ouuundue-ee‘u'e'flifneee‘eflinze â€"â€"â€"-â€""'â€"â€"â€"-‘: “But still more 5 trongly tinctured with the emotional element was the ation of medâ€" SHAKE IT OUT :(lgmggbtoocfktglaggeiqifirhtiediately after agement themselves. __â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"' monument. One Victoria Cross was to be bestowed, Lieut. Eddie HOI‘ Canadians made a great showing But this spring his health is so . . land of Ottawa. who saved the Max- in shorthorns and beat all competi- wonderfully improved that his many When buymgflmy C aim da’s Favorite, “The Happv T In Use. Of the system. Its in; gun at witpoort, being the. rcca tors. Mr. W. D. Flatt of Hamilton friends have beencongratulatmg him not an experiment. : : ; : . .. , ‘ hmght’n an easy way. Take ipient. His. Royal Highnes: pinnnéi;a came out with the greatest number on his restoration. In .conversmg n f , - . 2 .E White Pine Balsam. the decoration on Lieut. .} 0 Sand:- of honors, Winning the sweepstakes with a rchrter of the Whig recently mu lctured by t t. 8 mm- breaSt’ mule the medals “-m n - “â€3 b°th b““ and 00“" and also the Mr. Johnson had ,the following t‘? The Wm. Buck Stove Co. Limi‘cd B ' IFS curaw p ed to the men. The Duke Of ox prme for the beSt’ herd. Hi5 prize sav concerning his' illness and cure. y L , ran Mg ties g0 direct to the burghe read the ofï¬cial account of cow, “Cicely," again won against all .._:“For many months I was practic- Write the manufacturers for Illustrated Catalogue. I: Spot where the mean the incident for which I.lCll\tI.. . ITO}- competitors, This cow has had a any paralyzed. :Numbncss tiOOk pos- BE .9: little tickling annoys land was decorated. “71:11.0 .v- .1331 of remarkable career. She was bought, sessmn of my lllnbs, egpecmny of ' hag“ mawï¬h on and drives it LI Biggar called out t“ 'ml' d- by MF‘. Flatt a year ago from Queen my hands. From my hips down my SOLD BY m Y. each man as he came up fox his me \ lctoria’s herd after Wlnnmg the ï¬rst, bOdv was without, Strength, and dc. WW Gt Will nght out. 31- Lieut- H01land's “the“ “10““ prize at the Royal Exhibition in epit‘e or all that I could do. I was I :0 X'all 1‘4 ttb ° ill and grandmother “)0de on as the England three years in succession. onable to keep my hands and feet a le’ 0%". IS the Leading TOBACCO STORE been standing some distance away. in Lindsay. baccos, Cigars, Cignre ‘ Smokers Sundries Of all kinds. The pathos of the scene was un- COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW aflectedly affecting. and the ladies STORE. next. door to lutyre‘s. Kent-Sn, Lm (lggoughiin me. did not attempt to disguise the feel- y. ing that it provoked. They only the unveiling and at the foot of the young soldier prou Senate. could see her before A Touching Incident for Canada. But the last item in this part Led by Lieut. Holland Below is a list. ‘d all hearts. . . . t th dark gog- Canadian exhibitors. an earnest COIIV'CI‘Sil The interest of the Duchess. who had had been awakened as soon strange and touching spectacle ca within sight. She approached the The winnings: group with a woman's pity portray- ed in every line of her face and soft- ening her bright eyes. She spoke to him just as he was turning away. 7 telling him who she was. and asking Crystal City, Man. him if he was t sisterâ€"in-law, had seen at Wynberg. lie replied that he was. and that he had ceived a handsome easy chair which she had sent him as he w ing at Cape Town for home. After this short conversation she took his; ttes. Pipes and hand in hers and shook it warmly. Thos. G reenWa y. saw a womanly woman. whose heart W _ . was wrung by a calamity which she / , v H blind hero was led away. the opportunity to cross. See our Compound investment Plans. in 10 years we loan you the remainder of the premium and carry your risk. Call and see us; it will be a plea- sure for us to give you all informa- tion. ll. lllPBElL Lindsay Peter-hora $15.00 to $18.00 a Week salary for an intelligent man or woman in each town Permanent position. 30 cents -r hour for spare time. Manufacturer, was helpless to alleviate. The tense J 050 (Ea-1.1.0110 feeling which the scene occasioned was relieved by a vast cheer as the Why is it that most per-one when en- tering a restaurant will seat themselves at one of the side tables in preference to the center tables? If this idiolyncruy of restaurant patrons has never attracted ner economy prefer to be where they can Greenway. at the same time keep close watch of their outer integuments, but this only 0111 comes into consideration during the win- ter. as in summer there are no coats or Putting off in- surance is like waiting for a ris- ing river to run by: the longer you wait, th 6 smaller becomes an. too. for that matter. is a creature of during the winter probably unconsciously clings in summer. vacy as possible and think they can se- cure this in a greater measure by sitting middle. where they are exposed, as i: endowment throng ii J. l. Gillll. . ~ . " '9 dl.‘ assumed I“ The Queen, when she heard of bOtham decoration. His father is well sale of “Cicely.†had her brought known to newspaper men as the from Scotland to Windsor. where she NEXT '1'0 DALY HOUSE oilicial reporter of the for they will notice some classes as the completely Canadian. viz: the two- me yearâ€"old bull, sweepstakes and herd. he soldier whom her Bull, two yearsâ€"1. the Duchess of Teck. (imp). W. D. Flatt; 2. Hon. Thos. Creenway ; I'C- tor, J. and W. B. Want. Salem. (mt. BUII. one yearâ€"‘1. I<lliï¬ht ISI'X'HTILL'surpass as embark- W. D. Flatt ; 2. Ribbon’s Chonce. Ilon itonic’ strengthening qualities. and Sweepstakesâ€"Bull. ator (imp). W. D. Flatt. any ageâ€"Cicely (imp.). W. D. Flattâ€, Herd prizeâ€"l, W. D. Flatt ; i wraps to watch out for. Man, and wom- Hon. Thos. Greenway. were. to the concentrated gaze of all Prof. GoldWin Smith those in the establishment. The donation consists of $10,000 to lDennison would not have it so. the library of the University, and isl “I think fakes of this sort ought Cl 1: oilto be exposed,†said his Worshi . In shavizyt: 5:1: 32°szad- f t] such of the apartments as the trus-f‘l have no objection to any groan smooth requires not onl theuzl'eper elc ); tees may from time to time deter-gap person trying it on himself, but h , y mova. ° mine. In his letter acconlpanying=to use such tom-foolery- on a. little t a hair, but also a portion of the cuticle. the gift. Prof. Smith refers to the‘ :nlia 2:129: :ifizx‘xvalniigfmtdn rï¬wgll 0; celebration of the millenary of King y ' .9, 00 Alfred, which is now in progress in‘outrage " Easels tins explosedhare not vmble to England and to the fact that King ‘ eee,» ut an t m’c'. .’ ' - little ’duiverinz mzrutbfhoildilegczpfxniï¬g Alfred ‘5 the Patron hero and legend- roast, and long extracts therefrom blood drop, protests against such treat- ary mud?" Of his 01d college in Ox- were read to the court. â€I have no ment. The nerve tips are also uncov- ford. It IS the wish of the donors hesitation,†said Mr. Curry, “in sav- that the gift should serve the double . to English most damnable blasphemy I ever dian exhibit put in competition got a. medal. These are separate from the prizes offered by the Fair man- The Shorthorn Cattle her departure “Cicely†has since won of ï¬rst at Toronto and Syracuse, before the programme was one that touchâ€" being taken to Buffalo. ~ of t The numbers on by culator (imp.) W. D. Flatt, Hamil- ton. ()nt.: 3. Valiant. W. l). Flatt: 5'). (:00. Bruce. Hon. Thos. (lreenway, .at Lord Banf’f pills my best friend and would not Skim)“ HOâ€) be without them.’ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are the 3. Royal Vic-l 7 {friend of the weak and ailing. They 1buman ‘JLife 99!- the had ite up ed Bull. three years and over-«4. Speâ€" . me a. new man. better day by day; I am gaining ill weight. ’th 'm Bull. under one yearâ€"1. King Tom bright, active and healthy. J. and W. B. Watt; 3. Britannia’s pills are sold by all dealers in med- Sad is our youth for it is ever going. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. -â€"â€"â€"'â€"""‘"“"" .r" (.‘rumblin awa benea - - . . A RESTAURANT EN‘GMA' Sad is oï¬r litany for onaafdnitvigyfldï¬itng, the be“ FOSSibIe VEIUClll every “" -‘. 75 White W001 BM Farm Loans Why Are Side Table. Pntrenllel In current unperceived, because so fleet .: . we sell. " ' 1nd Grey mm“ Sad are our hopes, for they were sweet m sowmg. cent. of Men’s E Our customers may rely .r...» donen’s Bows, bi} pa cent. of all bad Sad are our joys, for they were sweet in blowing, And still, 0 still, their dying breath is sweet : And sweet is youth. although it hath bereft us Of that WhiCh made our childhood sweeter still , 39 c 30‘ a 30E us 30? o O as 5 n 30E n 30? n 30? n 30E. n lore Than the Center ole-l Q g 3 Bl“, tares, self-sown, haVe overstepped the wheat ; 3 DE o 30‘ so â€E n 30? n 30* ace 30‘ a 33‘ 2a 3“ n â€E cs 35 n "Christian Science street railway conâ€" any a geâ€"Spe- habit. however, and the custom acquired GOLDWIN SMITH’S GIFT Amulet â€9350“ “WE?“ is that man? The Scholarly Professor Gives $10,000 to persons prefer to eat thh as much [)l'l‘ Toronto University The University of Toronto has reâ€"‘ at one side of a room rather than in the ceived a substantial addition to its , h the generosity of accused, made a strong effort to ï¬rm and Mrs. Smith.lit the scope of the inquiry, but Col. to be applied for the purposes Cow, i l i i lcourt habitues have heard in years, I l - the liable to have colds. hoarseness and sore , , . . The gift IS a timely one 1n view of the Criminal Assizes, which open on ï¬nancial circum- ox 78, Phi adelphia.â€"38-6. cred. and the pores are left unprotected, . . which makes the skin tender and un- purpose Of paying tribute ' healthy. This sudden exposure of the memQr-V 0f the “’5th“ ,Of inner layer of the skin renders a person learning, and 0f manlfestlng their in- l" 86 a[ 8 0|. 8 tcrest in the University of Toronto. throat-London Family Doctor. , . . . . . the straitened A Suitable Prelent. - stances of the University, and will ROBERT CHAMBERS h prepared to furnish the people of Lindsay and surrounding country with monuments and headstones,both marble and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery requisites. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops. Iantle Pieces, etc., a. Specialty. Being a practical workman, all nhould see his designs and compare prices before pruchasmg elsewhere. have bought them by the top iayer."- Our prices for our clothes are WORKSâ€"In the rear of Market on â€him“ 'ii.l'ibm° .- _..._ siderably Cambridge-st... opposite the Packing '1 House. would be an appropriate birthday pres friends 0 “How long has he been coming to see which it comes. you?" asked mamma. “Then I think you had better give hill the lackâ€. the barrel '3" “'l hat's the way I try to buy them, but or employs, aad non'r. cmmsnns â€"§1 for sec. 'at Gough’s. $5 to $16. cut to give Albert?†of the distinguished course â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘.‘â€"â€"â€"" “About four years." Gough’s Clothing Our clothes are made of as good cloths as the tailor uses. Not Up to Sample. cut by better cutters than the tailor “How do you buy your apples? By can afford to employ. They are ‘ made by as good workmen as a tailâ€" not work or $12.13? himself. .Eight hot- i i l h I if they don’t ï¬t £11.65 fling: nï¬â€˜ecte‘d It: Climax Iron wwn get tiem ome generally ï¬nd 1 th 'lt d b ‘ 031° ' . manual; cure. ey are a ere y a good tailor. This great blood punï¬n is put npin . con- naming ten . less than the tailor chargeS giziumogem be all (11-3.. 3.103331: for his. Suits $5 to $15. Overcoats Dr. Hell Medicine“, geton, Ont. “Mamma,†said a Brooklyn girl. “what be all the more appreciated by f the University on account ‘ from They are obliged to give ov of his busy ShOP from be course failing, you kno age. and when a man loses strength at that age. it is he SUCCOS-qul build him up again. _ kinds of medicines. but they all fail- , there appeared one wi . . gies over his sightless eyes. The omitted in each class were w to beneï¬t me. The doctors who future king stopped Muiloy and held Americans. whose names would notd consulted were also unable to help tion with ' him. be of interest to our readers. 'i‘hcylme' but at last friendly persuasion , and I bought a supply can see how few they were. however, lhad its eï¬â€™ect, are of the pills and began taking them. ‘1 soon - me, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have made THE wucnuamwmnm 8,3me I m m , ,. my .L/ W _ l l _.. ' . . . . . x . l . x ROYALTY HONORED SOLDIERS CANADIAN WINNERS AT BUFFALO BENUMBED LIMBS \ . ‘ u . ‘ r ' A TIGHT/ AT THE CAPITAL CITY H_. M The Km of Rt?! es. Duck 3 Happy Thou "i Q i _,.,__ in Fruit and Live Stock They Gathered RALYSIS l N - ' E RESEMBLING PA A 5 one Blind Trooper Muiioy was Among Those in Many Prizes A TROUBL lN “.5 EFFECTS . R ange Too ‘ COUGH African Fighters Who (lot Medals dSo far as theAjudging has proceed- ____..._â€"â€" With a Good . . f h G1 b rres on- e at the Pan-- merican, Canada has . . ‘ s Limbs for dcfit’ssecdeggrigtidneot thecvlzsclt ofpthe made a capital Showmg- It 1001‘s The victim Loses Str‘ll'gfliiiiinttliï¬bo Any â€0:5,: 13 not an easy Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and as though our SUCCFSS at the world's and isusual'y “8 e S f R ecar kee er to 058 It York to Ottawa is given belOW. FR" 15 to be duplicated at Buffalo. Workâ€"The Story Of 8 Former II I p thin ‘ 'll’l . th . Trooper Mulloy in whom they showâ€" Although .far north Canada sent ferer Showing flow This Numbness ‘ grappcs W1 33 ed such interest is he who lectured prize-Winning fruit to Chicago and Can {,e overcome bronchial tubes an at Sturgeon Point a month ago. has done the same again. Of ‘the , . . .. K' ston Ont; That’s What you get when reaches forthelungs. After telling how a statue of Queen eleven medals given by the American From “The Whig, mg , . you buy a Happy Thought. There is a way to Victoria was unveiled the Globe corâ€" bruit Scolety, Ontario won fourâ€" T1 ere are few men in the City of Th h q on dent says ,_ three Silver and one bronze. No gold , 1 t u better known than Mr. H. Theï¬appy 011g tRange , , PO-P ‘ ~ ' medals were oï¬ered. Every Cana- I‘mgs o the genial proprietor of was one Of the ï¬TSt Ranges 9" manufactured in Canada. ® More Happy Thought Ranges are manufactured and sold each year than all other Canadian makes crammedâ€"150.000 bag now . †barber parlor, on For several years he failing health, being or the entire work to his assistants. coming icy cold. My appet- left me, and I soon had to give work. My general health was of and I lost flesh. As w, I am sixty-ï¬ve years of -‘ OUR AIMâ€"u... Is to please every person who comes into our store, If V . you’ll come again. We may come short of the mark same: no probably do ; we’re human, but. when we do, tell us. We'llulgis it right. or money back if you say so. a hard thing to I tried several found they were beneï¬tting and so continued their use until We have one of the largest assorted stocks in these mm m choose from of CEBVIOTS, ENGLISHLWORSTEDS, and SERGE It will pay you to examine our stock before ouying, We are pica of our goods and we know we can please you. a u l' ‘I â€items Black Dress ‘ l Black D4888 Serge: ‘ Black Dress Serge, PM Black Dress G 'anleacï¬ed TWilled She, .. ire Bed Sp'eadï¬. W: .; 75 Lace Curtains hm . u u I feel stronger and and once again I am able to tend to my old customers without 0 least trouble. I consider the “I- w. G. BLAIR SON, Two Door: West of Duly Ilene. Lindsay I ‘ m U u ' i. Ribbed Cashmere “ ‘. all other medicines in their ake weak and despondent people These c S . Plain _ en's 25c Sax, bargain at 20¢ “ “ “ 15c 6‘ C‘ -...’s and Boyo' Odd . per mt. 05' Men's Q-a-o-n-ooo oo-e-ooe Quality must be reckoned n. considering Watch values. The price of a watch is notal . the measure of its worth. per 3 Wool Filled Calpeii Union Cape‘s, b3"! Every precaution that our experience suggests, is taken to getting value for every dollar W. with us. 9 O O C ‘6 C O C . rmmunm : at owest current re 0 res And sweet our life's deci' e, for 't hath left us I HAVE A to the cheaï¬ . Z§°;o;?‘$::mrej$u;:x: 3;.;’::;:‘;:; A nearer God to cure an u(:lder i111. “m 05‘ money market in Canada on . h 'l t in . before a“ mid. And sweet are all things when we learn to prize them -’ will give my muons the beneï¬t o 8" 0003» on 0 80 91' N t i th . k . thereof. 0 day rush sets in. 0 01‘ . CH‘ sa CS. bUt HIS who grants them or uumy‘s EXPENSES 0F LOAN kept 0 Almost every sldeteble willbeteken by denies them. 88' 0" BR dowriito the ï¬rst possible 310:2: : one or more persons. while of the center â€"AUBREY THOMAS DE VERE. ml“ I i . 0005958“ W accuracy 3“ tables scarcely one will boast of an occu- I538 0 cc "gluiï¬m'ï¬esnsmf this m . pant. This rule holds good from the J“: OPTICIANS \. AILLI Bis†d o fldexftl Ire : highest class of establishment to the g g ‘ LINDSAY’S s y pr m an . cheapest form of “beanery.†and not only » .... . . is it true of eating places mostly pntron- ' ‘ ' ' P ,; ; 0 it“! by men. but_also 01 restaurants "I Duke, W. D. Flatt; 4, Splendor, J. l icines, or can be had by mail, post- “6 6 or 6 0a“ an aVlnl§ 0m '1 “ J II SOUTHERAN 0 the shoppin: distncts where W019“ form and W. B. Watt. lpaid. at 50 cents per box. or six 9 ' ' 0 0 I 9 : “3" greaterpart °t the “"0"“ Cow, three years or overâ€"i, Cicely boxes for 82.50, by addressing the LAND AGENT . Many waiters with whom I 1m- tnlked (imp.), w. n. Flatt : 2. Empress Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockviile wn. mm, um now, a J. LYTLE, . on the â€"1““ conï¬rmed the truth 0,: fl,“ (imp.), W. D. Flatt : 3. Jennie Lind Ont. President. Secretary, Manager, Pro m 91 Kent-83., Lindsay, 00"» 0 33:32:82? :h::§::lv::n$tthtoti::p::a;tlz Fourth, Hon. Thos. lireeuway. . ____...._..._â€" .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ‘ ' ’ Heifer, two years and under - 4. HEADOFFICE. - - - LINDSAY ONT. than they nine: prcfgrrcd to be assigrlied to Matchless 25 th, 1 l on. 'l‘hos. Green- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CONDEMNED I suetubes.weretcywcrenotonyas- .. .-â€" .. . N†l . . ___.___ g . . ‘ sured of more chance to make “tips ,, but u ay , o, \ illage PI‘lnCL. s. l on. '1 hos. . MONEY TO LOANâ€"On Town a nd Farm property at current we“ ~ In View u ‘ where these so" same tips w"; also Greenway; 6. Lady Waterloo B. Secâ€" it Comes In for 3 Severe Lecture in the interest. Costs moderate and no delay. secured a much more generous. the satisfaction of (’"d’ .W. D’ Flatt. . l T070010 Police Court -.-,, sitting at the side seeming to promote Heifer, one yearâ€"2, Lady Ilan‘.il-' M~ . t ~t D . ‘ ‘ SAVINGS DEPARTMENTâ€"Depos its at $1 and upwards taken, T" the good nature of the luncher or diner ton, W. D- Flatt. ‘ dng {“1 e ennison and C 1‘0Ҡ"\t' draWable at any time, upon WhiCh interest at 4 per cent. will bemiol‘ ‘Whut the explanation may be is difï¬- Heifer. calf â€" 2. Duchess Second, tomey (“â€3" “Sod strong language ed. Other investment features made known upon requeï¬i- 9 ‘ Mucdo , g . , , _ last week and attacked Christian . W cult to say exactly Perhaps because the nald Bro... Woodstock, Ollt- - . - - - â€l - - ."""""'"""""â€" coat hooks are usually-ranged along the 3’ Clover Hill LOI‘DC. W- D- Flatt: beltillco during Pheprogress 0f the OFFICE HOURSâ€"9 a..m. to 4'30 p.m., 515° Saturday evening hm I walls those seeking to replenish their in- 5 Judge’s HCiI‘CSS, H0“- 'l‘hos. ggi;gmséfinlsr30:35;“?{11 it?“ th: to 830' THE Rudd Harness C0. :2. ~40 PAIRS \Vome Leather But ton cap: a nice. nea: Weight boot, per ‘47 PAIRS Wcmel Button Boots, co Ways sold at $1.1 ductor that he had contributed to the death of his 6â€"year-old son by omitting to send for a regularly qualified practitioner when the child was suffering from diphtheria It was the liveliest case that police and Richard Perry, the demonstrat- or, who has already ï¬gured so conâ€" spicuously at the inquest, spent an uncomfortable hour in the witness box. W. W. Vickers, who defended the .......... ~ 30 PAIRS Wome and Pebble Lacg Screw so‘es. Q. ............ As a special prize at Lindsay Fair for out we give a set of harness valued $25.00. can now be seen at our store. Remember in October we will open UP gest_stock 0f BELLS, BLANKETS and ROBESC be In Lindsay. Bought for cash and will 5611 C p cash. HERB. J. LITTLEM f_ _ LI'I'TLE’S OLD STAND :innocent, helpless child, who has no ’say whatever in the matter, is an i o Mrs. Eddy and her book got a hot [ing that this Christian Science, as set out in Mrs. Eddy’s book, is the heard or read.†Lewis was committed for trial at Oct. 28, A ONE-SIDED BATTLE If attacked by a wild beat a man would try and defend himself. If afflict- ed With rheumatism ï¬ght the disease. With Dr. Hall's .Rheumntic Cure the battle is all one-aided. Thomas Todd, Loch-038593" at Brewer‘s Mills, Ono, suï¬ered for twelve years with rheuma- tism in his shouldermnd at times could