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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Aug 1910, p. 4

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honey to Loan Q I. WELDON, mriposa. township Ila-k, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Int. Issuer of Marriage Licenses financing in all its forms. m UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loci money on Farm, Town and Willow Property at very lowest. ntos of interest. Company or prlvsto funds. I am always ready tiny good mortgages. I. E. Marble and Granite Monumeng Still doing business in the same old stand but not in thesame old way. We dva. nce with the times and are‘inxa position to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most unto-date Marble and Glan- ite “Forks in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. IcLAL’GHLIN, PEEL. FULTON J: STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors, Ind Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- cinl attention given to investments. Oflcea: Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-eta, Lindsay. R. H. McLaughlin. K.C., A. M. Ful- ton, B.A., James A. Peel, '1‘. H. Btinson. _§hop and 5110333313 11 l3 Cam. bridge St: immediately north of Fin Lindsay Marble Works Birds' and animals stuffed and mounted 2s szwviality. [HIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public, solicitor for I'm-mars Bank, representing Water- !00 Mutual Fire Insurance 00., of 'aterloo ; Federal Life Assurance 80., of Hamilton, Empire Accid- ont and Surety Co., of London, Ont. 'Oflloe over Farmers Bank, apposite post omoe. ‘ 'ILDON, Solicitor: 'etc., Milne Inme a O'CONNOR, Barristers Deer and Moose Heads IORKINS AND HOPKINS, Barristers. Solicitors. Notary ”8.; NEELANDS DORE JACKSON. Barristers, ate” solicitors for The Canadian Dash of Commerce. Money to loan - mortgtgna M: flu per cent! 0!. In William Stmet, Lindsay. WDUATE TORONTO UNIVERSII SIYY. CORONER FOR COUN- TY OF VICTORIA. I...â€"-Ridout-st., corner Kant and “tiny-m. Phom 4.585; >lotau-iea, etc. Money to loan at Wednesday. ‘7 lowest current rates on best Miss Polly Lacey, of Toronto. is knit. Oflceâ€"corner Kent‘ and visiting under the parental roof. Kort It... Lindsay. Master Benjamin Smith is spending 1'. Stewart, L. V. O'Connor, B.A. his vacation with his aunt and uncle, ___.___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs, Donald Smith. of DORE JACKSON. Barristers, Grass Hill. Toronto Bi"! St?“ Public, etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on arms to suit borrower. Officesâ€" . William street, south," Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K.t'., F. 8. Hopkins, B.A. DR. chlpine, corner 0! William ”a Oolborne It... Lind-ax. .Spec- (.1 stuntion paid t9 diseases 0! .‘-__ ;-:l. 11.» successful extraction of thth undersea (Vitalized Air) and the inlet-flan o! the best artificial mature- continue to be a specialty 9! this once. 0mm nearly op- 5.3.1th the Simpson House. Emilâ€".1 iittention will be given ‘0 armodom. Crown and 9M6? m, gm! of the Royal 001- 5‘00 0! Dental Surgeons We have mun new; method? 91 deptistry . W. Campion 175 Dundul ‘n l l Inn. szqiafity. Also case work. tries. Finches, Rabbits Pigeons and other pets for sale at D. Moore, K.C. Alex._Jackaon DR. F. BLANCHARD (FIFIIBS. Taxidermists 9AM IOU!- :10 gums 12.25.; 7to ;-st.., Toronto. Dentistry etc www.m‘“w" , TEE" .. {116" and worth of NA-DRU-CO Trade _____. . flythL-d Mam We wish to warn the public mint being imposed on by unscmpulcun deal- ers who substitute with cheap and worth. less preparations designed to be imitation- of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Straw. berry, the wonderful Bowel Complaint Pharmaceutics! concerns are flooding the market with these cheep and worth- less preparations, some of which are even labelled “Extract of Wild Strawberry," “Wild Strawberry Compoun ,” etc. but they dare not use the name “ Dr. Fowler,” in the hope that the public may be h- ceived and led to purchase them, thinking they are getting the genuine “Dr. Fowler’s.” Areyou willingto riskyourheelthâ€" perhaps even your life, to these no name, no reputation, likely dangerous, so- called Strawberry Extracts? Thurgtonia, August 4,â€"FisLermen from this resort were fortunate on Tuesday, five being caught. The Ken- nedy Bros. secured two, Mr. Barry Skitch. of Mlllhrook, got a. 12 lb. lunge, Mr. RobinSUn a 1011)., and Mr. Thurston 9. 61b. Mr. W. Skitch has given his cat- tage a new coat of paint, which imâ€" proves its appearance consjderaply; - The Peppeffamily brought a jolly party to the paArk on Monday, Good Catches of Fish at Thurstonia The funeral of the late Mr. Robt. Burney took place at Lakeview cem- etery on Thursday of last week. He leaves to mourn his 1055 two. daugh- ters, a. widow, four sons, all at home. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved familyf Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Straw- berry has a. reputation extending over sixty-five years, therefore when you buy it you are not experimenting with a. new and untried remedy. It. cures Diarrhea, Dyaentery, Colic, Stomach Cramps, Seasickneaa, Cholen Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint, and 311‘ Loosenas of the Bowels. Miss‘Violar Mackenzie, of Toronto, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Jack MosgrOVe and Wm. Den- ning and several other men motored up to our town on Saturday of last week and spent Sunday in our town. Miss Zibbie MacKenZie spent a. few days in Beaverton last week. Ask for “Dr. Fowler‘s” and insist on getting what you ask for. Price 35 cents. Manufactured only by The T- Milbun 00.. Limited, Toronto. Ont Mr. H. Lacey, of Vernon, B.C., is visiting his parents here. Mrs. C. G. Staples returned home last week after spending a. few weeks with friends near Peterboro. The Misses Smith and Mr. E. Lake drove to Beaverton on Tuesday of last week to visit their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cameron, returning on Wednesday. Weddmg bells are ringing in our neighborhoqd. Hurrah! for civic holiday in our town August 17. Sports of all kinds. Band in attendance. Come and en- joy 3. good time. Master Allan MacDonald, of Toron- to, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A. Gusty. Mrs. James Daniel spent the week end in Victoria. Road, the guest of her mother. Mrs. Mofl‘att. Our baseball team drove to Coboâ€" conk last Wednesday to play the re‘ turn game. The score was 4â€"3 in favor of the home team. Our boys are playing well this summer. Kirkfield, July 31.â€"Mrs. H. R. Turner «and little son Maurice, re- turned home last week after spend- ing a. few weeks with relatives in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. W. MacRae, of Oakwood, spent Sunday in town, Kirkfield Nine A PUBLIC WARNING Won Good Game DUNSFORD. Dunsford,. Aug- 1â€"10: George Adams and‘ family, of Lindsay. are camped. out. far the week at Tfim toxin.- Miss Viola Myrrel’, of Lindsay, visiting relatives in the fingge. Thur-Emma was enlivened last Wed- nesday evening by a party of about fifty young foik‘s. They indulged in Accomnanying; his annual lettcm‘in which he asks the readers of The Warden to send him.the names and post-ofl‘ce addresses of any boy or girls, known to. than, whose eye» sight is so defective-- that they can- not attend the Public Scholls with advantage, Principal Gardiner.. of the Ontario Institution for the-edu- cation. of the- blind, at Brownfield. sends us a. card on which he has printed;. without ink. the lettersused by the blind in their reading. These letters are composed of raised: dots or points, arranged in two horizon- tal vows, and the combinations of points that have been contrived to represent the various literm. num- the eating and‘ pulling of tafly to their heart’s content,. and all voted- the hours spent by the lake very pleasant ones; Miss Wright, of Bobcaygeon. paid a. flying visit to~her brother, Mr. Wm- Wright: era]: and musical characters mmost ingenious. Point letters are much easier: to need with the fingers than line letteas,. and blind children soon learn to read and write words, fig- ures anal music signs, the. writing being done with a, steel stylus and 7 There are more cottagerszt and eampers than usual this year-you can’t keep a. good thing hid. a. brass frame which they call a. slate. The School for the Blind is maintained by the? Ontario Goternâ€" mentasapart afourfree schgol system, under the supervision of the Minister of Education, and the Prin- cipal will promptly answer any lot- ter of inquiry concerning the school The steam drill and dredge are as good as an alarm clock here this year. Everybody wakes up at six o'clock in the morning to the chuck of the drill. SOME PRIZE FOWL. Mr. B. L. McLean, president of the Lindsay Pet Stock and Poultry As- sociation, has purchased a fine pen of Hand-an; from My. Alex; Hon}; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pratt and famâ€" ily left for home yesterday, after spending a, pleasant week on the old camp ground. flow the Blind 3:130â€" }: flné pen of Barred Plymouth Rocks from Mr. Chas. Lindsay. Mr. A. B. Terry brought a party of young folks up in the Sammy T.. and while here he had the pleasure of going out with Pink and landing a ten pound lunge. The Stoney Lake brought a. good crowd from Lindsay to-d'ay who had a good day’s sport in the littl‘e burg. Pink and Sharkey were over to Fenelon Tuesday night. Sorry to see a. few Lindsay folks left over from the moonlight. Rosedale, Aug. 3.-â€"Another year has gone around and the Togo hunch find themselves under canvas at good old Rosedale again. We landed in a thunderstorm on Mon- day. but the weather cleared and everything is fine and dandy. Lennie King and Jimmy Coombs blew in on Tuesday. Togo’s in Camp A party of seven from Thurstoni took in the Coboconk trip per S. If Manita. last Friday, and all report an enjoyable time and a. most de- lightful sail. Missfi Cameron and the Misses Walk- er, of Toronto, are spending their holidays at 'I‘hurston’s cottage. The Misses Addie and Amy Adams, who spent their vacation here, re- turned to their home in Lindsay on Sunday. Mrs. ’ W. S. Braund and son, of Lindsay, are holidaying at Mr. Thurston's cottage. Mr. P. H. Skitch, of Toronto, and Mr. Fred Skitch, of Peterboro, spent, the week end here. . among whom we noticed Miss Mae Thorburn and the Misses Roenigk of Lindsay; Miss Simmons. of Toronto. and Miss Oliver of Sunderland. Tlie rain in the afternoon detracted someâ€" what from their enjoyment. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY; ONTARIO. Read and Write at Rosedale “There is ample evidence to com-f m’it on the charge," he argued. I THE DEFENCE. l The defence as outlined by‘ Mn! Thos. Stewart was that McGill hadi persuaded his friends to deposit their] savings in the Farmers’ Bank. and? that, hearing certain rumors, he- had ‘ became alarmed and had simply gm;- l en his fttecds a warning. Con-Item had also persuaded some of his friends to deposit in the bank, so he helped spread the:- alarm. H‘hq felt' that haVing got the men to deposit with them that they would be blun- ed it anything happened. McGfll had heard that the stock was away down around $11 per share. The par val- ue is. $100. He also hearth about an injunction that: had been filed in Syracuse, N. Y., against the bank for 8150.000. Added to information that anemd that other branches were not doing well. McGill thought the. institution was in dangerous shape. 11ch had decided that the depos- Store would blame him rightly if. having heard those things, he did not put them in a position to pro- tect themselves. clued Mr. Dewart. “Those misre- presentations could only come true because of himself and his assistants. "Mch, in good conscience, re- solved that, having Wed his friends to put money in the bank. and feeling doubtful as to the eute- ty 0! the money, it. was his duty to put the men out of that. position. They put their money there through atarted the run on the bank,” de- Children Cry m rmcusn's CASTORIA WAS THERE CONSPIRACY? Uuyuls uuux ID LU BEL L\V All“ 11V UULJLJVLLJ, GNU StatlStICS also Pr?” that.RO.YAL HOUSE- that way you will make sure of getting the largest pe HOLD FLOUR Will sustaln hfc longer than centage of nourishment and the cleanest, purest ax animal fOOd- It is extremely fish in high quality most uniform flour. Best for pastry as well as for brea gluten which comes from the bCSt Red Fyfc Rich, nutritive, natural, most uniform and most satisfa \Vheatâ€"the finest in the world. This large tory for all household baking. Insist on ROYA percentage of high quality gluten is What makes HOUSEHOLDâ€"your grocer Will be glad to fumls ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR so much better it if you tell him that substitutes will not do. W’s look [or 1 Cook”. with 125 pages of recipes that have been tried a than ordinary flour' RCd Fyfc Wheat 18 known tested, will besent free to your address If you mention the name of your dealt thtWOl' 1d OVCI’ for its-richness 1n hlgh quahty gluten. m mum mun ms (20., LIMITED. MONTREAL is the most economical food in the world. Especially is bread made from ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR good for growing children. They can’t eat too much of it. For their general healthy growth and development, it furnishes an almost complete food. As a matter of household economy, children ought to be given all the bread they can eat at all times. Whether figured by the pound or by actual units of health and strength, bread made from I IERE is an interesting calcu- lation for young housewives or old ones for that matter. A pound of the best bread in the world made from ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR costs less than four cents. A pound of the best beef steak costs 25 to 30 cents. Yet a pound of bread made from ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD FLOUR contains 4 more working \C energy than a pound and a half of beef steak. Or three pounds of pOrk, or two pounds of veal. ‘oatinued from page 3. Econfidence in him, not through cOufi- “dance in the Farmers’ Bank. "Men are not sent for trial who lhad no criminal intent. ” said Ir. {Stewart The reason they acted the lway they did was because they were afraid the bank would fail. In the ' beg-inning of his address Mr. Stewart ésaid: "I am not here to answermy glearned friend's diatribes on Mr. Mc- Gill. Whether he acted with good taste or bad taste is neither herenor [there We all know that banks do things now that they could hardly E‘hme been persuaded to do ten years farm of H. Armstrong in madame township. It was much decomposed. Rudd disappeared nearly two months The electrical storm of Wednesday night last caused considerable dam~ age to crops in Garden township. It is also reported that several head or fine cattle on the ranches near the Duggan settlement in Garden were killed by the lightning. UNDER HAYS/PACK. King-ton. on. Aug. 5.4m, body of Thomas Rudd, a tanner hardware merchant, but latterly in reduced clrcmtaneea, was found In his final address Mr. Dewart said: it ‘was all right for Mr. McGill to solicit business so long as he did it on his own and the bank's merits. But when he wont beyond the limit 0: fair solicitation and went to mis- representation. he became a party to attempt to inane. which was con- Mr. McGill had gotten along well with the head office. There was no disagreanent. SEVERAL CATTLE KILLED. ago. I is the rivalry that exists at present which makes them do now what they would not have done long ago. It is a race for accounts now." FINAL ADDRES S. AYER’S _ v The one safe rule in buying flour is to get ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, and in that way you will make sure of getting the largest per- centage of nourishment and the cleanest, purest and most uniform flour. Best for pastry as well as for bread. Rich, nutritive, natural, most uniform and most satisfac- tory for all household baking. Insist on ROYAL HOUSEHOLDâ€"your grocer will be glad to furnish it if you tell him that substitutes will not do. 15 W's M [or I Cook“. with 125 pages of recipes that have been tried and tested, will be sent tree to your address if you mention the name of your dealer. LWfltota-oumm “‘5“ I“ " ‘1‘le ' v m!!! all at our Medic-.1 lasagna in Detro‘i‘thas Qe’éel. and tr“; Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDY .i,__-_-__, -_ _7~_,,, , wrmour WRI'ITEN consent. Everythiu confided" cutofflono'l'ml-‘REE. "cam no Ouch "mgps 033nm. vmcosa fins. vmu. mmgss. moon. URINARY. BLADDER and KIDNEY comma om- :nd 7 Wang..- medicine. visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but on! got tem- porary relief. They would h p me for a time, but after discontinuing the modi- clnes the symptoms would break out againâ€"mums so blotchu. rheum. ,mc pains. loosenesso the hair. swel ngs of the glands. palms of the hands sea ing. 'tmutnmu' ltchlness of the skin. degspeptic stomach. ‘ntfl Tau-rum? etc. I had given up despair when a _ 7 _ mm “04 friend edvleed me to consult on. as vou had cured him of a. similar dxsvase A F 1‘?“ up {531: no 1101):. but took his I vice. In three weeks‘ time th; sorosammry'gcrefut1%:th be“!!! amour-god. continued the NEW Manon nu-mn'r .. ’ ‘ 'l Indettheendotthat meevery “5w 5 mhad disap red. I was c11r~-'1-\‘. - endno I“!!! ofany disease since. gfiy, three yeargeolld. is sound and Ewart.) 811:“; tunly an recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer ani‘v 1?} ‘5 mm,thclnusothlswstimonialuyouwish. ’-_ ’°“’ W 5°03 ' 2 Have you any weakness? ('ur ‘Co and” you AN ’01: t victim H3" on lost hope? Are you intendinr: t“ . \y,W METHOD you. What It In: done for others It will do for 5‘0“ '1’..- Now who has tmwdnfou write for an honest opinion Fm o Bothmâ€"( muted) on diseases of Men. (Chm.- BLOOD DISEASES SHRED Cor. Michigan Am, .;.a arisJold si, Detroit. Mich. ’KfiMWM PIS. KENNEDY WY. WW, Ont. Drs. K. 8: K. Established 20 Years Ho wu We“! st how the loco- hulodâ€" “I took your My METHOD Tunis!"- for a serious blood dieeasewzth which I had been indicted for twelvqyears. Ihsdconsulnedascore of genus taken all kinds of blood m ' e. visited Hot Springs and other mo NAMES USED WITH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT All km: from Canada must be addfm‘d toom' Canadian Correspondence I)?!” mgnt in Windsor, Out. If you defiffi? mmsmy, “will“? The rancsun- lng offered for will be recent-4 August 3151, 1 that! to be be! committee (1‘ n accept any U" '1‘] l FARM FOR .5 12_ Manvcrs clay loam, ‘ FARM POI TEACHER \V 53rd YEAR. The 1’ A BUSIN PISS l“; We would call ' “lg infanothor Wtively .V‘ m. energ.V Ming staff ha Viable reCOM. This school S” the only one in controlled by 1 all most reliabl fixation in the w There are on UN bum 40 x 60. “ mbling untivrnu x 55, pigpvn 2” work, drivim: 3" stone-work, {run tern in cellar. a good well. '1‘“ factory, half mi school housf‘ "f oflice, three xmh‘ ing possession \ Archie W. MUN 100 acres. " acres hush mu clay 10am, N house and bar buildings um wells on the I ”ply to 1503 Tenders 7, Mimsu. Aug. 15. 1914 1y. Normal Henry Boxw- '; reaw ROB

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