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Watchman Warder (1899), 29 Aug 1907, p. 12

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'38? The stain} of Pige’on' Creek“ 18 a Elana-”P, .9- Helm. o 2.13? Vithey wil! be the guests 01 ms. I. Burgoyne. Kiss my Lane returned to Toronto on Saturday. llrs. Gibson and two children. who have been spending the summer at Sturgeon Pomt, left on Monday for her home in Belgonia. Mrs. Gillis returned with her, and expects to apend a few months in the west. was Greenwood, of Torontompent a few days in town this week. the guest of her brother, Mr. J. Green- wood. pence, of Peterboru, Kr. and Mrs. S whomcamping at Rosedale. called on friends last Friday. Mr. Ralph Clarke, of Haliburton, visited Fonelon Falls and Rosedale on Friday. -- n .c ALA “wank. Ir. and Wm. annr arrm nu 'l‘hurnday. «her spending days in l‘mvles’ Cornern. All J. J.Hgnter. of GO “JIM nn to,“ ”hands on Sn Mr. w. 13pr ha! roan pug-Mum in fir. uL. NCO-MN Ming mm. and haul m‘vopm jinn m [‘0 Hope. Mr Jam Shmmh anon! \h‘. M‘ml. Warren‘s “may trumuu me plenum! to see him again at \l'ul‘k. Mr. mu! Mm It. Doyluuu. M‘Uood- 0mm“. were the fluorite MM‘va, (Reu. Whisstlu un Fflday. Mrs. I“. (‘. Hm paid F‘wwlnu Fans Q. flying \‘latt hut. week Mfurelemu in: for her home in Gummy. Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fay and chlmren. yhu for the past few weeks have how: guests at the Brooks House. .l'm last week. to» Toronto. .1”. and Mrs. 0. Lancaster and . x children are the {9.1th of Mr. and Mrfi. H. vaell. â€" -. ‘ . H, -.J. '.\I‘ knit. 'WI\ NM, “3 nurmwno. Mm- tn Mm“. Madam .J. MaoNh‘m mm Mvh’vmlry awn: MM Frmn‘v m l “Mu A “.A_~~..A-\IKI|IA on l'rluuy. Him! Mary McI‘W. of tho Brooks House. In town. is spending a vaca- tion in Lindsay. Ir. and mm. anur arrivvd home nn 'l‘hm‘ndtfl'. after spending n tew "81‘. on. >'\“~..V \lrs. .lm‘dine loft last week for her home in Montreal. Mr. and Mtg. Daymnn. m‘ Orono, nrv thc guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mas- on. of toWn. Mrs‘ Joe Walsh, of Toronto. paid Permian a flying visit last week, and was the guest of Mm.‘Geo.Martiu:' Miss S. Martin went to Toronto on Mord-(1y for a. few days” visit: with friends. â€"- â€" -- ”,_‘1__. ‘3 ”Univ 1“ ‘1‘”-.. Miss Lillie Paley left on Monday to attend millinery openings in To- routs. V Misses L. and D. Copp, of Balsam Grove. left on Monday t‘p, attend Rev. J. Wallace, of Lindsay, oc- cupied St. Andrew's pulpit last. Sun- day. and quite needless to say, every one enjoyed his brilliant discourses. Your scribe thinks the choir also comes in for some praise this week. On account. of their “exceptionally good" singing and he thinks Mrs. MacDougall as a. choir leader has 9 L -_. A! ll ‘c‘luo- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoKendry, Allandalv, were in town over S "It. ) . \lvstcr Willie Lee, of Cameron 1'sint. is the guest of Mrs. W. J. McKemiry, of Lindsay, for a fgw days. . Mr. and Mrs. Walters and child, who have been the guests of Mrs. Austin, left on Monday for their home in Belleville. _ -‘ ‘¢__.J__- ”Au rmwv- *- 7 Mr. George Stewart .of town. is visiting in Orillia and the Muskoka. lakes. " Mr. R. J. Cooke, of town, reports the roads in the country in'a splen- did condition for either wheeling or was Syu-v VJ v.-- r--_-_- Mrs. Sutherl d, of Rosedale, left on Monday for Toronto. Mr. P. Roberts visited at his cot- tage on the Point over Sunday. Rev. Mr. Leitch, of 80mm, who has been camping on ,;the shores of Cam- vron Lake, addressed St. Andrew's Sun-defy school last Sunday. Y :...‘_., -_ - wuâ€"â€"~. ~__- Miss F. .Haskill visited in Lindsm last Monday â€"- . ~..,a A; :;.uv “Vaâ€"w Miss Aldous, of Barrie, visited at the McArthur house last week. A number of Balsam G'rgve couples attended service at Fen‘elon Falls Sunday evening. Mr. Cliff Moore. of Coualt, was a guest at Kawartha. Hotel last week. Miss Leonie Calder, of the post of- fice stafi‘, is visiting in Toronto this week. . Mr. D. J. McLean. of the Montreal Bamk, is spending a vacation with his parents initiontreal. . , p 4-..... t... 1110' - - ~.--câ€".â€"u Messrs. F. Robson, H. Robson and Bruce McDougaJl are attending the fair in Toronto. ri‘enelon Falls Fair will be held on the 2nd and 3rd‘of October. AEy‘ery “Mr. H. Copp. of Balsam Grove, Nis- ited Fenelon Falls friends on Sun- elort is being made by the Society to make this a. success Keep the date clear wMiss! Tuttle, of Colborne, is visic.‘ ing at the home of Mrs Terrill Oak M ma anyone 9% Fmdley Robson’s new delivery WagOn ?- Tell yen what. it looks pretty fine. The scribe ex- pectstoseeallthegirlshavinga ride in this new {angled idea. The r13 certainly reflects creditor: . the manufacturer, Mr. _Fred. CW. The public schools re-open in town on September 3rd, With almost a. new sum of teachers” ms Cameron‘ and gliss Nevison being the only two retained. The new teachers are: Hr. A. A. Cameron. of Port‘flhitby. Principal ; Ir. E. Carson, of Water- in nullhm‘hm . Spence, of Peterboru, u: at Rosedale. called Friday. Clarke. 0‘ Hafib‘lrm’ nt (mnxlorham. «In on Saturday. hnn rosignvd Na Mchnnm‘n tan- m‘vovml n pom- m upon! a haw m hunmnm Inn! u‘n many friends him again at in Rum- Mmh “ullltf \ “Fwy... Mr. Norman-L. Campbell will leave next week for El Plano. Texas. where he will remain ‘9‘ winter. A Hun... a-..l A inn: 89? mg swer. v a . . Mm Minnie Kgfiland. of \Chicggqtj in; ap‘qnding K her 11011951 wall! ; hex-fl threats here; ‘ v“ "H" Miu' Lulu Foam; of Port Perry. ‘is visiting here with} her friend. Miss “mu I}._\\“llllama pwhed hm t » \wu sermon in the Mothvdiat church hem last Sunday «awning m n \‘M‘y Imam mudivnce. and a. very approp- Nate and mm donwnsd sermon n ma. Wu hum his words have not Inllm on barren grmmd. um. um Hwy may lmw I‘mmd mm mm in mu Mums M Ma» Mum‘s. mu! brim: I‘urth mm‘h um»! mm. M1“ “‘3“me mum Mun have m \Vmon. when wn wish him awry mwwami in Na nnw mm M' Minn“ , , p Mn William Grant. a former mi- dom of Marlpoan, but now 0! Port. Berry. visual here In“ week with hm muthet‘. Mrs. Donald (IMAM. ‘ L. i... \ismng here Hallin (‘unp ll Mrs. W. Newman rvturswd huno this wnk from Kirig‘sto-ii. where “she has lun-n-‘yn din cxfemlvd Visit Mimi? parents zi'mi other friends. Miss Flussie McInnes, of Hartley, visitui with friends here} over Sun- day. " Mr. and Mrs. Dickson. of Detroit, area visiting with friepgs 1m ‘ Wood- Ville and vicifiity.- Mrs. .Dicksanl..was- formerly Miss Marjorie Morrison. ‘0! this place. - i . Mr. 'A. Rayn‘mhd, of the‘ Royal Ho- tel here. is mq'ving, this week to Vic- toria Road. where he obtained license there for the Victoria House. The Royal Hotel will now be vacant for the first time since it was built, Min Alumna Julmflt m. at Oak- Wnud. \‘iniwd hvro uwr Rummy wlm hur mm“ Mm H. Mmh‘thmn \Hni Edna. Wimmua ‘NW'NI Hus “wk m tutu u poxltiun in tvlw hush M‘lmul in I‘m‘is.0mariu. ‘ .\lr‘ lb. J. Momw has a. ”1m: 9? men with tructum engine and umdar put; ting the raw colirmJn R‘mu! m‘der fur the smudmu in tho rim: at. our fair. whwh lx‘tu be he‘d him on Sup tqmlwr 12:4 and 3th next“ ‘ ‘ Mrs" rxl‘. ‘ . Sto disrt vatl‘riml “owe laat wmk from Port, Hopo. whu'o she “‘I been visifing-[rieads for he lw-xt four wuoks. over fifty years On Tuesday evening of last weeks. Gaelic service conducted by Rev Dr. McDonald, of Invemess, Scotland was held at the home of Mr. Donald B, McRae. About twenty persons we're present, all of whom understood the language, and appreciated the re- \ival of the old custom. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MacK?nzie. Master Cameron and Miss Elizabeth MacKenzie, of Beav,erton and Mrs. F. 'I‘isdaJe, of Winnipeg, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Fraser and Miss Mosgrove motored to Lindsay With a. party of friends one evening last week, tie at- tend a. dance given by Mrs. Maher. Mrs. Campbell, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. P. J. McDonald, returned to her home in Toronto last week. Misses Teresa and Alexandria McDonald went to the city with their aunt. for a short‘holiday. On Monday Mrs. Turner entertained her Sunday school class, and at the close of the evening had the session examine her pupils in the shorter catechism. Diplomas were awarded to the messml ones, and prizes were won by Miss May MacInnes and Miss Olive Boynjton. . v-Wefid'niesday evening Dr. McDonald, who is one of the most extensive travellers living, delivered a. lepturg in St. Andrew’s church. He related stories and incidents of his many journeyings, to a. most interested au- dience, and all regretted that time did not permit a. longer lecture. We are sorry to hear that we ‘are to lose a.- popular citizen next week, when Mr. F. A.‘ Walker, of the Sterl- ing Bank, .eaves town. Mr. Wa.ker’s plaCe is being taken by Mr. Houston. Mrs. ‘F. Freed Spent a‘ few days last week ‘with' relatives in Canning- ton. Mr. Fread’s‘ brother has "been visiting him for a few days this week.- Mrs. C. G. Staples spent séveral flaws last week at Long Point, with her brother, Mr. Tom Myers, who is quite ill from an attack of pleurisy. of tonsilitis. 711:; Jack Nesbitt returned last week from Montreal. Miss Ada Lacey spent Sunday vis- iting friends at' Victoria Road. Miss Edna Smith was laid up for a few davs' last week. with an attack team‘ played the Balsam Laka boys last. Friday evening at the lake. The victory this time went _to the ‘lotke Mr. Alex. MgRae has gone to Lake Joseph ‘to assist in the building of stations on the 'C.N.R. : A part of the Kirkfleld baseball team 'by‘a. scone of 27 to 21. Opin- ions difier as to whether the result of the game was due to the absence of some of Kitkfield's "ct-ac ” players, or to the fast game put up by- Balsam edthattheroadwillbeop-m ‘trr ' 7+ " ' \ “usage; traffic from Bauer-ft“ no 11331100 afierSepta'nbe'r 13’. . ay- 0mm. nooth is the most northern Win and . Dr. Keith, who has conducted a the county of, Hastings, and-‘thoae ed “P in. W 0300 Ct‘ most successful practice here for four who have over visibgd that push! of ‘ years, has left the Ghanaian $00. I914 county will tutm a t0’ the whére; he has taken up a larger prac- baa-flies o! the‘ scanty in that disp tice. Innumerablo friends hmwish frict. It is said» 199* [)9 *ha mt - _, 1 himsuceessandprosperity. .- approachtothenighhndsoionWW‘otmru-MIUE _Mr. D. H. Rea. Ops. recently had in that at mt isMk; _ 13, 7A,. iii a E“ - KIRKFIELD. Muses Mildred Allely'and Bessie {or the {all terms. Miss Kate McIntyre has also re- turned to her- school, where she in- tends to teach through the Septem- ber mcnth. and then‘ return home [or the winter. , The grim angel of death has again been in our midst“ taking this time for its victim-the infant. son ~o( Mr. and‘ Mrs. R. E. Woodcock. The du- new-1 took ”place“ nday snob _noon, A4,- Bflh. Rey; 31.8%qu cohgiuctgqa'flle‘se s‘;~.,;Mu9h lym- ‘\'1 54.4 '4 -mâ€"AM Vnn,‘ WW- Tho'rhémuina of the dots "Mr. Geo. Cooper‘.’ 0! Uphm. pulled through Norland on the‘ way to Pine Grove cemetery on Monday of Int week. August 199:. Hr. Cooper. we under. stand. leaves a wfifo and family \0 mourn hm lose. and to them much aympnthy is felt by tho entire com- Anus: I'm: Jr. \JUUPCI. “v uI-uv- . yum“.-- .---- 7- v, ' stand. leaves a wife and iamily to‘ The many friends of Mr. and Mn. mourn his loss, and to them much Sandy Grant. expmsito them their nympnthy is felt by tho entire com- heartfelt nympnihy in the loan oi their oldest. son. Andrew. who acci- Immlty. ‘ ‘ ;Nine~l{u dred sheep and lambs ,worq flontnlly shot himself on the will of dolivoréd o Kr. G. W. Kiloly ollahll this nmnlh. while examining 5-mon- plnce on llandw. wri fl Mr. swims. 9i Poiorboro. intend. Mrni Mol‘henon. oi Toronto. in \ho A...“ .. antuprninmont of movlmr mm M NH. Hairy Glondenninn. EJJEuc "Egg 3‘3 (,1!th 1qu pathy figfiit for ' ‘b‘l‘édnd ”pub- INDUU \n- â€" v‘v Mr. mum. qt Powwow. mtcmla Mr- gwmg an ontortainmpm, of movmu mien leum‘ in chumtlon with the Mom- udlat church have about 80pm 10th. Wo \mdwnmm that on‘ lmn mum (mm in to ho bum. in place at m Muuk Midge. which hm: been mmdumnmi. A c I ula‘u DEA'l‘ii 0!“ MiSS JESSIE i..\.\ii’ii".. (gui‘iilihia S“ 113. iuno n. a. LM ‘8). “ my on mommy iwnon ' mm. L This comp film ‘boon 13mm at Thu Iiiem. mmmr.‘ Death. m Gumnoqua i '1me your: PM“. but again visited nuisance. and ”mm-«d on their pm't iouo expiring they tram our midst. “my. young girl. up.“ to mow to‘rohocouk. A tito Nisafipaulq Lanai». “W‘MR‘ J,.,J. Mid‘ wator‘ chop human secured Lambs. " ‘\ ' d , f fmm Moan". a iSons. n--n.u_.. -_-_..m 0:.â€" ohn canvnru LA‘NIIW‘ libr period of 111nm ‘ Manda! “owr u you‘fuduriag molt b! which time she W with 1113““ u in‘tho North- west. and. agnc‘a be: ,mtury “uo‘LMng alarming in her cguo anymrpdfixy do: wlop. till the whdlo commtinily' was shoéked\with thread and sudden-In- telligencenthat she had paaSed away. The funeral tpok. place on W¢dncs- .. du'y. $381: inst., 41nd the .seryicg . “at m”. house was‘doné‘uchyi her DIR-- tor. Rev. H. Peckover, asslatéd' ' by Rev. Mr. Teney. Anglican clergy- man. and Rev. Mr. McCulloch. of the Methodist church. Mr. Teney visited her at.~ various “mes"giuring her illness. and , u... i-_~.'..--.Aâ€"Og \Vas uni ' Ruildlmz opera orb {orthotanmryj 'aro. to be» com "mood right. away» The: matD Brianna. mu ho a throm‘ ator‘oy structure. 160 x 40 ft. : und \VllLbo built. of out, und’stono. This enterprise mm be quite an ac- quisition to Cobooonk‘s industries. Bums. W .3? i BATEMAN.â€"At Bethany. on TueS-’ (113', Aug. 13th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman, a daughter. HETHERING’I‘ON.â€"In Verulam 'l‘p., -' ou-fl‘uesday, August. 20th.}907fito If. and Hrs, Rout. Wu. â€"vvâ€"'W-- Mr. Teheiyi'ngsited her at... various Limes during her. illness. and was withher in her last: moments, Rev. vv-v... â€"â€" __ __ Mr. Peckover being‘away on ' his holidays, and was able to give . very comforting testimm regarding be; Christian experience during her final illness. The same was expressed ‘by her pas- tor, who delivered a very forcible appeal to all “to profit by the pass- aiflggventaf‘ 33‘ death. must, com‘ to A very large pr‘cession followed the remains to their resting place in Emily Cemetery. The casket wna heavily laden with. floral tributes from her church and friends, who will miss her from their gatherings. Deep sympathy. is felt _for her bereaVed fa- ther, brother and sister. .z Through your columns the family wish to express their thanks to their numerous Iricnds for the sympath); shown in this time of trial. It is our sad. duty to have toi to Miss Annie L. War-1,15.A.- Gau- chronicle the death of, one of the _ghter of Mrs. A. Ward. Cldest residents in the person “1’ Mrs. TORRANCEâ€"HILL.â€"At Wm. l‘avis, Sr., at the r1;e old age of about 90~years. About three years ago deceased was-stricken with para- lysis; but recovered therefrom. At intervals since she was afflicted with other strokes. until Wednesday last ~che final stroke came‘ and she passed to her long home on Thursday morn- ing. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband; five sons' and one daugh- ter. The funeral on Saturday to St. Mary's cemetery was largelyI attend- ed. Rev. E. C. AylWin conducted the services at the heuae and the grave. BROWN.â€"ln Ops townsh the resi- dan of the bride's mother. by the Rev.‘ W. J. M. Cragg. of Penelon Fullg‘ on Wednesday, Aug. 2lst, 1907. ,Mr. Barry Torrance. SeCO'nd son of Mr. Andrew Torrance. of Fenelon Falls, to Ada M115 young- est daughter of Mrs. Louis Hill, of the township of Fenelon. ___+_._â€"â€" Deaths iB' .o-n Sgt- DEATH OF MRS. DAVIS, EMILY. ols. Dewey Stimson, Clifford Mulligan Jessie NiChols and Esther McCaflrey. Miss E. Townsend obtained :1 Dia- trict Certificate. It is worthy \of note that Margaret McQuade, who failed only a few marks on tOtaI {Or Junior Teacher. obtained 100 per cent on composi- tion; and hither Hart, scarcely 15 years old, who tailed for Teacher’ 3 ‘ consumption, m “(213.8300 1:) years, only and beloved daughter of Mrs. Marshall Rogers. i * President Roosevelt, in 3 speech Certificate merely by 21 marks 01)- \my at Provinoetown. nu... tained 100 per cent: on Algebra. announced that there would he no r‘qtmt from the stand takenbyth‘e Government against the trusts. A meeting 0‘ 56111303933 Iftigrt: vo'mRs' LIST 1907â€"Municip'ality of 4} mnmérfiio'cum" '3: season" WISE will be um a. e one o . . ~ C . ‘ by-hw was duly .. ~ . John Cuvieson on Sept. 4n}, flat “the 2°?st 0‘ 351% 0°11 In M. a» TM ' 2.30 1.1:. All are cordially‘mvsced ty 0‘ Yxc 0318- $152.85 on 1 it. ‘0'? fig: to attend and profit hy these meet- Notice is My 8'in tint. I hgw way mexi'o: 7‘”. °' ingl. . tramxtted or delivered to the per- loved by Hours. Brooks und Jut- sonsniéntionodinnecflonss and Ochoa. thattbneeveood‘Commuu- â€"â€"â€"*"â€""‘" ottheOflarbVowmgqtégg ‘2:th mm to 1039:: the A come-W by . n by .. won't.“ much All summer a «large? stud of? men list madopwt of‘uid at. o it. M w, havébewmuedmtheextwdinz-‘f‘mm‘bymhfifgflgo‘d Ir.de the W 0.19.11. WILL RUN T0 nuxowa. All summer a. large end of7 men have been engaged in the extendinz 9: the Central Ontario Rattan;- from Bancroft north, and it is now stat. edthattheroadwm beep-m ‘ftr 1Lmanager Me from Bancr-ft__ Lo i‘VhoSe who completed Matriculation OMEMEE EXAMINATIONS . rim angel of death has again our midst" taking this time victim-tho infant. son ‘0! Mr. I. R. E. Woodcock. The du- Wuvv-’ .. w- , :h through the Septem- We are pleased to see xn. .4091! [(1 then‘ return home for Kerr out again after her recent ao- . . vex-e illness. gel of death has again Mrs. Butler and family have re. nidst” taking this time turned to their home: having enjoyâ€" _-tho infant. son ~01 Mr. tad a month'n visit with her sister. E. Woodcock. 'lho du- Mn. George Coono. ‘ 113.00 ~00 Monday finch ~ School has re-opened with its usual new. thr; 3}. 3001919. routin armor}. and 61th., veg-y Ur 9* “MM-“9h Wm! “m 0‘ , 3?. '1' for ‘borednd “par- mu‘n ‘ t Robinooig‘ot drum. ‘ is at preacnt spending tho remaining I of the mite 'Mr. 000. 'few days of her vacation with her nhm. banned through aunt.'Mra. R. Iiodgoon. A v A...I__ CALIBRAY. U" give very LlLEâ€"In Lindsay. August 15th, dim: her 1907,}.0-111'. and Mrs; Geo. _Lyle.a prior ‘13) tiieir' Wing mi’sgmw' a course of instructionj'n the Cen- tral Business College. _ (Mr. Larisa; Edwards went to To- ronto last Monday wwk to consult a specialist regarding a diseased -§;’ fidxla‘iangg of London. Ont... called upqp norm 0! m. old Mend: here "tangy. ‘ __ . A campany amploylnt‘trom w» m “who m‘q w. you round. and many mum than! “I. mm. s «mm m- mum. in mud-9m I to M Coho- muk thin Katy TM! in tho W. ‘ J‘. Hallway Sou (“canny tapm-n. frmn Monti. fin Sons. l‘uildlm: outage {or am mnmry no to be co cod right awav The man; manna; mu ho a moo. stur‘ov structure. 100 x 40 ft and “who built at am and stone This enterprise» m be quite an ac- quisition to Cobooonk's industries. mnomxx m 3mm .A TANNNWY McFADDENâ€"BEGLEY.â€"In Peterboro on Wednesday, August Blst, 1907, by R.ev Fr. McColl, Miss Mary ,P. Begfey. daughter of the late P. ‘ Begdey. daughter of the late P. ‘L of Lindsay. McMURTRYâ€"V'ARD. â€"On : Tuesday. ‘ August 29th,1907. at me home of the bride's mother. 341 Wolh‘ngtnn street, by Rev. Mr. Ph. lps, “1'. i Thos. McMux-try, of Oxbow; Seek. to Miss Annie L. Warm 13.A.d:.u- ll ghter of Mrs. A. Ward. } E TORRANCEâ€"HILL. â€"At the resi- denCe of the brides mother. by the, Rev; W. J. M. Cragg. of Penelon MILES. â€"On Monday. August 26th,’ 1907, in Lindsay, to Mr. and Mrs. Miles. 3, daughter. . WELDON.â€"At‘ .Bradforjd; ‘01; Satur- PILKIEâ€"In Edmonton. Alberta, Beatrice Waiters, wife‘of A, E. Pil- kie, and second daughter of the late Thomas Walters. of Lindsay. ROGERSâ€"At linden. on Thursday, August 22nd, 1907. otpulmonic consumption, Mary Eaten, aged 15 years, only qnd_beloved daughter of flay,» 1‘13424d‘; 1‘0 ME». -'and"_Mrs:' ,5. Weldbn.’ a daughter; , Falls on Wednesdav, Aug. 2lst, 1907. Mr. Barry Torrance second Son of Mr. Andrew Torrance. of Fenelon Falls, to Ada Md!» young- Marriages (to: Toronto to "-1“ " muonjn “16.00““ . College- Edwuda went. ‘0 Td’ 'J my week to consult. egg-ding a. diaeued a deer her recent 00- and funny have ‘1'!)- ‘0‘ The Council met in the council chamber, Bobcaygeon, on Wednesday. 213:, withthe Reeve. E. Tim, Esq, in the chair. and councillors all pre- sent except Mr. McFarland. 4 A bunch of correspondence was filed and W. H. Thurston. J. B. Kennedy and W. Green applied for collector. On motion 0! Kitchen and adhering- ton. J. B. M was appointed collate: at 9. ”Jury at 860. land by lasts. Katherine-ton and Broob, thy“. a by-hw raising by way 0910-1. school autumnal: in than or 81,100. m1. ‘inun yeun, was read a third time and pooled: On motion 0! m. Winston andmwhdl.'uulcvyho “them DIRECT IMPORTERS Extra. Fine All Wool White _ ~ ‘ Blankets _ - saxbny qua‘nt‘ygm'ade anaemia; wool;- specially selected for these blankets, they have a. good nap and are thick soft downy covers, woven with fancy colored borders, >' and ends locked stitched. Weights 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 7 lbs. 8 lbs. Per Palr $5.00 $6.00: ease.- into You don t have to be reminded of the fact that the .Kwoollen market 15 very ”hig h ---the present pricesmu ' have to pay for them in most Stores make that evidem Fortunately for use-more so {01 you tl10'-- we purchased a good supply of splendid \\ oollen Blankets before the rise.’ As :1 1esult Illa o‘ffer‘y‘d‘u these Fine Blankets at Much Under Current Prices VERULAM COUNCIL. These are make of fine wool and have a very heavy cotton warp, the cotton in them wears just as well as wool and helps to keep them from shrinking, woven with fancy borders and fast edges. Weights are 5 lbs. '5 lbs. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ‘5 special White Blankets per pair $2.95 Super White Union Blankets 50 pairs only of these fine Bed Coverings, made of the finest wool and cotton, all finished on ends with a. silk binding and fancy pale blue and pink borders The} measure 64-1176 inches. Xou can see them in our east window This special blanket will only be ofi'ered to you at this special price on hidey and Saturday of this week. Per pair ............ . .......................... '. ................... $2.95 Dolor '0 otter rho ovldonooâ€"you'll do well to read it. and ubido by it. Stock up for your futuro needs now, for these low prlooo will last only as long to our limited quantities hold out. found very little gravel. and so full or stones that theme “was no prospect of gravel in paying mantities, and ncpmmended that it main for the _ _.-___L On motion M-Messrs. Mitchell and Brooks, 0. number of accounts were On notiOn of Ir. Brooksâ€" Council mourned to meet on Tuesday, Oc- tober lit. cent m;â€" ‘mm I. Be The (011on £13 were successful in the 1011on subjects at the r r C D Doniaâ€"phased in En .ish Emmy. flames ma Scienle. F. c. Jacksonâ€"paced in. English Matriculation Examinations Blankets {gom the famous Lanark Mills, made' of fine imported wools, they are ooveréd with a thick nap, ends finished and woven with sky and pink borders. these blankets give exceedingly good wear. weights are " 5 lbs. 6 lbs. p We also have on hand a full range of all other kinds of Blankets. in‘cotmn. union and all wool, greys, scarlet and During this Sale visit our Blanket Dept. and note the prices we are quoting for all kinds of bedding. Caldwell’s White Blankets INTEREST " HAPPENINGS OF E 313165 AND AROI'ND TH BORHOOD. They have a waoro at preset) {Nit stealing with wi Bomygeon Independent: ”“180". licanw inspector for district, had a muse at Kinlm’w Wednesday before County W F. l). Mocha. J. Simpson. W or o! the Northern How). mm“ ”d hi! bartender, “1111011 . Vere charged with ' d W “W hours on :1. Sat .. m The magistrate was satis nth.“ eVidence, and impOsed a {1110 0‘ ’ and costs of $8.50. M If. John Gilmour, 0! HOW Ship. who was confinedin mu" “571091 for a few weal-53:mm ’; ".xack-uwpeeper" ’ 1, who W ado“ poop I! INDSAY, ONTARIO 1‘ re County FM. 3:: L)J. Simpwn' Northern 3.9"?" w afl- “tender, “11.1181” sold“ ed with 113"“ v If ~s on 81 Saw," ' “US“ .1”. ”-an was $6.00 lbs 2 Farmers may . er mills at Mari} : had, Blackwat 0' Cresswell, etc, CHARGE to cle unsolv- Go] Fall Wheat “uh-017.}? Alsike Red Clo Timothl We are again pay the very market price for Clover and Tin Show us sample sellâ€"it will be 1 thage. Will sex] by return mail I forward us sampl Nothin Sa

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