four reach for mainly orstore. Anyouhavem oget theflistothel’ads media ‘ontreal 1L"!!! RSDAY, A L'Gt‘s'r 7th concrete work Semen! it is 02f todothii- ENT which swept over E1- =t Sunday. the stable :1), of Lornevme. W83 \rr. Henry Morrison, :1 of Thor-ah. had a vlt killed in the ï¬eld. ING 5'5 PERSONS where is a. s preparing fOOd rated form that a meal in his um) 'nace Francaise†the proposed law uL'ht'lOl'S, but all (-r a, certain age. statistics of Dr. xt present counts ’ 1,800,000 child- of Lomeville, .indsay. haVing of Horn Bros.’ “9 Figaro has r. Race FranCaisn mmnm of thr‘ Sound a tax of thirty ent Child," 30 ‘tizen of forty- L three children ‘t roarwd three of twenty-one, to produce an “00.000. The For further uptoun 05‘ families with nd 2,400,000 Mate-hett, ante, whose been made y. . om thxs «reheat they were with were and to the her exti- et a complete writing out- ï¬_t to take along on your vaca- m“ trip. A GROWINGW STATIONERY We are c instantly increasing 0_UI‘ line 02' writing papers, sta- tionery suppiies, etc. In box Papers we make a specialty of Belvoir. _ BELYOIR PAPERS are "1 ‘uighest favor everywhere. ey mam the highest attain- mentpoth as to excellence of mi attractiveness of - Style. We stock the new de- Signs as fast as they appear. Inthis QEDPI‘Q] 1“..- _- __n,, A DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN RIGGS OLD STAND Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES Manager THE 55555 BANK OFTORO1<11~O When Von Travel Omemee Branch- C. Hodgetts. Mgr Consol-ex Bonded Spectacleware ' uhould be made by means of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS ORDERS. Issued without delay a Whitble rafes. Ind MONEY CA PIT Issued bé’ The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient d inexpensive method of remitting small sums of money. These Ortiz? payable Without charge at any bank in Canada (except in the Yukos, Territory) and m the principal cities of the United States, are issued a: the following rates : CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE to Travellers’ Cheques or Letters of Credit. These “‘19“ Take money with you in the tom of Bank of Toron~ V are absolutely safe and sufï¬cient, and are a protec- on zion against loss by theft. ï¬re or other miSadVenture. 'ravei There cost. is inconsiderable. Optainable from any branch of the Bank of Torontorf/ I?“ 11.- BRANCHES 1N ONTARIO. QUEBEC r‘AND THE WEST. $5 and under ........... .... Over 5 and not excegding $10. BANK OF MONTREAL â€IN G CHEMIST Lindsay. 1L AND RESERVED FUNDS Inccrporatad by Act , ~ Enabï¬ of Parliament ' ' A, D. 4 Lindsay Branch established A‘DJ185‘8 1m to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. MML-‘FX is the highest grade of Gold Filled‘Spectacle- "~~:- “odd. Each article bears the trade mark “ Consol- D»! on the metal and printed on the tag. :7- direct agents for " Consol-ex†Spectacleware and we fvi'i'clr‘g of correctly ï¬tting them. We issue one of the i.“ "s Bonds with each article of “ Consol-ex" Spectacle . ; mi promptly replace the goods Free at any time if Rest ~ Undivided Proï¬ts Paid up Capital ------------ $16,000,000 w, AI‘GL'S'I‘ 7th, 1913, Ofï¬ce Hours: Branches in every Province or *be Do- minion. every important éjty in'the Domin- ion,1\cwfoundland Landon, England, New Y,ork Chxcago, etc : MONEY ORDERS Ev 61y description of Bankmg busmess transacted. bavmgs hepartmem at. â€very Branch R. L. MORGAN REMITTANCES ABROAD any ‘Way, knowing that the manufacturers will ll .c..¢....--oooccoo- fl WORK DELAYED. cause they are more giVen to follow- hundred dollars for the purposes of Work on the armoury building is ing a. doctor’s advice than men. Union school section No. 1, of the suspended for a. few days awaiting â€"-â€"-oâ€"â€"- townships o! Bexley and Somerville. the arrival of material. The struc- MASSAGE THE HEART. and that the said by-law was regis- 1ture is being pushed rapidly ahead: A remarkable surgical operation tered in the registry cm“ of the and Contractor Bogue in all pmbabâ€"- was performed at Melbourne HOSDi'. County of Victoria on the 16th day ility will have the building com-L tal, in Melbourne, Australia. A paâ€" of July, 191.8. and any motion to plated about the'second week in De- tient Who was beiflg Operatiea upon M or m “It“ “In Or m ' for appendicitis collapsed. and the part that-ed must be mule within- cember of this year, thOugh the con-_ tract does not demand its compleï¬ surgeon cut through the thorax and three mu- m the ï¬rst m. tionatthattime. F1‘om15t0203nnssaged'fgeheart until itresumed tidaolth'llnoflcelnd “inlet be me; have been employedsmoe ‘ the: its natural functions. ‘ M We ,. I . work started. Mr. Bogus has 887? -â€"--_O---' Dstsd this 16th d†at July.†. Vera] other contracts under way. to; m did “5000 W to the 1918:" ___, a, -w- _.-.,-s ,u. u- some, «mum mm at Norflbufldingdthammw ,, ~_ Mm My .3498: 3’ The livestock department provides opportunity for viewiag the cattle, horses, sheep and pigs in cleanliness and comfort. It will pay you to look them over. They're the ï¬nedt in the world. They’ve done their share and more towards making the Canadian National Echibdtmn'world- famous. LOOK THEM OVER. ......... $16,000,000 tar :5 802,000 '. B. Black, $32.802,000 Manager Lindsay Branch ...... 3cente R u ......... $11,176,578 .10 .15 Established A. D. 181'? t‘ "Don’t wear too many clothes," is the hot weather advice a. prominent Lindsay doctor gives, and the wo- men are acting on it, apparently beâ€" cause they are more giVen to follow‘ ing a. doctor's advice than men. WOMEN FOLIDW ADVICE. Contractor Abe Kennedy has com- menced building- a new wharf for the Governmant at Amana. Point, which when campleted will be one of the best on the waters in that section of the Kawartha waters. Contractor Kennedy was in town Wednesday. A NEW WHARF. Mr. DHC. Trew, Lindsay’s expert judge, has received invitations to act as judge at the poultry shows to be held in Prince Edward Island and also at Edmonton. It wouldn't look like a. Canadian National Exhibition without. the Mus- ical Ride. Those 32 wonderful dra- goons on their spirited horses, whirl- ing through mazy ï¬gures to the mu- sic of the band, are an old, old fea- ture of the Big Fair, but a. feature oi which the great amusementâ€"loving public never wearics. Once and again‘ {they haVe been dropped from the pro- ' gram, and the result has been a. wail of disappointment, while proofs of their neVer-dying popularity are the roars of applause they always bring from the stand. They’re coming again because the public demand them and refuse to take “no†for an ‘answer. And, moreOVer, they are bringing new ï¬gures that promise to make them more popular than ever. A POPULAR JUDGE. The J uly meeting of the Woman's lInstitute was held on July 2nd at. Mrs. Henry Tompkin’s home. The attendance was quite large. The girls gave a. splendid program of readings, songs, duetts and instru- mentals, which we all thoroughly en- joyed and the young ladies receiVed a. hearty vote of thanks for their e!- forts in arranging so good a. pro- gram. Miss Hopkins and Mrs. Cur- tis of the West Ops branch gave us short talks. The August meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 6. at 2.30 p.m. at Mrs. J. Daniel’s. It will be a. social afternoon and re? ,freshments will he served. All mem- lbers are asked to come. THE MUSICAL RIDE POURED LIKE WATER. London, July 30.'-â€"lhe Balkan wars beginning wlwn the allies attacked Turin-y, and continuing when they disagreed among themselves, causing almost, ceaseless lighting: since last October, have cost the lwlligorents a total of more than 350,000 lives and a. billion and a quarter dollars. ac- cording to estimates by correspond- ents in the ï¬eld. W. I. ME ETING . Joseph Burke, provincial immi- grant agent, is at Quebec meeting British harvest excursionists sent out. from the ofï¬ces in the Old Country. IINCREASES OF SEVEN MILLION BL'SHELS ANTICIPATED Winnipeg, July 29. â€"The Proxincial Department of Agriculture estimates the wheat' crop for Manitoba at 65,- 003,212 bushels. The acreage last year under “heat was 2.82: 362. and the yield 58,433,579. The acrmgc this year is 3,141,218. MANITOBA WHEAT CROP For more than a generation Cuticura. Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the most economkal treatment {or affections of the skin and scalp that torture, itch. burn. smle. and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed tree. with 32-p. Skin Book. Adm pose and pom handsin the {311de / there an after mg. I mishtmentionthatllostmootmy nicer-nails by the dbease. During this length of time I was utterly useless. as I could not open my hands. I tried several other patent medicines without a. bit of relief. Some of my friends advised me to try Quï¬cura Remedies so I sent for samples and by using them there was a great im- provement. Then I went to the dmggist and bought one cake of Cuticura. Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment; after using themlamgladtosaylamoompietciy cured. I had given up all hope of being cured. I can my to all those who have suflered as I have. not to lose courage but to give Cuticura. Remedies a fair trial." (Signed) Miss Lillian Irwin. Oct. 13. 1911. T palmltenmeoutonmy "SAN" RHEUM BANE OUT [IN HANDS 235 N. Um:- St.. Toronto. Dutch.â€" “For seven years I have been: troubled 'with BIB-rum It; aune out on my hands and formed kind otwataery plan all over them’whlch itchy and it had a. horrible burning sensation which Formed Watery Pimples. Itchy and ad Horrible Burning Sensation. Lost Some of Finger Nails. Could Not Open Hands. Cured by Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. County of Victoria on the 16th day ofJuly,1918.udmmotlon to quuhoraetuldthhOImOx-hny part thereof mustbemadowithinj unencummmnmm‘ tiOnoIdI'ilmtico-nd «not be Notice is hereby given that e. by- law was passed by the municipal :council of the township of My on the 12th day of July, 1913, provid- lngl’or the issuing o! debentures to the mount of three thousand ï¬ve hundred dollars for the purposes of Union school section No. 1, of the township. 0! Bulay'nnd Sonia-ville. and flint/the sail! by-lnw was reg-ll- ' J ‘ “mm“‘“‘§$5‘w i Won Lost f ““s““s“~mms. Excursions will be run to the (Ta-f tar-act, Village from Lindsay, per the Str. Stormy Lake and Wacouta_ both boats to have the tom: wharf at 9’ o'clock. Big preparations are being made to entertain the crowd in the way of land and aquatic sports, including a baseball tournament in the after- nooa. E Town League Standing 3 A monster celebration will be hold in F‘enelon Falls on the day of Aug. 12th, under the auspices of the 'Pren- tice Boys of the diStrict, when it is expected that lodges from various parts of the county will form in line. MR. JOHN WALKPfR SUFFERS SEVERE LOSS. 'I‘he excessive heat was accountable for the death of a Valuable four- year-old horse owned by Mr. John Walker, of South Ops, on Tuesday night of this week. The animal had been working on the mower in the hay field when he staggered and fell over. Having revived sufï¬ciently to take him to the stable where he was permitted to rest for a. time he ap- parently overcame his indisposition. but a. return of the stroke brought about death that night. Dr. Rice was called in, but found medical; skill .pOWerless to cope with the dis-1‘ ease, which had developed into a form of inflammation of the intes- tines. Celebration at F enelon Falls on August 12 [.03 T VALUABLE HORSE Port Hope. according to the Guide has 80 cases of diphtheria and scar- let feVer, An assistant sanitary in spector has been appointed. PORT HOPE NOT “'ELL. In. revenue, 1913 In. reVenue. 19123 ....... BEXLEY TP. NOTICE. Big Increase in (Customs Returns M3! ........... 3 378.0( 8 54.0t $2341.21 324.0( Edmonton, Alta... July allâ€"With eight, out. of twelve polls heard from in the delerted Provincial elections in Athabasca, A. G. My. Liberal, has n. moJority 01 141 over the Con- servative candidate, Hnj'or J. H. Woods, of AM Loading. The remaining ion: polls; which ore at (or ovum pom. will not be heard m for m doys, hot it in not promote they :will meet tho gm unit. It. W- m know W by flit cm MCKAY ELECTED. get ?'»' “Not when I was looking." P‘Well, you didn’t. tell me when you spent last summer." â€Why, I stayed home.†“Were you near the water ?" "Yes. Near water, links. tennis courts; everything handy." “Must 'a’ cost a. pile '2†"No mere'n it costs me in town in winter." "Get fresh fruits '2" “Every day." "Any scraps with farmers ?" “Didn‘t haVe one." "Charge you for things you didn't‘ “Didn't notice ’em.†"Huh 1 Must 'a.’ been swell 2 Any mosquitoes ?" "Chickens or pigs you ?" "Plenty to eat ?" "All I could get away with." “Many other boarders ?" â€Not any ; a decidedly exclusive place." “Where are you going to spend the summer ?" “Same place as last year, I thin "Pretty good place, eh?" western points. The bride was dress. ed in a nr-‘Iy blue travelling suit, with black hat. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Dunoon will reside at Rowan Brae,- Victoria-ave. , north. Mrs. George McFadden assisted as matron of honor, while Mr. McFad- den acted as the groom’s attendant. Rev. Jas. Wallace tied the nuptial knot. After the ceremony the happy young Couple took the morning train, via C.P.R., for Toronto and other ’WWM IH'LV(K).\'â€".~\B]‘IR(IR()MBIE. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, William-5L, at 7.00 o'clock Thursday, the contracting parties being Miss Annie Abercrom- bio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Aherorombie, thv latter who is aSSistant lock mastvr, Lindsay, and David Itmoon, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dunoon. of Rowan Brae, town. “Well, one or two, maybe; but not â€wmmmm†V 2 Wedding Bells 3 "Have clcan rooms ?" is resting easier this week and John's many Lindsay friends hope for his speedy recovery. â€"'l‘he- many friends of Mr. John! Callaghan of the C.[‘.R. will regret to learn that he was taken seriously ill while visiting his mother and sister, Mrs. Ryan, in l’eterboro. about tWo weeks ago. Mr. Callaghâ€" an has not been as Well as usual since a six \xeek' s illness of a simi-a lar nature. \xhith he ,had last. spring. T\\O of the best doctors who were called in pronounced the cm» inflam- mation of the veins. resulting: in rheumatism of the blood, (aused hv ‘a cold or chill in the blood. He was remoxed to St. Joseph'. Hospital, l’eterhoro, last week, but the spe- cial treatment of mineral water baths were not available in that in- stitution and on the doctor' 5 ad\ice Mr. Callaghan leit Peterboro last Friday for a prhate Hospital i Eastern Ontario to receive the treat- ment required from specialists. He 1 I I l i i l on and prompted by conï¬dential in- formatiOn from the British Admiral- ty, and were (-xprests‘ly intended as a preliminary aid to meet a pressing msed in perfecting the naVy, In his annual address to the Grand Orange Lodge earlier in the day, Lieuthol. Scott, of Walkerton, 0nt., Grand Master, speaking on the sub- ject of Imperial defence, said that the proposals of the Government to con- tribute $35,000,000 for the construc- txon of three of the most modern and powerful battleships. as an adjunct to the Imperial that, were based up- st. John‘s?†km.,LJuxy‘sa.â€"ne seï¬sions o! the Grand Black Chapter of the Royal Block Kn!gnts "p! Ire- land closed flail. martini; with the election ‘6! oflcers as’mflows: Grand Master, Sir Kt. Talk, of Vancouver; ,Deputy, Squires. of Newfoundland ;“ ‘Assistant mmty; any, of Tomato ; Chaplain, Canon Walsh.‘ 0! Bramp- t0'1: REiStrar, Williams. of Toronto; Deputy Registrar, Easton, 0! Winni- â€imam. wason‘ of Toronto; â€99“.? Treasurer. Lnngmend, of New- foundland; Lecturer, Humphries, of VOW. Scotia. The Deputies are :â€" i"Kldister. of Newfoundland; White. No“ Scotia; Wadman, New Bruns- wick; Crasswell. Prince Edward Is- land; D03. QuebeC; Stanley, Ontario Ell-St; Tuck, Ontario West; Brawn, Han-“0b“; MCMann. Saskatchewan; LedreW, Alberta; Court, British Co- lumbia. Orangemen Back The Borden Policy DOWN TO FACTS . or such bother * f G * * O 0 *' 0 4* G * * ï¬capitalists are deeply interested,was is ' DIDN'T LOSE HER. '3 never better d'!o.l§o§§ooo§*§' -_â€"oâ€"â€" t. A youngman was timidlycourtinci 0: it «t . s e 0 v e e r «r 4+ 9 "‘1 a pretty girl. One aflernocn. in the «v THE 5011‘ IS ALIVE. o '3' garden, he Seraped up courage vnouzh * . n'ito ask in a. tnemulous whisper for a * A productive soil is not a. o -r kiSS “ mass of inert material, as many ' 5' “A kiss !" she said. "‘You 881C 1116' ’ Stem to regard it. It is a liv- ‘h for a kiss? NOW, applied to the" ing, active medium, with or- d hand a. kiss signiï¬es respect. On thei“ ganic matter, where micro-or- n forehead it denotes friendship. l'pnn' ' ganisms are busy in reducing the lips it denotes all thingsâ€"01'1" vegetable matter to ax'ailable nothing.†She paused pensively,' ' plant food. No matter how . then went on. “You may, since you ' much chemical plant food there . wish it, kiss me. You may exPI‘eSs ‘ is in the soil, unless there be ’ yourself in one kiss. Proc». * organic matter the soil will not ° The timid young man, red and con-i * produce large crops. ‘ . fused, pondered, “I ,.mustn't lose ‘her !" he muttered tohimself. "Where Mrs. John Thornbeck. Scarboro .31.... B .OGOOGOGGOQDCO . LINDSAY BRANCH â€ME-r5 mwmwa UTHE STANDARD Vancouver. B.C., July 31,â€"Advices jfrom Prince Rupert and Fraser River districts are to the efl‘ect that salmon ï¬shing this year is a. complete fail- ure as the ï¬sh did not come down. This means that the price in Eastern Canada will likely be much higher. 0!: the other hand, halibut and oth- er deep-sea ï¬shing in which McKen- zie and Mann and other Ontario SALMON HIGHER. pockets of her jacket. His meditatioms were interrupted by a Pmtty whistle. It was his di- \‘inity, her red mouth puckered into the shape of a. rosebud, her hat pull- ed down over her eyes, hiding her forehead completely, and her hands were thrust up to her wrists in the The timid young man, red and con- fused. pondered. “I _.mustn't lose her !†he muttered to himself. “Where then shall I kiss her ‘2" “A kiss !" she said. "‘You ask me for a kiss ? New, applied to the hand a kiss signiï¬es respect. 0n the forehead it denotes friendship. Upon the lips it denotes all thingsâ€"0r nothing." She paused pensively, then went on. “You mav, since vou wish it, kiss me. You may eXPreqs 5ourself in one kiss. Proceed. " Low prices, I have no middlemen’s commission to pay $33,122:: $22223: PUMP MAKE R RUSSELL-ST. LINDSAY ONT. NEXT T0 CREAMERY JOHN DENNIS Incorporated 1895. Capital and Reserve Fund $430,000.00 THE Y I CT OR IA LOAN SAVINGS CO. The Stock Transfer Ledger will be closed from June 25th to Jul).. 2nd inclusive. 13;. order of the Board, Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of Seven Per Cent. per annum has this day been declared on the Paid-Up Capital Stock of the Victoria Loan d: Savings Co. {or the quarter ending June 30th. 1913, and the same will be payable at the oflice of the Company on 'and alter Wednesday, July 2nd, 1913. Lindsay, J 11119 10th, 1913. Exact Copy of Wnpper. DIVIDEND N0. 44 Mrs. John Thornbeck, Scarboro township, was awarded a medal for Capturing a mad dag. BASTIIRIA The Kind You Have BASTHRIA 4!. 0"4’c. 0"":‘9 'I‘ ‘01, 0-1. Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines For Infants and Children. V" For Over Thirty Years C. E. WEEKS. PAGE 1mm