.‘1 ~71 '9 ’3 ‘1 ‘5 f. i u f 33 .".": “a-†Thisisthelasteallonalllines they aeeapyaadsattheynasttravel. Somedapartneatswmbemorlm pneuwmbenadetomovemnylinesthtmghthvetobemvedotherwlse. ' Ladies’ 50c Drawers for 40¢ These are extra ï¬ne weave cotton drawers with knitted insertion and lace edging. Real good value at 50c pair but for quick selling 40 wesay . . . . c Balbrlggan Underwear 39c Ladies’ balbriggsn under vests and drawers of . extra. qualit and our 8 coin! rice was 50¢ a gar- Y P P ment but we have decided thet they must 39‘ It will pay you to ï¬ll every want in these lines be cleared so we make the price only...... now while the very low prices prevail. fl‘he space - occupied by these lines is wanted for Other use Ladies’ Fancy Hose 21c from now on and the saving is an opportunity not to be overlooked. These are plain and fancy weave cotton hose in ' would cost you very little money, Wh‘te’ sky, tan, mauve and pmk and extra good and see just what we offer you at a very small Our wash garment values have been considered extra good all season and now they should be even buying at per pair 25c but we have more 21 ‘ more attractive. We want you to see them any- tllan We care to carry in stock so out they go o | way and seejust how much you can save, outlay. J. SUTCLIFFE SONS ___â€".â€"- Entranoea Kant and William eta. LINDSAY Many Vistors at fenelon falls in the pink of In this lot there are both men’s and youths’ styles and sizes. They are made of nice quality straw with'plsin and fancy bands, big range of sizes just now. The reg prices of these 39 were 50¢ each’but to clear we say only... 0 Men’s Suits, in sale $12.95 These suits are some that sold at $15 each but owing to the range of sizes being broken we are going to clear them at a reduced price. The materials are good serviceable mixed tweeds in good colorings and patterns, well made and tin- ished throughout. Regular $15.00 $12 95 each, on sale at 098 In these lines we have still a very choice as- sortment and exceptional good buying among them at the prices we have the various lines that pay All wash materials are now placed at pri , you to. buy now even if you had to keep them until another year, but there is yet plenty of time to make gOod use of them this year. All mat- erials are now being oï¬â€˜ered at special clearing prices and these prices represent only a fraction of marked now for a last call on them. sally worth. Consider how you ble materials that then come in what they are 1' could use a few yards of service; Semi Ready Clothing to order, which means a suit made to your measure at a price that will please you. We gnaruutee the ï¬t and ï¬nish. Lindsay‘s Moat Accessible Store whole system Boys Had to Swim Miss Elva \Vorslcy and Miss Daisy com, consistently curing cm-.."- " ‘Y h it led- Country Badly l at t a , The in Need of Rain ‘5 sz 9f ana a ‘ â€"" ‘ "" "" “’"di‘mn' P W. . . . , , _ ‘ Pleasant Point. Avg- 29- - Master Fenelon Falls, Aug. 22.â€"-Miss A. ‘ ~ ‘ QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE A‘ H' 311:; «3333:: DP " ‘Jack and Master Harold Wilford, of 1311“, and Mrs. .Ias. Ellis, of Parryl Their Singular curatrse ;v:- 4 ‘ . . u - . . . u - l .. . , . . . . . - ' . ‘ L . u . I - d; n C l t 1 MM.‘ LlndSuy' who have been vlSltlng Ful- Sound, are \lSlllng“ Mrs. J, A, 131115. rties diSCCVéYEC t... 2:. bear. .\otice is hereby given that a leldend at the Alon. lenelon. ,AUg- 22. â€" The EMTAK;:'ET 33:31:: m o ' (on came;- here, left {or their home . . . pe . . . ' p . i' - I -- . - l i - -- Y†- 19! - Miss Irix Rutherford, of Toronto. tr beâ€"‘ntrc-cucect'c.; -,. ., rate of Six Per Cent. per annum upon the Paid Up lfamlllar sound of the threshing ma- ultismy ï¬mbeliefthat everywoman . in to“, to-day. is the west of Miss Twome' A .. ~ - .. a Stock of THE Home BANK OF CANADA has been de- lehlnc is "0‘“ ‘0 be heard in the abouldtake “Ffuit-s-tiVCS" ifshemms Mr. Mervin Hutchison. who has Mr (ï¬nale), Inna,“ of can. qte I nearly a OCT-11W ESLâ€"Cin- clared for the three months ending 3151'. August, 1911 ine’ghbcrh‘md' mgï¬:ï¬fgéï¬ï¬gï¬fflï¬gm 1w†spending a few days here with the Mari.“ is in to“; for' a 1-9“. dawl pounded face 1357 3,6 and the same will be payable at its Head Office and l 3115:: Edith Melnes. who has spent, censtantly troubled with whatis oom- l Bankers at Lakeview cottage, left the guest 0‘ his mower. ‘ i Comstock Laborat'r.“ a: Branches on and after Friday lst Sepember next la’ week's holidays th . “will? know" 83 “N¢W°S" 0" severe tor his home on Wednesday. - .. . . -. . ' " . - 1 .- . , . e guest of her This may . - - M‘ss Mary 338â€" 0‘ Lobalt. â€â€œ5â€" Ercc"ville Onl’r‘o I'he Transfer Books will be closed from the 17th launt. Miss 1‘2. Maynes, returned to Egggflgï¬'m theng‘t’gfcg.Mh I Mr. Arthur Hooper and Miss 1-.dith 0d through town on Monday. 3 .. . a i . to the 31% August, both days inclusive. iher home last Thursday. of Sick Headache, for which I was $1300?†I?“ for the" homes “1 L‘nd' Mr. 1'. Shane. of Toronto. is \isit- Dr or e! P» Order of th B l ' .3 ’ . constantly taking Doctor’s medleinc. .say on “ednesday. ing Mr. and Mrs. tluigg's f or a few . NI 5 S y 6 can , ; Miss battle and Mr. William Wilson Constipgtiimfi wagcglsg $53M“ 9; l. Mr. Carlton Warner took a party 111375 Indian , “ T . .~ . _. ttrou e orw i t c orsaai . , . - _ JAMES MADO) .\‘lSll(.(l the Lalaract \illage on mould havcto take medicine all my ,0: Pll.aSant Painters to the Cameran Mr P. J. Wright, of Toronto. ls! R P'll General Manager ! bi‘w'dt‘y- life" but “Fruit-a-tives" has banished lLeRe regatta on Monday. (in the , in town for a M. an†1 oot 1 s I these troubles and I amawell woman. 1“} home the Y‘Cht’ sprang a leak Mrs. Hood and Mr. George Hood. , “r have a remark-be restr: for WhenIstartedtaking‘;Fhruit-a;gvt:;i iand rapidly filled With water. “'arn- loi Underwood were guests of u are [er and Hutchison had to Swim about. lmd Mrs. Allan Cameron for a re“, Tormto, July 19th, 19 ll Cooper spent Sunday at l'owles Cor- , l " I took four at a time, (0 pr "1' . . ‘ - ‘ ‘, the dose so that it is oril ' necaauy £32111?“ da'ndnsevif‘ Brzachesï¬n Egmntg° i Miss Dorothy and Master George for me to take one in wcclt. ",4 that iï¬ily yeards to the Sturgeon l‘oint . weeks. lion biliOUSFCQer-C' e ‘~ c an Co nee ions "“3 on an“ 3' lBrenton returned to their home in title “Fï¬lit-‘l'll‘i,\'¢81;;[ 38‘3“ 13%! week l shore while the others took to the! Miâ€, .1. “who†of Maple lake f “ 1? ~---8 WW! mew: . RSHRE AD , . ' . " ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ 'n t :.‘::-:..:h::~ l 'Canics. The boys had to build .1 I“ \isiting Mr. â€d Mrs. Geo. Mar l min yl g be cc 7g ‘ l headaches and c1:;r.:'g the Whitby on Friday last. gblg ï¬re and dry out their clothes. . tin. Miss Florlmc Adams. of Windsor. ’ 3; skin. 25C. a but everlvrere. Miss Doris Clarke, of Lindsay, is \isiting irisnds in town. Mr. Barclay Mason left on Mon-l day to Visit friends in ()rillia, ‘ Miss Dorothy Brown was in town ! ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- l on Tuesday. ‘ Mr. R. P. Webster took charge at the service on Sunday and delivered K H' ! Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore of Pen- . I . Lindsay J. ' 1510p, Janetvill ielon Falls, spent Mondw at the .. 'and before morning some of them Manager |home of Mr. L. Worsley. t l were wry nearly frozen. is the guest â€I her sister, Mrs. l- .l i ______. 'Ruthcriord, at Hotel Kawartha. l .. ____ VU'l liltS' LIST 1911, \l‘ nw j.. of the Township .»1’ l . x w l)’ nl‘ ‘\ lClnl‘ln. .\ulit‘(' ls ill‘l‘l'liy L‘HNII lllewsy Items '1 from Woodvi Us -‘~ " .5â€" OUR MOTTO an excellent sermon. DEPENDABILITY I Rain is much needed in this vicin- \lrs Torrance "l lindsav can?“ lily “3 the pasture 18 all drying “P- W )Od\lul‘ \u 21 Did h . 0" friends in the hurg_on Monday. ! trun milled or deliM-r-w‘l ' ‘ ' ‘ 3' ' _ 1 at 0' ~Mr. and Mrs. \\'. Townsend and. sons mentioned in Si-(‘lzmw ‘ l ibrother's home in C okst wn, M n- . . o o o lMiss Sliellna. of Cameron. attended; of the Ontario \oit-rs‘ 1;" Copies roquirul i)‘\ \ulll \m“ .t. l ‘dav. 14th Miss Ylella v . . .. .‘ . ' . Burrito, 0‘ l the l'nzon Picnic to hirkl‘leld onI ! “oolvllle. the remains arriving home . ‘ ‘ - 1" - -. MUuda-N- ‘ be so Iralnn‘llllllwl wl‘ dt‘ll'll'i'I". . , Miss learl Worsley is home again . lm‘b'llN owning. â€10 funeral 100k . .. - . . . ‘aIter ll \'nr 5 t e 10 sent ‘pluct Wedntsdax from 110.1" f thcr' ML ueorge lrusk. of Duluth, ‘8 m 115‘ mad“ purs‘mm “1 "1"" " I : » . v . ‘ . ‘ . . a I s ‘ ‘ ' ‘ b. . - - l . l. l '5 .pen I \ 2') I a ‘ I get better when taking “Fruit-aJIVCS 1. l . . . a .81‘0“,n this “09k the guest. of his SlS- persons. umwarm: l\‘ lhn- 3 vactition \‘lSlilng Lindsay. l‘mvles. These famous fruit tablets relieve bead- . ll°â€â€œâ€˜- ‘mom'om ‘M‘mb' place “1 l t r Mrs lol it Robertson Assn-«m 111 Roll‘ 1" ill- -* Corner and other places, aches and tone up the whole nervous l Sinilh .x category, The hum“. have (M Id MLI‘ â€An ‘of l'l‘or nto x l .- ‘f. *1 91 .. . u ‘ ‘ . -‘ . 1‘ 0' ' . ‘ \ ‘. V ‘ .‘I . system. They regulate the bowels, a“. sympathy 0‘. the “hole Commun-_ r ‘ i o ‘ lilaul} one in l to the guest 0: his uncle. Mr. Joseph said ‘lulllClIIa]:l_\ .ll .m-m .r» ,also a, great many of the wells are ‘dry and quite a few have to drive their stock a long distance to gut The man who invented the poor watch little knew what it Most he was giving the DEPENDABLE watehmakcr. You can absolutely rely on what you buy at the GEORGE BEALL MY STORE The reliable and oldest established jewelery stale in the county. water. It wonderful how quickly women Mar. at \‘alentia last evening under thel oun Peo le's land sister-in-law. Mrs. D. Gunn, l‘ _ g p Ep- 0 Joy a few weeks visit at Geneva FARM FUR SALE (ll-t 'l‘i auspices of the Y de- . Toronto. | ‘ui‘c‘ 200 acres (if (‘llult't‘ lllllil llate Mrs. Wm. Gorrill. Deceased RO'obie. are vis,iting‘iriends in Little a l _ l was born in Mariposa, where she liv- .horse the Ontario farmer has to sell, Britain this week. I . Mr. Hector Ferguson, of ro-Ontn‘ i ed until her'marriage forty-one years :but it also means that he will have is at pwt visiting with his murn l ago, being sixty-one years at the E to write down the value of any team or here. . ‘time of her demise. Mrs. Gorrill lhe has by Just $100. ,- The day reel- Mr. Ernest and Miss Alma. 11.1, had been in poor health for a. long‘ l i M“ F' (lilson, oi Manillu. â€$in strengthen the stomach stimulate the .his much: M). J Parker on Sunduv ‘ ~ - itv. I â€"- ~ ' - .- appetite and take awnythat pain in the ~ \ a .) m, f f, , d . . , ._,_ , , (my .1 , l === â€"""-"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"'.â€"â€"' ‘â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"--â€"_. Messrs. E‘ Brown and 11' \VUI‘SlC-YI he'le. ,Pale, we“. ncn'qus women ; Llr and Mrs, 11"rller‘. m‘mos'. .‘ll‘. ‘13:;1101‘9.r§ ct¢i\.‘:‘\ :nd 3105er itâ€) (I‘S it‘l‘hk.!â€"‘ 1‘1"†\ made a flying trip to r. (‘. (m Sun-E should a“? in;2 "Fgltl-8:U\'es". ‘lmd Mrs. John Kidd, or Cookstown. , h‘n ‘1 I" ‘ ‘ “‘ch n u‘flï¬â€˜ dim?!“ 3‘1‘“ â€W â€" . _ , . -N 50c.a x. or .50.. a sac.25c. ‘\\‘r2 \t‘ d" ‘ l' ' . -I. 0 ant . nines . a . l 0 re -l a i u sail l‘st “m WOOD\ ILLE. ltoun on Tuesday. .da’l elenine. ‘l Atdmlcrs or scnton receipt ofpnceby f t n in on ville. attenl in,~ iht fun led m t‘nyugn on Mondav after! up in mv 0,...†at \ MW“, . “‘oodxille. Aug. 23. ,â€" Mrs. q. . i We noticed Dr. V'rooman in our ' M‘IS' JOhnSon and daughter, ml Fruit-“JV†â€lulled, Ottawa. perm 0: my" Sign)“ Miss Bum." ! - enl'n~ s-V-eral duvs in the bur' l th l'ili d ' " \ r ‘ " Mclx’a, entertained a few {1.135 is on i Village during the week. i A writer in the Toronto world, . ltm. ll. woodin; and Mrs. \yooding -:;; in,“ u! mr a.“ M g w m: | e ‘0' ha? o. _~ :._.. Monda- evening. I _ commenting upon the statement 'â€"â€""" ' , Hf l’ianncy\illo. 111.. are \isitinglt‘ etg 9- ° . r“ I r211‘th ‘ ‘1’]. 14.“ -n‘i“- A, ~ ‘ ‘ . r .'. c u 1 I l“.. I'M-n. Mr. H. J. Lea. and Miss Sally! OBIT ARY lmade by Burns, of 'l oronto, a. dealer Garden Party lhsr parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamp-1 :1; lloot of Oklahoma is the‘ .43: :3: ii“; 211??!“ C1, “ C‘ b.11 s ent 'I‘u sd . - n . I“... T ‘ ‘in horses. which we reproduced a| hell. i ' ' ,' ‘ ‘ ' a L “"-‘ ‘ . ' mp ‘ p e 8'3 1D “1‘1 ' - l ’ o . . . lbuest of Mr. and Mrs. Llarke. anv nther i-r-'(il's are lmmw. ' -> t ‘: 'duv or tWo ar'o savs : l l MP- “ coding preached morning and . - , on. 1 ‘ b ' ' l a 3. en la » . . ‘ . Mrs. eRev.) Ford and daughter. of to ta‘c lug-millilit- pm 3 ~ Mr and Mrs Harvey Copp Isl t)' 1 MRS. WM GOthILL “Mr. McLean. in his converdation Iensuing in the Presbyterian church Port l’err' are ruests f \dr nil h h . , .. . “sued at his Sister's My; ,f‘ï¬cun’i with Charley Burns about horses, Blg Successito large congregations who listened Mrs Arthhr l’ratbt . o - . a - . art: 1 0 “Zn“. .rrom (0.. on Saturday ' ' 1 The grim reaper has again visited could have brought out a still iattentively ‘0 his ea: 3““ messages. Miss Gertrude 1:110 n retu n 1 C“ .n; 10 â€1““ “l l‘ll '1 \\ . - ‘ m . . . . M†, . m so r v. , .- ltcv and Mrs. Archer and srn i our mid-St, this time claiming thastronger pomt; "“t only “'1“ rec“ W‘w av - 1 ' Rex. Ross, of Glasgow, Scol- to l’clerboro n S turfiav l \t‘lirl " ' l rocity cut down the value of any The garden party and Concert heldiland. is visiting friends here. SheI , 0 a " , ‘ “ "‘ . ie ..CC( mpanied bv her two daughlcre' Mrs. Findlay A. Robson and Miss ‘ Dated, _\ugu,\( in, 1911. ' ‘ ls. McArthur left on Monday to en- _______._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"---â€â€™ . ‘ W. ‘ L I worth League Endeavor, was a. | Mr. and Mrs. John Cullis of 'n- ' Ll Mr. Stewart Ford left on Monday 6. lot 7, Ups, 13.3 ;,l-z~--~1.nl"‘ cided success and reflects much credit | ._ , . . " denValle 31:er MK pTOClt) passes eVery team m Ontario on those Who had the allair in hand. y. s. c enzie. of . . . . . , . , .. . Tea was served in the yeard beside Toronto. visited Mrs. P. McKenzieimr a “S“ to friends m London. “Wino" and u... T' mm“. ' .- h . . lI-anland. pasture land “1111 nw'wr :2 pinstall returned home after i. wrets {time but always able to go around {drops in value 3100- And did you th h ch th . f l l t k visit with friends in Toronto. luntil about a month before her ever hear of the glandered horses of e c ur , ere being three or curl as Wee . M' Le Bedl d . v. 't' h . .. .- . 7 . _ _ , ‘ . . . long tables heavilv laden with tasty Mr. Jackson, of East ' ’l‘ "l 158 M 01‘ IS 181 ing or creek. lhe farm is the Ill. . Mrs. J. W. Prouse and Sister Missldeath. Death came as a shock to the States that Will be sent in here ~ . ‘ 00d“ 1“- friends a “Renew. O. Mumsâ€, and mu. m... . .r', . ,. . . _ . . . ' ~ ' ' " 'ands. 1118 Supper roved to bodied 1°31: Ihursday the rema'ns be- I". WAdair are \151tlng at Oanvind exeryone as she “as not thought to m droxes If the bar 15 1% down ? V) p ' ‘ Mi ‘8 Elma. Truav of Toronto 1.4- - . be ‘ as ' one th hes the. en ' peo- “m by gin 5 - v . school and Contains .l -i « . 1‘ SO in. She W 8. kind neighbor Of 0 t t Val £13 â€â€˜3' till , tr from Grass the gliest 0‘ Mrs. W. J Heard \ Q, with stone foundation. Fr"? l u’nr'.’ Hill station Saturday morning to Mr. W. Burgoyne spent Tuesday in er information apply to 1h" p19 have ever serted which is saying hOUSC, and a frame lllirn > .t. l‘mnslord for interment. Mr. Jackson â€"â€"â€"â€"-'- this week. ' Mr. C. E. Weeks spent Sun'l‘l',’ u': :and a loving mother, always ready , Beauâ€"Ito]: ito help in what ever way’she could. VOTERS' LIST 1911, Municipality ‘ 8°°d 3°“ huh I the w†t M t 'r ,onto Mrs. G. Prouse “as in Cannington Besides a sorrowin husband she of the Townshi of C den, in p â€8â€â€ ' w I!†a’ r a. g a" a.“ or â€'3'“ weeks‘ . "Id - l . -.-. ,. .. . 'on Wednesdav. ileaves to mourn hei loss two sons the County of sictoria‘g ‘ length-V followed- a. PIG-“0m having Rev. m Mrl. W. 01 the parâ€"‘ 0):; it $93.33. were lulu tnc- c '- The mm m ’3‘“ “““ l ' " . ' . a . . n own . Mr. William Newman Will occuP)‘ and three daughters, viz. : Elmer at Notice is hereby given that I have been omitted in one of the sheds. Al cottage, left m Manda {or " t'0 S day ttlend' the funeral I ______â€"â€"-â€"â€"-’â€"""""‘ 5" pmpit on Sunday lCainbray; John at Eden; Mrs. Ro- transmitted or delivereh to the per- though lengthy there were 33V?“ weeds holiday. on u.†gall ing 0 1‘0 REVT 100 AFR?“ (ll‘ W777 2‘ excellent numbers, including recita- Miss Emu. Putter-on 1.", for her M" 9m“ W‘ ‘ â€"' ‘ .. cf l Mrs. R. Graham and daughter of improved land. 1% miles ens. ,, DenneYville. all clear. l'?"n_'~i(‘:“ the Methodist ' bert McArthur, of Lorneville; Mrs. sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9| , . , , tions, duets. quartetts, 30108.. etc. hone in Toronto Saturda mo (of the Ontario Voters List fut“ the The program was given by Lindsay gm“. visiting friends in t’l l '23:: Kaunount. were M of Mr. and copies required by said section to and Valentin. talent, the following loy, Eden and m Mrs. John Austin on Bunday. water. P0ssession Sept. 1. ‘ Miss Leads Calder. of St. Johns For further information 3i | . . |be so transmrtted or delivered of the n l 1 i by l Lind- Mrs. 'A. . ‘D. p- lï¬ospltnl, in ï¬tting in town. '00â€; We are glad to welcome MrS. Rodd John Thornbury, at Glenarm ; Myrtâ€" 35' 1e at home ; besides three sisters and lâ€? Grant and family to our village at Victoria Road for three brothers, Mrs. John McCrimâ€" tar residing 1.30mc months. mon, Lindsay ; Mrs. Judge Sweet. list made pursuant of said act of all ~ ‘ . , . . . . _ â€" say talent: solo, "There's a Land.†bell and Mrs. B. Cam t Mr. San, Hughes, of Lindsay “as Michigan , Mrs. Joseph Tamlin. Cam 21-3013: appearing by the last revis- Mr. H. B l ell; . duet. .. use E! t in C M. I?“ m m. who “we be“, the ‘ - WW 30“ Of the said . .. .. mtu' or Miss W m for FOR SALE â€" LOT 10 WN- Yours You. from mum Red Mill. 11.53 Hexagon of Grills. la Wm. M , " ' .., 9 cf I '1" weeks lolt on Saturday for their 40 octet! adjoining the wharf .H C. .. the bray; Mr. Henry Perrin, Lindsay 31 ' v I all ' mumcip ity to be entitled to vote by Mr. M Mrs. Ford W. Mo ; ing Mrs. D. ‘ ' home in Toronto. :week. Miss M. Ferguson who has been Jesse Perrin, Michigan. The pall- in the said municipality at elections . ' ' , ._ . _ _ C. , . quartet. "April Showers " by Mrs. Miss Lilly an: all m- Rm empx3ed as bookkeeper for Mr . bearers were. Reuben Gprrill, Henry bier. members of the Legislative As- (DR) Nesbitt, Ml M E I II and Iplt . ,u I l l at Mr ' m Dillon Sunday School plain: H. Caverly. and recently for Smith Perrin, Joseph Tamlnr, Thomas sembly, and at .,Municipa1 Enections ' '“k ' ‘ mm Jo handthtthsai _m at Messrammmsnmnoynss;'solo.collncwo.mW. mamat Looks 99? ‘ ° “mum“ 9" ‘ "m Little Irish out." by In. ‘ : ‘ "‘3‘“ m‘ .1“. M- " Stone: Lake wa- lcaided to its end McIntyre, for a. number 013799-13 Thornbury, Samuel Gorrill. Perrin The funeral was largely at- ed up. in my omce at Kirkfleld. the (Dr-l Nesbitt . ‘q mm. .. “at" “gum .nd tin “11 W M- GM. being the property. H" 1"“ Maid Spencp, For turn-.1 lung“: particulars apply to Mâ€- Speme. Glenerm. 1’“ a. VlSitO!‘ to our village during Mr. Daniel Perrin, Michigan; Mr. 11:5 resigned her position. , I Misses Zena Prouse and Nellie tended showing the respect in which 24th day of August 1911 and re- . r ' , ' F l ‘ . â€rt-"‘3 were the 31168“ Of Mâ€- 5- deceased was held. ‘ mains there for inspection. Elec- It? hï¬vmm MW . ï¬shers. Oakwood, durm‘ g the past ' ’ tors are called upon to examine the Mecca. Brimmoll “.W e. fair m“ of mutation. 59 .week 'rhesamesrgumeutawhich are'sald list.~andifany0mlssiona or an“! Minoan- by, “W‘s‘vwéï¬rï¬d ‘wlflskibclnn.Agood wo Were Insta l. djcatilns that the car r. tvo or three times Luz...†cumv to a 510;) in ï¬le: \ki‘vt' diiion and iaCing \‘.l"lt't‘:> - g WERE KILLED l\,<’l \\ .' 'ihc il\l-(l1‘L'U}Ja.11?> :;. A†‘ .4 lulled in .lanll}. “a 2.;. count} (mistaillt- mmâ€; ;. . wue phased all lilo-l}; an“ " tzl't‘t‘ so ladl) lift-wen 1l2.:‘ not no.9 li\ud for an. 131:.0. The girlr Sr. open. {Jul :31: “34> i d the mad, “'hli‘v‘ w: . probably crushed ~ the ground the 13's: I} uus 13mg a felt .«-v-’. his chest was crush-n; . II as though some lit-.l autc had caught hm pinned him to the gri 'l'he lnliol‘maiiun \\ hit" City was \ery niengrc- ..,.l: lory as all tnai coulx: in first “as the number n' omparing this \‘.llh Tin tumhers it was 1‘0 .nd 1? .‘ Mlunged to Mr. Ito ..: w. Was alarm for fear llm‘. null} had been in 1hr hrolhrr. AleXiindt-r liOln-I"\¢"‘. alled up by the lm‘. - ' and the information is 54.. hat to the lit->1 of l..~ When 1hr: lip 1011.11; Mr. “imam llol-u-l':,\..i. r180! Candy \\(‘1'l\.‘ Shuday night allow l half miles east U; l . - it has being driwn lo lit a furious plum, nan and a “Oman ~- 'xlled. The man \\.-. t' lhc employ of .‘ll‘ '5 N llde Birch. “ \â€r5 017 £18". 1}“. l‘ . ' 0 lm of I“. Shui‘lni. l.. "'t rooming at the u . '- i: Kay 23, and her : t Berlin. (consum- turtl_. before lllldllig“ ' “Hustler: that lill‘l't' “0'": EULO aCCllil-‘L', a. 35‘ of Dixey. )‘l\'l\32m “ 7â€"â€" â€â€"7â€"... EADACHi » Were Caused By . M ‘ Disordered Stem twrWWMWe , ' mb -’ In order to let you for “"18 Laxaplnver l’lll's “Amm' I m “min: you. . “‘3†ago I was trou ,,,,, With 3 very sour dis-0 , .0 u“Hi-d terrible headsch '10.... 19°“ _Bcarcely do my M Y m telling air-lend w. â€"7““. are how I ielt, s. , . than. which 1 did and _ titer using one vial .- Ire "d: and when the . W I '88 totally cur- - «maid since with . n e aches, and _ W“ “in: to the frien