If‘éiééGUNGEMENT ! “Li-:5: Czarféz .225 1? 01/5? B/z'flds, ; v 5195152: [Woo/5, Umwzs zmd [27627755 1’7257’5, z’Wm’s mza’ Boy’s U 7za’e7’weczr,‘ charge/5 (2720’ F/amze/efles, Tweedy, mm’ C 027072620165, 7515/3 1.2326725, 70 we]: and Tode/Zzhgs. I GHQ ‘ Goods, Mani/es, 11/] 6723‘, Boy’s (ma 25/35 Clot/ling, Léfldrm’s Clog/é: (2m! '5 [Edgy/down: am! C [ca/132317605, T (2156539! F-{Jopment of our buying and selling is due ,5, (’(zi’Cï¬ll selecting of goods which always I m} department bï¬stting‘ mith the .N'ewest @525 Productions, is the ground on, which we and Exclusive values for Full and Winter Tedd er by which we ascend to ï¬nal triumph. ‘ m Fair week for {expose opening a Merchant Tailoring and 'Iw‘ timing business at No . 104 Kent Street, new: the Post Ofï¬ce, on Saturday: IeFabia‘f 10th and will keep the most up to- ‘ 5‘ 1:“:zmoney can buy. ‘ L â€WW0†and warrant belief, and to believe ('3‘ awarding] .1]- _ H‘Miilinery Opening! source they are to come. a: c Ex}? uition are invited to call at MISS BANNEN’S “‘LW‘TM cf MILLINERX GOODS. The very late“ in dee 6.1; Y RHHIED HATS BONNETS, Etc. Patterns 5:: Ork will be shown. A call will sufï¬ce to show «a x.‘ the mast reasonable and her stock the most fash- :ISS BANNEN, ’Stic T a A/forgan (30., 3P " ‘ “1 lllfli-Iu- leased to have you cail and inspect . MCGAFFEY Up- to-d ate Furnishers. Kass: STREET, LINDSAY. NOTICE TO CREDITORSâ€"Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter 129, section 38, notice is hereby given that persons having claims or demands upon 0r against the eszate of Iacob Hart. late of the Township of Manvers, 1n the County of Durham, yeoman, who died on or about the eleventh day of May, 1899, are requested to deliver, or send post prepaid, to William James Grandy. Esq. , Mount Horeb P.O,, the executors of the late “ill and testament of the said deceaSed on or before the 3oth day of September instant, his christian and surnames and addresses with full particul- ars in writing of his claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veriï¬ed. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said executors will not be responsible {or the assets or any part thereof, sovdistributed to any person whose claim notice shall not have been received as afore. said at the time of such distribution. Dated at Lindsay this 5th September, 1899, MOORE _JACKSON, Solicitors for an u't6r§.’;3613. FARM FOR SALE OR TORENT FéRM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR.SALE..â€"â€"I offer my choice farm of 200 acres, all under cultivation, to rent or sell. This farm joins the Town of Lind- say, where there is a creamery in full blast, and the best market for everything a farm can produce. There is a ï¬ne bearing orchard of nearly {,000 trees, and three never-failing wells. A brick house. alsow bank barns that are not beaten in the coun. try for capacity. Apply to THOS. F ER, on the premises, box 353, Lindsay.-â€"37-tl. â€"One hundred acres, more-or less, being the East Half 3f Lot 2, C011. 9, Fenelon. On the place are a brick house with frame kitchen and 80 x 28 barn with stone cellar underneath; also a 30 x 60 barn, driving shed and other outbuildings, all in good repair. The-re are two good welle, some fruit trees and good fences. All the land is clearer’ with the exception of about 10 acres of bush. 1' is ulmut 6 miles from Lindsay, 2 miles from a cheese factory and close to school. This is a very desirable property and will be sold or rented at a reasonable ï¬gure. For particulars apply to W. R. l ROBERTSON, on the premises.â€"‘34-3pd. [ FARM! FOR SALE.-â€"In the Township of Cutwriqht, County of Durham, situate near Burketon, in a ï¬ne settlement. Land is nearly all mider cultivation ; balance Well timbered; watered by creek and well. Good 1% storey dwelling, 8 rooms; barn 75 x 26; stable 42 x 24; all in good condition. This 15 a beautiful farm, 'and will be sold at a very reasonable price, and on easy terms of payment. For full particulars apply to J. ‘ E MCELDERRY, Gueth, Ont.-â€"32-8. a good well are oh the place. It is three miles and a half from Omemcc and on the leading road to Lindsay. The soil is good clay loam There are good brick house and ï¬rst-class outbulldings. For particul- ars apply to MRS. RACHEL ADAMS, Omemec, or on the premises.â€"35-3pd. Bcing the north half ot'lot I, can. I, in the township of Emily, containing 135 acres more or less. Seventy acres are under cultivation, and the balance is good pasture, ten acres is bush, principally hard wood. A good young orchard, a flowing spring and FéRM T07 RENT.â€"Lot I FARM FOR SALE â€"Lot 12, Con D_:I __ sell? Do you want to sell or exchange stock ? The cheapest. simplest and easiest way to bring it befoxe the public is to put a small advt. in the VVatchman-Warder. It m'll be read everywhere in this section. Circulation 5,000. Read.by at least I 5,000 people every week. “um. .Lv “131313â€"140! I, con. 10, Manvers. Containing 200 acres of ï¬rst- class land, 170 cleaned and in good state of cultivation. On the premiees is a good frame dwelling. also two frame barns, with stone foundation under one. Three miles from Jtmetville, on leading road. Posses- sion given March Ist; plow leave immed- int-fly. Fur further particulars apply :03 WILLIAM GRAHAM, YclVerlOn â€"36.3. F ARM To RENT. e-_ - v-' “Hugoâ€"WI. [2, Wu. 4’ Emily, containing 142 acres, all cleared except three acres of hardwood bush. 40 acres ready for {all wheat.‘ Situated on leading road, two miles from Omemee. F irst-class buildings; bank barn and stables. frame dwelling 32 x 22, storey and a half; {our wells, one flowing. Possession after v. _â€"..’ tour wells, one flowixig. Possession after harvest. Apply to W. R. McQUADE, OMEg‘.IEE.â€"-34v4pd. _ FARM FOR SALE. ed: “'61! fenced nnr‘ um STRAYED.â€"I_nto my TO LETâ€"The flat over the store now occu- pied by Messrs. AllanCo. It will be ï¬tted up to suit tenants. William street entrance. Apply to H. J. LYTLE, Man- ager Ontario Bank.â€"36tf. _______ Mucus cam. uau of lot 2, [in the Ist con. of Mariposa, con- taining 100 acres all cleared Ninety acres are under cultivation; the balance is pasture land. The house is frame 24x30, the barn is 50x60 with stabling underneath. For particulars apply to I. L. FURGESON. Sonya.â€"36tf. ‘ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" One and a half storeys high, frame, % acre of land with stable. Apply to IOHN MC- GIBBIN, 5 Division-5L, South Ward, Lind- y.â€"25-tf. FOUND. mount P. O .V _-v â€"-.Va, IV ulcal‘ ed; well fenced and watered; new house and barn. Five miles from Kinmount village. Terms liberal. Apply to JOHN McGEE, L0t6, Con. 3, township Galway. Kin- mnnnf D {\ l r_'_.--u, Iv!- av, con. 9, Eidon, about Mav Ist. one yearling Heifer. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses; JOHN GILCHRIST, Hartley P.O.â€"35-3. OR 'SALE.-»Brick‘hous9e, with one we of land; good stable; young bearing orchard; good water; location éentral. Apply to C. CHITTICK, Lindsay.-3I-3mos. D.â€"Near the sandpits on Saturday morning, a pair of trousers. Owner at: haw; same by applying at this ofï¬ce and paymg for this advt.-â€"â€"35-3. . - gist) abbnrtissmmts. LINDSAY, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14th 34-4- .â€"Being east half IOO ames, 70 clear. premises, lot to, The only risk the‘ town runs‘ is that in case the company failed, you. might have the works thrown; on your hands at $70,000. It could not be more as the first mortgage bonds cOVer all the company’s works, real and personal property of all kinds, and there could be no interest in addition, as the town rental accrues from! day to (lay. and would be pledged to‘ pay the interest, so there never could be any, interest in arrears. But there is really‘ no danger of the worlm' falling into the hands of the town; as the company "is perfectly solvent .and in a flourish- ing ï¬nancial condition. and. the works are worth over $100,000, both from the Thos. Walters, Esq., Mayor of Lindsay. Dear Sir,â€" I understand the Fire Underwrit- ers’ Association require the town to put in a second pipe crossing the riVer and three new hydrants, one at the corner of Mill and Melbourne-eta, one at the corner, of Albert and “Telling- ton-sts., andlone at the pump house, and that the town are committed to provide one hydrant to Messrs. Rider Kitchener, one to‘ R. M. Bgeal’s tan- nery, and two to the Rathbun Cor A hydrant is also required near the cm. ner of Durham and Albert-sts., mak- ing eight hydrants which the town re- quire in the immediate future. The length of pipe required for this work calls for ten hydrants, according; to the town contract, which means an addition of $400 a year to the town hydrant rental. The company Offer ’to do this work, which will cost over $5,0UU, and furnish these extra hyd- rants free of charge, and make a re- duction of $100, on the present hyd- {rant rental, making a total saying of $500 a year to the town, providing the town will guarantee the first mort- gage bonds of the company for $70,- 000, at 3 1-2 per cent., payable in 20 years. if any of the hydrants above mentioned are not required 'by the town, the company will make a Cash reduction of $40 a year for each hyd- rant not required. . . __ If the town accepts this‘ offer It would be necessary to pass a byâ€"law with the assent of the ratepayers. This would not increase the town’s: deben- ture or bonded debt, nor would it in- crease the taxes in. any way, but, on the contrary, the taxes will be reduc- ed $500 a year. The Watchman-Wade: FOR SALE_‘OR Tb Pan 1' . RENT.â€"Lot 7x FARM TO RENTâ€" Being part of lot 19, in the 5th con., Mariposa, contain- ing 70 acres, more or less, of which 15 acres is good' paSture and the balance under culti- vation. A good frame house, 40x60 barn and log stable are on the place. A creek runs through it and there is agood well. Ahnut It! “El-h I __ -. u --..........., ‘cleared except I 5 acres; 151 state of cultivation. On t three good frame barns, um 'are stone cellars. Good co ing with all conveniences. and hog pen. This farm is two miles from Omemee. 4 to rent, 10:3, con. 5, coma all in-gmf; sturcof cultivatk good Irame ham and a go premises Fur further m" THURSDAY. SEPT. 14th MRS TENDERS. -'-Sealed Tenr ccived at the Town Clerk noon on Friday, the 22nd tember, 1899, for the purc in the East W'ard known as ‘. ixng Ground, and comprisi part. fame, of Lot I, in Pa: ofDennistouu Suest. Tera Cash. The lowest or any to sarily accepted. J. H. LE man Town Propertyâ€"374. __â€"-‘¢.v “U“ and log staBle ere on the p was throu h it and there 1‘ About .1}; miles from ‘ Immediate possession. For culars apply to CEO. DAV dine or at lot 20, con 6â€"26- STRAYED,; WANTED. LOST ....... u uu uUL a, uoncession 4, Fenelon, containing 100 acres. The farm is in a fair state of cunivation, with good buildings. For further paniculars apply to WILLIAM CHAMBERS, Cambray, or GEO. GOOD- HAND, Baddow P.O.â€"37-4. _-‘d situated on Lot 5 C Containing 100 acres. state of cu tivgtion, 12‘-.. l â€"â€" ‘ -__. Wu“; .mu we premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, Con. 2, Vemlam, several months ago, One White Sow. Owner is requested to expenses and note. Find same to R4 â€"36'2o _ - -- swu scucral nouse servant for farm. Good wages to competent person. For particulars apply to WATCHMAN- VVARDER. ~37 ' _ â€" v av a. .â€"omau DOUSC am lot. with stable, north ward pteferred Apply at this ofï¬ce.-â€"37~z. in good condition Apply at this ofï¬ce $33“ ghhzrï¬szmmts. ~01: Tuesday,{Sept. 5th; a $20 bank Finder will be rewarded by returning 0 R. I. MCLAUGHLIN’S Ofï¬ce starcof c'ultivation mily. containing Ward known as the Old Duh-p; Id, and comprising the cemre >, of_Lot I, in Park ‘0 O.’ Nnrfh May, the 22nd day a 399, for the purchase nf Ward known as the Old laE-Second.band sqiuare» piano, Will be' sold cheap. AK- Toygm Cleï¬c’g'bï¬Ã©gé A good general house servant Cgme into the : I, m Pavk ‘(3 Q.’ North :t. Terms of pajmznt, ‘.â€"Th_at valuable fam‘: nng 200 acres all 150 acres in good n the premises are under two of wLich comfortable dwell- Teqd‘ersr will be Eâ€"Small house and ‘5 a 200d well. Little Britain. '__f_urther parti- th, 1899 prgmises of Net revenues... $2989.50 Compare this with the present state- ment, and you. will notice that in five years the net yearly revenue has in- creased $928.72; that the‘ private con- sumers have increased $1153.32, viz., from $817.23: to $1971.54, or more than double, as I then' predicted it vwould; while the working expenses have increased only $255.59. But in the 1898 statement there is charged- for head office, travelling expenses, etc., $168.73. of which, now that the head office is transferred to Lindsay, 8150 at least. will at once he saved, and deducting th‘s would make the in- There is no reason why in the future the working expenses should increase to any apprecinhle extent, While with the extension of mains and putting in sewers, the probabilities are that the revenue from private consumers will increase 'more th-m double the last five years. i do not think the town runs any risk whatever, if they could get the present. works. with $5.000 new greatest streak of luck they ever had. But there is llDl chance of it, as from the above statement. of facts one can easily see that the company is not in difficulties, or hard up, but, on the contrary, in the most- fl0urishing; con- diticn. It, mny be asked why the company make such 9n» offer? Simply because they intend making a. change in their bonds, and by having the town’s guarantee can obtain the in- terest at a lower rate and save that much. The company now pay the iCanadn. Life 5. per cent. with a right to pay off at p‘my tfme. The Canada Life offered us money at 4 1-2 per cent. if we would make the loan permanent, Irbut we declined and w'ould make no permanent arrangement until we had given the town an opportunity. \Vith the town’s guarantee we can float the bondlq at. 3 133' per cent. The ‘differ- ence between 3 1-1? per cent. is $700 a year» We are offering the town $500 of this, which T th‘nklis fair, as we would be at conciclerable expense, in issuing- new bonds. etc... and tak- ing the risk of selling: our 31--2' per cent. bonds at pnr. whereas we can get it at: 41â€"2 without a cent of, exâ€" pense. and may be able to do it at 4 per cent. “7e have not tried to place the loan elsewhere, as we decided to give the town‘ the first ‘_chance. .7 If they do not want: it, well and good. I may say if the town accept the offer it will not affect their position in the slightest. Their. contract; with the company will remain exactly! the crease in working eXp9nses only $105.59 1 additions. for $70,000, it would Ie the! l 1 1 1 l 1 l i l a 1 2 l I So you can see that there is no like- lihood of, any default being made, as the company haw. a clear annual sur- plus of $1478.22 to meet any emergency These“ figures are not estlmates or guess work, but actual results. The revenue. five yen rs ago, at the time of the law suit with the company, was as follows ' * Town Hydrant Rental ...... $3250.00 Grand Trunk ........ .» 1000.00 Private consumers ...... 817.23 Leavl Net revenuPH .. ' The interest on $70 000 "at 3 ' 7 1- 2 per cent is..- : _ Telephone .Taxes... Genernvl 'm'iintég'zhéen and repairs, ......... Office Expenses :: Bigot Lindsay office... Audit... ...... Head oft, WutertOvnr Iraveliing expenses... Sundries ..... . ............ hie, superintendent. certified as cor- rect by Maitland Young. 0811.. the Can- ada Life auditor, which I enclose here- with, is as follows: Revenue for Year 1898. Town hydrant rental $3290.00 Grand Trunk Ry ....... 1000.00 Private consumers, ...$1971.54. $6261.54 ' Working Expenses for 1898. Salaries... .. 7 stn nn .W’orking expenSes Making a total presâ€" ent value of ............ vl- DUO works iron has greatly increased in price and it would now cost easily from: $10,000 to $15,000 more to construct them and they are now worth more than when con- structed. at least Making a total of ...... which add 10 per cent., to which the company are entitled under the statute in case of nurâ€" -__. unv- “I... works. .................... .. Cost since original con- ‘ struction. putting, in extra- hydrant‘and pipe and water SetVioes to street line, about... Making a tatai cost- of over ........ . ...... 4 Since the conscription of the w..‘..|__ 3 ving a net revenue after pa}: mg the nterest on the .301st of ..... oooooooooooooooo price it would. ’cosb the town to chase qrbitration, Iron a reVenue prOducmg- Stand-l I arriva at this; as follows; Original qost, exclusive Of old town worm. is per sworn statement of J. E MOffett ............... , 1 price it it has coéf ’ 5633' $12,006 to $15,000 and. over. say Making:- of......... a grand total v~v ha? Breqtly ...$1080.00 663.00 0f pur- 270.60 36. 00 51. 42 50.80 - 87. 31 13. 39 1 23 O 'J 3.32 18.00 $5067.23 2077.73 3480.00 116,750.00 .3: 9:28.32 5 82,506.06 1478.2; 101,750.00 [0 U! 1:.) 10,008.00 s 77,070.00!1 1,350.00 ! 92,500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 9,250.00 D 1"le no and rpoiut. I Avery bad smash in which Brakeman IJohn Taitlost his life, happened »:t 10.31! jo‘clock on l‘uesday night ’about two-and- a-half miles beyond Gravenhurst. A train heavily laden with lumber and cordwood was on its way down when a coupling parted and a number of the rear cars were lost. On discOvering this the crew stop- ped the train. It came to a‘halt on a trestle 70 feet high. In a few seconds the detached cars‘ bore down upon it at a high rate of speed. Their momentum forced the train across the trestle and put nine cars off the track on a ï¬fty-foot embankment down which half a dozen Of them plunged. Brakeman Tait was on the rear end of the main train when the crash came and was instantly killed. One arm was cut off but the body was not otherwise mangled. The dead man lived in Lindsay last summer and was known to :manv here. He leaves a family. An auxiliary left town at one o'clock in the morning and reached the wreck in the surprising time of one- imur and ten minutes. Already two wrecking trains and 75 men had reached the spot. A BROKEN DRIVING ROD CAUSED ONE ’ AND A BROKEN COUPLING THE OTHERâ€"ONE LIFE LOST Two nestsr accidents happened on the Midland division this week. As a result. ‘ one man is dead, two injured and haii a 3 dozen cars down a. fifty-foot embankment i The ï¬rst accident bappercd ea 53' Tues day morning. A flight engine in charge Engineer James Hangh of this town and Fireman James Gordon of Petsrboro broke a driving rod when runnin: at a high rate of speed near Goldwater on the way down from Midland. _The nien both jumped and in this way received serious but not fatal injuries. The engine came to a standstill on the rails. INTERESTING SERVZC ES HELD AT CAM- BRIDGE-SI. ME'IHLDKST HURCH. Interesting services Were held -in Cam! bridge-st. .Methodist church on ’l‘uesdav last. In the forenocn the m=‘nis:ers of the district met in their annual ï¬nancial ses- sion. Inzthe afternoon Rev. Dr. Potts (f Toronto spokeâ€"on the twentieth century fund and answered numerous questions concerning it, At 6 o‘clock a congregation- a1 tea Was served in the basement. The refreshments ,were enjoyed by a large num‘ her. In the evening a mass meeting was held in the bodv of the church, and Rev. E. Roberts of Omemee and Rev. Dr. Potts delivered stirring addresses on this great money-getting scheme. It was declared to be the duty of Methodism to show its igratitude for past prosperity bymising a million dollars far church purposes in the next year. Individuals may apply their ofl‘erings as they wish and it is expected that a large proportion of the money will be contributed for paying of local church debts. v-“. EJzineters hayetvisited the Pallyand de (fided thixt 4,500 horse power is évailable at less cost than any-when rise on the con- tinent. A prominent: Pe'erbr 9 man is \‘ice-presidenband a Liberal vabinet mini- :ter is on the Board. Plans for the power hnuse and dams wqxjgs cgmpicmd hat week. A rg‘i’éï¬ï¬Ã© rf $35000 a year has been con- tracted for, and fax-the. intel'es-ing infor- mation will be given. shorf’h‘. ‘ IT IS STILL A POSSIBILITY â€"Mr. Culverwell has has told a Peter- boro paper that the Burleigh Fans power s‘chvme has been ï¬nanced in va York. 1-,: deal of consideration and am f ’ vinoed it is an exmllent opportunity for the town and that I haw. arranged it so that the‘ town is fully protected. If, however, any‘ person can suggest any fair alterations or mod fications they wfll receive our best considera- tion. Yours truly, Two Bad Railway Wrecks the offer‘open' so‘ as payers a chmce to v nary- _-- vr\:u, “-3 l-ISU ulna-“canoe be'hveen 5 per cent. which we are now paying and 4 iâ€"‘Z, which we can, get. it at by making the Inn per- mzznent, amounts 1.0 about $1.00 per day, and we would require thz- town to agree to pay this if they iv’sh to keep 4 Ln ï¬ne-.. -~~ suggest that an early meet ng ratepayers be Called to cozzsid matter: as I am confidenL Lh< it is d scussed the mnre the 1'3 Le w?li be satisï¬ed th;-.1 'it is enti: Lhe‘r interest, and whip. in an TWENTIETH CEN'TUF; ‘ , 7*- 7744\15‘) «uluullc “high 'Wd mean an ~‘- [HUB debt and the tawn would have to PaJ'u sinki 1'» fund. as well as m- -tereft, whereas f these $70,000 bonds these bonds and-pay the balance,and they would. have only the interest and. no sinking fund to pay on the $70,-,. 000 which would mean,- a difference to the town of 32,47? ‘3. year. same ' they will arbitration the n1 Burk-i; h Pcwer G. 11. HOPKINS. P'resident L. W. Co. rt the Tum-st investiga- slon of fhe matter, and 11 early meet ng of the Called to cozisider the am confidenL the more 1..» __, ‘ ' ' 5 Were held -in Cam? church on Tuesday [the minis:ers of the annual ï¬nancial ses- PAGES 5 T0 12 lY FUND works.