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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Aug 1911, p. 12

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FARM FOR SALE -â€" LOT 11. out half of lot 12, in 2nd containing 300 acres. For further partic- Cam- l 0011. Fenelon, snore or less. altars apply to A. E. Feir, brny. Ont. Lon SALE on T0 RENT â€" Al term. 100 acres. 7 con., lot 13.; -()ps. First-class house and good! barn. Apply to Wm. Richardson. 25 Albert-st, north. l‘n FARM FOR SALE -â€" WEST PART of lot 10, con. 1. Fenclon. 74-. acres, sixty cleared. 1 mile from? W. Apply to Hugh Gil-y dlriflt. Glenarm. or Miss Anniel Gilchrist. 221 Washington-ave.,l Phoenexvllle. PA. I AND FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. -â€" Tenders will be received up to Sept. 1. 1911, for the sale of the farm of the late Mrs. Roget-t Foster. lot 2, con. 7, Mariposa, containing 80 acres more or less, 50 acres under cultivation. balance pasture land and swamp. Good frame glwelling, driving house and stables. Splen- did loottion within five minuteS' walk from post ofllce, grain shed, store and church, and half a mile from Manilla J ct. For further in formation apply to the executors, In. R. A. Elleker, Cresswell, or In. W. '1‘. Clarke, Ryckman's Cor- m. ________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- lot 1, con. 7. The farm contains a .-__1 :4. c-.. nn‘lélva- m FOR SALE-LU]? O. CON. 1. in the township of Eldon, 100 am. Frame house and Irma an on Ionnd‘tion. For further mm. mm to w. J. m. ail. Gm m. cat; WWWWMM III gt 0511mm the mm a! ‘, position as plain coo; or L situation. good references. BY A RESPECTABLE qvuuncctions to J- FARM FOR SALE OR TU human for a number of years. went hall of lot 7. con. 14, Gavan, in good candoflon, ubuddant water. aplen- did buildings. 100 tofu more or Vo’rERS' mm. 1911, mmtmtr m or DALTON, COUNTY 01" Vim t= , WhWflmfltuiI hove mm or- dottvomit to tho poi: Iona mm in mm: it and it lot 1, con. 7. The farm contains 260 acres of land fit. for cultiva- tion and the balance good pasture land. On the {arm is a. solid brick house. cottage root. heated b by furnace, i‘hnrd and FOR SALE on T0 LEASE App‘l'y‘ t9 J 001.11 3‘3”. of the \‘oters‘ list act, the copies required by said sections, to bel so transmitted or delivered of thel lists made pursuant to the said act} of all persons appearing by the last? re\'ised assessment roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at the Municipal elec- tions. and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Sebright on the 5th day of August, 1911. and; remains there for inspection. Elec- tors are called upon to examine the said lists and .if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according i to law. ‘ m- (3001‘!!! “8501“. Rio nuuuu- ~ , am. Toronto. or to J. w. cream brother It. may want at m . ‘ It"; J. cannamwtlut MA “mam J“ "I . u! h Scugug.”1Ԥronto, July 19,1911. mm m M m; “a. damn-m. a, W. Ugh m W W =19 M ‘ ‘ . W- m A. “Mum we to: m fighflfim‘ an “away? W3 mg, 1... “a, m um «am my} meg‘m unM.M£mW' “w?“ mi. dw.m~m. m' : ARM FOR SALEâ€"BEING PART of lot 10, con. 11, in the township oi Scugog, containing 140 acres“ more or less. of first-clue land, 100 acres under the plow, 10 acres mixed timqer. 3 acres hardwood. balance pasture” with living. spring stream, well fenced with rails and wire; there are on the property a. six-roamed dwelling house with cellar. in good r'epeir; born 40 x 60, with stone wall ; frame stable. 24x40; pissery, 16 1:40;.“ in good order: my booting apple trees. I! not sold by Septemoer let it will be rented. Apply to Mrs. George Nubia. 195 Bolton- oVe.. Toronto. or to J. W. Ofelia“; seugog. Toronto. «at, 19.1911; .1911. ALEX. MONTGOMERY. Clerk. at Sebright. this 5tn day of Goman Daal Over Persia. Paris, Aug. 16.â€"The Matin says that Germany and Russia are about to sign an accord over Persiat‘ia which Ger- man will abandon political interest: in t a northern hall 0! Penis. ad 313an from uking 101' railrosd and telegraph concessionl. Ruggin, tho paw pan. by_ the_compoct Inll agree AL- n__-___- “.N Lv 0mm. yuvcu. won: “r v.._. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 17.000; market 5c lows; light. 87.15 to 87.8); mixed. 5-” 10 81-3); heavy. 86.!) to 816:. rough. 8.5 to “.6: good to cholco hon. $7.06 to 87.6; plan. ' to 87.65: bulk of ales. 87.10 to $7.50. Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts. 2AM: Inu- kec steady to 10¢ lower; native. 82.50 no 8: western :3 lo a; yurlinn. 83-15 to a; ltmos. nsuvo. “.25 to 87.23; woman. 85 to 87.2.5. to unite in the future the Ruaaian railroad. in Persia with the German Baadad Railroad. and also extend the open door in Persia to German com- merce and indua . The Matin add. that-the accord w' 1 not aflect the tn- ple alliance. . ; “11838 a. 32...: :93 6.50 635899 .5 5r. 9550. 8 a 3.. .933 138 .a 3 Empire Trad. Commiuslon. 10m. Aug- 16--(CUA0P0 C.ble.)_ In tho Homo at Commons Lloyd. George, in the absence of the Pro- mior. informed Mr. Page erft thu the toys} communion to cnqmn in!» thy Empirg'l tenourcgs‘ sud Rude do- ,A_ __,_AI_A_AI Q‘oiogfe'xiihhf Eff-{boon appqlnhd by_ _ Colonmfiecytq.’ who u no- emu”. Cam. My. 14.4w m in- ntt. 0! New min-rd. in mum. hi! 4 Intro. Note the «My plot-u an arena 0! Verse 2|. and m u.- n-urn the 0mm at daily bmd Ind dam «rt-nah. Ibo matter at "an w m on- 08! Wont Ill. 34. mamm. Jenni: mu had no doubt to Ibundant my my from the king'u table. I'uot Jere: mm: and a pun-sot bread. the next chapter tells how llv- 911008. with tho klng'l consent. ms? .lpremlhh law I dump-on. nut-re no not to tho Inlre and would hue dlpd or hangar I! he had not Wu rose-nod by an Ethlopun named Ebodmmm who. with non. othet Inch and by means or top. and coma old rug: to put under his arms that the ram might not hurt hlm. draw hlm up from the dungeon. and lulu be u perm"- led to mm In the own of tho pm the sequel to tho story of Jeremluh Mhowho'uglm Modulation) to p when ho plane arm Janna:- lhnwuthhcu. but. choodutoromnlu III m city. w W commute tododownhlupgbmuhmp- Mr. Alex. Cluck [hid-mu hi. dtmw In. a". m In «mm. at Mt. In spending Unwed:- with“ mat. In. W. Jun. tad other Che-hire laying-m. now . reside: Winnlpog. Man. “.3": "While I In: with my regiment in India. 1 bill “.005. I contracted a, so ,_A _ _A. “4‘s. I m con-M"! umoat every month in the 3 W gown yam. the pt!!! sometimes so ”V0” '3‘“ I ' was dead- 03 my roturo to I seemed to set no “m" “ cold Which from terrible pains when 1 Dog“ taking the Pills. but before the sec- ond box Was finished the pain began to disappear. and under a further use of the Pills it disappeared en- tirely and I have not, had twinge of it during the past year. Only "those who have been afflicted with the terrible pains of neuralgia tan m\ oomph)"t w: mv wife that 1 i1 Pills 3 fair trial call what a blessing Dr. Wfl’liams' Pink Pills hue been to me. and van may be sure I shall commutlx re- commend them to other sufierers.’ VALENTIA. Valentin, Aug. 16.â€"'l‘he lawn so- cial under the auspices of the \‘.P.S. CE. is to be held on the church lawn on Tuesday evening, Aug. 22. Tea will be served from six to eight o'- clock. followed by a good program. Admission : adults 25c, children 15c. The program will consist of quar- tets,- duetts. solos, recitationu. etc. by local and foreign talent. Some of Lindsay's best vocal talent will Quite a number of our young men started for the Northwest on the hat- vcsmer's excursion to-day. We wish the boys success. Mr. Cyrus (‘rozien of Port Perry. pnld a flying visit to our village on Tuesday. 'Ihese pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mil at 50 cents a tax or six taxes for 82.50 from The Dr. William' Medicine Cox. Brock. ville, Ont. be on hand and will render sm'eral numbers. There will also he an ad- dress by Rev. Mr. Woon. of ()Shawa. so tint. a good concert is assured. The tea. as usual, will be A-l. Bring your friends. FARM FOR SALEâ€"IN CAVAN township, containing 214 ms. three-quarters mile from town. of Millbrook. There is on the prem- ises a first-class bank.barn with stabling for fifty. head of cattle, straw house, hog pen. implement house, machine shop, good horse stable. Abundance of water. 22 acres summer fallow, 50 acres seeded down to clover, 14; acres 0! hardware bush, balance cleared nod in a high state of cultivation. Has never been rented and is pmâ€" tlcally free from all kinds of foul weeds.| Soil any loam. Also a fint-clm'briek house, hardwood floor. bath room and all modern convenience. Good orchard. This la without exception the best sit- uated‘fifl up-to-date {arm in Can‘- an towuhip and [a a bargain for Miss Fannie Orr, of Toronto. is visiting Mrs. P. Starr this week. Mrs. Margaret Taylor has gone to. visit friends in Lindsay for a few days. Miss Ida Reynolds, of Toronto. is visiting friends in this Vicinity. 816000, lull cash. balance my terms. PomiOR this (all. For Mot-mutton spply to Wm. Thextom Mllibrook P. O No {owl should be killed for table an unit has not bean’htuaod with some (atoning feed tor gt lent one MIMMIIMM TO'I'EEWESI' Great Lakes Rant: MM.MM FIVE SAILINSB WI Fm: Om 81mm 1‘. Immadute comm for Winnipeg and at was incufcble I intended 3'5"“!!! told m alone he an ud~ f Oshawa, s assured. for Str. Manita, l9il Lindsay â€"-Stur geon Poi Pn- June 15 to July 6.14m. Una.” at. 9 1.11;. cud 5.80 p.m.. Returning lens Sturgeon Point .3 7.15 5-. and 3 p.111. from July 5 to Sept. 15. [an m u 9 5.111., 1.30 sum, “1 5.80 p.111. Returmng [eve Sturgeon Point. at 7.15 3411‘, 10.40 ”In“ an 3 pm. 0n load-ya durmg July “d Aug- “ boat will leu'e Sturgeon Pom ct. 6.15 ..m. connecting with man. Way evenings during July d m. tho boat mu luv. um It 7.40 o'clock. TELEPHO) k ex mmnu. AUG. 17, Jun. 15 .nd every Tuesdgy d My 18‘". 1.1111183, fl. 9 53L. m .t Sturgeun Point. m fill! m R“!!! “Vin; gt“ 06‘ at noon. Raul-nine III and“, a 5.16. Letvo for Sun} co. Point at 6 p.m mi «7-7 Robt. Pinchin. M anager ill. “-1â€"â€" und MW ”'41 ., Lind“! widen" q mum in enrgef? 'cl' " and ' W. “Honor. ROM Conant-sinner. tx' McAlpine. spacixl am- noae. throat :n wanna:- it's the am "at wore or one to Me £29 (1 O yeti-gut amt; it ‘ he 48h t . Y ‘ tact and ety Oren“: “flea ufim on" 3 complete cure. Imp. one irritate and do “2219,13, “M We fit trusses scientificuly‘m experience has taught u, ho" 0a: w Stock 0f "Ntdpln tn u. 5N" us to furnish just, “but needed in every case. Your New l “‘3!!me W5 For which your disarm in: taste has sought Neilsons’ I If you want a most delidoq. wafectioa. one that is different to most makes. One that can. forms to the highest ideals of oonnoiseur. You") get it DUN CON ’8 Eyesight Specinlist “ Kent-st" aver Neill's Shoe Sm Eyeglasses repai.ed. Broken Lenses replaced. __- "n- KID” uncut-Mtg vif}‘~.zl‘\1'lilflill‘3§‘ (‘3 ('1 In“) (In). trouble .iu'! you I‘Mhef with your eym, \w w Hptiml Work 20 m 85Wid!i.~Â¥ ; .Whr) is endorsed hv Um h-ading med- }081 men and wwdns and has hisofi- gee gemnanently in Lix‘. i-‘au‘? Exam- lmuon and consultation free: lnuurnncc ud Rte-1 ‘Vt‘l .w-LI’ I‘d” “tended to day or "ism- 1,1131!“ moderate 11: M.RICE DRE. flcALPINE and SIR. OTCNOBEE 0p“ for excursions. “spouting Dr LINDSAY LEIGH R. K 8 [GET Coboconk Trip .. ANNIS 09h.” DRUG STORE (CathPeax-som The Rexall Store Chocolates it's the Wouldn’t You 61‘“ (line '. 1m J (fungi 1nd. 59'"; 1 i that” o G. A. Jordn PM. A5911: mmmmm llelm ammum u... . I. . m time tho "min ‘. m m a mass of nm ”In ”“9 an adjmmng ”Ni-h: rim-(.132 11 9" the flames got. a good s ‘0” being noticed, and .‘zS‘ “I“ are a long distanw ”a o! the fire it took <u ‘0 connect. Then it was a M hose was needed so 1 m had to be turned of! “lo connection to be mad M was also said to 4 m. but nevertheless tl 'orhed “rd in the effort 14‘ “flag the mill lneflreseems 10 h the main mill and a of shavings, veneerin; Citizens Wore m: 1: her when the “In! Md 8. large mum mid-day meal and \x! to the scene of Hu- 01' them rendered ym helping to fight 1}”: 1 time there was an m Wind blowing and tl.‘ combat with a fierce Strong breeze fanned it was hard work t( m {rom spmadi 0! the mill. Everyt c“Ry of the fire was pletely wiped nu! :2 buildings of the \\u Turning Company, « Zimmerman and Wil Oshawa, were um yr the fire start'Pd nu know as ex'eryxhi when the men quit ‘ clock and a few 11: the fire alarm was team made a quic the brigade arriuxi full blaze. Disastrous Quality c values that where in th' Black Silks 1 Donne. Pure silk an “76‘ an: and light Cc We predi velveteen t early inspec at specxal p skirts, coila veiling, mo gloves, etc. "mm... at [100E Bic‘: BXa and pure “'85 caum was a an daclded t It tell on com flth‘

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