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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Sep 1901, p. 5

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Pited. Br‘ntford ‘24 h COMOgue. iMACllINES : LINDAY E" J the American1and :-.. laco. ito our store. If we do I- o! the mark sometimes ‘re do, tellus. We’llmak Istocks in these parts to IBSTEDS, and 853633. It E , Tue WATCHMAN'WARDER. ~. \â€"â€"-â€"- LINDSAY. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER ‘1 2th. I90! nel, regular 50c, bargain days ...................... . d , re ular 20c, bargain days ..... . ...... ... ....... ° 3 g .50c 280 25c 6c ue White Plaid, regular 28. bargain days ....... . . . . . . 6! , re Coo-00.00.... ',bar aindays ............. ........ 613233 Ggods, regular 50c, bargain days . . . . . . . . ........ Homespuns, regular 350, bargain days ............ 10c and 12c, bargain days ....................... 100 and 12c, bargain days........ .... 7c bargain days ........................ I50 ............ ................25c 42c 27 ............85c $1.30 35c regu.ar _ Light Print, regular regular Si .10, bargain days mixed Night Gowns, regular $1. n - a «g .......................... ular 40c, bargain day . . . __ lar 330, bargain days .............. . ....... . . ....... 35: reg‘Jlar we, barga}n days """""""" O o a o a Q ................. 19 regular 950. bargain days ............. . ...... . ....... , ,,,,,, 20: regular 20c, oargain days ................... . ............... 13c ‘r‘z3c,bargaindays .......... .... ...... ”$33.11 Shirts, regular 60c, bargain days . . . . ........ ... ....... 45c Drill Shirts, regular 90c, bargain days .. ....... ' e ular 35c, bargain days Shut, I‘(iglen’s and Youth’s, regular 50¢, - is faced, bargain days 0 ooooooo ...... ’ . ea . 3an WI ................ 200 ....... . . . . . . . . .27c 47c 9c $2.00 bargain days 60 inch, regular 350, bargain clays inch, regular 65, bargain days ............ . ....... bargain days ....... . ..................... YB . olored Fedora Hats, regular $1. 40, bargai . F Flannelette Shirting, regular 13c, bargain days , ..................... 9 I. 023d shitting, regular 11c and 120, bargain days ...... ... . . ......... .. .ébc .. y T weed, regular 60c and 50c. bargain days ......... . 400 ‘ , regular 50c. bargain days ............................. . . . .25: , re ular 33c bargain days ...... . .......... . .............. rigular $1.375, bargain days ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l.25 i lder Shawls, regular 75c, fi' 1 _ 59c ’ ' ts and Tweed Walking Skirts, 10 per cent. 0 reguar rices. ”gig: Insertion and Lace Trimmed. regular $1.00, bargain ys. ... . . . . (Sig: Spreads. regular $1.10, bargain days ..................... . . . . ....... 18c . ' , re ular ..5c, bargain days ........................ .... . ......... . (gypsum: regular 33c, bargain days . . . .250 ‘ 'g. bargaindays .... ................. ..... .360 g, s and Rugds on 'bargain days. . . ngnlar$l.75, bargain ays.... . , regular 60c and 50c, bargain days . ~ ' ., . Blouses. regular $100 end $1-75. bargain days ............. . , ml Grey Factory Yarn, regular 50c, bargain ‘ .. fmgering,Black, bargain days, per skein ........ . . . .. - . . . . Berlin aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa v1 bargain days ................ o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0.00.... ..... ......OIII 75c .... 35c $1.13 ..40c 4c ooooooooooooooooooooooo 00......- days ............. . . Wools 6§c per oz. Black Cashmere Hose, Ribbed, regular 30c, . Black Cashmere Hose, Ribbed, regular 25_c, Bbck Cashmere Hose, Ribbed, regular 30c, - Pins, regular ‘2c, bargain days . SilkNocliTies,.regular 25c, bargaindays .......... .......................{go r ar 35c, bargain days .................... : ............. ....... poel‘i‘tflanSkirt and Belt Holdemngnhr 12c, bargain days .............. 55: 4 “"10! coo-0.0.0.... 5c . ..w. pet's. """""""""""""""" ..... . ......... ndCoTZredKidGlovee, all aizes,regular75c,bargamdays ................ .590 ' hnHmdkerchiefs, regular 200...... .................. ............3 {0:35; ‘Lwn Handkerchiefs, regular 6c, bargain days ...... . ............. . . . . .. . . ‘Linsa Lawn Handkerchiefs, ' 8c regular 12c, bargain days. . . . . . . ........... . . .. . Bonnets, Ladies’ Sailors, Children’s Fancy Hats, regular 40c and 50c, B. days 25c “regular 50c, bargain days . 400 00MB EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. bargain day bargain days .... """', ...... bargain days ........ .... ...... ...- 1° 1,“. oooooooooooooooo 00.000000 Jon gbbnfismmts. firm gbhzriisemrnts PLOW POINTSâ€"The undersigned SERVANT has a. full stock of Plow points of servant, GOOd wages wages to all leading makes. Lowest prices, Competent person. Apply at cash. Apply to CHAS. F. ALGER, JUDGE HARDING’S, Bond-st.â€"37â€" Cambray.-â€"36-3. CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE ’ _â€" GOOD TEAM OF HORSES FOR SALEâ€"One 6, the other eleven years of age, weighing about 14 hundred apiece, or will exchange for cattle. Adress L. M. REESE, Coboconk.â€"-34â€"4. ___________________._.___â€"-â€"- FARM TO RENTâ€"Lot 2, Con. 8. Eldon, containing 100 acres, 75 under cultivation, balance pasture land. A first-class farm. One mile from Grass Hill, four miles from Woodville. Apply to JAS. GIIr CHRIST, Islay' P.O.â€"35â€"4. ____â€"._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_- ESTRAY STEERâ€"Came onto the premises of the undersigned. Lot 16, Con. 11, Mariposa. about Aug. lst. A YEARLING STEER. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. JAMES TAYLOR, Oakwood.â€"35-3 ___________________â€"â€"â€"- TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. â€"â€" The North half Lot 29, Con. 2, Digby. containing 104 acres, of which 40 acres or more are cleared. A good barn and stable, also house. The farm is situated about two miles east of Uphill. The soil is clay loam of very best quality. There is also a good young orchard. For further particulars apply to MISS MARY MCDONALD, Uphill P. 0., Ont.-â€"35-3. _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acres, being lot 10, con. 9, Manvers township, 6 miles north Pontypool, 2 north and 4 miles west of Bethany, or 12 miles south of Lindsay. 90 acres cleared and well adapted for wheat or for a. stock farm. Lots of good spring water; good house and barn. Apply to CEO. DOB- SON, Stratford, Ont., or to JAS. MAGUIRE, Lifford, Ontâ€"3341. _____________.______.â€"â€"â€"â€"- TO MACHINISTS OR OTHERS.â€" I would like to correspond with some one who could organize a. stock company to start the manu- facture of Iron and Brass Bed~ steads in Lindsay. I have a prac- tical knowledge of the business,and can give the best references. For particulars write to W. S. MAY, 298 Barrowâ€"st, Jersey City, NJ. -â€"30-8. ___________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FARMS FOR SALEâ€"West half, lot 2, con. 2, Verulam, 100 acres, 80 cleared, balance pasture. Frame barn and log house. Within two miles of Dunsford. Also southwest part lot 7, con. 11 Emily, near Downeyville, 50 acres all plow land, no buildings. For Particulars apply to JOHN G. ASHMORE, Dunsford, or R. A. POGUE, Lindsay.â€"â€"37-4. â€"â€"On north side of Wellington-st., west, north ward ; 1,; acre, with apple and other fruit trees. “Price reasonable. Apply at this office.â€" 37-4. STRAY HOGSâ€"Came into the premâ€" 1805‘ of the undersigned, lot 24, con. 1 Ops, on or about Aug. 20th, four hogs. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the same away. W. B. GRA- HAM, Lindsay P. O.â€"37â€"3. STRAY STEER.â€"A 2-year-old red steer with white markings. and a hole in right ear, strayed from Mr. W. J. Moore’s premises lot 19, con. 10 Ops, in June last. Finder will be suitably rewarded for returning him ; and anyone harboring him after this notice will be prosecuted. 37-3. ____,___________._â€"â€"â€"- THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. â€"-â€"â€"Peter Hamilton, 12â€"h. p., in first-class condition. Cleaner will be sold separate if desired. Also Peter Hamilton Grain Crusher. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to FRANCIS BRIEN BROS, Lot 4, Con. 8, Fenclon, Lindsay P.O.â€"â€" 36-4. ' ._â€"___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"'-â€"â€"- JACKSON’S ISLAND FOR SALE.â€" Four acres, beautifully situated in Sturgeon Lake, half way between Sturgeon Point and Bobcaygeon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a. day, an ideal spot for a. summer resi- dence. Apply to MOORE JACK- SON, Solicitors, Lindsayâ€"244i. ________________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FARM FOR SALEâ€"In Logan town- ship, Perth county, 71/2 miles from the town of Mitchell, containing 100 acres all under cultivation. Good buildings and well fenced. Two spring wells. Good orchard. Terms made easy to suit purchaser. Apply to RICH. KYLIE, or to O’HOLLORAN, Lindsayâ€"36.3. __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" STRAYED HEIFER. â€"â€" From lot 7 con. 14, Mariposa, four weeks ago a. red and white yearling heifer. She has a. hole punched in the left ear. Any information given which will help to find her will be thank- fully received by WM. L. STONE, Woodville, Ontâ€"354. ______________________â€"â€"â€"r- TIMBER LAND FOR SALEâ€"Being » lots 19 and 20 in the 8th con. of Monmouth, Haliburton. The lots are 100 acres each. They are Well timbered, chiefly With hardwood. These lets are on the Burnt River and within 21/2 miles of the rail- way. For terms, apply at this office-29. ______________._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€"- BUFFALO LODGINGâ€"Mrs. W. C. .VANTEDâ€"Good general LOSTâ€"On Saturday evening, is. w. MCGAFFEY. Lot 22, Con. 4, Brock township, about 1% miles southwest of Man- illa. Junction. 100 acres, 75 under cultivation. Good buildings and Wickham formerly of Lindsay, but now of 129 Tryon Place, Buffalo, has rooms with bath and breakfast for visitors at the Pan-American, location near the 4 Pill?“ “Mill . ’___,_____,____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- _._.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_-'. ' FARMERS The Fall season is here again and with it comes the necessity of donning on LONG BOOTS for the fall work. Our large range 0t Long 80015 are worldbeaters. Men’s Whole Grain Long Boots, Wellington cut, none better, $3.00. Men’s Kip Long Boots, Wellington cut, heavy soles, well pegged, $2.85. Men’s Western Split Long Boots, guaranteed, per . pair, $2.35. I‘lill’s Split Long Boots, ' Special $2.00. These Boots are made by reliable manufacturers and quality con- Sldered are splendid value. Wellington cut, 16 inch leg, RUBBERS TRUNKS Jim c31mntisznunts ~._App1y at 33 DESIRABLE BUILDIN . 18, nor art of 19 south of all of 18, south of IN on and Digby. License issued. 30-11. LANDS.â€"â€"Severa.l par. 9â€"50, 100, 300 to 500 acres for townships of Fenelon Prices Marriage A. C. GRAHAM, Real Estate Etc., Victoria Road.â€" well fenced. Frame house, large Terms moderate; frame barn and stables, good well and a never-failing spring; young orchard commencing to bear. For terms and particulars apply, to ALEX. FERGUSON, Sonya, Ont. _________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"That valu- able property situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, containing ninety acres, more or less. On the prem- ises are a good log house and frame barn. Well watered and in a good State of cultivation. Nearly all good tillable land, about six acres of hard wood bush. It is about one mile from the village of Hartley and convenient to Pales- tine and Cambray cheese factories. Possession lst of March, but the purchaser or tenant will have the . . .... right of fall ploughing. Terms Yelverton P.O., or this OI’TICC.â€"3l-3. reasonable. For further particulars ._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"â€"""'_â€"___ apply on the premises or to MRS. FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The subjoined JAMES GILCHRIST, Hartley P.O. farms can be purchased on reasonâ€" â€"34â€"8. able terms : ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"""' 60 acres in Mariposa V2 mile from ' ' tation; clay loam. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.â€"â€"- 08111me S . _ The subjoined property is well sit- Frame house and good outbuild uated and will be sold on easy ingsn terms: LOt 1’ " land nine S ' ' ' t South 7..) acres, all plow , wagiidffélciiifife? vvldllk 3%... Po. miles south of Lmdsay. Log house ‘ frame barn 50x30, cow shed gran- Nine rooms. . . Solid brick house with furnace, on cry large roothouse. A 800d farm, - , , - . _ Ver price low andterms easy. 3:3851? $033312}? C church y South of Lindsay, 173 acres of ' clay loam, about 120 acres cleared hfiTCIérgeg?S::nE1;i§:t., balance timber._ .FrameP reflddin? Victoria-ave. Price $850. and 800d outbuildings. 051 0 C 1 Frame house near Convent; 8 stores, churches and schoo 9 (Son- rooms, acre land ; nice shade venient. A good farm at a mo er . 0 lown, ate price. Tirfdsyears to pay balanfio ‘ Lot 3, con. ’7, Manvers, 100 acres ' ' farm. Frame barn N ' . ' r‘e-e- n central stock and grain . . pariw Ellis??? goggomé, closets. ' veneered white brick house , 6 ' h ' or- ' 'stern, acres standing hardwood bus , SviTTritdéxie b02322; cellar, Cl chard, etc. Will accept good 50 ' ‘ ‘ t payment. Eight-roomed reSidence 0n Re- arre farm In par . gent-st... north Ward, one door. West In the Township of Vcrulam, 0f William-st; cement cellar, 1,4, one hundred acres, ninety of it - d ture: 800d acre land; nice property. PIOW 181}. , with Brick cottage, nicely dwelling, frame barn 90140 ' ' ' onimoâ€" 'th k‘tch , ‘ , od celâ€" stone foundation, givmg ace. Innis ahd 2:0:::;Sh:fd1a§3, In dation for 85 head of cattle. stab- south part of town. Nice home for small family. . On Elginâ€"st., north ward. few doors west of Victoria-ave” new solid brick house, 34, acre lend, shade trees. Price $1050 cash- Also frame house, IA acre land. Pl'lce $500. New house on Peel-st. west. nill'th ward; two storeys and. attic; 9 room; two balls; pantry. bath‘ room ; good cellar with cement floor; high and dry ; 1,4 acre land- good Well- Will be ready for occa- pation about Oct. lst. Watch- Apply to S. M. PORTER, man-Warder Office. ~ grounds. Take thynes-Hoyt-st. car to Delavanâ€"ave.â€"-â€"37-2. _________________â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MONEY LOST.â€"-On the back road, going south "0111 Lindsay, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 10m, a Hand Bag in black with a. flower on the side wn h col- stitched around the edge with the same. The bag con- tained one box of worm powders, one package of red dye, the pack- age of logwood, one package of blue stone, one pair of gloves, two white handkerchiefs, one brown leather pocket book containing $65 and about one dollar in silver, also registered letter containing cheque. Finder will be rewarded on re- turning to Mrs. Thomas Bolton, l con. 1, Ops Township land, stable, west of finished , In township of Ops, half miles from Lindsay . ville road. The form contains 150 acres good clay loam. state of cultivation, well and thoroughly stumps, Brick dwelling, one and two log ones, ving house, 25x55; two good wells Terms to suit pu?chaser frame 8. M. PORTER. Watchman- ofiee‘ Lindsay. three and a on Downeyâ€" in good fenced drained; free from A., stones and wild seeds. barn. log stables, dri- f ticulm apply to For urther par Warder .â€" 75c. a Year in Advance; $l if not so Paid IINDSAY MEN SAW THE PRESIDENT snor â€"...__ THEY WERE ONLY A FEW FEET FROM HIM AT THE TIME. â€"...__. Another Citizen’s Impression of his Address the Day Beforeâ€"The Presi- dent will Likely Get Better. A wave of pained surprize, sorrow and indignation swept over the civi- lized world on Friday afternoon with the news that President) lacKinley had been shot on the exhibition grounds at Buffalo. The president was holding a public reception in the Temple of Music at about ’1 o’clock. Among those who came to greet him was a man weer- ing a. handkerchief tied around hand. This hand he extended as to take the pre51dent‘s when the handkerchief there came tol shots in rapid succcssion and the AND SELECT MR, J, H. CARNEGIE, president Staggered into the arms of M.P.P., AS THEIR CANDIDATE. his friends, while the oiliccrs pounced . . upon his assailant who was thrown A ousin Conven i n h R g to at Fendon Falls to the roughly handled. â€"Speeches by the candidate and The wounded prOSldl'Ilt was taken to Others- the exhibition hospital and later in About 200 Conservative JCIQSMC‘S the home of Mr. Milburn chicf ofI'ic: ' from all parts of East Victoria met of the cxhibition. The man in convention at the McArtiiur Hull, shot him narrowly escaped lynching Fenelon Falls yesterday. In the ab- as the carriage taking him to the SCDCO 0f the president, 31". James cells passed through the crowd. He Lithgow took the Chair. Masâ€" is a Polish anarchist naincd Leon on read the minutes and the election Czolgosz (Shullgoss) but commonly of officers resulted as follows â€"-â€"HUD- known in Detroit and Cleveland as President Dr. Cornwall, Onicmce, Fred Nieman. Hon. Vice-President John D. NaleI‘, Mr. F. C. Taylor Heard McKinlev Fenelon, President J- H- The president had spent a couple of Minden ; JSt vice President, days at the exhibition on Thursday Cameron, Omemee, 2nd. Ihe had delivered an address. Mr. idem, Dr- Galloway. Cienurm 3506- F. c. Taylor of this town heard the relary, R. M. Mason, V. S. president speak and was delighted Letters of regret were read C 1 S H WI P with him. “Standing before forty o. . ughes, .. ., . . _ or fifty thousand people, Mr. Mc- McSweyn, Lindsay, and the retiring Kinley, with his fine physique, strong president Mr. II. J. Lytle, Lindsay. features and ringing voice was a. The Candidate noble figure." said Mr. Taylor when peaking of the occasion, “Nor was his speech ,ess noble. It was full of noble sentiment and upon the finan- cial situation especially it was mark- ed by great breadth of mind and wisdom. After hearing him so re- gliem gibbertisemmts Sept. 7th, on Kent-st., or near the Es- turion wharf, LADIES’ GOLD WATCH. Finder will be rewarded on returning to this office.â€"â€"â€"37-1. VOTERS’ LIST COURT.-â€"Ontario Voters' List Act. Notice is hereby given, that a court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the (.‘ountv of Victoria, at the (‘ourt Ilooni. Woodville on Tuesday the 21m dav of September, 1901, at 2 o’clock, p. m. to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the municipality of Eldon for 1901. All persons having business; at. the court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated the 12th day of September 1901. JOHN A., JACKSON, Clerk of El- don.â€"37â€"-1. W EAST VICTORIA CONSERVATIVES MEET one if from two pig- floor and \Y b . i SOC . I'ielnmerc, Dr. '\7 ice Tres- from John, l P ‘1' .'\ lI'. was 3 The selection of acandidutc , then taken up, when it was moved by Mr. James Erskine, reeve cf Dy-, sort, and seconded by Mr. J. H.‘ Cassidy of Fcnelon that John H. Carnegie, M. P. P. be the candidate in the coming elections. No further'cently I was greatly shocked to 11%»? nominations being made the motion : 0f the attempt on his life.” was put and carried unaminously by Lindsay Boys Saw the Deed a standing vote. Messrs. Bert 11ch and J as. Laid- An adjournment was than made to ley of town were in the Temple of Dixon's Hall, which was c01nfortab-jmusio when the shots were fired. 1y filled. Stirring speeches were They had just before shook hands made by Messrs. J' H- Carnegie, M' gwith the president and saw the trag- P. P., W. H. Hoyle, LT. P. P. Can-'io event. Speaking Of it to our re- nington, S. J. Fox, M. P. P., Lind'lporter Mr. McLean said :__.. There say, Jas. Lithgow and Chas. Fair- was a. door at one corner of the bairn, ex-M. P., 0f Bobcaygcon. The Temple of Music. Just inside was a. meeting concluded with cheers for the ‘. small platfornl about a foot high. King. Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Whitney. l On this the president Stood shaking "‘ "“ 'hands with anybody who came up. Births \Mr. Jus. Laidiey, Mr. Norman Hough Glenneyâ€"On Thursday the 5th inst. "ton and myself stood quite near the to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Glcnâ€" platform. The room was well filled ney of Little Britain, a son. ‘with men, women and childrcn. A Hallâ€"On Thursday the 5th inst. to man approached the president who Dr. and Mrs. Hall, Little Britain, held out his right hand. but with his a. son. right the man dashed the president’s Jenkins On Tuesdcty the 3rd inst aside and fired two shots from a re- . to Mr and Mrs (Chas 301111;” ,1 volver concealed in a handkerchief J. - 1. . x ., q. in his left. At the first shot the son. president raised on his tip toes and at the second staggered into the arms of attendants. Immediately Married. .Young â€"-â€" Burke â€"-â€" At Peterboro, on Wednesday Sept. 4th by Archdeacon Casey, Jos. Young and Burke of Lindsay. assailant was instantly there Was an uproar in the building. . But for the guards the man wauld Harryâ€"Atkinsonâ€"At Lindsay have been lynched. He was put in Thursday Sept. 5th. by Tom ' a. carriage with four police while two Manning, B. A" Herbert Harry -and more got on the seat ; a path out of Miss Mable Atkinson both of Lind- the grounds was speedily roped 05 say. . abd an attempt made to drive down Shelleyâ€"Brownâ€"At St. Catherines, it ;. but the crowd broke into it and on Wednesday, Sept. 1th by Rev. almost captured the carriage, which W‘ H' Hangzy, :15" J'fw‘lufhilf: escaped only by swinging off in and Ida, aug 'er 0 . . another direction. Brown 0f Lindsay. . The crowds ran after it for half a. Stewartâ€"Mooreâ€"At No. 58 Victoria mile ; I ran too and saw one follow avenue on Sept. 4th, by the Rev. who was yelling "Lynch the devil" 13' Roberts, ML Mark Stewart 0f get a. smash over the head with a. uluth Minnesota, U. S., to Miss policeman’s baton." 1Ada. Viola. Moore of the township The latest bulletins say that of Mariposa- president will recover. Wâ€" Kinleyâ€"South the Wilkinson of Killarney, H. J. Kinley B. A. and Theresa. itching . worse by scratching. . giiih ($3332: 0f Hr. continue tumors form which often Gray-â€"-â€"Calmpbellâ€"â€"â€"In~ the . church, J anetville, on Sept. 4th by Rev. E. E. Howard, assisted by Rev. J as. McAllister Rev. J. W. Shilton, peler, Herbert S. eldest daughter 0 . Campbell, both of Cartwright. ...â€"...," Deaths Cunninghamâ€"In Fenelon on Friday, Sept. 6, Mrs. Nancy Ann Cunningâ€" ham relict of the late James Cun- ningham, aged 80 years. ”â€"- Areno the contortionist who per- forms feats that have mystified the medical profession all over the world will perform at the Lindsay fair on Sept. 26, 27 and 28.

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