isiting her old home. at 'l‘xgo AMountuinS. Quad of um IV 9 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and the Mines Hamflwn, of Toronto. are the guests 0! Mn. Arkwright, [madam Dr. and Hrs. 8. Sims spent Sun- day “ï¬lm fDow Drop Inn" cunp. tyre. ' . 1' Miss Anna B. Collin. of Toronto. Wad m J_ D Vanstone. of Graven- hurst, were the goats of Mr. D. J. :Collis this week. , magnum Ham spent 3 {er dus dust week the guest of Miss Fanny Ul WI. Mrs. Elisha Hark In mum her daughter. lira. Buptllt. of aches- uvr, N. Y. Mu. Nubltt nnd anchor. of Mutiny. no stopping st. Hoy V'lllu. Mrs Wager is1 visiting her old home near Coboconk. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop. Its: Street, Miss Brown. and the Kisses Hand. visited the "Tarry-a-While" comp, Rosedalc. 1:91 week. . Mr. Joe. Robson. Cache Bay. 'is ï¬shing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robson, Mrs. W. H. Robson and young child returned last. week from a vis» It to her mother. in Ehmllton. Miss Oassells, who has been visit- ing her aunt. Mrs. R. A. Robinson. for some time, returned to her home in Toronto last week. at the Falls. mss Anderson! ( guest. .0! Mrs. ï¬ns. Mrs. Myles Han spent a, coupne 01 Kains, at Roseda? Boreaford. Mrs. son, stepped on a. My. and. mi; F. Hm and their children, who have been the guests of Mrs. Barcsmthgr. Dr. A. Wilson. for some time. [on on Wednesday for Whitby where they will vu_sit Hr. Kate's parents. «St a week before returning- to their home in Quincey.‘ 7 1113.8. J. mic [in-Ilsa down: from Ronda]: on Wednesday to spend a couple of days in Undny. His: Dickson. of Mlle, spent WednesdwY «at. the Falls. The Kisses Hand. Graham and Nevison came don from the "Tam; u-Whik"-camp. Wain. tb spend Sunday :t the Falls. Miss chunw and Miss Boom-l, o! BWn, were the'guesta of Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Rooqdue, last week. Mrs, Adams. of Cobocouk. spent last :‘Wednoudgy at the Falls. mum cm nmmncs “.w -‘ THE NEWS OF ms WEEK EM. "Brindgnhum." ' His: Aileen Lytle. of Lindsay, spent, . few days at. the Falls mt weekthOg'ueï¬t of ha aunt. Hrs. n. Gould. ‘ ' 399m Ira. Jas. Tolor and Miss Edith Taylor. 0! Port Hope, are visiting friends at the Falls. m Helntym. .01 Non-land. _ is the guest 01 her brother. Mr. A. lick)- Personal lemonâ€"Gum a“ WW mus;- . ' Church lam-Civic Holiday Sports nu--v. Porter and two youngem :1, who have been visiting ;. at, the 31113 for several unturned to Toronto on Tues- J. W. .Flovelle. of Toronto. Tueédgy at the Falls. .' John Wardrobe. of 'nltrio‘rfmndtr; l Rev. B“ B; 1“†‘9“ 0“ â€000.! mm. of Bram. m a month I vgcguon. ,f “I‘D J H "0". R. C. H. Slackâ€, ILA†who ° ' 'hubmuwwonuthm‘mku' Lindsay. spent u Vacation, In upwind home or next mu- lut Wedâ€" SWW- ‘ The acme o! tho 801,: cm... Mp to Coboconk. Kuhn sud tho 3100100 In“ sdmmrï¬n it. nod-lo. t W' ¢ W' . r. lino W Walker. during the absence 0! Ir. _-_ .. ,. m n lull, nun-m In chart". on I lull 'My bar bar hu- 0! llt. the the L10. illn- "ll-U Il" mww-r v.-. - W. NorthUy‘u My We“; 80'; to Bald 141w on me "Kawmha" on Ilonduy. 'l‘hny ml! «main about. I M. when tho Kuwmhu "I“ go “You Hunk about 'I i 01 luck to. 1! Nu vmy 1 dc down and bring them back. The man. I've c My downed o! Ill-u. John Clum- bon. the Illa-cl Wot-day. X. Nikon. E. m. C. 100.9. I. Quinn, '13. Austin. ll. Tyri-ll and Mean. Clm WC. W. B. lloore. Goo. Wil- Ion. H. Grim. 8. Graham. A. Qui- boll. W. Diorama and W. Jordan. I“. 1. loom. at mm, was .110 mp. wtththepayty. _ -_4“ work in the â€Then you'! anon. you ll mm; mm A NEW US] o! Coboconk. In the afternoon ~il stood 17-15 in favor of I-‘enmun Falls. The processioa was not as large :5 last. yous but, was why up to the mark, and: credit, to most- Who participated in it. The gate W netted over fn'llety dollar», Wang fully seventyâ€"live dozlars over and :1)ch all expense! for the inane ï¬t of .the public library. The "Man; good crowd to the hit ground. hue ban game rewind in a Victory 0‘ 10-3 {or Melon Fills against luilla. The tennis in the torenuon betWeen Cgboconk and Fenekm' l-‘alis resulted in a scone 01:1}? in favqr Sunday. Tho aacramont o! tho Holy Com- munion was admlnhw in St. Janu' lat BMW): M. Ir. Walk-w. during the ammo of Mr. '1‘. 1). Bell. amount In charge. on a two woolul'Wacallon. What has becomn known as Hr. W. Norway's pafly Wont down to Bald Lake on tho â€Kawartha" on Monday. 'l‘hvy ml! remain about a woollywhoo tho Kawaflha "In so down and bring them back. The party doubted o! In. John Cham- ban. the Ill-au- "from. !._Wuuov:. 1119 cut damnation lam Thur-day paced ol Iplandidly. ’1 he sport- wens well contacted. the at- W large, and the wather de- lightful. The candle upon- ‘ in the tomoon am hundreds to the canal bank‘und the athletic hill 0! (are “4th? park in t3†Moan drgw a _ A- :â€" ___.._J m up {0 Mia. Ir. J. W. Pay. on Toron‘o. in uut every day ï¬shing on his gasoline launch. "Lady Lou." sad ha been on In hwn 0! Hr, Smith on the evening 0! Aug. 15th. Ir. Joa. Wold: has rented Mr. D. mum's cottage on Cameron Lake for g In th. The " Drop Inn" party went intd cunp 'at Romlalo lam Wed- nesday. going up on tho "Kaâ€" wartha. in the dwrnonn. As they reached the lock Rosedalu looked quite in the season. The “Mania" and a gasoline launch were in the lock, the Kmnha was waiting to come down, sad the "Dauntiess" waiting to go up. The party con- sisted of Mrs. Thompson, the Misses Mabel Mnywood. Dolly and Leon; Johnston. Ethel Holland. Dr. May- cheater; llr. Victor Whitlock, of Cleveland; Klee E. Robson, and llesers. Fred Robson and Oswald Hamilton, of Lindsay. As the “Mania," was returning from Coboconk Monday: afternoon she noticed a row boat waving franticallyjn Cameron‘ Lake ‘and whistled a greeting. As the waving continued, Capt. Hamilton altered hi9 com cad “and Mr. J. W. Fla- velle, of Toronto, “the party in a gasoline launch. with a broken pro. pellcr, and anchored waiting for help to reach Fenelon ï¬lls. The launch was mlckly towed up by the Mr. Hogg's gasoline launch has also been unfortunate.with in amine. 1'. In at the Falls (or a :ouple u! deyu undergoing repeirs and started up the him on Monday.“ At. the mouth at the river the engine again ing in honor at her anus-later and her Mun. A most. punt evenâ€" lug wu flout. In a)! present. Ir. and In. Brandon pain; noted [or the kind hocpiuflty always shown to their guests. Evans}. J. A. Ici‘ulane. of Toron- to ; the Misses label Taylor. Alto. Hart, and Mr. ~Fact! 'I‘I_ylpr_. 01 R0â€" "Hanna." (hie purposé bowing {Hyman My {1855. :nd the pcrty wéi'e obliged to new when they were until the "Tom" cane along and towed them numbe'r of hu'ing splendid luck. among the party. Infor' Neill. 0! Tomato. who but been spending some weeks at Key Saturday on the “Damned." tho enjoyed a. most delighgful any on Balsam Me. Mr. and llrs.‘ Chas. Vllhg W. with his bulb". went up to vToronboalnst week. but is expected back the latter part 0! Ilsa Spam; 0! Liam. was the guest 0! lug-F. O. Bmdon, for a couple of day- lut weak. The northern Mt: were mamm- cent on Sunday nut. and tho-0.11:0 retire-u early milled c sign not of- A number at our “Columbinnâ€"No. 1" putty, or Pitt-burg. Pm. who are camping new Wu. cune Er. Jami E. Blair). 9! Cincinntti, t cousin of Jas.‘E. Bldin. of New York, who has been at "Hotel Ka- wu-thc" with his daughter {or an. era! weeks, had some splendid ï¬shhg up on the “ann†on lousy and spent. t to" hours u. the Falls. Dr. and lira. Wnlmrs.,ot Lindsay. went into campmt Roxane on lon- 'nle Presbytcflu church of Roseâ€" llr. Thus. Robson took a. putty on ‘. H. B. Kenny to“ on floodâ€! and [In B. Clark. '0“ Brandon entertained a and. on My even- How A rpm'rmx vmws mv'nln'ï¬ onus. m. Rodney'xen he husband the at over next fly and book up 58' residence 2 beoe-' with hfl‘ lwts. ‘81:. says aha will “hf-II- not. lame: live with him. v..- wvv He was uuakcned ShO-'.‘.J after mihnight by his wife: w ..u-. .19, and, judxping out o! bed 1:.s mend: m: hand Lightly â€'l‘ed 0n the pms of me man tnp. The woman begged to be released. but. Rodney allowed he: to sun'er I}: ed recently mt his wife hsd been taking spending money out of his trousers pocket while he slept. Boro- mnltruled with ha, but the wflely TWO KINDS 01-"KICKEBB. “l u’pou you‘re ukm' u vau- Uon ?" "You. an! l'vo mud It. by Quorum! lt‘u the nut. one 1 have but tor ; your. Boon working “In: t born for twolw long months." "You think that’s couch. do you. abut 'I 100 don't. know whct bud luck to. 1: you by! L9 but John. u. may 1 do,,you’d change your two. l'vo only but am. monuu‘ work {a the loan you.†â€Plum you've m an» month’ vv «Mon. you lucky dog. What are you Ming about ’I"â€"-Chmo Tribune. es and your can no we mutual). ' The student, dewâ€; enough, denunâ€" od 111me at we [olluwmgz 'anLh- ran, the “Meet. on Much 1 mamas you it ; When between Zaocne- Ill and man. with taut-once to my quantization: (or the pulpu.’1né nut. flung we read or “when. in Um. he W“ MI of suture. 1 chcr I'dt. no sun.“ as 1 do now. In the noonu place, we mu! that. imam: was up : true. which ll vet-5 much my position at. prawn. Thu-d1); n In mm that. We“ make mutu- to com. down. and in this A mum; ad promptly Inflow Ma example." Pump Bod IV promingnt So hug-the poet. writ. It may be 50.. “Heaven lies about. us in our infanâ€" cy . > , m "lies" 3.301". us afterâ€"that. we ‘ know. A IODEL DEBIOS. According to Harper's Weekly. the head at a. theological seminary in tue south tests the seU-poIBeSSIOIl mu capability at his students by send- ing them into tho.puipit with gBuIM' an envelope containing a text on which u ma is to w delivered on- W. On one and: occasion the stuâ€" dent. on opening the paper, raw these instructions: "Apply thestory of mm to your can circumstanâ€" A NEW USE FUR BAT TBAPS. TOURIST. mum Day,†in which the seen-c Candi“ ,. comm at is- mt front‘ut“t60 sun-undu- of Cronje at W. Critics pronounce i Pl... 3m Candi“ Nutidnal mimic... Toronto; bu W Camp W006- vfll‘e’u Mons Didâ€: T“? Dan “E to“ the horse, which was killed hâ€" sumuy. llr. Collins was about". cub the bit, but was prevented by g W- frbnvdoing so; very {cl-â€" unite for him, like would W Mire met. the same fate. Ham tied the animal to 1! ukâ€" M pole in from of the Dam “were Company, on which that: welcotm: wore runningdm u- the ground. It. is supposed amu- dnin of the bit. wore through unh- mhuon o! the wire, and that a." Mutant thus. .{ound - its In! A mm»: hamlelonging to Kr; JoiqihnCollins, of: Douro, “as Lille!- in;. a. peculiar manner on W street. . Peta-bow; Friday-anew. â€You. my dear,’"whfle 'we wen Ila-c he had the impatience to kiss nae." "I suppose you 101d whim what. gnu thought of him." “Indeed I didrcvany ï¬me‘hcla mul ohva locomotive 7†"Yes." "wax. just as trad u 1 land 3-... I .hnys have _to as} nag mama-Ia.- â€"- vâ€"-â€"‘ -_ 7 “You’re not (my worse on a. l m,’.’ said In“ Gunman). “Y. know my husband Mum be u hâ€" all. our u um room no nanâ€"- ed and root ball: whcnwc I runs. and»! can} at Henry to do no bed av humpwor. out, and rig. gt twilight. to- recount-II.- drinking and intoxicating then-u!" once more. They carry a, non-a evidently ï¬tted for .such Panhand- esque tens. To muse mm gluuonouoly o. d voluptuously, M in all ‘they liv for." I}; Nulywodâ€"You don't lwo- . W moreâ€"l know you don’t. ! Nulywodâ€"But. my doc. you!" mm. I adore you. "No“. you don't! No m «it Ion g, woman to bully dram-ed II ) m"-Lc um. 'l‘wo mighbon wort (:01:an trauma to each ow over thou-ï¬v- yu'd (one. that separated them you. All dine-set ot-Boner and can. trotted; Intent we most app?“ methddl. Specialties: Dentistry 0-8 all disease-.01 the feet. mane-of the late-tr discovery kept 0' M mDINDSAY' BROS: 1;me l. N. Johnston v‘tmuum Graduated the Ontario Vener- inary College. «You know," an: Jim-Blah- "mu my Mound ts .nwvcnwf' BOUSEWIVES CONFIDENCES. Huyou'vl “v. ygu W‘ CANADA AT PA A RDEBRRG. :nEâ€"imhke 'ase hrs."â€"â€"You'a HORSE ELEGTROCCT ED. lflVEï¬ GOOD WOULDN'T YOU.? ' PAGE SEVER‘