it? IcLAUGELIN, PEEL. FULTON a; S'I‘INSON. Barristers. Solicitors, cad Notnries. Money to loan. Spec. in] ‘ttention given to investments. Once: : Dominion Bunk, corner of William and Kent-ata., Lindsay. R. O. McLaughlin. K.C., A. 11. Pm- ton, BJL. Jane! 1. Penn, '1‘, H. Bunsen. Woodvme one. ' ‘open A, I“?! week Qt om 010. E. Weeks. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Marshall and children, of Flint, Mich, are the guests of his sister, Mrs. Roht. Nug- ent, Wellington-sh, with whom they will visit for a. week or two. Mr. Marshall is an old Victoria. county boy, having been born and raised in the township of Fenelon. Nineteen years ago he left the township, but since that time visited Lindsay friends about nine yeti-s ago. Mr. Marshall states that Flint; Mich, is a thriving city of some 42,000 hsbitsnts. In the country sur- rounding the farmers devote ' con- sideroble time to grain growing. but more particululy to the growing of i‘n-. oi the particulars ( and the nature 0 any) held by them statutory declaratit last mentioned (1 will proceed to disi of the deceased am entitled thereto, he to the claims of w then have notice an be liable (or the as ed, or for any per! person of whose cla have received notion the distribution. IOORE Soh'éitors for the sugiï¬beets. Mthis source the dsy. e in!!! Mnemretiye Jim 7 my. Aug. 16, III UNDEBSIGNED is prepared to [on money on farm, town. and v11- Iuo property, st very lowest ate- .1 Interest. Company or pflvuu [HGH R. KNIGHT, Barnswr, D0- licjtor, Notary Public, solicitor the Home Ball]: of Canada. represent- ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance Co., of Hamilton, thiro Accident and Surety Co., of London, Ont, Ofï¬ce over Home Bank, opposite Post Oflice. ITEWART O’CONNOR, Ban-ism, Natalia, etc. Honey to 103:} st UPKIKS AND HOPKINS. Buru- m, Solicitors, Notary Public. etc. lolicitorn to: Bank of Montred. low to loan an tonne to suit borrower. Oflicesâ€"e William “rest south, Lindsay. Ont. G. H. Hop- klnl, K. 0.. F. H. Hopkins. B. A. man. I an :1qu ready to hug good normâ€. 1. E. WELDON. solicitor. dc. who Block, mm. . B. WELDON. Muiposa township Clerk. outwood, Fire Insurance lean, issuer of mgr-rinse licenses. Conveyancing in all its toms. Iorkltlu Lindsay. I. Stuart. L. V. [DORE a JACKSON. Batista-I, 01s., nolicitora for The Canadian Bank 01 Commerce. Money to loan on mortg-ges gt the pot cent. 0!- Ioo Williun street. Lipgsay. Dr. Hall. Little Britain GRADUATE ()F TORORONTO AND ’I’RINI'I‘Y 1f NIV ERSI’I‘IES. SPECIAL A’I’TEN'I'ION T0 SUR- GERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ASSOCIATE CORONI-Jlt FOR THE (X)L'N’I‘Y OF VICTORIA. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"1 to 3 p.m. and by appointment. â€DATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- KY. CORONER FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA. â€"oo â€" Ridout-st.. corner Kent and may-m. Phone 4535. 'Iry lowest“ cur-mt III. HEELANDS IRVINE, Den- m. members of the Royal Col- “. 0! Dental Surgeons. We have Ill the lstest methods of dentistry. mm uttaention will b. given to Madam. Crown and bridge work. The main! extraction of myth undor pa (Vitdiud an») ad tho insertion of the best mulch} Intures continue to be a, apechlty u this once. Oï¬co now-1y opposito‘ It: Slum: house. Secure Your Agency Now We want. a. good reliable man for tins district. because the dc- mnd for fruit trees never was so €311. Good pay, Outï¬t free. 1e or Part Time agreement, and you represent. a. ï¬rm of thirty- ï¬ve years’ experience with ovu- six hundred acres of Land under cult:- vatien. Write: PELHLH RURQERY 00., ï¬rst on the ground secures the cream: of the trade. therefore Itiswell known to experieam’d salesmen that, the Lax-gut and Best business in fruit tnes is done dur- ing the sugumï¬r mon§h3. The main Gerrard sts. alogue? 1t wï¬l interest you if you want to get ahead. Fall term from August 25th. Address Shaw's Schools, Toronto, Ont. W. H. Shaw, president, Yonge ms» wA-rcmmwmm mus“, ONTARIO. Look about you and see now trained brains win betta' salaries than trained muscles. We train you amen and women to use their . 21303 in businas. 'lhey succeed. Why not ycu? will vou write for a coPy of our new cat- Q‘LA- An. "Ali ;' DR. F. BLANCHARD EDUCATION PAYS ~W:th<wwum~m ' Moore, K. C.. Alex. Jackson Doctor And Physician Money to Loan KNIGHT. Barrister, sp- DO IT NOW etc and see how Kent and ed in the will of the said deceased on or before the twellth day of Sep- tember,1912, their nameS, gddresseq or descriptions and a lull statement 01 the particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (it any) held by them duly veriï¬ed by statutory declaration. After such last mentioned date the executors Will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the ' parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall vthen have notice and they shall not be liable tor the assets so distribut- ed, or for any part thereof, _to any persan of whose claim they shall not have received notice at the time o! the distribution. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Ontario statute. 1. George V., chapter 26, section 55, that a]! per- sons having claims against the u- tate of Thomas Musson I-‘Iack, late of the town of Lindsay, in the Coun- ty of Victoria. carpenter, deceased, who died on the third day 01 May AIL 1912, are to send by post pre- paid or to deliver to the undersign- ed solicitors tor the executors nam- The many friends in Lindsay and vicinity will hear with sincere regret the sad news of the death of Mr. Douglas J". Adams, of Port Perry, ()nt.. a well-known insurance agent. It appears that Mr. Adams was (‘- erated on Friday for appendicitis, but was unable to withstand the shock to the system. He was a young: man hold in the very highest esteem by all who knew him. from a ConServative standpoint, it is just as well for the Grits to keep on shouting for it. It insures the permanency of the Conservatives. The West is delighted with the big hit made by Mr. Borden, whose naval poliCy appeals to them strongly. Out there they do nothing by halves. They want three or {our Dread- noughts given right away. They are strong for the old a policy of patriotism to the mother country.†Mr. Sharpe had the refusal of the vacant judgeship in Ontario County but is not. going to take it. Iv-EATH 07F PORT PERRY MAN. 1 “Reciprocity is still being talked of in the west, but it will never car- ry in Canada in a. hundred years and Ottawa, Aug. 16 â€"Sa.m Sharpe, ’M. P. for North Ontaiio, is in the city after a six, weeks tour 6!» the West. '- “Some of the Grits out there}? he' rexnhrked, “‘are talking on the tariff as if they were annexationists. It is the whole history of their partv. ‘ With them it is either rule or ruin. 1 When in power, they are professedlyl imperialists, when out of poxxer, an- nexationists. l TALK (NG ANNEXATION. HALLâ€"OSBORNE. Omemee, Aug. 16. â€" On Tuesday, Aug. 13, a marriage tack place at the parsonage. Miss Ira. reatrice 'Osborne, oi Fingerboard, Mariposa, ‘youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, was united in the 'holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. LeweHyn Hall, son of Mr. John Hall of Little Britain. Rev. J. F. Chap- man, B.A., performed the ceremony and the young couple left on the eVening train for Niagara and Buf- falo. Upon their return they Will‘ reside in Little Britain. HOORE JACKSON, SohEitor-s for the Executors Li I it looks as though the work wul now go on without any further very great delgyl. It is understood that British capi- talists are behind the Central Rail- way project, and while it. may take some time before the line will reach Georgian Bay. the surveys ,show that the route chosen willlgive the pro- moters the shortest haul, with al- most a directly straight'line, be- tween the great lakes ~a.nd_the seaâ€" board. (‘onsiderable delay in conâ€" nection with commencing the , work‘ has been occasioned by securing a proper and suitable entrance to Mont treal, but this having been adjusted] After years of delay, the Central Railway of Canada, which was for- merly called the Ottawa Valley Rail- way, and which will IOM‘ part of the Midland-Montreal grain rmtc, ‘ has entered upon the construction period, some 28 mil-ls or; more be- in? now under contract between Bio:â€" Arpine, on the C.P.P.., Ottawa Short. Line, and South Indian Station, on the Grand Tsunk, as the new rail- way crosses the two big lines west‘ oi the Ottawa River. The Central,‘ after crossing the Island of Mon- treal from the eastward, :crosses the Back River a. short distance above the C.P.R. bridge, and traversing; Jesus Bridge to St. oniface, a sec- ond bridge of consiXerable lrngth icrosses Thousand Island River. thence northward to Hawkesbury, where the company have running rights over the Canadian Northern bridge. A few miles more and Mc- Alpine is reached, where the initial contract has been subdivided, and ï¬ve or six subcontractors are at work. A spur will run from South Indian to Ottawa. Notice to Creditors NEW RAILWAY T0 MIDLAND HYMENEIAL. Notice is hereby given that a. By- Law was passed by the Municipal Council 0! the Township of Emily, on the sixth day of August A.D., 1912, proï¬ding tor the issue of do: benturee t'o'the mount of $2,600.00 for the purpose of the erectiontol e. School House and Improvements of the School Property and School Furnishings and eqmpment, for new Union School Section Number Six- ten of the Townships of D11in and Ops, and that such By-Lew wee reg- istuedinthemgietryme'ofthe County of Victoria. on the Eighth dey 0‘ AW. 1.1)....1919. Any motion to quash Or at aside the some or shy pert meet, must he made within three month! one the ï¬rst pout-flea of thie'iotloe. M and. he node N. heed the 16th do, of 1mm} Miss Blackweell, of Montreal, and Mrs. Weldon Rea, of Reaboro,. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. McFar- lane. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore, of Sas- katoon, are guestso! town friends. Dr. and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ken- nody left for their home in Winni- peg on Monday, after spending seV- oral weeks the guests of Mrs. A. Mc- Farland. Miss Lillian G. Wilson, of Toronto, spent a few days in town this week renewing old acquaintance. Dr. Hamilton, wife and family, oi Dwight Island, are occupying their summer cottage on Cameron Lake. Misses Kiaehn and Master Jack Klaehn, of Stratford, are guests of Mrs. John Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Savage, of Saginaw, Mich†are ï¬shing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin. Mrs. Robt. Weir, of Toronto, the guest of Miss A. Burtchell. Mr. Jas. Johnston and son left On Monday for Idaho, and was accom- panied by Mr. Harry McCallum, who wiil visit in that part of the coun- try for a few months. Mr. S. Wells, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heard for a few weeks. Mrs. W. Morrison, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Austin. Mrs. Jas. Agnew, of Winnipeg, is visiting town friends. Miss Gertrude Britnell, of Toron- to, is visiting relatives in town. Miss Annie Hamilton, of Plainï¬eld, is the snest of her brother, Mr. Stanley Hamilton. Mrs. Diln'worth and children, and Mrs. Church, of Utica, N.Y.,' and Mrs. Rannigel and child, of Roches- ter, left on Monday for their home, after spending a. few weeks with their mother Mrs. J. C. Brandon. Mr. Charlie Devman, ofJ-Iamilton, is visiting his parents, and rendered a solo in the Methodist church Su’n- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. ArchieBarcray and son, of Meaford, are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Bar- clay. Mr. George Mark, of the B.N.A. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mark this week. Febelon Falls, Aug. 14.â€"â€"Mr. md Mrs. Scott and baby left oh Monday for their home in Toronto,‘ after en- joying several weeks of good ï¬shing in the burg. Miss Henderson, of Lindsay, is vjs- It will be a splendid spectacle if the two oldâ€"time parties in Can- ada get tOgether on the question of aid to the Imperial nav . By all means get the naval question 'out of politics â€" party politics, Canada should not hesittate, Even now Premier Borden would be absolutely justiï¬ed in saying that Canada, 'with her immense re- sources, is ready to stand by the side of Britain _till the last shot is ï¬red in any attack on the baSe on the Fmpire. The doubt that seems to have hitherto existed on ac- count of the utterances of our politicians.has led other nations to suppose that Canada might be lukewarm in her assistance to the Mother Country in case of trouble. Canada, is with Britain. It will be a splendid spectacle if all parties in Canada" stand on a common platform, shbulder to shoulder. in defence of the Em- pire.†‘ 2 H I 1‘ .The tribune-is only one of a nun»! her" ‘ of better class 1"‘Opposition†journals that are patriotic enough to desire all Canadians to‘ unite as one man in the defence of the Empire in the present critical emergency. If two Liberal newspapers nearer home were as jealous of their country-"s honor we should not ï¬nd them nest- ling up to the Bourassa school when all that our people hold dear is clearly in jeopardy’- ‘ l 1 (Toronto News). Commenting on an editorial in the News, the Winnipeg Tribune ob- PUB LI 0 NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The N avalï¬Qï¬Ã©stion (ewe). editorial in the Monk. invited him to resign Tribune ob- id spectacle l the ial nav . aval arty immense lbt that seems isted 'ances of our )ther nations Lda might be :sistance to in case of with Britain. spectacle if " stand on a shoulder to of the Em- )ne of a num- ‘7‘Opposition†)tic enough to ‘unite as one the Empire in ergency. If L nearer home eir country-"s 1d them nest- I. school when ld dear if parties in Can- question By question politics, aesittate. Even en would be a saying that re- stand by the be last shot is m the base of on ac- -Dla.uding the negotiations carried on his colleagues have stated that (‘anadian Ministersfl visit to London There is ample proof that Canadian Liberals dissent from antipathy to closer Imperial tions as thouSands of them dissented . from that journal’s reciprocity pro- ject, which would have made country subject. to the United States commercially, ï¬nancially and indus- iS trially and perhaps in the longâ€"run politically. The Globe has aidled up to 11:. iron the Cabinet in protect against H; Borden's naval policy and even in~ sinuated that the Iinister's utter- ances regarding coming expendi- tures on harbors and waterways were intended by him to balk the Prime Minister in his pm. Mr. Monk gave. the report an emphatic denial. adding that the Dominion is rich enoIJgh both to ï¬nance needed improvements at home and to do its full duty by the rest of the Empire. At this writing the Globe has not‘ published the Minister's statement. i Liberal newspapers and Liberal statesmen in Great Britain have. joined the more patriotic section of the Canadian Liberal press in ap- by the Conservative Government ‘0! Canada with the Liberal Government of Great Britain. The London Chron- icle. a leading Radical journal, de- clares that the new course of. Em- Pire marked out by the Prime Min- ister of this Dominion will make for peace by uniting all British coun- tries for defence- Mr. Asquith and the will prove epochal in its long eï¬ects. Globe's rela- the this 1 Mtyunvomwa doumvorth excommvcisbeinz-hiwed to- dnybytJ-o'mz‘touctothonnk o: w. a pm into British mCHELLâ€"In Toronto, on Thurs- day, Aug. 15, 1912. John Wesley Mitchell, .3“: 37 you-o. 3 months and 18 dzys. , . ~ 700 names on their 000)“. 1 ing the best year yet in the for our town. , â€"â€"â€"~â€" (1 â€"â€"â€"--- -â€"- Penelon Falls is fast becoming one of the most popular summer resorts in Ontario. At Hotel Kawartha cottages every available room is now occupied, and also the Mansion Hotel, Brook; H9050 9nd McArtbur Home, while a. urge number of pri- vate dwellings are opened for ac- commodation of tourists. Already this season the tourist registry ha The Peterboro silver band visited Penelon Falls on Saturday and Sun- day. Owing to the inclement wen.- ther outdoor concerts which were to have 'been held were cancelled. and on Sunday three meetings were held and good musical programs were given, also splendid addresses were given by visiting captains. On Monday before the band left the de- pot on their special car avsplendid selection of music was given by the bow, who are certainly generous with their music and a host of our citizens were there to wish'them good-bye. Collections amounting to ox’er.$100 were taken by the hand during their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Harvey re- turned from Toronto on Tuesday and will nove to their new home near Glcnarm this week. Messrs. Harold Wilson and Eric Sharpe left, on Monday for a. ï¬shing trip in the vicinity of Mindon. Mrs. Athhison and daughter Lela, of Highland Grove, visited. Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Martin over Sunday. Miss Lela. Atchison left on Monday for a. Visit to friends in Calgary and ex- pects to remain about. a. year in the west. ReV. Mr. Konkle, of Sonya, who has been in the west for several weeks, occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church lest Sunday and de- liVered two excellent addresses. At the evening service Mrs. Rev. Hogg sang a. very sweet solo. Next. Sun- day the Rev. Mr. Hoggh will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore, of Sas- katoon, are renewing old acquain- tances in towu. ‘ Mr. Morley Reexes. manager for the B. N‘. A. bank, spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Lillian Terrill returned home from Colborne Ion Thursday. Rev. Jas. Fraser is home for a. few days. Miss Addie Mitchel], of town, left on Monday and will visit, Winnipeg and seVernl of the other western cities. Mr. W. McCarty and Master Billie \isited Mr. Bertie McCarty of Mon- treal, ox er Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jewell, of Linden \‘apley, were in the village on Satur- day evening. I Airy Simpson, of Lindsay, is the guest. of her daughter, Mrs. M. Sharpe. ‘Miss Leona Calder, of St. John hospital, T,oronto is Visiting in town. DEATHS . U m‘m laden, from Argentine for Quebec, dppdto-vatuhm‘onmuhhnddm But “3min. Oman-do. o mud Tomvictorbolomfln 32013â€" ilhecunndflul. . ‘5“!!- R. B. Cater is gnjoying a, pleasant. outing camping with some. Sunder- hnd friends at Turner' 3 Grove.â€" The mtive committee 0! the W. I. metatthehomeofllrs(1r.)lc~ PM on My owing. guest of Mrs. Ann McDonald.â€"â€"Mrs. G99. Stone, 91 Port Perry, called on her friend, Mrs. Hodgson last Fri- dayâ€"Mr. Thou. Grills and family are moving to Cannington this week he having obtained employment on the nilrond.-â€"Mr. J. R. Souley and Ir. J. Hunyll are having tale phones phoed in their humanâ€"Ir. a daughter on Sunday. Angust 11th. The hum of'the threshing machine is again heard in this neighborhood. Those who were lbrtunate 011mm}: to have saved their alsike before the re- Cent heaVy rains toak place are hav- ing it threshod and they report a wry good yield while acres are be- ginning to grow again.-â€"- and 38.11 wheat in the stock is sprouting.â€" Misses Winnie and Stella, Evans. of Toronto, and Miss Oliver, 01 Toron- to, are visiting with relatives and friends in townâ€"Mn:1 Butler, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Coone, oi Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coone.â€"Mias G. Gibson. Homestead, Penn, spent a pleasant holiday the guest of , Mr. gnd Mrs. W. Dixon.â€"-Miss J unet McDonald, of Cleveland. in the MANILLA. Martina, Aug. 14. â€" Mr. Luther Clark, of Manitoba, was the holiday visitor of .his parents last week.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evans are Visit- ing relatives in townâ€"Mr. H. Cook and the Misses Cook motored from Rochester and enjoyed a few days' visit. the gUests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Edmonds. They have re- .turned to their homes accompanied by Miss F. Edmonds who will remain their guest for a. few da_\~s.â€"-Miss Annie McFadyen and Master Ken- ineth Kellev. of Hamilton. are the guests of Mrs. S. \Icl-‘am en .-â€"-'l‘o Mr. and Mrs. John Brown “as iborn Price 256. As substitutes are du- serous, insist. on getting “ Put- nam's " only. Sold by druggistn. THE STING 0F CORNS RELIEV- E!) IN A NIGHT. Nu'or slit your beetsâ€"that doesn’t cure the porn. Just Vapply, that old standby," Putriain‘l Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. It acts like magic, kills the pain, remma the corn, does it, without burn or scar. Get the bestâ€"Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Dar-actor, the sure relic! for callouoes, bunions, warts and com. l'rms YEAR'S DISPLAY I.\' .m- l VANCE OF OTHER YEARS The list of paintings coming from Europe {or this year's Canadian Na- }tional Exhibition fairly bristles with famous names. 'ï¬aere are forty paintings loaned by the French Gov- ornment, “bile such' names as Lord Leighton, Sir John Millais, 0an etc.. make the British collection even more interesting than usual†The display of art on the whole‘ promises to be well in advance of any previous exhibits. The British W Die, The farmer was amaud but ad- mitted that he had been fairly “had/f and paid the amount of the decree. ‘ ‘ er named a. particular beverage in which he said he could only indulge since he had got his teethâ€""Have you false teeth ?-' asked the ofï¬cer. feigning surprise. “Faith I have." Lwas the reply, “and a, costly set they iwere, too. They’re a bit loose." The Sheriff's ofï¬cer was particularg 1y keen on the question 0! teeth. He; evinced a desire to see the farmer's‘ set. and the later quite innocently removed them from his mouth and laid them on the table. The bailin quickly picked them up and put them in his pocket at the same time pro- ducing a writ. Inavery neatmanner a sherifl's otheer at Tullunore, Ireland. eflected a seizure on a farmer s teeth. The omcer had a decree for execution in the case where a well-known firm 0! dentists sued the farmer for the price of a. set, of teeth. Mceting the farmer with whom he had been acquainted for years he in- vited him to have a drink. The farm- Beware, Don’t Show Your Good Teeth FAMOUS PAINTINGS A hospital to be'entirely (“Noted AUg'. 9th. 1912. Mrs. (:00. T12". to sick babies is being promuted in aged 86 years. Montreal by several well known doc- ' â€" tors and public spirited men. The . SIMPSONâ€"In (.‘obourc haspi'fl. on hospital. which will haVe 100 beds Friday, Aug. 16‘ 1912, “glam will admit only babies under two Honry Simpson. of Lindw)~ and yegrs of age. 54 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the l-Zmily ccnu-tvry, a large concourse of friends and rela- tivos attending. Besides his sor- rouing wife. he Irves to mourn his death two sons, John I“. Handley, Mount Pleasant, , and Arthur Hand- lcy, Bay Centre, 32D. easy reach; Tthe'i'a dive for it. HQThe sha ï¬ts the hand-ï¬t for hugâ€"uni, FAIRY SOAP lathers 1 thoroughly, without 51 Rama maria nf aim in Umemeo. Aug. Iiiâ€"There passed away at Mount Pleasant on Sunday last, one of the old~settlers of the place in the person of Mr. Watson Handley who was well-known among the farmers of Durham and Victoria as n machinist in the employ of the local foundry. The deceased was 78 years of age and had been in ex- cellent health till a few months he- forehis demise. Wroméï¬nn of a stroke was more than his cnfeeb- led system could endure. I LA'l‘l-‘l wrrsnx HANDLEY. to Pine Grove cemetery, the su-vicvs being conducted by his former pas tori Rev. H. E. Curtis. assisted b5 Rev. Wilkinson, while the last rites at the grave were performed? by the Oddlellows. he being a. member of that Order. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The remains were sent, heme and the funeral took place on Aug. Sth LATE LORNE E. ADAIR. ‘On July 28th, the death occurred at Wardner,' near Cranbrook, B.C., of Lorne L. Adair, eldest Son of Mr. Wm. Adair. oi Xorland, (kit. The deceased was workingr in 8. (LP. R. tie Camp and was struck by a tree. blown down by the wind. The blow hurled him mm the river be- side which they were working†H:- was rescued by h s companions but died a. few minutes after without re gaining consciousness his skull hav- ing been fractured. American and Canadian Scignï¬sts tell us the comma house fly is the cause of more disease and death than any ‘4‘. _.‘ A _-___ Childrenlike FAIRY SOAP. Its. % whiteness shows its purity and appeals to them. “It floats always within easy reach; ,the youngster does not have to dive for it. QThe shape of the cake is oval- ï¬ts the handâ€"ï¬t for any lhandi FAIRY SOAP lathers freely, cleanses quickly and thoroughly.- without smart or sting of any kind. Being made of edible products . 0 FLY PADS' OBITUARY. kill all the flies and the disease germs too. OBITUARY. We are glad to be able to report that MrtTI-oh- (TQM-'91], who is in [the Lindsay hospital will 9mm be i home again. .' TRAIN â€" At Kinmount. on 3"."l‘ey, Aug. 9th. 1912, Mrs. (:00. T12", aged 86 years. Mr. and Mrs. James Mm a few days in I'mcrlmt'n cently. Rev. R. J. I-‘allis. (:f {preached to a very lam.- Iin our church a \xu-k an. s BEACH â€" At Kinmount, on Mrwtny Augult 5th. 1912, John '1‘. Push. in his 8] st year. Mr. Ernie Sluggett i.- \‘iSit .2; ins sister. Mrs. L. Weary, [’kw‘wuruzv Miss Vera Sluice, Master Flaw “a Miss Mildred Newman. of Isa-(say, are visiting with their aunt. Mn. Wm. Elliott. Some of our boys took in w 21:29:. shown! the season at the .7..r./L.<:a:.- opera. "The Flirting Prince-s." Several of our citizens intend mk- Several of our citizens ‘ in: in the-(fobourg Horse week. Miss Wilma Skuco, is visiting at the home Moore’. Mash-r Wilfred Jackmax been visiting at his? mark": home accompanied 1-; hi Masters Howards and Hm son coupie fri. nds. Mr. Robert, Nugom an tor Human, are sg-n-mx n visiting with Lindsay 1:: Mzss Maggie hey-ii is. MOUNT HUHEB. Mt. Hon-eh, Aug. 12. â€" ' in this vicinity has hen: ing the past \w-ek a,sz m. and roots are gnmm; Miss Emma Juckmm sgent a few dags :11 Hr. William Jud-win. Lum ‘ «if DEATHS u 1'14; 1' of Pt u! .\1 £98 er Sht'w this k na : c1- it ‘M’lidaotgm mybgim'sbhu. lithin the last four and M W municipalit: iii-Iona one hundred um In tho won “rm. Lindsay Branc _ Cheques and Drafts on 1 math, lite, kroncn. etc, can Victor Gramophc or other fake preposi‘ We sell reputable at 88 low as consistent goods we sell, and ed. Come and insm by this Bank overcome the 4 in pluses where idgntiï¬cauo: The Canadian Bank 01¢ every Province of Canada. San Francisco, Seattle. Pord Writs in every par mvelling public, enabling a Mjourney the world even 00“.“. FA! FAR.“ E“ :n with any Emu A vrnnv «nu-1.! CAPITAL, $15, TOURIS’. 1' Headquarters Ft But Cumin“: Mid WARREN THE C OF The National (4) Th (1) .That i Didit Ev 2) That I SIR EDMI'NI) ALEXANDER LAIRD n with any hm A joint :H'Cm band and the win Many thougands 4 Inter-es JOINT 1'1131. land L you inert-4w That the pr: is returnmi '1 cent. per v- only when 5 10 to 3 o’clock. “tut-days 10 to BANK Incorporate: of Parlial EHIHIWIIII at cemcn HAS! Lindsay Paid Rest . Undiv mlnmn, ; ion. Ne1 York, U Til-7'51.“ transaw Branch General (30H! guarn kind. from ugh iran "Vt-<1 Our