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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Aug 1911, p. 2

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'Y, CORONER FOR COUNTY OF __ __--;-o . ITEWABT O’CONNOR, Barristers, ““"‘“ 91c. Money to loan at IeLAUGHLIN, PEEL, FULTON STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors, and Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- cial attention given to investments. Offices: Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-sts.. Lindsay. R. J. McLaughlin, K. 0., A. M. Ful- ton. B. A., James A. Peel, '1'. E ”FRIES AND m, Solicitqrs. IEGH R. KNIGHT, Bu licitor, Notary Public. I‘EE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loun money on farm, town, and vil- lage property, at very lowest rates of interest. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy A _“v Mimle and amine Monuments f.â€" fir, Still doing business in the some old‘ stood but not in the same old way. We‘ dvonce with the times and are in a. position to do better work than over. New designs. new granites. new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- ite Works in this part of Onto???» Get our prices and see our de signs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 13 Cam- â€"-~. Fridgefit... immediately north of Fifi “m mm"; a: 'éoyai 001' no at Dental smgeons' V“ ”a“ .n the mm methods of dentistry. York ate" 1- 1. Stewart. very lowegt; ”CXEOI', LVUvu-J .â€"..r, , Farmers Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance 00., of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance 130.. of Hamilton, Empire Acci- llept and Surety Co., of London, Ont. omce over Farmers Bank, op- posite post office. ihe Simpson hon”- DORE JACKSON, otc., solicitors for ’1‘! Bank of Commerce. M on mortgages at five 1 flee William street, Lil F. D. Moore, K. C., J big-k, Oakwood, Fire Insurance .gent, issuer 0! marriage licenses. Con’v'eyancing in all its forms. ”IWVD (saw-r .â€"â€"-_ tan, Solicitors. Notary Public. etc. Solicitors Ior Bank of Montreal. Mowd by Thos. Davey, seconded Lil] y Marble works By J. T. Perkins that by-law No. 285. being a by-law to empower the Reeve and treasm'er to secure a. loan R. CHAMBERS, Prop firm the Bank of British North America to meet the expenses of the year 1911 be read a second time in SflE W‘s SURPRISE” ‘ committee of the whole.-â€"Ca.rried. ' Moved by Time. Davey. seconded “.0 Dr. "W. Indian M by J. T. Perkins that byâ€"law No. 285 be read a third time, passed, Pm. 00nd hol- chronic M complaint signed and sealed.â€"-Carried. -â€" Moved by J. T. Perkins. seconded mksmhhdmmm, tell: by J. 13. Campbell that Henry Peel ‘ appointed Collector bumble . .all can hfi‘iza you how 3"“ my to collect the taxes of the year ’ ' 1911. said Henry Peel to furnish mtmmgfi mafia good and satisfactory bonds. and ”5”” V57 7 mg, 11' galaxy be $3800 without 1 W4 link I. I! _ 1. l is . ‘ “ ‘ a. efi'ect. d extras and that a by-law be passed. 'o___‘ . _ “- - "L“‘m PAGE TWO. -vâ€" vu-iv -, etc, Milne Block. Lind“?- AND norms, Ewoni. G. H. Hop- F. H. Hopkins- 3- 4‘ IV. O'Connor. 13- A- Alex. J askson solicitor for Kent township Insurance Canadian BE SURE AND BE PROPERLY REGISTERED. Those desirous of registerinx a voters in the coming election. must possess the following qualifications: "Every person 01' the m1 use of twentyâ€"one years. a some“ 01. his Majesty by birth or naturalization. and not disqaalified under the On- tario election act and not otherwise by law prohibited from voting shall he antral-ed on tbs list of manhood sufirnge voters for the polling sub- division in which he resides. All such persons must hgve resided in the province for twelve months pre ceding the date of the first day in which the registrars o! manhood suf- {rage hold their meeting. Students at universities-and colleges may res- isteu- it they are 7101’. already register- LAXTON, DIGBY AND LONGFORD COUN 01L. ‘ Council met in the township hall, Head Lave. pursuant to adjourn- ment of May 27, with all members present. Moved by Thos. Davey, secOnded by Coun. Sullivan, that the minutes of the Court of Revision and pro- ceedings of meeting of May 27th, be confirmed as read.â€"Garried. Moved by Thos, Davey, seconded by J. T. Perkins that the Reeve is- sue orders on the treasurer for pay- ment of the various gravel bills of path-masters; also for account of Le Craw Bros. for locks furnished for ecemetery gates and to Munici- Dal World ; $1.08 for Commissioners pal World ; $1.08 for Commxssmners pay sheetsâ€"Carried. \ Moved by Conn. Davey, seconded by Coun. Sullivan, that the 'clerk be instructed to write to» Charles Butterworth, enclosing a. road list and notify him that the council authorizes him to perform statute labor of Messrs. Benson and Norris on beat No. 18 in view of the reins- al of Arthur Fielder to act as over- seer of division No. 18.â€"Ce.rried. Moved by J , B. Campbell. seconded by Coun. Sullivan, that the treasur- er's half-yearly statement be filed. â€"- Carried. Moved by Conn. Sullivan, seconded ‘ L- COUNCIL Moved by Conn. Sullivan, seconded J. B. Campbell that an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of '1. drawn on the treasurer in favor of A. J. Southern for $6 being amount. of outlay in rebuilding a. culvert on the 5th eon. Laxton, between lots 5 and 6.â€"Ca.rried. Moved by 'l‘hos. Dewy, seconded by J. T. Perkins, that Conn. Sul- liVan be appointed to interview Dan- iel McDonald regarding purchase or , ALA ; road across his property from the lands of Andrew McDonald, to the Monck mad and report the result at next meeting of the council.-â€"Ca.rried. Moved by J. T. Perkins, seconded by Thos. Davey, that a. resolution be adopted authorizing the clerk to notily Mr. A. J. Ramsey Russ- ell that he be required to send post- ers in connection with transfer right h- ,4- -..o n ‘-- 1.- ~- 01 reed allowance which he requests} on the shore of Mud Turtle Lake and that he also be required to do- at once the sum of $80 wltb the Reeve to cover expenses. balance oi the money to be handed to the treasurer by the lioeve.â€"Carrlhd. Moved by J. .8. Campbell. Iecondeul my Conn. Sulllvu: that by-lcw No. 2 . bolas . by-luw to also the mm M n150.75 to mm. the current ox- at once the sum or vuv ...-__ ihe Reeve to cover expenses. balance to the breuurer by the Baumâ€"Carribd. Moved by J. B. Campbell. lecondoui by Conn. Sunk/u: that by-low No. 2 . b01113 . by-luw to mile the sum 0! $150.75 to meat. the curl-oat ox- Iunp of the your 1911 be Hid a. dnocond time in committee o! the wholu. C arriod. Moved by J. D. Campbell. second- ed by Conn. Sullivan. that. by-law No. 284 be rmd a. third time. pm- ed. signed and sealod.â€"Cmied. Moved by J. 8. Campbell. second- ed by 'l‘bos. Davy, that. the Reeve and treasurer be and is hereby gath- mixed to borrow the sum 0! 8160.- .‘5 a: a rate 0! interest not exceed. mg 6 per cent. irom the Bank or British North America, Fenelon Falls tor a. term 0! four months. the same being monies required by the Municipality of pay road grants, etc. for the year 1911 and that a. by- law be. passed confirming the same. écarried. | Moved by Thos. Davey, conni-mingmw Move by J. B. Campbell, seconded bv Thos. mvy that by-law No. 286 be read a. first time, second and yu mvvv '9?â€" ' Decanter at ther 11° in the tormentâ€"Curried- __A_ nan-A_¢_‘ ‘ n ,w: y w W hm CAN YOU ”V0113? PROCEEDINGS E. 1". Lo. ORAW. 1L bylmw be passed- gamerâ€"Carried. ,. Campbell: secondéd Newsy Items from . flayes’ Point Hayes’ Point. Aug. 11. - Mr. Kitchener and son Boy. .of Toronto. whothu'e been camping here for the past two weeks pulled up :3th and returned to the city yesterday. Mrs. Jae. P.‘1‘ona.ld and sen J ack. of Lindsay, were visitors here on Thursday. Mr. Dick Budd, 0! Toronto, is vis- iting for a. few days at “Uneedarest" cottage. Mr. Min and Mr. Davidson, who are‘ visiting here, caught a fine Rev. Mr. Bi,key, who is visiting at “Idle Times" cottage. caught a ripe bass yesterday. ReV. Mr. Hughson and Mrs. Hugh- son, gave a, picnic party to several old Lindsay friends on Thursday. A party was given by: Mrs. Baker The church choirs from Dunsford held a very successful picnic at our resort on Tuesday last. In the evening they visited Sturgeon Point and it was nearly midnight when the picnic crowd left for home. seen drifting around tne lake near here for a. considerable time, some. thing having gone wrong with the engine. The trouble was remedied, -n ‘_ of "Uneedarest" cottage to several Pleasant Point friends. An enjoyab- le evening was spent by 311. Dr. and. Mrs. McGee, of Cleveland, (mm, are visiting with the Bankers here. afiel- sometime, however, and the boat was seen sailing toward Sturg- eoo Point as though nothing had happened. The “Flo Mac" and "Joe P.” visit~ ed here on Sunday. Also the Ham- mond and Butler launches. m m THURSTONIA PARK. Thurstonia. Park, Aug, 8. â€" Mrs. J. Glass landed two pfine maski- loun'ge lately. On- Saturday the launch Helen, with a large party on board, was The ‘TMisses Joyce Pogue and Cyn thia. Warner, of Lindsay, arrived 01 the late boat Saturday evening tn spend, a. were guests a over Sunday. __~° , Mrs. W. V. Thurston and her mo. ther, Mrs. Beatty, of Lindsay, visit- ed the park this week. Messrs. Kennedy and Spence, of Omemee, gave us a friendly call re- cently Mr, and MrS. Harry Skitch, Millbrook, are Spending the week her father’s, Mr. C. Thurston. ‘ Skitch's fame as a fisherman ‘ son Harry. of Bobcaygeon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Robinson over Sunday. It) spfead abroad, but. we forward to seeing him Vuvv. Mr. John Glass, of Lindsay spent the week end with his family here. News Items from Pleasant Point Pleasant Point. Aug. 15.â€"Minu Phyllis Edwards, of Lindsay, is spending At low (lays the guest of her friend Miss Myrtle (‘nrten Mr. ilvuh. Morgan. Mr. John Hay and Mr. Wiiiium (V‘iin‘e. oi‘ our ro- uort. lumlmi icmr iurge 'lungc and two imsa Friday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Morgan and her two children. Lilian and (flare. who have been visiting for the mug wool: an ‘tho guests of Mrs. Roub .‘inrgan, left for their home in Strwwvnio Fri- day. ‘ Mrs. Curio. of " Kiltkot" cot- tage. landed two fine 'lunge Satur- day afternoon. weighing respectively seven and eight pounds. ‘ ,,A v‘-.. , Miss Sym Goldsteln who but spent! the last two weeks at “ Klukot" cottage, the guest of Mrl. William: Clin‘e, left for her home in Toronto Sunday afternoon. ‘ I Mr. Jack Wallace, of Lindsay, is spending a. few days at " Idle Times” cottage, the guest of Mn. Sisson. . Miss Lyle. Per-tin. of Toronto, arr rived at our resort Saturday to spend a few weeks at Wilson's cot- tage. Master Bert Wilson end Master A1- leh Gribbe had quite a catch Satur- day, landing four large lunge averag- ing six pounds apiece. - u- "n- Mr. Machin landed two fine bus mm} Saturday evening weighing three and I I» four pounds. Ab! Mr. Davidson and 11:. Min. of ad! Toronto, who have spent the lust walk two weeks at Hayes' boardingyhonse. Fem} returned home to the citynfur n __ Spleesant holiday. -, had { ‘ Mr. an! In. Day. of Tbrbnto. who have spent the um two weak! as the An guests 0! Ir. lion-II. Whom ma to the city “035‘? 71h“? 1w ‘_ L» t. "t 1 Mrs. Selby, of Lindsay, Is at the Skitch cottage at Mr. Thurston’s cot- Perrin, of Toronto, ar- our resort Saturday to weeks at Wilson's cot- Thomas Murphy and are looking land some big , 13 â€"**.v - ‘- me the pop man of Lindsay. ma been Mrs, automated to contest the riding at. the approaching general elections. He has about as much chance of de- eeting Sam Hughes as he has of bel- mude Cw of Russia. Mr. A. Moore and family are spend- er A1. 1113 a. holiduy with Rabat Moore at Boskung Narrows. S-‘1I.. ’ -- a H ,' ”- ay to t cot- of at Bosedale, Aug. 11. - '1“ “w" has Been ideal this week “‘1 ”'3' one is enjoying the water and W' Dr. W.'F. Clark and funny- "" turned to Toronto on My. They - n,‘. A- Mr. St. George and Miss St. George spent a. few 1‘0 Mrs. Donnell on Tues”- trude Seaton Thompsonr N: the-Lake 13 also with her I ioying the breezes or Lake Balsam in their comrortable little cottage up the lake. They return to Toron- to this week end, Ven. Archdeacon Hill, of St. Thom as. who is summering at Birch Is!- and, was called home on Saturday by the death of one of his parishonâ€" ers but returned on Tuesday. Miss S. Delemere is also at Birch Island for a. time. , â€"-~ A “M... 101' a, Llfllc. Mrs. H. J. Lytle and I returned to Lindsay on 'I a short time. ecwrc work church Miss_A. L. Dickson gives a l On Wednesday evening on the of the Canadian Presbyterian in South China. There was a. splen- did crowd and all enjoyed Miss Dick- son’s interesting talk to the utmost. Mr. J. H. Carnegie, ex-M.P.P., and Mrs. Carnegie were visitors in town on. Wednesday evening. Miss Cathro, of Lindsay, guest of Miss A. Dickson for a. days this week. A number from here took\in Civic Holiday at. Fenelon Falls. The 8.0. Y.T. girls went over in full force in Mr. Goodman’s launch. Buntino Camp went over was a few A drive of 1035- pieoes are going They belong to J ~ 0: side Rev. Lord. We seem to be having a 11‘ Association meet here this Association meet here u: there being no less than nim divines with Dr. Taylor at POint 83 ‘_ tenth Messrs. Moflat. O'Leuy. and Patterson of fox-onto. ed in Oak Grove [or two w Miss Elva. Maybee and "- MacDougall were guests at Dnmfino canlp for a few hours on Tuesday. ReV. Mr. Bedford with his wife and friend, all of Fenclon Falls. ~ were Dr. Burn. "anu’tha guests of a week. Lodge" on TUGSday of thi Mr. Harry Daniels landed a 12 lb. lunge one afternoon this week. usual Fishing seems better than Kimount, Aug. 14. -â€" The Sunday School Picnic and Garden Party un- der the nunpicon of at. June: Angli- can church on Wednesday last was n. nplendid Inca-u. Tho wuther w.» ides! um u: enioygblo time wu upon. The grow: in lighted at night with gasoline lighil. The proceeds 'mountod to $104. 'I' " "AA-am .n“ here this year. ' The Rev. Dr. cupied £110 9‘“? UUIC UNI-w 'v v.â€" ' The Rev. Dr. Tayl copied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday 1m and was greatly enjoyod by . huge con- grogatlon. or, Toronto. oc- Mounts. J: A. Train. N 1,on the I Sudaaby ” MI. W. .. -..-_ lone and Wilfred. 10“ Int week Gowgunda. where Mr. Craig bu large lumber interact. The delegates who took the 1mm here to the Grit convex were John Austin, L. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. F03 have A large number of Canadian For- esters with their wives, sweethearts and friends will excurt to Peterboro .by special train on Friday, the 18th. This will be ; splendid chance for those who wish to see the celelrsted lift lock. A number will My 11%: to: the Conservative ecu-Invention at IUJ HIV vajvuuvv wâ€"â€"vâ€"v--_ many on the 19th. Fore for the fiflety it in much easier to do round trip only $1.20. the W was m the right Mrs. George my” and child. m8- ‘ren. are visiting gt. Hr. Join My hug-1a, next Septemba', will get . ”mun, Luau-worth. Roland for his louver. Mr. M. O'Hun. o! Cumin”. N- . Open turkey houses can be shut up .Y., cm 0! tbs 000W ‘9‘ “w during rdn atoms by honing boa-do mmnorthoftho finned-h!" on Wthoddel. W- .. " When feeding gain throw it bung: “0“lede outmomtholotootutmthe ad Hunter-m. In P. Nm' 0! birds may how on null chum. MMM.MWM# V‘.- ““I I had to leave for 131*- dt’ 5““! W. '1‘. ('ralg. um Craig. Mb- I... :{Mf'u‘ll Wilma. George Mr. and Mrs. Hooch v tunorul o! the late KINMOUNT- mm Wilson. George and ‘. and Mrs. Hooch M- uwral o! the late Minn Burnt Rh'or on Friday son givw a. lecture ning on the work Presbyterian churCh who took the tram m Grit convention n. L. Rose and S“ "“1 Miss Aileen on 'I‘uesdll-y for and Kathleen ‘iss Marjorie hours with a Ministerial Wacouta. Barbour the train o. holi- went For- tor censeatohavebeen;henoethe apâ€" peal to the judge. Th 01 the Hamilton House by the “”89 $54.34, including business tax of $634. while that o! the Over- “.“8-67I inelud‘ ran-moo! opinion “‘0 armowionmwwwdw “-4 -1 13-min!) pen! to the judge. otthenamilton 301136me $54.84. including business tuoiw,whuethatolth00ver- $4,658.67. includ- depreciation at Varying figures from 50 to 7-5 per cent. In rebuttal. the Reeve and Councillor Berehard main- tained that the properties had never :â€"-â€"-- .11- W hv v- r7 Reeve and Councillor Ber-chard main- never mined that the properties had been assessed at. their legitimate val- ue and were much below their selling values at the aswssor’s valuation. 3n the case of the Overend property it being pointed out that the pro- prietor. even alter local option had value into force. placed the valut at (8,000. while Mr. Ernest R. Gunn offered the court to lease the sheds , -._. -r ofiered the court. to lease we was only at a tuna! of 7 perpent. o! the assessor's valuation. The court. however. seemed to think some to- mmmm mmm mm mm mm auction should be made. but Wed decision. The coroner. Dr. 81a: in the following jury n Spr‘tt' John Jackson. Robt. Touchburn. T110! The inquest into the duth o! J os- eph Fracassi, who was killed on the C.P.R. track at Pottery Corners was held on Friday afternoon and adjourned until Friday, Aug. 18th, at 1.30 pan. Young Tories Regret Demise of Late' Member body at the morgue. After viewing the body it agreed to adjourn until Friday the evidence will be heard. AV“ .â€"â€"â€" v it was unanimously decide to {or- wu'd the tollowmg recoluuon of condolence to Mn. 8. J. Fox: Deer Had-mp.“ . recent meetxng o! the Young Men’e Connrvettve Club or Lindsey. the vuloue epeek- ere In the course of their remake to tend In the very higheet team to the lete Samuel J. Fox. I.P.P. who eo ehly represented the Comn'ettve may at West Victoria in the Pro- vinclel Kouee. use it wee unanimous 1y decided thet . molutlon of con- dolence he tor-vented to you end the members of the funny. The lute Mr. Fox we! . gentlemen very high- ly respecwd by the emu” o! Lind- 1 flay and dig throughout the entire county. He was 3 eteunch member of the best government the country e1 Gee-en'- ever had and we: a, loy etive et all times. Be ready to help 3 good cause end his influence for good In the community wee much in evidence. mg to the bereaved 0;”: their sin- The members of the ative Club feel Lind m. I 11, 1911. conflider‘ble went to View the 358. 67. A num- "when THE BOOM IS COMING Direct Privatv Win- to our Main Office. M5F_Brpad St. The Victoria Loan September i5 is the data set by date is reached. The present ml will be mad at least go up Mina-ease in Va! uriuoo. Our ndwioe is: ‘ WW II: Ill-Inc». OUR SPECIAL CANADIAN \VF‘EKLY HARKET LETTER WILL KEEP YOU POSTED ON THE PORCUPINE AND COBALT MS CHASE on SALE OF ACTIVE. LISTED IHNING STOCKS, BITE- ER FOR CASH OR OR IABGIN OF 88 1-3 PER CENT AND WILL ACCEPT CERTIFICATES WHEN 1:30me 3x13035131), AS 00- LLATERAL “GIN AGAINST PURCHASES. W Chifion . 1.1 quet of pink r0895 nbly eupported 15 ‘- I-‘eterboro. The (,A'!" formed by Rev. Mr Hillbrook. after “m reps.“ was ”Mn. .1: m was Very pr! with smilax and ‘m. The guests numbered Warrian entirely Gentlem en’s Efégfi’fi Porcupine gold fields, has in our 0pm: rain to conservative mining men the Chas.A. Stoneham Co. EAST mumâ€"mmmmm1 Savings Co’y. Colllfllox STOCK BROKERS conservnivé mining men the big boom the data set by them. We predict ma: ‘ The present market prices on : £5515" to order ST. LAWRENCE SUGARâ€"either in [III“‘” 11! r. Garments " ' V Phone 150'1‘ vduc more npidly than any other kind of sec- : “Buy any at the above mentioned stocks im» JAMES LOW. cent. When gold stocks begs: to in our opinion, had its New THURSDAY, AUG. 17 [his Bank- iu Ivory 30"" '\\-\ '. LAWRENCE Manager Williarfi is coming-â€" rhea this . 1911 Built!“ .mm-‘ Telephgbpg .' m of toe v.e \ ”:hnnlitutedin Lot 'Q'Obudlcouldzm 99!.an 1 3k» V‘, W them to Bond, of Peberboro ; A Ind one brother. Cyrlc : 'nle funeral will who fly morning at 8.30 In church. thence to the R. I'll duke, which was a film of some "*n 1 Ho legves to mourn h SEVEN YEARS (1 MISE WILLIAM llUl'll The community has h Wt Promising cum-r . 0' '1'. Wfillimu 110‘: III-0d Mfly .wny n ’9 QM'IL Lhifi nmru. “fly I80 0! aim-awn. ‘ Mt young mun, n mo “"13“ oomph-1m! 'flh WW. since 1hr! flayed u Gwlph and n In. Arthur Moar" “hr-"I would rc- hem and Nerve Pm; I W by Lydia I 'S_V°8‘“"‘°..°9'.“EIE ‘1- I) Was So Nervfi Could Not Sta 1 The House Al: 1 on. I would nm we!) a friend of m “out Lydia E. 1”; Compound and w} a wife, I was Wil I look the pictun it. too. I can dc hoe my garden. a entertain com}: I can Visit \vlm sigma m bride's going I In“. of broad c1(-' Kr. and Mrs. Mm 9.86 "Ill (0" \l of white Duchess sari Mon and ornbroidvr ad pearls. She \nm bridal veil with oran: Scotch heather. Shy er bouquet of “bite C sunburst of pearls, w chiflon :11“ qua of pink roses. 7 ably eupported 1‘3 ‘ Peterboro. The ma“ formed by Rev. M” Ifllbrook. after “h“ repeat. was mm; .2 'I‘Ie bride was the m hnndsome pm cheque for $1000 fl Hi. ‘ift to the hr‘idsv‘ ”- My for the cure of :x.‘ 1‘ 1.” complaints is Lydia 1 “Vegetable Company}. 3 h more widely and ran-4: “ than any other rfi'mmz}. d thousands of Wumt'x. \\‘ ”I troubled with displzuw ;:: maceration. mm :r: 'fies. periodic pain V w: bearingdown {69131‘2 5mg. d nervous prostran’on. at 1r r. numb-dulled. Why dou‘uo ‘ 35,24 ‘5 have if“ as any ordi: yin the month. 1 rysufier'inzwom my BETHTNE. r ,A_-1~,,\ _ Â¥ MUSlinâ€"Kl-LJ A very fashionauée \ solannized on Wednesu" gt “The Maples," my what his youngest >i.~ Vha Beatrice, Was unit to It. R. J. Munro ‘Ibe bride looked darn _ vflo. â€"- “ For seven WW- -I was (file bride was a! WDAY, AUG. 17 her sworn I urn will reside HYMI were shock OBITLAIH two sisu \\ ('a AID NERVE

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