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Watchman Warder (1899), 29 Aug 1907, p. 3

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AW 29th, .INDSAY best makqs. Canadian rican Seng M§Chinn {Or at very nght Pnecsand at s to suit any honest Pil- er. All goods guarhmced. Come and see us. nest grade Pianos and 0,; 3-H McLennan 3‘ CO. Conveyancing in Al; its ?ormn- \‘______ ,- hm UNDERSIGNED 18 prepared ‘0 1‘3!) money on Farm. T0“n “ad .lfl‘ge Prom-rm at very lowest )vposite St. Andrew's Churchi, Box 217 Lindsay 'Phonea PBELL, LINDSAY. me you buy- EPORTERS- Alabafifine Kala??? whih menu a“! 3“ N“ u! . m tnommml to 3““ "MN. hmknflfl‘ on Nd “moi-h I. ‘N ”nos ORGANs a 51536 MACH“ IR .le Irma u u mg “um-“ D E C 1 MA L WATCH HALL +++o+++++++++++++fi s at the noon muffin-m. Hui- “ wmr‘ Re". No: 0““ hi?! you ran are. bu! QM 3'" an. uh Phrif hum!“ 0‘ “uh M w - mm ++++++++++++++++g Tho JO““" out St“ ' m Table Glasses Flower Pots ECIMAL we sell. Cut Glass INSE wWarren \nUlâ€"n" Eta, Etc. Tea. Pots 11W" 9' to 4, week us proud heart. You’ll be; m 7‘09, ‘ninforuhomstmmethm'Slr ,,â€"3â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-: Henry will belproudâ€"nll will be proud k,â€" ‘ of ’0“ Percy, With a ‘0'“!!! love.” / ll REA» M. 1).. 0.1!. E my Percy suddenly became whlte OLIVE - J ‘ like death. then burning rage and Trinity University, and. shame made her lace like fire. Bar date 0: ‘ C llege for We. eyes opened wide.'her nostrils dilated. Medical 0 She trembled and could not speak. new attention given t° dis. The blood was all gone from under 1’- Djwomen and children-y Ham Dubarre’s nails, and he“ held ,to the 5:6 9‘ m 2 to 5 p. m: 051°: bench to keep hlmselt trom starting g to 1’3 "_ " H» forward. Now the girl came close to 1wt'5' 8:: John. 6 ‘/â€"â€"-::1/ “Do you presume. sir?” she almost /7 ' whispered. so low and fierce the tone. at n K “niS. D000 g “[1101“: presume." he crletl. f‘I know, OBS, NEEIANDS a; IRVINE, Denâ€" :Lm. member: of the Royal Col- ;eze of Dental Surgeons. We have 111 the latest methods of dentistry Swial attention will be giVen to 'ktnndnnia. Crown and Bridge work. The succewiul extraction of ’eeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and the insertion of the best artificial dentures contimws to be a specialty of thin Mfit‘e. Office nearly oppoâ€" Ilte the Simpson Home. MART O'CONNOR. Barri-tern “mm. etc. Munoy to low 3t m 10mm current rate: on hm ,._,‘ D3 I. "‘“z‘ ' ' 1.310110“ 10 W3!- 11 0F VICTORIA -5 animal“ Kent m looms: I. JACKSON. purrpm; Ln)“ 1!. kN!(3!lT-vl\ufflflfl‘o Ho‘- imam Xntary fluldix‘. “09?“? M Wahv‘mn untuul Fin} Insuramm L‘" . a! Wate‘rhm ; ["(‘Clu‘l‘a‘ L130 1‘“ 01mm? (0., u: Ilmullluu . Eu‘PHQ Ait‘Wk‘M and Sun‘ty 00.. of 1009“ l-Lu'nmn, PERL FULTON. “RENE, Sulimturs, Notariw. ‘06 Comm Kent and William fleets. Ovt‘l‘ Dominion Bank. 143683): Money to loan on 1'03! Mate. R. J.McLaugh1in. K.C.. hum A. I‘ve}, A. M. Fulton. B~ m Honor graduate of 'l'oronw Vixarufy and Royal College of| Dunmtry. M1 the hunt. and In», mm: branches of dentistry Inc-l awfully performed. Chargm mod- m. mim- over Gregory} Drug. LH. HOPKINS, Barrister, Solicit- or (or the Ontario Bank. Money to man at lmvvst rates. Office No. 6 “Walnut . , south . WII'A U1 we Oflive over UFGS‘ gum corner K81” an m 'i‘imc} corner Kent York-«t, Lindsay. 1‘ Stewart. L. V. O'Connor. M'|\l‘t n II(\\‘I“‘\1--‘ .â€"77 ma mlimnr. !nr the County ol Wham and tho “gnk of lnntml. low! M 1mm cm murtgtgu |‘ W lmvm vurront Mt... ONO. “Human. Mummy. ’ I} qurn MOI. Junkie“ 409. (mt. ()mco u! Woldm K‘RM. Hxlm‘ Bluck. opposito ““3 Shoe Stow. mm Money to Loan ;B~ wI‘JLDOA‘J, Maripona to wnsnip ‘4‘“- Oakwood. Fire Insurance @981. Inner of Marriage Licencel. Cmmncing in all its forms. W" ’ of interést. Combany 0" Pm“! Nada. I tun alwayl read? ‘9 buv ~ 800d mort :1 es. I E- 'Euo‘: 8 g Km-.. .1: Solicitor, etc., Hilne {l “Chaucer: J 1 £51158, mummy 5.3m “thongs, for the a [1‘1 ‘} adjust“: -9 to 5- . Lindsay. women -â€"~ um “u ”°' mommy nttemhd ”inflate 1’29; pointmt‘ Hours 'i UVII ----- U ‘ V ;, [Ix-mist. Lmdsay. Mem- (tullegc Dental SurgeOns, m methods in the mmw of dent istry {nym‘thflmtS -nnwflmd. Barristers. etc Dentistry 592 Kent- -st. over Store, Lindsay. m gixcn to difficult m: and treating the mt. Saturday and prices moderâ€" fost. New Building, u! Woldun 5 ’William- evenings. on be»; a do: that in em. mm" The mngu: 5mm. “A mr. BdLiyou no one. â€" “â€" sword to his "mm. tone. “I for: Su- “Coward!” the girl cried. very white. An avenging shadow flashed from the shrouding tree. like lightning. straight as a bolt it went. In three leaps Dubai-re had rem-lied his victim. May Percy gave a startled little svrenm. W ilmording glanced that way. He turned in time to meet the French- man's blazing eyesâ€"in time to catch the slashing, open handed blow that sent the blood tingling to his cheeks. “Quick! Liar! 'l‘raducer of women. fight quickly. that I may kill be- fore the sun stops to shine for shame of you!" “8!: John Wilmerdins." the girl cried. “my father shall”- But the man had swepttootnrputthepolntotm to heed her warning. “Yamahulmowghm’twiu bleak his proud heart. You'll be; in ma for an honest name then. 81: Henry will beiproudâ€"nll will be proud of youâ€"a Percy. with a lowborn lover." May Percy suddenly became white shame made her face llke fire. Her eyes opened wide." her nostrils dilated. She tumbled and could not speak. The blood was all gone from under Dubarre’s nails, and he held ,to the bench to keep hlmselt trom starting forward. Now the girl came close to Sir John. - Tâ€"be words, rushing from Dubarre‘s lips; came tumbling. almost telescop- ing one homer. “Do you presume. sir?” she almost whispered. so low and fierce the tone. “I don't presume." he cried. “I know. for I saw you in his room last nightâ€"l the room of that lowborn French 1!; stepper." From the jig stepper. standing just out 0!: sight beside the bench, came a low gasp of agony. He let go his. hold. then quickly slipped out of his coat. dropping the garment upon the bench and laying his hat upon it. Next he rolled up the right sleeve of his shirt above the elbow and stood upright again beside the tree. waitingâ€"tensely waiting. May Percy was sneering now. “A brave lover. truly. to doubt the honor of his atfiauced wife!" Then her anger blazed out once more beyond all bounds. "Now. I‘ll never marry you- no, never! Never." \ 'I‘he tense listener behind the tree gave a great. heaving sigh of joy. That last made it all worth while to him. “You say well," sneered Sir John in turn. “Doubtloss you thought it a. great joke to hide in his clock. I hope you confined your explorations of his apartment to the interior of the clock." Sir John sprang back. red. angry and laid his hand on his sword. With ac- customed gesture the Frenchman reached for his own, only to find him- self unarmed. Then he cried again: “Quick! Quick! Give me a sword, I say!" you “["swonl, rot-sooth!” sneered Sir John. “i’ll give you a rope, and the horse boys slmll lay It on your bavk.” The Frenchmnn sprang toward him. “Would you hard me strangle you like a dog that in choked?” The Englishman whipped out lulu wagon. “A step nearer and I’ll kill you as one.” Then. returning his sword to his seaward. he changed his tone. “I forgot I wan dealing with a servant. More!” He drew some silver from his paella-t and threw lt toward Dulum. “'l‘nke thin. my min. and (amt your splegn.“ lu’i-v ' V-‘ .. I “For ahame! For shame!" hunt Im‘ palliation from May Percy's “pa. “It you an a man. Slr Johnâ€"an Ruxltah- manual" Mm a award and fight.” For the first time Dubam took ap- pamut uotloo or her. “Thank you. mademolaolle.” ho «M. Then as the three stood there Captain Thoruclln‘a and Mistress Courtlalgh ap- peared coming along the path from the garden. and they were but the van- guard for the othon. Tho capmn'a war trained aouaoa quickly caught tho signs at atrlfe. He reached tho-heat just In time to hear su- John oxelalm. as he dnw himself up. “I fight my equals only; - nu.-n_ gnu-’0 0-... “What’s “IS? WM?! unsr' cnw Thorncllfle. “Not a duel?" Dubarre turned to him. “Will you, captaln, lead me yourswordr' "To stick at my best friend? Not much. Sir Frenchman.” ._ But still Dubarre pleaded. “I’ll not disgrace It. captain." Kay Percy and Ethel Con-field: had drum together and stood silent. reap forgottezi their practice entirely. .811- John was bent on further humiliating hls‘lowborn antagonist. to beg. ' 1V“, mvâ€"-_-, , . ' . â€"a real soldier; 1, mo, have fought in the mks. By the camaraderie pt bat- tle I plead with'you. On my knee. 1 will be; yodlend me your sword for ,_A‘- .__hnf .‘I-t I m” Wuhan-cam... The Castle ‘ K - Comedy I'm-um Continued from page ‘wo. instant “Yea. come ti) ace a Frenchman punish a craven." i , “What's this?" exclaimed Sir Henry Percy. Sir John answered bun. “Your French pet's crazy. I hinted that he could not dance divinely.” ' matuubm. mullahs-nailed- The English ebony came In Itrom tt that. :‘Don‘t mind him, 81: John!" “Match your mm 'gslnst him single sticks. 'Twould be great sport!" The balked one was in despair. “It I were a gentleman!” he muttered. Wilma-ding hen-d. “Then ‘I'd kill you like one. I light my peers." A look ot supreme resolve sprang in Dubarre's eyes. “Monsieur fights his peers!" The tone rang clamorous joy. With a pan- ther-Ilka spring the Frenchman was beslae Captain Thornclla'e. An instant. and he had wrenched out the gsptaln's “Give him to the grooms!" “Let him ‘XLI English gentleman must fight when his peer demands it!" cried the dancing master. sword and was back before Sir' John. The rest looked on. amazed. The man had moved almost too quick for wits to know, let alone bands to stop him. Now he saluted his enemy. It was the sword salute of a French officer. ..__--wu In laughing delight he continued: "Monsieur has asked the hand of a Percy in marriage. The Percys are anybody’s peers. Only last night my- self and these gentlemen here heard mousieur wish that he might have ‘French Percy' at his sword point. Monsieur shall have that wish." He paused a brief instant and drew him- self up proudly. “I am Percy Latapie, vlcomte de St. Croix'. I am “French Percy!” Again he stopped and sa- luted. “Now will monsleur fight?" An instant amazement held the circle dumb. but in that brief space Sir John’s sword was out. Now he rushed wildly. strong in the might of his double cause for hate. Deftly the Frenchman pl!“ tied and sprung hack. “Hold. monaieur-hold?’ he cried. Wilmerdlnx checked. snarling. “Han you got enouth so soon?” Dnbarre laughed in his face. "I wish to kill honorably. not nub der. monaieur." he uid. “It Sir John will but remove his coat and mum-d. he will not he oncumhored"-wlth hi: old dancing muter was he bowedâ€"â€" “then we can mums. and I prom-o "then we can mums. um I promu- monslour not to b. the one to cry 'flold? nun.” Sir John looked bl- “manhunt “You are a gentleman." he blurted u last and turned to remove his coat. I. I‘w‘ â€"--~. . H Smiling. the other united him. A ‘mt change had com. over till: Frencluunn. The club of steel had quite irqnsforui‘od him. it wu noi the humble dam-inc water. with’ his plotound grace. nor yet the user. im- peiuoua lirc‘ eater Dubai-re. but a new luluâ€"tut! murtly. glaring. utter-iv ml:- ~ «and m.“ Who stood any bulldog Into- nnd count. would not hue permitted tut. Ouly the mech- inz nun hoped and prayed that their country-ml night win. And now. Sir John was ready. 8m, bulky, m: tag-flood rod from hut-.1” camp“. m h!- mm m and nut. m- qnnlnx ILnt-conlot‘ tink- dd;hlm..tlp mutton of mo. tom Tm minted. . tn. “w WW uv‘. v-â€"vâ€" _'- V. _ w.â€"--â€"-¢â€"â€"â€" Silent and ‘7‘!“ “I. “m i mounts." ho thought. No. I»! could monummmM”M-Imtmnhm Hoheptnonotor ”31:5”.Mflm°nd‘mm':Mrothu-o.hould. I‘mm nut “that honor. in. mw'twm‘plmtm autumn. It wu battorhlmtodloonBkJohnWllâ€"émw..b-MM"..,h. merdlnn word. for If he IMAM i m Tho loyal 1mm puma up 8‘! 10'“! I.“ ”nut but I. ”fl death I h]. ”mm (“.m‘, m united him. , could show honing. . gu only cro- Thoro had never been 1.. W of dentin. War. In tho cootilott at tho mm; the duel. Tho Won't cutie. , \ 7 ‘ - ,,.___._A _....u -n In... Inn-f mm In turn Mutt. Percy Lawpz‘e. vicomto dc St. Croix." m "maxâ€"um m.mmtwqwm dent." he laughed. ; Wilma-din: was too horribly In car- :must to talk. With Used-h anger, 119 mu pron-ed In. HI. sword. Into gaimed, was as a white streak of mirâ€" ; to: lubed sunlight playing too fast for !eyo to follow about bl} victim. His 3 anger had grown to murder last now. Q And all the while. poised lightly on‘hls , unstable foothold. the Freuchman jok- ed and played with death. A dozen i tunes he seemed touched. Half a , score more, his rate on‘ a hostile sword ‘point was scarce an inch away. but ‘ after each good thrust he never failed 3to cry. “Well done. M. Angiala!” then laugh at his opponent. a “Int ‘Froneh PPR" will hovo tonne thot pun. token tho oi and mo while wo oro woltin. or tho idiot downotoiro to and for ooidion to tnko no." Joon “nod. ‘ “rho mono roooon wo nanot work our ' way out by morning. 1'" n: it.” And : Fournoy hogan min to walk. Tho White Falcon inn woo hut n ' ocont lvo miioo tron: tho eootio. When they oiippod tron: Duhom’o moon: that . night. tho opioo had undo oh-nicht tor ' tho Inn. It woo otter lo o'ciock whon lthoy not thoro Ind doom voro cioood __________ A .L- in the pouse that followed naught could be heard but the low sobbing of the girl. ‘ H13 sword red. “French Percy" heed them all. Then, with ! bitter sneer. he threw down his weapon. I “my, ”do“. At M m. the cm“ ”’ drew I. MW“ kuthohmmmm- .. fin Who-t m to ”and Itni‘ht'” mum M ‘3‘ umwmmumamu. Half a dozen Englishmen prayed that each thrust might end it. Only a girl, whlte. fascinated. was watt-hing one face smiling amid a flashing halo of sword blades and murmuring over and over to herself: “God help him! God help him!" . CHAPTER XI. on three hours Wellington's spy and his assistant had remained ehut up in a room of the Whlte Falcon lnn. Jacques Fourney Itlll paced angrlly across from wall to wall. while Jean. the weaker of the two. utterly dejected. had thrown him- lelf down on the floor in one corner. From there he now cursed bitterly It With a laét rush Sir John came on. Dubarre sprang lightly over the back of the hem-h to the ground. and then they were fighting across a barrier. “Pardon, pardon! 1 did not think!" he cried, as though to no one. but one (lid understand. Then “French Percy" -â€"not Dubnrreâ€"took up the tight. The blades slipped past until the hilts kiss- ed. and Slr John gave back. And now, straight through the midst of his friends. “French Percy" drove the Eng- lishman. The avengers sword was as lightning. fearful and appalling. that would not be dented. He had ceased to laugh, Helpless. Sir John gave. Winning, from 11 million points that threatened him. Back. back they went. “French Percy" {eluted low, then high and low and high again. The lightning flash drove in. A white blade licked red through the big English- man's neck. and Sir John tell. {be crop gal-ed tool at In make-per and then bemoanod his own fate. Fourney stopped In his burned walk to bernte hln cut-slug comrade._ “Fifi-“1h love of heaven. Joan. be quiet. and let us make some plan for getting out.” For reply the other rushed utter hlm around the bench. And now the Frenchman was quarterlng had: to the crowd again. He twisted and turned so as to face them. and then. for the first time, over WHmerdlng‘s shoulder Jmharre saw May I'ervy's face. That glam-e changed everything; "Ge; out?" ejaculued Jenn. “How In God‘n world can we get out of this hole he’s tricked no Into? It you [and not loft your pun In thnt coat the lt‘mwhmun'l foo! wore olf. we had not been stopped.” “Monsieur is so impptuous," protest- ed the laughing Fanchmau‘. V"\7Verl;r‘oucht the slant rln‘. clear proof of ‘French Perry’a‘ pronoun. A good exchange. I think It.” Now t. With acuity the: module 5.3;, “can 4‘ they“: mulled shod W, ‘ _A._._. _L- hut It two Image wanton who would hono- at that tlmo of'nlght. Thoy val-o dlrty and torn :nd nonwh- od from walking through tho muddy noldl. Ill looking cutomon any on. would have callod thou. Thou also hoot caught Ilght ot plumb lll cone could. all that god“ huh. , “Highwaymen who hue lat thou- Aâ€" Aâ€" AA...‘ :‘Xowfi take me to iour human." “Karat A flight figure ,mpt cautiously along mefldqcpolcoftho anm Cu'efully Fourney slipped over tho root down that way. ‘Hu stockingod feet made no noise on the old shingles. Soon he had reached the lowest spot. It was a short eight foot drop to the soft grass below. The kltdaen window stood lnvltlngly open. Through it the spy crawled qulckly. Then, with all the daring and skill of hls calling, he snaked through the inn toward the up- stairs room where his assistant was still confined. Secure in his belief that the high- waymen could not break through her- red windows and oaken doors. mine host had gone to sleep? The country lout he left to watch the prisoners’ door enored loud enough to drown the sllght noise made by Fourney raising the bar from place. Now the com- rades were reunited. The: lifted the stable key from the sleeping hostler and started downstairs. Then we grim humor made Fourney pause. “Inside," he whispered. Returning. the spies picked up the sleeping man carefully and bore him within the room. fie only moaned a bit in m- alnmber. When the door was safely barred again they crept down through the home and out of the kitchen win- dow. Not a son! had been dlsturhed. A number of hone: stood within the stable. They picked the two best and led them out just an the moon was "v“. “We'll reach the (unison about day- break." «Id Foumy as they started. On (trough the black night the pelt axle. herd u hot-nee could drive. for an. wu the tint. business. Flu. liven. ten. twelve IPIIOI of country road were passed over. The bone- had begun to an; now. but under the made of the whip trees and field: ml by almost n In: no at first. Then the brown road unwound betore them to: a straight Int duh. Medly they urged - _-.A on the rncc. 11:. day was nlmou breaking. In that my. dad hour or the only dawn n ynwnin: untry shin-d Ml mum nnd vendetta “when wnn tint allot." Thou honor noon in wild at. ponndod along the country road. Mort. the unity man: to the cum. "Kali!" The nnddnn chalk“. run. out char. " ‘mncn Percy'n' ours!” upon Four um command. “All mm. W. unmade!" uncut! m- hummuhlpw‘w cums X11. § finder?!» Nvgsmt 1* 0° ‘T‘Tuâ€"t. tut. niy'fiby!" unifiered Sir Henry hastily. “’Twas but a lovers' quarrel. and since no great hem cum of it I can the more rejoice. for it showed you can't hurt the old stock. You can't ruin a Percy, even it you nuke him a Frenchman. That's why I am sled." And he slapped the dune- lnx master on the shoulder right heartily. St. Croix was not so enthusiastic. "Hem enough for me." he said. “Sir John dead. I em to be hunted.” The squire only laughed delightedly. “No. no!" he cried. “Your sword penned through the fleshy part of his neck. -The hilt struck him in the face sud knocked him senseless. Zounds. minimum-0m. WWI“. “shit-twp! mmmi‘m 28 For Tex-onto.. 81 “For GobOConk‘ .sssssmwsswssus“ 19 Msmsmw mum ,, 3 Sylvester Manuf’g g Company, Limited 3 ! I i l 3 O m ud 01-39!!! In“ linlsay Marble mm Machinery, Gasoline En- gines, (Portable a. n d Stationary) in sizes from 4 to 32 horse-power. h“““‘ 9 2 Sylvester Manuf g g Company, Limited The Highest Grade Farm “Went-e prepared tosupplv Sn r- iur Windmill. on spa-mats); has its sharp of friends through- out. the province and can be eup- plied on short. notice. wood or iron. for shallow or deep wells. The Dennis Pump Sutiufwction Ora-ranted Special attention is call- eato our atent RID- ING PLO . singie 01 double. They me giving the best nf satisfaction. LINDSAY, ON T. LINDSAY. ONT. Orders will naive Prompt Atuntion in and manufactures of ‘ kinds of Manufaccun-r.» of Windmills for all purposes ll. 01".” a.-.» PAGE m mono-o...- .8206 mm. f 8:15 PA 8.00 can 6.00 an

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