L INDSAY. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27th. 1900. _ ' . . - \~ ~‘v'.. .L‘ 1'. A, 1. ._ T‘I.‘ al' .,‘ ~. .o'. mums wear. We ask you to come and see our dis- , ’ 913:, of .llaniles, Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Child- ‘ lren's. liisses’, Ladies’, Boys’ and Men’s Underwear. our Clothing department will have many arti- cles of interest for you. W‘-â€" Dress Goods Gloves 20c. -_ '7‘." A: LiiiCs‘ Costumes, only 250. “,wool Serges. in‘ blue, ..... ffiWIl and mulberry, very commence at 25c. â€"Ladies' ï¬ne Black Kid Gloves at 50c. â€"Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves, extra special at $1.00. â€"-â€"Men‘s lined Kid Gloves commence at 500 Our $1.00 and $1.25 are unequalled. â€"Boys‘ Gloves in all sizes. .: ._ to meet your best expectation. fl . 31,31; 1 ress Goods in plains â€"RReW Ovtercoats forglen anc‘lBoyst â€";33~;'_:j:fw_, Resigns. â€" em‘em or, ourSo vercoa isas unner ‘ ‘ ' -Men 5 Fall and Winter Suits, Pea Jack- 531 ~‘.-“‘ _ _ - . bdriflie 1'3 Oxoman nrures, re ets and Odd Pants at rock-bottom prices -333013. HT‘Hqiiyh: to sell {or 60C- "w 3.. L4 ;, up _. .. Tm»: Costume Cloth. nice )T',‘ _.J>d~ ’ .A.V ‘ ' "33:92 skirt or mantle. Worth_§l.00, V‘ 23:...75-Ipe ial. and our price is ADC. v.1}, 34¢; Sernes commence at 2.33. ' 4 .22 our specials at 350, 40c, , . :31; 5F- O'X- ~ . or has... Hosiery for Women and Men 3...; «a . «Jug-3w «WW3: Cw". Yi'i-ipperettes, worth _ . 73::1'. £33131 5J5 tire Pair-they go â€"“ e show a bumper value stocking in I _ I plain and ribbed cashmere at 20c â€"See our Women's All-Wool Hose at 25c a pair . â€"Extra tine Ail-Wool Hose, suitable for boys’ wear. at 45c and 503 â€"-Men‘s Wool Cashmere Hose in blacx, re- gular 250 for 20.: â€"Big drives in Grey Blankets 3:143. Manties .1 -‘Jr"? 37$“. date Mantles. the newest of “ “.333? for fall and winter. “sinc' ion about the style and “Jrâ€"- :§ 3. .. newâ€; . , . ._.. 1., L) ‘: fai' to see U d D t â€I '3 'if.7:;.f§siasn£.° Seiabiackls. new “- erwea‘r 3P ‘ ' new fawns, new greys and . Z}?- 720 PT“ . â€"Ask to see our special line Men‘s Shirt . 1 :31; â€i. TQJWESX Of Children 5 JSCketSo and Drawers. in plain and rlbbed pure the ï¬t- ,r â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" wool and fleece-lined at 00c . 88 1 ‘ â€"Boys‘ï¬nd Youths’ Drawers and Shirts ' in 3 Sizes _ . y . . FUYS. c â€"-L1.dies' i'uion long sleeve \ ests at lléc 'ver d0 7 and 200 [d d I. Iases: is. C‘iperines and Collar- ______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 0 j: â€iijfb a i l‘ud‘s -â€"Big drives in Flannels and r‘lannelettes ' 7 13'»: ".377 .“3'3171’ "r. r. . LS abSO‘ ~ 3:57 ‘;:.~ 1: Grey Lamb Gauntlets, __ .._________.__.._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- . :. , .- at: 1 Swrfs. r. at V~ .. ““““ ‘ \ . ,l ,V‘ J.‘ 8}]; D“ ‘ .2 Hamel" fi‘frza'iiei‘. Cir- “ 1a; .. media; a: $1“ Ull. .6fltted V N .-‘ ‘7, A. - EL: 3-)" (it) -â€"Big drives in Men‘s and Boys†Suspen- 11ers. ________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"- «.u iii ? -â€"Don‘t miss our Carpet and Clothing De- . . 0U]? . . \ '7 13133. artments. - . S a ‘I 7 V I y I ) â€".\'i:::e Hemp Carpet at 100: Ireland .200 baCkEd ‘ _ â€".\'I<:e l'nion Carpet at 2.3:, No, 40:: and t t V i. 7““ i t -- 3:: :len’†Ven Ssgdiei showing of Tapestry and Brus- ' ‘ :r.~. .\-_;v.‘ 199,, ‘ -., . . . every ~ d 00m- . .41an . 7 T , turn in ~ s,- 1’ 3 3r d I . i 2 -<' 1- “i ’E ii (in C ' ‘1 f . 1‘ l l a- .- f, ‘l i2 c .L vii J J- ‘2‘ , r†7 m" Cash Prices Dry Goods Horse ’ HflM ‘ N f, ’ 331.1 ’ I LSSSSSSSSSSSSSSGSGGWMSGVM"SSSSW ’ " “’ ENTRAL FAIR l .. 1:5. -Y i W This enables him ho buy for one 5? orders for his Eight Stores. w â€>de deal lower rates than those store c 013'- i O ~i C7†. . 5,. 97 Win†. indsa . Thisâ€. 3377;73‘3- They are the ï¬nest ever “ilhgznmdge livelcomye 1‘2“»p. ' v - . ‘ . W1; "t in: town durin the ball Fa“ - - v‘ll be a / it \eSD Whether gilie)’ buy Shces or not, it or t in. if they do :10 ‘ c l . - t u ' . L . , . 5359: .o snow them the Splend‘d StOCk Ju: p [)0 not fail to b g “’“f: 5283‘ will get satisfaction and save m0“ Y‘ ‘ ' call at NEILLS' R, NEILL 8â€"LARGE STORES-43 m1 Yalises. Boots and Shoes, Trunks a 35mm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmno game i " “Necessamauausï¬ss 39599999 3m ï¬nd us ready with every article desirable for early .3,“ ,.;.,;'~;g-:'31d tweed effects, very â€"Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves commence at I. ‘ id 53mm: in lovely tweeds[Ladies extra ï¬ne Black Wool Gloves RESIDENCE FOR SALE.â€"No. 45 Pâ€"â€"‘ l All“ cZlhhrttisrmrrttias. l «ï¬rm <fg’iiilittlisemritts CAPE FOUND.â€"On the road between HORSES WANTEDâ€"Four or ï¬ve good Lindsay and Cambray, some time 8:20. Owner can have same by applying at Watchman- Ladies Black Satin Cape. Warder ofï¬ceâ€"32. Terms easy . 37-tf. STRAYFIDâ€"Into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 16. Con. 11, Somerville, on or about the to h May, a White and R“! Y°""“8‘ "Gift", with two holes through left ear- Owner can have same by- PIOVlng property and paying expenses. GEO. WOODCOCKâ€"37-3. m HOUSE AND LOT FOR- SALE.â€" On Colborne-st., north ward, an eight- roomed, brick-veneered house, heated wrih coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable. an excellent well and cistern, half an acre of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- ably if taken at once. For full particulars apply to Watchman-Warder.â€"6-tf. Bertie-st. East Ward, brick veneer, storey and a half. Contains nine rooms and two halls, good cellar, woodshed, coal house, stable, etc.; hard and soft water. Hall acre good garden land. pirtiv planted with fruit trees. The dwelling is in'ï¬rst-class condi- tion, and requires no repairs. in front, with locust hedge. Small lawn A very derir- ' :3", ‘ L 317 F ‘ ‘1 10 able home f0r retired farmer. Price 10W, i2}; 3:; 5“,}? p3 weaves a- $" é ' ’ â€"Beau‘tiful Lace Curtains at 230, 500, 75c “2:? “[537 term: 0: PZEHéCQt-BEEE further .~'1.:- . e 3““ ° , , , and a bang-up Curtain at 31 P , ‘0“ 3'5 “PR 7 ° . - r on pre- ‘ .s ;= w in: of new douoiesfoid Dress mises, or at this oï¬ice.-â€"28-tf. ' r, 5,: ;e‘ter than ever for :00. 5,12,»; ‘33,: whize checks at 60-3. 500. â€"Our Clothing Department is ï¬tted out CHEAPEST FARM IN CANADA for saleâ€"lot 22, con. 4, Township of Ops; 200 acres all cleared and under cultivation, no marsh land; watered by three wells, 850 apple trees and small fruit ; clay loam Soil, free from stumps and stones; brick house and outbuildings the best in the county; 100 acres ploughed ; twenty minutes’ walk from Lindsay post-ofï¬ce. Said by travellers to be the most delightful farm in Outario. A home for king, lord or duke. Cost $20,000; price now $10,000 - $3.000 down, and your own time for balance. THOS. FEE, Box 353. Lindsay, Out.â€"16-tf. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUAB_: TOWN PROPERTYâ€"Under and by . virtue of the Power of Sale contained in certain Mortgages, which will be produced at the time of sale, there Will be sold by public auction at the Benson House in the TO LET.â€"The large store in the Village of Oakwood known as the Thorndike store. For further particulars apply to D. R. ANDERSON, Lindsay P-O-n Soircrtcr for Executors Thorndike estate.â€" livery horses. SAY. --38»2pd. FOR SALE.â€"First-cla=s mare and foal. Apply to J. R. SHANNON, Kent-sh, Lindsay.â€"39 2. Km Apply to ROBT. LIND- M 1 38-3. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LETTERS 0F but no one was injured by the consti- tutional. mer in all the many branches of their Messrs. Brandon, McDongalI and INTEREST Austin are rushing business this sum. -â€"-0--- “Tim CCl'reSpflndefltS A ll they shipped 8 car loads of cattle, sh Over the County ~â€" BA LL YD UFF Annivesary services and fowl supper extensive ï¬rm, particularly in the cattle buying department. Last week so and lambs to Buffalo and two ca: loads to Toronto. This ï¬rm buy and ship more cattle than any other east of Toronto and are one of the principal WANTEDâ€"Good general servant; good will be held at Ballydufl‘ on Sunday and factors Of the business Of our Village. wages. Apply at 32 Bond-st. or at the Registry Oflice. next the Court House. D. BARR.-3S-2. Mâ€" FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. â€" Gentleman’s handsome Beaver Coat, large Size ; also Lady’s Seal Jacket, good as new, medium size. Mrs. S. SWANTON, F ene- loa Falls.-â€"39-3. M STRAYED.â€"On the premises of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 5, Fenelon, about Sept. Ist, one Ewe and two Buck Lambs with long tails. Owner can have them by paying expenses and taking them away. JOHN NAYLOR.â€"39-3. â€"â€"â€"___â€"_____, PURE-BRED TAMWORTHS. ---For sale, choice young pigs of both sexes. A few ï¬t for immediate service. Also one two-year-old Boar, registered. JOHN FORMAN, Lot 17, Con. 10, Eldon, Glen- arm P. O.-â€"38-4. ESTRAY STEER â€"Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 10. Con. 11, Cartwright, on or about September Ist, a yearling steer. Owner is requested to prove property. my expenses, and take it agay. ALFRED WRIGHT, Janeiville.â€" 3 3. TEACHER WANTED.â€"Maie orfemale, holding second or third-class certiï¬cates, for Union S. Section, No 2, Eldon. Ex- perienced teacher preferred. State salary. Duties to commence January, 1901. Apply to M. McARTHUR, secretary-treasurer, Woodville, Ont. â€"39-4. FARM FOR SALE on T0 RENT: The East Half Lot 2, Con. I, Mariposa, will conduct Presbyterian anniversary containing 100 acres, 90 cleared, balance “Nice! Oct. 21“- pasture. There is a good frame house, hip- roof barn 50 x60. good stables and driving down from Lindsay were distributed and Convenient to have caused considerable enthusiasm in For allclrc ea. further particulars apply to ALEX. BLACK, be made on Wednesday Oct. 3rd and 8 S""â€" or I' L' FERGUSON: OShawa°‘ desire is expressed co have Cal. Hughes visit our show on Oct. 4h. shed on the premises. church, school and Seagrave market. 37‘tfa Town of Lindsay, on Saturday, the lath CARD OF THANKSâ€"Manposa, Sept. day of October, I900, at 2 o’clock p. m., the following valuable property : PARCEL I.â€"The West Part of Lot No. 9. North of Russell Street, in the Town of Lindsay, 80 feet frontage and 20x feet deep, more or less, nearly opposite St. Paul’s church. There is on this property a double rough-cast house, a single rough-cast house and a small frame stable. PARcsi. II â€"L3t 3, South of Russell-st, and Lot 3. North of blenelg-st., except There are on this property a double rough- cast house, two brick houses. . TERMS easy and Will be made known on the day of sale or on application to G H. HOPKINS, Vendors Solicitor. Lind- say, i8th Sept., 1900 -â€"3S 4 COURT OF REVISION â€"NullCC is hereby given that a court will be held pur- suant to the On'ario Voters’ LlSLS Act, by his honor the Judge ol the Crunty Court of the County of Victoria, at the Court Room, Victoria Road, on the twelvtii day of :tober, 19:0, at 11 o’clock a. m., to hear and determine the Severil complaints oi errors and omissions in the voters’ list oi municipali'y oi Bexley for igoo All persons having business at the Court are required to amend at the said tim: and place. ALFRED TAYLOR, clerk of Riki y. Dated the 18h day of Septem- lot, 1903. 5 FARM FOR. SALE -Tne east balfofihe . cast haliof Lot 15, Con. 2, Township of Ops, containing 50 acres. in us: or less, all cleared; soil clay loam. 0.: the premises are a‘new frame house with summn' kitchen atlacned; a frame barn v. ilh Slnbits attached, and other small buildings. anee-and-a-haii miles from Lindsay}: the county town 01 Victoria, and on one of the leading roads to the town. One and-a halt miles from Ops Station, about the same from church, post- o‘fice and blacksmith shop. Plow leave immediately. Possession March ist. 1991. For particulars apply to. MI>S CATHER- INE NAYLOR, 22 Eigin-stn Lindsay, Ont. â€"__________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FARMS FOR SALE.â€"The following valuable farms are oï¬ered for sale on very easy terms of payment : Valuable farm of 100 acres, one mile from Lindsay; all plow land exciept 3 acres oi pasture; soil clay loam. bood dwelling, two barns, one acre orchard; close to school. A good farm at a reasonable price and on easy terms of payment. North half Lots 14 and 15. Con. 2, Maxi- posa, two miles from Little Britain, on main road, 225 acres; 17 acres hardwood bush, 25 acres p rsture. Good dwelling and outbuild- ings. All plow land but one acre, on which is splendid never-failing spring. Lots ,20 and 21, Con. 1, Mariposa, 1735 acres, I35 cleared, balance mixed timber on dry land ; soil clay loam. Close to Valentia, 4% miles from Little Britain. Comfortable dwelling, ï¬rst-class barn and other outbuildings. Price $6, 500; easy terms of payment. . _ . . LOL 20, Con. 2, Mariposa, containing 100 acr;s ; good brick dwelling, two frame barns, stabling, etc. All plow land except two acres hardwood bush. Sorl clay loam- Two acres orchard; good wells. Also Lot 23, Con. 3. containing 100 acres, 70 of which are pasture land. The above farms Will be sold separately or en bloc. Price reason- able and terms easy. East halt Lot 23, Con. 7, Eldon town- ship, containing 100 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardwood bush. Sail, clay loam. Two miles from Kirkï¬eld, on good road. On the premises are a good brick dwelling, containing IO rooms and large kitchen, woodshed, etc ; frame hip-roof barn, With stone foundation and good stabling. One acre of young bearing, Orchard ; good water. A ï¬rst-class farm in every respecr. The above are all ï¬ne farms. For furthe‘r particulars apply to _ S. M. PORTER Watchmin-Wardcr, Lindsay.-â€"29-tt. 24th, 1900 Farmers’ manner in which you settled my loss by lightning. '1‘ th - 3 and 4 promises to be the ï¬nest on U niono Miituiï¬ugitrzm In:f (t3? record. The show is to he held in Laid- Piease accept my thanks for the prompt “3,3 Wk where there ‘5 an excellent claim for race course and everything vary conVen. I have received the full lent to the village. Monday, Sept 30 and 3180. and 7 p. in. Collection at each service. *On Monday a fowl supper will be served, after which an interesting programme will be rendered. Supper served from 4 to 7. Admission 25 and 15 cents. JANETVILLE Glad to hear that Mr. W, Bradburn is able to resume his teaching again after a short lllnesa. Miss Tory Peel has just returned from visiting Toronto friends, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stinson, in, returned home after visiting her uncle in Toronto and other friends. While away they took a trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest on the American side. Miss Maud Bradburn is visiting friends in Toronto. OMEMEE The citizens of the village and district were well pleased on their return from Lindsay Central. The Woman’s Edition of the Watch- man-Wards: was highly appreciated and the sale here very fair, the Object being commendable . Col, Montrzrmbert and Major Sylvester were here today inspecting the armories and found everything 0. k. A new armory is much needed and also drill hall. The Rev. Dr. R. P. McKay of Toronto The Cor. Hughes reception notices cent A good turnout no doubt will Our village and township show Oct. The Citlz .n‘s band amount of my claim, and I have been fairly will play up-to-date music. and honorably dealt with. tation in fully recommendin Ihave no hesi- There are hopes expressed that Sergt. g the Company McCrea will return from South Africa to all farmers. RICHARD DOWSON-â€" about the 15th Oct" amongst those re 29-2. farm west half Lot 16, Con. 3, Ops, is offered for sale. It is situated four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Britain road, ported coming back from the ï¬rst contin- South Part thereof. sold to one Smith. FARM FOR SALE.â€"The McHugh gent. FENELON FALLS Mr. Adam Clark of Lindsay spent and contains 10° ““35, 8° 0f WhiCh 3"- last week the guest of Mr. Thos. Sadler. plow land. There is a good brick house, with woodsheds ; large frame barn, driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good from Manitoba. Mr. John Au Ellis has returned Mrs, Elis will re- state of cultivation, and will be sold reason- main till November. able. For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER. Watchman-“'arder ofï¬ce, Lindsay. -â€"38-lf. Rev. B. N. Leitch returned last week from his tour of Europe. Dr. .. _.________ , Withrow’s party of which he formed a Lots 24 and 25, Gull River Range, Town- ship of Bexley, 196 acres, 75 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. ance of water; good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. One mile from Coboconk; good school, churches and railroad. \Viil be sold On easy terms. There is a good frame barn with underground stable, 30 x 50, and house 13x 20, with good cellar ; pig pen 3,0 x 20; and small orchard. Ad rcss L. M. REESE Coboconk.â€"36-tf. MUNICIPALITY OF L IITON, DiGBY‘ ï¬ND LONG-FORD â€"Nui‘iCt is hereby given thata court will be held. pursuant to the “\‘oters’ List Act,†by Hi.- Honor the Judge ofihe County Court of the County of Victoria, a: the court room. Victoria Road, on the 12111 day of October. 1900, at 10. a. m. o’clock, to hear and determine the several complaints of error and omissions in the Voters’ List of thc municipality of Laxton, Digby and Long ford, 1900. All persons having business 21 the court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated the 24th day 0‘ September, [900. ED\VARD BUTTER WORTH, clerk of the said municipality.-â€" - 39-I. EXECUTORS NOTICEâ€"Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 129 Sec. 38, the creditors of Carnoby Thurs- ton, late ef the Township of Emily, in the County of Victoria, farmer, (deceased) who died on or about the 23rd day of Octobor. 1899. arerrquired on or before the 20th day of October, I900, to send by post pre paid to William 'I‘h xrston, at Bobcaygcon P. 0., their christian and surnames, ad- dresses and occupations, full particulars oi their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. The executors shall after the said 20th day of October next be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons, of whose claim such exe- cutorshave not notice at the time of the distribution thereof. Dated at Lindsay this 24th day of September, 1900. HUGH O’iLEARY, Solicitor for the Executors For silly: to Rent Ihave’a number of ï¬rst-class houses for sale or to rent. They are principally brick and well located. Price range from $1,000 to $4.000 I also have a number of choice farms to sell or rent. They are well situated and in a good state of cultivation. Apply to C. CHITTICK, LINDSAY FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-â€" member had a most delightful trip 'hrough France, Italy, England and Abund- Germany. Mr. H. Reazin of Linden Valley paid his oiiigiai visit of inspection to our schools on Thursday and Friday of ass week. Miss Alice Sidler of Lindsay Spent iasz. Thursday with her sister-in-iaw. Vlrs. T. Sadler. Mr. Wm. McKendry of Lindsay pm Sunday With his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rowley oi Toronto spent a few days of their wed- iing trip at Fenelon Falls, the guests .t Mrs. Thos. 5313118, sister of Mrs. Rowley. Misses Junkin, H. Nevison, S Xustin, E. Austin, F. Brandon and llr. Percy Knox of the Lindsay C I. pent Sunday at the Falls. Mrs. T. Srdler and Miss Jordan vere among the many who spent Fri. lay in Lindsay taking in the Central air, with which all were delighted. On Sunday c. special services will be held at 10.30 run. these columns the large dBY’s work done Some weeks ago we mentioned in at the stave factory of Messrs. T. H. DeCew and son, in cutting 45,000 staves in ten hours. But on Saturday last this record was broken by the cut- ting of 63,300 shaves in nine hours- The ï¬rm and emplOyees were all equal- ly pleased with the work and the .greatest praise was given Mr. P. F.. Clarke who is considered one of the best stave cutters in Ontario. Mr. De Cew treated his employees, to the number of 45, to cigars on the strength of the day’s work. Saturday complet- ed a month’s cutting on apple barrel staves, during which time 1,200,000 shaves were cut. This ï¬rm is one of which our village has reason to feel proud. . On Tuesday Miss Robson entertain.- ed a number of friends on the Danni» less. The party visited the peat works in Eldon and passed a most delightful day. This is one of the many pleas- ant water parties of the season. One of the attractions of our fair was the millinery opening of Mrs. J. A. McDOugall. The show room and window were handsomely draped in velvet and velours and the display was one which would have graced a city establishment. The store was thronged throughout the day and all visitors expressed themselves in term of highest admiration. Among so many beautiful creations it is difï¬cult to particulaiize, but a toque in pastel green with draped crown and bri- and trimmed with pastel sequins wot very beautiful, while a chapeau in purple plisse was another gem. A turban in automobile velvet with black sequin crown was very striking, and one of the most handsome chapeau was composed of black sequin and white silk velvet crown, with black velvet corded brim, and trimmed from the back with a stiched bow and ospreys. In ready-bdweai' hats tho selection is unlimited, and the stock of polka dot silks, phase and velvet, as well as ospreys, wings, birds, feathers. buckles and ornaments is complete in every line. The Water Commission Thc members of the water commission met in regular session on Monday after- noon, at G. H Hopkins’ cflice. Secretary Hopkins read a further letter from the G.T.R. about the water: :ontract. While still differing dec.dedly from the commission or. that matter, the :ompany Was willing to let it stand until 5 thorough discussion csugd be had at an early date. Commissioners vrere em- ,)l'ldllC rhat the town must be protected. Pres Frayelie favored living s.ric:ly to :he old. 0 u not until its capitation. The imounr of water used should be f.uud u: and all the excess of 85000 gallonslper lay, charged exra. After the expiration fthe cmtracc a new one on aproper oasis shcu'd be made. Mayor Smythâ€"We would have to put in a meter to ï¬nd out what is used. Pres. Fiavi-illeâ€"Yes. Manager Bcg'oieâ€"Two would be neces- sary as there are two distinCt mains drawn ’rom. Pres. Flavelloâ€"The ormpany gets rater from us for less than they pay «lseweere. Szc. Hopkinsâ€"Make a fl.t rate charg- vng 31500 by by law. res. F.ave.leâ€"I would not favor 0 lat rate. Mr. McNeillleâ€"Not at that rate. Our local fair took place on Wed- Believille gets three times what we do. oesday. There was a good show and i good turnout. and everybody inter ested was pleased and happy. It is extracted that there will be a urge number of residents avail them. :elves of the L‘Ianita’s cheap trip or. Saturday to visit the Bobsaygeon fair That town always puts up a good bil of attractions and draws a good crowd. Rev. Mr. Vance, curate of St. Paul’s :hurch, Lindsay, occupied the pulpit of St. James on Sunday last during the absence of Rev, Wm. Farncombe. Mr. F. Sandford is putting in an electric dynamo of his own to furnisl. ight to his mill and residence and i~ having poles erected to connect it with his elevator at the station. All Fenelon Falls turned out or Monday about 9 pm. to the sou'mi‘ 0'- tbe ï¬re bell. The blaze was a brilliant one and proceeded from Mr. W. Northey’s boat house, which was de itroyed, as well as his small yacht the “Lulu.†The adjoining boat houses and their contents were happily saved. but we regret that Mr. Northey’s loss was uninsured. The following evening the bell sounded another alarm and acrossthe bridge poured Our inhabit. ants to witness a magniï¬cent blaze from a bush heap. It was nothing more or‘lees than a ï¬rst class boa ï¬re, Mr. Brady-How wouui you charge for he excess of 85000 gallons per do)? Sec. Hopkinsâ€"The contract says the :harge must be in the same proporoion. THOSE IN ARBEARS Out of 300 takers, 8 are in arrears. i‘helr names were read to the meeting .nd it was decided to distraln if prompt o-iyment Was not made. Deï¬nite action ins deferaed till the next meeting. ANOTHER BIG SERVICE A request has been verbally made by VIr. G. H. M. Biker for a rate for giving .service at the Rsthbun mill. It is re. ruired for boiler '68th etc. The nanager had estimated the actual cost of on t ng it in at $400. The service was ‘avored on condition that the usual bond to raise enough water to at least pay for the ti v coon. was given. It will be gall. u~1~8ld836d. ITEMS OF BUSINESS Wah Lee asked for a reduction of rate: at“ that could not be granted. Father Liurent app loci for a 'OtC‘ service to drive a small motor for the not nrvan at S:. Mary’s. It was granted at $15 Messrs. Woods and Cooper have an ~verground pipe for lawn purposes. ‘l‘hey applied to have it put underground. It will be done if they agree to take water enough to warrant the extreme. The secretary pointed one than limit must be put to that are. It would make too big adraln on capital. Only immediately proï¬table acrvlca ought to be encouraged. 75 Cent: perm;