6,.1'2'1’1‘1'741 0T7 (‘OXDOLFTNFFL Mr. and ï¬rs. Wm. Adairï¬oi Nor- ‘land. ha?» received the following lett- ‘ter or cu nIoIence from _their friends, Mrs. v. x. Pal-kin, Wellington’s; mm. Regina. sask; :11) Mr. am; 'Mrs. Wm. Adair. Xoriandâ€"With deep IZ'efQ‘r“! we..havo recently learned of your great, sorrow arm/account of the (tenth ofryour noble boy. Lame FL Adair. How. vain are words with“ regard to soothing such. a. deep wound, but we shall waft 'you‘r names a‘nm'» to our Great King of â€00:3. who shall look down 'with a mum?! greater Sympathy than ‘0"2-9' “to "Him who. atoops: from Heawn. when ea,rth_ _sqems‘to fade and znor~ ta! eyesgrpw dilly; ;, '4 ‘ mo‘ '1' H \SH'I INQUIRY COST $37, 500. ' 'Izn mum-v into the Titanic dis-l ash ' out the Board of Trade aboutl SRWTJ)“ V Tish “as the _ estimate manh‘ !. . Johh McKinnon Robertson.] {urban ntarv Secretar} y) the} Board ndiscussing the repnrt of‘ Lori .\' wsay in the Eons? of Com-I 3g"!!! WURHIICD BY A NEW ENGINE. “r: .Iu‘hn Alduus, proprietor of â€thr- z‘ld‘HLi Hotel, Funelun Fang, has pun-mum! a nr-w 3.; hnrse-power b‘airbunks-Murse gasoline engine from Ms. W. (L Hall, the Lindsay Several young ladies will take their ï¬nal vowslat Mount St. Jos- eph's. l‘eterboro, on Aug. 17th, a. daughter of Mr. Wm. LeHanes, of (nun, being one 01‘: the number mama iing to profess. Heâ€"th do you weep ? She- How can I help it, when the artist gins arm me looking like a high. TO 'I‘A KEE \‘OWS. flay to Goldwater Jet.. and thence direct to Winnipeg without. changé. Through special train wilt leave Lindsay at 2.44 p.m.. on Wednésday. Aug. 28. Persons desirous of tak- ing in this excursion win ï¬ndvit ad» vancageous and in their bdst' in~~ tore-Sta to traVel by this route. 'h'ck- L’i'ztt‘I-IASICD STOCK. Mr. Wm. Sloan. South Ops. pur- .ch,:s»d six head of cattle from Mr. John Hickey. of Hill Head. last 11)! LABORERS' SI’F‘A‘IAL. Spm‘ial train serv'u‘o over the (21'. R. «m Wednesday. Aug. ‘29 to the Canadian West. Now that the (:onx'qxun Bay and Seaboard line' of the Canadian chmq Eggnway - 'is completed. the company will run their {arm laborers endear-axon frdm the cast \ia Bethanw Jeti. through Lind- eta can be secured from Mr. T. Matchett, uptown agent. Lindsay. “reek. The Sloan brothers are about. to enter mote largely into the stock magmas-‘3 and will in future_ give mud: of their Spare time to ranch- in; A NI‘XV (HAT The trustees Thc trustees of school sectiqn No. 6, zips. are treating the seat of learning to a coat nf paint, which wan .m'v, mmh needed. Mr. Hiram Jnmn ;_< Molding the brush and do- ing a ver.‘ artistic job. Subscription Rates Tho “Any Wugder â€" "no cent pct 00:31. B; In!!! 'to point: ou'ddo 0‘ “My. 82.00 per vent. use awn: 7â€"â€" 7 v PM to Vinita! saw. an, or new. 50:. on ya us 3 L1. All Gilhlï¬b, Pnpnetor .oti, han-Wardér WEEKLY EDITION '. delpm, 82 Church“. ' o1 mo rauogmud advertising is. u: Canada ml" “wound to 1'30. "0. ‘oterday '1 £1.53] 11051-1 97 ng ladies will take way at Mount St. Jos- >ro, on Aug. 17th, a. Mr. Wm. LeHanes, of for II ha. mu 11: MP best in- »ute. 'D'Ck‘ [r. T. C. ,indsay. -a box “of M‘dbugu's Heart's Pius. I, took them. and I satisfaction that I got anothe before'Iï¬nisheditIooulde from 10 p.111. until 6 3.111.. an: good.†Milhm‘s Hurt and Nam s, whvre on Sat- Dick- .rge en- gonosro-PoL-[CE - mi LANDED ROBBER chasing; a. cane tendered in annther of the stolen bills. clerks. sine» the other nu Last Wednesday a woman answer- ing the description of the one arrest- ed with Walsh entered the Wm. GoltL stein 8:. L'o.'s store, 82 Yongeâ€"st.. an! buying an article passed one of the miss'ng bills. The proprietor-sat once informed the detective olï¬ce. Detectixe 'l‘ipton lost no time in go- ing down to the store. but the wom- an had left immediately after mak- ing the purchase. l-Ie. however. ob- tained a good dvscripthn of her. ll-n Saturday a.fre-rqo:m, a, man, af- tcrwards idvntiï¬ed as Walsh, went; into the (Loldstvln store and _ pur-i chasing a cane tendered in payment: annther of the stolen bills. I rim-ks. ï¬ne» the other ntte had e.d. exidv'ntlv Ebecoming aware that ho was be: ng" followed managed to elude the LlQ-rk foitowing -h m and had disappeared. ' ' ‘ lwun passm! on them, wz'ré on the alprt‘ and .spottvd the bill at, once. The detective brï¬ce ivas 'iui‘m'aiiately télephonéd ahd ‘ES'né'rbi‘ thaw clerks went, out or the. store a'f‘ter thé man. and :‘oIId'k-ed him. but-'trhe' man vant- When this was “learned tba whole 'I orputo detéctive io‘rco was put on the search". ' ' [hiiec'tivé-s ‘ Cronin av-d Mitchell while’ wat'ch‘in'g in the rotunda, -of tha P.1‘ mér Hhuse aft 10 o‘dock Sat-1 uuh. nigh saw a mamwa‘lk up to the 11,111! cier.< 12.}. L19. desk. who lmro a-rcsemhlanze to the man who had passed ch? 8'1"?†bill.at,;§o}11‘:’ , About, a. month ago the Toronto ldetective department learned that a. number of the Bank of Montreal balls :that had been taken in the New iWestminster robbery were be'nlz Cirâ€" !culated in Toronto. DeteCtive Tip- .ton “as detailed to the case. and he obtained from the head ofï¬ce of the bank at Montreal a [st of the num' hers and series of the lost notes. "l'hese lists were distributed among a 1 number of the Toronto hotels, to- ‘haCConists. druggi'sts and other plaCos where much money is handled daily, and where an attempt might he made to pass some of the stolen bills. ha'i passe fl ».-_j n '3. ialsh Was ta' .rm to ")1! _qlet6ctfve hnadquartvrs 3f the cit} ha' !. '1he domain-s d'd um help,» a, rhg story é'iii-l" he! 'Krt'ives’ 'i-f p‘m I «na- . ('ronin \“o“llf':7’t‘W'D to the x ':t:':‘;~‘r 2 House was n {m in. 9 Ugate. '1 her? "they “ 1 c ' (-n my; the wumgn. yam; is Easaina- 'as 1h» prisonnr' s maze. “15523: pfacï¬d the wmnan under arrest and. gained a. quantity of baggage that “as in the en Hank,.of,;Montrea,l bills. Along with this was $800 of the bills '0’: other, banks done up in bundhrs. In addition to the above money the de- tectives Vfuum'l with the effects the 511m of $7180.50 'm changed money. room the couple had been "occupving. Among the baggage they found in a. valise the sum of $2020 ‘in the. stol- on Rank..of‘;Montrea,l bills. Along with this was $300 of the bills '0': w “th Montreal's population. per direc- tory est mate is 5.530. 437. Canadian manufacturers will ivisit Great Britain next year. The tannersflsection of the C.M.A. at Montreal decided on a 10 per cent. increaSe in leather prices. Mr. Chas. W. Wood. 34 Torrance St.. Montreal. Que}. writes 2â€"" For two years I had suï¬'ered with nerve trouble, and it was impossible to; me to sleep. It did Knot nutter at time ;I went to bed. in tl_xe morning was even worse than the mght before. I consulted a doctor. and he gave me a tonic to take a’half hour before going to bed. It m all right for a tune, but the old trouble returned with greater force than before. One of the boys who works with me, gave me «half a_ box 'of Milbutn's Heart and Nerve Pdls. {took ï¬mmdlgotsuch satxsfaetmn that I got another box. and before I ï¬nished it I could enjoy sleep £123. ’10 pm. until 6 8.111., and 'now feel g D Milburn's Heart menu; Pills ere 50cmtsperbox,gr§l>_omfpt$l.25.at Stolen Bank of Montreal bills to the extent of $2020 were found in possession of the two prisoners. In addition. bank bills other than those of the Bank of Montreal. but believ- ed to have been obtained in exchange for some part of the stolen mom‘y, brought the total amount found in the possession of the two up to $9225. 'I‘orontO, AUg. 12. â€"â€" After a,searCh lasting more than a month for the man who during that period haé been passing bills that were stolen in the New Westminster robbery of the 85ml: of Montreal, the Toronto detective'force had their‘ eflorts re- warded by his capture Saturday night. The arrest occurred On Saturday night in the rotunda of the\ Palmer House. A visit to the hotel later in the evening resulted in the arrest there of a woman going under the name of Alice Davis. who claims to be the prisoner's wife. Suffered With Nerve Trouble run two mass Westminster in September last - when the Bank of Montreal lost, three hun- dred and ï¬fty thou3and dollars. IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO SLEEP This man, known by the name of Walter Davis, is believed to be cne 9i pry: @ngl, who pï¬qntngted the dairiï¬g daylight «bags; tom Am Ne'v'v The wheat crop of 19 wruntest eVer harvested Saskatchewan and A requiring the farm lab< east. to recruit, and 393i ing the would' 3 grams et. fifty ThOusand‘Mz L ï¬es suns Regutar Pnce $5 for $2. 95 "l‘he Governments of the respective pqu'plces spate that. ï¬fty’jhousanfi awn 'w‘vilLDe- required fo’rptivi‘n year-’43: ‘hqruegt. Thane win have L6 be prin- cifmlly'recr'uitcd from Ontgrlo, and the prosperity of (‘anada depends on securing labm‘ promptly: The (‘13- nadian‘ Paciï¬c; on. which cnmpany wi-ll fall practically the entire task of transporting the" men to the VWHL. is already '_ making special arran'ze- jments for this year. Fxcnrsinns 1’l'rOm points in Ontario tn Mmmn‘na. Saskatchewan and "Alberta, will be run and' special trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or trainsfers. This will be a day shorter than any other route. Going 'l‘rip West," 810 U) Win- -=â€"u-- ulna half cvnt per miln from J August 2Rthâ€"From all Ontario. Toronto and 'e and .Scotia. J uncuon 'and east of North Bay and E tario. ' August 30thâ€"Fr0m '1' all stations west. in Ont: Going 'l‘rip West,†$10 U) nipeg. plus half cent pC'r miln Winnipeg to MacLeod, Calgany, Edmonton. " Return ’l‘rip‘ East," $18 from points east of MacLeod. from . all mile \l’innipmr, plus hall cent per Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg.. Going humpâ€"Auqust 20th -â€" From all statinns on all lines on and south of the Grand Trunk main line. To- ronto to Saraia. including all sla- tions on the (‘.l‘.P.. Toronto {u Windsor» (inclusive) and branch lines including Guelph sub-division from Guelph South and from Brampton South. August, all stations west. iii Ontario; North Raw and west. including C. P.R. star tions Sudbun Ito Sault Ste. Marie._ 30Lhâ€"From Toronto and; Ontario. .. For full particulars sée nearest C.- P. R. agent. or write 11. G.‘ Humhy. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. T. C. Matchett, local agent. i ARM 1..r\ixotfi€rii~z' 'lcxvt'Ym-unxs 4mm . \"KAR'S’ wguch'r (‘ROP wrr.1. - m: 11-11»: LAIï¬u-ts'r IN THE HISTORY or} L'ANMM. . uuuuu Auguust 23rdâ€"P‘rom Toronto, and 3]! stations noth of, but not includ- ing the Grand Trunk umin2 line, To- ronto to Sarnia. and from Toronto east to. but not including Kingston. shat-bot. Lake, Renfrew; and C.P.R. lines west of Rentrgw. Forest ï¬re- m doing Mm Thane {kit-ts are mad and tun/maid m the qu h‘ ~trim are narrow and the The new. value or cur-m i: §w¢ep 5:) e cum on y .. .. embroï¬ o-red Wai-(s that we're up to $1.75 cu h Out they must. go, so for me Ulcan emu-p saw heat crop of 1912 will be the enter harvested in Manitoba hewa'n and Athena, thus g the farm laborers or the recruit, and assist in harvest,- would' at greatest but-ad bask- To WEAR SECTION- that 1;: will p: y “by in a good supply. Ladies unmet um ' ' . can be made in buying these I A genuine dengue goat‘s†mmcï¬lï¬goggfu?gmu away down. You «not fail to see big 133128;â€: prices there should be rm fines. wpefwaut {it sï¬ce they occupy so out they go, {ml it; is your opportunity. . business... new this arms. It will have mm. - flL:IJ-“’Q “Y“QPQ These Beter Pan Waiats are {n' "311‘ stations in nd ' east, Orillia .‘d‘land eflSt': 918° and East/em 03' made of light. stripe w’orsfe‘m W bk!!! swap 3 'd x'l’feC'f: '1 hr' the skirts are very pretty. [II is 85 but for t2)“, clmn ‘- A- ml; ' row rmcuaa's. .. WAS-roam .. ........... 52,95 "V." Hr Hickson has mm ltmck in the society groan: and ready (or top dressing Ladies’ Blouses. : Regula;$3.50f) ‘55, for $2.50 Thea? 51.435633 are m3d¢10qulite lawns, emf? -- ‘ .. ,,1 _...IL. all'c;voe frnn 34- t0 44' p2 _Whisk was in cum-p Mrs. Bottum and H! after the fanc\ work' 'the mowing pgcpxres ; 1 .a able marlagt‘m.w¢‘r) p of each depahment a to vie with the other (inn: T71 1.‘V-r_'n‘-‘mm '1 “a PPSUH :5 \gr\‘ “M x . ¢ . aga'n. this time kin's right. arm and wrist. Qr. At .Bobcaygeon ;I. ; Last Week Peter Pan Waist Regular up to $1.75 to: 79¢: L‘uiien' white blouvs made of allover embroi- ‘dPry. :Ila') lace and mnhroidmy trimmed, both long and short. sleeves, “men 34- to 44-, and regular 32 0‘) and $2.50 quitics. Clean uwwp sale 3mm: ‘4 In each Ladies’ Skirts Regular $1. 69 to $2.00 10:51.25 Ladies; white Wash Rkirta made r-f rvpp and In- dian head in the new high Waist effect. Rvgular prmo‘s wwrc 51.63 tn $3.00 each. Clean awm‘n mlp .. . $1.25 prico e'uh Ladies’ Blouses Regular 52 and $2.50 for only $1.49 Ladies’ Dresses Regular $3. 75, for: only $1. 98 as made of cha Ladiea' r ne piece dresses mum: on Luann", , i'e lawn an-i mustang, avea 34- tu 42, RH lnr price Wm! 33 75. Clean swm‘p $1.99 ginghams, wh neatly ï¬uished, regu Bale pric-s each‘.................... . ............... btoidered vniles and mull?» made in short sleeVe “316' ’ from $3 50 t0 55' (.1 each ............................ rd Ilmkin livery mamf 1 unfortunate amident on! ight. Coming from the n.0n King-st†near the rch. one of‘bis 'horses.‘ accountable reaSon, start-l md before getting over: ï¬nd and broke a bone of . l1died'g (Mr: .lupkin‘s as-g hc. band. who wa‘s driv-l . Mr. .Iunkin. being m! d of the bushthcn took‘ ut, did not. go much far-g the beast tqok anothgr‘l and comenced kicking} time breaking Mr. Jun-' arm between the elbow Qr. Thoma was called 1e two breaks, Mr. Herbie; in . charge of the livery on, the, aengrgetic seere- yeruxam Aggicult'ural 561 this week Iqr milieu-111.. 36g: ï¬ns 5.180 the new socijetygrounds [pvt-116p ppl}l"qnl reduCtion .‘O‘ linnsn completes the is to be complimen- lch an organization. ...'.m- n! Mrs. Whisk .Qu'slé'k‘l‘am madé'of'wtitc bums, nm-v- les and mulls. all‘sizea Iron 34 to 4-4, sleeve htylc. and regu'ar prices {Mo-re to $5. (Lam sweep ua’le' prim» n 0'... In†L‘hu ’rch . Re .1383 Held :1] D .. .......... ........ $1.49 UTCLIFFE’ ta made of repp and In- ! Waiï¬t efl'ccc. Rvgular each. Claim awnf‘n gulp Department Store L I N D S A Y bad the flï¬ufltlml he“ moved over, fume and 3 mt I ‘to the north {ounda‘t .od ' put under same. after he the Secretan 3 ofï¬ce. different and add quite an meat. Mr. Hickmn deserves eVen credit for his consistent arid per- Esistent‘ worll. The fall fair 'soon be on tug-in and with a d\ fair should he a source of remun entice and ntisfattibn for their arduous Inbors. D_lr. (.eorge Hamilton. administra- tor of his late brother' a estate. was’ in town last "luesdav "(smug a sale of his household furniture .nd a sale of his household {urn ture and ar- Black ‘Knights of Trelund iii-1d .booth [ins been mowd and ‘witl here- In met the grounds will he altogether imprOVe- â€"'III'. "M nurse. ()1 Jul-W3. nun in 'l‘oronto Monday attending the grand demonstration of the R051! ‘in- commemarntion of "the:1 relief of 1m}. m-er 2.000 munbers ol Ro\l Black Knights of Instant! wfï¬re on parade. The Block W held its ï¬rst annual denidiISt-ï¬stlow quit preceptories from PetJe'rb‘oro- Omen "mSound. Buflnlo,’ Niagm‘;‘ St. (athy “'0 orincs and other pout! in Ontario .nd Toronto ‘atten‘dï¬lflihe' parade left Queen I; l'ui’ it 3M5 with ten binds in line. 6th Toronto and have from diaerent to‘d’n‘s ill' the PIOVinee. T'Kll’ were bedééï¬Ã©a with’bodgu. medals. snshes had" We, and thousands lined-â€15'9"†making one almost. imaging-'16 mane“ 12m : nest is the result. It is advisable to “a!“ ogcasioul . dose 0! Reader- ooli's‘ "Hm-b Tablets to‘ keep the. .blood3 in_ 3 Manny condition, e399 {though at. the time you may not (06] jun necessity. ProVided you hum no [gel-19m symp‘oms. one or two. In)- late tlhan two or three tint. 0.,ka will be tound “new: to" 9...». than equilibrium- .. . ,. Mr. (.eorga Hamilton. adzminisira- tor of his late brother’ a estate. “as in town lust "luesdav Hold‘itig a sale of his household furniture .nd a sale of. his household turn tum and ar- l ! 'lhé basieball élub is invited to . take part in the proceoaings in ’I-‘ene- lon Falls on Wedne'sday, their ('ivic ‘Holidax. Here's to it that the} .may succeed in landing the trophy. : Mr. Bruce Hamilton. of Edmonttn son of Mr.W.H.Hami1ton, is homo "for a brief holiday. Mrs. G. D. Watt and familx, of Hrantbrd is' sum- ranging for sale of the real estate. We understand {he sale “‘as quite sugégssful 'Vtfl‘i_' "v- A high-class concert is' announced for Wednesdax eipning ih‘ 14th inst. .. in the town hall. 1he Misses Harcourt. of Berlin: and lflondon trawlijpgiunder the now do plume d! the Misses . Florence and Isabella Eden are the principal entertainers. Miss Isabella Eden will gho telem- tions on the Lute. accompanied bx Miss Horence Eden. Besides the Mises Eden. Miss (mm... and Miss (‘nrpvnte-r , will give instrumental music on the piano and Hahn and ‘little Miss Thompson will sing and dance. .1 his promises to be the high-class concert of the svason and should be well patronimd. Good health is on impossibility it the,blood is not, in a pure. healthy condition as it. reach†and nourishes every part of the systan. For'u a time \ou ma'tv ‘not be uwuï¬ â€œat your blood is becOming vitkted and 'carrying 1 poiso'iis to all ports 0! your system. but soon somt impor- . ant org-an will refuse to net-form its proper functiou'and a serious ills Don’t. You; Need a. Tonic? HUI? $..2. 50 chambry Children’s Dresses ' egulateslï¬ for only s1.oo Children’ s Dresses Regular $2. 75 each {or 5L VOW-I: Y‘rï¬ .' , '_ Dreams to ï¬t children ffogn 4- M 14 year; of u vcrv low. These drew are 'in niuk. b‘ . hlue amd white ï¬tr 3-1} or 104' neck: and long Regular price wan 31‘69'each. Ch priced Children’s Dresses Regular 75c for only 599 Childrew’s droves in quo and W Children’s Dresses Regular up to $1.59 for 69¢ -‘vu.__r, Childrew’s droves in blue Mid ,‘white r-tripes, ravy and white spot, Alan plain blue. ‘rme. navy and cadot colnrvd wash materials. Ream!†price“! 756 each. Clean aweop sale price each ....... .. 59¢ Children‘s duesses made of print“, gingham! and whit» st rkamhvâ€"gm in grPY'. blue, LVN-9n. tan Chan sweep regular priced up m 31.50 each. These drones come in red whim. Alice blua. Hue and tan to 14 yenrq Reuular priee ‘ each ............................... Children’s Dresses Regular Price 50c for 29:: These drevï¬sea ï¬t ages 2. 4. 6 and each... â€"Mr. Wm. Burke. of Lindsay. was. in 'I‘uromu Monday unending the grand demonstration of the Royal Black ‘Knights of faint“! Iii-Id ‘in- communal-“ion of "the-‘1 rend of Derry. (her 2.000 munbens of the R0\ 0.! Black Knights of Instant! were on parade. The Black M held its ï¬rst annual d‘c’diiï¬imbtim‘: gut preceptories fré'm Petirb‘orog- ‘vaen 'lhe celebrati'nn wb's" ‘Ulvder the! auspices of the (land Black .t ban-l ust mering on the north bank :0! the tint J§0mé$3§m Rex. Mr. .am Mrs .2. '1‘; Bone, lefl' to-dav tor 3, Ida m Halib 0n. “". 41.. ML ,. . hacks and p} in Irnfz-zi'f'm .' : ' k, 00" and,“th C P: i. â€ca '8‘â€; gr;efrspxnkeaul${price 50¢ each Clean sweep 7‘ k p 6 am ' ' ....... ......... ~296 ;-_v- '0... on .......... I .' V - - â€"- “.3053, I.I.‘$.'?.‘.'...5‘..'....‘:z... . ' Rulings flour Sgt-nit for Huonnd My. U....‘4ma+.z.-.g..',.......89 Part Arthur 3.3:) p.111. .‘u’ 11:4)“- lot-«u “In“. lu‘. 81“; 10 l2 xWednesdays wd Saturda}'~- . 1'0â€:in “6",“. m Reservations from any Grand TrunL A89“- 35,146,131 3A§.f‘qu, D.P.A'.. Unlopï¬tatioqi'romnrq.’ Oni- . out fort! Cu... ...... ....... Sticks. .3.’: " . ‘ Inga-£41,118 14.1-ound trip rum from L1 AY.. To In. Lo‘hd‘oï¬: W... ... 818 Man HQ w. . ... .818.0 Chmlotumwnfiiin I. 1.. ..828 gun“. 1'. S. “.828. July and .ix'oY‘JIin'flth of .Aug- Grand? Tinnk' Rail wayjystem Regina; lg‘uï¬Ã©lhy ‘ ‘ = ' '4 VIA CHICAGO Plus haltmt mile from Winnim eodutination. but 30nd Manhood. Oalgu-y or Edmonton. --: Returning ' Hull cont mil. to Winnipo‘. plug 8:8.00 to destination m l . _ H on: Can“: . Anni-(2 tit-From Twronto to Samia Tunnel inclusive v1.1 51.â€! and :11 ' ' idné fl! thereof in.0ntnrio. . ' August ‘ L"Fro ail-scafions North of. but not includmg L H" ’ Torod to Sarnia Tunnel via Strntford; :12! stations TJz‘W‘Jx North. nd East of Toronto to Kingston and chfrcw. ‘ r , A“II“ 28¢hâ€"From all stations Toronto and East and has: n- \ and Scotia Jct. ’ 4'30“ YWdetions Toronto to North Bay ind-venu- wcst t W . . . Tho Grand rug? ï¬cï¬lc flnflwny in they quickest and u Seaside Excursions â€FIRM LABORERS’ EXCURSIONS {In he: out ch (pd ; come in red andmwiï¬ite cheï¬k. blue Hue and tan chcc'k, Wash materials. gular price wag-ï¬lls each. Clea! $10.00 to WINNIPEG P '1' Our Dollar Corset is exeeptiomd value and a , perfect ï¬tting one. ISateens for Comforters .3 ..We isaugjust placed in «tack a splendid aa- sortment of goods weight. sateem for comfhmer coverings in; w: big variety of suitable coior’np and design and priced at only per yard ...... 12 1-26 cu. 00"." 00.0.. H) i no! WinniM-S-nk-téonâ€"Ednionton. ‘ fiflmb‘mice between Winnipgg. York-tun, L. oat-o 'OCOIIIIOOIOCI'. tm and: WM? striped, ï¬t 31'8i 6 m H, )Mm h. Ciaan- sweep pale price each ........ 69¢ p oo-cQD-onb.¢oon Dill Homaeekers" . Excursions ml tri AUGUST 6 um‘ :0 SEPTEMBER 3mm 17 .-CI8. Via Sarnia m- Cl'imu‘. ,$‘8° IIIXPEG and Roturn.$34.00 :83: DIORTON nnd Roturn.$42-°° '3‘. Tickets gond {OHM days. 317. No Change of Car". 8:031 UPPER LIKE SAILFNGg pin k. W119. .im «rive onto-too...- che’k. blue and whit». tan am! 1} materials. and “:1“ ï¬t. Mm 4. each. Clean sweep mm prtr‘n 31,00 Clean her of OntarioM'nst and thn (“num- Blbck (‘hptnr of York. Th» Hum! Blur-k (bx-«hr is the highest hrmc'n of t’» â€W Urder a world- «(1118 org- â€patio:- A gathering of 7000 assamb'ed at the Island iv; m» aflnr- .30". when a prog‘huu or warm were Nd gut! - number of spa-cm were Calumet Did you see sharks whm my. 6"“ ed the min, Mr, Spiï¬â€˜klm‘f Nd Miss Fur-ling. Yes. x'z-plim swam. sadly, I plugged cards win. .u «up». What did {our‘ air» 53) «mm she as. you dance three tint-s “uh that prettv voung‘ wmnan ’ Nuthlm. she inst bolted the parts! Willieâ€"Paw what is '0». 8L2? 0‘ d" lcretion'? Paw. the min“ when a mu can 't have a grade Um»- thhoot quï¬eting for it th'e tie-rt mot-mm: Pint Housewife: I hope you W M! sour husband; So‘mnd House- wifeâ€"Only when he‘s h“!- mg L» 'l-‘irst Housewife: 1 hope you war In: \our husband. 8mm House- ribâ€"pnly when has hV-si mg m “It. When thoroughh- imntni he makes a much better jut) u: n 1 hen-g Was 3 serious eat-thanks in Constaixtinople, may bums-s hams ......... $1.50 UK not Eut‘ ormaa Unc ; and )f and spokrn pu llughvs, I all Vol'} of Canadians of a (:«rmm the imWI’W md the furl iq real and 1 the both-r In! access to his prupq con; 4, for the l and that the (‘1er to charge .1, n. m roll for work rvtu War on «hr. â€"â€"Onrried. ism, and [IN 1' 'I‘l-Zs ur‘ Ml Councxl mm m lipid Luke. AIJ Reeve A_ J, Huutq , Perkins -â€" Sulliv Bailey be pelmiueq statute labor on n ~Kerrâ€"Jl‘wlâ€"That, : authorized to ihhuq to “In? to [my ‘ bills 0! palhmaa-u-rq era expending god Carried . 1 kart â€" 'I'uâ€"lâ€"Th mud cnmmisnmnrr the amounu urn resolution of June cst. of run-min: reeVe issue order..- following: J, H. W. Gostlin 12¢, a: ‘12.-â€"(‘urried. Tcelâ€"Sullivunâ€"T lin be nppuimrd o the men (nr the . sultry of $5“. lunicipslny m bills, and that H (DOW! the FBI On motion of K' law 50. 291 "’0‘“ ing, passed, rixn'd oeive tho-ï¬r III-3" each. â€"(‘arrie-d. 'Ibelâ€"Perhir:sâ€"'! M meet, on ".9 14th Kerrâ€"Sulliwnnâ€"Jl auditors' n’90†gnu-ding transfo-r n‘ ‘1, the hour of tor-enoon.â€"( ‘arrm COUNCIL P; (‘anudu Lay“ m. I!“ THURSDAY. A‘ (CD If you for a few DURO crumble. ‘ .8 .‘l OD and 1h. nuih‘