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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 Aug 1907, p. 9

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I We 'h'ave put *and our every immediate .nd i t the 1088.811; L0". wfli have L Toronto (mt. nor \ am and \lexandar Strut-ta Leos: at rts at. ..... : school that ranks first in ugliness. popularity and gun- nmt. Outattendanceisgtenter. students were placed in pt?- 5 and at. better salaries than In wevmus Year. \Vrite today to! some catalogue. w. LEM. PI hid“. is whole-gm ' ' H 3 vtton rial i $6.50 Term Opens Sept. 82d. It, pays to attend the \ £Luo1'1' ”an... Waists at Bargains and :5 at ...... Drders for not! 091"” $0. of firm ’Md root “61'0”“ °’ for entries .hould 1" h“ F THEM : r colored. at vs at......... bus. .uo-o-oco’uoouuno 2 for ........ h )wns m WIN .6... o. “‘1‘ -Wrappers at {r 6"...» can. I' “‘3“ o..- no. , at; . .. $1.90 in stock this ..' O? (7( met Trimmed LINDSAY, ON TA R 10 . n" ...8c ...19c ---?-5e ...75c filtié,’ com-+- from warden fE. f'l‘ins- 143'. Superintundpnt ' of lame and Frheries for Ontario, that after Sega 2nd, fishing (in Sougog Lake xiii be 102:1], ‘and that the Depart- :ecr. has no intention of} extending 2:3 prohibited pvriod for fishing in rh- store nnr â€"Thr Punshytc-rfan church and 8.? ,:,;.r9 owm-d by .'-It'. “'1 L. Shicids at; «ffi'xxonk, m-rv 105K:'n5'wl by [are .cn‘; 1173mm inst. ’l‘hprn was $2,000 in; airs. Jumus Hutton this week re- ‘4 ed a post card to thb effect that; her hushand had been killed and that '2' was to be buried in TorOxuoz._Ihe Yard was handed over to the ~ pdliée 21.0 made enquiry only to find that, â€"fh» “and cnnmrt on Friday 9" ‘ 13:33.4. was up tn tht" high Stand- arj of its prom-Cessnrs, if “Gt 8. Step 3 adxunc... Thu salections given “'0” iZ‘r’Sdidzy rmrmnxl by the band ant me“. enjnym! by the very large tit- Edam». (‘losvon to fifteen hundred maple wwrv u“ the park and were --..sati5tivd with the muSic given. T19. band plafi‘uxl' the three selections “filth they had entered as their piec- ‘-f'or {hp hand tournament at Col- =::;u-ood this wwk. The duet given 121' 3h" prnr Twins, the well-known Willis“, wa> a docided hit. and W33 310% hesarti'ny applauded. The singing 13.3198.“ tulrntixl \‘uL'aHStS is always ‘33’9Ci11h4l in Lindsay. and they liv- 3'1 up u, m-n- wry high reputation ‘3‘"? on Friday pvvning. The Pepper 1’135haw a gift for vocal music , i531? splvnrhd voicz‘s blend well to- iet‘aer. and their choice of suitable J“Jettiom and t‘m'ir well turned re“!!- 13:03, 2“an: little to be desired. It? origin .mrancr- 0n _thV' _ CORONER Lmdsay - C ’éLittle Local Lines oronto was concernéd. -â€"Inspect‘o'r Bradshaw" has received 4111. Fr‘m‘lhn (‘ouncil will meet. at. mm L-n'l‘hursdav August 26th. ‘ :h- purpose of levving the rateS, ‘o'nting ucollpctor. and for other 15 at Dr. Burrows urd was a. cruel Lie so far as suampr Manita run agamst a and had to go to the dry (153mm this week for re- .h" 1-?) 105.," 3! “(”3C read swmwscss~s§sm mms THESE DAYS. ,du} lht mid. You’ll miss It if You don’t call. '1 Emmy-t to rvnd the opening ; m‘ m.- nmv story commenc- rhis 355110 of The W.-W. If ,1! the opening chapters, you td the r9st. husim‘SS ghv- church, but. neither um' contmts were insurad. of lhcfirc is a mystery. MEX. (lARK (‘hvmong “038318 run against a 6 go to the dry. Ontario â€"’I‘hert~ was a meetinrr in the. Cr- l' .. H u 0 “ed day Misses Mar-o1 and Hvromk- Mitchell a, an a at memee on nes [are spending a 'two Weeks' vacation cumin; last ‘1 the interests of Pro- w North Buy it ,testantism. The meeting was well. gattended and was most intefi‘sting- MiSS J. Cathru. m‘ Rut-host": re. i throw-out. Past « Count; 3'. .. lvm. turnud home this week. after visiting a, ‘ n iomls n .v i; (ottingham occupied the chair and " l ”“193 exceil at address were doliv-oren byl Mesfl'x. Louis and “a“. S'tephi-n- “it“ Sam Hughes, MP -(.eor.ge MC' SUI]. of 'l‘onnto. are renewing old Carty, Grand Organizer; Mr. “illium ucwuinta‘ncos hvro this week. ,Wurren, of Lindsay ;7 and Rev. Mr.‘ . xflTmnie. ot0memce, Mr. l't:..>.r “w: \lr- John lie-\rthnr. 0" Fcnelun ! . . . . I"; “3. ' Q ' - ' "." r W (1- ‘son, 01 the W.-“.. Lindsay. pleased. l ‘ “a" a Lmd‘“ usuo e ' nosday. ! the audience with a numb»: of \u-n-f . ;wn0°ml "0081 selectivns WM “““0‘ m n. 1-}. \mhr o'r the fixer- .1 thoroughly {*njoyed. hrooks ’ia‘a (‘ompnnx of Turnnto is ,, , L:.. M- an“. L“... chh. (I‘m-k 1' dent Orcler- of Oddfellows is in ses- the guest of Mr and \[rs t‘harlA-s |.. S on thlS “99k at ()Tlllia and among Davidson lor a, “W" ll1|\ ‘1. g the delegates on Ithg official list are; ‘ 'the following: l.-indsay. W. Ashley: l'ort Hope Times: \lrs. .‘l’11r1‘..,'-. ‘Goorgfi Crawford and H} .\. Middlnja‘ Mara“ i3 ViSiting 11"" s‘nn. 3” ‘ton. Lime Britainâ€"J. J. 1115.1 "‘ ‘ "rm" ”0“" Stre't' i b°h°alge°”""‘ H' MO” ' "“"m": Mr and Mrs. H. .\. IMV. j...‘ 111111- “llâ€"A "- l’il'her- )Ian1ll.. " [Ute ev‘hun, are visiting friends in 10““. l-‘lrguson Peterboroâ€"F. W Millm, \lr. My is munagm‘ 01 we mule)- l\\. S. Robinsml. Thomas Illm'uu l‘ iburinm McKercher, Wm. Hill. Pontxpoolâ€" Ernest .Beuron Woodvill».._1 w j M'S- W- 3- Campbell. of town. 11-11. ' -this week. with her mmih (m thv § Perryâ€"F. D. McGrattan. 'llu-ne 2110 North “est to jnin her husband them between 700 and 800 delegates pro-fut W.uldeck Susk. Grunt. ITxbridge, >J. G- Vicw's‘. Fury . S(-nt. from all oVer'the :ontim-nt. The Misses Vera. Esther 11ml Win- :nnmn (Ynlnnbol! returned .Ln 11 “T1 -â€"-P»olcaygeon Independent ;_- 3h. McConnell, of Lindsay, app‘aw to nmer tire of. improving his lslunrl 80st in Sturgeon Lax-.2. This/scum“) h- has completmi the formidable un-‘ de.»rtal\'im.~r of making a timLu-o- ln'caft work all along the shore li.\.‘ and filling in hehind to a Iewl wan \h-- timler. This will add to the shore and prevent any further inmad by that action of the water. Mr. McCon- nelJ has an acetylene gas plant and it is understood that, he intends -to enact lamps along the breast work so that ”I? island will at night have an illuminatpd outline. This will haVeu. spandid en‘ect from the lake and also light the grounds, adding gieally to the, cheg-rlulness of the surroundings. â€"The Board of Governors of thef i “toss Memorial Hospital gra.teh1l'.y~ . ' ‘ Personais g iioknowledge further ‘Tcéntrimtions to o ' O the Hospital Sunday “Fund, as 101- M” . \ ‘lo-wsfiâ€"St. Paul's j Ehurch Lindsayfi 31sz Bella. Sharpe is visiting 9 Pt 827.25;1he Oakw°od Methodist cirâ€" Hope friends cui-t,. 310;», -az_1d' 3.. .the Cambridge street Methodist éhurch,11indsa.1 $62.72 Miss Leish. of Toronto. is visiting at Lindsa1. . ‘ ' ~ u. Valuable Iray mare stolen. and no' town. Sooner had (Yhief Vincent started the' cards going for the. descriptionst-han he received word that, another -‘ba_,y mare had been stolen from Frazer.1 brgpk and a third horse from Sut- Misses Mabel and MM. Sharpe“ 590m | (on. “a week‘s holiday in Toronto last g week. Mr. and Mrs. (‘. (‘. Fnrsyth nrn visiting in Toronto antlot‘er points west. -â€"--\ccording 90 the Siitma :l'jfllt-' iting Lindsay Mums. m- nt orders last. w aex from Ottawa : the follom'ng thanges are made m be Mrs. J. H. FIanagm.‘ m‘ 45th Regt. zâ€"To m: (apmm. l.iu t. {was the guest of friends in M. A. Germain, in place of Capt. J.} , _ . - Mr. I-‘. Sadlcr of Indiana!“ 1 . M. McL-rea tra. stcrrel o the Re- *the guest at Mr. W. A. Pam same. To be prone-«v . l l. Reutetzhmt ' Sergt. “m. J. I'M '1. I) be [frovi-j. Mr. George Matthews is h: sionlaf. l.ieut;mmt . \supernumerury) ‘ his \‘isit,to- the 01d (femur) Sergt Bruce Holmes Napkins. ; There 5981115 to be somewhat‘oi an turneu Irom HIS vmu. L0 lnt' Lulw ' ‘ West. epidemic in horse stealing going on. in 111.: countn at present. On July! “0““ W pm}? and “,an ‘ 27‘h- M" I‘M! )Iark Oakwood h”3‘1‘01' S3racuse XX. were visiting (; TTR\ v. N“ c. for the w “.6 Mt Mr nuns fut.‘ rand Lodge of the lndeppn- 0n Lh' Mrs. AerS. or lormuu. Kc". m. 'i-~Whith\- on Wednesday morning, after is spending a couple of weeks the guest ‘nf her daughter. Mrs. Thomas '13 Wilkinson. I? Mr. Dundas. of Dundas .9 I-‘lmellps, roturnpd last week from his trip to the Old Land in the interests of the :m'm. i - town ‘- Mr. I". Sadlcr, of Indianmmlf-s, was {the guest at Mr. W. A. Funning’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. .\. Um' ’nz‘ Hail- evhun, are visiting friends inI low.“ \lr. Day is munagc-r on me mule)- bt.rian.. vicinity". l'ort Hope Times: \lrs. “WWW-3, 01' Lindsay. is visiting lu-r mm. 3H Wm. ‘ Murray. Hope stre-t. The Mismrs Rearin. of th‘.’ Public Library, are taking a three '.\‘(!\;!\'5' vacation Visiting friends in I‘drqnm. Mr. Fluery and His: S. l-‘hmn' u'c taking thé plum-,nf lhn liissw: Hvazin. m the library. church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rntbrts, of New York. are visiting the farmer's parents. Fair avenue. Mr. Roberts will sing at the Cambridge street m n. 1-). \{ilhr at the Esterâ€" brooks 19‘“ (‘ompnn\. of Tornnto. is fishing his mother here this mark. The Misses Vera. Esther um! Win- nifrcd Cumphol! returned .Ln u wr. Mst week. aftf'r a pleasant visit to Fonclon Fans friends. F-nnlon Falls Stm‘: Mrs. John Ferry. of Qi‘ndsay, is visitingrclativ- es at the Falls. She came on Wed- msday. accompanied by her brother, Mr. John O'Leary. of Toronto. who left in She evening for thé Irish- Cnnsdhnw Athletic Club's camp on n... nthef side of Cameron-14km .‘Irs. '1‘. White and daughters, Mrs. Laura and Viola. of FPI‘LiP. n. 0.. are visiting friends in town and Quigg left onflMalaéy for a. work 8 visit to friends in Lindsay. ,Vliés Kate 11ch. 0! Lindsay who been visiting friends at. the Falls. turned home on Hominy. - Adjt. and firs. G. W. White. who! min charge 01_ the Arum-3110:” 3‘18 .here tum years-go. andwho m'm1 90 Well- known and loved (or unlumré’ {work's cake; will visit. Lindsay this _ Snturdnyw and Sum. Aug. {17th yrs land 18th md will conduct all thel SMGG iweekâ€"end meetings in connection with “'9 f {the Ioc‘al corps. Game and meet. an ”rs: ‘ 5 old? friend. \Ir Mr. and Mrs. (‘. (‘. F'nrsyth nrn visiting in Toronto antlot‘er points west. Mr. George Ingle. of town. has re- turned from his visit to the Canadian West. i music by our- brass «band. The boa-t Elem-es town what! at. 8 p.m., and Lari!) call at Sturgeon Point both was. Return fare adults 40c, child- ren 25c. Capt. and Hr§. James E. Calxert in charge local corps. _ Mrs; J. .H. Flanagm.‘ m‘ Bufial(.). was the guest of friends» in. town. Mrs. Hennessy. of Toronto, is vis- iting Lindsay friends. Ms“”mW«WoQ Don't fail to come' with as per steamer Esttirion to Bobcaygeoa on Wednesday. August 2lst.- Plenty o! MisS Annie Wesley. of I'eterhoro. is A nice Mr. George VMatthews is hack from aized party ion Lindsay this a camp at Miner’s Bay. on the Gull Lakes. The party a: Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Mc- Ryan ' in acme at tho lahality and learning the circumstances, the Cornner concluded that the boy took his own life by taking Paris Green. and the warrant. for the implant was withdrawn: He had been amt that morning to put, nfirigflmn on the potatoes. He was about fifteen years of age. a 3mm committed Suicide on Tues- day, probably in a fit of dcsrond- easy. The circumstance of '09 having. heel: mund dead ms reported to Cor- oner Dr. Ferris. Cobmxrg. who at once issued a. warrant for an in- quest. However. upon visiting the Bobcaygeon Independmt: A man named Sackett. working on the Al- oxmzdm. was before George W. Tav- lor, .I.P.. on Friday night. and will probably remember the visit. Sad:- ett and Joe Wollingtnn cook for a cribbing gang. They met at the Rockland in the evening,,and after .F‘enelnn Falls Gazette: A party composed of Rev. '1‘. J. Slvra-tt, Wolf‘- lsland : Rev. M. J. Sprntt, Trenton: Dr. Dan. of Toronto ; and Messrs. R. P. Spratt. sr. B.J. Gough J. It. 0' Neil] and PerCy Shannon. of I ind- my. passed throngh or. the "Manim" on Monda} on their “3.) to ’\lud Turtle Lake, ahoxe (‘0..oconk, where they will go into camp Port Hope Guide: Apple l‘uzycrs are very active in their efiorts to pui‘bhasc the fruit in the various of- chards throughout this neighborhood. Some of the orchards are very' prm mising. and as a consequence owners are. in mum' cask-3. holding all for higher prices. The possibility ,of a: shortage of the crop in Europe has: caused the fruit raisers in Ontario: :3 '15 Ema “£533.? 2 i} Jane Heard. an inmate of the (‘o- bourg Asylum. died there ten days ago at the age of 86 years. a, “(I-lung, '1qu: .,.-‘, W.-_.-..__,- “ at. and to save any delay of the boat the magistrate held _eourt forth- Port Hope GIIide: John Jones, a Home boy, whqahnd rosided with Mr. John Bright, nggr Burn-[(3.33 [or about tor Hold on high? wins for their orchards- Orinio Packet : The flag onlgred by the Board of Trade for presenta- tlon to the first steamer bringing in an excursion" from the Knew-Um. Lakes Was received :rmn tha manic» turers this week. )lr. J. D. l-Zprtior a.n altercation, Sacks” struck Wol- lington in the eye, cutting the flesh badly. Wellington ‘at ionoc obtained a warrant, which the bonstable Serv- with. The charge was admitted. and the magistrate imposed a fine 0(1815 and costs. a mmnm. - tuners this week. )lr. J. D. Hprtior is painting the tOWn's crest in tho fwld cf the flag. whihis a beautiful blue silk ensign. The flag will he placed on exhibition tor two or thra- dnys, ‘nd will then belorWaMed to Captain W. B. Burgoyne. owner .0! the unmet Ktwtht. of PM Falls, who was the fortunate “mt.” Captain Bursa)!» suggests that ho excursion party 61’ Drills-nu slum” go down to Mt: Falls with the “'8. “d |t_.. is. mime tfit Lhi" may be flfl‘flxfid- . The price of milk in Purl Hope has been raised 106 cents per quart, owing to the advance in feed. etc. Mr. Will Fowler, of Toronto. (for- merly Von thc police force) accompan- ied by his wiie, have returned home after viSiting friends in Lindsay. Mr. Fowk-r has secured a positiun us nwsscmger for the Bank of Commerce at Cobalt. at a sflarynf $1200 a year. and will leave shortlyfor thv Silvnr City tn assume his duties t here. HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST .IN AND AROUND -THE XEIGH- BORHOOD. Among the tnuris’ts last m-ek from a distant». who ere visiting in this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Howayd 'l‘. Walsh; Master Will Walsh am} .\I.ss Lizzie Walsh. of Buenos Aim-s, Argvntine Republic. Smith Ameriru. Who are or. a tour of the chn-Hm l :kesdistrict. The Pepper Twins. who have been visiting at their hum:- here fbr some weeks past. “aft on Monday for- New York. In that city they open their \‘audéville season with a new and up- m-date sketch. written and prepared speciall_\- for thin“? tale-med entertain- Mrs. Win; Graham. who has hoén visiting her children in Toronto and Hamilton. has retumal. accompanied by her son. Mr. Qllflord Graham. and family. of Tot-0M0. Mrs. (Dr.) “altz and \lrs. .l. A‘.’ (‘ raham, of Toronto. and Mrs. (Jaw-3" Marvin of Bethany. an: spending the holidavs in Lindsav, Sturgeon Point and other paints down the lakes. Miss moi-once Robinson. 0? Toron- to. is spending a. couple or necks holidaos in Lindsm with hot- “hand Hubs! Flossie Jones, Kent street. Mr. J H. Lennon of 562 Blool‘ street. '1‘ oronto, formerly of Lindsay. is renewing acquaintnuCes here, and made a pleasant fcall on the Wash- inanâ€"Warder. - ' ' Ravel-ton corneamndent of Wood- \'iHe Advocate: Mr. and Miss Mc- Donnell. of Links}, uérc \isiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank nanomou last. week. and returned home Monday. th'e Msim‘ the {angel-'8 mother; airs. s.~ Henlierson. S . Pam-street. Mm. Dr. Evm “1d snn. Easter Spencer, of Rossburn. Hunitoba, am DISTRICI DOINGS FOR SALEâ€"Frame house and 1: acres of Ian] sllua'31 n (hr vil- hge of Cameron. fornwrly known as Cuneron Hotel. flood hall in connection. Stable and two good wens on premises. Apply to Mrs. J. Simpson. Cuneron.â€"33tf. ‘ An Mllerit'an inventor has built a new airship at. Krugerx-illv. Alberta The C.l’.R. is adding to its roHing stock just nnw at the rate of 28 freight cars a day and 200 anginau a year. Lhwpool Who-t Futum CloudLoc- or, Chicago Higherâ€"Liv. Stock- - fins-mums Shin}. Gundons. the greatest sculptor In Ann-kn. is Mr. J.. Harry, Lunar. a Nell-knoun orcht-stra leader, died at his rosi- dcno», 12 Rotten street, Toronto. --.-‘.rvâ€"_ v ,, Ind l0 95d lower (but 1“ Arthur Black, a Toronto clprk, was run over by a. train at Allnndnlc. and lost a leg. The Wellman emiodiuon' Lu the} North Pole has been ,dclayod by violent gales. ju Iv r'u nvâ€"wu .â€" .\t Chicm Septunbztfi;gi M 1‘0 higher than futon-day, W our! 1“- Imnr. uni Septmbur onc- fie “- Winnim Options. l-‘anwinx urn the do“ m on .Hnnipeg grain (man. “2 Winnâ€"Aug. mac bu, Supt. '18 III. "M. 90v bid. (iqtvâ€"Aux. me bid. 0‘. t m m i ‘r‘ “I“ 0n the Solemn on. Saturdgy .King Edward and Queen Alexandr. re- viewed the great home guard section of the British nan. Emperor William and Car Nichol- as met. or. the tea near Swincmindc Saturday. The Dominion Punt Comphny'l premises ct. Unmiltnn were damaged In fire to the extent. outwelxe hund- red dollars. It. is roported from '1‘”ng that Raisuli is about to release Raid Mc- Lean. ° . Last. week the." hadâ€"c hiutor‘n in Otunaboe, vhen hailstorm: m in diameter are said to have . It In the wars: storm this season in the district. we paying-"£1 a; Won the for spines; glad they take flu chard; MI ind warta' apples. at. tint flgupe. excluding only ban-wt apples. ~' " The ’Omemee W churCh are soon to imam an elegant. new or- gan. which will be operated by an electric mower. - .-\'n' expert. from the C. G. R. of l'ewrboco. is may overseeing the in- stallation » of the nucleotrinlight system at Omnee. National School of Telggrazhz TELEGRAPHY OPENS THE WAY Board here is W113. and all endings-9 students should gru- ante here within six months. Writ; or use me for team. we greatest god moat. cumin! managers ol~to<uy have. um}, um exception. risen from the ranks at the operators. Sclarleuotopa‘ton run (rotuSEOboprox-month. according to the W oldie postman. Warhomwn.mako from .60 w 8100 pet month. and an okay. dictator promotion. Indy W {or , iol work are in out annual. Qulmcuionl _ “ re few but anomaly mm, vim: . A . "17A_ L-_A-‘-- 1“]-..m." -M ”($9993. Sir William C. Val Borne, o! C. P. R. tune. begun his nilway wanmtorzudldJ. KNOW. Spacer.Geo. C. Jones. «dim “how. all now how high positions. Add". NATIOKAL 893001; 0? TWBAPHY. Uni-up". Ont. Several thou-ad Telegnph Opertton will be required by Mons Railway companies within a» next nine months. On AFGUST In, I will open a. school in Lindsay, to be l: 3'07! dwté‘éf'mivi May. M. luau-try nod w nim- 399198. ”0‘“ excluding 0“” the“ men, s suits To a. Successful Life . G; «F7. '0! 'i a}??? '5'. Forty passengers and a locomov.|\e rnnmnn. LAM nuxu r..-â€"-1 M11 «ngineer were drowned in a railroad a full line of Plenty plough; and accident in F race . grinders. Benny hay forks.‘ -'-â€"â€"-â€""_'::."_â€"â€"___â€" ____.._...._.__._.._. and Litter Carriers. *Special mention given to wire fencing. 5:...“- nigh-art nf vacuum 3- DAVIS Agent Lindsay, repairs, pulpers. stmw cutters and Feed at- '1‘. Out . uad tll Mina) nudcnps should 313l- w. M. Paton, Notice is hereby given that Job-n nexus y. o! the Village of Victoria Road. has made npplication for per- mission to transfer his- tavern license for the premises situate in the Vil- la 0! Victoria ‘Road, known as the Victoria Hotel. to Anson Roymond. of the Village of Woodvillo. and that said application. will be considered at. the meeting of the Board of Li- ‘ Commissioners. to be held at Inspecwr's om, No. 7. Cam- bridge street. in the Town of Lind- my, on Scturdty. the 24th day of August, 1907, at the hopr of two pan. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly.- Wh THORNBURY. license Inspector. Dated at Lindmy this 12th day of August. 1907.-â€"83-2. license: District of Victoria Tendon for School House Price Savings cuhmenopu-ioo LINDSAY Ammo-h... J. Sutclifl’e Sons We close at 5 o'clock daily except Wat-dams during August It isn't what you make counts mostâ€"it’s what you save that smells the total achievements at- the years end. It's your duty to save, and it's the duty ofiyour store to help you save by offering dependable merchan- disc at lowest possible prices. But during August we do more than thisâ€"~we are closing out all odd lines lines throughout the store and the price reductions are extreme indeed. Better just come each day and spend an hour or so in looking aroundâ€"note the price tickets and you will see how great is our claim and how justly we are entitled to it when we say we sell “TRUS'L WORTHY GOODS AT UNIFORMLY LOW PRICES" all the year roundâ€"yet we offer still greater reductions and savings for you to take advantage of during the next few days. 3' effect is peasant. but they have that loose, stylish hugdntmostoverymu likes. Bnoed, good looking lapelsthstset sure and flat. The collar gripstheneck bond with 3' firm. aways there holdâ€"not the least sign of a “y£wn.” Straigl t or slightly rounded coat fronts â€"hnnd padded, which mkes then) keep their shape as long es the costs have life. Nice length Vests of a de- cided manish cut. Tmusers are as shapely and good looking as the coats. Which 1s high praise for them. in- deed. Now 18:) ’t that the kind of a new suit you have been looking for? We are show' mg them' 111 some ex- eeptionally nice. stylish tweeds and very durable and foshionnble worsteds, handsome suits indeed and worth having a look at them to-day at SUTCLIFFE'S. Guam made with fitted bucthut is, the fitted an... ;. nm'aonf I'm. than hnvp that loose. stviish . ALLELY. Norhnd, Ont ”a a locomotivelmmqggs, TA1_(E_ VX0TI(_7F1.â€"I my light and Du ROM! on“. MUSKOKL . J.mu.r.‘-â€". or ma‘m.”.bâ€" 0:343...» was!!!” ”hem-flu. Indltapounmt opportunigy to "my young Inn nndo young mumâ€"it. o‘er- you n Why to become independent. to gut. nu nhoolutoly mum hon-lodge of suno‘nphy and .hdividnnl imm'ucflon. but us hear fall 3011. or cal and talk the nutter over with LINDSAY FEDERAL BUSINESS COLE-IQ! lull Tarn Open- Sopt. 8rd south of mbinsou's store. A. fl. HOUSTON. Principal BEST LINE ma;

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