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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Aug 1907, p. 12

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M «ms-a. ., .. . MM“ ‘ . N FENELON FALLS. . i many friends here Tlfiish a? :56: their Mr. and Mrs. Percy Archer, 01 Ro- wngratulatmus . e - _ - corres- chester, netumed to' their home on pondent extends ’35 best ““5115” Monday. - . . i The msses \Vorsley have closed Mrs. Rednor and Mrs. Edmonds. of their dressmeking fitwlishment: 9nd Petertbro, were the guests of 5113.50th spending a very pleasant "3' Itednor, ol‘ town, last week. cation. . Messrs. K. Lane. of Lindsay,._ and Mr. Arch. McKendry, of Cobourgh . ‘ arrived home on Saturday. W. Lane, of Toronto. spent, a. low days in town last week. Messrs. W. Swanton of Longford, _ _ S. Swanton, of Port Perry. and Miss Mr. Ed. Hayes, of Toronto, Visit- Grace Swanton of New York, are vi-l ed Mr. Thos. Lane last weer . siting in town. . Ellis Mrs. J. Ellis and Miss A. ilk-$.11. Patterson and. child, I. e visiting in Parry Sound. Ernest Brynell left, for 'l’orinto Monday evening. Miss Bryans-and Miss Sabina Bry- ans are visiting in (hnenl Pol- . - ‘ § Mrs. ‘Walters, of Belleville, is the 'guest of Mrs. H.â€" Austin in town. E Mrs. .J. Simpson and Mrs._ w. lard, of Cameron, visited in town laSt week. Mr. Art. Cullen. of Toronto, is vis- iting in town . donning, Messrs. B. Bryson and st Wednesday. of GamerOn. called on town Sunday evening. is proving, and. will b in a few days“ ' 6 Miss Pearl Pearn, of Cameron, \isiting in town this wet-3". Miss E. Whytall, of Toronto, spending the holidays in town. day. Mr' W. Barnum, of Lindsay, was in .town on Monday. .. E. B. Hartle, of l’icton, is Miss Ruby Hughes arrived in town. on Monday morning. Mr. M. T. MacEachern called on Woodville friends last week. Mr. Dick Lodge returned to Hali- hurt on on Monday. Mrs. W. H. Walsh and Miss LOChart . i arrivalhome from Toronto on Mon-. i LINDEN VALLEY. (in y. on Friday The very refreshing rain , . . . . '1 .. . . . Mr. and 3115. lo_\ and faml y who last did a deal of good. and wouldle count of the ab fallen. lKenzie, the regularm Truman leaves on the 2nd of mbe ‘ N ' k , h to r tor eumar et where she as Stock markets are already here. and! _ assume the assessment afiSlgnevl in hav b s endin the summer in e een p g have done more had as much more town, left on Monday morning for Toronto. Miss Bella. Ferauson, who has been I'larvest is in full p135“ and _the working in townafor the past four him. of the thresher is heard again months. left on Friday for Toronto, During her stay here Miss Ferguson‘ 'Z‘he has made many warm uill miss her very mild). addition added to Mr. in! lto the improvement ut the place. Misses Florence and M. Bellinghalnl were among the guests of D. J l Murchison of Glenarm on Sunday. Miss L. Every left Mo May to take I Mr. and Mrs. Mcln'ws ot' Roach-isl _ l‘omt. attended the funeral of thel Mrs. F. Gillies and little lioY. Oil lntn Mrs. Mclnnes last. \Vt‘lfk. liown. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rogers. Mr. Harry Torrance. a popular -' young man of our town, has joined Mr. Petey Campbell and Miss Maud thuranks of the union men. llis Campbell returned to the city after. QQQQQQQWQQQW”WQQ QQQQQQQQQQQM l i 2 S3. 5? D C no. fi a: F‘ w w "l 00. 93. \D m 8‘. CD The brisk buying of the past week was evidence of the success of this Sale. Most ol‘thc people were able to get their size in the sale goods. to those who were disappointed 1n this respect. and also to those who have not attended the sale, we com- mend the following specials : Laulies‘ Luce Boots, in patent colt, (longola. and box culf’ Many of these are $3.00 shoes, Sale price. per pair $2.25 goodweur welted and turn sole. suitable for full wear, sizes 2.}. to 7. Misses’genuine Box Culf Button Boots, sizes 11 to 2. .............$1.15 ' Pebble School Boots, solid leather insoles, sizes 11 .. ...... ........u90c In addition to these there are miscellaneous lots of Shoes Sale price ...................... .. ................... Misses Sale price ....... a A v I0 ranging in prices from 45c to $1.25. ”i August Sale of Trunks, Grips, Suit 03363, etc. Even if you are not in immediate need of these articles it will pay you to BUY FOR FUTURE USE. . mceeuceuececoccesenescence.”9999999999999»one”cocooceueeeceeeeceee W moutoocooootommncmmmmm 5 fr Remember the Special Dis. count is for August only .. Washington, was the guest 'of and Mrs. W. J. Campbell for a.’ few days last week. town, the guest of her Golden. . acation at CObOconk, VISltled McDonald W88 one of the first ll] [tors-in this part of the country, had this charge when Kirkfield was Mr. Fred Warren. Who WEVW' ,9" first known. Many of the oldest re- vere burns eta. fire last week. 15 lm' sidents remembered him, and all apâ€" Woodville. but now 0,- the uurmtg-ut-i e able 1'0 he o‘nlpmciated his excollcnt sermon. ~ Rev: J- Wallace. 0f Find-say, Finlpicnlc is to be held. at Balsam Lake occupy St, Andrew s pulpit next Sun.- I on the first Wednesdayl of September. 180 far none of the details have been 1 arranged. l 33111 Lake on Friday, lug. 16 Quite hmvyl rain in Most of the terested tween Kirklield and Our team won by a. score 0 Ill-1r. Gilchrist lnfimrge. Miss [man is taking the Junior. department . ol what is to be. A splendid double school. ch r f sLh 0-1 for the rcmulninz‘ . - . ,. . , I atgeptha. O ‘ ILie MachenZle have gone to lorontu l ldlv being installed in the homes. for. ,-_ - tpar 0! e year. 1' f - 1 k' ‘ 2.14.15 l or -a ew uee s. . ”1139th about ten day! ‘30. W W o. carers : °9ld' _, tom min. . ’. ‘ .- lee, . 7 your . Brown, of, town. Rev. Mr- Young. of El - and Hrs- N- the «new service, which. was afield-4 . , ed by a large concourse of friends. and rélntiveS. who came to pay their. . Soutzl“. respects to her memory in this last Mr. sad rite. . the minutes of -read and approved. ‘ COMMUNICATIONS. ' ‘S. J. Fox, relative to making 12 Mrs. Machughton. , Miss Egleson, who taught in Grant's school for the last .thrce years, is this week visiting with fri- ends in the Glen. . Fulton; relative to Mrs. McE-lroy spent last week in J. J. McMillan has returned to Co Easu'mce and the bridgo daughter, MrS. halt. . - co 5, From J. W. Miss 'Sarah Mothers. of Toronto. is .___.â€"-â€"-+â€"--â€"â€" . visiting at her uncle's. Hugh “‘3’ . Kinnon's. KIRKFIELD. \ Mrs. Dr. Grant. who hasbecn («r R. M ’ The Misses Shirlev and Hazel Olen-l . ‘. a , , . . . I-‘rc . . - _ byterlan church last Sunday was tak- the last month waiting friends in 0‘ Lindsay, who are S! d en by the Rev. Dr. McDonald. Dr. Chicago and other mrls of HUME“; Md“ 0°" agreeing L‘mle " â€" ‘ ‘ ‘ . I .. luild the bridge at lot 18, Con. ‘21:; 22311.5 domams' returned mm "M mete-ill of at Little Britain. i From Messrs. C. E. Weeks and H. ,. Fowler, re clearing out outlet for ”‘ldmimge of N. i ions, . . Mr..Remle presented a. statement. showing amounts due the corporation vcral drains in the Aggie G rant, forml-rly Miss lhome mission, Toronto. is spending her holidays with friends lit-re. The Presbyterian Sabbath st 1001 w.- .TANETVILLE. ‘ . Our idea of the springing up of now $165.70, and the concrete abutmcnts at lot 18, con. 10 cost 8210.10. . . - - towns is lar elv: connected With the . ht. Thomas church picnic at Baa.l\'orth-West g .d s fthe eweri The Council took no action- m N» “as ’ an .ome o n gard to the communication of Messrs. a success, in Spite ul‘ the portions of the country. But no\\“11c[,aughlin, Peel Fulton. ”he 98" 13' ““1309“â€" staid old Mauvers is renewing her The Clerk was asked to advise Messrs. Weeks and Fowler that if the youth. and our neighbors in the \‘i- . outlet for drainage was not pro in the W11 match be- . . . . Victoria Road. cmlty ot Janetvllle Station are ox- utter l to me" had full power m f 19 t0 5. pectlng large things. Already a Star call on the Engineer and have (hi- tion, 60 feet in length. in the newr-st \mrl: dorm. I School opened on Monday lastsmh style of c.p.n. ardfitecture. rears Mr. Hancock was too late in an: Tru- . . . ' f C urt 1 Revision 8 utl “a , ling or a o 0 . a» gown-l p"’p°"‘°“9 as 3“ ”Flawless: or..- half of the farmers ilud ,paid in their respective shapes. proSDOClin‘: The Council went into Co-lrl ‘Rcvision. re the Dunn Drain, and on and anmmlment was made to tho resolu- 'tion of July. whortby the corporation the rest of this menth, on ac- ' Miss Mac- track siding Speaks of «$555 railway antivity. A coal shed is cp- soon to beerected. The grain secured a position in the public by the verv law of commercial grav- itation our friends are looking for “ltguii'gsi ‘o?b:ild? ar.dh:x;:p: 1h}: subttant'al ft . \l ' . 3 ' ng " l " urc m" m the the drain across the G.T.R. lands, Mrs. McFadven left last W00 ’ for course of hun n ve . k ts uch of . T m C n 5" in said work to be done by the G- 'R- friends, who,Rogers’ barn has made a. very fine , _‘ ~ , _. . docking barn; also adds very much 'loromo, “here ”he ‘3‘ “’,“h h” ”9‘ Solid and tangible results is already ‘ (her, Mr. Alex. Mackenme, who us laChioVed, it becomes “Mmr‘,. and is Co. .The ‘asu-iessnnents were confirmed, ‘ and the Court closed. only in line with human nature that . . . our Scugog friends see visions and . Mrnharnold “ thud report rc‘ the Mrs. John MacKenzio and MiSs Zib- dream dreams. The telephone is rull- Brooks drum was real” but the ( ounâ€" lCll finding the estlmntlai for work $2.- why should ur ) ~ 8 . and the schedule of assess- iwithout this oChiefgdidciitmliixurit; nu‘nts 'to lK‘ 32609.86, mlsn his tutul when allthe rest are so soon to fol- “he???“ ““2" "hail-80d up t" “”3”" 'l‘hursdaylust from her month's visit low -?l The people have arrayed them-'mc'pamfv 0' Marlpoaa. Tl," (.1ch with her daughter in British Colum- 3wives for the battle. and Whatever “‘5 ”lied '° ”8““ “n “‘5 ""“mm' biaf hinders or is likely to hinder the and ha‘.° them corrected ““1 “m" ‘growth, advancement and ultimate doused "“9 one complete report. Mrs. T. N. Rutherford returned 0 greatness pf Janetville Station is tol mr'hft' 3‘ M“? l“: fiathfinm‘l. l.” St. Catharines on Monday of this 5‘“ {£1th “”11 vigor 1” 9‘“ “WM" 33‘s,,“ 0:, eyewitfgfufi 1:31“ i}: “1,3,1". week after a mouth in kirkfield. l ea ' completed an “:0“ as possible. Mr. Hardy thought the Council should 1 Mrs. Sangster spent Friday last. in i “1:11:83; ”:3“ 2:4 {3:12-0:30 ‘L‘Gmgt; motifs-[each person digging this ditch Jindsay. ‘ ‘_ ‘ ' ' a 5 that. flu-y would be responsible for ‘7‘" 0“ “““uowed' "r ”WWW“. Wt fires, Hut Mr. liardv flnullv conclud- Dr Wood was in town over Gut-ii“ some “.9" Janetvllle that “'33 and ed to do this himself I day . L ‘ lie. rtnust‘ glvg‘plag‘e to Jonetville Wt 'l'hc Reeve was uutlioriurd to renew - s o )0. or ow could a town tb - - . 0 insurance on the township hull Mina Lizzie McLachlan is spending nggguxgegnth‘gl‘érkmmm’hggxx‘ti property in the Purim-rs‘ l'nion Mu. :1”ng “01 her brother. Mr. H. a village that has been. declared by diuusailiiii lmumnm v". [or ”w mm cLac . ' ‘ soul‘onri?bc()the most beautiful in UN ‘l‘lioman 'l‘ulnlin wuu uuthollml to pm I o no of tho lnhluliitnntll “m“ “um. um' hoop i good W'M“. Mlsa Belle Campbell spent Saturday took mu somewhat int n his confldencu ”1.. 'l‘umlin brunch Mn”, H ,, v C. lust in Bobcaygeon. 9.1:! tl hum- kid to pee something of ”n”, “m Wm FoWll'rplhl‘ ”Infill; w a 0 roll ly panned. A village ,‘ I, ,. . , ' . . that would nVol‘HhfldO‘V tho prom-m ii):f:”inninrilsiziiclgfiz.‘ ”1“"de m“ .lunctxllli- was soon to llppt‘fil‘: “mun” [H Home “‘5 “w." ”HM” storim und NUH‘PhO‘UIl'I. summer Mb "I m 1“, mild lncludl 12¢ d humming" Midsummer holblfl (tompor- '27». lo (7. Muirtlndall-n‘iind 10 (lily: thpll'l overrlflfi‘). would spring up. Alon church 83" A, , I, “I ii 1. k ‘ ' ' would lb moved. or in some way u grddor' "' " ' "m“ ‘ or WM “" “a... - mm... “an llll‘l fl "rid“... (lH‘C'Ni n‘.‘.’. ‘hfl‘iggdzgnm ‘585, CVO?! ord'orpd "2“" :n. . . . . .. ‘ . ' i: mnmus or lm~n . l “(luDVlLLfi itiifllitr‘lill‘tiliitl‘l’li‘iinlhh‘“dwmch” ‘Vfilllll- 18, NHL 10‘ undbrliigzi at. ‘3, 1i; ... an nu. vnvn, . ' " 'l‘lw tulmml or the late l-‘runk lion mm M wollorn lmnlflll Evpn ugli- iii? 7" ”in?“ "“""“"‘ W“ M m'nv' l‘ml‘ pluco horn lult WMncfldab". l'lth my will Min to white in its mmldv “ll. 1m ‘ "R in. culvm‘lu, lllll‘hlug. lufit. "0 WM. hung” in Smith H ('u‘ll- “rm". it" hem lflu city in “lo lllllli'i'."(lill . (‘ouncll lh ' f'fi'; “Emmi“: figmg‘i" "v“! "hr, in“ ilnw; for liulru‘l‘ih‘iliifll ”Prom" ii‘ in 0 won 0 c , ( was we "9 ' ‘ “"V‘ r “‘ k . , r. . '. year HM". 'l‘ho rx l ~ “goggggogogfgnpnfigggggf'“3;; Ham-um u mm m- m... ,..............‘..... .onio'i‘filA:.‘“.Tt,‘.‘i'...'.“311111 youngest daughter of Alex. McLean. "0!" WWW” lln' wry fillVOl‘fllll"- lust .wur. 'l‘w towmlhlp hwy will lw pomp 83ml luorl- lllun lam your, and He was then engaged in bullncss lu Wo h Urilllu, but his health mum“. hfll 0“? M no one from hero 30- lbs t'nunly I'lilv unluc 3300 loss that. movml to Sloullvlllo. where tho and ing to tho "orth'wt‘t 0” "‘0 “MTG“ 1““ Mur- cum'. lltlacefulll' on Sunday. the 11th excufllO‘1“’â€"9°mmhln' very unusual. “l"lflw “‘3 WM Wild lhl‘ "Willi inst. Ho leaves a. widow. but no Illlllllx‘r of times authorizing a levy children, to mourn his loss. . MPD- Switlvr and lamily, of Orlllio, ”l 35““. on tho dillurcnt school soc-l lhnvc been visiting her brother, Mrs, ‘ Home for m‘hool purposes. ' Miss Kate Grant returned home Thou. Howe. i ll'y-lalv m4 authorising. ‘ luvy IuSt week after an extended visit to '88'd5'm for county purposes; frionds in the western part of On- The Presllyu‘rlnn brethren are ex- "98 for “ «general W ”“0- llhe fill!“ of ’38000 {or township turlo, and from her present appear-I pecting their new pastor in "W‘poseu unces we think that her trip agreed Course 0’ a few “'901‘9- ' ‘. By-lnw his. authorizing a levy 0! sloo on mo. pollen village o'l 0nk-. with her. l\.i§3;gT?§;d:nl§altmg 3:20de \thrc' wood for current expm. and {l killen, their forum: “9;?“ $1,52an mill on the dollar for library pur-i / - poses: also a levy of 2 mlllu 0n the . dollar for thopollce villa of Little mg. Chriacty Argue rewrned on Sat- Britain for current entering: y to is school at Lang. Ont. l The Clerk. was authorized to lay lthe sum 01888.60 rambly on thi- Mr. J occph \Vallt‘r is having a very] persons interested in the Hill drain. last week. and all are loud in their heavy season in masonry. and has] Silo” the can; of 884.25 rattabiy over persona ntcrolltcd in the Towns- prai’es of the good time they had. contracts for a long time to come. , . brooch drain : also the sum of $8.65 News was received here last {look of The apple crop promises .1 splendid mlnnt tho 3' ‘ °f lot 1" con. 10 i and the sum of 82.40 against the S. tiliiomgzath at {Brockvit lltli. oi! .1331: yield. , . e . a. prom mm c an o t . 9'10‘ 13. C 10. . place. and father of Mn. Rev. w. ,- 38-24 who???» willful? i‘imc-oiit hanmwiu. of this place. Mr. 'llenlah , . 8. with interest at 7 901‘ 00'“- added .‘ié'é‘dmllfivilli $3123” "m ““88me "ir "m '"t m” “m“ “mm othe'r excellent qualities mode gig l’mtlcululy “d were ‘5“ circum- glam“: “9.35:? min-t the 8. . friends here, who rogue 'to hear of "“3“" “WWW “" W“ M l“- on W Main; ctr-Li: Pay-om“ d". hla death. Mr. and I)". Knnuwln Andmw C“ Grant, oldest Ion 0! Ir. 9131031 that the; the cum have the heartfelt ayrn thy of all “'3' GM" 'md‘ took place i‘ ”5‘- 13- ”.t: CW" drift '0‘ 5. their frlcndt in nil-.1 lr tut ml h" M” WSW“ "”‘h‘h’pl-h" We C'oum‘ll M n. bereavement mention of the {gully were at. church second Monday in goal: till the 3,,”sz " 'fffil‘m” *0 mm "n .11 moon '01.. C John: flew“ returned homo from m an: ‘gothcn whawtthcmamonw . k. b“, “‘W- M "90". sympathy '0! en! in their ad and u. non dull in that town. owls. to "a“, ”mt - tho mim' strike thou, Ir. Edwin my at Mon to in the 5" ‘ , ' churn. I ll 8 I to . villi. "hum. VIM of 1m. audlcnco. names-u.- arm J. “Gm ‘ quite ill. Mrs. H. Campbell returned on Miss Shepherd left on Saturday for a. visit to friends in Mimic-1.. Mrs. Ullllnflulcy. of Lindsay. the guest of Mrs. ll. (3. Sunday. W Miss Annie Campbell returned last week to Minden. where she resumes her duties as teacher in the public school in that place. Miss Lillie Rae entertained some of her. lady friends at a lawn social â€".4_ . . . hair at” z. ‘ l. .' ,‘j . w” M . . . w" . .. g . coo-oonoooooco MOOOOOOOI'“. m....-.-.-.-. A PIOUED BONIFACE. Mcilhnc and a Costly Dish TM". Did Not Eat. Among the most absemmw. geniuses was the French mm Meilhac. On the «canon of mu. presentation of one of his arm“ hac. in evening dress, entered I“ ionable restaurant and threw hm down at a table. thinking am about the event of the evening: nothing else. A waiter brought him a menu. lg, hac, a man of very simple union the matter of fond. abstrauedly ii ‘ (‘3th with his linger the first an. the bill that his ore had stnldl. liq it chanced that this was the mortal crate and costly dish on the Wild when the waiter went to the mm with the order there was ii. on :quencc great commotion that. it proprietor himself “as summonodd be and the principal the! devottc‘thu . selves to the preparation of the fun dish. One man was sent tor ti choice ingredient and another fort other. Meanwhile Moilhac- waiteio . corned. 1 At last the dish was broughtvml great flourish. and the proprietafl a proud smile. stood not far mu observe the result. When it no pained in front of him Member“ cdthedichwlthanexprdldfl fl 8 I i [ E!§:a .il 8‘ .lll , ”0an gamed by in: similar!!!“ Burulncdhinnclfundbd I”. cuceeeeemeuuoeeoceeeso”can»”MW \ m” - -Wo”mm----””” will fill” FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS up ‘ 011!" Entire Stock of Drew Goods. Month .~. .‘ipplllpll‘. Skirts, waists, Table Linen, Prints. (linglmms. in!“ ‘ain Muslins. meperettes, Flannelpmu. Humor}: Summer and \Vinter Undelwl-lll': ill l'm-t t'l‘l‘r.“ thing Pertaining to Dry Goods. also can smart or Men’s and Boys” Wy-t0-\Vear Suits. . Mum“; Overalls, Smocks, Hats and (Hips, hock- weor. Collsrs.chy and Work Shirts. lam-o... Bolt-i 30“"3’. Winter and Summl‘r l'llll“"‘“‘“r' '- umnd to “loll Everything at Exact Cost" my Lino- Iill ho Ihamefully 81300!" and can: halo! coat. huh! ““8 Sale is Genuine and Cnlllllll'llcwl TUESDAY. AUGUST 15““ V will Continue to:- on MONTE . .’ “.303, Imomhnvonbufl ..~.»m. to olloou mm l lvl‘l'COhlS- 9. We are again prl-pu pIy the very lll(l market price for all in. Clover and Tllnnlll)’ Show us sample lit-fol Bellâ€"it will be to yli Vantage. “7i“ 50ml (lull by return mail in am; forward us Sfllnlllvs Farmers may list 01‘ or mills at Mariposa. r, 11nd, Blackwell-r. i Cresswell, etc, FRE CHARGE to clean the ”tr-ours Golden ‘ M What for S *â€" “â€" llllll ll Impose Btutll

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