W. The Hamilton Spectator has been celebrating its‘sixty-sixth birthday. Mr. Asquith annobnced'that a. committee!- 'would be appointed to inquiro into the atrocitie.‘ in-the Peruvian ruhbgr districts. The runed Statés Sennte'appnw- ed of the House pn'n'ision ’for chm troi of the Panama canal by the president'px' .the United State-s. ‘1 "run of my daughters 1nd two of my sons were suaeriag (mm very bad heads. the doc- tor ordering my daughters to have all their hair cut on so as to prevent. it from sprwding an all over their uhe_ schn- -I that has a great roput ttion 'Amr ngin s'upcziur bu iness an 1 short- rhand u ming. 0 minutes goat and mold gewi [manhunt bc-c u.- e :1: 9y 9m ‘rpeq panâ€" “hit? for catalug h'. Upt‘h all year. Enter any Hm.- Otw. Yugo and W. J. ELLIOTT Alarm-mt Sta. Principal ‘MARVEUIUS’ BURES [1F SKIN [RUPTIUN Four Children Constant! yScratching. Nearly Tore Limbs Ofly‘. Curedin a Month by Cuticura Soap and Ointment Vgnc'out'e'r. B.(‘., Aug. 7. â€" 001. Sam. Hughes. at. the Conservative (Hub laSt night. spoke in favor of military training for all (‘anadiaus ï¬nder 65 and over 14. He said an drum-ion of Canada is probable '81:! flat war with Germany is innings-gags Wthen ï¬lled with matter. end looked like am They became a: inflamed and irritated. cumin; them to be constantly scratching themselves. Thb made the sore- buxst. an the matter flowed!!! over their heads. Wehadtocut theirfln rnaxls and at times to put gloves on the hands. the irritstion was so bed. to keep them from diggixggmmthoflah.uldgtni§ntt291 , ,4; -,AA.-L,3_ .- iï¬Ã©'ozher“ chm" †7 ' Imméa’ia' "in? Cuticu ‘ 1 found tgtgnaflt my c . I caminued tho “$83111.ka 7_ Cuticpra, Oimmentjor "The her: would not Ia them attend aphool 1 not mecgbn spmdgzzgm cum" tear {ii-1r ummTï¬Z' '1 mmwouï¬bememumvmwaï¬m I {W}! 7' "‘ 1n s'ixidld rFT‘VLM :agu‘c::: larger and _ r and then burst. and spread all over then ends. and In some m down unkbncksandbodhs. Thedoctorsa‘idl: was eczema. but they seemed to be daily â€sumac; fluore- formed but; little WA It WITH G ERMA \ Y 1:28am [Maegan Lihifei PHOR lat-mm. Shingho. Etc . . Mat and Sash A! rarg‘mowto on 14 rd 9 on. s. a. ants, Dentist _: Uruhmleof 'l‘umnw Univ- (‘lsity and RuyaJ Coï¬ege :»f Dental Surgeons. All Junta! operations care- :t'ully palm-turd accmding to th» lne‘t methods at moder- at» prices. 7 Of'l'icoi over Gregory's Drug Stow. comer of \Villiam and Kent Streets. COAL and WOOD “aluminum“ name: muorpm not Mal. Mawipwcmrfu'f simila ï¬rflmun - “R%M§ ~14!ng LEI-LET? TERM EROM SEPT. 3rd TOR JNTO. ON 1‘. flononommm..-~ - , nth,udaommmw mun. mound“ W :ARC OTIC. wtory- Gm while site-mung to enter a. launch. New York detactives are watching the Bt. Clm River hallway tunnel for gambling murder suspects. St mm on pay- no mine . â€Nf -«.7-.. A subway has been ordére'a under the C.P. R. trankson W at Toronto. . . _ 7 Sen-gt. Major- Jas. P. Smith of the Essex Fussiliers. has been appointed to the provincial police. The strikezof the C.N.R. coal pas. sets at Port. Arthur has end.’ The ï¬ve-yearoold son of John Wrgghtq. Hamilton. was drowned W. H. Treumzm. a. Winnipeg barris- ter, returning from Landon†says there js a feeling in England that a Canadian should sit in the 'PfiVy Council. , -. , Miss Miller, one of VancouVer's two women constables. arrested Will:- im 8. Borden, who is alleged to haVe been bothering girls at Eng- lish Bay. A shipment of 155 autos is being made from Canada to New Zealand. J ohn Sheppard, the insane Seotch- man, who shot two men at Montreal attempted 'suicide in the asylum. WONDERFUL PROG~RA M. . The progru’n of 'sDer‘al attractions for the L‘anad .m National Exhibi- tion has just been issued. "It isfea- tured by the Imperiar‘vadet Review and Competitions with retiresenta- tive corps from all ports 0:†the Km- pire and the two fdmous bands from l’ngland, the Scots‘ Guards and the 898868 0' Th' Barn Band, but these an: a small part of the prOgram. 'l'here is enough vaudeville .for half a dozen ordinary shows, a. historical spectacle. the Siege of Delhi, sixty numbers of Imperial ï¬reworks ni'ght- 1y, Wellington's Zouaves, the (‘adet 'I‘amo, Motor Boat races, swimming races. war canOe races. gthletic meet baby show, etc. It is a. truly wond-; erful program. Mr. Walsh has beep e'ngaged in the brickâ€"making; industry 'for ' years and knows th_e secrets of this busi- ates; from A to Z. and has been a U". 25m! sumlnx9. w til Mr. C. Wag- gtafl' spice tn,- lat‘ :r purchased thq. .Lrick and ti' e works of the late S. J. F.0x Mr. Pat. Walsh, 01' Brickville, has been compelled to retire from active duties in the buck making industry. ’ihis statement is made on the auth- ority of é."physician. The great strain attending his duties and c_on- tlnuous walking caused an aï¬ection of his pedal extremeties whith ad- moï¬is‘ge‘s his netirement from further work 01' this kind†When asked con- céming his future inteii'tion in pur- suit of some suitable vocation. he said: “I suppose. I will be assigned duties similar to that ‘givan‘a' iSore footed horse, retire to the farm-" ‘ with!" daughter. 'Missi Jgnet. was'im téd in tï¬e‘hoLV'ibOidg of m uncut to Mr. Joshua, J. Woodw wan emploxe ,ot thé _Benf-- Telephone Co. ., Lindsay. me CEi‘émOny was ï¬elffdlmw byVRev. Dr. Shorey in éhé 111-an qt th'e im- mediate friends of the ‘contrahing parties, under an arch of For- -get~me- “now and uni-nations The witnesses. ‘w'ere Miss s‘is§0h and Mr. ï¬ve-d" 'l‘hOmpson. Aftet'partaking ot' a. pleasant. dejennner the evening R334 spent in social amusements._ 'l‘hei happy young coupia will take up their residence in town. RM’I'IT RNS 'H )» FA RM. BASTflRIA A pretty wedding‘rtOQEf‘B‘l'acé at the'faomc of Mr. magmi‘rm} Con- .way. King-st†eas‘iywardf 6n Tues- $13.3" afterqpoq. _. Mean tlhéiri «lionly r: an!“ VBASWRIA'HIE The Kind You Have Always Bought woonmxwvcwgg m «I'm-0W1. '1'“ cm. For Infants and Children. V" For Over Thirty Years 71 l‘l"""†TAT‘ f‘l'l-ï¬ 42$ , a"; HYMENEAL. Mn.]ohnR.Barton.MillCove.N.3. mumâ€"“I sacred, more flan tongue antemfromlimuwbles. laid several kind: at medicine. but got no relief untilIgot Milbm’s Lin-Live: Pills. Thqmsmlulm!" They will regulate the flow of bile to ect properly on the bowels. and will tone. monte. and purify the liver. ranting every result of liver trouble from the temporary. but disagreeable. bilious heed. achetotheseverestfornsofliverconp SO GOOD I! ~ MILBURN’S \ LAXA-LIVER PILLS “Nevertheless. I wish I could see things through those dear gray eyes of yours. Oh, how I‘d like to have you with me through all the months that are to come. You would be such a help to me. such a joy. Nothing would seem so hard if you were there to make me see things through your brave Ar '- can eyes. The princess put her a l about Beverly's neck and drew her close. that! It's absurd! THERE IS IOTIIIIG/ FOR THE [WEI “It did sound fri'ghtï¬tlly boustn‘l; didn't it? It's the way m" w {nu-I! brought up. l reckonâ€"é'vcn we sou‘m- emers. who know what it ls to be whipped. The idea of a girl like me talking about war and trouble and all “My dear. tho Améri‘c‘au ulWays lets the other IeJon we the Serious side of Lie.†Said Beverly. ' ' “You wouldn't bé so optimism-1f 'a country much bigger and more! pOWer- tul than Amalia unopened to be the other fellow. " “Oh. you Americans have such a comfortable way or looking at things} cried the princess. ' "Don't you ever see the serious side of life?†' ’ Her hearers stared at the picturesqvw n- Cf" U. '94' of light. just as they always 'do now- adays." - “No; they are merely hiking. Don't you know. dear. that there is never a ï¬ght until both sides have talked them- selves out of breath? We shall have six months 01.1mm and 3‘ week oat-m “It sounds very funny for you to say those things." admitted Beverly. “even though ’they come secondhand. You were not cut out for slang. " “Why. I' m sure they are all good English words " re'mou‘atmted Yetlve.« I “Oh. dear, I wonder what they we do- lng ln Gmustark this very Instant. Are they ï¬ghtlng orâ€â€" ‘ “But Ml; Lorry possesses an excel; n snag It was going up against: fhave a vague Idea what he means.†M His manner did not leave muchroo for doubt. He also said that we would Jolt Dawsbergen of! the map. It sounds encouraging at least. doesn't an?" . .. .. usuuug a. DIL' “Nq. I suppose not." agreed the-prln- ‘ cess gllerably'. “Gran ls actually hap- i py' over‘ the ml'serable affair. Beverly. I lie ls full of enthusiasm and positively ; aching to be tn Graustarkâ€"right in the , thick of It all. To hear hlm talk one? would think that Prince Galgrlel 2138' no show at all. He kept m’é'upxtil} 4 o‘clock this morning telungv me'zthat Dawsbelqgen didn't know what ‘ ml at a snag it was going up against"; have ‘fAnd go back to jail for life?" cried Miss C‘alhonn. ‘It's a good deal to expect of him. dear. I fancy It's much better tun kicking up a rumpus on the outside than lt ls kicking one 's toes 0!! against an obdurate stone wall from the inside. You can't blame him for ï¬ghting a bit." “Trueâ€"God bless them lâ€"but you‘for- 'get that we must attack Gabriel in his own territory. To recapture him means a perilous expedition into the mountains of Dawsbergen. and I am sorely afraid. 0h. dead! hoée he'll surrender peaceably!" “But your men- aro so brave!" cried Beverly, who had heard their praises it 1;“... «poohr'ésooéd mu Calhoun. who was thinking of “the enormous armies the Unlted States can produce at I day's notice, “What good is a ridicu- lous little sung. like his anyway? to: battalion from Fort Thomas could beat it to"â€" ‘ “Don't bomtr‘ deal-ff interrupteg Xe- tive with a wan smile. “Dawsbergen has a staudlng army of 10.000 excel- lent soldlers. With the war: reserves she has twice the available force I can 1 produce. " ‘ I WNMMM (“my By GENE! BARR. N‘CUTCHEOI. isn't it '2" , The U. S. Sane discussed the Oats contain a 11:39; amount of question of foreign nib-owned am- am}: and bone forming whatnot?“ Wm with Ital; Pm than say other care-l. fl " 9;, J Mr. Thomas Fee had a. valuable mate for which he refused _on diner- ent occasions 8300. killed by the fluid. while Hr. Juno: Fee sum the loss of (our nlluble milk cows; worth it least 875 each. The am; mala‘wei'e in‘flme wtum ï¬eld when Two farmers, Messrs'. Thomas and James Fee. who reside three miles east of Omamee. endured a. saved-e ï¬nancial loss on Friday night. 61‘ Saturday :11de ng through t8? agency of lightning. ' ‘ Valuable Cows Killed by Lightning The horse was instantly killed. the buggy demolished and the woman thrown frm the rig and when taken up by_the trainmcn was found to be Unconscious and to have Sustained injuries of a most serious nature. she was‘brought up to Beaverton by; the 7.4.5 train-and sent on to Oril-Z lia. noapital in charge of Dr. A.- Grant. ‘ T. “You dear.,duar Beverly!" crie’d Ye- tive. ru‘shiug joyously â€around the table to clasp h’er‘ hi her arms. - BA 0- ACCIDENT. ' Bea'verton, Aug. 9.’ â€" Mrs. Julia .- Smith. of.-Victoria. Harbor, came to Beaverton. by the 5.40 GILR. train Wednesday and hiring a horse and bUggy proceeded to drive ‘ to Sut- ton. At the C.N ..0 By crossing on the Georgina town line she was 0" taken by the southbound train. .Cï¬ildr‘eï¬" Cry ~ run FLETCHER'S 6.1“ 55 T O R I'A you know. I mama dareâ€"cry when he was looking. bin I could boohoo all day It you were there to comfort me [lo think. 1 am very brave, and P}: not." she confessed dismlly. '1‘0.Yi¢ continued. lcomvs DISSOLVED Awmr BY ’ PAINLESS REMEDY. ‘ No psin. no cutting. ,notplusters. jor pads to press the sore spot. Put- man 's Extra'ztor males the corn go 'without pain. Just apply wording to directions and youeaojthen _for- get vou ever .hnd a. corn. ’ J ust as good for callouses. warts or ' bun- ions. It moves the muse and thereby elects a. lasttnga'olid. Put, man's Punks. Cow Wart Ex- tractor-4cm lune tom-tho storyâ€"I price 86¢ per bottle. Bold bysdrllgfl Killbrook ............... L. Wukworth ................. Believing ................. ‘ ....Sept. 10. 11 Harmon-a. ..................... Sept. 16. 17 Napanee ..................... $991.. 1-7.18 Cobourg ....................... Sept. ~18 19 Frankfort‘ .............. ' ..... S ept. 19 20 Hadoc ...................... Sept. 23. 24 Campbeumrd .............. Sgpt. 24. 25 Picton ............... Sgpt.‘ 25. 26 Roseneath MW. 26. 27 Cutleton .........'Scpt 27. 28 Ameliuburg ..... Toronto Exhibition Aug. 24, Sept. 9 Mgriposa, Oakwood ......Sept. 23. 24 Wooler .......Scpt 5. Bollevflle ..................... Sept. 10. Harmon. ..................... Sept 16, Lindsay Central ....... Sept. 19 Peterboro...... ....Sept. 12 Pog't Parry ..................... Woodville ......... ' ............ Minden ........... Kinmount. ......... ......S Minden......... .............. Oshawa ..................... Sept. 9. 10. 11 Ottawa (Central, Canada) Sept. 6-16 Barrie ......... .....-..Sept. 23, BeaVerton ......“ 01 Blac‘kstock ...... .-..-. ....Sopt Bobqaygveon. ............. Sept. Bowménville ................. Sept Fencloa Faun... .......... .030â€- Gravanhurst ................. ,Sept. Katmai-£01... ...................... S Huntsville ...... ............... Sepi. Lakeï¬eld ..‘ ...................... Keene .................. ...Oct 1 poURASSA. u! was. (ï¬ggilton ‘ Sipecunor.) ........... Sept. M'ï¬mï¬‚ï¬ Sept. 24. Sept. 16. 17 Sept. 17, 1e Sept. 19. 20 17. 10, 19, 13 21 14 18 11 She is ahrvived by her husband: two sons and one daughter. namely Messrs. Ernest and Russell nnd Eva. all living at home. One sister. Mrs. J. Ramos. “ho resides at Peterboro -' ‘ u'nd one brother, Mr. David Plevx‘ns. I The deceased lady. who was 55 years and 2 months of age. had been ailing since March 26:12 last. on which day she suflered ,3 paralytic stroke, from which she never fully recovered, passing away on"AUg. 9. She was a kind-hearted neighbor. I. loving wife and devoted mother and her demise will be keenly felt. _ SARAH ANN BIJ‘JVINS. ‘. 'nue funeral took place on Sunday 0! the :nte Sarah Ann Blevins. be- loved wife of Mr. Thos. Henry, oi Manvers Township. and a very large number or friends followed the re- mains to their last resting place in the ('admus mastery. W. 6. Blair - Son: m: m We Are Ladies And Gentlemen ’s Tailors. Children Cry I"In mem FOR FLETCHER'S U; 3 A S T O R l A tric 13" D. W. below pastor at the Quin-st. Wis: Church. has returned tron s very beneath) (our weak: trip through Wanna-n Cams. Inpummtion with s Wu'der mm! this morning he stated am he 811-} ljoyod the trip inï¬nitely tron the. time he 10!: Lindsay until the time! he mind home again: As . health! bundor he mintsins that the trip; Wat is much superior to any mach: cine, while from the standpoint of. education, one lou‘ns mom in tI'IV-: clung four weeks and seeing ,the glor- i ions West with the naked eye thsn 3‘ could possibly be losmed in {eight weeks studying books. i, Blairs’ Tailoring ALWAYS PLEASBS OBITUA RY. Place your order early for early fall clothing as the eommg season ptomues to be a particularly busy one. , 1"01 Maple Creek. Sask. “In religion the dWi WAS mm? 0‘ the Presbytenan church Umidxe is eager for Hymn-2 tric power. Mower Knives and Binder ‘Knives shar- pened by Special Ma- chine at Geo. W. Shephard‘s William: St. ï¬orth Int Post Building. Lindsay “Prism brand" Ready Mixed Paint MC.LENNAN Co. the previous day. The Saturday Paper is ‘scued at NOON, and ADVER- TISERS will confer a. f not by sending in During lazy and August The male! Ofï¬ce will Close at 3 a'clock On Satur- days. 3.000 Funnel-t Want.“ to Inok over th-ir poultry and 898 if they haven't mm to qure. If they have deliver the!" at any ‘ time to S. Ahplebnum's Pm'hryi gDepot, 40 Quuen Strm‘t, EM“ iWard, and receive the 5;":th market prices, or och at A_ Applnbavm’s Clothing Store. and h ve horse and Waggrm 031‘! for 90 mrv. V ‘M‘m co's mum!!!“ S Applebaum gm > ch. Vul- round pouitry buyer Dim-flag Mggist Our stock 0! prescrii ‘55 large sud includes a median Our expo-ï¬erce and ex‘ ci'i irs I'nuunâ€" accumcy puws‘ in ï¬lling. No mutter who wr nu riplinm 'or what dru 7.; they at wn’tten on w†â€"Maoy labor under (h '4‘." {Int they mu.- t talk-Pt: â€ï¬lm; In the dl'u.g33L nuns.- rs t. . binninw on be “m Early Closing A. ummsomm Changqs of Copy ’0 vr'vee Vour We t dhl‘xrs‘,k M on We Can m , l the. (:l‘e-ï¬crlptjml dru- «Xceptiongl fly “d pun. ail! the 300' â€" dru. “90¢ comprehend. 1‘ m q‘Jlte p085: bk“ 2" “0 ‘0 have learned fr ,m noc:learned Wt’the loyal pang). . well mfonm-d n: 2 ,‘L hearings, rvjeclwf 3 Wition is up: )aremi “khan of the (:r 1! “adjunct" I Would. ultimate “"6 our co That the purims Ole: which was :11 Widen Taft urn Which was ratim-v: still on. the 1‘. s to â€Pirate the :n. Guido. from. thaw “It the certain this country by m. m Mr. Tuf 61.“ his friewt um orientâ€"u! Th ‘- still urging the 11' 0f the Taft-Firm†Mm!) the “omit °d States. â€monarchs in mm" and who were said M nothing and forguunu a m of brains. ’1}: right ; quite right. and “know?! that thl‘ 91.411)!“ and Halibut-tun knv-w ' has one on the {rum {um he pouects the man:- 01 H03. Sun Hugh‘s. My, kind Haliburhm and U mum; and I’Iefmu-c- :n M cabinet. as beingV a pvrmr tractive masculine tummy Wing articles f'or Saturn The Bourboa fam «.l The gentleman protot ypesâ€"a v Tapestry Specitl przcaeu 1‘) mounted at! "1le with bmclmcn Trimmed %! int-mien complc Window 5, A splendia qual wearing and crude «in Rich Mousselim and waists skin d ye‘ Women’s loo; 1 silk double tipped ï¬a t per. pair ........... Women's Pure : We threud gunner ‘ Womern Lid:- c lace all Black Sil This popular u the good service gi‘ ad pink, with plain Dainty Dressi : ‘fFor Tea yo Repuhl it Heavy Merceriz ..om " ‘ )«13 long: CODY“: gazes pncc learr You It who :w w‘