Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Watchman Warder (1899), 1 Aug 1912, p. 6

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fifiiz The fire escapes and other small jobs in connection with the- 'com- pletion of Coronatiqn 'hall’ ,hre bé- in: executedby a stat! of , lqcaliand On Thursday eVening Mrs. J. A. Wylie returned from Peterboro. where she had been visiting with friends. Messrs. Ernie McPherson and Mel- ville Earle returned. on Saturday from a. well-earned holiday trip. ‘ Mr. Hubert Gardiner, of Mount Pleasant, was in town on Thursday evening. home on Saturday. Painters are at work on our Main- 51. hrirlwc over the river. The con- 1ractor was inspecting- the work one day without donning his sub- marine suit. He took an aquatic somersault to the amusement of the onlookers. The water was wet. Uur late high school principal, Mr. W. W. Jar-dine. who is now in a similar position at Wardsville, spent a week as the guest of Mr. J. J. Lamb. -.\Ir. .Iardine‘s many old friends were glad to meet him and find him in excellent health. The high school old boys took advantage of his visit and on Monday after- noon a picnic in his honor was held in Stephenson‘s grove. An enjoy- able time was spent and many old friendships renewed. ‘ jobs in connection with the com- Dr. W. Cook, of Sudbdry has join- pletion of Coronation tall are be- ed Hrs. Cook and children, who are my executed by a stafl of local and the gmts of her parents, 1r. ‘afid Lindsay workmen. Mrs. S. Grandy oi Sturgeon- st. At the recent meeting of the Board Public school inspector; In: 0. NE. Mr. J. H. Truran, of Youngstown. Ohio, spent Friday as the guest of Mr. T. W. McLean. Arthur )IcCrea and party, of 'l‘omm to, were the guests of his mozher the East. Of the wee". They returned Successful Garden Party - -Other Items From Omemee 111911090, WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM. fiThox-c me many “frauds” in Raincoats, these' days, so have a care when buymg one If You Come Here There’ll Be No Risk,‘fFor§ Our kGuarantee Will Always Protect You B. J. GOUGH“ flatâ€"Mr. and $2.50, $5.50, $50010 $18.00 The Methodist 'garden party on Wednesday eVening on the lawn of the church had ‘lovely weather and a. large crowd, delegations being pre« sent from Mount Horeb and other suburban centres and a. party in autos from Lindsay. The grounds were beautifully illuminated. The 57th battalion band, of Peterboro. discoursed choice music and the scene was one Of beauty, animation and feasting. The menu was of the \‘el‘y best and was served in the basement, while the booths on the lawn did a. rushing business in ice cream, candy, etc. The receipts ran up into three figures and were quite gratifying to the ladies, who labored so assiduously to make the affair a success. . i Mr. F. W. Laidley, of Swift Cur- rent, Sask., is calling on his many friends in ”gown. He is the guest Of his parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laidley, of Sturgeon-st. A party of young men returned from a. ”buckleberry picking trip on the lakes and were quite successful, having secured good quantifies of the delicious fruit. Another party went later; in the week and had equally as good luck. .. 01' Education the proposal to add another teacher to the public school stafl' was received with favor; Ap- pointments were made to the vacan- cies on the high and public school Stan's. New fabrics and new weaves. The combination collar that can be buttoned close to the neck or in the regular way. A splendid Ralncoat model' We’Vje Raincoats that were made to wear out in the rain and keep you dryâ€"â€" to be light and comfortable and a. friend in need. Garments that were tailored by the most ex- pert taient, tailored to fit the figure to perfection. Two or three button models in Coats, with smart cut Trousers either with or without cufl‘s. The Season’s new pat- terns of browns, olives and gray mixed fabrics are swell indeed-~and were de- signed especially for YOUNG MEN. Suits At l $6., $8., $10 to $20 ‘TNTS” for we show every 333 '~ feature that is new ti- 5 correct. There’s always an air of ‘tsmartness” about our YOUNG MEN’S GARM-P success in dressing the YOUNG MEN who will have nothing short of the LIMIT in style. We have met with great Raincoats Broderick,‘of Lindsay, was in toivn (on Tuesday. The search .for Jack Bennett; the Indian murderer. is still frames. ‘ Pursuant to the Revised Statutes 'of Ontario, Chapter 129, the credi- tors of Yalentine Carnedale, late of the Township of Eldon, laborer. for- imerly of Castropignano, Italy, _ deâ€" §ceased, who died on or about the Thirtieth Day of, December, 1911,.are on or before the Twenty-fifth day ioi August, 1912, to send by post {prepaid to L. R. Knight of the Town :of Lindsay, administrator of -the 'said Valentine Carnedale, deceased, itheir christian and surnames, ad- ’dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the mature of their securities, if any, held by them. The said administraâ€" Etor, shall, after the Twenty-fifth day For August, 1912, be at liberty _. to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and shafi'not be liable for the assets or 1111ng thereto so distributed to any “her- son of whose claim such administra- tor has not notice of the distribu- tion thereof. ' And the said administrator would; like to hear lrom any and all heirs‘ at Law of the said Valentine Carne- dale, either in Canada or in Ifdy. Dated at Lindsay this Tweiie'idh 111/ day of July as). 1913. 3;. Mr. Robert Thompson, of 'l‘orOn- to, is s‘pending his holidays at the home of his parents, Dr. and-Mrs. J. N; Thompson, of Sturgeon-st. .mmwmm Quad. mMOHHQHMO OH. QOHBOZ LINDSAY war, .9 The usual reply of the railway officials, when these men ask for an increase or someone speaks for them, .is_ : "Well, we don't want them ‘very bad and just put than at their jobs because they are gvtting old or they have been injured in the “It's pretty hard," said one of the‘ men, "to keep a family on such wages when the cost of liVing is so high and going- higher." Their case will be takm up by the local labor leaders and heads of the railway brother-hoods, who will ap- peal to the Minister of Labor yith the hope that he may be able to influence the railway authorities to improve the condition of the ASKING FOR INCREASE. A special etIort is being made to obtain an increase of wages for crossing flagmen employed by the G.T.R., c.p.}l(., and C.N.R. These men are exposed to all kinds of weather and all one of them receives is 81.30 a day in wages, out of which he must pay from $18 to $20 a. month fer inSurance. At least that amount he never secs, betnuse it is deducted from his wages. A magnificent spread rewarded the crowd after t!_1q,building was erect~ ed, to which all did justice.- The day was de'lighu'ul and no accident marred the event, which made the outing a, pleasant one. Mr. Bert Nayloi' with a. party of Lindsay friends‘appeared on the scene in his touring car. The farm of Mr.‘ \I. Clancv, of Rm- ily toVVnship. “‘as a. busy spot ’on Monday afternOOh, “hen mer 150 men assembled to 8532311 in raising the frame work of a new barn 40 x 80 . on the faun. lhe structure stands upon a stone wall 9 feet high, and is finished complete with cattle and horse stables. Cement floors ai‘e throughout the building, which will: be one of the most con- veniently equipped farm structures in the township. Scores of people from Ops, Lindsey, and Emily acted the part of sightseers. Successful Barn ” IRaising'in Emily On Thursday night the 25th inst... the Angel of Death entered another Of our village homes and called away to the (lreat'Befl-ond a most estima- ble woman in .the person of Mrs. Richard Mansfield. She had been but. a short time and seemed to be improving when she was suddenly called away. She was in her sixtyg third year. All the community Sym-i 'pathize with. Mr; )lansfield and fam- ily in their bereavement. She was one who truly followed the Great Command "’l‘o love :04! and her neighbors as herself." As all bear witness to the fact that she was a true friend to all who knew her. Now Ishe is gone she will be missed by [811. The funeral was held on Sun- :day. ’ Thé‘renmins were taken to the church at 4 p.m. when the Rev. 'Mr. Galvin, preafl'mi a. short, but inipresSix'e serinon‘; first: referring to the deceased and then speaking to those present on; the necessity of be- ing prepared f0 ‘ the change , that awaits all. an ‘. Which the funeral to Swami) TL‘ e took place; The large numbers thine followed the re- mains to their‘iilast resting ,place testify to' the place she held in the community. ‘f '- l l A l 1 i Mr. Percy Hopkins left to-day for Port Nelson on a, geological fur- \‘ey trip. He goes by way of Syd- ney, Cape Breton, which place he leaves this week going north to Hudson Straits, thence to destina- tion oil-Hudson Bay. He expects to’ be home by November, coming overland _ to Winnipég. Mrs. Watters accompanied by her three sons. are back from the States. A union picnic of the Sunday Schools of the English and Baptist churches is to he held on the fair grounds on Friday. Aug. 2. Games and races will be indulged in by the scholars and refreshments serv- Mr. Wm. McMahon. of White Lake District, is busy loading a car to- day. He goes west to Kinley, Sask. toâ€"morrow. May he have sums and his highest wishes be realized. I Mr :‘R. A.’ Levia,G.T.R. again here “Companied by Mrs. Levis, left last Thursday afternoon for a holi- day trip to the far west, Edmonton being their destination. They go Via. Chicago find St. Paul, but. will return by Port. Arthur-1"“:v . .Will be away aboiit a month. ‘Mr. St' John, of Sunderland, is relieving here. “hile Mr.1evia; is awav. ‘ Kiss Mary Oswalk, accompanied by her sisters, Fanny and Elizabeth. are visiting irienfis at Victoria Harbor. Mr. Smale an}! famin. after a few weeks stay at Miner's Bty passed through My en route for Lindsay: ’Kinmount, July 29. - Ir. Hutch- nlson, of View in; Harbor, is at. predent visitiiig at his daughter's, Mrs; R. Oswald. Miss M. Cameron, 0! Torontd. is visiting Mm (Du) White gt Miner's Mansfield, hinmount D) “Twitw chocouncil :gd the people who voted 192- than. the third of its kind in me world. There hove only been two others of the same construction built in Amer- ica. When the am one was built all tho pope‘s'in the United Stou- m mule: praise for'the mm Copies 01 testimonials will be sent on request. Price $1 per bottle; Your druggin can supply you or you can be supplied direct of Wm.‘ B. Copeland, 511 Papa-ave" Toronto, HALIBURTON'S NEW BRIDGE. The linden Echo sags that. when the lower bridge is completed Hali- but-ton will have the honor of having Wishing you the success its merits deserve. Yours gratefully, (Sgd.) JOHN SKELTON, Highland Creek, Ont. Such is the recuperative power contained in this medicine that even the most advanced cases have been cured by its beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient to whom it gives} fighting strength as nothing else will. The appetite comes b’uck, the weakening perspir- ation is stopped, the lungs and re- spiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to right con- sumption, weak -or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bronchitis is proven bevond doubtâ€"not by what I state but ’what is stated by those who have taken it and have _ been Dear Sinâ€"For the benefit of other sufferers I would like to state that for fifteen years I have been an‘ecteti with a seVere cough and bronchitis. The last five years I have been get- ting worse, the doctors telling me my lungs were badly aflected. After trying all kinds of din‘erent medicine. {vhich never proved of any great 'benefit, I heard of your Consumption Cure and decided to give it a trial, I found myself greatly improved af- ter the second bottle and continued its use. I have now taken twellve bottles in all and am most happy to say that I am entirely free from my cough and in good hearth. It will be a pleasure to recommend your ex- cellent medicine to others and to tell them that the good it did me. ‘ Cbpeland’s Cure For Consumption gives a lighting strength as nothing else will. It -is establishing a re- markable recdrd as a life-saver. Read the following testimonials : Mr. William R. Copeland: Meansâ€"wasting away; consump- ‘tion of \itality. 1t mav be the lungs, the bones or the body in gen- eral $10“:" or rapidly decaying. Whichever it is you need to build up the system mster than the disease runs it down. Oppose motion to motion in greater degree to the rav- ages of the destructive forces. _l Cambrav, July 27. â€" The July [meeting of the (‘ambray “olnan's 5 Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Henry 'Dompkins on July 5th. There was a good attendance and all enjoyed the meeting. Mrs. J. _MacEllroy, of Linden Valley. gave an excellent paper on "Character." and Mrs. Bay a reading on “Color- ing a Life. " Both papers were very instructive and interesting. Mrs. ‘ Dougal Gordon gave an instrumen- Ii tal solo that was much enjoved, and : Master Carl Weldon faVored us with an amusing recitation. I The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrrand Mrs. Wm. Tamlin on Wednesday evening. Aug- ust 7th and will be a 1-5 cent social. A good prOgram is being prepared. Mr. C. E. Weeks, of Lindsay, will give an address on “Women and! Banking," and will aim sing. Others will also contribute readings and songs to the program. Ice cream ‘ and cake will be served. Don't for-l get the date, Wednesday evening,‘ I l August 7th at Mrs. Wm. Tamlin’s. Admislion 156. Institute Meeting Held at Cambray Thisfamonsfruitmedicineactsdirectly on the kidneysâ€"healing and strength- ening themâ€"and ridding the system 01 the waste matter tbgt ponoqs the blood. _§oc 3 box, 5 for $2.30. trial size. 25c. At denim or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. in: 'ble. " mWy-six yam old, and in first class health" . GEOoW. BARKLEY. In all the world, there is no o be: remedy that Ins cured so mwy cases of so-called “incurable" kidney disease,” “Pmit-a-tives". 7 good. ad that I would be epufieter to: the mt of my life. I doctored ‘ith diflctent medical men end ttied may advertised remedies, but no’ne of them suited my case. Nearly a year 120. I tned "Fruit-a- tives”. I hue been using this fruit medicine needy ill the time since. and am glad to any that I an: cured. I give “ Fruit-a-tivcs " the credit of (10:93 whet the doctors said was Camtnmnx. 0:11.. Jan. 25th 19:: “Forovcttweuty years, I have been troubled with Kidney Disease. and the doctors told me thcy‘could d2 me no CONSUMPTION That’swhat the Doctor told him “WWII SUFFER [All YflUR UfE” “Fruit-mes cured Him ‘ ,___ _.._ v... -Wâ€"I. «w nxxusuucu bupti AH“) - _‘ ‘ dos more‘than break the windâ€"it acts like a blanket in 1:2,; wall, and prevents the heat from leaking out in Winter" { filterin 'in in sumnier. As a result it makes a substantt... saving your winter cod bills and adds to your summtf Advertise in he WARDE R ' Makes Houses Snug ' and Warm ' “Sovcréigns,'shathing Felt Com .' 1.. .1. - - - .- . pared “11h 0r<si...s._ m papa 5!; life a W0011en blanket compared with :31 cotton ee ' . ,_.. . A "Sovexei‘ Sheathing Felt is made . ' ‘ . partly of \\ LN Mmtb the same tasteless, odorless guy: $4: “1“6‘-‘ L..-1. 1m it§_recogr_li_zed superiority. .1: C.E.WEEKS, It will cost yOu withing to know all about it. just send a p M cardâ€"Send w-day.‘-’ The Oldeet and Reliable Jewellery Establishment in the . County. 3-4 Open an amount: in our Savings Bank Dcpartm Unusually high security and a liberal interest rate are; features whiéh'hhve given this Department of our qu’; its great pépularity. Money to loan on first mortgage at (urrent ratc~ a: on terms to suit' borrowers. If you halt-é had difl'ncup‘y in getting it propeny 1n: paired. Ifinjurcd by incopzten: w-f~rkn1en or not smis tactor/ from anypause, am! would like no know :he m: trouble, senda post. Card to GEORGE BEALL MY STORE THE VICTORIA LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY Incorporated 1 895 Does Your Watch Run To Your Satisfaction ? Is it Doings its Best? Management Committee: D. A. MacKenzie. M. H. Sisson. T. J Tall-mlzm, R. J. Menzies and R. Butler. Time Limit : From lh-N'Iany to Grass Hill, inclusiw. Lam return until August 7; Hartley to Coldwater rm urn. AUgfis Bobcaygeon and lbunsford, time limit, August 4. Returning leave Port Mexico“... ArriVe Lindsay m“?â€" ‘32:: .4' Bethany" ‘ ............‘. Franklin ...: ...... ' ....: ...... Hillhead. ...”... .. Lindsay .,....... . .. Cambray .....,... ......... .. Grass Hi1} .................. Hartley .zmr“... ............ Balsam Lake ............... Fldon ................. Talbot ..... ....... Brechin ..Z ........ " ............ Schepler ............ Atherly JciL.‘ ..... ' .......... ()rillia ......................... 'l‘afton IThthofl .L ............. Goldwater ..... I ......... Bobcaygeon ............ lbunsford ' I‘ ' Arrive at Port McNicolul u‘ ‘ ‘ . . This at: ‘ affords an oppog-tunity of travelling rm Hu- the C.P.R. 'ast'o ned and WhICh l8 desxgncd to form lhc mzt. tween the dire-at lacs and the St. Lawrence River for cum :: It bids fair'th sat-5p thepopular name of “ The New. Rm“ Port McNicholl IS said to be a “ City in the Making," '1'}; see the mammoth new elevators of the Canadian Paulie ”:le fleet of Big Lake Vessels “hich ply between the several Amt Bart Mchcoli LINDSEY CURLING CLUB J. â€"D FLAVELLE. “President J- M, KNOWLSON, Secretary. ‘, w the Gporgian Bay Tuesday, AUGUST 6th. THE SCENIC ROUTE ”.31“ TRADE MARK REG. Capital Reserved Fund 3400000700 Co'WITH THE the Georgian Bay ,v 3-) 8.111 8."! 8-H]. 3]] Assistant -\d $1.6M 'Anothe Hundre Sailing 3 hum ~ Maneg and P H: dtys. \‘ edneul I Aganua. Lv. Wmnipm: Ar. Yorkton Ar. Cantu-a Ar. Regina AT. saskatmm Ar. Edmom m Ask an v (u :4 iBfOI‘IIHlIAOL. :) UPPER LAKES The Grand Tr'mk I the shortest; and *l tween “'innips-z. S ‘ - ton. th bruins :1 Lil ginaover smom h m. ”0" railway PVP! « 1 lighted main» -Zm uppers and I. wv!‘~ Ian-pa. and 30m aim: and drawing 1w “1‘ through Iho noun-q. lad InOst mum]? \' «i. of weswrn (‘ :11 . \ .4. monoconv on H e 'v service bu treu'r-l .1 excellenve. h I»: ~ choice of route» l'w t-bns ptocun-ui 22-1.” DUN OO Special train W'i” Iva \'0‘ [1411. on above da'ei cuff Coaches and Pnlhn'm 'I‘n Cars,via Chic/Lg,” uni SI. Full Smn-‘nvr S -I \':.» (30 I.“ Of above 2' -~ n ' \, particuhrs and .Z'H~u. any Grumd 'h-u 2k z.;.;.-n Durha m Du; Demonscrati ‘ Safety Razt To be sold this we sale of these razors Em 0d our most sanguine ions. It is a. great chm 3 trial of the best Safe without cost. Seasnde Exc August 11 12.13 x 1-3“.me ...... . V New London Conn. Cumulus. Q.‘ Chmlouetown P. E Halifax. N S ., lurny Bay. Que . Old Orchtrd. Me. Portland. Mew. ., S. St. John. N. B .......... Sidney. N. S.. . Return lim: L Aug, 711157 [HIP “‘1 '3‘. “_' . I sm‘cni') High! nui~ . 311g: Homeseekers E Ticketx good for 6 .0 CHANGE OE DRUG STO Muskoka L: Lake of B‘ Algonquin l Magnetawan French R‘ Temagan Kawaxtba L Indies“ 1199?. 1""? made m Some but front. mh bnck and Alflil'fil‘ 034.1 SEPTI‘JM BER 31' - Via Snrnia ur C“ lgdies' am 'in whiw :uvi wim cunurs .1 colors. bid-"A he“. l’rn'e cotton. "T1 designs 1n correspund coluringb Baring July Store Clws and RH and mm W as All Satan

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