She had evidently come to make he: employer’s daily deposit, and a1- a: the Clerk had waited on, her, with many side remarks from her that plainly confused him. he hand- stood at the head of a. line of wo- 'and before him a man before a. bank teller' 3 window limpaï¬ent women one afternoon recently. A girl about 18 years of age, dressed a. little too fanciful for the business she ï¬lled. with a. little too much powder on her face, and her dress cut a. little 1:00 low in the neck, How She Made Him Blush m the Bank Teller 3 Cage by Her Outspoken Blandlshmells. The Silly Yaung GM and @140. was} M; Q“; law $959“ Vï¬â€˜hï¬? ampu- w WYNWG gafls‘waa fl YE weep. and a time time to mourn. and dance."-â€"Eucl. 3 : 4. pose under heaven Vi!) Robt. Farmer, Once 0t Lindsay, $55555555$555555555Â¥1 Mam Robert Farmvr, a nk mam aha mwm m "a BM“; mam; The xix-Em MR mam: xviâ€"Pt «m Mm m ms. mum-M him; mi amm Wm WM ‘M m m: we», 'i'r ME m a M my: '59 MW km: N! mm: he: bahk book and waited whit: he was Stfnbk By 'ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚i D a large number of rvsidvnts R»): and Vicinity. met m-rimint last F'v‘iflzty m One Door East of Dominion Bank, Lindsay PAGE SIX tags mm“ 53mm '38 to laugh; a. a time to zt‘nvinman woui brought a number of Heavy Coat Silk Watered Moxie Silk. Vary heavy handsome silk especiaily for 1adies'tailoreri caats and skirts. 38 inches wide... 2 no 38 inches wide per yam .................. . ................. n the Handsome Bank- Clerk Dress Silks Our new Duchess Dress Silks are now in for early fall. 37 inches wide in every new shade. This silk will not 89 split. It has good body. Special per yard ........... c MCCALL P.‘XTTERN S ‘W 5379, “'aist 5381, Skin ‘9 Price, 15 cents each 3 .4 w iv Early Fall Delivery of Bedford Cord Velvets and Sailings ‘ im'nd i The face of the young man reh- dened. He heard the head man of that department grumble, he knew ibis fellow employos were laughing, and before him stood that line of _ â€"â€"v â€" w' vâ€"' â€" â€"- â€"vv-l-l Awym 7w†__ v v ‘- i " I agreed with her,†continued the Sid; ofï¬the counter engages in social _ 302$ 31.23: B! ‘girl. her voice growing mom shrill talk to the confusion and detriment mdma °' 9‘ blood. and has been I with the excitement of talking t9 a of the man, or woman. on the other during the Wt 39 m young man. " Say. do you likému- side. In every place of bug“ an 1 Itislnumfactmedl: sic ? I wish you would come to my employe is pulled to the telephone 00.. Unwind. Tomato. “ The girl who was up here yes. terday with the deposit said she thought you were the best looking gman in the bank." _ J-. ‘ brought a number of immigrants to tpi‘ Oh iii? b93611 bliï¬â€˜ihg the name xhis wmmu‘nitx' from thé OM commit: 1’3““ T- 33311: 145:“:553'; ivy-1:35" ’ a ,_ ‘ h . M." m, bï¬Ã©â€™e‘ éb‘ mu ira é W’t ‘ 5M“ 1 tu.’ Rnb‘mi â€I mmâ€. “as four... M‘mlnmnmm Mm ithhiéï¬ihtfly ibukï¬Ã©ï¬ {1b ‘ Sx‘mu'vli It plan-e at “1‘0. â€6““) 0f “‘0' “W “min B“ inFhï¬M-t‘st; if“ 5% M52; ‘ ln't‘v“ 1%‘t'i‘irk L‘hHih; Nikki; 6i M312; “mfg Mg BM ï¬bï¬'é’ï¬i mi“ “5“ “WI 'v-‘V-zs'n‘k Mama; 5% m3}. â€man“: ma, Ha; gibim MM is M3†at {am MR8 that 4mm! in? a “mm a? mm; wm‘ me mm m V-‘Mm 6% the Mhmm m. m m \\-%\MV~§W§ amiss»! me m2: «tweeâ€"xv; 39mm», mm an ‘m m \w-vu, mnmi m mm m m9: whim flaming 591m mam mg: gmvm ai- iwagmg- wieï¬; §BM6=F Mama an»; t‘hilm is the met hwa‘, mnm m m mm: 9% m. m; M msye ma 39va m maï¬a M522; 2mm '1“; “Quiz hmhmzï¬: 54m mm m m, mum mama “km W Imam: was mm 9% m, mmug mm mm meqmmm mm “8.39% m Wilï¬â€˜iillï¬ m; 51' E mm m1 99mm 9% me. am 9% mg. ml: m9 Mia-km mm mm 3 9H mmw 9% mmw'a mmw. I Hit by G. T. Train at Belleville MORE TROUBLE. 200 yard of special pt uerge in Navy, Bro Black. 40 inches wide per yard ................. All Wool Bedlam Cm! Velvet: One of the newest suitinga for curly autumn, we have taken mm smelt this wcek all the new ahmlea cl“ amyaémd «lurk fawnaz Copcnllagm blue, Navy, Ilrecm, Black; (Jr-calm, Bmwm A hattél‘ quality than gun usually set}. per- )tl 690 Cord Suiting Heavy silk and linen suiting for autumn wear, a regular Tub Suiting, comes in Tans, FaWns. Copenhagen Blue, Navys, suit- able for one piece dresses. This goo-is cannot be worn out \ by a woman (a R‘ by a. woman A dress length for This is not an unixsunl incident. In every business house a dozen times a. day some one on the out- side of the counter engages in social talk to the confusion and detriment of the man. or woman. on the other ‘ That is. the episode ended so far as the outside of the window is con- corned. That it ended on the other side without the young man receiv- ing a. reprimand for something for which he was blameless is in doubt. Serge jher sex gave her. but which is some- ‘times unfortunately denied to men, pushed the girl away from the win- dow and the spisode ended witli the silly creature walking out, complain- ing audibly of the rudeness of the other woman. The siwatiun Was gmwing ï¬es- . ‘3 Dante and the flung man. With a very red face. teached out his. hand over her head for the bank book of the woman next in line. The girl continued to chatter until the wo- man behind her. enjoying a privilege Mm 529% mm“; and ham. W- WW“ w. 0a.. M‘s 1» mm mm his WM! @6qu he is 3, ’-'~ $3.54 pure wool Brown and E a 396 i4“ ‘\ THE WATCHMA N-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. blood, and has bomsted by thmmnwd: during the past 39 yws. ‘ Bannocx BLOOD ans is a squad: Sqdic‘ated _f9r ghe puriï¬mtioq of the _. 'â€"â€"-“' Glade. N.B.. writesâ€"â€For years I was troubled with Bails. I did not know what it was‘to be rid of them until I began to use Bmocx BLOOD 13111235. I only used two bottles of it, and it is now over ten yen-5, and I can honatly saythat I have nevethadany boilssince. I an always momma B.B.B.†When the blood beme impure, it is only natural that boih. pimpla. 0: some other indication of had blood should break out of the system. There is only one thing to do, and that is to purify the blood by using a thorough blood cleans- ing medicine such 35‘3ch Bnoon It gingmgfagtured by _The ,T. Milï¬mr We MWWQ A French mutantâ€"is aqmwm- m 98“ 9% an mums WWW in 'ï¬m awmv- wi m mm 13un ix‘ mmmai a 118mm 9% mm m Muwiaw Mam mm. MM mm Hm haï¬w mnw- mm weak “Rm-z aw. My». Fm C‘mmmain 1m Wm mama: DID NOT KNOW AhhH'tM‘ m nth'ré; ‘ m '3th NM Mimi’s» m. aw Wham 1 MM“ gamma†in their 5% am an m mm; at William MM Wamhaw. mm mam an M. mm m m autism. new wank M, Sim-’1'- §§%xy- §§ Mimi mm; B iii-A Eff! H"! NR 11% 51% -. WHAT IT WAS TO BE III M" lOllS. CHESTER FUNNELL FELL OFF HIS WHEEL A young lad nnmu-d (‘hesior (‘on- m". who myrlwd m thu Post. mm with a Siiu'ht hm painful au‘cidvm 0!! mp Mummy. when hp shmm from his Monks and hmka his arm. to chat u: hours. Women are becaminp: a more im- portant asset in the business world every day, but with every step for- ward all their sex slips a little back- ‘wurd every time one of .them forgets that. " For everything there is a sea- son. and a time for every purpose under heaven; 9. time to weep. and‘ a time to laugh ; a time to mourn.‘ and a. time to dance." and the timei i “ There is a time to dance," and;Shf' has light blue eyes and pale the girl who remembers this is new lashes she is ‘catty.’ All red-haired er a. pest in store, ofï¬ce or shop. If romen are jvaluus. she admires or likes those on the Helm of Troy had red hair. Queen other side of the counter. and wish- Elizabeth had red hair. Some of ' es them well, she will not do them the greatest men in the world have Ilharxu by injuring them in the eyes had red hairâ€"llarbarossu, for exam- ‘ of man who employs them. We. Red hair is noticeably common ‘ A WEED. among the ruling families or Europe, A good definition of a ivecd might ‘ That is because so many of them are be. .. Am. plant growing in the‘dcst‘endod from that great race of wrong place." A poppy is a weed _: “‘d'heads- 1h" Norsumcn. “ho con-1 when it flaunts its scarlet petals‘ m 5 quercd most of England, l-‘ram-u, Sid ya cornï¬eld. A stalk of corn is 35’0â€.“ "Hm“. founded dynasties all weed When it pushes its head above} 0“" Europe in the Middle MIPS. and; the ground in a bed of lilies. 523V? their auburn-haired daughters! A girl may be sweet and pretty as WiVes ‘0 a hundred kings and and attractive â€" a flower. in {net â€"2 Princes. since those old days red but she becomes a pest like a weed ' hair has always barn a mark of aris.' when she flaunts her charms in the! tocracy, 10" the conquering races haVe wrong place. ibeen Mantis. Women am; becoming a more int-l CAUSED BY IRON I.\' BLOOIL portant asset in the business world Conquest and iron 110 [Ogvthon And every day. but with every step for- red hair is caused by a sulwr-abun- ward all their sex slips a little bucl;-,"dm1ce 0‘ “‘0" i" â€W bl0013- The, BROKE HIS ARM PLEASE PUBLISH MY TESTIMUNIAL is not during business E. COLLIRR. River Three young women were by the overturning of a row St. John, NB. Missingâ€"Jennie Whittle, who disap- peugd ‘trom her home Wedueldty. July 23rd. 1913. Description-Ag» 14 you-a. height 5 feet. weight. 109 pounds, complexion (air, hair g light brown, gray eyel. with Slight cast on lettone. She was dressed inst"; colored skirt. black waist, blue jac- ket, sailor hat, black band: she also curried an umbrella. The girl m guilty of no crime. - assigned for the girl's diuppeu-onoe. Chie: of Police R. J. Mount. wot eon. suited obout the happening. and he at once tent out 1. description not the young girl, which is as follows : A young girl disappeuod from her home in Trenton. Dan. kst week, end the occurrence has ceased a. mutton Missing Girl Wanted at Trenton ME W. A». mm“; at m “11mm: st; mmimm MMMM mm m. dame MW; of EWM; a MM: m» My MM MM mu mm mm 9% mm m 9% was! mm m: m». ï¬e; MANN! hm- i§ M has an “my m“ m hmu.‘ Nam“ mam hï¬k’r ï¬mvskm m an m 9%? a mine am: Hm I‘m 221% 122““ M‘ gm m mama is M the “(My man which Mm NF. Fm: “in“; vwram=M§ m chm at an Mm hmm am “MYW ml We a m: awed: PHI‘CMSEG a ’(‘olor of hair is due to a pigment .which has been callod melanin. which ‘is secrotod in the roots of thp hairs. lAbsence of this coloring matter Intakes “hilt‘ hair. Mt‘lanin is form- ied by oxidation. A varivty of or- iganic compounds may undergo oxida- tion into mvlunin pignmnts ranging in intt-nslty from yellow to him-k ;! the groater the oxidation. thv dark-r the product. And iron. when oxi- dised. inside the body as we" ax out of it, producns rvd. This ( thq- fhw-kl-s that so nftun mar haired woman's brautx. Red hair is hendimrs as "361mm“ amt ll: N\\llPl" \llll ht phased: lt‘ 59st cull hut "‘l‘lttau halted“ aha “ill lw mouth lt‘ur- ‘n tltm lowll to reï¬ll! l‘vll'llhll‘vtl \m "tunaâ€"Mall ‘I‘ltlan Mu e mm: of «wel- lem mule. All ul‘llhlntlflwtl ml lmtr And melt as a rule. lute ml-lmlr-ml wmwn. ‘l'lw New“ for men's all mimtlou is that ml hair is gutwrulâ€" l,\' a oouu‘aniud by certain qualitm that make a woman Very attrw'tlms suit. smooth skin. for inatuut‘e. though this is likely to la freckletl. Ah]. ARE .ll‘).\l.0l'h‘. The ï¬nest complexious in the world are almost aluays found on led-haired girls. And these sun- kissod gills have blood that is warm- er and flows more swiftly than that in the wins of their less favoured islsters. 'l'h’s often makes than im-l lpulsive, hot-tempered and jealous, but it always makes them aflection- ate. and they ha\'e a reputation for passionate dexotion. A loyal tricnd' ‘but a cruel and relentless cut-my is the red-haired woman. ‘ A woman who is an authority on the subject, tells us that: “When a. red-haired woman has dark blue or violet eyes and dark eyelashes, she is good to have for a friend or a lover and bad to have for an enemy. When she has light blue eyes and paletj lashes she is ‘catty.’ All red-haired women are jealous. . Sammieâ€. it seems to hp 1 thing of a slur umh a \Vemnh‘sl [y to am» she has “mt†haw. may can u. "auburn.†and it wmwhnpnl; \‘mt may mask 1 as "gamma“ amt ila‘ mum “m Marat It mu can hp? "’11 down to Jealousy. for a rod-haired girl in newer , wall flower at a dance. and she ls ammo sure of a seat in a mu Men are aha): gallant w the red-haired 210‘]. Many of them and her mhhsvly intomimg. A'mvrthelpgs. it seems in hp ammâ€" mm; of a shot‘ m cm a «omnn‘s twan- wile gentle girls who h‘ven't red hair always meet to despISe locks of that color. Nor can they eVer understand why red-haired girls are so attractive to men. Girls who have red hair are inclined to put this scornfln attitude Red hair is a social mystery. "Car- rots" is a. term of contempt flung it any one with red locks. EVen other- Why Has the Red Haired Girl Best Chance to Wed Fast Race Horse? expmins and it In I‘m! OI-kwood. FA RM sion can be had an 1914 Highest or a necessarily accept“ and a: O'Connor. ‘7' MM mu hï¬ï¬‚b\ mhï¬'i‘tmywï¬ m m mm Wm M! h Wm. 61 m h in m: mem at Imman- “a ham mum am new: 95 we MM‘ MM in com WM at cm? mm is mmm 1 miles ï¬rm Liam" m m on the â€Mi/83$ ï¬mâ€"clm humm- The wmwu' ism m Mummy mop-mm.- elom townships. Fa: particulars â€My w J. J. Kevin. Ba: 3“. Mum. Int 3: (‘on. 1, (ms or less. This is 4 and vary amiable will he received by ghe 1 “W1 My. 19th Au. ‘0' the purchau or the t“t° hm. being tha nm t)! l! [SHRUPSHIRE SALE. â€" lH'lllNG the past two \u-eks J. D. J. (‘ampbelL of Fairview Farm, sold to three customers I2 sheep and 5 lambs. all highly ï¬tted show ani- mals, for whirh Ihey n'nlln-d the sum of mm $1.000. 'l‘héy ï¬nd an‘ .m-ellvm demand Dnr Ihvir Short- hom bull camvs us mxn. A month an, a wry blmlm hum «as mm to Mr. um. Muir, of mallow, mt. hm husk Sham. hm ï¬rings. M Hmdmmw; gush wwhasm a mmm had. mm "in Us» mama; at the am am» MP. Maw #41. m». 953%,, a? R‘Mm, my... mum a“ mm mm m mama" 9“! mm. t‘w am;- am and um Mm Um: mmh his km 11 mm am m mm“. Hm “Nib!“ llw WM mm. A QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for School Section No. 7, Gamay. Salary, $350.00 per annum. Du- ties to commence September hit, 1913. Applications will b0 n-coiv- ad by the Set‘.-'l‘rva.s. to the 23rd of August. Sidney Switzn-r, San-3 'l‘mas. nu lw (‘on. 2. Fenelon. joining Balsam Lake. About 75 acres undvr culti- vat‘ou, balanCe wood and pasture land. Would makn a mat-class ranch. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For full particulars apâ€"; ply to Neil Sinclair, Glunarm v.0. 1 FARM FOR SALE OR TO martâ€"i Lot 21, Con. A, Mariposa, contain-, ing 100 acres. There are on the, [in-mises a good brick hovsn, frameJ barn, \\ ith stabling underncuth, «to. Two wells, one at the house and the. other at thr- barn. Two tun-s of orchard. The land is all cleared. and in a good state of cultivation. Situated in the Village of Valentin, and convenient to post o‘l‘ice, church and school. Address Robt. Jordan, 104 Fair-a\'o., Lindsay. v Several bank tellers were victimiz- ed by a man with “accepted" cheques in Toronto. ARM FOR SALEâ€"1m ACRES, more or loss. East half Lot 25. Clayton Laundry, son of the trea- ‘surer of l'ilzm'ir township. Hastings county, was pullim.r a nail nut 01' a piece of Wood with a hammer, when the head at the nail flew ofl‘, striking him in the eye with such force that he has lost the sight of the eye. l.( )Sl-IS ()N R EV! C hil dren Cry ran FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (m Mad-ah to Cammmuu; ihéhev “mum-Mug an»!!! m (‘Mhm‘flei Mal: hump mug to mmumm‘; “mum 0‘6? [WM mm! mad m \Veumgc human; “bllhmuna-‘t, cam-“t m Mud: tam-vim Linus-arm. @9th w uluwlu-ul “.3 (“Mala-wt, was! m “‘illimu'ï¬â€˜d] , ONE ADVOCATE) AMUND COR- PORATION 0F LNDSAY. ‘. Lindsay's pared streets are the talk of town and countryside. townsmen 'md country men being of the one‘ opinion that the work- should have been undertaken years ago. and that the money being spent to build per- monent road- in be“); well spent. The paved thoroughfares are the popular strata for pleasure tmmc, and in fact [for henVy teaming. and we ï¬nd farm- ;ers drh‘lng blocks out of their way in ‘order to skip the bad street and have a trot oxer the pnwmentsg Autonobmnts. Next-mist and cltimns owning prlmto turnouts are dt‘light- m! with the manner in which thp town mum-ll can: push!“ and extending the umwral mum: pom-y. Mam haw wagmwted that a bolt Nap Iw hum m-mmul tho town. on Hm h‘lmwm FIH‘HIH 3: "'0“ by {he undersigned .y. 19th August, 1913, - â€"- TENDER-S A BELT LINE 5. wu acres more a. well improved we]; let Much. "1y tender not . “ Address Ste-' north old. FARU FOR SALE.â€"(,‘<).\'.<I.<'1‘ISG °' “‘9 East half or {m 22. m the 3th Concession of Mariposu, con- tuning 100 acres, mom or 15. which is all cleared except about flv" pores. This is a tir>14Xas< Property in QVery way, and i~ cun- valiantly Situated on the main road betwean LindSay and Oakwood, m“ Midway betwem those two places. and within half a mile of the 9611001. For further particu- h" apply to Mrs. Mary Jane Dun- “3.0!! the mine, or by letter pddmsed to Oakwood P.0., or to M 5 Jmkson, Solicitors, Lind- pen, With concrete 1M.“ :m-l "0‘3. silo; implemcm house and was driving hous«-. 'l‘hn Mia‘- M are all in good rep-â€.113 must of M nt‘arly new. 'l‘hcrn um- three M wells on farm and vi>zez‘n. Mona welcome to come and look it OVGP- B. McGeoxxgh. WWW Hm mm M M 8,. cm- W. mm qr- lass. as u W land. halal: N ‘§“Q[ Miami'- How. “N- Brit-K couuu'c. Wk“ 94., with summer kixchcn 4 ‘ 43 it. with u-mvu throwhout; sheep and 50% 20x50. with loft: In W: “a “Ham“ “'in .3“qu eloh. Wu-ll \mdv-rdmi' hOrEh-“mt of lindm} past 011%», svhno! m shop. (hand (mm an my» mac ham, mum WM“; mmï¬ n" Wm hb-Mami 15-, \m h u w m' mug" mama. «M v “WW; Wig-NM MM hm 6f- iwowi new at Mm 1 ma Hm- ï¬mm. \ Mum, .ï¬ mM§.. am y» W 9““; WW! Wei“ ï¬mw “Mm amt. ~~ We haw-mum wh- ARM FOR RAH more or le~s. Lm PROTESTA NT TI". .\ ( ‘11 H 1, â€OLD- 'ARM FOR S" mill-s of linw barn and drhin water. 2 \wlls. particulars aw Box 307. Linds: WARM FOR SALI-Lâ€"I’AR'I'S 0;: Lots 4 and 5, ('nncvsflon 3, I'lldon, 150 acres. known as tho ")lclntm; Farm," situate at LornoViHe Junc- tion, where thvrc is a good school and creauwry, NC. For further particulars apply to (f. 1-2. “treks, Lindsay, or Hugh McKinnun. Wood- ville. con. 7, Fvn Cameron Villa; house, 2 good foundation ; ih‘ lent well; I'nir land. 'I'ol‘ms Apply to more ing a. second-clan» Normal certiï¬- cate wanted for 53. _\'u. m, 0p. and Emily. Salary, $5:qu per year. Apply (‘. Yeaiand, Rural. ROULe N0. 3, Lindsay. \RM son. being possession at one.- farm with plow lvm the harvest is mm: make terms suit, [nu all in ; and thorn wi corn and 4 of ruovs‘ be sold cheap 10 m; Apply to owner on 1 to Elias Bowvs, ro-a Lindsay, Out. at “n FARM MM #- lan-v u“ M avm “Hm-L hush; small well flaw-ml a we": and -‘ along Hm an house with L forum, parlur 3; miles iron: 1an farm with (‘I'up :m ream, par] afld ï¬ve In stairs; gm air furnace Wall ; stat; head can]; rout house out, barn nvul silo: the urn: FARM FOR SALE 0R W. half of lot 7, a,†acres 300d land, 100 large_ frame barn “’it ling. frame and 1m. ‘ARI FOR SA†50 acres of land about U") nrrns loam I-‘irst +1: 96 x 20;- 3 MM cistern; Wahw I log nubie. pig 9‘ unnatpd. g M n dfld 59*huï¬lhmmu uimmm In um n being In! N m w “Wham. «mm m. Max. MV-Millmu- DB. NEELANDS, SPECIA miï¬cm teeth. Studied nation of gas with the 01 Dr. Colton, of New Yer] “â€35 “‘0“ and bridge ‘ good wells. For ll‘Ply tn JOI. Muk “I." «own and SWING!) House, THURSDAY, AUG L'ST or less. \\ FUR SAL] the [’l‘ulu [(10 hm I r0 ih'h in \LI ('(‘III 'Il HI \lAl ha Ill hm \\I’1‘HI\' log \\ mdS‘y (‘HX'I M 'IH-‘S Ulises. or i aCres of rm will and Sc“ hiss RENT sale. I'm H Rel ’NF. â€we"! Absolutely {:3 20th III um 19mm: {9. _ -n‘..o r [n Style, Fit Make 'omcE unV' †'flqumSt- Ion Poof Buildinï¬ J. G. Edwar J u HA RD‘Se‘ur Fa Phone 27. Thu-e wh isn’t it? Our stricniy Pure stock. In p: lows fly d yum.“ 5 11 mm punctual fl. “ Moderate .03 IN NEW MLA Taiimâ€˜Ã©ï¬ Special Sprayers U1 H. Irvine. flung!» We»; a lb. f M Cleveli Bicydefl- Horse iTC( WOOD FHONE '1? er Knives .’ SHE? n (a! Schod In. Em and Cod Tract)