ots and leather $0198 on all kinds of rubber goods. rs to measure. Special at.- ,Repairing while you wait. indsay Sta? ggt that is properly repaired ial attention to repairing are just the right medic’ne {a Children. Wh-n they are comm -â€"whc-n their kidneys are out of“ _when over-indulgence in m favorite ram! gives them indi ‘ ._Dr_ 31-)“8'5 Indian Root 1" a Win quicL'Zv and surely put them ' h; }’ H'lfl‘.‘ \ v-Qr-i.’lbk;._'th;y niither 3k wc;{.:r:‘.cr:f:;.)c. nu: ars pur ati 61' â€,1 y-»-:r children's heafth v; a! .mp1 kwming a box of Dr. Mom. ludfln Kwt PiUSin the house. The. gap 2 }‘ I. Chiidfon )r. Morse’a ndinn Roc NEW BOOTS I isay Marble Works . CHAMBERS. Prop Jon WD 0V9 I'l' 0L5 how moms 11 and immediately north . majeSty :e the two unfortunate :d not eaten anything 3;. made such a 00130 er that the lawyer or» 1 g0 and mqulre In the , \thw this horse and rd repaired trembling : St. Maglolre. for she roaches that awaited he was fascinated by k’unbos :1 man wounded In his -t rail In the shape of rvproaches upon the l i'ortbos let (all upon my net-d 01’ their f1!- Jrued to Porthos and ms commission wu ber‘ ome about, Mona"... I recognized her prea- 35’. ï¬rst comprehend t the visit or Porthoo er. The anger which ' the musketeer. in to suppress it. terri- over. Portbos went Root Pun. , uppolnted a meet- u w the clolsters or null! Mounquotou. H hunml‘. (In on!†um wny toward tho \uguntlus. while lb. m ring at the b0“ u l'm'mnu. Ho. hav- numg the» yard. toot r, and they run; In In Muuuqueton con- uud. cruising tho wlux the two sorry m, he‘rr-ncbed the the lawyer and Ms ml [here he fasten- u urdcrs of NI mas- le- and mule to tho uruey'a door. Then Jnokud upon with . m. by a lad, o. N: of â€"-; but. ’0', husband. seeing to 1m to dinner. an in- musketeer refused Granit rmltl IIKO I0 bu'. my yullow nor-o. inum mum hurt to a... \rmmmn. u ranltes Sh: DFOV‘ 1.9 521 me 01d h t he tin]. ’ H d 0 better uncut he mOSt m“ 1' 7th. an 3 Store :.'-hh"l8 ‘10‘ m we is a. rem- .vas a. dancer M commanded nml tom n. vymnkp ‘ 018‘- uml nn Amen. ‘Iwnko a mg. und nn Am v lwuutlml t. I hvnrd of tho ha â€Ham! lb. wmvn w". b-Hhvtt’d the“ mun-M." 3 x 8 mist ed tool- 311'. was .- lsiund, )ll beforo work! :qn : rm. at one; l 918‘ NON“ ‘ix 71! ed. 13 Jame; -\ more vi Inhekï¬nrgau of Exchange 77777 v - ulivuwuo ' cOnducted by Dept. of Agriculture x OR SALE B! . aCK Mood horse, well broxen rising 4 years a“Isle and d« Weight 1150 In: near (7 GOVemmeat d1} ht act»: 0‘. WI! {‘05 Dress had 6011‘ ï¬ns) 12‘ ’45 Y. 01w 13 Tw«._ hOI‘SP Tread-Power suitable for 9 me cutting box. °l' Information apply at the Dept °f 'culturo, Lindsay. compa WAS THIS THE HEAD OF LATE ROBT. FARMER? pre~en mm d Ouiskirts 39'3"" .300; To Vote on the Improved Lighting System on Sept. 3rd. iOV 01m The t 2e: al'mic :13th (he ram-payers of in’lsay mli deride by their vote hmhvr or nut l'nv new systém of ignitith‘ liu'ms (m Kent-5L, with n;»n,...,l lighting sm‘ViCe on the out- '1“)! strewn. will he best for the “(ISLL‘ M‘ ‘ivth, it 13 proposed to install 18 n,-:i:.- lights on Kym-st†at an "mm! cm: of'SSA'OO per year, the gay; 1., install the system; also \\'u-rlt;sz,v~r Eights on \Villiam and iSa‘r-‘ts. tn the two railway Sta.- .\_ (1‘ a, 1‘05: of $600 additional, [mm m unioy {we current. on the r..r lights for thx‘e-e years; the am an hv. -hts on the above menâ€" ~i >1n¢~vts to be moved to the 1‘. near Charlton, New Ontario‘ 0mm SECTION TWO E. E. W. MC GAFFEY Summer Sale atMgngfey’s ass. *mee Rllitnr, a, farmer of ROSS- F‘. was drowned in the m: at the T0 mt. railway fare ï¬ght med in Detroit. â€, l’.. and suggested :»-2, which were made. tv-vae Dohson inter- r1«L."‘r\, “How do we know (ï¬tting the proper can- Septe‘mhel‘ 3rd, 1913, »~i;i" in thc‘ 'l‘own (tonnâ€" (m uhivh to record-the mm in m-qurd 10 the 3' street lighting. On .\ Medic «nu-d that the town :lr any time to 1:21.11 in x1~1~.-(-r()x‘s to test. the \V as md new buildings, farm .'>.â€"!"e‘ople at the mmy this morning Hakim; into the ex- the: dead body of a. night upon barrels. if. of a man killed {her day, and was wiical College 0W- m‘ friend claiming; uimng the corpse x ille gix'en a ï¬rst and the meeting held an Solicitor hav- tn the effect that uremnent carefully the late Robt. Lindsay, who WE ARE AGENTS FOR D A CORSETS 62 Inch unbleached Table Linen, reg. 30c. sale ...... .........24c 15* Inch linen 'powelllng, reg. 10¢, gale uuu gnu. nun .¢..Caoas......'7*c ‘\ hl'e (jott;()n lflwnsdale. reg. 11c, 'ule "MIC 'DIN‘ IOOIIOIIO “nun"...gic mug and White Overalls and Smoc‘ks. each .........1.00 1"1unnvllctte Shirts, grey unl white. 10-4. reg. 1-25. sale .........1.15 Muck (‘otton Hosiery. sizes 7 L 8, 3g. 9. 96. 10. reg. 180. 30.19 100 (‘Ivm‘inu‘ (V‘hlldrvn's Straw Hum, 500 and 750. int ..........,_..dbc “'th l"lunnulvt.l.cu. 10c, 1 Black Cotton Hoelery, sizes 7 g, 8, 3g, 9, (‘h-nrlng (.‘mldrm'u sun-w Hutu, 50c and Mo-n's Wurk Shirts. 50c and 55c, for .\vw ("mun and White Luca ('Ollll‘fl, 95C. 35“. 500. to I nhlmchml Hhmtlng, reg. 28c. unlo l'tm'vu (‘olurml Menu Mnlm‘ld The suggflstinn of the last speaker llwas agretd with. and it is possible ,t‘nat a. tour of inSpection will be imade on Monday night next. A young homeSIeader named Gord- ing was struck by lightning at Unity, Sa<‘<'., and instantly killed. m Duke~ and DuCheSs of Con- naught will start on the 17th Octob- er on theix voyage back to Canada. McLEANâ€"On Tuesday, Aug. 5. 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Mc- Lean, a son. a discount of 2 per cent. on all 1113 taxes paid tip to and including Aug. 11, 1913.â€"Carried. Moved by.Reeve Kylie. seconde by Ald. Nicholls, that the town treaâ€" surer be hereby authorized to allow TIME EX’I‘ENIWJI) FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES. At the meeting of the town council held last hight the following motion was carried : tom Ald. Adams, Chairman of Police and Lighting, stated that he had a. plan or report, of the lighting sys- tem in the outlying districts to sub- mit to the council at the ï¬rst possi- blu opportunity. “Many streets are xery poorly lighted, and need attenâ€" tion, while we have several petitions for new lights." he remarked. Second Deputy-Reeve McWattersâ€" “Let the whole council go over the streets and inspect the lighting Sys- Reeve. Kylie remarked that, he \xould like to see a. large number of incandescent lights placed along par- ticularly dark streets, between the present are lights. They could be hung low underneath the trees, and would add greatly to illuminating dark st rects. Aid. Irv‘rnu stated that the Toron- to service appealed to him for one rvason, it was possible to go along after midnight and switch out a large number of the lights. He thought if the magnetite lights were installed on Kent-st. there should be cut-00‘ buttons in the base of the poles, so that a certain number could be turned 01! after midnight. “There is no we in burning them ‘all all night," he remarked, "and we would save considerable current in this way. ' ' THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. 7 EU 5 c 0 s i The German army ofï¬cers charged J - D. Carroll ...... t with revealing army secrets were R. Butler Lindsay Fruit ‘3"? E' , . _ , [convicted and given lght sentences. Agnew 4; Co. 1913 TAXES ' M: BIRTH. and "nun. HI nnnnn n ""230 Chief of PoliCe J. T. B. Chilton. submitted the following report of po- lioe atlairs for the past month at a. meeting of the town council held last night : List of offencesâ€"drunk and disord- erly 1, drunk 3, causing a disturb- ance 5, theft 1, shop-breaking and theft 1, breach of liquor license act 3. drunk and incapable 1, vagrancy Convictions were made in all above cases but two, (breach of liquor license act, absconded) and (vag- ramcy dismissed.) Fines and impenalties,owere impos- ed by P. M. Jackson amounting to $100.99, while $22 was paid to LiquOr License Department. Fines and penalties paid to town treasur- er 85430. cab license 85, cartel-s license $21. county fees $19. The funeral took place on Thurs- day, July 24, and the remains were interred in the Nestleton cometaryl The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Snell, assisted by Rev. Robins, Jones, Fallis and Robinson. The bereaVed family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. sympathy CHARLOTTE RICHARDSON. On 'I‘uesday, July 22, at the age of 4-6, there passed away from our midst one of our most respected resi- dents, Mrs. Richard Suggitt. She had long been a patient sulferer from a. lingering and painful disease, and although her friends hoped for her recovery a higher hand decreed oth- erwise. She was a. lifelong member of the Methodist church (ma though quiet and reserved her life gave evi- dence that she lived in constant com- munion w th her Saviour. Her death was a. literal falling asleep with Jesus. She leaves behind to mourn her loss a devouted husband~and a. loving son and daughter. Police Report He leaves to mourn his loss his be- loved wife, two sons and one daugh- ter. The sons are : Charles Welling- ton, barber, Lindsay ; George Vin~ cent, barber, Peterboro, and Miss Bertha .‘Jay. at home. The funeral will take place to-mor- row aftrmOon to the Riverside ceme- tery at“. .30 p..m LATE CHAS. HALL. The death of the late Charles Hall, which tOok place at his home in Queen-st. at 5.451ast Tuesday, was heard with general regret by his many friends and acquaintances in Lindsay this morning. Mr. Hall was an employee of the R. M. Baal Leather Co., being engaged as a cur- rier in the latter factory for many years. The deceased was born in the Township of ManV'ers 48 years ago. From there he remo‘ned to the town of Uxbridge, in which place he resided until the remOVal of the Beal tannery to Lindsay 13 years ago. Mr. Hall was a. favorite with the men and a trusted and skilled work- man. He was a member of the Or- der of Maccabees at death. In reli- gion the ï¬eceased was a practical (01- lower of the Presbyterian doctrine. â€Hutu-8° OBITUARY 15c For the Month LINDSAY, ONT" THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 l9l3. S. G. Pat-kin T. McConnell John Carew ...................... Allan Gillies .................... Dundas . P‘lavellc Ltd. A. L. Campbell J. Sutclifl‘e 6;. Sons J. W. Wakely [J. D. Flavellc Mayor R. M. Bea! ............ 'anry B. Black [Robert Wilson ................. Taylor 6:. Martin ............... H. A. Holmes ................... J. F. Cornnell .................. G. W. Hall ........................ J. A. Fitzsimmons ........... Ald. W. Nicholls ............... Ald. W. W. McWatters ..... .R. P. Sprutt ..................... D. Sinclair ........................ A. S. Welsmun .. . W. F. McCarty ................... A. M. Fulton E. C. Armstrong ............... Ald. Wm. Warren .............. Thos. Brady ..................... Baker 8: Balawin .............. Britton Bros. ................... Morrison Bros. .................. J. Hughes ......................... A. S. Harrison .................. M. O'Halloran .................. EC. E. Weeks ....................... ï¬P. J. Campbell .................. J. A. Williamson ‘B. L. McLean ...................... A. E. Vrooman. M.P.P. ‘8. Oliver A. F. Palen ........................ J. F. Gray ............................ C. McMaster W. Bun'den W. G. Dunoon ............................ O’Loughlin McIntyre ............ . A. S. Alcorn .............................. Geo. Brown .. 'P. A. Ferguson .......................... Thos Stewart W. C. Bullock, Toronto ....... C. M. Squier Canadian Cereal and "Hour" W. H. Ayers Williams Bros. P. Morgan ................................ Boxall Matthie ...................... T. Bakogeorge .......................... J. G. Edu'rards .......................... W. G. Blair 8: Son P. Morgan ................................ 1.00 Boxall Matthie ...................... 2.00 T. Bakogeorge .......................... 5.00 J. G. Edu'vards .......................... 1.00 W. G. Blair Son 1.00 J. A. Darch ............................... 2-00 W. G. Dunoon ............................ 1.00 O’LOUghlin McIntyre ............ . 1.00 A. S. Alcorn .............................. 1.00 Geo. Brown ................................ 1.00 P. A. Ferguson .......................... 1.00 Thos, Stewart .......................... 2.00 W. C. Bullock, Toronto ....... 5.00 C. ’11. Senior .................. '. ........... 2 .00 It might be well to state that the following citizens generously sub- scribed the amounts opposite their names with a. view of defraying the; cost of the trip, as no excursiOn wasi held. The balance of the expenses was met by the ï¬remen aid bands- men personally, the total expense of the trip being $250. The ï¬remen are diligently keeping in practice and are training weekly in order to make the Lindsay bri- gade ane of the best in the country, and one which will give the very best of satisfaction to the people of Lind- say in the way of protecting life and pro perty . Below will be found a. statement concerning the trip of the Lindsay ï¬re brigade and the Citizens' band to Deseronto on the 30th of July, where the ï¬remen competed in the annual tournament, which is to be held in Lindsay next year. Mayor Baalâ€"“I will give both a fair Show." Deputy-Reeve McWatu-rsâ€"“No, you are not. You are ï¬ghting for King- st., in prvforonce to QUei-n, for you Citizens Who Helped Band :and Firemen ReeVo McWauoraâ€""I suppose you are going to push [or can street and not. the other." MOVod by second Deputy- Reeve McWatters. seconded by Ald. Nicholle, diet the Chair- man of the Board of Work. be instructed to go ahead with the construction 0‘ the sun- ury sewer on Queen-It. at. once. The above motion. which WM pre- sented ot the meeting 0! the Town Father: lut Tueedly. caused a. heated dlncusaion between several members of thet August body and His Worship the Mayor. The direct cnuso o! the heated debate uppous to centre in Hm quoution of permanent roadways, waldnnts on King-at. and Queenâ€"Ht. taking uldva as to whtvh thorough- Inru thUld ho puVed. and of moonlit-y them must be e mwm‘ on emu-r street, boruro Imp pulmwm gm-s down. Mayor Halâ€""1» than. ._ mtluon in for a. newer ?" Home Dolmen â€" "Thom In one against. It.†Room: Mchttoraâ€"“Thum will ho a petition in to hue Queen-It. puvod. and we want the sewer ï¬um.†Mayor Baalâ€""Yos. but more is a petition in against the sewer." Md. Warrenâ€"â€Who Board of Knuth recommvml that. it ho hum." Mills .. . Which Street Will be Paved First, Adams THE STATEMENT. "nun-- noooalo I.I.I... I 35.00 1.01) 1.00 1.00 1.00 ‘I‘he house and contents 0! Mr. Wicks, gardmer for Mr. W. T. C. Boyd, Bobcaygeon, was consumed by ï¬re/an Tuesday alter-noon, nothing remaining of the home but ashes, The gathering and earnings or years went up in smoke in less than one ht}! hour. A defeOtive chimney was the cause. 111a insurance was small not sufficient to pay for the furni- R. Neill .............................. A. Higinbotham . .. .. J. Houzer .......................... Peter Kennedy .................. Anderson a; Nugent .. Another Fire JOHN JACKSON I Max or Real contended that the Ex- alderman and Town Tax Collec- question should go to the ï¬nance tor. who has resigned owing to ill committee. However, the original health. motion carried. 0n the information of their com- plainant it was claimed that life was endangered, and steps should be taken by the police to stop such Tax Collector Jackson Has Resigned Owing to P00r Health the town councilors held last. night. a. letter dealing with the subject was read from Messrs. Stewart . O'Con- nor, barristers. A tried and proven faithful serv- ant of the town tendered his resig- nation to the town fathers at a meeting .held Tuesday in the person of Mr. John Jackson, tax collector. bilist in town who will deny that some chauffeurs exceed the speed lim- it daily on the William-st. pave ment, while others keep Well within the law. A certain citizen took the matter up with his solicitor, the result being that at the meeting of Aid. Clukoâ€""Earllur in tho ovon- lleputy-llwve Mcll'attorsâ€"“ 'l'hm‘o in: yomukod all citiwm who wunt. are people living on the strum who ed to address tho council to do so. want the sewer, but the people on Why didn't they got up then 7†King-st... who have property on Aid. Naylorâ€""I! you give Klug-st. (moon, do not. The Board of Health a. sewer you must gh'e one to Quoon- recomm-nd that. the sewer be built." at... and they demand it. if a. man The question in dispute was ï¬nally has a frontage on both streets he aide-tracked by Reeve Kylie stating should be willing to pay on both that he would take the recommenda- streets. the same as a. man who owns: tion of tho ~ltoard of Health to tho houses in two diner-out parts of thoj'l'own Solicitor. and ascertain his town. The trouble is that some ofiopinion as to its validity. DeputrRoevo Mchttersâ€""It was there for you to road. and I W†“’0â€- “Hns Why it. was not read." Md. lrx'lnoâ€"“Ilcwo you any rig)“, Mr. Mayor, to withhold a motion put In your hands?" Muor Haulâ€""l have tho ï¬ght to we that. bolh‘ nth-eta M‘o troawd fair- ly. Thorn in a petition against (mum at. mwor.†hyor Bodâ€"" Why did you leave this mutter ovor until 311 the citizens iott the room. You knew they were interested in this matter and expect- ed it to come beiore the cauncn ?" Md. “Irma-"There will be trou- blo It the l'rm'lnvhl lion-d hM'c to stop In." sweet, and we want. one.†want to see tho mvmeht on King- st. The Band of Rum: recOmmend- ed that a. sewer be built. on this Murlmme MCWuttoraâ€"“ It you block that. motion. Mr. \ Moyor, we will ï¬nd another woy. We wm M’- pocl to the Provincial Board or Health.†Mupor Beulâ€" “'lts only a â€Que“ from the Board of Health." Speeding on Paved Streets "Police to Enforce the Law For several years Mr. Jackson has 'I‘hc-re is probably not an automo- mins was accidentally killed the discharge of a gun in his >e at St. Joseph. Hanâ€" King or Queen ?--East Ward Sizzlers at Bobcaygeon 1.00 1.00 R317. R. Wallace, superintendent {or thirtycone years of the Merchant Home. Bellevme, has resigned. Toronto children tound battered body 0! unconscious man in Wigwam on banks of Ember River. Canada has omcially accepted the Invitation to participate in the Pm mâ€"Pociï¬c Exposition at San Fran- toot embankment. The two men were buried beneath the wreckage. and than: bodies were fem-fully mul- gled. Eight other men stuck to the Kingston, Aug. 5.-â€"J. Mitchell, of Pontypool. cable foreman, and an no- known Italian, were killed this morn- ing wont 10 o'clock on the C.P.R. construction work near Paths-m, when nbdhst car jumpedthetrackata (:3.de with minor injuries. 11» bd- lut train was going west. It is not known whnt caused tn. new. In tendering his resignation Mr. Jackson stated in part. that the 1912 roll was not all returned. but he had put in three year's work for two year's pay and he Was ready to square accounts with the town trea- surer any time. Ald. Warrenâ€"" Mr. Jackson wishes to resign because of his health. not because he wishes to Shirk his duty. I am sorry to see him resign, but. feel we should accept the resignation even although the roll is not return- ed complete. It was moved by Reeve Kylie, sec- onded by Ald. Warren, that the resig- nation of Mr. John Jackson be ac- cepted and bond be released if found satisfacmory to the Mayor, treasurer, auditor and chairman of the ï¬nance committee. to be reported back to council. Pontypool Man Killed Near Kingston been acting in the capacity of tax collector, his work being very satis- factory, so that his resignation is received with considerable regret by the members of the town council, and the news of his ill health will be received with general regret by the citizens of the town. The letter was referred to the po- liCe committee, it being felt by all members that a. by-law should be made regulating the traflic and speed The statute provides that no mo- tor vehicle shall be run in any town at a greater speed than ten miles an hour, while it is claimed that many autos travel as fast as 30 miles an hour. and that a 15 or 30 mile clip is not unusual. The lawyers claimed that it should not he left to any citizen to prose- cute on his own behalf. but that the matter should be dealt with wisely and carefully by the public ofï¬cials. speeding in the future Mayor Baalâ€""I will toll you some- thingh-huw curtain Iigimturen got, on that petition. There is ., man nun- od (‘mnphelt who came to me and stawd that he did not wutt his name on the petition on Queen-at." AM. Nit‘holhtâ€""nat but nothing to do with thin newer. Ho new-r ligand for it.†Ald. Warrenâ€"Md. Manttora and Nichollu tu'or building the King-:-t. newer. but want one on Queen-st... too." Mayor Bellâ€""There should he a sewer on both streets. but the Queen st. sum-r is petitioned for." l‘eputy-vae McWatmrsâ€" “ 'flwro are people living on the strwt who want the sewer, but tho people on King“... who have properw on (moron, do not. The Board of Health recommend that the sewer be built." Ald. Nichollsâ€""Who m to do this business, Mr. Mayor, the citiaens who attend the council meetings. or the numbers 01 the council? It seems to me thtt you gm unfair in not. put- ting nut motion." Mayor Bealâ€"‘fYou hnve to hear the dun-us." Ald. Nicholleâ€""They hall a chance the other night. Haw we got to listen to than eVery night '2" front.- t residents lave two ' s . the Klug- ages.’ PAGES 5 to I2 rolled down a twenty- quite fresh. BARBER SHOP BY-LAW. The bat-hers of Lindsay have asked the Town Council to pass a. by-law governing their hours of doing busi- noes. They ask that all shops be closed at 8 o'clock every night ex- cept Saturday nights or the night be- fore a holiday, and that 0:: holidays that they be allowed to remain open until 12 noon. They also request that for infringement of the by-lawu the ï¬ne imposed shall a“ 325, or be lees than $10- Mr. Elgin Coulter, a Verulam far- mer, was thrown from his binder while cutting grain on Tuesday after- noon, sustaim'ng a. broken arm below the wrist and several other bruises. The tamer was working on a. side hill when the driVe wheel of the bin- der struck a stone which caused him to lose his balance and also throw the machine over on his body. In telling his legs became entangled in the gear and lines and his escape from a. painful death is regarded as miraculous. After falling undernecth Mr. Coulter succeeded by a. heroic ef- fort to raise the machine sumcient to scramble from under and thus save his life. Had the team attempted to run away his chances were none. Latest reports 53y he is reCOVering from the many bruises which he sus- tained. The late Mrs. Smith presented the last production of “ The Court of King Cole " in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. where she was assisted by Mr. 9 Walter Dixon. formerly of Lindsay. no details of the accident were given~ sufï¬ce to say that, she was killed on a. Chicago train. Farmer fell In a letter received by Mr. W. H. Roenigk, nmuager 0: the Academy, Court of King Cole," which was en- joyed immensely by two bumper audiences. The sad news reached town this morning of the accidental death of Mrs. Harriet; Purdy Smith, a lady of estimable qualities, who was Well known in Lindsay. About one year and a half ago Mrs. Smith staged and presented to the people of Lind- say the big amateur success. "The It in conceded by every alderman and tho citizens generally. than the ï¬remen of Lindsay should bun-alarm systems In â€Mr private rtmidvnc‘u. In order that [buy [nay give lhv peo- ple of Lindsay the very best wrvicc. and the proposition submitted by the ï¬mmon and tho Machine "c-vahono Company to install vombinntion 'phones and alarms uuwals strongly. Ald. Irvine stated that he had al- ways treated the ï¬remen fairly and would continue to do so. but he did not believe in rushing an expenditure of 885 through without giving it, any consideration. Mr. F. W. Kennedy stated that the Mal'hinc Company could give the ï¬remen satisfactory ï¬re alarm at- tachments to the Machine telephones, the alarm to be rung in automatical- ly. The company would guarantee to keep the service in good repair. On motion of Ald. Irvine and Ni, - olls the matter was referred to {the Town Property for consideration: KILLED BY TRAIN In lieu of the gum: given by “the town they are entitled to three inan- bers. the society requesting that they appoint Messrs. P. J. Breen, A.fAsh- more and one of their own meumers. However, last night the following ï¬ve were appointed: Mayor Bed. Deputy-Reeve matam‘rs. Md. Wu- ren. A. Ashmon- and I’. J. Broom Proper System of Fire Alarms For Firemen The proposition was again pre- sented to the Councilors last Tuesday, Ald. Dobson, chairman of the town property committee endorsing the scheme. Ald. Warren spoke in favor of clos- ing the. question at. once as it ap. peared to him to be a. good thin. The ï¬remen would have a 'phone and an alarm, which they have not at the present time. FIVE DIRECTORS APPOINTED B! THE TOWN COUL’CIL. layer Bed was in a generous mood Tuesday when he allowed ï¬ve directors to be appointed to the board. of the South Victoria Agri- cultural Society. when only that were asked for. 'l‘he prcsom M‘blem of lure alarm (boxes onlx) casts some $1.25 )early with added Cost for inspection And maintenance. The Machine Tele- phone Company agree to install their 'phones in ten houses, along with the automatic ï¬re alarm system at. I. cost. of $135, of which amount the ï¬remen personally agree to make up the sum of $50. B. A. Kirkley of Minaki. Ont... run 22 miles and left the water, ALL FAR DRE-CI") RS Underneath Binder 1.00 PER YEAR W